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Year 9 Geography: Tectonic Hazards

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Year 9

Tectonic Hazards



1 L1 What are natural hazards?
2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. Define natural hazards
4 2. Describe different types of natural hazards
5 3. Explain factors affecting hazard risk
7 Do now:
8 1. Define human rights
9 2. Name an example of a place that is ‘switched off’
10 3. Name an example of a country where there is political corruption
11 4. Name the countries that make up the BRICS
12 5. Define physical feature
13 6. Define human feature
14 7. What does TEA stand for?
15 8. How to you calculate range?
16 9. Name the seven continents
17 10. Name the body of water that is north east/ east of UK
19 A natural hazard is a natural process that poses a threat
20 to people and property.
22 A natural hazard only occurs when it impacts on people.
32 Classification of natural hazards
33 Natural hazards can be classified into the following
34 categories:
35 • Atmospheric hazard – weather/atmosphere
36 • Geomorphological hazard – land/rock
1 What is hazard risk?
2 • V - vulnerability - The more people that are in areas exposed to natural hazards, the greater the
3 probability they will be affected by a natural hazard – so the hazard risk is higher. An area with a
4 high population density living on a flood plain (like Bangladesh) is very vulnerable to flooding caused
5 by extreme weather.
6 • C – capacity to cope - Natural hazards have to affect human activities to count as a hazard. The
7 better a population can cope with an extreme event the lower the threat. A HIC will be much more
8 likely to be able to afford to build defences against hazards like flood defences, evacuate people
9 and repair the damage afterwards.
10 • N – nature of the hazard - The type of hazard is important. The hazard risk from some hazards is
11 greater than others. For example, tropical storms can be predicted, but earthquakes happen
12 suddenly without warning.
14 Key terms:
15 Hazard risk - is the chance or probability that a natural hazard may take place.
16 Frequency – Some natural hazards occur more often than others, increasing the hazard risk.
17 Magnitude – The more severe natural hazards cause greater effects than less severe natural hazards.
18 For example, a large 9.0 magnitude earthquake may cause more damage than a 5.8 magnitude one.
20 Factors affecting risk
21 • Urbanisation – over 50% of the world’s population now live in cities. Some of the world’s largest cities
22 (e.g. Tokyo, Istanbul & LA) are at risk from earthquakes. Densely populated urban areas are at great
23 risk from natural events such as earthquakes and tropical cyclones. The 2010 Haiti earthquake
24 destroyed much of the capital Port-au-Prince killing some 230,000 people.
25 • The more people that are in areas exposed to natural hazards, the greater the probability they will
26 be affected by a natural hazard.
27 • Climate change – in a warmer world the atmosphere will have more energy leading to more intense
28 storms and hurricanes. Climate change may cause some parts of the world to become wetter with
29 an increased risk of flooding. Other areas may become drier and prone to droughts and famines.
30 • Poverty - HICs are better able to cope with natural disasters because they can afford to build
31 defences, evacuate people in a disaster and repair damage afterwards.
32 • Nature of Natural Disaster
33 • Type – some natural disasters are easier to predict, allowing people time to get to safety.
34 • Frequency – some natural hazards occur more often than others.
35 • Magnitude – natural hazards with a higher magnitude are more severe and result in worse
36 impacts.
37 Tasks
38 1. What is the difference between a natural event and natural hazard?
39 2. Read the descriptions of each natural hazard and categorise them as either: Atmospheric hazard
40 (AH) or Geomorphological hazard (GH).
41 Stretch: suggest which category of natural hazards is likely to: Cause the most deaths and be the
42 most expensive to recover from.

1. A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s 5. A flood is an overflow of water

crust from which lava, ash and gases beyond its normal limits, especially
erupt. It is caused by the movement of the over what is normally dry land.
earth’s crust.

2. Tornadoes are violent, rotating columns 6. A tsunami is a series of waves

of air which can blow at speeds between created when a body of water, such as
50 and 300 mph, and possibly higher. an ocean, is rapidly displaced. These
waves cause massive devastation

3. An earthquake is a sudden or violent 7. A drought is an extended period of
movement within the Earth’s crust followed time when a region suffers from a
by a series of shocks. It is caused due to severe lack in its water supply. This
movements of the earth’s crust, which causes the land to dry out and crops to
results in a build up and sudden release of fail = famine and a lack of drinking
pressure. water.

4. A hurricane is an area of low pressure, 8. Landslide or mudslide: A sudden

which form massive tropical storms. Winds collapse of earth or rock from a
of over 74mph spin to form their distinctive mountain or cliff. It flows down the
spiral formation. Winds are powerful and mountain or cliff and buries everything
rainfall is heavy. in its path.

3 3. Suggest what factors might cause people to be more at risk
4 4. Using the information on the previous page, copy and complete the following sentences:
5 a) If there is a dense population this will cause the population to be at a lower/greater risk because
6 they are more/less exposed to the natural hazard.
7 b) LIC are at a lower/greater risk of hazard risk because…..
8 c) Climate change will increase/decrease the hazard risk because….
9 d) Some natural hazards have a higher hazard risk than others. This is because …..
11 Stretch: in the future why is it likely that increasing numbers of people will be at risk from natural hazards?
13 Exam practice
14 1. Define natural hazard (1)
15 2. State the two main groups of natural hazards (2)
16 3. Explain two human factors that would increase the risk of people being affected by natural hazards.
17 (4)
19 Sentence starters:
21 One human factor which increases the risk of people being affected by natural hazards is…. this is
22 because….
23 Another human factor is ….. this is because….

1 L2 – The structure of the Earth

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. to describe the structure and characteristics of the Earth
4 2. to explain the theory of continental drift
5 Do now:
6 1. Define natural hazard
7 2. What type of hazard is a volcanic eruption?
8 3. What type of hazard is a tropical storm?
9 4. What type of hazard is a drought?
10 5. What does VCN stand for?
11 6. State two factors that increase the risk of hazards
12 7. Name the countries that make up the UK
13 8. Name the countries that make up Great Britain
14 9. State the continent the UK is on
15 10. Name three bodies of water that surround the UK
17 Theory of plate tectonics
18 Alfred Wegener was a German
19 scientist. In 1912 he developed a
20 theory that said the Earth’s
21 continents were slowly drifting
22 around the Earth (continental drift)
23 and that millions of years ago they
24 were all joined together as a super-
25 continent called Pangea.
32 Continental Drift
34 Continental drift - the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface
36 Around 300 million years ago, all of the
37 continents fit neatly together – a little bit
38 like a jigsaw puzzle.
41 300 million years ago, all of the
42 continents were joined together in one
43 big land mass (supercontinent) that we
44 now call ‘Pangea’. Over time, this land
45 has split apart into separate continents,
46 and they continue to move today. The
47 continents of Africa and Europe are
48 currently moving apart from North
49 America and South America at a rate
50 of 2.5cms per year. That means that the
51 Atlantic Ocean is gradually getting
52 wider.

1 We can tell this from the way that the rock-types match up. For example, the same fossil-bearing rocks
2 are found on the east coast of Argentina, as the west coast of South Africa.
3 The continents move around on great plates driven by moving molten rock just underneath the earth’s
4 crust. It is believed that the plates will shift and come back together in roughly 250 million years.
6 The structure of the Earth

7 The Earth consists of four concentric layers: inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust is made
8 up of oceanic (thinner & denser) and continental (thicker & less dense) crust

11 The Earth is made up of four distinct layers:
12 1. The crust is the outer layer of the earth. It is a thin layer between 0-60 km thick.
13 The crust is the surface of the Earth – it is rock called the.
14 Lithosphere - the solid outer layer of the Earth.
15 The lithosphere is split into tectonic plates.
16 The Crust is:
17 • Split into continental crust (underneath land) and oceanic crust (underneath ocean)
18 • Continental crust is 30-50km, thick and less dense, older and mostly made of granite.
19 • Oceanic crust is 6–8km, thin but dense, younger, and made of basalt.
21 2. The mantle is the widest section of the Earth. It has a thickness of approximately 2,900 km. The mantle
22 is made up of semi-molten rock called magma. In the upper parts of the mantle the rock is hard,
23 but lower down the rock is soft and beginning to melt.
25 The Asthenosphere:
26 • The asthenosphere is in the top layer of
27 the mantle.
28 • Between 100 - 410 kms (255 miles)
29 beneath Earth's surface.
30 • The asthenosphere is a semi-molten (part
31 melted rock and part solid rock). It has
32 jam-like consistency.

