Online Examination
Online Examination
Online Examination
Online-Exam System
Lamiya Mohmmed El_Saedi 220093158
Table of Contents
Chapter 1.....................................................................................................................4
Project Plane ................................................................................................................4
Introduction: ...........................................................................................................5
Objectives and concentrations: ...............................................................................5
Scope and limitations: ............................................................................................6
Project Organization (The team): ................................................................................6
Risk analysis and risk planning: ...................................................................................7
Hardware and software Requirements: .......................................................................8
Work break down:.....................................................................................................9
Schedule: ............................................................................................................... 10
Monitoring and reporting mechanisms: ..................................................................... 10
Project management approach: ................................................................................ 11
Chapter 2................................................................................................................... 12
Software Requirement Specification ............................................................................. 12
(1) Preface: ............................................................................................................. 13
(2) Introduction:...................................................................................................... 13
(3) Glossary: ........................................................................................................... 13
(4) User Requirements Definition: ............................................................................. 14
(4.1)The products and process features: ................................................................. 14
(5) System Architecture: .......................................................................................... 15
(6) System Requirement Specification: ...................................................................... 15
(6.1) Functional System Requirement:.................................................................... 15
(6.2) Non-Functional System Requirements: ........................................................... 17
6.4) Software Quality Attributes ............................................................................ 17
(6.3) System Interfaces: ........................................................................................ 18
(7) System Models: .................................................................................................. 19
(8) System Evolution: ............................................................................................... 19
(9) Appendices: ....................................................................................................... 20
Chapter (3) ................................................................................................................ 21
System Design ........................................................................................................... 21
Introduction: .......................................................................................................... 22
Context Diagram: .................................................................................................... 22
Models:.................................................................................................................. 23
3.1) Interaction model: ......................................................................................... 23
System Architecture: ............................................................................................... 28
Principal system objects: .......................................................................................... 29
Develop design model: ............................................................................................ 31
Object interface: ..................................................................................................... 32
Chapter (4) ................................................................................................................ 33
COCOMO ................................................................................................................... 33
COCOMOO II:.......................................................................................................... 34
The early design model: ....................................................................................... 34
Chapter 1
Project Plane
1.1) Introduction:
This document will propose all features and procedures to develop the system.
1.1.2) Scope and limitations:
On-line Exam system is designed for Educational Institutes (like
schools, universities, training centers).
The system handles all the operations, and generates reports as
soon as the test is finish, that includes name, mark, time spent to
solve the exam.
Allow students to see or display his answers after the exam is
The type of questions is only multiple choice or true and false.
1.3) Risk analysis and risk planning:
Project Risks:
Risk Probability Effects Risk planning strategy
The experience staff in the low serious Use more than one staff for each
team leave the project before section, which might minimize this
it is finish, or someone was ill risk. Also, manager tries to increase
salary for him.
The methodology to solve the high serious Must be study more than one
problem can't work in a methodology to minimize this risk.
proper manner.
Budget does not enough or low catastrophic Put a condition in the contract if
there is no budget. there any more expenses, the funded
side must be pay it. To avoid this
HW requirement can't come moderate serious See if there is any more time to delay
in the time. the project or not. If there is no more
time work by the team computers, to
minimize this risk.
Product Risks:
Risk Probability Effects Risk planning strategy
Packages and Development high serious Put a condition in the contract to
tools does not enough. increase the time of project delivery
depends on the problem occur. To
avoid this risk.
Can't found the suitable high tolerable Programmer must have professional
components. programming skills to write a new
code, which minimize this risk.
Business Risks:
Risk Probability Effects Risk planning strategy
Can't found the suitable place moderate tolerable Monitoring the work by E-mail every
for meeting the team. day. To avoid this risk.
Damage the electricity high serious There is a spare generator to avoid
generator. this risk.
Marketing the product low catastrophic Distribution of advertisements,
system. which minimize this risk.
1.4) Hardware and software Requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
Software Requirements:
MS project 5 100$
ASP.NET 2 100$
Another Requirements:
Foods and drinks for ( breakfast, lunch and 6 10$ for each person in a day
dinner) (3600$)
Total 13,302$
1.5) Work break down:
2. Project manager contracts with the user who demands the system and
write a project plan. (three days)
3. Deliver the draft of project plan documentation to writer to rewrite the
documentation and rewrite the document. (three days)
4. Then gives documentation of project plan to SW analyzer to do more
analysis to verify the SRS document requirements. Then delivers SRS
document to writer. (twenty-six days)
5. SW designer gives the SRS document and start to design the diagrams and
models that helps the programmer to implement the project. Then delivers
the draft design document to writer. (forty-seven days)
6. The two programmers take a partition of the project to start an
implementation. (sixty days)
7. Throw the implementation the inner tester make validate the system and
delivers his report to writer (sixteen days)
8. After finish the project and throw the implementation phase the outside
tester validate the system and write his document then deliver to writer.
