IIFH GSM Keto Diet Market Discovery Paper
IIFH GSM Keto Diet Market Discovery Paper
IIFH GSM Keto Diet Market Discovery Paper
J U LY 2 0 2 2
A t a h i g h l e v e l , t h e g l o b a l a d d r e s s a b l e m a r ke t f o r t h e ke t o d i e t i s
e s t i m a t e d a t $ 1 1 - 1 2 b i l l i o n i n 2 0 2 2 , g r o w i n g a t a p p r ox i m a t e l y 5 %
5 Di et Def i n i t i on s
9 Wei gh t Loss
11 Di abet es
13 At h l et i c Perf o r mance
16 R i sks of t h e Keto D ie t
17 Heal t h R i sks
19 Di et A dh erence
23 M arket Si z i n g
25 M arket Segmentatio n
40 C on cl u si on
41 C on t ri bu t ors
Atki n s 2 0 :
Carbs 5 10
F at s 60 70
P rot ei n 20 30
Atki n s 4 0:
Carbs 10 15
F at s 55 65
P rot ei n 20 30
Ke to :
Carbs 0 5
F at s 75 90
P rot ei n 5 20
I n a ddi ti o n , som e are con cerne d ab o ut the keto d ie t b e cause the stat e
of ke tos i s i s som ew h at l i ke keto acid o sis, which is s uffe r ed b y tho s e with
Ty pe 1 Di abet es.1 6 I n t h i s st at e, keto ne b o d ies lead to d ang e r o usly hig h
bl ood a c id l ev el s. Th e key di ffe r ence b e twe e n ke to sis and ke to acid osis
i s th e l e vel of ket on em i a, w h ich s tays at 7-8 mmo l/l in ke to sis b ut can
r i s e to 2 0 m m ol / l i n ket oaci do s is. 20 Als o, b lo o d p H is unaffecte d in
ke to s i s , bu t i s l ow ered by t h e incr e ase d acid ity fr o m ke to acid o s is. 20
I n s u l i n def i ci en cy can l ead t o keto acid o sis b ecaus e no r mally, insulin
pr e v e n ts excessi v e ket on e pr o d uctio n. Ho we ver, it is unlikely (altho ug h
A 2015 study found similar rates of adherence to both low-fat and low-
carbohydrate diets.11 However, the 2015 Hu study acknowledged that there
are a greater number of low-fat options currently available on the market,
which in theory could aid adherence to a low-fat diet, relative to following
a keto or other low-carb diet. Larger analysis would be needed to establish
if it is true that adherence is the same to low-carb and low-fat diets in
the general population, since as discussed above, there are health and
psychological barriers to adhering to a keto diet.
In addition, those who want to stay on the keto diet effectively would need
to track their blood ketone levels, but according to a U.S. News survey, 70%
of “adherents” to the diet do not monitor this.10 In addition, a large portion
admit at least sometimes “cheating” on the diet.10
B e ginnin g E n d in g 2022
S ou r c e B e ginning End CAG R
M a r ke t Size Market Size In te rp ol a ti on
Gr a n d
View 20 19 $ 9. 6 Bi l lio n 2027 $14.7 Billio n 5.50% $1 1 . 2 B illion
Re s e a r c h
In s i g h t 20 19 $ 10. 2 Bi llio n 2027 $15.3 Billio n 5.30% $1 1 . 9 B illion
Pa r tn e r s
20 20 $ 10. 9 Bi l lio n 2 027 $15.6 Billio n 5.30% $12.1 B illion
Gl oba l
M a r ke t 20 21 $ 11. 5 Bi l lio n 2 030 $20.4 Billio n 6.56% $1 2. 3 B illion
In s i g h ts
There does not appear to be one particular target customer for keto. It
has attracted proponents across gender and age, who turn to this diet for
different reasons.
Lastly, diet communities and lifestyle brands are significant voices within
the weight loss and control market. Jenny Craig and WW (previously
Weight Watchers) are good examples of lifestyle-driven, community-
based brands. Both brands support low-carb rather than purely keto diets.