2 3. The outer core is the layer surrounding the inner core. It is a liquid layer, also made up of iron and
3 nickel. It is still extremely hot, with temperatures similar to the inner core.
5 4. The inner core is in the centre and is the hottest part of the Earth. It is solid and made up of iron and
6 nickel with temperatures of up to 5,500°C. With its immense heat energy, the inner core is like the
7 engine room of the Earth.
9 Cross section of the Earth

12 Tasks
13 1. What is the name of the supercontinent?
14 2. How fast are the continents of Africa and Europe moving apart from North America and South
15 America?
16 3. Which ocean is gradually getting wider as continents move apart?
17 4. When do scientists predict that the continents might move come back together again?
18 5. What the video clip and answer the following questions:
19 a) What is the approximate diameter of the Earth?
20 b) What is the deepest scientist have drilled into the Earth?
21 c) Name the outer layer of Earth
22 d) How thick is the crust?
23 e) What does the crust sit on?
24 f) Rock in the mantle is partially melted at what temperature?
25 g) The centre of Earth is called the…
26 h) What is the centre of Earth mainly made up of?

1 Knowledge quiz
2 1. Which of the following is the correct order of the Earth’s layers?
3 a) Inner mantle, outer mantle, crust inner core
4 b) Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
5 c) Crust, mantle, inner core, outer core
6 2. Which of the following is the thinnest layer of the Earth?
7 a) Core
8 b) Crust
9 c) Mantle
10 3. Which of the following is the hottest layer of the Earth?
11 a) Inner Core
12 b) Outer core
13 c) Mantle
14 4. What is the crust made up?
15 a) Only Oceanic crust
16 b) Oceanic crust, continental crust and the mantle
17 c) Oceanic crust and continental crust
20 Exam practice
21 1. State the thickest layer of the Earth (1)
22 2. State which part of the Earth is directly below the crust? (2)
23 3. Compare the two crust (oceanic and continental. (4)
24 Remember to use comparative language such as whereas.
26 4. Describe the structure of the earth. (3 marks)
27 In your answer include:
28 • Geographical terminology (the names of the layers of the earth)
29 • At least three layers
30 • A fact about each layer.
32 5. Describe the theory of continental drift. (4)
33 (Tip: make reference to land masses and time scales and include geographical key terms.)


1 L3 – Plate Tectonics
2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. to explain how convection currents are responsibly to tectonic plate movement
4 2. to explain the slab pull theory
5 2.
6 Do now:
7 1. Name the supercontinent that existed 200 million years ago.
8 2. Name the four layers of the Earth
9 3. State one characteristic of an oceanic crust
10 4. State one characteristic of a continental crust
11 5. The crust is broken into slabs of rock called…
12 6. What geographical term is used to describe the start of a river?
13 7. What geographical term is used to describe the end of a river?
14 8. The discharge of a river increases/decreases as it moves downstream
15 9. The width of a river increases/decreases as it moves downstream
16 10. The sediment size increases/decreases as it moves downstream
18 What are plate tectonics?
19 • They are based on the concept of continental drift and plates move on average between 2-5
20 inches every year, in different directions.
21 • The edge of a plate is referred to as a margin or boundary and can be named as either a destructive
22 (converging), constructive (diverging), collision or a conservative plate margin.
23 • The Earth’s lithosphere is both created and destroyed during this movement.
24 • Both earthquakes and volcanoes are a result of the natural movement of the Earth’s lithosphere.
43 Why and how do plates move?
44 Convection currents – circular current of heat
45 in the mantle. This is responsible for the rising
46 and falling of magma in the mantle due to
47 heat from the core.
49 Convection means the transfer of heat
52 Current means the movement of something

1 Radioactivity in the core and mantle is the
2 engine of plate tectonics.
3 As heat rises from the core, it creates
4 convection currents in the liquid outer core
5 and mantle. The convection currents move
6 about as fast as your fingernails grow and
7 are strong enough to move the tectonic
8 plates.
11 Slab pull theory
12 Slab pull – The denser plate sinks back into the mantle under the influence of gravity. It pulls the rest of
13 the plate along behind it.
15 • Plates are extremely heavy so gravity acts upon them,
16 pulling them apart.
17 • Large, dense, heavy plates sink into the mantle at
18 destructive plate margins (where plates move towards
19 each other) and pull the rest of the plate with it.
20 • Magma rises to the surface at constructive plate
21 margins (where plates move apart) and creates new
22 land. This pushes the rest of the plate away from the
23 plate boundary.
25 Tasks
26 1. Identify the name of each tectonic plate in
27 the map.
35 2. What are the similarities between boiling water
36 and the movement of magma in the mantle?
37 Look closely at the diagram.
39 3. Using a pencil, draw an annotated diagram of the Earth’s structure to explain the process of
40 ‘convection currents'.
43 Exam Practice
44 1. Name the tectonic plate the UK sits on (1)
46 2. Name the two theories that cause plates to move (2)
48 3. Explain why tectonic plates move? (6)
49 Sentence starters:
50 Continental drift is the theory that the Earth’s continents are constantly moving.
51 One cause of this movement is convection currents.
52 More specifically these are……
53 This causes the overlying plates to……
54 Another cause is slab pull theory.
55 More specifically this is caused when……
56 This causes plates to move because……
1 L4 – Physical Processes at Plate Margins

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. to describe what happens at different plate margins
4 2. to identify the tectonic hazards that occur along plate margins
5 Do now:
6 1. What tectonic plate does Europe and Asia sit on?
7 2. Define convection current
8 3. Name the hottest layer of the Earth
9 4. What type of crust is mainly granite and less dense?
10 5. What is the main heat source that powers convection?
11 6. Define population density
12 7. What graphical illustration is used to show the percentage of male and female people living in a
13 region or country?
14 8. State one reasons for falling death rates
15 9. State the name given to the group of people aged 16-64 when describing population
16 characteristics
17 10. State one reason for low birth rates in HIC
19 Global distribution of earthquakes & volcanoes
20 • The Earth’s crust is broken up into several slabs known as plates.
21 • Plate margins are where plates meet
22 • Distribution – spread of data over a geographical area
23 Map 1: Plate margins
40 Map 2: Distribution of earthquakes
42 An earthquake is a sudden and violent period of
43 ground shaking.
44 • 70% of all earthquakes occur in the ‘Ring
45 of Fire’
46 • The most powerful earthquakes are
47 associated with convergent or
48 conservative boundaries (although intra-
49 plate boundaries can occur)

1 Map 3: Distribution of volcanoes
2 A volcano is a large and often conical-shaped
3 landform usually formed over a long period of
4 time by series of eruptions.
5 • The violence is determined by the amount of
6 dissolved gases in the magma and how
7 easily the gases can escape.
8 • There are 500 active volcanoes throughout
9 the world, and on average about 50 erupt
10 each year.
18 What happens at plate margins?
19 Lithosphere: the surface layer of the Earth – a rigid outer shell composed of the crust and upper mantle.
20 • Tectonic plates are always moving (very slowly), fuelled by convection currents from the mantle.
21 • The lithosphere is broken into huge sections, which are the tectonic plates.
22 • Where two plates meet, they form a boundary, known at a plate margin.
23 • Each type of plate margin has specific processes and landforms
24 • Most tectonic activity takes place at plate margins
25 • The three main types of plate margins are:
26 ▪ Constructive (Divergent)
27 ▪ Destructive (Convergent) creates island arc or fold mountains
28 ▪ Conservative (Transform, oblique-slip, sliding)
30 Constructive plate margin
31 1. At constructive margins, the upper part of the mantle melts
32 and the hot molten magma rises.
33 2. As the tectonic plates are moved away from each other by
34 slab pull, ridge push or a combination of these, the molten
35 magma rises in between and cools down to form solid rock.
36 This forms part of the oceanic plate. The new solid plate
37 sometimes fractures as it is moved, causing earthquakes.
38 These shallow earthquakes are usually small and not violent.
39 3. Much of the magma never reaches the surface but it is
40 buoyant enough to push up the crust at constructive margins
41 to form ridge and rift features. In a few places the magma
42 erupts on to the surface, producing a lava that is runny and
43 spreads out before solidifying. Over many eruptions a volcano
44 that typically has a wide base and gentle slopes, known as a
45 shield volcano, is formed.
47 Examples: Mid-Atlantic ridge (North America & Eurasian plate
48 move a part)

