Disney Songs Bingo
Disney Songs Bingo
Disney Songs Bingo
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Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color.
Your bingo cards start on Page 3 of this PDF.
If your bingo cards have words then please check the spelling carefully.
Once you've checked they are printing correctly, print off your bingo cards and start playing! On the next page
you will find the "Bingo Caller's Card" - this is used to call the bingo and keep track of which words have been
called. Your bingo cards start on Page 3.
Virtual Bingo
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Have Fun!
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Bingo Caller's Card
Use your Bingo Caller's Card to call the bingo and keep track of which words you have already called.
Print two copies of the caller's card. Cut one copy up, fold the squares in half, and put them in a hat. To call the
bingo, pull a square out of the hat, unfold it and read it out.
When you have called a word/number, tick it off on the second copy of the caller's card. You can use the second
copy of the caller's card to check if a player has a winning card during a game.
The Jungle The Little Snow White: The Little The Lion Tarzan:
Book: I Mermaid: Some Day Mermaid: King: I Just You'll Be
Wanna Be Part of Your My Prince Under the Can’t Wait in My
Like You World Will Come Sea to Be King Heart
Lady & the The Little Cinderella: Snow Peter The Lion
Tramp: Mermaid: Bibbidi- King:
He's a Kiss the Bobbidi- White: Pan: You Hakuna
Tramp Girl Boo Heigh Ho Can Fly Matata
The Lion Snow White: The Jungle The Little Pinocchio: Snow White: Lady & the The Lion
King: Some Day Book: I Mermaid: When You Some Day Tramp: King: I Just
Circle of My Prince Wanna Be Part of Wish Upon My Prince He's a Can’t Wait
Life Will Come Like You Your World a Star Will Come Tramp to Be King
Tarzan: The Lady & the Aladdin: A The Jungle The Lion
Nightmare Dumbo: The Jungle
You'll Be When I See Tramp: Whole Book: I King:
Before an Elephant Book: Bare Wanna Be
in My Christmas: He's a Necessities New Circle of
Heart What's This? Fly Tramp World Like You Life
Aladdin: A Peter The Lion Pinocchio: The Little Beauty & Snow Pinocchio:
Whole King: When You Mermaid: the Beast: When You
New Pan: You Hakuna Wish Upon Part of Beauty & White: Wish Upon
World Can Fly Matata a Star Your World the Beast Heigh Ho a Star
Bingo Card ID 005 Bingo Card ID 006
101 The Little Pinocchio: The Lion Dumbo: Lady & the The Lion
King: King: The Jungle
Dalmatians: Mermaid: When You When I See Tramp: Book: Bare
Cruella de Part of Wish Upon Hakuna an Elephant He's a Hakuna
Vil Fly Necessities
Your World a Star Matata Tramp Matata
Snow White: Tarzan: Dumbo: Beauty & The Lion The Lion Pinocchio: The Little
Some Day You'll Be When I See the Beast: King: King: I Just When You Mermaid:
My Prince in My an Elephant Beauty & Circle of Can’t Wait Wish Upon Under the
Will Come Heart Fly the Beast Life to Be King a Star Sea
Bingo Card ID 007 Bingo Card ID 008
The Little Peter The Lion Dumbo: 101 Beauty & Aladdin: A Toy Story:
Mermaid: King: When I See Dalmatians: the Beast: Whole You've Got
Part of Pan: You Hakuna an Elephant Cruella de Beauty & New a Friend In
Your World Can Fly Matata Fly Vil the Beast World Me
Tarzan: The Jungle Lady & the The Lion The Cinderella: The Little The Lion
You'll Be Book: I Tramp: King: I Just Aristocats:
Bibbidi- Mermaid: King: I Just
in My Wanna Be He's a Can’t Wait Wants to be Bobbidi- Part of Can’t Wait
Heart Like You Tramp to Be King a Cat Boo Your World to Be King
Aladdin: A The The Jungle Lady & the Beauty & The
Snow White: Aristocats: The Jungle
Whole the Beast: Nightmare
Some Day
Everybody Book: Bare Book: I Tramp: Before
My Prince New Wanna Be He's a Be Our
Wants to be Necessities Christmas:
Will Come World a Cat Like You Tramp Guest What's This?
