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* Volkswagen


Official Factory Repair Manual

1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985,
Including Diesel, Syncro and Camper

Robert Bentley
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Information that makes 1734 Massachusetts Avenue
the difference. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
e-mail: sales@rb.com

WARNING-Important Safety Notice

Do not use this manual unless you are familiar with basic automotive repair procedures and safe workshop practices. This manual
illustrates the workshop procedures required for most service work; it is not a substitute for full and up-to-date information from the
vehicle manufacturer or for proper training as an automotive technician. Note that it is not possible for us to anticipate all of the ways
or conditions under which vehicles may be serviced or to provide cautions as to all of the possible hazards that may result.
The vehicle manufacturer will continue to issue service information updates and parts retrofits after the editorial closing of this
manual. Some of these updates and retrofits will apply to procedures and specifications in this manual. We regret that we cannot
supply updates to purchasers of this manual.
We have endeavored to ensure the accuracy of the information in this manual. Please note, however, that considering the vast
quantity and the complexity of the service information inVOlved, we cannot warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information
contained in this manual.
Your common sense and good judgment are crucial to safe and successful service work. Read procedures through before starting
them. Think about whether the condition of your car, your level of mechanical skill, or your level or reading comprehension might
result in or contribute in some way to an occurrence which might cause you injury, damage your car, or result in an unsafe repair.
If you have doubts for these or other reasons about your ability to perform safe repair work on your car, have the work done at an
authorized Volkswagen dealer or other qualified shop.
Part numbers listed in this manual are for identification purposes only, not for ordering. Always check with your authorized
Volkswagen dealer to verify part numbers and availability before beginning service work that may require new parts.
Before attempting any work on your Volkswagen, read the warnings and cautions on pages ix and x and any waming or caution
that accompanies a procedure in the service manual. Review the warnings and cautions on pages ix and x each time you prepare
to work on your Volkswagen.
Special tools required to perform certain service operations are identified in the manual and are recommended for use. Use of tools
other than those recommended in this service manual may be detrimental to the car's safe operation as well as the safety of the
person servicing the car.

Copies of this manual may be purchased from authorized Volkswagen dealers, most automotive accessories and parts dealers
specializing in Volkswagens, from selected booksellers, or directly from the publisher by mail.
The publisher encourages comments from the reader of this manual. These communications have been and will be carefully
considered in the preparation of this and other manuals. Please write to Robert Bentley, Inc. at the address listed on the top of
this page.
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 91-74020
ISBN 0-8376-0336-6
VWoA Part No. LPV 800 148
VWC Inc. Part No. MAN 101 251F
Bentley Stock No. VV91
01 00 99 98 10 9 8 7
The paper used in this publication is acid free and meets the requirements of the National Standard for Information Sciences-
Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials. (3
© Copyright 1991 Volkswagen United States, Inc.
Editorial closing July 15, 1991
All rights reserved. All information contained in this manual is based on the information available to the publisher at the time of
editorial closing. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher. This includes text, figures, and tables. All rights reserved under
Berne and Pan-American Copyright conventions.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Foreword ...........•..................•...••.......• viii
Wamings and Cautions ...........•••.........••....... ix, x

TypelModelldentification ............................................................. . page 2

VIN, Engine No ........................................................................... . page 2
General Transmission No., manual ............................................................
Transmission No., automatic ...................................................... ..
page 3
page 4
Lifting car with floor jacklhoist ...................................................... page 6
Towing Car .................................................................................. . page 5

Repair Groups
Engine-Assembly ....................................................................... 10
Crankshaft/Crankcase ................................................... 13
Cylinder HeadsNalve Drive ......................................... .. 15
Lubrication System ....................................................... . 17
Cooling System ............................................................ . 19
Engine Fuel Supply ..................................................................................
Fuel Injection-Diesel System ................................................... ..
Fuellnjection-AFC System ........................................................ 24
Fuellnjection-Water-cooled ....................................................... 24
Exhaust System/Emission Controls ............................................. 26
Electrical-Battery, Starter, Altemator ....................................... .. 27
Ignition System ............................................................................ . 28

Clutch, Controls ............................................................................ 30

Clutch Torque Converter ..........................................................................
Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly ............................... ..
Transmission Case, Gears, Shafts .............................. .
Automatic Transmission-COntrols, Assembly ........................... .. 37
Case, Gears, Shafts ......................... .. 38
Differential .................................................................................... 39

Suspension Front Wheel SuspenSion-Shafts and Axle ................................ .

Rear Wheel Suspension-Shafts and Axle ................................ .
Brakes Wheels, Tires, Wheel Alignment ................................................ ..
Brakes-Mechanical Components ...............................................
Hydraulic Components, Regulator, Booster .................. 47
Steering Steering ........................................................................................ 48

Body Dimensions ........................................................................ 50

Hoods/Lids .................................................................................... 55
Doors- Front ............................................................................... 57
Sunroof .. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 60
Tarpaulin ...................................................................................... 61
Bumpers ...................................................................................... 63
Glass. Window Regulators .......................................................... 64
Body Body Accessories, Exterior .........................................................
Seat Belt System ............................................." ........................ ..
Heater Trim-Interior ...............................................................................
Seats ............................................................................................
Body-Seat Upholstery ............................................................... 74
Camper-Interior Panels, Roof .................................................... 75
Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator ........................... .. 76
Seats, Beds ................................................................. 77
HeaterNentiiation ......................................................................... 80
Heater Booster ............................................................................ 82
Air Conditioner ............................................................................. 87

Instruments, Radio ....................................................................... 90

Windshield Wiper and Washer ................................................... .. 92
Electrical Lights-Exterior ........................................................................... 94
Wiring ........................................................................................... 97

Appendix Vehicle Care ••................•.•........•.....•.....• 1

Do-it-yourself Service .................................. 20
Technical Data ....................................... 26
Maintenance Tables ................................... 28

Service to Volkswagen owners is a top priority of Volkswagen organization and has

always included the continuing development and introduction of new and expanded servic-
es. In line with this purpose, Volkswagen United States, Inc. has introduced this Volkswagen
Official Factory Repair Manual.

This Vanagon manual covers the model years 1980 through 1991 including Air-cooled
and Water-cooled Gasoline Engines, Diesel Engine, Syncro and Camper. This manual was
specifically written to cover U.S. and Canada models only.

For the Volkswagen owner with basic mechanical skills and for independent garages,
this manual gives all the specifications and procedures that were available in an authorized
Volkswagen service department as this manual went to press. In addition, the Volkswagen
owner who has no intention of working on his or her vehicle may find that reading and own-
ing this manual will make it possible to be better informed and to discuss repairs more intel-
ligently with a professional automotive technician.

This manual has been prepared from the repair information that the Volkswagen orga-
nization provides to its own factory-trained technicians and has been developed primarily
with the professional automotive technician in mind. The aim throughout has been clarity
and completeness with step-by-step procedures and accurate specifications.

The Volkswagen owner intending to do maintenance and repair should have a set of
metric wrenches and sockets, a torque wrench, screwdrivers, and feeler gauges, since
these basic hand tools will be used for a majority of the repairs described in this manual.
Usually, the text will note when a repair requires special tools.

This manual is organized so that, whenever possible, when a change has been made
within a model year, the vehicle identification number (VIN) of the first vehicle with this
change is given. The digits you need to know for this parts and service information are taken
from the seventeen digit VIN number. If, for example the VIN is WVWZZZ24Z8H000001,
you will need only nine of the last eleven digits of this number-or, more specifically, the dig-
its 24 8 000001. Your Volkswagen's VIN is found on the left doorjamb and on a plate mount-
ed on the driver's side of the instrument panel padding where the number can be seen
through the windshield. The VINs assigned to Vanagon models for the years 1980 through
1991 which are covered by this manual are:

1980: ______ 25_A_000001 to ______ 25_A_999999

1981 : ______ 25_B_000001 to ______ 25_B_999999
1982: ______ 25_C_000001 to ______ 25_C_999999
1983: ______ 25_0_000001 to ______ 25_0_999999
1984: ______ 25_E_000001 to _____25_E_999999
1985: ______ 24_F_000001 to ______ 24_F_999999
______ 25_F_000001 to ______ 25_F_999999
1986: ______ 24_G_000001 to ______ 24_G_999999
______ 25_G_000001 to ______ 25_G_999999
1987: ______ 24_H_000001 to ______ 24_H_999999
______ 25_H_000001 to ______ 25_H_999999
1988: ______ 24_J_000001 to ______ 24_J_999999
______ 25_J_000001 to ______ 25_J_999999
1989: ______ 24_K_000001 to ______ 24_K_999999
______ 25_K_OO0001 to ______ 25_K_999999
1990: ______ 24_L_000001 to ______
______ 25_L_000001 to ______ 25_L_999999
1991 : ______ 24_M_000001 to ______ 24_M_999999
______ 25_M_000001 to ______ 25_M_999999

We have endeavored to ensure the highest degree of accuracy possible. When the
vast array of data presented in this manual is taken into account, however, no claim to infal-
libility can be made. We therefore cannot be responsible for the res uk of any errors that may
have crept into the text. The Publisher encourages comments from the readers of this man-
ual in regard to any errors and, also, suggestions for improvement in the presentation of the
technical material. These communications have been and will be carefully considered in the
preparation ofthis and other manuals. Please write to Robert Bentley, Inc., Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts 02138.

Volkswagen offers extensive warranties, especially on components of the fuel delivery

and emission control systems. Therefore,before deciding to repair a Volkswagen that may
still be covered wholly or in part by any warranties issued by Volkswagen United States, Inc.,
consult your authorized Volkswagen dealer. You may find that he can make the repair either
free or at minimum cost. Regardless of its age, or whether it is under wCilrranty, your Volkswa-
gen is both an easy vehicle to service and an easy vehicle to get serviced. So if at any time
a repair is needed that you feel is too difficult to do yourself, a trained Volkswagen technician
is ready to do the job for you.

Robert Bentley
Please read these warnings and cautions
before proceeding with maintenance and repair work.


• Some repairs may be beyond your capability. If you lack the • Friction materials such as brake or clutch discs may contain
skills, tools and equipment, or a suitable workplace for any proce- asbestos fibers. Do not create dust by grinding, sanding, or by
dure described in this manual, we suggest you leave such repairs cleaning with compressed air. Avoid breathing asbestos fibers and
to an authorized Volkswagen dealer service department, or other asbestos dust. Breathing asbestos can cause serious diseases
qualified shop. such as asbestosis or cancer, and may result in death.

• Volkswagen is constantly improving its cars. Sometimes these • Disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal (Ground strap)
changes, both in parts and specifications, are made applicable to whenever you work on the fuel system or the electrical system. Do
ear1ier models. Therefore, before starting any major jobs or repairs not smoke or work near heaters or other fire hazards. Keep an
to components on which passenger safety may depend, consult approved fire extinguisher handy.
your authorized Volkswagen dealer about Technical Bulletins that
may have been issued since the editorial closing of this manual. • Batteries give off explosive hydrogen gas during charging.
Keep sparks, lighted matches and open flame away from the top
• Do not re-use any fasteners that are wom or deformed in normal of the battery. If hydrogen gas escaping from the cap vents is
use. Many fasteners are designed to be used only once and ignited, it will ignite gas trapped in the cells and cause the battery
become unreliable and may fail when used a second time. This to explode.
includes, but is not limited to, nuts, boits, washers, self-locking
nuts or bolts, circlips and cotter pins. Always replace these fasten- • Connect and disconnect battery cables, jumper cables or a bat-
ers with new parts. tery charger only with the ignition switched off, to prevent sparks.
Do not disconnect the battery while the engine is running.
• Never work under a lifted car unless it is solidly supported on
stands designed for the purpose. Do not support a car on cinder • Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for longer
blocks, hollow tiles or other props that may crumble under contin- than one minute. Wait at least one minute before boosting the bat-
uous load. Never work under a car that is supported Solely by a tery a second time.
jack. Never work under the car while the engine is running.
• Do not allow battery charging voltage to exceed 16.5volts. If the
• If you are going to work under a car on the ground, make sure battery begins producing gas or boiling violently, reduce the charg-
that the ground is level. Block the wheels to keep the car from roil- ing rate. Boosting a sulfated battery at a high charging rate can
ing. Disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal (Ground strap) to cause an explosion.
prevent others from starting the car while you are under it.
• The air-conditioning system is filled with chemical refrigerant,
• Never run the engine unless the work area is well ventilated. which is hazardous. The AlC system should be serviced only by
Carbon monoxide kills. trained technicians using approved refrigerant recovery/recycling
eqUipment, trained in related safety precautions, and familiar with
• Finger rings, bracelets and other jewelry should be removed so regulations governing the discharging and disposal of automotive
that they cannot cause electrical shorts, get caught in running chemical refrigerants.
machinery, or be crushed by heavy parts.
• Do not expose any part of the AlC system to high temperatures
• lie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a necktie, a scarf, such as open flame. Excessive heat will increase system pressure
loose clothing, or a necklace when you work near machine tools or and may cause the system to burst.
running engines. If your hair, clothing, or jewelry were to get
caught in the machinery, severe injury could result. • Some aerosol tire inflators are highly flammable. Be extremely
cautious when repairing a tire that may have been inflated using
• Do not attempt to work on your car if you do not feel well. You an aerosol tire inflator. Keep sparks, open flame or other sources
increase the danger of injury to yourself and others if you are of ignition away from the tire repair area. Inflate and deflate the tire
tired, upset or have taken medication or any other substance that at least four times before breaking the bead from the rim. Com-
may keep you from being fully alert. pletely remove the tire from the rim before attempting any repair.

