Amidst The New Normal: Teachers' Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude Towards The Implementation of Flexible Teaching and Learning
Amidst The New Normal: Teachers' Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude Towards The Implementation of Flexible Teaching and Learning
Amidst The New Normal: Teachers' Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude Towards The Implementation of Flexible Teaching and Learning
Amidst the New Normal: Teachers’ Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude Towards the
Implementation of Flexible Teaching and Learning
Reishan P. Teruel*, Darius E. Montaño, Ritzie Mar B. Apaitan, Ruel F. Java
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This quantitative descriptive-correlational research aimed to describe teachers’ knowledge, skills, and attitude of the
Junior High School department at Lemery National High School (LNHS) on the implementation of flexible
teaching and learning. The dependent variable are teachers’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The independent
variables are the personal factors namely: age, civil status, number of years in the teaching profession, and
educational attainment. The study utilized the forty- three (43) in-service junior high school teachers of LNHS using
a researcher-made questionnaire. Based on the statistical findings of the study, the implementation of flexible
teaching and learning, the level of teachers’ knowledge when taken as a whole is “Above Average” (M= 4.18).
When grouped according to age, teachers who are 40 years old and above have a “High” result (M=4.22) as
compared with those teachers belonging to 20 to 39 years old. When grouped according to sex, male respondents
showed a “High” result (M=4.22) as compared with female respondents. When grouped according to number of
years in the teaching profession, whether coming from below 10 years and above 10 years, both categories showed
an “Above Average” result (M= 4.20 and M=4.15). Finally, when grouped according to position/rank, Master
Teachers showed a “High” result (M=4.50). When taken as a whole and when grouped according to age, sex,
number of years in the teaching profession, and positions/rank, the level teachers’ skills are “Very Good” (M=3.90).
In the implementation of flexible teaching and learning, the level of teacher’s attitude is “Positive” when taken as a
whole and when grouped according to age, sex, number of years in the teaching profession, and position/rank. There
is no significant difference in the level of teachers’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes as a whole and when classified
according to age, sex, number of years in the teaching, and position/rank towards the implementation of flexible
teaching and learning. Finally, there is a significant relationship in the level of teachers’ knowledge, skills, and
attitudes in the implementation of flexible teaching and learning.
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Research Design
profession. Finally, when grouped according
This study utilized a descriptive-correlational research position/rank, 41.9% are Teacher I, 32.6% are Teacher
design. It was use to describe the knowledge, skills, II, 16.3% are Teacher III, and 9.3 are Master
and attitude of junior high school teachers at Lemery Teachers.
National High School (LNHS) on flexible teaching
and learning. Descriptive using survey research Table 1. Distribution of Respondents Categorized
involves collecting data to test hypotheses or to answer According to Different Variables
questions about people’s opinions on some topic or
issue. A survey is an instrument to collect data that
describe one or more characteristics of a specific
population (Gay, et. al., 2012). Sometimes educators
conduct descriptive research to obtain information to
learn more about people’s attitudes, opinions,
demographics (e.g., gender, age), beliefs, and
behaviors. Using a survey or the survey method as a
means to collect data about people is common in
descriptive research (Johnson & Christen, 2004).
Correlational research involves collecting data to
determine whether, and to what degree, a relationship
exists between two or more quantifiable variables
(Gay, et. al. 2012). A correlational study describes the
degree to which two or more quantitative variables are
related, and it does so by using a correlation
coefficient (Fraenkel, et. al., 2012).
