The electronic reservation slip summarizes a train booking from Kanpur Central to Meerut City on July 6th, 2023. The passenger Suhail Khan is booked to travel on the Sangam Express leaving Kanpur at 9:20pm and arriving in Meerut at 6:25am the next day. The total fare for the sleeper class ticket is Rs. 310.21 which includes the ticket fare, convenience fee, insurance, and service charges. The document provides details of the booking, train, passenger, and payment.
The electronic reservation slip summarizes a train booking from Kanpur Central to Meerut City on July 6th, 2023. The passenger Suhail Khan is booked to travel on the Sangam Express leaving Kanpur at 9:20pm and arriving in Meerut at 6:25am the next day. The total fare for the sleeper class ticket is Rs. 310.21 which includes the ticket fare, convenience fee, insurance, and service charges. The document provides details of the booking, train, passenger, and payment.
The electronic reservation slip summarizes a train booking from Kanpur Central to Meerut City on July 6th, 2023. The passenger Suhail Khan is booked to travel on the Sangam Express leaving Kanpur at 9:20pm and arriving in Meerut at 6:25am the next day. The total fare for the sleeper class ticket is Rs. 310.21 which includes the ticket fare, convenience fee, insurance, and service charges. The document provides details of the booking, train, passenger, and payment.
The electronic reservation slip summarizes a train booking from Kanpur Central to Meerut City on July 6th, 2023. The passenger Suhail Khan is booked to travel on the Sangam Express leaving Kanpur at 9:20pm and arriving in Meerut at 6:25am the next day. The total fare for the sleeper class ticket is Rs. 310.21 which includes the ticket fare, convenience fee, insurance, and service charges. The document provides details of the booking, train, passenger, and payment.
Start Date* 06-Jul-2023 Departure* 21:20 06-Jul-2023 Arrival* 06:25 07-Jul-2023 PNR Train No./Name Class 2164076515 14163 / SANGAM EXPRESS SLEEPER CLASS (SL) Quota Distance Booking Date GENERAL (GN) 444 KM 06-Jul-2023 11:35:34 HRS Passenger Details # Name Age Gender Booking Status Current Status 1. SUHAIL KHAN 60 M CNF/S4/4/LOWER CNF /S4/4/LOWER Acronyms: RLWL: REMOTE LOCATION WAITLIST PQWL: POOLED QUOTA WAITLIST RSWL: ROAD-SIDE WAITLIST
Transaction ID: 100004286163458
IR recovers only 57% of cost of travel on an average. Payment Details Ticket Fare ₹ 270.00 IRCTC Convenience Fee (Incl. of GST) ₹ 17.70 Travel Insurance Premium (Incl. of GST) ₹ 0.35 Travel Agent Service Charge ₹ 20.00 PG Charges ₹ 2.16 Total Fare (all inclusive) ₹ 310.21
PG Charges as applicable (Additional)
IRCTC Convenience Fee & Agent Service Charges are charged per e-ticket irrespective of no. of passengers on the ticket. * The printed Departure and Arrival Times are liable to change. Please Check correct departure, arrival from Railway Station Enquiry or Dial 139 or SMS RAIL to 139. AGENT DETAILS Principal Agent Name: AASTHA TRAVELS Customer care Email: Customer Care Contact: 9058782000 RSP Id: RSP Name: VIVEK KUMAR shop 12 noor mahal building hapur chungi shastri nagar meerut, Shastri Nagar S.O (Meerut), UTTAR RSP Address: PRADESH - 250004 Prescribed original ID proof is required while travelling along with SMS/ VRM/ ERS otherwise will be treated as without ticket and penalized as per Railway Rules.
Indian Railways GST Details:
Invoice Number: PS23216407651511 Address: Indian Railways New Delhi Supplier Information: SAC Code: 996421 GSTIN: 07AAAGM0289C1ZL Recipient Information: GSTIN: NA Name: NA Address: Taxable Value: 268 CGST Rate: 2.5% CGST Amount: 0.0