• Illuminate your work area adequately but safely. Use a portable • Some cars covered by this manual are equipped with a supple-
safety light for working inside or under the car. Make sure the bulb mental restraint system (SRS), that automatically deploys an
is enclosed by a wire cage. The hot filament of an accidentally bro- airbag in the event of a frontal impact. The airbag is inflated by an
ken bulb can ignite spilled fuel or oil. explosive device. Handled improperly or without adequate safe-
guards, it can be accidently activated and cause serious injury.
• Catch draining fuel, oil, or brake fluid in suitable containers. Do
not use food or beverage containers that might mislead someone • Greases, lubricants and other automotive chemicals contain toxic
into drinking from them. Store flammable fluids away from fire haz- substances, many of which are absorbed directly through the skin.
ards. Wipe up spills at once, but do not store the oily rags, which Read manufacturer's instructions and warnings carefully. Use hand
can ignite and burn spontaneously. and eye protection. Avoid direct skin contact.

• Always observe good workshop practices. Wear goggles when

you operate machine tools or work with battery acid. Gloves or continued on next page
other protective clothing should be worn whenever the job requires
working with harmful substances.

Please read these warnings and cautions
before proceeding with maintenance and repair work.

• If you lack the skills, tools and equipment, or a suitable work- • Be mindful of the environment and ecology. Before you drain the
shop for any procedure described in this manual, we suggest you crankcase, find out the proper way to dispose of the oil. Do not
leave such repairs to an authorized Volkswagen dealer or other pour oil onto the ground, down a drain, or into a stream, pond or
qualified shop. lake. ConsuH local ordinances that govem the disposal of wastes.

• Volkswagen offers extensive warranties, especially on compo- • On cars equipped with anti-theft radios, make sure you know
nents of fuel delivery and emission control systems. Therefore, the correct radio activation code before disconnecting the battery
before deciding to repair a Volkswagen that may still be covered or removing the radio. If the wrong code is entered into the radio
wholly or in part by any warranties issued by Volkswagen United when power is restored, that radio may lock up and be rendered
States, Inc., consult your authorized Volkswagen dealer. You may inoperable, even if the correct code is then entered.
find that he can make the repair for free, or at minimal cost.
• Connect and disconnect a battery charger only with the battery
• Volkswagen part numbers listed in this manual are for identifica- charger switched off.
tion purposes only, not for ordering. Always check with your
authorized Volkswagen dealer to verify part numbers and avail- • Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for longer
ability before beginning service work that may require new parts. than one minute. Wait at least one minute before boosting the bat-
tery a second time.
• Before starting a job, make certain that you have all the neces-
sary tools and parts on hand. Read all the instructions thoroughly, • Sealed or "maintenance free" batteries should be slow-charged
do not attempt shortcuts. Use tools appropriate to the work and only, at an amperage rate that is approximately 10% of the bat-
use only replacement parts meeting Volkswagen specifications. tery's ampere-hour (Ah) rating.
Makeshift tools, parts and procedures will not make good repairs.
• Do not allow battery charging voltage to exceed 16.5 voHs. If the
• Use pneumatic and electric tools only to loosen threaded parts battery begins producing gas or boiling violently, reduce the charg-
and fasteners. Never use these tools to tighten fasteners, espe- ing rate. Boosting a sulfated battery at a high charging rate can
cially on light alloy parts. Always use a torque wrench to tighten cause an explosion.
fasteners to the tightening torque specification listed.

Battery (Cont'd) Bumpers
WARNING- - Electrolyte level 27.4 - Front bumper/spoiler 63.2
• Automotive service and repair is serious - Filler caps 27.7 - Rear bumper 63.3
business. You must be alert, use common - Location(s) 27.8
sense, and exercise good judgement to
- Nomenclature 27.2 Camper Equipment
prevent persona/Injury and complete the
- Safety precautions 27.4 - Ceiling cabinet
KO/k safely.
- Troubleshooting 27.10 with AlC, installing 76.9
• Before beginning any work on your with AlC, removing 76.7
Volkswagen, thoroughly read all the Body without AlC, removing/installing 76.6
cautions and warnings listed near the - Acid rain, removing spots 50.6 - Clothes closet
fIOnt of this manual. - Adhesives materials 50.5 installing 76.11, 76.14
• Always read the complete procedure - Body Dimensions removing 76.9, 76.11
before you begin the work. Pay special door 50.4 -Curtains
attention to any Cautions and Warnings floor 50.2 removing/installing 76.3
that accompany that procedure, or other windshield 50.4 - Curtain rail w/fresh air duct
Information on a specific topic. -Painting installing 76.6
pop-up rooflluggage carrier 50.5 removing 76.5
Air Conditioner - Plastics, identifying 50.5 - Propane tank
- Adapter valve VAG 1637 repairing 50.5 removing/installing 76.23
installing 87.15 - Refrigerator
- Air distribution system Brakes-Hydraulic Components, air supply modification 76.25
components 87.9 Regulator. Booster installing 76.25
-Component locations 87.2 - Brake booster assembly 47.10 removing 76.24
-Compressor (Sanden SD510) checking 47.10 - Sink cabinet
replacing 87.16 - Brake caliper installing 76.23
- Evaporator Girling (1980-1985) assembly 47.5 removing 76.15
removing/installing 87.14 GirlingJTeves (1980-1985) - Storage chest w/water tank
- Evaporator housing disassembling/assembling 47.6 installing 76.17
disassembling/assembling 87.12 GirlingJTeves (from 1986) removing 76.15
removing 87.1 0 assembly 47.7a - Storage shelf
- Expansion valve Teves (1980-1985) assembly 47.4 removing/installing 76.2
removing/installing 87.14 Teves (1980-1985), noise w/curtain rod
- Fuses, locations 87.4 dampening plates 47.7 removing/installing 76.4
- Refrigerant system Brake fluid, changing - Water faucet w/pump switch
capacity 87.7 with US 111647.8 removing/installing 76.20
cautions and warnings 87.7 without US 1116 47.8a - Water level sensor
controls 87.6 Brake hydraulic system removing/installing 76.20
discharging 87.8 general repair notes 47.8 - Water pump/kitchen
- Relays, locations 87.5 - Brake master cylinder removing/installing 76.18
assembly 47.2
Alignment Brake pressure regulator Clutch
-See Wheels checking 47.8a - Bearing shaft bushing
- Brake system, bleeding Syncro 30.9
Alternator with US 111647.8 - Brake/Clutch fluid
- Alternator/Regulator without US 1116 47.8a reservoir 30.3
checking 27.18 - Check valve Clutch assembly
- Heater blower fan checking 47.10 diesel 30.5
removing/replacing 27.22 - Rear wheel cylinder assembly 47.8 gasoline 30.4
-Indicator light, troubleshooting 27.23 Syncro 30.10
- Mount, adjusting 27.22 Brakes-Mechanical Components Controls 30.2
- Removing/Installing 27.15 Brake pedaVlInkage Syncro 30.8
-Repairing assembly 46.10 - Diaphragm spring 30.6
45A, 65A 27.16 - Front brake Syncro 30.11
90A27.17 assembly (1980-1985) 46.2 - Hydraulic system 30.2
- System layout 27.19 assembly (from 1986 m.y.) 46.5 Syncro 30.8
-V-belt pads (1980-1985) - Pressure plate 30.6
adjusting 27.21 removingJinstalling 46.3 air-cooled modification 30.6
replacing 27.21 pads (from 1986 m.y.) Syncro 30.11
- Voltage regulator 27.20 removing/installing 46.5a Release bearing 30.7a
- Parking brake assembly 46.11 air-cooled only 30.7
Battery -Rear brake - Release shaft bushing 30.3
-Charging 27.5 assembly 46.6 Syncro 30.9
-Checking 27.4 shoes, adjusting 46.9 - Roll pin 30.3
shoes, removingJinstalling 46.7

Cooling System-Air-cooled AFC Differential-Automatic Trans. (cont'd) Do-it-yourself Service
- Cooling air control flap - Ring gear/pinion (Appendix) (cont'd)
adjusting 19.3 adjusting 39.57 - Jack and tools A20
-Cooling fan backlash 39.61 - Replacing bulbs A23
removing 19.3 - Torque converter oil seal 39.51 - Spare wheel A20
- Fan housing assembly 19.2
removing 19.3 Differential-Manual Trans. Doors-Front
- Snap-lock wiring connectors 091, 091/1, 4-Speed -Adjusting 57.5
installing 19.19 094 S-Speed (except 4WD) -Assembly 57.2
- Thermostat - Assembly 39.2 -Glass 57.4
checking 19.3 - Bearings 39.3 -Guide channel 57.5
-V-belt - Housing 39.3 -Handles 57.3
assembly 19.2 - Pinion, adjusting 39.10 - Lock/Lock rod 57.3
tension, adjusting 19.3 - Pinion/Side gears 39.6 - LostlBroken keys
- Ring gear 39.3 code location 57.8
Cooling System-Diesel adjusting 39.12 - Power door locks 57.6
- Antifreeze hydrometer backlash 39.13 - Whistling noises
checking 19.7 - Ring/Pinion gears eliminating 57.10
- Coolant assembly 19.4 adjusting 39.7 - Window regulator 57.4
draining/filling 19.6 -Shim S339.11
mixture ratio 19.5 Doors-Rear
pipes, replacing 19.7a Differential-Manual Trans. - Center hinge
- Snap-lock wiring connectors 094 S-Speed with 4WD adjusting 58.9
installing 19.19 - Differential with lock assembly 58.8
- Pressure cap, checking 19.7 assembly 39.20 removingJinstalling 58.9
bearing outer race 39.24 - Sliding door 1980-1984
Cooling System-Water-cooled bearings 39.21 bowden cables, adjusting 58.7
- Antifreeze hydrometer housing 39.21 door cover 58.3
checking 19.17 pinion shafts 39.22 door handle inner/outer 58.3
- Coolant assembly 19.8, 19.11, 19.14 ring gear 39.20 door lock buffer 58.3
draining/filling 19.15 "'- Differential without lock lock, front 58.2
expansion tank, checking 19.18 assembly 39.15 lock, rear 58.6
hose layout 19.10 bearing outer race 39.19 lock plate, remote control 58.6
leak checks 19.17 bearings 39.16 lubricating 58.7
mixture ratio 19.18 housing 39.16 removing/installing 58.4
refill tank 19.9, 19.13 pinion shafts 39.17 striker plate, adjusting 58.5
- Hose spring clamps ring gear 39.15 - Sliding door, from 1985
removing/installing 19.16 - Driveshaft flange oil seal 39.44 assembly 58.10
- Hot footwell kit, installing 19.20 removing/installing 39.43 central lock 58.20
- Radiator assembly 19.12 - Front final drive 39.30 door cover 58.11
thermo-switch 19.12 adjusting rings 39.32 handle 58.22
axle flange 39.32 hinge link, adjusting 58.16
Cruise Control circlip 39.33 hinge link, assembly 58.21
- System, repairing 27.25 housing 39.34 modifications 58.11
- Troubleshooting 27.29 mounting 39.32 remote control lock 58.18
technical data 39.42 removing/installing 58.12
Current Flow Diagrams - Front pinion 39.39 roller guides, adjusting 58.14
- See Electrical Wiring bearing 39.40 striker pin, adjusting 58.15
grooved nut 39.40
Differential-Automatic Trans. turning torque 39.41 Electrical Wiring-Air-cooled AFC
-Adjusting ring 39.51 - Locking pin 39.28 -1980,1981
- Assembly 39.56 - Pinion/Side gears 39.25 cautions and warnings 97.2
- Cover plate 39.51 - Removing 39.33 fresh air fan 97.23
- Differential bearing outer race 39.53 - Ring gear/Pinion fuse/relay panel 97.10
- Drive flange oil seal 39.53 adjusting 39.26 heater booster 97.24
- Final drive assembly 39.50 main wiring diagram 97.12
- Governor oil seal 39.52 Do-it-yourself Service rear window wiper 97.26
- Pinion bearing (Appendix) seat belt interlock system 97.27
inner race 39.54 - Changing a wheel A21 -1982,1983
outer race 39.53 - Emergency starting A25 cautions and warnings 97.2
- Pinion oil seals 39.52 -FusesA22 fresh air fan 97.23
- Ring gear 39.56 - Headlight adjustment A25 fuse/relay panel 97.10
heater booster 97.24

