Student and Teacher Characteristics On Student Math Achievement
Student and Teacher Characteristics On Student Math Achievement
Student and Teacher Characteristics On Student Math Achievement
Using data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), this study implements two statistical
analyses to investigate the effects of student and teacher characteristics on students’ mathematical achievement. First,
the authors conduct an exploratory factor analysis to explore the factor structure for the various student and teacher
variables of interest in this study. Second, they perform hierarchical linear modeling to analyze students’ and teachers’
multilevel structure in a school. The results suggest that student characteristics such as mathematics interest, instrument
motivation, mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics anxiety, mathematics self-concept, and out-of-school study time
predicted 39.9% of mathematical achievement variance. The results also suggest that mathematics self-efficacy had
the largest effect on mathematical achievement. Teacher characteristics such as teacher-directed instruction, cognitive
activation, teacher support, classroom management, and student–teacher relations predicted 34.9% of mathematical
achievement variance. This study’s results have implications for educators in fostering a positive learning environment to
increase students’ mathematics interest and self-efficacy, and focus on specific teacher characteristics to increase
students’ mathematical achievement.
mathematical achievement, multilevel, PISA data, student characteristics, teacher characteristics
Received 25 August 2018; accepted 20 November 2020
Increasing students’ mathematical achievement is of There has been a plethora of empirical research
national concern. Results from international compar- focusing on the student characteristics and teacher
ison studies such as the Programme for International characteristics that influence students’ mathematical
Student Assessment (PISA) suggest that 15-year-old achievement scores. In terms of student characteristics,
U.S. students continually score lower on standard- the extant literature suggests a number of factors,
ized mathematical achievement tests than 15-year- including students’ mathematics interests, motivation,
old students in other countries (OECD, 2012). mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics anxiety, mathe-
Moreover, within the United States, the nation’s matics self-concept, and out-of-school study time, influ-
report card revealed that 42% of fourth-graders, ence academic achievement (Beaton et al., 1996;
35% of eighth-graders, and 26% of twelfth-graders
were placed at or above the proficient levels for their
respective grades, where proficient indicates that stu- 1
College of Education, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
dents demonstrated competency with challenging 2
Graduate School of Education, University of California, Riverside
subject matter (Kena et al., 2015). Given these 3
Department of Education, Chonbuk National University
statistics, there is a critical need to understand the Department of Education, University of California, Santa Barbara
factors influencing students’ mathematical
Corresponding author:
achievement and address this achievement gap Sukkyung You, College of Education, Hankuk University of Foreign
between U.S. students and their international Studies, Imun-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-791, South Korea.
counterparts. Email:
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2 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
Else-Quest et al., 2013; Fast et al., 2010; Lee, 2009; a self-evaluation of one’s own general ability in math-
Marsh & Martin, 2011; Pajares & Miller, 1994; ematics; Lee, 2009; Marsh & Martin, 2011; Pajares &
Stevens et al., 2004). In terms of teacher characteristics, Miller, 1994), mathematics anxiety (i.e., a feeling of
there has been research suggesting that teacher-directed worry or discomfort toward mathematics that impedes
instruction, cognitive action, teacher support, classroom performance; Bandalos et al., 1995; Lee, 2009; Ma,
management, and student–teacher relations influence 1999; Schulz, 2005), mathematics interest (i.e., interest
students’ mathematical achievement (Baumert et al., in learning and achievement in mathematics; Else-
2010; Dever & Karabenick, 2011; Hochweber et al., Quest et al., 2013), mathematics motivation (i.e., the
2014; Hughes et al., 2011; Levpuscek & Zupancic, extent to which individuals embrace challenges and
2009). These student- and school-level factors have are motivated to perform well in mathematics;
been demonstrated to increase students’ college and Gottfried et al., 2013; Stevens et al., 2004), and out-
career opportunities, as well as their future income pros- of-school study time (i.e., the amount of time spent
pects (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008). studying outside school; Beaton et al., 1996). These
characteristics may act as primary determinants of stu-
Conceptual Framework dents’ mathematical achievement.