The respondents involved in this study were the forty-
three 43 in-service Junior High School teachers at
LNHS chosen randomly using simple random
sampling technique. Simple random sampling is the Research Instrument
process of selecting a sample in such a way that all
individuals in the defined population have an equal The researchers made questionnaire was used to gather
and independent chance of selection for the sample. needed data for this study. The researcher made
The sample for a correlational study is selected by questionnaire was composed of three parts, a cover
using an acceptable sampling method, and a minimally letter stating the title, purpose of the study and consent
acceptable sample size is generally 30 participants from for the respondents to take part in the study. Part
(Gay, et. al. 2012). Table 1 showed the distribution of one, was about the demographic profile of the
subjects when taken as a whole and when grouped as respondents such as sex, length of service, and
to age, sex, number of years in the teaching profession, educational qualification, these variables were selected
and position/rank. When grouped according to age by the researcher as they have important contribution
30.2% of the respondents belonged to the 20 to 29 to the junior high school teachers’ knowledge, skills,
years old age bracket, 30.2% of the respondents and attitude on flexible teaching and learning. Part
belonged to the 20 to 29 years old age bracket; 37.2% two, was the main questionnaire regarding the junior
of the respondents belonged to the 30 to 39 years old high school teachers’ knowledge, skills, and attitude
age bracket; and 32.6% belonged to the 30 to 39 years on flexible teaching and learning. The main
old age bracket. questionnaire was made up of 30 items, 10 items for
each category such as knowledge, skills, and attitude,
When grouped according to sex 20.9% of the and the response were scaled from 1 as the lowest and
respondents were males, while 79.1% of the 5 as the highest. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the
respondents were females. When grouped according
number of years in the teaching profession, 67.4% are
below ten years and below in the teaching profession,
while 32.6% are ten years and above in the teaching
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
questionnaire was encoded in google form and sent it in the study. Received data was tabulated, presented,
through their messenger group chat. analyzed and interpreted using some statistical tool to
present its relationship.
The researcher made questionnaire was subjected to
validity testing by the experts in the field and
reliability testing using the Cronbach alpha. The Results and Discussion
experts that were selected were those who actively
using and involved in flexible teaching and learning.
Level of Teachers’ Knowledge when taken as a
One is currently the Dean of St. Paul’s University
whole and when grouped as to Age, Sex, Number of
College of Education, Dean Caroline Mae G. Gupon,
Years in the Tea c hi n g Pro fe s sio n, and
they are using flexible teaching and learning because
of this pandemic where face-to-face or traditional Po sitio n/Rank
classroom teaching and learning is not allowed. Also,
Ma’am MILA A. NULLA Com Sci Faculty, MIS The level of teachers’ knowledge on flexible teaching
Team of Philippine Science High School Western and learning of the Junior High School was determined
Visayas Campus where she is teaching in the junior using a researcher-made questionnaire.
high school and actively involved in flexible teaching
Table 2 showed the level of teachers’ knowledge when
and learning due to Covid 19 pandemic. And Mam
taken as a whole and when grouped according to age,
Michelle Pendon Master Teacher 1 of Janiuay Pilot
sex, number of years in the teaching profession, and
Elementary School, Janiuay Iloilo, where they have
position/rank. Table 2 showed that when taken as a
Learning Delivery Modalities (LDM) as DepEd
whole, teachers’ knowledge is “Above Average” (M=
adaptation to the Covid 19 pandemic.
4.18) in the implementation of flexible teaching and
learning. This is due to the fact flexibility is beneficial
The questionnaire has undergone reliability testing in a
for it allows educators to respond to the needs of the
Junior High School which has almost the same
learner as well as to their abilities, needs, and interest.
characteristics with Lemery National High School
Flexible teaching and learning were introduced to
(LNHS), and employing the Cronbach’s alpha in the
teachers even before the start of the new normal.
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) in
Therefore, teachers have a more or less sufficient
calculating the internal consistency of the
amount of knowledge of what this is. This is
questionnaire, and it yielded a reliability coefficient of
supported by the fact that stated in an article of
.85 which means it is reliable because it is above the
NETCOM (2021), flexible teaching approach is
rule of thumb at .7 reliability coefficient. Cronbach’s
absolutely essential to learning. It is not only
alpha is the general formula for estimating internal
imperative for students, but also for the one’s sanity.
consistency based on a determination of how all items
on a test relate to all other items and to the total test When grouped according to age, teachers who are 40
(Gay, et. al. 2012). Cronbach’s alpha estimates internal years old and above have a “High” result (M=4.22) as
consistency reliability by determining how all items on compared with those teachers belonging to 20 to 39
a test relate to all other test items and to the total test. years old. Teachers who are in the age bracket of 40
Internal consistency results when all the items or tasks years and above are more involved in planning,
on a test are related, or in other words, are measuring organizing, and conducting latest teaching and
similar things. learning activities. This is because older teachers are
more familiar, conversant, and well-informed in terms
Data Gathering Procedure of educational philosophies because of their extensive
exposure to the schools where they are employed.