Electrical Wirlng-General (cont'd) Electrical Wiring-Water-cooled
WARNING- - Fuse/Relay panel, removing (cont'd)
• Automotive setvice snd repair is serious 1980-198597.10 - Main wiring diagram (cont'd)
business. You mustbe alert, use common from 1986m.y. 97.10a from VIN G 055 690 97.85
sense, snd exercise good judgement to - How to read wiring diagrams 97.4 198797.102
prevent personal injury snd complete the
-Main wiring harness 97.8 1988, 198997.119
worl< safely.
-Starter cable routing 97.9 from 199097.201
• Before beginning any work on your - Symbols used in wiring diagrams 97.5 - Power mirrors
Volkswagen, thoroughly read all the - Troubleshooting 97.3 1986uptoVING 10500097.183
cautions and Warnings listed near the - Working on the 1986 from VIN G 105001 97.185
front of this manual. electrical system 97.3 from 198797.185
• Always read the complete procedure - Power windows
before you begin the work. Pay special Electrical Wlring-Water-cooled 198697.187
attention to any Cautions and Warnings Air conditioning from 198797.189
that accompany that procedure, or other 1984, 198597.137 -Radio 198697.191
information on a specific topic. 1986-1988 97.139 - Rear footwell heater blower
from 198997.142 1983-198597.194
Electrical Wlring-Alr-cooled AFC - Automatic transmission Stereo radio
(confd) 1986-1989 97.146 1987-198997.195
-1982,1983 (cont'd) from 1990 97.219 - Stereo radio with amplified speakers
main wiring diagram 97.18 - Auxiliary battery from 198897.197
rear window wiper 97.26 1986-1989 auto. trans. 97.221 - Stereo radio with 4 speakers
seat belt interlock system from 199097.224 from 1990 97.246
(1982 only) 97.27 See also 97.29 - 450-Watt radiator cooling fan
-Auxiliary heater BA6 1986-198997.200
Electrical Wiring-Camper from 1987 Canada only 97.148
- Auxiliary battery 1986-1989 - Auxiliary heater BBW46 Emission Controls
(man. trans.) 97.34 (Syncro) - Air-cooled AFC
(also see 97.53) 1986-1988 Canada 97.151 Calif. 1981 26.4
- Battery level indicator lights 97.30 from 1989 Canada 97.155 Calif. except 1981 26.3
- Camper electrical equipment - Central locking system - Catalytic converter
1980-198597.32 198697.165 checking 26.11
from 198697.33 1987-198997.162 -EGR valve 26.5
- Water pump 97.31 from 199097.226 USA (except Calif.)
- Water tank level - Crankcase ventilation and Canada 26.2
indicator lights 97.30 heat element - Diesel 26.6
198597.165 - Water-cooled Digifant
Electrical Wiring-Diesel 198697.166 assembly 26.9
-1982 - Cruise control - Oxygen sensor
auxiliary heater BA6 auto. trans. water-cooled Digijet 26.8
(Canada only) 97.47 198697.168
cautions and warnings 97.2 1987·198997.176 Engine-Air-cooled AFC
fuse/relay panel 97.10 from 1990 97.229 -Assembling
heater booster 97.49 - Cruise control man. trans. crankcase 13.6, 13.14
main wiring diagram 97.36 198697.174 . sheet metal 13.2
-current track index 97.36 1987-198997.171 - Camshaft 13.14
rear window wiper 97.26 from 1990 97.232 - Carbon deposits, reducing 15.25
-1983 - Daytime running lights -Carrier/Support 13.5
auxiliary heater BA6 (Canada) - Compression pressure
(Canada only) 97.47 to Dec. 1989 97.234 checking 15.2
cautions and warnings 97.2 from Dec. 1989 to May 1990 97.238 values 2a
fuse/relay panel 97.10 from May 1990 97.241 - Connecting rod 13.16
heater booster 97.49 - Differential lock - Crankshaft
main wiring diagram 97.41 1986-1989 Syncro 97.178 assembly 13.16
current track index 97.41 - Heated driver's seat circlips 13.16
rear window wiper 97.26 198697.179 end play 13.10
1987-1989 Canada 97.181 oil seals 13.9
Electrical Wiring-General from 1990 Canada 97.244 pilot bearing 13.17
- Battery/Ground cables 97.9a - Main wiring diagram -Cylinder 13.11
disconnecting/connecting 97.6 1983, 198497.54 - Cylinder head 15.2
-Cautions and Warnings 97.2 198597.60 - Disassembling
- Dashboard wiring harness 97.7 1986 crankcase 13.6
- Engine/Body up to VIN G 05568997.67 sheet metal 13.2
ground connections 97.6

Engine-Air-cooled AFC (cont'd) Engine-Diesel (cont'd) Engine-Water-cooled (confd)
- Distributor -Intermediate shaft oil seal 13.22 - Pushrod tubes
drive gear 13.16 Lubrication system replacing 15.25
driveshaft 13.8 assembly 17.4 - Removing 10.8
installing 13.9 oil cooler 17.4 - Torque converter drive plate 13.40
- Flywheel 13.9 oil filter 17.4 - V-belt pulley 13.34, 13.42
Gasoline additive 15.25 oil pan 17.4 -Valves
Hydraulic valve lifters 15.6 oil pressure switch 17.4, 17.6 assembly 15.17
-Installing 10.5 oil pump 17.4 dimensions 15.18
- Lubrication - Pilot bearing 13.22 guides 15.20
assembly 17.2 - Piston 13.27 hydraulic lifters 15.23
oil cooler 17.2 clearance 13.29 seats. refacing 15.18
oil pressure switch 17.2 diameter 13.29 springs 15.18
oil pump 17.2 height 13.31
- Piston rings 13.11 identification 13.31 Exhaust System
- Pistons 13.11 marking 13.28 - Air-cooled AFC
- Removing 10.2 pin 13.28 Calif. 1981 26.4
- Rocker arm shaft 15.3 ring end gap 13.29 Calif. except 1981 26.3
- Torque converter drive plate 13.9 ring side clearance 13.29 USA (except Calif.)
-Valves rings 13.27 and Canada 26.5
assembly 15.2 - Removing 10.6 - Catalytic converter
dimensions 15.3 Valve assembly 15.10 checking 26.11
guides 15.4 - Diesel 26.6
hydraulic lifters 15.6 Engine-Water-cooled - Oxygen sensor
seats 15.4 - Assembling/Disassembling 13.32 water-cooled Digijet 26.8
springs 15.2 -Camshaft 13.50 - Water-cooled
- Carbon deposits, reducing 15.25 Digifant 26.9
Engine-Diesel -Carrier/Support 13.37a Digijet 26.7
- Camshaft assembly 15.10 - Compression pressure
end play 15.15 checking 15.20 Fuellnjectlon-Air-cooled AFC
oil seal 15.15 values2a AFC system check 24.15
radial clearance, checking 15.15a - Crankshaft assembly 13.52 - Air filter housing 24.8
run-out 15.15 circlips 13.54 - Auxiliary air regulator 24.8
-Camshaft drive belt 13.18 drive gear 13.54 - Cold-start valve 24.5
- Compression pressure end play 13.40 - Control unitlWiring harness 24.12
checking 15.16 oil seals 13.39 Deceleration valve 24.7
values 2a pilot bearing 13.56 - Double relay 24.13
Connecting rod 13.27 replacing (1.9L) 13.57 Full throttle enrichment
bearing clearance 13.30 - Cylinder 13.43 switch 24.13
bolts 13.30 - Cylinder head assembly 15.17 -Idle speed/CO 24.10
side clearance 13.30 installing 15.23 -Injector resistance 24.6
- Crankshaft 13.22 sealing 15.23, 15.26 -Injector spray pattern/
bearing caps 13.22 Distributor leak checking 24.7
drive belt cover 13.21a drive gear 13.38 -Intake air sensor housing 24.8
end play 13.24 drives haft 13.38 -Intake air/temp. sensors 24.9
journal sizes 13.23 installing 13.38 - Oxygen sensorlWiring 24.16
- main bearing clearance 13.25 Engine block assembly 15.22 Pressure regulator 24.5
oil seal - Flywheel 13.40 - Speed limit switch 24.14
drive belt side 13.26 -Gasoline additive 15.25 - System components 24.2
flywheel side 13.25 -Installing 10.10 Calif. 24.4
sprocket bolt 13.21 - Lubrication system USA (except Calif.)
- Cylinder block 13.27 assembly 17.7 and Canada 24.3
bore dimensions 13.30 crankcase breather, - T emperatu re sensor II 24.13
clearance 13.30 heating pipe 17.9 - Thermo-time switch 24.6
- Cylinder head oil pressure switch 17.9 Voltage supply/
assembly 15.8 oil pump 17.9 series resistance 24.6
bolts 15.9 - Piston pin hole burrs
distortion 15.11 removing 13.47 Fuel Injection-Diesel
gasket 15.9 - Pistons 13.43 - Cold start cable 23.5
-Cylinder head gasket 13.19,13.31 classifications 13.44 - Engine speed 23.5
Flywheel 13.23 pin 13.44 - Fuel cut-off solenoid 23.5
Installing 10.7 rings 13.45 - Fuel delivery valve/housing 23.7
-Intermediate plate 13.23

Fuel Injection-Water-cooled Glass, Window Regulators
WARNING- Digijet (cont'd) - Gluing rubber window seals
• Automotive setvice and repair is serious - Full throttle enrichment switch 24.34 from 1986 MY
business. You must be alert, use common checking/adjusting 24.29
sense, and exercise good judgement to rear lid window 64.5
Idle speed/CO side window 64.4
prevent personal injury and complete the
checking/adjusting 24.29 sliding door window 64.5
worlc safely.
-Intake air sensor 24.28 -windshield 64.3
• Before beginning any work on your housing 24.27 - Power window motor
Volkswagen, thoroughly read aU the - Pressure regulator 24.25 from 1986 MY
Cautions and Warnings listed near the - System check 24.20
front of this manual.
installing 64.7
System components 24.22 removing 64. 6
• Always read the complete procedure early version 24.24 - Sliding window
before you begin the work. Pay special late version 24.24a replacing guides 64.2
attention to any Cautions and Warnings - Temperature sensor I 24.28
that accompany that procedure, or other - Temperature sensor II 24.32 Heater-Auxiliary BBW 46
information on a specific topic. - Throttle valve/deceleration/ - Combustion air blower
idle switch 24.33 adjusting 82.32
Fuel Injection-Diesel (cont'd)
removinglinstalling 82.32
- Fuel filter water indicator kit Fuel Supply-Air-cooled AFC - Components 82.20
installing 23.10 Accelerator linkage/cable - Electrical wiring 82.24
- Fuel injectors 23.8 auto. trans. 20.8 - Engine coolant system
-Injection pump 23.6 man. trans. 20.6 draining/refilling 82.35
-Injection pump/valve timing 23.3 - Fuel filter 20.4 -Felt pad
-Injection system 23.2 Fuel gauge sending unit 20.4 removinglinstalling 82.29
-Injection timing 23.4 - Fuel pump 20.7 -Flame head
- Fuel system 20.2 removinglinstalling 82.33
Fuel InJectlon-Water-cooled leak checking .20.5 - Flame switch
Dlgltant - Fuel tank 20.4 checking 82.30
- Deceleration fuel shutoff 24.60
removinglinstalling 82,30
- Electrical testing 24.61 Fuel Supply-Diesel -FuseS24
- Fuel injection system - Accelerator linkage/cable 20.14 removinglinstalling 82.33
components 24.48 - Fuel gauge sending unit 20.13 -Glow plug, checking 82.30
repairing 24.46 Fuel system 20.10 - Heater core
- Fuel injectors, checking 24.56 leak checking 20.13 removinglinstalling 82.33
- Full throttle enrichment - Fuel tank 20.12 - Metering pump
checking 24.60
flow rate checking 82.35
-Idle speed/CO content Fuel Supply-Water-cooled - Operating 82.25
checking/adjusting 24.50 Dlgifant - Recirculation pump
-Idle stabilizer - Accelerator linkage/cable removing/installing 82.32
checking 24.53 adjusting 20.32 - Series resistor
-Intake air sensor auto. trans. 20.31 removing/installing 82.32
checking 24.57 man. trans. 20.30 - Temperature sensor
- Oxygen sensor - Charcoal filter 20.33 checking 82.31
checking 24.54 - Fuel gauge sending unit 20.29 removinglinstalling 82.31
- Pressure regulator - Fuel pump 20.29 - Waterflow 82.22
checking 24.55 -Fuel system 20.26
- Safety precautions 24.42 leak checking 20.21 Heater Booster-Alr-cooled AFC
- Technical data 24.43 - Fuel tank 20.28 - Air circulation blower 82.7
- Throttle valve
- Assembly 82.3
basic adjustment 24.37 Fuel Supply-Water-cooled - Combustion air blower 82.3
- Throttle valve switch 24.58 DlgiJet - Control flaps 82.8
- Accelerator linkage/cable - Defroster/Footwell flaps 82.7
FuellnJectlon-Water-cooled auto. trans. 20.23 - Flame switch 82.5
DlglJet man. trans. 20.22 - Fuel pump 82.6
- Air filter housing 24.27 - Charcoal filter valve 20.20 - Glow/Spark plug 82.3
- Auxiliary air regulator 24.27 - Fuel filter 20.18 - Heater booster/components 82.2
-Control unitlWire harness 24.31 - Fuel gauge sending unit 20.18 - Heater lever 82.8
checking 24.35 - Fuel pump 20.19 . -Ignition coil 82.6
Data/Specifications 24.18 - Fuel system 20.16 - Overheat switch 82.7
- Double relay 24.32 - Fuel tank 20.18 - Safety switch 82.7
- Fuel injectors 24.25 - Leak checking 20.21 - Temperature regulating switch 82.5
troubleshooting 24.38 - Temperature sensor 82.6
- Troubleshooting 82.10