Although many existing studies have supported the
Students’ mathematical achievement scores have been positive impacts of selected student characteristics,
widely used as indicators of students’ academic perfor- some studies have provided mixed results. For instance,
mance in school. However, there is much debate as to Pajares and Miller (1994, 1995) found that mathemat-
which factors influence students’ mathematical ics self-efficacy and mathematics self-concept were pos-
achievement and how they vary across countries. itively related to mathematical achievement among U.
Previous studies have provided empirical evidence for S. undergraduate students. However, Lee’s (2009)
the effects of student- and school-level factors on U.S. study used the PISA 2003 data to study how mathe-
students’ mathematical achievement. However, most matics self-efficacy, mathematics self-concept, and
studies have examined only one or some of these char- mathematics anxiety related to students’ mathematical
acteristics as predictors of mathematical achievement, performance and found different results across coun-
but not yet explored various student and teacher char- tries. Specifically, students in Asian countries, such as
acteristics simultaneously. Thus, based on the existing Korea and Japan, tended to have low mathematics
theoretical and empirical research, this study utilizes a self-efficacy, low mathematics self-concept, and high
conceptual framework that student academic outcome mathematics anxiety, yet had high mathematical
(i.e., mathematical achievement in this study) is achievement. Conversely, students in western countries
explained by various student- and school-level factors.
such as Finland, the Netherlands, and Liechtenstein,
The conceptual model is depicted in Figure 1.
tended to have high mathematics self-efficacy and
mathematics self-concept and low mathematics anxi-
Student-Level Variables ety, yet had high mathematical performance.
The previous literature has identified several student- Mathematics anxiety has often been negatively associ-
level variables that explain mathematical achievement. ated with mathematical achievement (e.g., Tomasetto,
Specifically, these student characteristics include math- 2020), but some studies have found a positive associa-
ematics self-efficacy (i.e., perceived confidence in math- tion between them (e.g., Hunt et al., 2017). These
ematics; Fast et al., 2010; Lee, 2009; Pajares & results suggest that mathematics self-efficacy and self-
Kranzler, 1995; Pajares & Miller, 1994, 1995; concept may be differentially related to mathematical
Stevens et al., 2004), mathematics self-concept (i.e., achievement across countries.
Many studies have reported positive relations to maintain a positive classroom environment;
between mathematics interest and mathematical Hochweber et al., 2014), student–teacher relationships
achievement (e.g., Aunola et al., 2006; Fisher et al., (i.e., students’ perception of the closeness with teachers;
2012). Interest in a particular subject can be accompa- Hughes et al., 2011), cognitive activation (i.e., encour-
nied by attention and concentration (Hidi, 2006). aging students to think more deeply to find solutions
However, mixed results have been reported on the and reach the answer, rather than focusing on the
effect of mathematics interest on achievement. For answer itself; Baumert et al., 2010), and teacher-direct-
example, some researchers have found a significant ed instruction (i.e., instruction in which teachers are
positive relationship between mathematics interest primarily communicating mathematics to students;
and achievement (Liu, 2009; Singh et al., 2002), while National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008).