1 Destructive plate margin
2 The process
3 • Destructive plate can be either destructive collision (a) or destructive
4 subduction (b & c)
5 • Destructive collision margins. Plates moving towards each other can
6 cause the Earth’s crust to crumple upwards.
7 • The denser oceanic plate will subduct the lighter continental plate at
8 a subduction zone.
10 Landforms and activity
11 • The pressure and strain of an oceanic and continental plate moving
12 towards each other can cause the Earth’s crust to crumple and form
13 fold mountains.
14 • As the plates converge, pressure builds up. The rocks eventually
15 fracture, causing an earthquake, which can be very destructive.
16 • The oceanic plate, as the denser of the two plates, is subducted or
17 pulled down into the mantle beneath the lighter (and thicker)
18 continental plate under gravity. At the surface this creates a deep
19 ocean trench.
20 • As the oceanic plate sinks deeper into the mantle, it causes part of the
21 mantle to melt. Hot magma rises up through the overlying mantle and
22 lithosphere, and some can eventually erupt out at the surface
23 producing a linear belt of volcanoes. The magma becomes
24 increasingly viscous (sticky) as it rises to the surface, producing
25 composite volcanoes which are steep sided and have violent
26 eruptions.
28 Examples:
29 A – fold mountains Indo-Australian and Eurasian plate forming the Himalaya mountain range
30 B - Nazca and South American plate margin
31 C – Philippine and Eurasian plate margin
34 Conservative plate margin
35 Pressure builds up at the margin of the tectonic plates as they are
36 pulled along behind a plate being subducted elsewhere.
37 As the plates move past each other, friction causes them to
38 become stuck. Pressure builds up and up until eventually the rock
39 fractures in an earthquake.
40 However, volcanoes are not formed at conservative plate
41 margins. Magma cannot rise to fill a gap as there is no gap
42 created between the tectonic plates, and therefore there is no
43 new land formed. Neither is there any land destroyed, because
44 there is no tectonic plate subducted into the mantle.
45 The San Andreas Fault stretches 800 kilometres through the state
46 of California in the USA. It is found along the margin between the
47 North American plate and the Pacific plate. These tectonic
48 plates are sliding past each other in roughly the same northwest
49 direction, but at different speeds (see Figure 2.10). The North
50 American plate moves at approximately six centimetre per year,
51 whereas the Pacific plate moves at approximately ten
52 centimetres per year
54 Example: San Andreas Fault – North America and Pacific plate
1 Task
2 1. Study the maps (map 2 and 3) showing the distribution of earthquakes and volcanos. Describe the
3 distribution of earthquakes & volcanoes (3 marks).
4 Make sure that you include:
5 Trend – where do they usually occur?
6 Examples – where in particular experiences a lot of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes? Use
7 names of countries and compass points (use the map of the world in your planner for help)
8 Anomalies – where are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurring that we don’t expect?
10 2. Make a copy of the table below in your exercise book. Use the information on p11-13 to complete
11 your table.
Plate margin Description: What is the Diagram Landforms/activity: Example/
process? (arrows) What tectonic country/area
hazards/landforms are
found at this plate

Destructive –

Destructive –


13 3. Describe the direction in which two plates move at a constructive plate boundary
14 4. State whether earthquakes are experienced at a constructive plate boundary – give reasons.
15 5. What landform is found at a destructive plate boundary?
17 Exam Practice
18 1. What type of plate margin runs through the middle of Iceland? (1)
19 2. Explain how earthquakes and volcanoes are formed at destructive plate margins. (4)
20 3. Explain why the majority of volcanoes occur at plate margins (4)

1 L5 – What are earthquakes?

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. To understand the processes that lead to earthquakes and know how an earthquakes strength is
4 measured.
5 Do now:
6 1. Define a plate margin
7 2. Name the tectonic plates that move away from one another
8 3. No volcanoes form at what type of plate margin?
9 4. The Himalayas have formed at what type of plate margin?
10 5. What is the link between where earthquakes happen, volcanoes form and plate margins
11 6. Define population density
12 7. Where in the UK is population density the highest?
13 8. Give one example of a pull factor
14 9. Give one example of a push factor
15 10. Would you expect a mountainous area to have a sparse or dense population?
17 An earthquake is a sudden or violent movement within the Earth’s crust followed by a series of shocks.
18 It is caused by a build up and sudden release of pressure/ tension.
20 • As tectonic plates suddenly move, they send
21 out SHOCK WAVES (vibrations) from the point
22 of movement in the Earth’s crust. This is called
23 the FOCUS.
24 • The point directly above the focus is called
25 the EPICENTRE. The closer you are to the focus
26 and epicentre, the stronger the earthquake
27 will be.
32 How are earthquakes measured?
33 • The size of an earthquake is recorded using a
34 seismometer (A). It records the amount of energy
35 released, this is called the MAGNITUDE of an
36 earthquake, e.g. 7.2.
37 • It is recorded on the Richter Scale, which gives a value
38 between 1-10. The higher up the scale, the higher the
39 magnitude of an earthquake.
40 • The scale used on the Richter scale is logarithmic, so
41 an earthquake that measured 7 is 10 times more
42 powerful then the one that measured 6, and 100 times
43 more powerful than one that measured 5.

1 What factors result in varying damage caused by earthquakes?
2 • If the focus of an earthquake is shallow (few km deep) little energy is lost before the shock waves
3 reach the surface.
4 • Population density e.g. Greater Tokyo approx. 37million so extremely vulnerable to suffer damage
5 • Time of day/ week – more causalities inside (offices, factories, homes) than outside
6 • Degree of preparedness – evacuations, emergency services, building construction.
7 • Countries level of development – wealthier countries are better able to afford to reduce the impact
8 through prediction, protection and preparation.
10 Tasks
11 1. Describe the difference between the focus and epicentre of an earthquake.
12 Tip: remember to use comparative language to show the differences
14 2. Copy the key terms and match them to the correct definition
Shock wave A fracture or break in rocks

Epicenter Waves caused by the sudden release of energy when friction builds
up between two plates

Focus The point inside the Earth’s crust where the earthquake begins

Fault The point on the Earth’s surface directly above where the earthquake

16 3. Match the labels (1-5) to the diagram (A-E).
17 • Earth’s Crust
18 • Epicentre
19 • Focus
20 • Fault line
21 • Shock waves
26 Exam Practice
27 1. Define magnitude (1)
29 2. Identify the level of impact if an earthquake struck a sparsely populated area. (1)
31 3. Explain two ways some earthquakes cause more damage and loss of life than others (4)
33 Sentence starter:
34 Earthquakes in some parts of the world often have bigger impacts than others because
35 Another reason is….

1 L6 – What are Volcanoes?

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. To describe the characteristics of the different types of volcanoes
4 2. To understand the difference between HIC and LIC countries.
6 Do now:
7 1. Define a volcano
8 2. What type of plate margin do shield volcanoes form at?
9 3. What type of volcano is shown in figure to the right?
10 4. True or false: Molten rock is called magma
11 5. Name an example of a composite volcano
12 6. What does an OS map show?
13 7. Name the OS map symbol
14 8. Name the OS map symbol
15 9. Name the OS map symbol
16 10. Name the OS map symbol
18 What are volcanoes?
19 Volcanoes are openings, or vents in the Earth’s crust where lava and tephra (small rocks, gas and ash)
20 erupt onto the Earth's surface. They are large, often conical-shaped landform, formed over a long
21 period of time by series of eruptions. Volcanoes vary in shape and size.
23 Volcanoes can be described in terms of activity and can be:
24 1. Active: erupt frequently
25 2. Dormant: temporarily inactive but not extinct
26 3. Extinct: never likely to erupt again
28 • Active volcanoes are distributed along plate margins
29 • They appear in a linear cluster pattern (in groups along a line – just like earthquakes)
30 • Examples – west coast of North and South America, mid-Atlantic Ocean.
31 • Hotspots – where volcanoes are located away from plate margins e.g. Yellowstone supervolcano,
32 USA and Hawaii, USA
34 Formation of volcanoes
35 • Volcanoes are formed when molten (melted)
36 rock from a magma chamber inside the
37 Earth’s crust erupts onto the Earth’s surface
38 through a vent in the lithosphere.
39 • Molten (melted) rock is called magma when it
40 is below the surface, and lava when it erupts.
41 • As well as lava, volcanoes also throw out ash,
42 dust, gases and steam from the vent when
43 they erupt.
44 • Over a series of eruptions, layers of ash and
45 lava build up at the sides of the volcano,
46 forming a mound or cone shape.
47 • These are hazardous, and in extreme situations
48 can kill people.
49 • There are two main types of volcano,
50 depending on which plate margin they form
51 along.

