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DAA R19 - Unit-5

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NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems: Basic concepts, non deterministic algorithms, NP - Hard
and NPComplete classes, Cook’s theorem.

Basic concepts:
NP Nondeterministic Polynomial time

The problems has best algorithms for their solutions have “Computing times”, that cluster into
two groups
Group 1 Group 2

> Problems with solution time bound by

a polynomial of a small degree.
> Problems with solution times not
bound by polynomial (simply non
polynomial )

> It also called “Tractable Algorithms”

> These are hard or intractable problems
> Most Searching & Sorting algorithms
are polynomial time algorithms
None of the problems in this group
> has been solved by any polynomial
> Ex: time algorithm
Ordered Search (O (log n)),
Polynomial evaluation O(n) > Ex:
Traveling Sales Person O(n2 2n)
Sorting O(n.log n)
Knapsack O(2n/2 )

No one has been able to develop a polynomial time algorithm for any problem in the 2nd group
(i.e., group 2)

So, it is compulsory and finding algorithms whose computing times are greater than polynomial
very quickly because such vast amounts of time to execute that even moderate size problems
cannot be solved.

Theory of NP-Completeness:
Show that may of the problems with no polynomial time algorithms are computational time
algorithms are computationally related.

There are two classes of non-polynomial time problems

1. NP-Hard
2. NP-Complete



NP Complete Problem: A problem that is NP-Complete can solved in polynomial time if and only
if (iff) all other NP-Complete problems can also be solved in polynomial time.

NP-Hard: Problem can be solved in polynomial time then all NP-Complete problems can be solved
in polynomial time.

All NP-Complete problems are NP-Hard but some NP-Hard problems are not know to be NP-

Nondeterministic Algorithms:
Algorithms with the property that the result of every operation is uniquely defined are termed as
deterministic algorithms. Such algorithms agree with the way programs are executed on a computer.

Algorithms which contain operations whose outcomes are not uniquely defined but are limited to
specified set of possibilities. Such algorithms are called nondeterministic algorithms.

The machine executing such operations is allowed to choose any one of these outcomes
subject to a termination condition to be defined later.

To specify nondeterministic algorithms, there are 3 new functions.

Choice(S) arbitrarily chooses one of the elements of sets S


Failure () Signals an Unsuccessful completion


Success () Signals a successful completion.


Example for Non Deterministic algorithms:

Algorithm Search(x){ Whenever there is a set of choices
//Problem is to search an element x that leads to a successful completion
then one such set of choices is
//output J, such that A[J]=x; or J=0 if x is not in A
always made and the algorithm
if( A[J]:=x) then {
A Nondeterministic algorithm
Write(J); Success();
terminates unsuccessfully if and
} only if (iff) there exists no set of
else{ choices leading to a successful
write(0); failure();



Nondeterministic Knapsack algorithm

Algorithm DKP(p, w, n, m, r, x){ p given Profits


W:=0; w given Weights


P:=0; n Number of elements (number of


for i:=1 to n do{ p or w)

x[i]:=choice(0, 1); m Weight of bag limit

W:=W+x[i]*w[i]; P Final Profit


P:=P+x[i]*p[i]; W Final weight


if( (W>m) or (P<r) ) then Failure();
else Success();

The Classes NP-Hard & NP-Complete:

For measuring the complexity of an algorithm, we use the input length as the parameter. For example,
An algorithm A is of polynomial complexity p() such that the computing time of A is O(p(n)) for
every input of size n.
Decision problem/ Decision algorithm: Any problem for which the answer is either zero or one is
decision problem. Any algorithm for a decision problem is termed a decision algorithm.
Optimization problem/ Optimization algorithm: Any problem that involves the identification of
an optimal (either minimum or maximum) value of a given cost function is known as an
optimization problem. An optimization algorithm is used to solve an optimization problem.

P is the set of all decision problems solvable by deterministic algorithms in polynomial time.

NP is the set of all decision problems solvable by nondeterministic algorithms in polynomial



Since deterministic algorithms are just a special case of nondeterministic, by this we concluded
that P NP ⊆

Commonly believed relationship between P & NP



The most famous unsolvable problems in Computer Science is Whether P=NP or P≠NP In
considering this problem, s.cook formulated the following question.