others have reported insignificant or inconsistent Perceived teacher support and positive student–
results (K€oller et al., 2001; Marsh et al., 2005). There teacher relationships facilitate student learning as
have also been some mixed reports on the effects of teachers are the primary organizers of classroom activ-
out-of-school study time on mathematical achieve- ities (Patrick et al., 2007; Simons-Morton & Chen,
ment. Cheema and Sheridan (2015) found that time 2009). They help students to develop academic capac-
spent on homework outside of school had a significant ities within their classroom (Bedeck, 2015) and to con-
impact on mathematical achievement. However, centrate on academic tasks better (Ryan & Patrick,
Beaton et al.’s (1996) study, which used Trends in 2001). The existing literature provided mixed empirical
International Mathematics and Science Study evidence of the impacts of teacher support and stu-
(TIMSS) data, suggested that the highest mathematical dent–teacher relationships on mathematical achieve-
achievement was associated with students who studied ment. For example, some studies have found positive
a moderate amount outside of school (i.e., 1 to 3 hours relations between perceived teacher support and stu-
per day). More study time outside of school did not dent–teacher relationships and mathematical achieve-
necessarily relate to increases in mathematical achieve- ment scores (e.g., Klem & Connell, 2004; Paulo et al.,
ment scores. Students who have academic difficulties 2007), but others have reported inconsistent or no sig-
may need additional time to study outside of school to nificant relations (e.g., Rueger et al., 2010; Valiente
catch up. et al., 2019).
These mixed results on the associations between stu- Teachers’ use of cognitive activation as a teaching
dent characteristics and mathematical achievement strategy has also been linked to higher mathematical
indicate that student characteristics may not play a achievement (e.g., Burge et al., 2015). Examples of cog-
consistent role in mathematical achievement for all stu- nitive activation tasks include having classroom discus-
dents, suggesting the need to examine their relations sions, encouraging students to explain and validate
among U.S. students specifically. Furthermore, math- their solutions, and prompting students to discover
ematics motivation has been consistently positively multiple solutions to a problem (Baumert et al.,
associated with mathematical achievement (e.g., 2010). Cognitive activation has been found to mediate
Areepattamannil et al., 2011; Zhu & Leung, 2011), teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and
but there are limited studies that have examined math- students’ progress in mathematical performance, indi-
ematics motivation with other various student charac- cating the importance of cognitive activation on the
teristics simultaneously as achievement predictors. path to mathematical achievement (Baumert et al.,
Thus, this study will use selected student-level variables 2010). Additionally, classroom management, defined
to understand their effects on U.S. students’ mathemat- as teachers’ ability to create a functioning learning
ical achievement. The study also aims to include environment (Hochweber et al., 2014), helps students
teacher-level variables to understand how student- stay on task and enables teachers to better monitor
and teacher-level variables relate to students’ mathe- students’ progress (Blair & Dennis, 2010). Children in
matical achievement. well-managed classrooms have shown higher mathe-
matical achievement than those in ineffectively man-
aged classrooms (Stronge et al., 2011). However,
School-Level Variables Blazar (2015) found no significant classroom manage-
Based on an extensive literature review, several teacher ment impact on mathematical achievement when other
characteristics were identified as primary school-level classroom variables were examined simultaneously,
variables contributing to mathematical achievement. suggesting the need to further examine various class-
These teacher characteristics include teachers’ support room effects on mathematical achievement.
(i.e., perceived psychological and practical support Although there is no doubt that teachers play a sig-
from teachers; Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2009), classroom nificant role in students’ academic achievement, there
management (i.e., methods and strategies a teacher uses has been an ongoing debate on which instructional
4 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
style is effective for students’ mathematical achieve- student had the opportunity to attempt all mathematics
ment (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008). items during the 2-hour assessment. The scaled achieve-
More specifically, there have been mixed results as to ment scores took the form of five plausible values for
whether a teacher-directed instructional approach each student, where each was generated as a random
effectively improves students’ mathematical perfor- draw from an estimated ability distribution of students
mance. Teacher-directed instruction is focused on the with similar item response patterns and backgrounds
teacher and ranges from highly scripted direct instruction (OECD, 2012). For all measures, we used Cronbach’s
to interactive lecture styles. Similar to other teacher var- a to assess the reliability of a set of scale or test items.
iables, there have been mixed results about the impacts The reliability coefficient for the mathematical assess-
of teacher-directed instruction on academic achievement. ment scores (i.e., five plausible values) was .985.