1 Compositive volcanoes
2 • Composite volcanoes are formed along destructive plate
3 margins, where the denser oceanic plate subducts the lighter
4 continental plate.
5 • They are tall, steep-sided cones rising up to several thousand
6 metres from a narrow base.
7 • They are made of alternate layers of lava and ash. The lava
8 released is more viscous (thick and sticky) so that it flows slowly
9 and travels shorter distances before cooling.
10 • Eruptions tend to be infrequent, but when they do occur they
11 are violent.
12 • After an eruption, the vent becomes blocked with solidified
13 lava. This causes pressure to build up until there is another
14 eruption.
15 • During explosive eruptions the lava shatters into pieces,
16 producing lava bombs and very hot flows of gas and ash
17 (pyroclastic flows).
18 • Two well-known examples include Mount St Helens in the USA
19 and Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.
20 • These are primary hazards and can kill people when a volcano
21 erupts suddenly. Further deaths may be caused by secondary
22 hazards, such as mudflows (lahars).
24 Shield volcanoes
25 • Shield volcanoes shield volcanoes are formed along
26 constructive plate margins and over hotspots. They are low,
27 gently sloping domes with a very wide base - their profile
28 resembles a warrior's shield.
29 • They are built from lava only, which in many shield volcanoes,
30 erupts from fissures as well as the crater.
31 • The lava released is less viscous so that it pours out of the crater
32 easily and can flow long distances before cooling.
33 • Eruptions tend to be more frequent, but gentle. While basaltic
34 lava flows destroy property and crops, lives are rarely lost.
35 • The Laki fissure eruption in Iceland in 1783-84 was an exception.
36 It threw out a poisonous cloud of volcanic gases, which killed
37 millions of Europeans. Mauna Loa in Hawaii is another example
38 of a shield volcano.
40 Hotspots
41 • Volcanoes formed away from plate margins are called hotspots.
42 • The Hawaiian hotspot, for example, is in the middle of the Pacific Plate. They are formed by a
43 'plume' of superheated rock (not magma) that rises very slowly through the mantle.
44 • Once it reaches the upper mantle, it melts the asthenosphere and the base of the lithosphere. The
45 magma produced rises through weaknesses in the crust and erupts at the Earth's surface.
46 • Oceanic hotspots erupt basaltic lava, creating huge shield volcanoes. Mauna Loa in Hawaii, is 4168
47 metres above sea level (8500 metres above the seafloor) and, along with Kilauea, extends for nearly
48 200 km.
49 • Continental hotspots erupt viscous, granitic lava. They can erupt explosively, throwing out a large
50 volume of material - at least 1000 km3. Yellowstone supervolcano in the North American Plate is an
51 example of a continental hotspot.
52 • Geologists think that mantle plumes are fixed in place. As the plates move over the hotspots, they
53 leave a line of volcanoes at the Earth’s surface. These get progressively older as they move further
54 away from the hotspot location.
1 Tasks
2 1. Describe the formation of volcanoes. (4 marks) Use the diagram to help you.
3 Aim to include the following key terms: magma, magma chamber, mantle, Earth’s crust (lithosphere),
4 eruption, layers, cone-shape
6 2. Make a copy of this table (landscape). You will use the information on the previous page to help
7 complete the sections on the table. Remember to use a pencil when drawing a diagram!
Composite Shield




9 3. Sort the characteristics into composite volcano or shield volcano.
Viscous (sticky) lava Less viscous (runny) lava More frequently occurring

Gentle sides Eruptions not as frequently Steep sides

Lava flows for a long distance Violent eruptions Less violent eruptions
before it solidifies
11 4. State two differences between oceanic and continental hotspots and name an example for both.
12 (4 marks)
13 Remember to use comparative language to describe the differences.
16 Exam Practice
Figure 1
17 1. Identify the type of volcano shown on figure 1 (1)
26 2. State two differences between shield and composite volcanoes (2)
27 3. Explain the formation of composite volcanoes (4)
28 4. Explain why earthquakes occur along conservative plate boundaries but there is no volcanic
29 activity. (4)

1 L7 - Case study: Nepal 2015 earthquake

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. To describe the effects of an earthquake in a LIC
4 2. To distinguish between the primary and secondary effects of an earthquake in a LIC
5 Do now:
6 1. State one characteristic of a composite volcano
7 2. State one characteristic of a shield volcano
8 3. A volcano that erupts frequently is described as…
9 4. Hawaii an example of a…
10 5. What plate margin do volcanoes not form along?
11 6. Define coast
12 7. Name two examples of coastal landforms
13 8. Name the process where sediment is transported along in a zig-zag direction
14 9. State one reason why coasts are important
15 10. Name the key term used to describe the process where the power of waves, ice and rivers wears
16 away land.
18 The location and development of Nepal

Development indicators for Nepal

Population 33.4 million

GNI per capita

(measure of wealth)

(combined indicators of life
expectancy, educational
attainment and income
into one measure)

Life expectancy
(Number of years a person 70.8 years
can expect to live)

Literacy rate
(%of adult that can read 67.9%
and write)
20 What caused the earthquake?
21 • On Saturday 25th April 2015 at 11.26 local time an earthquake measuring 7.9 struck approximately
22 80 km to the northwest of the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu.
23 The cause:
24 • The Indian plate is colliding with the Eurasian at a
25 rate of 45 mm/yr towards the north-northeast,
26 driving the uplift of the Himalayan mountain range.
27 The earthquake occurred as the result of this
28 movement thrusting through a fault running off the
29 plate margin. Where the plates meet, pressure
30 builds up which, when released, violently shakes the
31 ground with its seismic energy, resulting in an
32 earthquake.
33 • The earthquake was very shallow, just 15km below
34 the surface.
35 • Effects of the earthquake was felt hundreds of kilometres away in India, Tibet and Pakistan.
36 • Earthquakes can have devastating effects on peoples’ lives and activities.
1 Key terms:
2 • Primary effects – are caused by ground shaking and can include death and injuries and damage
3 to roads and buildings.
4 • Secondary effects – are the result of primary effects (ground shaking) and includes tsunamis, fires
5 and landslides.
6 Photograph 1 – impacts of the Nepalese earthquake
19 Primary and secondary effects:
20 1. 9000 people died and 20000 injured — over 8 million people (a third of Nepal's population)
21 affected.
22 2. Ground shaking triggered landslides and avalanches, blocking roads and hampering relief
23 efforts.
24 3. 3 million people left homeless when homes were destroyed
25 4. Electricity and water supplies, sanitation and communications affected
26 5. Avalanches on Mount Everest killed at least 19 people — the greatest loss of life on the mountain
27 in a single incident.
28 6. International airport became congested as aid arrived.
29 7. 50% of shops destroyed, affecting food supplies and people's livelihoods
30 8. An avalanche in the Langtang region left 250 people missing
31 9. 7000 schools destroyed and hospitals overwhelmed
32 10. A landslide blocked the Kali Gandaki River, 140km (90 miles) north west of the capital,
33 Kathmandu — many people evacuated in case of flooding.
34 11. 1.4 million people needed food, water and shelter in the days and weeks after the earthquake
35 12. Cost of damage estimated at over US$5 billion.
38 Tasks
39 1. Use the map to describe the location of Nepal. (Remember to comment on: continent, hemisphere
40 & Line of latitude, compass points and neighbouring countries/ bodies of water if any!)
41 Stretch: What tectonic plate does Nepal sit on and how hazard prone is its location?
43 2. Use the development indicators in the table to describe the development of Nepal.
44 3. Name the two plates that caused the earthquake.
45 4. What type of plate margin do the two plates named in Q1 result in when they meet?
46 5. What was the magnitude of the earthquake?
47 6. Describe the focus of the earthquake
48 7. Study the photograph 1, describe the effects of the earthquake.
49 Stretch: What factors do you think caused the large scale destruction seen in the photograph? Justify
50 your answer
51 8. Read through the statements. Draw a table with the following headings and separate the
52 information into primary and secondary effects. Two have been done for you.
Primary effects Secondary effects
9000 people died and 20000 injured — over 8 Ground shaking triggered landslides and
million people (a third of Nepal's population) avalanches, blocking roads and hampering
affected. relief efforts.