(sixteen days)
9. The final report is ready now. (nine days)
1.6) Schedule:
1.8) Project management approach:
Software Process Model:
To solve an actual problems in an industry, software developer or a
team of developers must integrate with a development strategy that include
the process, methods and tools layer and generic phases. This strategy is often
referred to a process model or a software developing paradigm. []
Chapter 2
Software Requirement
(1) Preface:
This document has been written to apply a new version of SRS Software
Requirements Specification depends on IEEE-STD-830-1998 standard. So,
you must compare this document with this standard.
This document is the basic intended for any individual user, developer, tester,
project manager or documentation writer that needs to understand the basic
system architecture and its specifications. [1]
(2) Introduction:
The purpose of this SRS document is to write the functional and non
functional user or system requirements that represent the characteristics of
On-Line Exam System.
(3) Glossary:
Short name description
1 OES On-line Exam System
2 On-line Exam An exam written on a web site and solves the
questions, also on the same web site from any
place by entered user name and password.
3 Administrator Who is responsible to create a new course,
delete course, add member or delete it, i.e.:
the person who control the system
4 Faculty member A teacher in the faculty
(4) User Requirements Definition:
The user requirement for this system is to make the system fast, flexible, less
prone to error, reduce expenses and save the time.
Quick scheduling:
The system helps the faculty member to generate an automatic exam
instead of using papers. Which save a time for writing, checking and for
input marks. Also, student can see the exam when he login as an
individual to the system.
(5) System Architecture:
Web Browser
Candidate module.
Examiner module.
Administrator module.
Administrator module: The administrator collects all the
results after successful completion of the examination and sends
to the head quarters as and when required.
The administrator has the full fledged rights over the OES.
Can create/delete an account.
Can view the accounts.
Can change the password.
Can hide any kind of features from the both of users.
Insert/delete/edit the information of available on OES.
Can access all the accounts of the faculty members/students.
(6.2) Non-Functional System Requirements:
6.2.1) Performance Requirements
Some Performance requirements identified is listed below:
(6.3) System Interfaces:
This section describes how the software interfaces with other
software products or users for input or output.
(7) System Models:
In this system we are use waterfall model to apply these ideas. Which is help
us to separate each step and when we finish a one phase the output of it is the
input to the next phase. Also, we can backwards if there is a new requirement
or to apply any update.
Allow the student to put a symbol near the question that helps the
student to return and review the questions and change them
(9) Appendices:
Definition of online examination system:
Chapter (3)
System Design
3.1) Introduction:
On-Line Exam
Change password.
Insert questions.
Specify the answers.
Update mark of questions and answers.
The Student can be done the following:
Change password.
Choose exam.
Review answers.
See his exam mark.
View other material.
3.3) Models:
3.3.1) Interaction model:
Is a dynamic model that shows how the system interacts with its
environment. We use a data flow diagram.
View Reports
Insert Questions
Give Exam
23 activity diagram:
Request Report
View Report
Receiving details Receive master
Administrator Registration
Course details Process Course master
Request Report
View Report
Insert question Question Subject Question
s master master
Request Report
View Report
nt Exam
Registe Give exam Receive Subject r
r master master User
(c) master
Figure ( the activity diagram for basic operation in OES. (a) for
administrator, (b) for Faculty and (c) for student.
24 Séquence diagram:
If new
Accept/ reject
Figure ( the insert operation done by administrator. The update operation is
similar to this sequence diagram but rather than Registration process put Update process.
Faculty Login: Select Subject Insert Question
subject: master DB: question: master DB:
If Accept
Store question
Accept/ reject
Accept/ reject
Student Login: Select Subject Select Question Start Store result
subject: master question master DB: exam in DB:
DB: :
Enter user name and password
Request subject
If Accept Verify
If Accept Verify
Unavailable question
Unavailable question
If Accept
Figure ( present how student take an exam and give the result.