Heater Booster-Water-cooled Ignition System-Alr-cooled AFC Instruments, Radio
- Air circulation blower 82.17 (cont'd) 1980-1984 (cont'd)
- Combustion air blower 82.14 -California (cont'd) - Fuel gauge sender
-Control valve 82.17 idle stabilizer 28.16 removinglinstalling 90.11
- Flame switch 82.15 ignition/distributor settings 28.9 -Instrument cluster
- Fuel pump 82.17 ignition timing 28.11 assembling/disassembling
- Glow/Spark plug 82.14 rotor 28.10 90.2,90.6
-new style 82.14a vacuum advance/retard 28.13 removinglinstalling 90.10
- Heater booster/Components 82.12 vacuum unit 28.12 - Light emitting diodes (LED)
- Heater housing 82.14 wires/coil, checking 28.10 checking 90.5
Ignition coil 82.17 - USA (except Calif.) identifying 90.4, 90.8
- Overheat switch 82.15 and Canada 28.2 - Multi-point connector
System components 82.12 distributor 28.6 identifying 90.4, 90.8
- Temperature regulating switch 82.16 distributor drive 28.4 - Speedometer calibration 90.30
- Temperature sensor 82.16 ignition/distributor settings 28.3 - Speedometer cable
- Troubleshooting 82.18 ignition timing 28.5 removing/installing 90.10
rotor 28.4 - Voltage stabilizer 90.4, 90.8
HeaterNentilatlon vacuum uniVadvance 28.7
- Controls/Assembly wires/coil, checking 28.4 Instruments, Radio
air-cooled From 1985
with fresh air fan 80.8 Ignition System-Diesel - Cigarette lighter, replacing 90.31
without fresh air fan 80.5 -Glow plug light - Coolant temperature gauge
water-cooled 80.12 troubleshooting 28.27 locating 90.14
Flap housing -Quick glow troubleshooting 90.21
air-cooled troubleshooting 28.24 - DynamiC oil pressure system
with fresh air fan 80.10 assembly 90.22
water-cooled 80.14 Ignition System-Water-cOOled removinglinstalling 90.23
- Heater, additional Digifant troubleshooting 90.24
under rear bench seat 80.16 - Distributor, installing 28.44 - Fuel gauge, locating 90.14
Heater control flap cable 80.4 - Hall sender, checking 28.43 troubleshooting 90.20
- Heater/Fresh air box housing -Ignition and injection system -Instrument cluster
splitting 80.15 repairing 28.39 assembling/disassembling 90.14
Rear air duct 80.3 -Ignition distributor 28.40 removinglinstalling 90.10
- System components -Ignition settings 28.41 - Light emitting diodes (LED)
air-cooled 80.2 -Ignition switching function checking 90.18
water-cooled 80.11 checking 28.44 identifying 90.18
-Ignition timing 28.42 - Multi-point connector
Hoods/Lids identifying 90.18
Rear doorllock cylinder 55.2 Ignition System-Water-cooled Speedometer calibration 90.30
- Rear lid spring 55.4 Digljet - Speedometer cable
- Rubber door stop 55.3 - Centrifugal advance 28.34 installing
- Striker plate 55.3 - Distributor driveshaft 28.32 from VIN 25 H 040185, except
- Hall control unit 28.36 Syncro 90.17
Identification-Numbers/Codes - Hall generator 28.37 removinglinstalling 90.17
- Automatic trans. 4 -Idle stabilizer 28.38 - Voltage stabilizer, checking 90.18
-Engine 2 -Ignition cable connectors
- Front flnal drive Syncro 3b new style 28.30a Instruments, Radio
-Manual trans. 3 -Ignition coil 28.32 From 1990
- TypelModeliAssemblies 2 -Ignition distributor/ - Heidelberg VI fixed coded radio
- VIN (Vehicle Identification Hall generator 28.29 coding. a new or remanufactured
Number) 2 and Foreword -Ignition distributor/settings 28.29 radio 90.32
-Ignition wires/connectors 28.31 reactivating radio after.
Ignition Distributor and Settings - Rotor 28.31 reconnecting power 90.33
- Air-cooled AFC - Suppressor connectors 28.32 unlocking an electronically
CANIUSA, (except Calif.) 8 - Trigger wheel 28.38 controlled radio 90.34
Calif. 9 - Vacuum advance/retard 28.35
-Waterccooled Digijet 10 - Vacuum unit 28.35 Lifting Vehicle
- Digifant 11 HoisVFloor jack 5
Ignition System-Air-cooled AFC Instruments, Radio
- California 28.8 198()"1984 Lights
distributor 28.11 -Cigarette lighter, replacing 90.31 - Bulb holder 94.6
distributor drive 28.20 -Fuel gauge
Hall control uniVgenerator 28.14 checking 90.5, 90.9
Hall ignition, troubleshooting 28.17 troubleshooting 90.13

Mirrors Steering (cont'd)
WARNING- - Outside, electric - Power steering pump pressure
• Automotive sefVice and repair is serious adjustment range, increasing 66.3 checking 48.7
business. You must be alert, use common assembly 66.4 - Power steering system
sense, and exerr:::ise good judgement to
glass, removing/installing 66.2 filling/bleeding 48.7
prevent personal injury and complete /he
\>\011( safely.
- Steering column switches 48.2
Radio - Steering drive/gear 48.4
• Before beginning any work on your - See Instruments, Radio - Steering lock assembly 48.3
Volkswagen, Ihoroughlyread an
/he - Steering wheeVcolumn 48.2
cautions and Warnings listed near /he Refrigerator - Tie rods 48.4
front of this manual.
- See Gamper Equipment removing 48.5
• Always read the complete procedure - Troubleshooting 48.12
before you begin the work. Pay special Roof
attention to any cautions and Warnings Front headliner, installing 75.7a Sunroof
/hat accompany that procedure, or other removing 75.7 Panel
information on a specific topic. - Luggage rack, removing 75.8 adjusting 60.3
- Pop-up roof,. installing 75.3 guide plate adjusting 60.4
Lights (cont'd) removing 75.4 height alignment
- Headlight 94.4 - Pop-up roof seal, installing 75.6a front 60.3
aerodynamic 94.5a removing 75.6 rear 60.4
adjusting 94.5 - Roof vent, installing 75.7 parallel adjustment 60.4
mounting frame 94.5 removing 75.6a removinglinstalling 60.2
removing 94.5 -Trim panel
-Ignition key, deburring 94.3a Seat belts removinglinstalling 60.3
-Intermittent windshield wiper 94.4 - Automatic 3-point seat belts - Water drains, cleaning 60.6
- Steering column retrofit installation 68.5· rear drain hose, replacing 60.6
covers 94.3 - Automatic rear 3-point seat belts
lock 94.3 retrofit installation 68.7 Suspension-Front
lock cylinder 94.4 - Automatic 3-point left center seat -Assembly
switches 94.2 belt, retrofit installation 68.10 early version 40.2
-Taillight 94.6 -Illuminated vanity mirrors late version 40.7
- Tum signal switch 94.3 replacing bulbs 68.13 - Ball joints assembly 40.10
- Seat belts, inspection 68.2 lower 40.12
Lubrication System-Alr-cooled AFC webbing defects 68.4 . - Coil spring
-Assembly 17.2 - Template measurements 68.6 removinglinstalling 40.3
- Oil cooler 17.2 - Lower control arm
- Oil pressure switch 17.2 Seats bushing, early version 40.6
-Oil pump 17.2 - Armrest, removinglinstalling 72.4 bushing, later version 40.8
Armrest, adjustable removinglinstalling 40.3
Lubrication System-Diesel assembly 72.5 - Shock absorber
-Assembly 17.4 removinglinstalling 72.6 removinglinstalling 40.4
-on cooler 17.4 - Front seat, removinglinstalling 72.2 - Steering arm, checking 40.12
- Oil filter 17.4 - Front seat backrest - Steering knuckle
-Oil pan 17.4 removinglinstalling 72.2 assembly 40.12
-Oil pressure switch 17.4 - Heated seats checking for wear 40.12
-Oil pump 17.4 component locations 74.2 modification, grease seal 40.13
heat elements 74.21 modification, brake disc
Lubrication System-Water-cooled - Rear seat with storage locker interference 40.14
- Assembly 17.7 removinglinstalling 77.2 - Subframe wax preservation 40.14
- Heating pipe, - Roof beds, .boards - Upper control arm
crankcase breather 17.9 removinglinstalling 77.3 bushing 40.5
-Oil pressure switch 17.9 lower 40.6
-Oil pump 17.9 Steering removing 40.5
- Power steering wax preservation 40.14
Maintenance Schedules checking for leaks 48.7 - Wheel bearing
- Lubrication, Emissions and Vehicle pressure/flow limiting valve 48.11 adjusting 40.11
Maintenance Schedules (Appendix) suspension changes 48.6 assembly 40.10
air-cooled, water-cooled system layout 48.6
and diesel models 1982-1985 A28 technical data 48.6 Suspension-Front, Syncro
water-cooled models from 1986 A32 Power steering pump - Axle shaft, assembly 40.29
removinglinstalling 48.9 length 40.30
repairing 48.1 0 removingllnstalling 40.28