3 9. Stretch: assess which primary effect was the most significant in causing the greatest impacts
6 Skills focuses task
7 Study the map showing the shake
8 intensity from the Nepal earthquake.
10 Describe the spatial distribution of shake
11 intensity.
12 Include:
13 • Distance (use the scale)
14 • Place names
15 • Compass points
16 • Vocabulary from the ‘key’
26 Exam Practice
27 1. Define secondary effect and given an example from the Nepal earthquake (2)
29 2. Identify the type of plate margin that caused the 2015 Nepal earthquake (1)
30 a) Constructive
31 b) Conservative
32 c) Destructive
34 3. Identify the focus of the 2015 Nepal earthquake (1)
35 a) 5kn
36 b) 15km
37 c) 55km
39 4. Explain the primary impacts of a named earthquake event in a LIC (4)

1 L8 - Case study: Nepal 2015 earthquake – Responses

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. To describe and assess the immediate and long term responses to an earthquake in a LIC

4 Do now:
5 1. What was the magnitude of the Nepalese earthquake?
6 2. Name the two plates that collided
7 3. How many km was the focus?
8 4. State one primary effect
9 5. State one secondary effect
10 6. Define rural to urban migration
11 7. Give one example of a push factor
12 8. Give one example of a pull factor
13 9. Give one example of an advantage that migration has led to in the UK
14 10. Define refugee
16 Key terms:
17 Immediate responses – the reactions of people as a
18 disaster happens and in the immediate aftermath.
19 This involves search and rescue and keeping survivors
20 alive by providing medical care, food, water and shelter.
22 Long-term responses – later reactions that occur in the
23 weeks, months and years after an event.
24 This will involve re-building and reconstruction, with the
25 aim of returning people’s lives back to normal and
26 reducing future risk.
28 Immediate responses
29 Nepal requested international help. The UK’s DEC (disaster emergency committee) raised US$126 million
30 by September 2015 to provide emergency aid and start rebuilding the worst-hit areas.
31 Temporary shelters were set up. The Red Cross provided tents for 225,000 people. The United Nations
32 (UN) health agency and the World Health Organization (WHO) distributed medical supplies to the worst-
33 affected districts. This was important as the monsoon season had arrived early, increasing the risk of
34 waterborne diseases.
36 Nepal’s mountainous terrain and inadequate roads made it difficult for aid to reach remote villages.
37 315,000 people were cut off by road and 75,000 were additionally unreachable by air. Sherpas were
38 used to hike relief supplies to remote areas. Facebook launched a safety feature so people could
39 indicate they were ‘safe’. Several companies did not charge for telephone calls.
41 Long-term responses
42 Nepal’s government (along with the UN, EU, World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency and
43 Asian Development Bank) carried out a Post-Disaster Needs Assessment. It reported that 23 areas
44 required rebuilding, such as housing, schools, roads, monuments and agriculture. Eight months after the
45 earthquake, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA) reported that US$274 million
46 of aid had been committed to the recovery efforts.
47 The Durbar Square heritage sites were reopened in June 2015 in time to encourage tourists back for the
48 tourism season. Mount Everest was reopened for tourists by August 2015 after some stretches of trail
49 were re-routed. By February 2016 the Tourism Ministry extended the climbing permits that had been
50 purchased in 2015 to be valid until 2017, so that climbers would return and attempt Everest again.
51 A recovery phase started six months later by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
52 Nations (FAO). To expand crop production and growing seasons individuals were trained how to
53 maintain and repair irrigation channels damaged by landslides in the earthquake.

1 More responses to the earthquake
2 1. Search and rescue teams, water and medical support arrived quickly from countries such as UK,
3 India and China.
4 2. Helicopters rescued many people caught in avalanches on Mount Everest and delivered supplies
5 to villages cut off by landslides.
6 3. Roads repaired and landslides cleared. Lakes, formed by landslides damming river valleys, needed
7 to be emptied to avoid flooding.
8 4. Thousands of homeless people to be re-housed, and damaged homes repaired. Over 7000 schools
9 to be re-built or repaired.
10 5. In late 2015 a blockade at the Indian border badly affected supplies of fuels, medicines and
11 construction materials.
12 6. Social media widely used in search and rescue operations and satellites mapped damaged areas
13 7. 300,000 people migrated from Kathmandu to seek shelter and support with family and friends.
14 8. Stricter controls on building codes.
15 9. In June 2015 Nepal hosted an international conference to discuss reconstruction and seek technical
16 and financial support from other countries.
17 10. Tourism, a major source of income, to be boosted — by July 2015 some heritage sites re-opened
18 and tourists were starting to return.
19 11. Repairs to Everest base camp (photo D) and trekking routes — by August 2015 new routes had been
20 established and the mountain re-opened for climbers.
21 12. Half a million tents needed to provide shelter for the homeless.
22 13. Financial aid pledged from many countries.
23 14. Field hospitals set up to support overcrowded main hospitals.
25 Tasks
26 1. Watch the clip and answer the two questions:
27 a. What measures have Nepal taken to prepare for earthquakes?
28 b. Name 3 ways the WHO helped in responding to the earthquake
29 2. Read through the statements. Draw a table with the following headings and separate the
30 information into immediate and long –term responses. Two have been done for you.
Immediate responses. Long –term responses.
Search and rescue teams, water and medical Roads repaired and landslides cleared. Lakes,
support arrived quickly from countries such as formed by landslides damming river valleys,
UK, India and China. needed to be emptied to avoid flooding.

33 3. Describe how people and organisations responded to the Nepal earthquake.
34 Immediately following the earthquake they…
35 This helped because…
36 Additionally they…This helped because…
37 In the long-term Nepal did many things including…
38 This helped because…
39 Additionally they…This helped because…
40 Stretch: explain what factors resulted in delays to the initial response.
42 Exam Practice
44 ‘Long term responses are more effective in responding to the impacts from an earthquake than
45 immediate responses’
46 How far do you agree with this statement?
1 L9 - Assessing the impacts of an earthquake – exam practice
2 Learning objective:
3 1. To assess the impacts of an earthquake
4 Do now:
5 1. True or false. Immediate responses are the reactions of people as a disaster happens and in
6 the immediate aftermath.
7 2. True or false. Rebuilding and reconstruction is an example of a long-term response.
8 3. Name one measure that Nepal have now taken to prepare for earthquakes.
9 4. Name one way in which the World Health Organisation (WHO) has responded to the
10 earthquake.
11 5. Name one long-term response to the Nepalese earthquake.
12 6. Name one short-term response to the Nepalese earthquake.
13 7. Name the two different types of volcano.
14 8. True or false. Volcanoes are only found on volcanic plate boundaries.
15 9. At which two types of plate boundaries are volcanoes formed?
16 10. At which types of plate boundaries do earthquakes occur?
18 Task:
19 1. For each of the following impacts, determine whether they are PRIMARY EFFECTS (PE), or
21 a) 9,000 died and 20,000 injured.
22 b) Ground shaking triggered avalanches and landslides on the slopes of the Himalayas.
23 c) 3 million left homeless
24 d) International airport congested as food and medical supplies arrived.
25 e) 7000 schools and hospitals destroyed.
26 f) Flooding as landslides blocked rivers.
27 g) Delays to relief efforts as landslides blocked roads leading to Kathmandu.
29 2. Write the following question in your books:
30 Using an example of an earthquake you have studied, assess the extent to which primary effects
31 are more significant than secondary effects. (9 marks)
32 BUG the question
33 Box the command word
34 Underline the key terms
35 Glance back at the question
37 The command phrase is ‘to what extent’, so the focus of the question is on evaluation. This means
38 there should be a discursive element to your answer (considering both sides of the argument).
40 Assessment objectives
41 AO1 - Demonstrating detailed knowledge
42 AO2 - Showing a thorough understanding
43 AO3 - Demonstrating application of knowledge and understanding (you can show application of
44 your knowledge and understanding by evaluating the impacts)
46 3. Choose two primary effects and two secondary effects.
47 For each one, create a flow diagram showing their social, economic and environmental effects.
48 An example of a secondary effect has been done for you:

1 4. Follow the structure to write your answer to the exam question
3 Using a case study, assess the extent to which primary effects are more significant than
4 secondary effects. (9 marks)
7 ❑ When and where was the earthquake? (countries, tectonic plate names, etc.)
8 ❑ What was the severity of the earthquake on the Richter Scale?
9 ❑ What are primary and secondary effects?
10 ❑ What is your response to the statement in the question? Do you agree, disagree, slightly
11 agree or slightly disagree?
13 ❑ POINT:
14 o ‘One primary/secondary effect of the 2015 Nepalese earthquake was…’
15 ‘
17 Include facts, data, and a variety of opinions.
18 o ‘For example….
19 ❑ EXPLAIN Include reasons why this is important.
20 o ‘This allows…. meaning that people…. However, some people believe….’
21 ❑ EVALUATE, by suggesting how significant were these impacts in comparison to the
22 primary/secondary effects
23 o ‘Importantly, this effect is more/less significant than primary/secondary effects because…’
24 ❑ LINK it back to the question
25 o ‘This is a significant effect because…’
28 ❑ What is your argument?
29 ❑ What is the most important reason/point? Why?
30 ❑ What other counter arguments did you consider? What makes them less significant?
32 Success Criteria:
33 • Use specific numbers/data to back up each of your points
34 • Come to a conclusion based on evidence at the end.
35 • Make sure you write in full sentences/ paragraphs and structure it logically.