Their communities represent potential converts to the keto diet, and
unsurprisingly both of their websites include critiques of the keto diet
in relation to their own plans. Jenny Craig argues that “Keto is the quick
fix of the moment to help people lose weight, but it could be difficult
to maintain a healthy lifestyle long term”. 44 Unsurprisingly, Jenny Craig
argues that their weekly designed menus are a more sustainable path,
which are low-carb but not so restrictive that they can’t be maintained
long-term. WW stresses their supportive community as an asset that helps
users stay on their plans. 45 Of course, Keto proponents would likely argue
that there are robust communities to support their users as well, though it
remains to be seen if the keto communities will be as long-lasting as large
incumbents like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.
The share growth of products that either make a keto claim or reasonably
could make one between 2015 and 2020 was: 47
• 2 8 22% f or bars
• 6 9 7% f or ch ocol at e
• 5 6 4 % f or baki n g m i xes
• 8 3 % f or con di m en t s
• 1 0 % f or ot h er sn acks
#8 in Dairy, Eggs & Plant-Based Alternatives: 4th & Heart Original Grass-
Fed Ghee
#5 in Meat & Seafood: Old Wisconsin Honey Brown Sugar Turkey Sausage
Snack Sticks
Once again, a jarring aspect of keto is the emphasis on fat in the diet.
We see this prominently in SlimFast’s “Fat bomb” product. The choice
to embrace the fat aspect of the diet may come at a cost though as 35%
of US consumers think low fat is an important claim, 40% of Chinese
consumers pay attention to the fat content of foods, and 62% of UK
consumers worry about the total fat content in food and drink products. 41
MCT Oil is also a very popular ingredient among those following the keto
diet. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT’s) are metabolized directly in the
liver, boosting ketone production. 49 Because of their metabolic pathway,
Where the most cognitive health claims are being made appear to be
within the bone broth and supplement product lines. For example, the
brand “Osso Good” promotes the following benefits to consumers:
Immune Support, Stress Recovery, Weight Loss, Protein, Collagen, and
Enhanced Cognitive Function. 51
The growth of the keto market has also led to a proliferation of auxiliary
products such as devices for testing ketone levels and apps to help
people on the keto diet track their progress.
When searching for “ketosis device” on Amazon, the top results included
Lencool Ketone
Breath Meter
BioCoach raised $4
million from SecretLab
in 2022. BioCoach offers a blood level
tracking device that keto followers can use to
monitor their ketone levels. 61
Today, the ketogenic diet and ketosis are most strongly related in the
consumer’s mind with weight management – all other benefits are
ancillary. Therefore, most products in the market today target weight loss
as a benefit and do so by focusing on macronutrient combinations which
support the ketogenic diet. Many products marketed for the ketogenic diet
underperform from a consumer experience dimension compared to their
more mainstream analogues.
M a r y Avilla
Program Manager, Innovation Institute for Food and Health
As h B a gla
MBA Student, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
M a r ia na B a r boz a
Research Program Manager, Innovation Institute for Food and Health
Luca s H a s k ins
MBA Student, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
Da na Ar m s tr ong Hu g h es
Talent Development Coordinator, Innovation Institute for Food and Health
Ve r onica Ke ys
Program Assistant, Innovation Institute for Food and Health
N a tha nie l M or r is o n
MBA Student, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
Pr a s a d N a ik
Professor, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
M a r is s a Pick a r d
Lead Community Coordinator, Innovation Institute for Food and Health
J us tin B . S ie ge l
A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r o f C h e m i s t r y, B i o c h e m i s t r y & M o l e c u l a r M e d i c i n e ,
UC Davis
Faculty Director, Innovation Institute for Food and Health
We s le y W ils on
Executive Chair, Inno vation Institute for Food and Health
1 Willett, Walter, et al. “Glycemic index, glycemic load, and risk of type 2
diabetes.” Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76(suppl):274S–80S.