Suspension-Front, Syncro (cont'd) Torque Converter Transmission 4-speed 091/1 (cont'd)
- Ball joints - Bushing 32.3 - Assembly 35.32, 35.36
pressing 40.25 - Code letter 4, 32.2 mounting in repair stand 35.34
-Coil spring - Draining 32.2 -Clutch housing assembly 35.42
removing/installing 40.20 -Installing 32.3 - Differential 35.35
- Components assembly 40.15 - Oil seal 32.3 - Drive flange 35.32
- CV joint, inner circlip, installing 35.35
assembly 40.29 Towing installing 35.35
disassembling/assembling 40.33 - Procedure 6, 7 oil seal 34.18
pressing 40.31 removing 35.34
- CV jOint, outer Transmission 4-speed 091 - Gear carrier 35.44
assembly 40.29 - Adjusting rings 35.3 assembling 35.40
disassembling/assembling 40.32 - Assembly 35.2 assembly 35.36
removing 40.31 - Clutch housing! cover 35.44
- Guards, drive shaft/engine mechanism 35.12 installing 35.39
removingJinstalling 40.28 - Differential 35.4 removing 35.38
- Lower control arm bushings 40.19 - Drive flange 35.3, 35.4 -Gears
- Shock absorber oil seal 34.18, 35.15 1stl2nd, removing 35.36
removing/installing 40.20 - Gear carrier/Gearshift 3rd, end play 35.59
- Subframe, components 40.26 housing 35.6, 35.18 3rd, installing 35.59
installing 40.28 - Gear carrier housing 3rd, removing 35.56
removing 40.27 assembly 35.8, 35.16 - Gear ratios 34.9, 35.60
- Upper control arm bushings 40.19 -Gears - Gearshift lever 34.6
removing/installing 40.18a 1st gear needle bearing 35.27 bearing 34.6
- Wheel bearing pressing 40.24 3rd gear end play 35.29 - Gearshift linkage 34.6
- Wheel bearing housing - Gearshift lever 34.3 assembly 34.6
assembly 40.23 - Gearshift linkage 34.2 adjusting 34.8
removing/installing 40.17 assembly 34.3 bearings 34.6
- Wheel hub assembly 40.23 adjusting 34.4 -Installing 34.7
pressing 40.24 bearing plate 34.4 Lever bearing plate 34.6
-Installing 34.15 - Lubricant specifications 34.9, 35.60
Suspension-Rear -Interlock/detent plungers 35.17 - Main shaft 35.49
- Axle shaft assembly 42.4, 42.7 - Lever bearing plate 34.4 assembly 35.48
removingJinstalling 42.4 - Main shaft assembly 35.9, 35.20 ball bearing 35.51
- Constant velocity joint ball bearing 35.23 lock ring 35.52
assembly 42.7 oil seal 35.13 needle bearing 35.51
disassembling/assembling 42.8 - Pinion needle bearing 35.23, 35.29 oil seal 35.43
removingJinstalling 42.8 -Pinionshaft assembly 35.9, 35.24 rear, removingJinstalling 35.35a
- Rear axle assembly 42.4 - Rear main shaft 35.5 - Pinion shaft 35.55
- Rear wheel suspension - Release shaft bushing 35.13 assembly 35.54
assembly 42.2 - Removing 34.14 needle bearings 35.57
- Shock absorber - Retaining ring 35.7 roller bearings 35.56
bushing/sleeve 42.3 - Reverse gear 35.14 - Removing 34.16
- Trailing arm bushing 42.3 end play 35.17 - Retaining ring 35.37
- Wheel bearings, inner/outer shaft circlip 35.15 installing 35.40
grease seals 42.5 - Rocker lever shaft 35.19 removing 35.38
removing/installing 42.5 - Selector shaft 35.19 - Selector shaft
- Wheel studs - Shift forks 35.10 modifications 35.60a
removingJinstaliing 42.6 - Shift rod 34.3 parts for 35.60d
Starter bushing 35.13 - Shift forks/synchronizers
Tarpaulin - Synchronizers modifications 35.6Ob
-Canada 61.2 1stl2nd gear 35.26, 35.28 parts for 35.60d
3rd/4th gear 35.21 - Shift rod bushing 35.46
Technical Data circlips 3rd/4th gear 35.21, 35.26 - Shift rod mounting 34.7a
-Capacities Appendix 27 ring identification 35.30 - Shift shaft oil seal 35.46
-Cylinder Location Appendix 27 - Tapered roller bearing 35.26 - Starter bushing 35.43
-Digifant General 12 - Transmission housing 35.14 - Synchronizers
1stl2ndgear 35.58
-Engine Appendix 27
Transmission 4-speed 091/1 3rd/4th gear 35.50
-Vehicle identification Appendix 26 - Adjusting rings 35.32 - Technical data 34.1 a
installing 35.35 - Transmission housing 35.45
Tires marking/removing 35.34 assembling 35.39
-Rotating 44.1 a disassembling 35.38

Transmission 5-speed 094 (cont'd) Transmission 5-speed 094 4WD
WARNING- - Removing 34.16 (cont'd)
• Automotive service and repair is serious - Retaining ring 35.67 - Main shaft seal
bUsiness. You must be alert, use common installing 35.70 removing/installing 35.12
sense, and exercise good judgement to
removing 35.68 - Needle bearing
prevent personal injury and complete the
- Shift rod bushing 35.78 inner race
worl< safely.
Shift shaft oil seal 35.78 loosening/tightening 35.123
• Before beginning any work on your Starter bushing 35.75 outer race, installing 35.126
Volkswagen, thoroughly read an the - Synchronizer rings outer race, removing 35.125
Cautions and Warnings listed near the checking 35.90 removing/installing 35.115
front of this manual.
identification 35.92 - Output housing 35.103
• Always read the complete procedure - Synchronizers - Output shaft bearing
before you begin the work. Pay special 2nd/3rd gear 35.90 removing/installing 35.114
attention to any Cautions and Warnings 4th/5th gear 35.82 - Rear driveshaft, measuring 35.97
that accompany that procedure, or other assembling 35.90 - Removing 34.22
information on a specific topic. checking 325.82 - Reverse gear idler
installing 35.90 removing/installing 35.106
Transmission S-speed 094 removing 35.82, 35.88 - Shift rod bushing
- Adjusting rings 35.62 - Technical data 34.1 b removing/installing 35.115
installing 35.65 - Transmission housing 35.77 - Shift shaft seal
marking/removing 35.64 assembling 35.69 removing/installing 35.114
-Assembly 35.62,35.66 disassembling 35.68 - Starter bushing
mounting in repair stand 35.64 removing/installing 35.112
- Clutch housing assembly 35.74 Transmission 5-speed 094 4WD - Synchronizer rings
- Differential 35.65 - Adjusting rings identification 35.127
- Drive flange 35.62 installing 35.96 - Technical data 34.19
installing 35.65 marking/removing 35.95 -1 st/2nd gear synchronizer
oil seal 34.18 -Assembling/Disassembling 35.99 checking/installing 35.124
removing 35.64 - Assembly 35.94, 35.98, 35.105 -3rd gear, installing 35.125
- Gear carrier 35.76 - Axle flange - 3rd/4th gear synchronizer 35.118
assembling 35.70 installing 35.96 installing 35.119
assembly 35.66 removing 35.95
cover 35.76 -Bearing Transmission, Automatic
cover 35.76 installing/checking 35.123 - Accelerator cablellinkage
installing 35.69 removing 35.122 090 except code letters NH 37.12
removing 35.68 inner race, removing 35.122 code letters NH only 37.14
-Gears - Clutch housing 35.111 - Apply shell 38.10
1st. shim 35.72 - Differential lock components 34.24 -ATF
2nd, removing 35.88 - Differential lock control checking/filling 37.9
3rd/4th, removing 35.88 repairing 34.26 dipstick changes 37.9
4th, end play 35.91 - Differential lock servo 34.25, 35.96 troubleshooting 37.9a
4th, installing 35.91 - Drive flange seal, installing 35.115 - Direct/Reverse/Forward clutches
- Gearshift lever 34.10 - Drive pinion 35.121 installing 38.11
bearing 34.10 - Driveshaft flange, removing 35.104 - Final drive
- GearShift, adjusting 34.12 -Flange nut oil seal 37 .10
assembly 34.10 loosening/tightening 35.104 Forward clutch 38.8, 38.17
Installing 34.16 - Flange seal, installing 35.104 -Governor
- Lever bearing plate 34.10 - Gear carrier 35.107, 35.116 disassembling/assembling
-Main shaft 35.81 disassembling/assembling 35.108 090 code letters NG 38.22
assembly 35.80 -Gears removinglinstalling
ball bearing 35.83 1st, 2nd and 3rd, removing 35.122 090 except code letters NG 38.23
lock ring 35.84 - Gearshift linkage assembly 34.20 - Governor drive gear 38.14
needle bearings 35.83 adjusting 34.21 -Installing
oil seal 35.75 - Housing 35.113 090 except code letters NH 37.5
rear, removing/installing 35.65a -Installing 34.23 090 code letters NH only 37.6
- Modifications to trans. -Intermediate housing - Kickdown lever modification
manufactured prior to removing 35.106 090 code letters NH, NK 38.39
Dec. 15, 1982 35.65b - Low gear idler, removing 35.106 - Manual valve 38.35
- Pinion shaft 35.87 - Low gear shim, measuring 35.101 - Modifications 37.19
assembly 35.86 - Lower gear bearing - Oil pump 38.8, 38.22
needle bearings 35.89 removing/installing 35.126 - Operating rod 38.35
roller bearings 35.88 - Main shaft 35.117 - Operation 37.17, 37.19
bearing, removing/installing 35.119 - Parking lock 38.34

Transmission, Automatic (cont'd) Trim-lnterior (cont'd)
- Parking lock modification -Instrument panel
090 code letters NH, NK 38.39 removing 70.5
- Pressure test procedure 37.18 replacing 70.6
- Pump shaft 38.3 Sliding door trim panel
-Removing assembly 70.3
090 except code letters NH37.4 removing 70.4
090 code letters NH only 37.6
- Reverse planetary gear set 38.12 Vehicle Care
- Reverse planetary ring gear 38.14 - Air cleaner A 10
- Selector lever assembly 37.2
- Battery A 14
- Selector lever cable 37.3 . - Brake fluid A13
- Separation plate - Cleaning products A3
090 code letters NG 38.26 - Cooling system A 11
090 code letter NG - Corrosion protection A5
from trans. no. 17 07 0 38.28 - Engine compartment A6
090 code letters NH, NK 38.37 - Engine oil A7
- Shift points 37.19 Engine oil filter A9
- Spacer springs and roDers 38.15 - Exterior A3
Spring table - Fuel filter (diesel) Al0
090 code letters NH, NK - Fuel supply A 1
up to trans. no. 16 07 0 38.30 Interior 4
090 code letters NG
- Lubricants A 7
from trans. no. 1707038.32 A5
- Technical data - Power steering A 10
code letters NG, NH 37.1a Replacing wiper blades A16
code letters NK 37.1b
- Tires/Wheels A 17
- Transfer plate -V-beltA12
090 code letters NG 38.26
090 code letters NG Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
from trans. no. 17 07 0 38.28
- VIN 2, foreword
090 code letters NH, NK 38.37
- Transmission Wheels
assembly 38.7 -Alignment
090 modifications
front 44.3
code letters NH, NK 38.37
rear 44.4
- Transmission/Final drive specifications 44.2
assembly 38.2
- Alignment Syncro
end play 38.5 determining front toe 44.3a
separating 38.3
specifications 44.5
- Transmission housing studs 38.4
- Turbine shaft 38.3 Windshield WiperIWasher
-Valve body
- Assembly 92.2
removing/installing 38.25 Rear window washer/wiper 92.5
090 code letters NG 38.26 washer pump 92.7
090 code letters NG - Spray jets 92.4
from trans. no. 17 07 0 38.29
- Troubleshooting 92.8
code letters NG
- Windshield washer 92.4
up to trans. no. 16 07 0 - Wiper arms/motor 92.3
-1 st/reverse brake piston 38.10 - Wiper blade rubber insert 92.3
- 2nd gear brake band 38.12
- 2nd gear brake band piston 38.10 Wiring Diagrams
disassembling/assembling 38.24 - See Electrical Wiring
Coffee cup bracket, repairing 70.9
- Front door trim panel
assembly 70.2
moisture barrier 70.2
removinglinstalling 70.8


Identification (NumbersICodes) Ignition distributor and settings
- Automatic transmi$Sion 4 - Air-cooled AFC
- Compression pressure Can/USA, not Calif. 8
values 2a California 9
- Engine 2 .,.... Water-cooled Digijet 10
- Front final drive - Digifant 11
Syncro 3b
- Manual transmission 3, 3a Technical data
- Type/ModeVAssemblies 2 - Digifant 12
- VIN (Vehicle Identification
Number) 2

Lifting Vehicle
- Hoist/Floor jack 5

- Procedure 6, 7

Assemblies Code letters BHP RPM
CV 70 4200

CS 50 4200


OH 80 4800
Automatic Transmission NH
MV 95 4800
Manual Transmission - 4 ABO/ACW
Automatic Transmission NK

Manual Transmission -




brake all four wheels at the same time.