1 L10 - Case study: New Zealand 2011 earthquake
3 Learning Objectives:
4 1. To understand the primary and secondary effects of an earthquake in a HIC.
5 2. To explain the social, economic and environmental impacts
6 Do now:
7 1. What level of development is Nepal?
8 2. What type of tectonic plate movement caused the Nepalese earthquake?
9 3. State one primary effect of the Nepalese earthquake
10 4. State one long term responses to the Nepalese earthquake
11 5. State one the immediate responses to the Nepalese earthquake?
12 6. Name the thickest layer in the cross-section of the Earth
13 7. Define the asthenosphere
14 8. Describes the inner core of the Earth
15 9. What type of plate margin do composite volcanoes form at?
16 10. Name the plate margin where two plates move apart
18 Where is New Zealand?
20 New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific
21 Ocean. It consists of two main landmasses—the North Island and
22 the South Island and over 700 smaller islands, covering a total area
23 of 268,021 square kilometres. New Zealand is about 2,000 kilometres
24 (east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and 1,000 kilometres south
25 of the islands of Fiji, and Tonga.
27 The country has a varied topography (shape and features on the
28 surface of the Earth) and sharp mountain peaks, including
29 the Southern Alps, as a result of tectonic uplift and volcanic
30 eruptions. New Zealand's capital city is Wellington, and its most
31 populous city is Auckland.

33 What caused the earthquake?
34 The earthquake’s epicentre was on New Zealand’s
35 South Island, 10km west of Christchurch, at 12.51pm
36 on 22nd February 2011 and lasted just 10 seconds.
37 Measuring 6.3 on the Richter Scale and, with a focus
38 of just 4.99 km deep, the earthquake was very
39 shallow, making it more destructive. The
40 earthquake occurred along a conservative margin
41 between the Pacific Plate and the Indo-
42 Australasian Plate.
44 New Zealand is a HIC. It has a GNI per capita
45 around $40,000; the life expectancy is 81 years; and
46 100% of people have access to clean water.
48 Primary & secondary effects of Christchurch earthquake, 2011
49 1. 2,000 people injured.
50 2. Businesses were closed for a long time.
51 3. Water and sewage pipes were damaged.
52 4. Christchurch couldn't hold the five Rugby World Cup matches.
53 5. Schools were closed for two weeks due to the damage.
54 6. 181 people were killed.
55 7. 80% of the city was without electricity
56 8. Schools had to share classrooms because of the damage to other school buildings

1 9. Damage to roads through liquefaction made it difficult for people and emergency services to
2 move around
3 10. Liquefaction caused damage to roads and buildings. (Liquefaction is when the ground
4 behaves like a liquid – shaking can cause this.)
5 11. The city's cathedral spire collapsed.
6 12. Water and sewage pipes were damaged.
8 Tasks
9 1. Use the map to describe the location of New Zealand (3) (Remember to refer to: Continent,
10 Hemisphere & Lines of latitude, Compass points, Neighbouring countries/ bodies of water if any!)
11 2. Read the text on what caused the earthquake and identify whether the statements are true or
12 false.
13 a) Christchurch experienced an earthquake with a 6.3 magnitude in 2011.
14 b) The earthquake was deep which meant that little shaking was felt on the surface.
15 c) The earthquake occurred as a result of Pacific Plate and the Indo-Australasian Plate
16 moving parallel to each other.
17 d) New Zealand is a HIC with a high GNI per capita and good quality infrastructure
18 3. Define the term primary effects and secondary effects
19 4. Read through the statements (1-11). Draw a table like below with the following headings and
20 separate the information into primary and secondary effects. Two have been done for you.
Primary effects Secondary effects
2,000 people injured. Businesses were closed for a long time.

21 Stretch: assess which primary effect was the most significant in causing the greatest impacts
23 5. Now identify whether each impact was social, economic or environmental
24 Social (s): to do with people
25 Economic (Ec): to do with cost or national income
26 Environmental (Env): to do with the surroundings
28 Exam Practice
29 1. Identify the type of plate margin that caused the 2011 Christchurch (1)
30 o Constructive
31 o Conservative
32 o Destructive
33 2. Describe one economic impact of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake (2)
34 3. Using figure 3, suggest how environmental damage from earthquakes can lead to economic
35 impacts. (4)
37 Tip: State the
38 environmental impact
39 visible in Image A, then
40 suggest how this
41 impact would have an
42 economic impact. Do
43 the same for Image B.
50 Stretch: compare the impacts of the earthquake in Nepal to the New Zealand earthquake.

1 L11- Responses to the Christchurch earthquake

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. To understand the immediate and long-term responses to an earthquake in a HIC.
4 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of different levels of response
6 Do now:
7 1. How far beneath the surface was the focus of the New Zealand earthquake?
8 2. Name the two plate boundaries that caused the earthquake.
9 3. Give one example of a primary effect.
10 4. Give one example of a secondary effect.
11 5. Define a natural hazard.
12 6. Give one example of an atmospheric natural hazard.
13 7. Give two factors which increase the risk of disasters
14 8. Name the three types of plate boundaries
15 9. Give one difference between oceanic crust and continental crust.
16 10. Name a landform created at a plate margin that moves away from each other.
18 Key terms:
19 Immediate responses - the reactions of people as a disaster happens.
20 Long-term responses - later reactions that occur in the weeks, months and years after an event
22 What were the immediate and long term responses?
23 1. International aid was provided (around $6 to $7 million).
24 2. Pop-up hospitals were set up which would be a short term but effective response.
25 3. A new government taskforce was created to help deal with future earthquakes.
26 4. Aid workers from charities such as the Red Cross came to help.
27 5. Areas were zoned to assess damage.
28 6. People are now being educated across New Zealand to do earthquake drills.
29 7. 300 Australian police officers were flown in.
30 8. Temporary housing was provided.
31 9. $898 million in building insurance claims.
32 10. Water and sewerage were restored to the city by August 2011.
33 11. The government of New Zealand is trying hard to raise money so that people can build homes and
34 structures which could withstand earthquakes.
35 12. Chemical toilets were provided for 30,000 residents
36 13. Roads and houses were cleared of silt from liquefaction by August and 80% of roads/50% of
37 footpaths were repaired
39 Task
40 1. Read through the statements and categorise them into an immediate response of long-term
41 response.
43 Exam Practice
44 Using the structure guidance in the table below, answer the following question
46 Long term responses to a tectonic hazard are more important than immediate responses. ‘
47 To what extent do you agree? Using one or more examples, explain your answer (9 marks).
❑ When and where was the ❑ POINT: ❑ What is your argument?
earthquake? (countries, o ‘One long term/immediate ❑ What is the most important
tectonic plate names, etc.) response of the 2011 reason/point? Why?
❑ What was the severity of the Christchurch earthquake ❑ What other counter
earthquake on the Richter was…’ arguments did you
Scale? ‘ consider? What makes them
❑ EVIDENCE less significant?

❑ What are long-term and Include facts, data, and a
immediate responses? variety of opinions.
❑ What is your response to the o ‘For example….
statement in the question? ❑ EXPLAIN Include reasons
Do you agree, disagree, why this is important.
slightly agree or slightly o ‘This allows…. meaning that
disagree? people…. However, some
people believe….’
❑ EVALUATE, by suggesting
how significant were these
responses were in
comparison to the long-
term/immediate responses
o ‘Importantly, these
responses were more/less
important than long-
term/immediate responses
❑ LINK it back to the question
‘This is significant because…’

1 L12 - Are effects and responses determined by level of development?
2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. To examine how a country’s level of development impacts the severity of tectonic hazards and
4 response
6 Do now:
7 1. Define long term response
8 2. State one immediate response to the New Zealand earthquake
9 3. Is this a primary or secondary impact: Christchurch couldn't hold five Rugby World Cup matches?
10 4. State the type of plate margin that caused the New Zealand earthquake
11 5. State the type of plate margin that caused the Nepalese earthquake
12 6. What is meant by the term population distribution?
13 7. What is the difference between sparse and dense population?
14 8. What is the name given to a map which uses graded differences in colour to indicate the average
15 values?
16 9. How do you calculate population density?
17 10. Where is the population density highest in the UK?
19 Key terms:
20 Development – the process where people, a place or a country change or make economic or social
21 progress.
22 Economic development – a growth in the level of income a country has. This could be their overall GNI,
23 type of employment etc
24 HIC - these are countries with a GNI per capita above US$ 12,746, e.g. Germany and the USA
25 LIC -these are countries with a GNI per capita of $1,045 or less, e.g. Chad and Ethiopia
27 Why do effects and responses differ in places with different levels of wealth?
29 Earthquakes occur close to plate margins. Their location has no connection whatsoever to a country’s
30 level of wealth. However, the effects of an earthquake are shaped by the level of wealth. Before an
31 earthquake, wealthier countries are more able to prepare people (e.g. via education) and protect
32 (e.g. by earthquake-proofing buildings) than low income countries. After an earthquake, a country’s
33 ability to manage the effects and devastation can be affected by its level of wealth and resources
34 (e.g. emergency response and rebuilding). Some of the wealth factors that influence a tectonic
35 hazard’s impacts include:
36 Infrastructure:
37 • Wealthy countries tend to have stricter building regulations. Well-built buildings are less likely to
38 collapse. We know that building collapse is the main cause of injury and death in earthquakes!
39 Earthquake-proofing buildings means that buildings are more able to withstand shaking, so are less
40 likely to be destroyed. However, this is a very expensive process.
41 • Wealthy countries tend to have more infrastructure (e.g. airports, bridges, highways etc.) and more
42 expensive houses. This can mean that the economic cost of earthquakes is higher in HICs.
43 Resources:
44 • Having a good supply of essential resources like food, water, medicine, temporary homes and
45 chemical toilets reduces the death toll.
46 • Countries that lack these basic necessities experience outbreaks of diseases like cholera which
47 spread in unsanitary cramped conditions. This can considerably increase deaths.
48 Emergency services:
49 • After an earthquake, emergency services are required to clear rubble (broken bits of building),
50 rescue trapped people, remove dead bodies, provide first aid, and conduct search and rescue
51 operations in cut off regions.
52 • If a country has large, well-trained and well-supplied emergency services, it can respond swiftly to
53 an earthquake. If a country has to rely on foreign help, the death toll is likely to rise.
55 Factors that influence the severity of earthquake impacts
56 While the level of wealth is important, it is not the only factor that influences how severe an earthquake’s
57 impacts will be.