3 Data Bridge Market Research. “Global Low-Carb Diet Market – Industry Trends
and Forecast to 2029.” March 2022. https://www.databridgemarketresearch.
4 Harvard Medical School. “Should you try the keto diet?” August 31, 2020.
6 Atkins Diet. “Atkins vs Keto: Low Carb Diet Approaches.” September 26,
2018. https://www.atkins.com/how-it-works/blog/is-atkins-the-better-keto-
7 USDA and Department of Health and Human Services. “Dietary Guidelines for
Americans 2020-2025.” https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/resources/2020-
8 Paoli, A. et al. “The Ketogenic Diet and Sport: A Possible Marriage?” Exerc.
Sport Sci. Rev., Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 153Y162, 2015.
9 N/A
10 Schueller, Gretel. “We Surveyed People on the Keto Diet. Here's What They
Say.” US News & World Report. https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/
12 Arizona State University, College of Health Solutions. “The Keto diet: Is eating
more fat the key to weight loss?” https://chs.asu.edu/news/keto-diet-eating-
13 Dowis, Kathryn and Simran Banga. “The Potential Health Benefits of the
Ketogenic Diet: A Narrative Review.” Nutrients 2021, 13, 1654. https://doi.
14 Statista. “Amount of weight lost after one year for select diets in the
U.S. as of 2014 (in pounds).” October 14, 2014. https://www.statista.com/
16 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “Diet Review: Ketogenic Diet for
Weight Loss”. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-weight/
19 Bolla, Andrea Mario, et al. “Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets in Type 1 and Type
2 Diabetes.” Nutrients 2019, 11, 962; doi:10.3390/nu11050962.
20 Paoli, A, et al. “Beyond weight loss: a review of the therapeutic uses of very-
low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets.” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(2013) 67, 789–796.
22 Wallace, Marita, et al. "The ketogenic diet preserves skeletal muscle with
aging in mice." Aging Cell. 2021;20:e13322.
24 Rhoads, T. W., Clark, J. P., Gustafson, G. E., Miller, K. N., Conklin, M. W.,
DeMuth, T. M., Berres, M. E., Eliceiri, K. W., Vaughan, L. K., Lary, C. W.,
Beasley, T. M., Colman, R. J., & Anderson, R. M. (2020). Molecular and
functional networks linked to sarcopenia prevention by caloric restriction in
rhesus monkeys. Cell Systems, 10(2), 156–168 e155 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
27 Stony Brook University News. “Low-Carb Diet Could Boost Brain Health, Study
Finds.” September 4, 2020. https://news.stonybrook.edu/featuredpost/low-
29 Dhamija, Radhika, et al. "Ketogenic Diet." Can J Neurol Sci. 2013; 40: 158-167
30 Shoup, Ellen Shoup. “Keto, a long-lasting trend? New keto product launches
double in past year.” FoodNavigator-USA. June 28, 2021. https://www.
36 Grand View Research. “Ketogenic Diet Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis
Report.” October 2020. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-
40 McGrice, Melanie, and Judi Porter. “The Effect of Low Carbohydrate Diets
on Fertility Hormones and Outcomes in Overweight and Obese Women: A
Systematic Review.” Nutrients. 2017 Mar; 9(3): 204. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
41 Agropur. Webinar Slides. “Keys to Keto: Insights into Benefits, market data,
and formulation.” October 24, 2018.
44 Jenny Craig Community. “What's the Science Behind Keto?” February 27,
2020. https://community.jennycraig.com/healthy-habits-blog/eat-well/science-
49 Knox, Ben. Super Coffee. “MCT Oil Benefits: Helping Keto Dieters Is Just The
Starting Point.” August 2, 2021. https://drinksupercoffee.com/blog/nutrition/
51 The Osso Good Company. “What Can High Quality Bone Broth Do For You?”
56 Crawford, Elizabeth. “Keto in focus, part six: ‘The second coming’ of keto –
low-sugar, high-protein launches bet big on the diet.” FoodNavigator-USA.
April 22, 2022. https://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Article/2022/04/28/