.. on dashboard on driver's side

AS:sernDl:le5 identification
.,.. ".. ,." .. identification number

Beginning May 1987, engine codes are now either a Compression pressure values
two letter combination or a combination of one
number and one letter. Engine codes CV DH,MV CS
Engine code continues to precede the engine
number. Compression pressure 6-9 10 -13 34
values bar (psi) (87 - 131) (145 - 190) (493)
CAUTION 5 8 26
Wear limit bar (psi)
Engines with identical code DO NOT (73) (116) (377)
necessarily have identical specifications. Maximum permissible 3 5
difference between all (44) (73)
four cylinders bar (psi)

new (water-cooled shown)

From May 1987 Engine code
Compression pressure values
DK 10 08 9
code letters month year
of manufacture

Manual transmission code letters

Manual Transmission Type 094


_ _ _lIIIooIo"'earbox code letters and date of

Example: GP 12 02 5
Day of Month Year
letters manu- (85)

3a Manual transmission code letters

Before for clearance transmission
between arms and tires to avoid or front so may result in
sidewalls. to components
Extend arms and check to see if arms are

at cross member next to

at rear cross member

vehicle with floor use same
as with hoist

vehicle with holstlfloor

Emergency Towing
All towing procedures are based on use of typical
sling-type tow truck equipment. If other types of
towing equipment are used, these procedures may
not apply
• whenever possible, tow with rear wheels off
• if car with automatic transmission must be
towed with front wheels lifted because of
extensive damage, dollies should be used under
rear wheels if towing speed will exceed 30 mph
or distance over 30 miles. Exceeding these limits
will damage transmission Front hook-up-From 1986 m.y.
• selector lever must be in "N" position when
moving car with automatic transmission with rear - remove front license platelbracket if interfere
wheels on ground with front hook-up

Always secure front wheels with an external ________4_'_____
steering wheel lock when towing with rear
wheels off ground.
Never use ignition steering lock to secure 4 X 4 X 48" cross beam
front wheels.
Never allow passengers to ride in towed


- attach T-hooks (above) to tie down slots in long

members (as shown)
- position four foot long 4x4 wooden crossbeam
under bumper (as shown)
- double wrap chains on tow bar
- attach safety chains on axle platform

Front hook-up - all models thru 1985 Do not attach hooks or chains around brake
- attach grab hooks under lower control arms lines
outboard of shock absorber mounts (as shown)
- place 4x4 wooden crossbeam under spare tire - raise vehicle to allow four inches clearance
- place tow bar under 4x4 between tires and road
- double wrap chains on tow bar
- attach safety chains to lower control arms (as
shown) Towing speed/distance
Front tow - all models EXCEPT Syncro
Automatic transmission
30 mph (48 kmh) for up to 30 miles (48 km)
Manual transmission
50 mph (80 kmh) for up to 50 miles (80 km)

6 Towing
Flat Towing
Vehicles with automatic transmission may be
towed forward (in driving direction) at speeds up to
30 mph for maximum of 30 miles

Towing vehicles at more than 30 mph and/or
for distance greater than 30 miles with rear
wheels on ground will damage automatic
transmission due to lack of lubrication

If towing speed will be greater than 30 mph or

distance greater than 30 miles, temporary
modifications to vehicle are required as follows:

Rear hook-up - air cooled gasoline models only Work sequence

- attach grab hooks to trailing arms - remove drive shaft assemblies
- place 4x4 under engine carrier to space tow bar - seal drive shaft flanges against water and dirt
away from heat exchangers - wrap drive shafts and store in vehicle
- attach safety chains to trailing arms
Manual transmission (Including Syncro)
Rear hook-up - water-cooled/diesel models
There are no restrictions on speed or distance
The Vanagon cannot be towed with conventional when towing manual transmission cars behind
sling-type towing equipment to avoid damage to other vehicles
valance panel.

Vanagon Syncro
Front/rear hook-up
The Vanagon Syncro cannot be towed with
conventional sling-type towing equipment nor with
wheel lift equipment or wheel dollies to avoid
damage to the all-wheel drive system.
- use flat-bed tow truck only.

Rear towing - all I I Syncro-front/rear towing Towing 7

Engine code letters CV

Distributor (Part No.) 022905205S

Ignition timing 7.5· BTDC

Timing mark location: crankshaft pulley

16 12 8
4 0-;;--

-..... 128.0501
Idle speed
manual 800- 950 rpm
automatic 850-1000 rpm
Vacuum hose disconnected

Dwell angle new points 44-50·

wear limit 42-58·

Centrifugal advance (crankshaft degrees)

start 1000-1200 rpm

9-14· at 1600 rpm

end 21-25· at 3400 rpm

Vacuum advance
start 107-147 mbar (80-110 mm Hg)

266 mbar (200 mm Hg)

end 8-12·

Spark plugs Bosch W 145 M2. W8CO ,

Beru 145f1413L
Champion N 288

Spark plug tightening torque 30 Nm (22 ft Ib)

Spark plug gap 0.6-0.7 mm (0.023-0.028 in.)

Firing order 1-4-3-2

.8 Ignition distributor and settings

Air-cooled AFC CAN/USA, not Calif.
Engine code letters CV

Distributor (Part No.) 039905205C

Ignition timing 5° ATDC

Timing mark location: crankshaft pulley

S 4 0 4 8 12 16

Idle adjustment
Vacuum hoses connected
Idle stabilizer plugs removed and
850-950 rpm
------- 128-0711

connected together

Dwelt angle setting not adjustable

Centrifugal advance (crankshaft degrees)

start 1050-1300 rpm

9-13° at 1600 rpm

end 21-25 ° at 3400 rpm

Vacuum advance
start 90-160 mbar (70-120mm Hg)

240-280 mbar (180-210 mm Hg)


Vacuum retard
start 90-160 mbar (70-120 mm Hg)

200-280 mbar (150-210 mm Hg)


Spark plugs Bosch W 145 M2, W 8 CO

Beru 145/14/3L
Champion N 288

Spark plug gap 0.6-0.7 mm (0.023-0.028 in.)

Spark plug tightening torque 30 Nm (22 ft Ib)

Firing order 1-4-3-2

Transistorized ignition system cautions

Do not connect any condenser/suppressor or test on car. Do not start engine after heating up to
light to terminal 1. Do not connect test instruments more than 80·C (176°F), example: paint drying
with a 12 volt supply on terminal 15 of ignition booth. Do not wash engine when it is running. Do
coil. Do not crank engine before high tension wire not use battery booster longer than 15 sec. nor
of distributor cap (terminal 4) is connected to exceed 16.5 volts with booster. Allow 1 minute
ground with jumper wire (example: compression pause between boosting attempts. Do not discon-
check etc.). Do not replace installed coil- nect battery while engine is running. Disconnect
211 905 115 C-with conventional type. Do not plug to ignition control unit when car has to be
leave battery connected when electric welding towed.

A·10 [iir-cooied AFC II California I Ignition distributor

. and settings

Air-cooled -Cylinder head gasket 13.19,
-Assembling 13.31
sheet metal 13.2 -Flywheel 13.23
crankcase 13.6, 13 ..14 -Intermediate plate 13.23
-Camshaft 13.14 -Intermediate shaft oil seal
-Carrier ISupport 13.5 13.22
-Crankshaft -Pilot bearing 13.22
assembly 13.16 -Piston 13.27
clrclips 13.16 clearance 13.29
end play 13.10 diameter 13.29
oil seals 13.9 height 13.31
pilot bearing 13.17 identification 13.31
-Cylinder 13.11 marking 13.28
-Disassembling pin 13.28
sheet metal 13.2 rings 13.27
crankcase 13.6 ring end gap 13.29
-Distributor ring side clearance 13.29
installing 13.9
drive shaft 13.8 Water-cooled /Syncro
drive gear 13.16 -Assembling/disassembling 13.32,
-Flywheel 13.9 13.34
-Pistons 13.11 -Camshaft 13.50
-Piston rings 13.11 -Carrier/support 13.37a, 13.38
- Torque converter ..;.. Cral"!kshaft
drive plat 13.9 assembly 13.52
circlips 13.54
Diesel drive gear 13.54
-Camshaft drive belt 13.18 end play 13.40
-Connecting rod 13.27 oil seals 13.39
bearing clearance 13.30 pilot bearing 13,56
bolts 13.30 replacing (1.9L) 13.57, 13.58
side clearance 13.30 -Cylinder 13.43
-Crankshaft 13.22 - Distributor
bearing caps 13.22 drive gear 13.38
drive belt cover 13.21 a drive shaft 13.38
end play 13.24 installing 13.38
journal sizes 13.23 - Flywheel 13.40
main bearing clearance 13.25 - Piston pin hole burrs
oil seal (flywheel side) 13.25 removing 13.47
oil seal (drive belt side) - Pistons 13.43
13.26 classifications 13.44
sprocket bolt 13.21 pin 13.44
-Cylinder block 13.27 rings 13.45
bore dimensions 13.30 - Torque converter
clearance 13.30 drive plate 13.40
-V-belt pulley 13.34, 13.35, 13.42

Index 13.1
Cooling fan housing
removing Fig. 2
adjusting flaps Fig. 3

20 Nm

Ignition timing scale ft Ib)

Fan 00&11111'110 .......,.. _-'"

20 Nm (15 It Ib)
Heater blower

Cover plale, fronl -----.

mr... n, .. "" in engine stand Fig. 1

carrier I support _ _ _J
disassembling lassembling Fig. 5

Arrow on carrier must pOint to
front of vehicle when reinstalling.
To remove carrier only, unbolt
from mounts

- after botts 1 and 2, move alternator to
tension V-belt
bolts 1 and 2 to 20 Nm (15 ft
- check belHension belt in
• deflection: appeol<. 10-15 mm

tan nVIUl1Ii1IJ:lg, ff""n""'ltlnn

remove bolts detaoh

.. bent ends of return

on boss of fan
and on cable
Engine support

remove together with bracket
installing Fig. 5

Nm It Ib)

pry out carefully with screwdriver
installing Fig. 7
It Ib)
011 filter sealing
note instructions on filter, compound
remove with US4462'

Cylinders' pistons
marking page 13.11
removing I installing,
checking page 13.11

20 Nm (15 ft Ib) remove together with bracket

installing. see Repair Group 15


Nm (65 ft Ib)

Pr•••u,e plate
mark position before removing

25 Nm (18 It Ib)

Clutch disc
Washer Install with US 219
always replace

used to adjust orankshaft
end play, see 11

Rocker shaft
do not disassemble

Cylinder head coyer gasket

check for damage and replace
if necessary





- set crankshaft on No.1

- Install drive shaft so that offset slot is
at an of about 12· to

Pistons c-s
Distributor drive
-set No.1 to TDC
- turn rotor until mark on rotor is in line
with mark on distributor

",n."",,"" oil seals
converter drive •
check crankshaft end play and
if necessary
"new: 0.01-0.13


dial Indicator

Thickness of shim is etched on shim,
with micrometer

remove """011'\,"" ..1

-Install crankshaft oil seal and felt
- install all three shims

- install fl\"'''''' ....!

bolts to 110 Nm ft
- recheck crankshaft end play

Crankshaft end C·10

Eliminate head gasket When installing new pistons
when replacing lower and cylinders elrellp - - - - - - - . , .
gasket with 1.6 mm replace lower gasket with removing/installing Fig. 2
cylinder shim 1.6 shim
Platon '11'1-----.........
removing/Installing Fig. 3

mark before removing Fig. 1
classifications Fig. 6
mark diameter/wear, checking Fig. 10
checking for wear Fig. Fig. 5 piston diameter/cylinder
Installing Fig. gap, checking Fig. 7 bore page 13.13
cylinder bore/piston side clearance, checking Fig. 8
diameter page 13.13

.. arrow to


must face

1 end gap, dutcklng

about 4-5 mm

wear limit

oil scraper 0.25-0.40 mm

6 classlficalfomt

Band C

D and E group
::;;; 474 - 482 grams
"" 482 - 490 grams

8 Piston side cleifilr8.1ca. checklr..

clearance wear limit
0.04-0.07 mm

oil scraper 0.02-0.05 mm 0.10 mm

0.002 in.)



must be of same size


blue 93.992-94.008 93.91 • wear limit: O.2mm
94.002-94.018 93.98
1st oversize
blue 94.492-94.508 94.41
blue 94.97

end gaps must be offset 120°

- measure 10-16 mm
from top



Engine (Air-cooled AFC)
- Removing 10.2
-Installing 10.5

Engine (Diesel)
- Removing 10.6
-Installing 10.7

Engine (Water-cooled Syncro)

- Removing 10.8
-Installing 10.10

- disconnect cable from

.. 11 at
.. A for resistors
.. hoses B at deceleration valve


detach air cleaner 1 with air flow sensor 2 and

ai r intake duct 3

- disconnect
- remove rubber boot for heater booster 4 .. 1 at
disconnect wire for alternator 5 .. 2 at Hall control unit
- disconnect at control unit .. 3 at idle stabilizer
oil level stick 7 .. wire connection 4 for oxygen sensor

- disconnect wires at
.. distributor 8
.. oil pressure switch 9 - remove nuts 12 of upper
- disconnect vacuum 10 for brake booster - disconnect accelerator cable 13

block fuel line 15 with
disconnect 16 on starter

.. use 3052, extension and T-handle

to turn crankshaft of
.. make sure engages in recess
of fan hub

access to bolts of
must be rotated until each bolt - block fuel line from pressure 17
appears in hole on top of transmission with

- loosen accelerator cable A at selector lever
and detach
- loosen transmission carrier bolt B

- support transmission with VW 785/1

.. when distance
a 80 mm (3114 in.)
support with floor
.. use VW 612/5

Engine - Assembly 10
Engine, installing
(AIr cooled-AFC)
Proceed in reverse order of removing and
note following:
- check clutch release bearing for wear, replace
if necessary
- lightly lubricate splines on main drive shaft
and contact points of clutch release bearing I
clutch reiease lever with 11,,1081 grease
• do not lubricate clutch release bearing guide
- always replace all self·locking

Manual transmission
- adjust accelerah<!r cable at full throttle

Automatic transmission
- adjust accelerator cable

Tightening torques:
• engine to transmission 30 Nm (22 1t Ib)
• engine carrier to mount 25 Nm (18 ft Ib)
• transmission mount 30 Nm(22 ft lb)
• torque converter to drive plate 30 Nm(18 ft Ib) .