Morgan et al. (2015) reported that teacher-directed
instruction was significantly associated with the mathe- Student-Level Variables
matical achievement of students with mathematics diffi- Mathematics Interest. Mathematics interest measures
culties. Other studies, however, have indicated that too the degree to which students think about their views on
much teacher-directed instruction might slow the devel- mathematics, such as enjoying reading about mathe-
opment of students’ conceptual understanding (Hiebert, matics, looking forward to mathematics lessons, enjoy-
1999; Woodward & Howard, 1994). ing mathematics, and being interested in learning
Since the legislation of No Child Left Behind, a large in mathematics (Organisation for Economic Co-
body of research has been conducted to identify factors operation and Development, 2013). The mathematics
related to students’ academic achievement. Previous interest variable included four items, where students
studies have attempted to divide variables into school responded to the items on a 4-point Likert scale that
and student levels to extract school effects and student ranged from 1 ¼ strongly agree to 4 ¼ strongly disagree.
effects (Kang et al., 2005; Lee & Chung, 2011; Mu~ noz These responses were reverse-coded so that higher
& Chang, 2007). We conducted a multilevel analysis to scores indicate a higher interest related to mathematics.
address the data’s nested structure, where students are The reliability coefficient for mathematics interest was
nested within schools. Statistically, mixing school-level .910.
variance with student-level variance can generate mis-
Instrumental Motivation. Instrumental motivation
leading results. Therefore, the research design needs to
measures the degree to which students are motivated
be multilayered, with student and teacher characteris-
to learn mathematics because they perceive mathemat-
tics in the same school. This will reveal whether stu-
ics as being useful to them and to their future studies
dents’ academic achievement varies depending on the
and careers (Organisation for Economic Co-operation
teachers or their teaching abilities. Thus, the present
and Development, 2013). The instrumental motivation
study aims to investigate the effects of student and
variable was measured by four items, including stu-
teacher characteristics on students’ academic achieve-
dents’ perception of mathematics as worthwhile for
ments through multilevel analysis.
work, worthwhile for their career chances, important
for future study, and helping them to get a job.
Method Students had the option to respond on a 4-point
Likert scale that ranged from 1 ¼ strongly agree to
Data and Sample 4 ¼ strongly disagree. These responses were reverse-
This study used the fifth PISA survey, which tested 15- coded so that higher scores indicate higher instrumen-
year-olds on reading, mathematics, and science in 2012. tal motivation. The reliability coefficient for instrumen-
Specifically, this study investigated the relation of these tal motivation was .910.
student-level variables and school-level variables to stu-
Mathematics Self-Efficacy. Mathematics self-efficacy
dents’ mathematical achievement using a U.S. sample
measures the degree to which a student believes in
drawn from the PISA 2012 data. The U.S. sample con-
their ability to successfully perform or accomplish a
tains 4,978 students and 162 schools.
particular mathematical task or problem (Hackett &
Betz, 1989). Mathematics self-efficacy was measured
Measures using eight items with response options on a 4-point
Outcome Variable. The outcome variable measuring Likert scale ranging from 1 ¼ very confident to 4 ¼ not
mathematical achievement was based on a total of 85 at all confident. These responses were reverse-coded so
mathematics test items distributed over 13 booklets. that higher scores indicate higher mathematics self-
The balanced incomplete block design was used to max- efficacy. The reliability coefficient for mathematics
imize subject-matter coverage, which meant that no self-efficacy was .852.
You et al. 5
Mathematics Anxiety. Mathematics anxiety measures encouraging students to explain and validate their
the degree to which a student feels helpless or emotion- solutions, and prompting students to discover multiple
al stress when dealing with mathematics (Schulz, 2005). solutions to a problem (Baumert et al., 2010).