1 Physical factors also affect an earthquake’s severity. For example, both of the studied earthquakes
2 happened in the daytime when people were out and about. They also both had a very shallow focus,
3 meaning that the shaking on the surface was strong. These factors are unrelated to wealth but are very
4 important when considering an earthquake’s impacts.
6 Table 1: Factors that influences how severe an earthquake’s impacts will be.
1. Depth of focus and 2. Population Density 3. Medical facilities 4. Plate margin
distance from The more people (and The more medical Some plate margins are
epicentre buildings), the greater resources the easier it is more destructive than
The shallower the focus, the risk of collapse, for victims to get others.
and the closer people injuries and fatalities treatment, preventing
are to the epicentre, the (deaths). secondary deaths.
greater the impacts.

5. Construction 6. Magnitude 7. Time and day 8. Transport

standards The stronger the Buildings and roads that infrastructure
Buildings with strict earthquake, the collapse when they are The stronger the
building regulations greater the impact. empty reduce casualties. transport network the
have less chance of easier it is to evacuate
collapsing. and for aid to arrive.

9. Response to prior 10. Earthquake-prone 11. Emergency services 12. Resources and
events area Having skilled finance
If a place has not Some regions are emergency services, The more resources and
recovered from prior especially prone to armies and volunteers money available, the
hazard events, the tectonic events. reduces fatalities quicker it is to clear
impacts of the next (deaths). rubble and rebuild
hazard will be worse. homes and businesses.

13. Training 14. Type of event 15. Bureaucracy 16. Management

Training emergency Secondary effects e.g. Getting aid to needy Places that plan,
services & the public to tsunamis, avalanches earthquake zones can prepare and protect
know how to respond and landslides, cause be a slow process. have fewer effects.
during an earthquake further devastation
reduces deaths.

8 Tasks
9 1. Draw the table in pencil and complete it using the data.
10 2200
11 9000 Death People No. of Economic Aid Magnitude Depth Epicentre
12 181 toll injured Homelessness / costs donations distance
living in temporary from city
13 80km accommodation
14 15km
15 4.99km
16 10km
17 7.9

18 6.3
19 3 million
20 Over $5
21 billion

22 2000

23 $274
24 million
25 20000
26 $607million
27 $28 billion

1 Stretch: What does the data suggest about the link between economic development and impacts of
2 an earthquake?
4 2. Copy and complete the paragraph using the key terms provided.
5 Key terms: regulations, emergency, medicine, wealth, shanty, foreign, secondary
7 A country’s level of ________________ has a close link to the overall impact of an earthquake event. For
8 example, countries that follow strict building ________________ are less likely to have high death tolls from
9 building collapse. In contrast, countries with lots of ________________ towns are likely to experience many
10 deaths due to the collapse of weak structures and then the difficulty of rescuing people who have
11 been trapped. Wealth also affects the resources and _______________ services that are available. After
12 an earthquake it is important to rapidly get food, water and _______________ to people. Without these
13 basic necessities, _______________ deaths increase. If a country relies on _______________ help to rescue
14 and treat people, deaths may rise due to delays in receiving assistance.
16 Stretch: Population and governance are two other factors that make the effects and responses differ.
17 From the four factors: wealth, physical, population and governance, assess which is the most significant
18 factor in determining the level of effects and response of an earthquake
20 3. Read the factors in table 1. Decide whether each factor is a physical factor (i.e. a natural factor) or
21 a wealth factor (i.e. relating to money). Code each as Phys or $.
23 Exam Practice
24 1. State two physical factors that can cause an earthquake to have severe impacts. (2)
25 2. Explain one reason why some countries recover more quickly from tectonic hazards than others. (2)
26 3. Using examples explain why LICs are often affected worse by earthquakes than HICs. (6)
28 Sentence starters:
29 LICs are often affected worse by earthquakes than HICs for many reasons.
30 Firstly HICs such as New Zealand have better quality infrastructure (e.g. buildings, roads) than LICs such
31 as Nepal. More specifically……As a result……
33 Secondly HICs have higher gross domestic products (income/money) than LICs. More specifically……As
34 a result……
36 Finally, HICs use more prediction and monitoring equipment than LICs. More specifically……As a
37 result……

1 L13 - Why do people live in areas at risk of tectonic hazards?

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. to understand why people live in areas at risk of tectonic hazards.
4 2. to explain how people benefit from living in a tectonic environment setting
5 Do now:
6 1. Name one physical factor affecting earthquake’s severity
7 2. Name one economic factor affecting earthquake’s severity
8 3. True or false: response to an earthquake is much fast in HICs than in LICs
9 4. True or false: More deaths are recorded in LICs than HICs
10 5. True or false: There is more economic damage in LICs than in HICs
11 6. Define evaporation
12 7. How much fresh water is available on Earth?
13 8. Name the key term used to describe water vapour is turned back into water droplets as it cools
14 down.
15 9. Name the key term used to describe a substance which fluids are unable to pass through.
16 10. At what latitude does it rain the most?
18 Despite the dangers, hundreds of millions of people live in areas that are prone to (likely to experience)
19 tectonic hazards.
37 Why do people live near volcanoes?
39 Farming – Lava and ash erupting from volcanoes kill livestock and destroys crops and vegetation.
40 However, after thousands of years, weathering of this lava releases minerals which leaves extremely
41 fertile soil, rich in nutrients. This leads to productive farming and provide a source of food and income.
42 Tourism – Tourists visit volcanoes for the spectacular views, relaxing hot springs, and adventure. More
43 than 100 million people visit volcanic sites every year. The revenue benefits local businesses and
44 increases national GNI.
45 Mining – Settlements develop where valuable minerals are found, as jobs are created. Dormant and
46 extinct volcanoes are mined, as well as some active ones. Sulphur can be sold for to make medicines
47 and fertiliser. However, mining is dangerous as there is often little protection, and the gases can burn
48 eyes and cause respiratory diseases.
49 Geothermal energy – In volcanically active areas such as Iceland, geothermal energy is a major source
50 of electrical power. Steam is heated by the hot magma and used to turn turbines. This is a renewable
51 energy so it will not run out. Geothermal energy also reduces the effects of climate change.
52 Family and friends – People may not wish to leave volcanic areas because their friends and family are
53 there. It is often cheaper and easier to stay, especially when the risks are not perceived as dangerous
54 enough, or residents are in denial that a disaster may occur.
1 Why do people live in earthquake-prone regions?
2 Earthquake prone areas do not attract people for farming, geothermal energy, mining or tourism. Why
3 do so many people live in areas prone to earthquakes?
5 Location – Plate margins often exist in areas favourable for settlements. As we know, margins are often
6 close to coastlines, where ports, transport and resources from the ocean are readily available. This
7 encourages cities to spring up along coastlines, and as industries such as shipping grow, more people
8 are attracted to the area.
9 Jobs – Many millions of people earn their income in locations where there is a risk of earthquakes. They
10 are likely to see this as more important on a day-to-day basis than the risk of an earthquake.
11 Earthquake proof buildings – HICs that experience earthquakes increasingly use earthquake-proofing
12 as a strategy to prevent building collapse. As infrastructure improves, safety increases, so people are
13 more likely to stay in the area.
14 Confidence in the government - People may also have confidence in the government to look after
15 them if a quake occurs, e.g. after the Christchurch 2011 quake people were housed in high-quality
16 temporary accommodation.
17 Preparation – In many earthquake zones, people are trained about how to respond if a quake strikes
18 e.g. taking shelter under a table or in a doorway. This can help people to feel confident.
19 Lack of knowledge – Earthquakes are extremely difficult (or impossible) to predict. This makes it hard for
20 experts to gather information about when and where an earthquake will strike. Without information on
21 risk, it makes it hard for people to know whether it is worth leaving an area.
22 Optimism – Natural hazards are actually very infrequent. Most people are likely to think ‘it won’t happen
23 to me’, or have confidence in the technology so they don’t see themselves as being at risk.
24 Poverty – People may not have enough money to move from a hazardous location. For example,
25 people in countries like Nepal or Haiti know that the region is prone to earthquakes (and many other
26 natural hazards), but average earnings are low making the option of migrating unlikely.
29 Tasks
30 1. Study Figure 1 below. What do you notice about the location of cities and tectonic hazards?
31 2. Draw a mind map and add your own reasons to why people live near tectonic areas
47 3. Describe why people live in earthquake-prone regions
1 4. Categorise the reasons why people live with hazard risk. Study the table below, write numbers 1-15
2 in your margin, copy the statement and code each as a reason why people continue to live in
3 earthquake-prone regions (EQ) or volcanic regions (Vol), or both.
1. Geothermal energy 6. Location 11. Lack of knowledge
2. Family, friends and feelings 7. Poverty 12. Farming