The researchers first obtained a letter of permission
from the College Dean, West Visayas State University, When grouped according to sex, male respondents
College of Education to carry out the study. The showed a “High” result (M=4.22) as compared with
researchers also sent letter to the Principal of Lemery female respondents. This is a contradiction to the
National High School Dr. Abe Eraso asking study of Capa & Cil (2007), that states, female
permission to conduct the study at his school. After teachers have a positive attitude towards the teaching
approval and permission from the Office of Principal profession. This positive attitude is correlated with
of Lemery National High School the questionnaire was ones’ knowledge. Therefore, this finding should be
distributed through sending the link of the google form examined thoroughly in future researchers.
in the group chat of the respondents last June 2021.
Automatically the researchers obtained the data needed When grouped according to number of years in the
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
teaching profession, whether coming from below 10 the Teaching Profession, and Position/Rank
years and above 10 years, both categories showed an
“Above Average” result (M= 4.20 and M=4.15). This The data in Table 3 showed the level of teachers’ skills
simply shows that teacher’s knowledge is not at all on flexible teaching and learning. When taken as a
affected by the number of years one has in a particular whole the level teachers’ skills are “Very Good”
school. The fact that an entering teacher is being (M=3.90). This means that teachers’ awareness,
oriented by the school in various areas will contribute understanding, and application of flexible teaching and
to his/her knowledge of the teaching and learning learning is proficient. In general, teachers can easily
process. This will ensure that even the new teachers adapt to the demands of the new normal such as the
are being prepared and re-oriented to understand the use of -learning and utilizing learning modules or
teaching and learning process. learning packets for instruction that increasingly freed
learners from the restrictions of place, time, and pace
When grouped according to position/rank, Master of study. This is supported by the fact as stated by
Teachers showed a “High” result (M=4.50). This Christenbury (2011), because the goal is learning,
finding is supported by the fact that a Master Teacher effective teachers must adjust curriculum, methods,
is someone who has earned a Bachelor’s Degree and and pacing to meet the needs of the students. Good
with 18 units for MA in Education or its equivalent, at teaching skills therefore is putting first the needs of the
least 3 years of experience as Teacher III, have at least students.
25 points in leadership, potential and accomplishments
OR has been demonstrated, and 15 points under When grouped according to age, the highest mean is
leadership, potential and accomplishment (2019 shown in the group of 20 to 29 years old (M=4.12),
DepEd Guidelines for Master Teacher Promotion). while the lowest mean is shown for teachers who are
With these set of criteria, we can assume that indeed a 40 years old and above (M=3.66). This simply means
Master Teacher level is more knowledgeable that, teachers who are in the age bracket of 20 to 29
compared to teacher who belonged to Teacher I years old are more easily to use their skills more
category. effectively in order to carry out the implementation of
flexible teaching and learning as compared with those
Table 2. Level of Teachers’ Knowledge when taken as teachers who are 40 years old and above.
a whole and when grouped as to Age, Sex, Number of
Years in the Teaching Profession, and Position/Rank When grouped according to sex, number of years in
the teaching position and position/rank, the result
showed a “Very Good” result regardless of sex,
number of years in the teaching position, and
position/rank. This means that both male and female
(M=3.96 and M=3.89) respectively, indicated more or
less the same result because teachers should ensure
that they are equipped with the necessary skills so that
flexible teaching and learning will take place
effectively. However, in the study conducted by
Fabito et al. (2021), they concluded that both students
and faculty members were not completely prepared to
undergo full online learning. They emphasized that
some faculty members may have failed to adapt to the
needs of the students in an online learning
environment. Therefore, flexible teaching and
learning entails a lot of trainings and skills.
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
faculty ready to teach online. Downing and Dyment and learning such as the positive perceptions of
(2013) examined teacher educators’ readiness and technology which the new normal demands in the
preparation for as well as their perceptions of education sector. This finding is in consonance with
preparing preservice teachers in a fully online the study of Liew, S. (2007) which discovered that
environment and found that teachers said that online teachers have a very good attitude about using e-
teaching are not time-bounded rather time-consuming. learning as a teaching aid. This positive attitude
therefore, can make the system work effectively.