The mathematics anxiety items were measured using Cognitive activation was measured using nine items,
five items with response options on a 4-point Likert including the extent to which a student perceives that
scale ranging from 1 ¼ strongly agree to 4 ¼ strongly their mathematics teacher encourages them to reflect
disagree. These responses were reverse-coded so that on a problem; gives problems that require students to
higher scores indicate higher anxiety about mathemat- think for an extended period of time; asks students to
ics. The reliability coefficient for mathematics anxiety use their own procedures; presents problems with no
was .877. obvious solutions; presents problems in different con-
texts; helps students learn from their mistakes; asks for
Mathematics Self-Concept. Mathematics self-concept explanations; presents problems that require students
measures the degree to which a student evaluates their to apply what they have learned; and gives problems
own self-worth related to mathematics (Pajares & with multiple solutions. Students had the option to
Schunk, 2001). Mathematics self-concept was mea- respond using a 4-point Likert scale ranging from
sured using five items on a 4-point Likert scale ranging 1 ¼ always or almost always to 4 ¼ never or rarely.
from 1 ¼ strongly agree to 4 ¼ strongly disagree. These These values were reverse-coded so that higher scores
responses were reverse-coded so that higher scores indi- indicate higher cognitive activation by mathematics
cate a higher self-concept of mathematics. The reliabil- teachers in the classroom. The reliability coefficient
ity coefficient for the mathematics self-concept variable for mathematics cognitive activation was .869.
was .898.
Teacher Support. Teacher support measures the
Out-of-School Study Time. The out-of-school study degree to which students perceive that their mathemat-
time variable indicates the number of hours per week ics teacher provides support. Four teacher support
that a student spends on out-of-school study time for items measured students’ perception of the extent to
all school subjects. Out-of-school study time was mea- which their mathematics teacher lets students know
sured using six items: homework, guided homework, they have to work hard; provides extra help when
personal tutor, classes organized by a commercial com- needed; helps students with learning; and gives students
pany, study with a parent or other family member, and opportunities to express opinions. Students responded
online lessons. Students had the option to freely indi- to these items on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from
cate how many hours per week they spent on each out- 1 ¼ strongly agree to 4 ¼ strongly disagree. The values
of-school study activity. The reliability coefficient for were reverse-coded so that higher scores indicate a
out-of-school study time was .618. more positive student perception of teacher support.
The reliability coefficient for the mathematics teacher
School-Level Variables support variable was .840.
Teacher-Directed Instruction. The teacher-directed
instruction variable measures students’ perceptions of Classroom Management. Classroom management
their teacher’s directed mathematics instruction. There measures the degree to which students perceive how
were five items used to measure students’ perceptions their mathematics teacher manages the classroom.
of teacher-directed instruction, including the extent to The classroom management variable was measured
which the teacher sets clear goals; encourages thinking using four items, including the extent to which students
and reasoning; checks understanding; summarizes pre- perceive their teacher gets students to listen; keeps the
vious lessons; and informs about learning goals. class orderly; starts lessons on time; and has to wait a
Students had the option to respond on a 4-point long time for students to quieten down. Students
Likert scale: 1 ¼ every lesson, 2 ¼ most lessons, 3 ¼ some responded on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from
lessons, and 4 ¼ never or hardly ever. The values were 1 ¼ strongly agree to 4 ¼ strongly disagree. All of the
reverse-coded so that higher scores indicate the higher items except for one (i.e., the teacher has to wait a
frequency of a student’s perceptions of teacher-directed long time for students to quieten down) were reverse-
instruction. The reliability coefficient for teacher- coded. The reliability coefficient for classroom man-
directed instruction was .763. agement was .746.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Mathematics score
2. Mathematics interest .140***
3. Instrumental motivation .153*** .607***
4. Mathematics self-efficacy .569*** .407*** .361***
5. Mathematics anxiety .418*** .440*** .305*** .466***
6. Mathematics self-concept .414*** .636*** .452*** .548*** .776***
7. Out-of-school study time .085*** .132*** .110*** .139*** .001 .040
8. Teacher-directed instruction .041* .332*** .309*** .270*** .187*** .233*** .091**
9. Cognitive activation .053** .279*** .275*** .276*** .137*** .217*** .109*** .617***
10. Teacher support .057** .278*** .295*** .219*** .182*** .208*** .065* .548*** .593***
11. Classroom management .214*** .231*** .252*** .287*** .229*** .233*** .035 .412*** .414*** .569***
12. Student–teacher relationship .150*** .283*** .316*** .274*** .213*** .243*** .129*** .483*** .411*** .460*** .391***
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
You et al. 7
Table 2. Factor Loadings of Items Used for This Study. Table 2. Continued.