3. Jobs 8. Hazard infrequency 13. Accurate monitoring

4. Earthquake proof buildings 9. Optimism 14. Strong evacuation plan in place

5. Tourism 10. Mining 15. Confidence in government

6 Exam practice
7 1. What evidence is there in
8 photo A that people are
9 making use of the land close
10 to Mount Merapi? (2)
23 2. Describe three ways in which tectonic activity brings benefits to people (3)
26 3. Using figure A, explain how people in Iceland benefit from tectonic activity? (4)

1 L14 - Hazard risk management

2 Learning Objectives:
3 1. to describe the different methods used to reduce the risk from tectonic hazards.
4 2. To explain why some methods of management are used in some locations and not others.
5 Do now:
6 1. State two reasons why people live near volcanoes.
7 2. State one economic reason why people live in earthquake prone areas
8 3. What type of energy does Iceland produce naturally?
9 4. Describe the connection between the location of cities and earthquake/ volcano zones
10 5. Which type of country suffers greatest economic costs: HIC or LIC?
11 6. What is the inner core made up of?
12 7. Name the plate margin where two plates slide past each other
13 8. State one characteristic of a composite volcano
14 9. State one characteristic of a shield volcano
15 10. Describe the difference between the oceanic and continental crust.
17 How can the risk from tectonic hazards be reduced?
18 We cannot do anything to prevent tectonic hazards so we must manage them.
19 Key terms:
20 Management - means dealing with a challenge.
21 Risk – likelihood of an event such as an earthquake occurring.
23 • Tectonic hazard management can reduce the impacts of tectonic hazards on people and
24 property.
25 • There are several ways that tectonic hazards can be managed, and they all have their advantages
26 and disadvantages.
28 There are four main management strategies for reducing the risk from tectonic hazards
29 1. Monitoring - using scientific equipment to detect warning signs of events such as a volcanic
30 eruption.
31 2. Prediction - using historical evidence and monitoring, scientists can make predictions about when
32 and where a tectonic hazard may happen.
33 3. Protection - designing buildings that will withstand tectonic hazards
34 4. Planning - identifying and avoiding places most at risk.
36 They all aim to reduce the damage that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions cause to people and
37 property.
39 Can the risks of earthquakes be reduced?
40 Monitoring and prediction
41 It is possible to predict the general locations where earthquakes are most likely to happen, as they
42 occur along plate margins. However, it is extremely difficult to predict their time, date and exact
43 location. The following show some ways that technology is used to try to monitor and predict tectonic
44 hazards:
45 • Seismologists use radon detection devices to measure radon gas in the soil and groundwater, which
46 escapes from cracks in the Earth’s surface.
47 • Sensitive seismometers are used to measure tremors or foreshocks before the main earthquakes.
48 • Earthquake locations and their times are mapped to spot patterns and predict when the next
49 earthquake will occur.
50 • Smart phones have GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers and accelerators built in. They can
51 detect movements in the ground, which are analysed to potentially warn others further away.

1 • Animals are believed to act strangely when an earthquake
2 is impending.
4 Protection
5 Buildings made of brick or buildings with no reinforcement
6 collapse more easily during an earthquake. Designing buildings
7 and strengthening roads and bridges to withstand earthquakes
8 provides protection, this is also called mitigation. Unfortunately,
9 earthquake-resistant buildings and infrastructure are extremely
10 expensive, so it is usually not possible to adapt existing
11 buildings. The aim of earthquake-resistant buildings is to ensure
12 that people are not injured or killed – so although this might be
13 achieved, the building may still need to be repaired or even
14 rebuilt.
16 Planning
17 Planning and preparing what to do during and after an
18 earthquake helps the authorities, emergency services and
19 individuals to act quickly and calmly, so there is less chaos and fewer injuries and deaths:
20 • Furniture and objects can be fastened down, so they are secure from toppling over.
21 • Residents can learn how to turn off the main gas, electricity and water supplies to their properties.
22 • Preparing emergency aid supplies, how they would be distributed and where evacuation centres
23 will be saves lives, as food, water, medicine and shelter are accessed faster.
24 • On 1 September each year, the Japanese practise earthquake drills on a national training day. This
25 marks the anniversary of the Tokyo earthquake in 1923, which killed 156,000 people.
26 The American Red Cross provides an earthquake safety checklist to help people plan and prepare for
27 earthquakes
29 Can the risks of volcanic eruptions be reduced?
30 Monitoring and prediction
31 It is easier to predict volcanic eruptions than earthquakes. Volcanoes usually give advance warning
32 signals that they are going to erupt. However, the exact time and day of the eruption is still difficult to
33 predict. Modern hi-tech equipment is used, some of which is located on the volcano itself. Scientists
34 monitor volcanoes in the following way:
35 • Satellites (GPS) and tiltmeters monitor ground deformation (changes in of the volcano’s surface).
36 • Seismometers measure small earthquakes and tremors.
37 • Thermal heat sensors detect changes in the temperature of the volcano’s surface.
38 • Gas-trapping bottles and satellites measure radon and sulphur gases released.
39 • Scientists measure the temperature of water in streams and rivers to see if it has increased.
41 Protection
42 Protecting against a volcanic eruption is extremely difficult. Buildings cannot be designed to withstand
43 the lava flows, lahars or weight of debris and ash falling on roofs, especially if this mixes with water.
44 Therefore, people need to evacuate their homes to a safe location under the instruction of the
45 authorities. However, it is possible to use earth embankments or explosives to divert lava flows away
46 from property. This has been done on the slopes of Mount Etna in Italy.
48 Planning
49 An evacuation plan is one of the most effective methods of protection against an eruption. Authorities
50 and emergency services need to prepare emergency shelter, food supplies and form evacuation
51 strategies. Exclusion zones can be designated so that no one is allowed to enter where people are
52 considered vulnerable and in danger. Additionally, residents can be educated about preventing
53 unnecessary injury and loss of life. They can practise advice to cover their eyes, nose and mouth to
54 prevent being irritated by gas fumes. If residents are not evacuated, they are taught to seek shelter or
55 go indoors to avoid the dangers of falling ash and rock.
1 Tasks:
2 1. Define management.
3 2. Name the four management strategies used to reduce the risk of natural hazards.
4 3. Read the information on ‘Can the risks of earthquakes be reduced?’ and complete the following
5 questions in full sentences
6 a) Describe one way geologist can monitor earthquake activity.
7 b) Name one way people can help to reduce the risk of death and injury in an earthquake.
8 c) Explain how buildings can be made safer to withstand earthquake.
9 Stretch: suggest why earthquake resistant buildings are the best way to manage earthquake hazards
11 4. Read the information on ‘can the risk of volcanic eruptions be reduced?’ and complete the
12 following questions in full sentences
13 a) Name one piece of equipment used to monitor volcanic activity.
14 b) State two warning signs that may give indication a volcano may erupt.
15 c) Describe how planning is used to reduce the risk of damage from volcanic eruptions.
16 Stretch: assess which method of management is the most effective.
19 Exam practice
20 1. State the four tectonic hazard management strategies (1)
21 2. Describe how geologist monitor volcanic activity (3)
22 3. Explain one way buildings can be made safer to withstand earthquakes and prevent deaths/
23 injuries. (3)
24 4. ’Earthquakes don’t kill people, buildings do.’ use evidence to support this statement (4)


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