If there any single problem in NP, such that if we showed it to be in ‘P’ then that would imply that

Cook answered this question with

Theorem: Satisfiability is in P if and only if (iff) P=NP

-)Notation of Reducibility
Let L1 and L2 be problems, Problem L1 reduces to L2 (written L1 α L2) iff there is a way to solve
L1 by a deterministic polynomial time algorithm using a deterministic algorithm that solves L2 in
polynomial time
This implies that, if we have a polynomial time algorithm for L2, Then we can solve L1 in
polynomial time.

Here α-) is a transitive relation i.e., L1 α L2 and L2 α L3 then L1 α L3

A problem L is NP-Hard if and only if (iff) satisfiability reduces to L ie., Statisfiability α L

A problem L is NP-Complete if and only if (iff) L is NP-Hard and L Є NP

Commonly believed relationship among P, NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard Most

natural problems in NP are either in P or NP-complete.

Examples of NP-complete problems:
> Covering problems: SET-COVER, VERTEX-COVER.
> Sequencing problems: HAMILTONIAN-CYCLE, TSP.
> Partitioning problems: 3-COLOR, CLIQUE.
> Constraint satisfaction problems: SAT, 3-SAT.
> Numerical problems: SUBSET-SUM, PARTITION, KNAPSACK.



Cook’s Theorem: States that satisfiability is in P if and only if P=NP If P=NP

then satisfiability is in P
If satisfiability is in P, then P=NP
To do this
> A-) Any polynomial time nondeterministic decision algorithm.
I-)Input of that algorithm
Then formula Q(A, I), Such that Q is satisfiable iff ‘A’ has a successful
termination with Input I.

> If the length of ‘I’ is ‘n’ and the time complexity of A is p(n) for some polynomial
p() then length of Q is O(p3(n) log n)=O(p4(n))
The time needed to construct Q is also O(p3(n) log n).

> A deterministic algorithm ‘Z’ to determine the outcome of ‘A’ on any input ‘I’
Algorithm Z computes ‘Q’ and then uses a deterministic algorithm for the satisfiability
problem to determine whether ‘Q’ is satisfiable.

> If O(q(m)) is the time needed to determine whether a formula of length ‘m’ is
satisfiable then the complexity of ‘Z’ is O(p3(n) log n + q(p3(n)log n)).
> If satisfiability is ‘p’, then ‘q(m)’ is a polynomial function of ‘m’ and the
complexity of ‘Z’ becomes ‘O(r(n))’ for some polynomial ‘r()’.

> Hence, if satisfiability is in p, then for every nondeterministic algorithm A in NP, we can
obtain a deterministic Z in p.
By this we shows that satisfiability is in p then P=NP



NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems

Deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms
Deterministic: The algorithm in which every operation is uniquely defined is called
deterministic algorithm.
Non-Deterministic: The algorithm in which the operations are not uniquely defined but
are limited to specific set of possibilities for every operation, such an algorithm is called
non-deterministic algorithm.
The non-deterministic algorithms use the following functions:
1. Choice: Arbitrarily chooses one of the element from given set.
2. Failure: Indicates an unsuccessful completion
3. Success: Indicates a successful completion
A non-deterministic algorithm terminates unsuccessfully if and only if there exists no
set of choices leading to a success signal. Whenever, there is a set of choices that leads to
a successful completion, then one such set of choices is selected and the algorithm
terminates successfully.
In case the successful completion is not possible, then the complexity is O(1). In case of
successful signal completion then the time required is the minimum number of steps
needed to reach a successful completion of O(n) where n is the number of inputs.
The problems that are solved in polynomial time are called tractable problems and the
problems that require super polynomial time are called non-tractable problems. All
deterministic polynomial time algorithms are tractable and the non-deterministic
polynomials are intractable.

Satisfiability Problem:
The satisfiability is a boolean formula that can be constructed using the
following literals and operations.
1. A literal is either a variable or its negation of the variable.
2. The literals are connected with operators ˅, ˄͢, ⇒ , ⇔
3. Parenthesis

The satisfiability problem is to determine whether a Boolean formula is true

for some assignment of truth values to the variables. In general, formulas are
expressed in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF).