Factor Factor
Items loadinga Items loadinga
Control variables
Intercept 481.012*** (3.746) 460.217*** (7.057) 461.703*** (6.842)
Gender (Female ¼ 1) 1.533 (2.134) 1.431 (2.131)
Mother’s school 0.205 (1.538) 0.236 (1.537)
Father’s school 2.200 (1.396) 2.054 (1.393)
Wealth 1.388 (1.061) 1.206 (1.071)
Language (English ¼ 1) 11.926*** (3.347) 11.859** (3.350)
Effect of student characteristics
Mathematics interest 6.351*** (0.617) 6.368*** (0.616)
Instrument motivation 0.341 (0.554) 0.339 (0.554)
Mathematics self-efficacy 10.118*** (0.438) 10.128*** (0.438)
Mathematics anxiety 7.180*** (0.590) 7.187*** (0.590)
Mathematics self-concept 0.735 (0.541) 0.736 (0.541)
Out-of-school study time 0.087 (0.140) 0.091 (0.141)
Effect of teacher characteristics
Teacher-directed instruction 12.931* (5.820)
Cognitive activation 8.540* (4.230)
Teacher support 36.615** (10.612)
Classroom management 28.447** (7.913)
Student–teacher relationship 39.319*** (6.310)
School level 1938.130 1894.976 1233.035
Student level 6087.792 3656.817 3658.189
Total 8025.922 5551.793 4891.224
Intra-class correlation 0.241 0.341 0.252
Accumulated variance explained (R2)
School level 0.022 0.349
Student level 0.399 0.000
Total 0.308 0.119
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
mathematical achievement. The results from Model 3 predicting variables included in this analysis was 12%
show that among all of the school-level variables, of the variance.
teacher-directed instruction (b ¼ 12.931, p < .05) and
teacher support (b ¼ 36.615, p < .01) negatively pre-
dicted mathematical achievement scores. On the other Discussion
hand, cognitive activation, classroom management, and
student–teacher relationship were significant positive The current study aimed to investigate factors that pre-
predictors of student mathematical achievement scores. dict student mathematical achievement by evaluating
Student–teacher relationship (b ¼ 39.319, p < .001) was student- and school-level factors. The hierarchical
the strongest predictor of the achievement outcome, fol- linear modeling analysis found that student variables
lowed by classroom management (b ¼ 28.447, p < .01) predicted 39.9% of students’ mathematics achievement
and cognitive activation (b ¼ 8.540, p < .05). and the teacher variables predicted 34.9%. Specifically,
The effect of the conditional model is shown in the among the student variables, mathematics interest and
accumulated explained variance (R2). The student-level mathematics self-efficacy had positive impacts on
model (Model 2) explained 39.9% of the variance in mathematical achievement, whereas mathematics anx-
mathematical achievement among classrooms and the iety had a negative effect. Among the teacher variables,
school-level model (Model 3) explained 34.9% of the teacher-directed instruction and teacher academic sup-
variance in mathematical achievement among schools. port had negative effects on students’ mathematical
The accumulated variance explained by all the achievement, while cognitive activation, classroom
You et al. 9
management, and student–teacher relationship had mathematics anxiety may interfere with manipulating
positive results. numbers and solving mathematical problems
(Richardson & Suinn, 1972), mathematics interventions
Student Characteristics and Mathematical could incorporate the means to reduce students’ mathe-
Achievement matics anxiety to improve their mathematical
First, mathematics interest significantly influenced
mathematical achievement, which is consistent with
Teacher Characteristics and Mathematical
previous studies (e.g., Fisher et al., 2012). For example,
Singh et al. (2002) provided empirical evidence for the Achievement
impact of mathematics interest on mathematical The student–teacher relationship was the strongest pre-
achievement among 24,599 middle school and high dictor of students’ mathematical achievement at the
school students collected by the National Center for school level, followed by teacher support, classroom
Education Statistics. The current study also reports management, teacher-directed instruction, and cognitive
that mathematics interest positively predicted academic activation. Specifically, the student–teacher relationship,
achievement. These results suggest that students who classroom management, and cognitive activation posi-
are interested in mathematics are more immersed and tively predicted mathematical achievement, whereas
invest more time in studying mathematics, leading to teacher support and teacher-directed instruction nega-
higher achievement. tively predicted mathematical achievement.