Bingo Card ID 009 Bingo Card ID 010
The Little The Cinderella: Beauty & The Lion Lady & the
Aristocats: Dumbo: Peter
Mermaid: Bibbidi- When I See the Beast: King: Tramp:
Under the
Bobbidi- an Elephant Beauty & Hakuna Pan: You He's a
Wants to be
Sea a Cat Boo Fly the Beast Matata Can Fly Tramp
Tarzan: The Little The Lion The Jungle Aladdin: A 101 The Little
You'll Be Mermaid: Whole The Jungle
King: I Just Book: I Dalmatians:
Book: Bare
in My Kiss the Can’t Wait Wanna Be New Cruella de Part of
Vil Necessities
Heart Girl to Be King Like You World Your World
Winnie the
Lady & the The Lion The Little The Winnie the
Pooh and the Peter Snow Aristocats: Pooh and the
Blustery Day: Tramp: King: Mermaid: Blustery Day:
The Wonderful He's a Hakuna Pan: You White: Kiss the
Everybody The Wonderful
Heigh Ho Wants to be
Thing About
Tiggers Tramp Matata Can Fly Girl a Cat
Thing About
Bingo Card ID 011 Bingo Card ID 012
Winnie the Tarzan: The Lion The Lion Aladdin: A Winnie the The The Little
Pooh and the Pooh and the Aristocats:
Blustery Day: You'll Be King: King: I Just Whole Blustery Day:
The Wonderful in My Hakuna Can’t Wait New The Wonderful
Wants to be Kiss the
Thing About Thing About
Tiggers Heart Matata to Be King World Tiggers a Cat Girl
Bingo Card ID 013 Bingo Card ID 014
The Jungle The Little The Little The Lion The Jungle Lady & the The 101
Book: I Mermaid: Mermaid: King: Nightmare
Book: I Tramp: Before Dalmatians:
Wanna Be Under the Kiss the Hakuna Wanna Be He's a Christmas: Cruella de
Like You Sea Girl Matata Like You Tramp Vil
What's This?
Lady & the The Lion The Lion The The Lion Aladdin: A
Peter 101
Tramp: Dalmatians: King: King: King: Whole
He's a
Pan: You Cruella de Circle of Hakuna
Circle of New
Wants to be
Tramp Can Fly Vil Life Matata a Cat Life World
Bingo Card ID 015 Bingo Card ID 016
Beauty & The Lion Toy Story: Lady & the Toy Story: The The Little
the Beast: The Jungle Nightmare
King: I Just You've Got Book: Bare Tramp: You've Got Before
Be Our Can’t Wait a Friend In Necessities He's a a Friend In Christmas: Part of
Guest to Be King Me Tramp Me What's This? Your World
The Little The Little The Little The The Lion The Little
Snow White: Aristocats: Snow
Mermaid: Mermaid: Some Day Mermaid: King: Mermaid:
Under the Part of My Prince Kiss the
Everybody White: Hakuna Kiss the
Wants to be Heigh Ho
Sea Your World Will Come Girl a Cat Matata Girl
Bingo Card ID 017 Bingo Card ID 018
Cinderella: The Little Beauty & Peter The Little The Little The Jungle
Bibbidi- Mermaid: the Beast: Mermaid: The Jungle Mermaid: Book: I
Bobbidi- Under the Be Our Pan: You Part of Book: Bare
Kiss the Wanna Be
Can Fly Your World Necessities Like You
Boo Sea Guest Girl
Snow White: Tarzan: The Lion Beauty & Snow White: Snow Pinocchio: The Little
Some Day You'll Be King: the Beast: Some Day When You Mermaid:
My Prince in My Hakuna Beauty & My Prince White: Wish Upon Under the
Will Come Heart Matata the Beast Will Come Heigh Ho a Star Sea
Bingo Card ID 019 Bingo Card ID 020
Tarzan: Pinocchio: Cinderella: The Lion 101 The Lion The Lion Peter
You'll Be When You Bibbidi- King: Dalmatians: King: King:
in My Wish Upon Bobbidi- Circle of Cruella de Hakuna Circle of Pan: You
Heart a Star Boo Life Vil Matata Life Can Fly
The Lion The Little Winnie the The Beauty & The Snow White:
The Jungle King: I Just Mermaid:
Pooh and the Aristocats: the Beast: Nightmare Some Day
Blustery Day:
Book: Bare Can’t Wait Everybody Before My Prince