3.4) System Architecture:
Web Browser
3.5) Principal system objects:
Result Master Exam Master Subject Master Question Master
int result_ID int Exam_ID int sub-id int question_ID
int sub_id int sub_id int year-id int sub_id
String username Int question-ID Int course-id String question
String marks String username String sub-name String answer1
Date exam-date Int attend String sub-discription String answer2
String mark Int active String answer3
Get-result-id() String user-answer String answer4
Set-result-id() Date exam-date String correct-answer
Get-sub-id() Set-sub-id() String created-by
Set-sub-id() Get-exam-id() Get-year-id() String modified-by
Get-username() Set-exam-id() Set-year-id() String main-subject
Set-username() Get-sub-id() Get-course-id() Date created-date
Get-marks() Set-sub-id() Set-course-id() Date modify-date
Set-marks() Get-question-id() Get-sub-name() Int active
Get-exam-date() Set-question-id() Set-sub-name()
Set-exam-date() Get-username() Get-sub-discription() Get-question-id()
Set-username() Set-sub-discription() Set-question-id()
Get-attend() Get-inactive() Get-sub-id()
Set-attend() Set-inactive() Set-sub-id()
Get-user-answer() Get-question()
Set-user-answer() Set-question()
State Master Get-marks() Get-answer1()
int state_ID Set-marks() Set-answer1()
Int country-ID Get-exam-date() Get-answer2()
String state-name Set-exam-date() Set-answer2()
String state-code Course Master Get-answer3()
int course_ID Set-answer3()
Get-state-id() String course-name Get-answer4()
Year Master
Set-state-id() Stirng course-desc Set-answer4()
Get-country-id() int year_ID
String created-by Get-correct-answer()
Set-country-id() int course_ID
String modified-by Set-correct-answer()
Get-state-name() String year-name
Date created-date Get-main-subject()
Set-state-name() int duration
Date modified-date Set-main-subject()
Get-state-code() Get-course-id() Get-created-date()
Set-state-code() Get-year-id()
Set-course-id() Set-created-date()
Get-course-name() Get-modified-date()
Set-course-name() Set-modified-date()
Get-course-discrip() Get-created-by()
Set-course-discrip() Set-created-by()
Get-created-date() Get-modified-by()
Set-created-date() Set-modified-by()
City Master Set-duration()
Get-modified-date() Get-inactive()
int city_ID Set-modified-date() Set-inactive()
int country_ID Get-created-by()
Int state-ID Set-created-by()
String cityname Get-modified-by()
Country Master
int country_ID Set-modified-by()
Set-city-id() String country-name
Get-state-id() String course-code
Get-country-id() Get-country-id()
Set-country-id() Set-country-id()
Get-city-name() Get-country-name()
Set-city-name() Set-country-name()
3.6) Develop design model:
Student password
Student master
3.7) Object interface:
Student Interface Faculty Interface Admin Interface
Chapter (4)
4.1.1) The early design model:
Is used once user requirements have been agreed and initial stages of
the system design process are underway.
The estimates produced at this stage are based on the standard formula
for algorithmic models, namely:
PM = A * SizeB * M where
A = 2.94 in initial calibration, Size in KLOC,
B varies from 1.1 to 1.24 depending on novelty of the project,
development flexibility, risk management approaches and the process
You estimate values for these attributes using a six-point scale where 1
corresponds to very low values for these multipliers and 6 corresponds
to very high values.
Function-related metrics:
◦ Related to the overall functionality of the delivered software.
◦ Productivity is expressed in terms of the amount of useful
functionality produced in some given time.
◦ Function points and object points are the best-known metrics
of this type.
You compute the total number of function points in a program
by measuring or estimating the following program features:
◦ External inputs and outputs;
◦ User interactions;
◦ External interfaces;
◦ Files used by the system.
Unadjusted function-point count
Weighting factor varies from 3 (for simple external inputs) to
15 for complex internal files.
User interaction:
There are 48 user interactions. (12)
External interface:
Files used by the system:
13 tables used to Store in data base. (13)
= 1146
PM = A * SizeB * M
[1] Software Requirements Specification for project iTest, 2008
[4] Software Requirements Specification for Problem Based Learning Module, Souman
Mandal, 2010.
[5] Software Design Specification (SDS) Acropolis Course Management System, 2011
[7] Software Requirements Specification for PPDP Contact Management System (CMS)
sAPreface.htm, Sat. 29/10/2011.
examination-system.html, Mon. 9/1/2012.