Air cooled - AFC

Engine, installing 10.5
Camshaft end cap
coat with sealing
compound when Installing

M.ln be.rlng No. 1--""\

hole for dowel otlset
toward flywheel

groove laces
011 slinger

runout. checking Fig. 1
end play, checking Fig. 2
Installing Fig. 3

turn crankshaft backward
.. camshaft must not lift out of

.. if camshaft lifts out of

install camshaft with smaller

To obtain
with various size
are on Inner lace

,"+0.1", +0.2", indicates in

.. wear 1/100 mm how much radius differs
from standard radius "0"

Mark 0 on outer face of camshaft
gear is mark and must not be
confused with

2 Camshaft end
"wear limit 0.16 mm
.. out of

- mark camshaft gear tooth be

between marks on crankshaft gear
- check backlash of
.. 0.0-0.05 mm

Camshaft II
'»I.trlbutor drive ge.f
press off I install with
crankshaft timing gear
removing Fig. 3
installing Fig. 4

Cr.nks"eft Umlng geer NO.3 always

press off I install together with hole for dowel fecea lubricate contact surface
distributor drive gear crankshaft weD when Installing
removing Fig. 3
installing Fig. 4

rOd - - - - - -
not. !)OSRICI'!.
Instaning 5 and Fig. 6
checking side clearance Fig. 7

3 Distributor drive

III rod
4 Distributor drive
gear, m18l1alillng

numbers and

A US 8028

- I tap both sides of

rod with hammer to eliminate
af shells when 9 Crankshaft
rod - lubricate with MaS, grease when

on cage must be
visible when installed

.....,'tln, ... rod

Crankshaft II
Diesel Injection System

Quick Data Index

Diesel Injection System
-Cold start cable 23.5
-Engine speed 23.5
-Fuel cut-off solenoid 23.5
-Fuel delivery valve/
housing 23.7, 23.8
-Fuel filter water indicator
kit, installing 23.10, 23.11
-Fuel injectors 23.8-23.10
-Injection pump 23.6, 23.7
-Injection pumplValve timing
-Injection system 23.2
-Injection timing 23.4

C-1 23.1

Air-cooled AFC Water-cooled Digijet
-Accelerator linkage/cable -Accelerator linkage/cable
auto. trans. 20.8, 20.9 auto. trans. 20.23, 20.24
manual trans. 20.6, 20.7 manual trans. 20.22
-Fuel filter 20.4 -Charcoal filter valve 20.20
-Fuel gauge sending unit 20.4 -Fuel filter 20.18
-Fuel pump 20.7 -Fuel gauge sending unit 20.18
-Fuel system 20.2, 20.3 -Fuel pump 20.19
leak checking 20.5 -Fuel system 20.16, 20.17
-Fuel tank 20.4, 20.5 leak checking 20.21
iOO -Fuel tank 20.18, 20.19
-Accelerator linkage/cable 20.14 Water-cooled Diglfant
-Fuel gauge sending unit 20.13 -Accelerator linkage/cable
-Fuel system 20.10, 20.11 adjusting 20.32
leak checking 20.13 auto trans. 20.31
-Fuel tank 20.12 manual trans. 20.30
-Charcoal fiHer 20.33
-Fuel gauge sending unit 20.29
-Fuel pump 20.29
-Fuel system 20.26, 20.27
leak checking 20.21
-Fuel tank 20.28

Fuel Supply
California models I from 1981, hay!} a:
new fuel-tank fIlter that is self
cleaning and requires NO
new and enlarged tn·Hne:
F••I •••,dIrlll .nll
fuel filter which requtre'S NO

Fuel supply system components,

Removing and installing

Expan1JJon tank

coat with graph.,;£!
betore !nSlaUjng

fuel pump
delIVery (ate P&;iit ;XU
checkmg, elootrlC:a! 2(17

CheCk system for leaks using a soap solution at
spots marked with an "', Sea! if necessary,

20 . Fuel system
L-_A_i_r-_C_O_O_le_d__ A_F_C__
LI_ _


fuel or hiMI


- L....._A_ir_-c_o_o_l_e_d_.J1 LI_A_F_C_.J Fuel system 20.3

Fuel tank, removing
Work sequenc"

- disconnect battery ground cable

drain fuel tank
Fig. 1 Fual liller, inlilalling
- install with arrow pain!!"" IO\!!lllm

- loosen hose 2
- r;;move IlIlar 1
- remove vliln! hOSIil I
Fig. 2 Fuel gauge s .."dlng unll, removing
- first remove luel tank

- remove venl hoses 1, 2 and 3

Fig. 3 Fuel gauge .endlng unil, Inslailing
- cQat seal with graphite powder and
position carelully
- install sending unit with electrical
connector as shown (arrow pOints to
Iront 01 vehicle)

2 Fllel gauge sending unit
Fuel tank: removing

Fuel system, leak checking

Refer to illustratlon on pages 20.2 and 20,3 for

location of vent line indicated below,

After remDval/repairs on fuel tank, always check

fuel -system ;eaks as tallows,

r.eriH'J"i€ &rrdj 1I'1ast A f"om acfvated charcoal

<lilt,,, "'''''''''1<'''110 ' •• k lester US 448?
""t "Bk 11""'" ""iii to "0" <

-- i,'t'tf;fffl vvfth hind pump to j ,3 ire

of I"'fWrC1S?(,

• Cft ,rll$1utEt h: 1,0 in or greater

liM I !\tinutM;

lifidilking if drops below La in.

6 minufiB.

C/l".k sy.tem !or I••k. '''lIP ",Iution at

£PO±lii marked w!dl an II!'. Se£11jf noc:essary.

remove fuel supply hose 1 and fuel return

ho". 2, ! 10m fuel taok

ioosen bo1ts on fuel tank mounting raiis

(white arrows) and remove rails from rear
lower fuel tank and disconnect electrical
connector on fuel gauge sending unit
- remove fuel lank

Fuel tank, ,emovlng

Fuel system leak checking ... -.5
Rolay leV61'

Accelerator Unkage/cable
Air-cooled AFC II Manual Trans.
punlp delivery checking

Fig, 1 Accelera!er cable, adjusting

aojust cable so tha1 clearance is
oblalned IJel'","8n II1(ollle ulve
and SloP on throWe valve hOusing
•a Ul-Uimm In,)
-,dl"oonl1ect fuel retumlin\!! at pressure regulator
- atlaCh Mose 10 return UnE! mUng on pressure
<"g!lila"or A :ond olfle, end 01 hose In

I, eonlalner
open s"nsor
lermlnals ;J6 and

I:lheck Ill,,1 IllIer Is flol bl<lCked, ground

cOinl'll;olior"" .riil 0,1'1, and at pump is
al teas! n ,5 vollS before pump
pump, checking (electrical)

Salile", must be flilly chargad

- connect ammeter at fue' pump in series with

pump and current supply

and open air sensor lIan

air sensor plug termmals 36 ana 39)
• ammeter should read amps
., lower readIng may indicate poer ground
• higher reading usually indicates dragging
pump motor and unit must be replaced

Manual Trans, Accelerator linkage/cable

Fuel pump
Accelerator linkageicable
Automatic transmission

Push ,od - - - - - - ,
lubricate when ifmtaUing

CirellI' -----::;;;;
always repface

-- -- -- --- -
. .---Pln
must engage in lever
on transmission

- --
Shift lever on trsnsmission


. Accelerator linkage/cable
Auto. Trans.
Accelerator linkage/cable adjustment,
(automatic transmission)

Work sequence

- depress accelerator pedal to full ttlrottle

.. throttle valve lever mlJst contact stop, but

kickdown lever on transmission must not be
in kickdown position
- press accelerator pedal beyond full throttle to
.. override spring must be tensioned and
klckdown: lever Ofl must be in
Kickdown ptitj,i1ion
il NO, adjust illS 10010w$; - pr""s "",,,,I,,ralor pedal to iloor
• lever 6 must he in kickdown position (arrow),
Accelerator linkage/cable, adjusting WIII1 approx, 1,,2mm (1132-3132 in) free
(automatic transmission) play tiel ween lever and slop
- rel""s<> accelerafor pedal
- le''''f muSI be In idle p<!!itiOn (oul 01 klCkdown)

- loose r\ 1"1" I 1
-- remove override sprf n9 2:
- start engine and leI idle
- ad]usl idle speed al SCrew 5
{see Repair Group 24i - il n"cessary, adjust accelerator cable al
- shut engine OFF clamping boll (arrow)
- press accelerator rod In direction of arrow
10 slop

- turn adjusting rod 3 with screwdriver until

stlOulder of adjusting rod just conlacts pJvot
of throttle lever 4
- reinstall overnde spring 2
- start engine and check idle speed
• adjust If necessary by turning rod 3
- lock adjusting rod 3 in position With nut 1

Air-cooled AFC IAutomatic Trans·1

Accelerator linkage/cable 2
Cooling System

Air-cooled Water-cooled
- Cooling air control flap - Antifreeze hydrometer
adjusting 19.3 checking 19.17
+ Cooling fan - Coolant
! removing 19.3 assembly 19.8,19.11,19.14
- Fan housing draining/filling 19.15
assembly 19.2 expansion tank, checking 19.18
removing 19.3 hose layout 19.10
- Snap-lock wiring connectors leak checks 19.17
installing 19.19 mixture ratio 19.18
- Thermostat refill tank 19.9, 19.13
checking 19.3 - Hose spring clamps
- V-belt removinglinstalling 19.16
assembly 19.2 - Hot footwell kit
tension, adjusting 19.3 installing 19.20
- Radiator
Diesel assembly 19.12
- Antifreeze hydrometer thermo-switch 19.12
checking 19.7
assembly 19.4
draining/filling 19.6
mixture ratio 19.5
pipes, replacing 19.7a
- Snap-lock wiring connectors
installing 19.19
- Pressure Cap
checking 19.7

19 Engine-Cooling System

15 Nm ill IIlb)

CooIiIlt air _ . , --:-"\.

IIdj".lIng Fig. 4


Coollrlll Ian wllh pulley---'

removing Fig, 2

19.2 Cooling Ian
Fan housing
Engine-Cooling System 19

- loo$el'l ball$ 1 aM Ii! - prell!! 10 fully clOSe<! ",O,,!liOn

- 'IlIem,tor to lension ool! and nl'ltl!An ca.ble clamp
• ool! deli.etlon must 00 1(l-15mm
in middle when
Ilrmly wllh lhumb N:r>1liI
Benl ends 01< relurn must re»' on I)OS8 of
and on cable guide (arrOw B)

Flg.2 Cballng fIll with pull"),, tllmlWlng

- l€trnO¥!I 0011$ !!mow,S)

Tl'Iilrm'oallllt, checking

'1", min 46 mm (1 13116 in<)

Flg.:I Fan housing, I'6movlng

- disconnect cooling air control flap
- remove bolts (arrows)
- remove housing

Cooling 'all
19 3 ..