A Boolean formula is in conjunctive normal form iff it is represented by

( xi ∨ xj ∨ xk1 ) ∧ ( xi ∨ x 1j ∨ xk )

A Boolean formula is in 3CNF if each clause has exactly 3 distinct literals.


The non-deterministic algorithm that terminates successfully iff a given

formula E(x1,x2,x3) is satisfiable.

A problem Q1 can be reduced to Q2 if any instance of Q1 can be easily rephrased as an
instance of Q2. If the solution to the problem Q2 provides a solution to the problem Q1,
then these are said to be reducable problems.
Let L1 and L2 are the two problems. L1 is reduced to L2 iff there is a way to solve L1 by
a deterministic polynomial time algorithm using a deterministic algorithm that solves L2
in polynomial time and is denoted by L1α L2.
If we have a polynomial time algorithm for L2 then we can solve L1 in polynomial time.
Two problems L1 and L2 are said to be polynomially equivalent iff L1α L2 and L2 α L1.

Example: Let P1 be the problem of selection and P2 be the problem of sorting. Let the
input have n numbers. If the numbers are sorted in array A[ ] the ith smallest element of
the input can be obtained as A[i]. Thus P1 reduces to P2 in O(1) time.

Decision Problem:
Any problem for which the answer is either yes or no is called decision problem. The
algorithm for decision problem is called decision algorithm.
Example: Max clique problem, sum of subsets problem.

Optimization Problem: Any problem that involves the identification of an optimal value
(maximum or minimum) is called optimization problem.
Example: Knapsack problem, travelling salesperson problem.
In decision problem, the output statement is implicit and no explicit statements are
The output from a decision problem is uniquely defined by the input parameters and
algorithm specification.

Many optimization problems can be reduced by decision problems with the property that
a decision problem can be solved in polynomial time iff the corresponding optimization
problem can be solved in polynomial time. If the decision problem cannot be solved in
polynomial time then the optimization problem cannot be solved in polynomial time.

Class P:
P: the class of decision problems that are solvable in O(p(n)) time, where p(n) is a
polynomial of problem’s input size n
• searching
• element uniqueness
• graph connectivity
• graph acyclicity
• primality testing

Class NP
NP (nondeterministic polynomial): class of decision problems whose proposed
solutions can be verified in polynomial time = solvable by a nondeterministic
polynomial algorithm
A nondeterministic polynomial algorithm is an abstract two-stage procedure that:
• generates a random string purported to solve the problem
• checks whether this solution is correct in polynomial time
By definition, it solves the problem if it’s capable of generating and verifying a
solution on one of its tries
Example: CNF satisfiability
Problem: Is a boolean expression in its conjunctive normal form (CNF) satisfiable, i.e.,
are there values of its variables that makes it true? This problem is in NP.
Nondeterministic algorithm:
• Guess truth assignment
• Substitute the values into the CNF formula to see if it evaluates to true

What problems are in NP?

• Hamiltonian circuit existence
• Partition problem: Is it possible to partition a set of n integers into two
disjoint subsets with the same sum?
• Decision versions of TSP, knapsack problem, graph coloring, and many other
combinatorial optimization problems. (Few exceptions include: MST, shortest
• All the problems in P can also be solved in this manner (but no guessing is
necessary), so we have:
P  NP
• Big question: P = NP ?

Polynomial Time algorithms
Problems whose solutions times are bounded by polynomials of small degree are called
polynomial time algorithms
Example: Linear search, quick sort, all pairs shortest path etc.
Non- Polynomial time algorithms
Problems whose solutions times are bounded by non-polynomials are called non-
polynomial time algorithms
Examples: Travelling salesman problem, 0/1 knapsack problem etc
It is impossible to develop the algorithms whose time complexity is polynomial for
non-polynomial time problems, because the computing times of non-polynomial are
greater than polynomial. A problem that can be solved in polynomial time in one model
can also be solved in polynomial time.
NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problem:
Let P denote the set of all decision problems solvable by deterministic algorithm in
polynomial time. NP denotes set of decision problems solvable by nondeterministic
algorithms in polynomial time. Since, deterministic algorithms are a special case of
nondeterministic algorithms, P ⊆ NP. The nondeterministic polynomial time problems
can be classified into two classes. They are
1. NP Hard and
2. NP Complete
NP-Hard: A problem L is NP-Hard iff satisfiability reduces to L i.e., any
nondeterministic polynomial time problem is satisfiable and reducable then the problem
is said to be NP-Hard.
Example: Halting Problem, Flow shop scheduling problem

NP-Complete: A problem L is NP-Complete iff L is NP-Hard and L belongs to NP

(nondeterministic polynomial).