Finally, the study revealed that for Teacher I, II, III,
and Master Teacher (M=3.94. M=3.83, M=3.64, and When grouped according to age, the same result of
M=3.90) respectively, a “Very Good” result was positive is revealed for the different categories namely:
determined. Teachers’ skills are very necessary in the 20 to 29 years old, 30 to 39 years old, and 40 years and
implementation of flexible teaching and learning, thus above (M=3.64, M=3.74, M=3.74) respectively. This
proficiency in the use of such is imperative. Teaching means that regardless of age bracket, a positive
in a technological environment faces teachers with a attitude will lead to a more effective, efficient, and
wide range of pedagogical, cognitive and ergonomic well-organized teaching, thus making the learning
challenges (Koehler & Mishra, 2009). This means that experience of students focused to absorb information
teachers regardless of rank faces the same challenges with less difficulty. The same finding was also
in the implementation of flexible teaching and revealed in the study of Mahdil, H.S. and Sa’ad Al
learning, thus regular assessment of such is necessary. Dera, A (2013), which stated that majority of the
instructors believe that the teachers’ age has no
Table 3. Level of Teachers’ Skills when taken as a bearing on the integration of ICT language in
whole and when grouped as to Age, Sex, Number of education.
Years in the Teaching Profession, and Position/Rank
When grouped according to sex, males and females
have the same result of “Positive” (M=3.63 and
M=3.73). Teachers’ attitude regardless of sex is
central in the implementation of flexible teaching and
learning.When grouped according number of years in
the teaching profession, the same result of “Positive”
was revealed for both categories below 10 years and
10 years and above (M=3.66 and M=3.81). In the
implementation of flexible teaching and learning,
teachers regardless of number of years in the teaching
profession should have positive attitude to ensure its
effectiveness. According to the study of Kisanga
(2016), teachers’ exposure to computers played a
significant role in constructing positive attitudes
towards e-learning and that the higher the frequency of
familiarity with computer system use, the more
positive the attitude towards e-learning can be
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Table 6. Differences in the Level of Teachers’ Table 7. Relationship in the Levels of Teachers’
Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes in the Implementation of Knowledge, Skills, Attitude of the Junior High School
Flexible Teaching and Learning Grouped According to
age and Position and Rank Department at LNHS
Relationship in the Levels of Teachers’ Knowledge, Based on the results of the investigation, the following
conclusions were formulated: (1) Lemery National
Skills, Attitude of the Junior High School
High School has a promising faculty composition in
Department at LNHS terms of sex, age, professional rank, and number of
years in the teaching profession. The faculty members
To determine the relationship in the levels of teachers’ are tenured and the heft of female faculty members
knowledge, skills, and attitude, the researchers utilized becomes apparent. Although, many of them are
the Pearson product Moment Coefficient pr person r’. classified as Teacher I, the school is assured that all
The data showed that there is a significant relationship members of the teaching force have passed the
in the level of teachers’ knowledge, skills, and minimum requirements of the Department of
attitudes in the implementation of flexible teaching Education, such as, educational qualification, teaching
and learning. This means that teacher’s knowledge, experience, LET/PBET rating, specialized training and
skills, and attitudes are associated in the skills, interview, demonstration teaching, and
implementation of flexible teaching and learning communication skills. These requirements are stated
in D.O No. 7, s. 2015.
making it more operative if the education system
wanted that education will proceed even during the Furthermore, (2) flexible teaching and learning require
pandemic. This finding is support by the fact written a remarkable knowledge from the teachers. Teachers
in an article of The Peak Performance Center (2021), who are 40 years old and above, male, and at the same
typically, most training and educational programs have time Master Teachers are more familiar, conversant,
focused on the development of knowledge and skills, and well-informed in terms of educational
as those are the ones that are most observable and philosophies because of their extensive exposure to the
easiest to measure. Attitudes, on the other hand, are schools where they are employed. Furthermore, the
addressed the least by traditional training and number of years in the teaching profession as a
educational programs because they are the most variable contributed to the determination of the level
difficult for people to develop, and are the hardest to of teachers’ knowledge in the implementation of
measure for results. This simply means that whether flexible teaching and learning. (3) In the
directly or indirectly, these three are linked. Similarly, implementation of flexible teaching and learning,
teachers’ skills are of great importance for it be
knowledge, skills, and attitude when put together form
considered as effective, efficient, and operative. A
a success formula. Any teacher with a remarkable
“very good” result is a manifestation that flexible
blend or combination of all three will surely come out
teaching and learning is carried out very well at
as somebody with intelligence, leadership qualities, Lemery National High School.
and mentoring abilities.
Moreover, (4) Teachers’ attitude plays a vital role in
the implementation of flexible teaching and learning.
A positive attitude will lead to a more effective,
efficient, and well-organized teaching, thus making the
Teruel et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7182770, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Teruel et al.