Necessities Kiss the The Wonderful
Thing About Wants to be Be Our Christmas:
to Be King Girl a Cat Guest What's This? Will Come
Dumbo: The Little The Lion Peter Tarzan: Pinocchio: The Little Beauty &
When I See Mermaid: King: You'll Be When You Mermaid: the Beast:
an Elephant Under the Hakuna Pan: You in My Wish Upon Part of Beauty &
Fly Sea Matata Can Fly Heart a Star Your World the Beast
Bingo Card ID 021 Bingo Card ID 022
The Little The Lion The Toy Story: The Lion The The Lion Beauty &
Mermaid: King: I Just Aristocats: You've Got King: Aristocats: King: the Beast:
Everybody Everybody
Kiss the Can’t Wait Wants to be a Friend In Circle of Wants to be Hakuna Be Our
Girl to Be King a Cat Me Life a Cat Matata Guest
Winnie the The Lion The Little The Little The Beauty &
Pooh and the Snow Snow White:
Blustery Day: King: Mermaid: Some Day Mermaid: the Beast:
The Wonderful White: Hakuna Part of My Prince Kiss the
Beauty &
Thing About Heigh Ho Will Come Christmas:
Tiggers Matata Your World Girl What's This? the Beast
Bingo Card ID 023 Bingo Card ID 024
The Lion The Little The Lion Winnie the The Lion Snow White: The Jungle The
Pooh and the Aristocats:
King: Mermaid: King: I Just Blustery Day: King: Some Day Book: I Everybody
Hakuna Under the Can’t Wait The Wonderful Circle of My Prince Wanna Be Wants to be
Thing About Will Come
Matata Sea to Be King Tiggers Life Like You a Cat
Pinocchio: The Little Toy Story: Tarzan: Toy Story: Cinderella: Peter
When You Mermaid: You've Got You'll Be You've Got Bibbidi- The Jungle
Wish Upon Part of a Friend In in My a Friend In Bobbidi- Pan: You Book: Bare
Your World Can Fly Necessities
a Star Me Heart Me Boo
Beauty & The Little The Little The Beauty & The The Lion The Lion
the Beast: Mermaid: Mermaid: Nightmare the Beast: Aristocats: King: King: I Just
Before Everybody
Be Our Under the Part of Christmas: Beauty & Wants to be Circle of Can’t Wait
Guest Sea Your World What's This? the Beast a Cat Life to Be King
Bingo Card ID 027 Bingo Card ID 028
Toy Story: Aladdin: A The Little 101 The Lion Toy Story: The The Little
You've Got Whole Mermaid: Dalmatians: King: You've Got Nightmare Mermaid:
Cruella de Before
a Friend In New Under the Hakuna a Friend In Christmas: Under the
Me World Sea Vil Matata Me What's This? Sea
Cinderella: The Tarzan: The Lion 101 The Lion The Jungle The Little
Bibbidi- Nightmare You'll Be King: I Just
Before Dalmatians: King: I Just Book: I Mermaid:
Bobbidi- Christmas: in My Can’t Wait Cruella de Can’t Wait Wanna Be Part of
Boo What's This? Heart to Be King Vil to Be King Like You Your World
Beauty & Pinocchio: The Little The Jungle Beauty & Snow Pinocchio: Cinderella:
the Beast: When You Mermaid: Book: I the Beast: When You Bibbidi-
Beauty & Wish Upon Kiss the Wanna Be Beauty & White: Wish Upon Bobbidi-
the Beast a Star Girl Like You the Beast Heigh Ho a Star Boo
Bingo Card ID 029 Bingo Card ID 030
Cinderella: Peter Aladdin: A Beauty & Toy Story: The Little Dumbo: The Jungle
Bobbidi- Pan: You Whole
the Beast:
Beauty &
You've Got
a Friend In
Under the
When I See
an Elephant
Book: I
Wanna Be
Boo Can Fly World the Beast Me Sea Fly Like You
Toy Story: The Lion Lady & the The Little The Cinderella: Beauty & Tarzan:
Aristocats: the Beast: You'll Be
You've Got King: I Just Tramp: Mermaid: Everybody Bibbidi-
a Friend In Can’t Wait He's a Part of Wants to be Bobbidi- Be Our in My
Me to Be King Tramp Your World a Cat Boo Guest Heart