A problem that is NP-Complete has the property that it can be solved in polynomial time
iff all other NP-Complete problems can also be solved in polynomial time. (NP=P)

If an NP-hard problem can be solved in polynomial time, then all NP- complete problems
can be solved in polynomial time. All NP-Complete problems are NP-hard, but some NP-
hard problems are not known to be NP- Complete.
Normally the decision problems are NP-complete but the optimization problems are NP-
However if problem L1 is a decision problem and L2 is an optimization problem, then it is
possible that L1α L2.
Example: Knapsack decision problem can be reduced to knapsack
optimization problem.
There are some NP-hard problems that are not NP-Complete.

Relationship between P,NP,NP-hard, NP-Complete

Let P, NP, NP-hard, NP-Complete are the sets of all possible decision problems that are
solvable in polynomial time by using deterministic algorithms, non-deterministic
algorithms, NP-Hard and NP-complete respectively. Then the relationship between P,
NP, NP-hard, NP-Complete can be expressed using Venn diagram as:

Problem conversion
A decision problem D1 can be converted into a decision problem D2 if there is an
algorithm which takes as input an arbitrary instance I1 of D1 and delivers as output an
instance I2 of D2such that I2 is a positive instance of D2 if and only if I1 is a positive
instance of D1. If D1 can be converted into D2, and we have an algorithm which solves
D2, then we thereby have an algorithm which solves D1. To solve an instance I of D1,
we first use the conversion algorithm to generate an instance I0 of D2, and then use the
algorithm for solving D2 to determine whether or not I0 is a positive instance of D2. If it
is, then we know that I is a positive instance of D1, and if it is not, then we know that I is
a negative instance of D1. Either way, we have solved D1 for that instance. Moreover, in
this case, we can say that the computational complexity of D1 is at most the sum of the
computational complexities of D2 and the conversion algorithm. If the conversion
algorithm has polynomial complexity, we say that D1 is at most polynomially harder than
D2. It means that the amount of computational work we have to do to solve D1, over and

above whatever is required to solve D2, is polynomial in the size of the problem instance.
In such a case the conversion algorithm provides us with a feasible way of solving D1,
given that we know how to solve D2.
Given a problem X, prove it is in NP-Complete.
1. Prove X is in NP.
2. Select problem Y that is known to be in NP-Complete.
3. Define a polynomial time reduction from Y to X.
4. Prove that given an instance of Y, Y has a solution iff X has a solution.

Cook’s theorem:
Cook’s Theorem implies that any NP problem is at most polynomially harder than SAT.
This means that if we find a way of solving SAT in polynomial time, we will then be in a
position to solve any NP problem in polynomial time. This would have huge practical
repercussions, since many frequently encountered problems which are so far believed to
be intractable are NP. This special property of SAT is called NP-completeness. A
decision problem is NP-complete if it has the property that any NP problem can be
converted into it in polynomial time. SAT was the first NP-complete problem to be
recognized as such (the theory of NP-completeness having come into existence with the
proof of Cook’s Theorem), but it is by no means the only one. There are now literally
thousands of problems, cropping up in many different areas of computing, which have
been proved to be NP- complete.
In order to prove that an NP problem is NP-complete, all that is needed is to show that
SAT can be converted into it in polynomial time. The reason for this is that the sequential
composition of two polynomial-time algorithms is itself a polynomial-time algorithm,
since the sum of two polynomials is itself a polynomial.
Suppose SAT can be converted to problem D in polynomial time. Now take any NP
problem D0. We know we can convert it into SAT in polynomial time, and we know we
can convert SAT into D in polynomial time. The result of these two conversions is a
polynomial-time conversion of D0 into
D. since D0 was an arbitrary NP problem, it follows that D is NP-complete


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