Second, although mixed results exist, many previous First, our results provide additional empirical sup-
studies have reported the positive effect of mathematics port to the existing literature for student–teacher rela-
self-efficacy on mathematical achievement. For exam- tionships’ positive influence on students’ mathematical
ple, self-efficacy has been shown to be more strongly achievement (e.g., Croninger & Lee, 2001). The quality
associated with mathematical performance than of the student–teacher relationship plays a primary role
English and writing (e.g., Pajares, 1996). Another in students’ cognition and academic achievement (Kim
study, conducted by Shores and Shannon (2007), also & Lee, 2015). The current study suggests that the stu-
found that self-efficacy was a significant variable that dent–teacher relationship has the most considerable
increased mathematical achievement among 761 fifth- effect on mathematical achievement—more than
and sixth-graders. Similarly, Yum and Park (2011) other student or teacher characteristics—emphasizing
studied the relation between mathematics self-efficacy the critical role of a positive student–teacher relation-
and mathematical achievement among seventh- to ship in improving students’ mathematical achievement.
ninth-graders through a 3-year latent growth model. Second, teacher support had a negative relation to
They reported a continuous positive effect of mathe- mathematical achievement. It is important to note that
matics self-efficacy on mathematical achievement. The this does not necessarily imply that more academic sup-
current study supports these previous results by show- port from teachers results in decreased mathematical
ing that mathematics self-efficacy had the largest achievement scores. Instead, we interpret this finding
impact on mathematical achievement among all the as students who had lower mathematical achievement
student variables, suggesting the importance of improv- needed more support from teachers. Given that previ-
ing students’ perceived confidence in mathematics to ous studies have reported mixed results on teacher sup-
improve their mathematical performance. port and mathematical achievement (e.g., Klem &
Third, this study’s findings support mathematics Connell, 2004; Rueger et al., 2010), more research is
anxiety’s adverse impact on mathematical achievement. needed to understand this relationship.
Previous studies have reported inconsistent results on Third, this study shows that teachers’ classroom
the relation between mathematics anxiety and mathe- management positively predicted students’ mathemati-
matical achievement. For instance, Ma’s (1999) meta- cal achievement. Our finding provides additional sup-
analysis of 26 studies indicated a significant negative port for the positive impacts of classroom management
correlation between anxiety and academic achievement. on mathematical achievement (Kim, 2000; Stronge
Similarly, Shim’s (2000) study of 219 high school stu- et al., 2011), suggesting that better organized and man-
dents showed that mathematics anxiety was negatively aged classrooms enable students to perform to the best
correlated with mathematical achievement. Shim (2000) of their ability and promote academic achievement.
argued that negative emotions, such as anxiety, interfere Fourth, this study shows the negative effect of
with learning, and negatively affect achievement. The teacher-centered classes on students’ mathematical
present study reveals comparable findings, where math- achievement. This result contributes to the existing lit-
ematics anxiety had a statistically significant negative erature by supporting the findings of previous studies
effect on mathematical achievement. Given that (e.g., Hiebert, 1999; Woodward & Howard, 1994) that
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