Lubrication System

Alr-c()oled Water-c()Oled ISyncro
17.2 -Assembly 17.7
-Oil cooler 17.2 pipe,
checking 17.3 crankcase breather 17.9
-Oil pressure switch 17.2 -Oil pressure switch 17.9
checking 17.3 pump 17.9
removing 17.3
-Oil pump 17.2

-Oil filter 17.4, 17.5
cooler 17.4
checking 17.5
-Oil pan 17.4, 17.6
-Oil pump 17.4, 17.5
-Oil pressure switch 17.4, 17.6

Index 17.1
17 Engine-Lubrication System

Engln_ oil Ifiling capacity - - - - - , .

wHh oll filter change-3.5 Itt (:17 US qt)
011 prenurt'll withoul Ol! Wter Itr (3,2 US Qit)
checking Fig;. 5

011 pro..uf••witcll _ _ _,
removlngiif'tfll!allil1g 'Fig, 4 (Illirfarenc1t
checking 5 min, ,and tmfX,
0"' lIf (0"6 US 'Ill

011 .1"

check tor leaks Fig, 3 n straIner cover
Replace oil cOQler if there are
25 Nm (18 II Ib,
melal paIlle las on pistons,
'" Nm (911 Ib)
crankCase tores, or in engine 011 p"mp houaJng
oil '-----011 drain plug removing Fig, 1
25 Nm 118 II Ibl
Oil pump goaf!!

Oil pump

1 011 Pr&$l!Uflllllwltoh
Engine-lubrication 17

fig, 1 011 p.. mp hou&lne. "moving

fig." all press"," $wllel1. removlngHnf.lalHng

Fig. 2 011 pump Insert, r.movl"l11

Fig. S Oil pr"$$ural$,.,ileh, "!lacking

• engine oil lem!lllrature should be
aG'C (17S'Fl
-Install of! prEl&sure gauge/adapter in
place 01 eil switch
- In1l1811 swHch 11\ gauge
- connect wire 1 ttl oil pressure switch
and to wire from Gil pressure warning
- connect wire 2ltl ground
- turn ignition ON
• oil pressure warning light must
light up
if NO. swiloh is defective
- star! engine
Fig. 3 all cooler. checking {or klak$
• 011 priS$"r" warning light must go
• test pressure max.!).9 bat pSI> oul at oll pressure of 0.15-0.45 bar
(2-6.5 psi)
- Increase engine speed
• at 2000 rpm! pressure shouid be min.
2.0 bar (29 poi)

Oil pump
1·3 [Air cooled-AFC Ci I .,<I<>kll
Oil IIre01>5""" 17. 3

Cylinder Head
Valve Drive

Air-cooled Water-cooled Syncro
- Compression pressure - Gasoline additive
checking 15.2 reducing carbon deposits 15.31
- Cylinder head - Compression pressure
assembly 15.2 checking 15.20
- Gasoline additive - Cylnder head
reducing carbon deposits 15.25 assembly 15.17
- Rocker arm shaft installing 15.23
installing 15.3 sealing 15.23, 15.26
- Valves - Engine block
assembly 15.2 assembly 15.22
dimensions 15.3 - Pushrod tubes
guides 15.4 replacing 15.25
hydraulic lifters 15.6 - Valves
seats, refacing 15.4 assembly 15.17
springs 15.2 dimensions 15.18
hydraulic lifters 15.23
Diesel guides 15.20
- Camshaft seats, refacing 15.18
assembly 15.10 springs 15.18
end play 15.15
oll seal 15.15
radial clearance 15.15a
run-out 15.15
- Compression pressure
checking 15.16
- Cylinder head
assembly 15.8
bolts 15.9
distortion 15.14
gasket 15.9
- Valves
assembly 15.1 0

On vehicles with electronic
disconnect terminal 4 on

IIfte, ..
mark position according to matching valve; minimum: 5
store vertical position "maximum pressure difference between
with base downward .... nh.o.o. and lowest 3 bar
adjustingl bleeding page 15.6

dimensions Fig. 4
lapping, exhaust 6
refaclng. Intake Fig,

Cvllnder tHtlild
Installing 8
valve seat refaclng page 15.4

Push rod
max. run-au! 0.3 rom (0.012 In.)

Valve adjusting screw

Installing Fig. 1 adjusting hydraulic lifters page 15.6


CVUnl:!er head

4 dimensions

Intake valve

.. slot downward ."r'''''u<: a::= 39.3mm

.. chamfer outward b 7.95 mm
c 115,4 mm
Work sequence C

- 11ft and turn

or burnt seats can be refaced if:
Del'mlsslble width of seal A is maintained
diameter of valve
heat at C

- remove carbon
- Insert new valve Into valve
" valve stem must be flush valve
- rock valve back and forth dial


nuts hand
in numbered sequence to
30 Nm ft

Valve seat
Work sequence
- clean
- check and In valve seats

- reface exhaust valve seats A to 45 '*

II as soon as seal Is

of Intake and exhaust

valve seats A 75'" cutter

15° narrow In lake valve seal

widths A to 1.8-2.2 mm
15· narrow exhault valve seat
widths A to 2.0-2.5 mm

Valve seals

Intermittent valve noises are normal upon


If metal

is necessary

Work sequence
- set Rdlll!'ltino rocker arms so that
ball with surface arm
- turn crankshaft until NO.1 at TOe
with mark on distributor

touch valve

Work sequence

check that valve Is bled

.. check by firm thumb pressure on

rod socket in direction of arrow.
Resistance should be felt
if bleed lifter as follows:

tor - fill tin can
- cut an old
I",a remove lock
ball check valve with

open valve with scriber

can flow out of lower part of

Fuel Injection, AFC System

Air-cooled AFC Water-cooled Dlgljet Water-cooled Dlglfant
- Air filter housing 24.8 - Air filter housing 24.27 - Deceleration fuel shutoff 24.60
- AFC system check 24.15 - Auxiliary air regulator 24.27, 24.28 - Electrical testing 24.61, 24.62
- Auxiliary air regulator 24.8, 24.9 - Control unit/wire hamess 24.31 - Fuel injectors, checking 24.56
- Cold-start valve 24.5 checking 24.35 - Fuel Injection system
- Control unlllwiring hamess 24.12 - Data/specifications 24.18,24.19 components 24.48, 24.49
- Deceleration valve 24.7 - Double relay 24.32 repairing 24.46. 24.47
- Double relay 24.13 -Fuel injectors 24.25,24.26 - Full throttle enrichment,
- Full throttle enrichment switch troubleshooting 24.38-24.41 checking 24.60
24.13, 24.14 - Full throttle enrichment switch - Idle speed/CO content
-Idle speed-CO 24.10. 24.11 24.34 checking and. adjusting
- Intake air/temperature sensors 24.9 checking/adjusting 24.35-24.37 24.50-24.52
- Intake air sensor housing 24.8 - Idle speed/CO, checking/adjusting - Idle stabilizer, checking 24.53
- Injector resistance 24.6 24.29, 24.30 - Intake air sensor, checking 24.57
- Injector spray pattern/leak - Intake air sensor 24.28 -OXygen sensor, checking 24.54
checking 24.7 housing 24.27 .,.- Pressure regulator, checking 24.55
- Oxygen sensorlWiring 24.16 - Pressure regOlator 24.25 - Residual pressure, checking 24.55
- Pressure regulator 24.5 - System check 24.20, 24.21 - Safety precautions 24.42
- Speed limit switch 24.14 .,.- System components 24.22-24.24b - Technical Data 24.43-24.45
- System components 24.2 early version 24;24 - Throttle valve basic adjustment
California 24.4 late version 24.24a24.24b 24.37
USA and Canada, - Temperature sensor I 24.28 - Throttle valve switch 24.58, 24.59
except Calif. 24.3 - Temperature sensor D 24.32
- Temperature sensor D 24.13 - Throttle valve/deceleratlonlidle
- Thermo-time switch 24.6 switch 24.33
- Voltage supply/series ,
resistance 24.6

0·1 Index 24.1

Fuel Injection, AFC System

/"""--8 Nm {69 In. Ihi

,--P,'••"uro fegula10r
checkIng Fig. 1

,-0''''011.,.,1100 ••1••
(manual tflln$m1ss+on only)

throttle switch
<;he-ckingiadjusting page 2,U4

adjusting screw
Idie checkil'1g!adJusting page 24.10

Cold start
chftckmg Fig.

Thefmo.Ume $wl1ch
checking Fig, 4

IntaKe air dlstdbutor

AuxWery ail' regulator

Checklr'!g page 24.9

Fuel line

Injector _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'
Serles resistance (oxcept Cam J
chftck'llQ F,C;. 7 resIstance (Ca',1, or,y) cheCk1f1Q Fiq. 6-
voltage supply, eneek ng FIg 5
sprz,y pal1ern, checkirg Fig. 8
checklnq tor leak$-, page 24.7

2 System componel1llayou!
Fuel Injection, System 24


Thermo-time 5witch

Ignition distributor

,---Auxiliary air regulator


Full ihroUle switch

Tilmperah,ue sensor


start valve

Cataly1ic Convener
(USA only)

System component layout

24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Auxiliary air nfQul1ll8or

.4 System component layou!

Fuel InjectionI System 24

Fire hazard. Do not smoke or have anything
In area that can ignite fuel

- connect gauge US 1076 to fuel ring

- operate starter briefly until fuel
Fig. I " ..... sure regulalor, checking pressure is present
- pull electrical connector 011 cold"sfart
1 ; relum Hne
2 ; frOm futl pump
I '" luel ohamber
- opilrall, valve with two '",nn,., wires
4", (arrowsl
5", spflng • lual pr"ss"'8 slowly
it cold IItart valve
& '" lola.", Illr clisitrltll.ltrlf

Pressur" 111111 pres$uf.
depending on Irlta"lIlIlr distributor vaeuum

- dlsconnool nose belW<!1!r'I Il'Ilaka all
distributor and pressure regulator
- start engine and run at Idle
• pressure should be; 2.5 ber (36 psi) Fig. 3 Cold slart valve, checking lor leeks
- re"connect hose - pull electrical connector off cold star'
• pressure (at Idle) musl drop to approx. valve
2.0 bar (29 psi) - remove cold start valve from intake air
If pre.sure too low. Check fuel pump dislrlbutor but leave valve connected
delivery ralll to ring main
If pressure too high, check return line - pull wire off Ignition coil terminal 1
- operate
I If readings .11II11100"6CI, replace pressure
regulator • cold·start valve should not leak.
Replace if necessary

Pres sur" rellulalor

Cold slart valve
24 5 II

Flg.4 Thermo·lime switch, chooklng

.. engine cold, air temperature below - putt c"nneClor 011 and
20'C (58 'F) connect ohmmeter to injector
- pull electrical connector off cold·start 'II reSistance should be 2·3 ohms

valve If NO, replace injector

- connect test light
- pull wire ofllgnltiofl Goilierminal 1
- operate starter
• test light must light up tlrlghHy
• after 11 seconas teet
light must dim or

Flg.1 Serle. r•• lslen,,&. checking

(USA and Canada except CaIiL)
- disconnect connector to series
- cannect ohmmeter with one lead to
---. Clonnee10r center pin of connector and touch
other lead to each side pin
- connlilCl lest to wlrll connector
- operate starter, test light must flicker • resistance for each must be
,; NO, reler 10 page 24,38
5,5-6.5 ohms
if NO, replace series resistance as
complete unit

On California vehicles, sedes reSistance is bullt
into fuel injection control unit and can not be

Thermo-time switch
Voltage supply/Series resistancel
Injector resistance, checking
• IAFc:j
Inie'ctio,n. AFC

InJectors, for leaks

- 'emo'l! "'e<;trlcal con";;cl", from Injeclor
- remove bul ieeve connected 10 ,ing
main Un'!'
of! wire I,om terminal t of Ignition coil
opl!ralte "I"rter
that flO mora than 2 drops leak from
elM:h In ona minute

fig. 8 Injector spray pallarn, checking

- remove injector but leav",conneoted
to ring main

opera I'll starter

• $pn.y must an eY"n, <00".

Fig. 9 Decele,ation .alva, checking

(manu,,1 transmission only)
off hose from decelera!!on valv"
to air lilter at filter
- start and run briefly at approx,
3000 rpm
- lei throttle valve snap closed
- at same moment check for suction at
disconnected hose
If NO, replace deceleration valve

D·7 AFC InJ""lor spray pallamlLeak eheoldllg .&......

D"c..I..,aUol1 v"lve
24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Auxiliary air regui.lor

checking Fig. 3

Intake air SDtl:lot _ _ _ _......,

checlong FIg:" T

Tempera'lIfe "Bofor [ -___

checking: Fig . .2

In lake air sonsor housing

Air IlIler housing
Auxiliary air regula to, IAir-COOledl AFC I
Fuel Injection, System

1,10 O,/j',,1<!C:I'[t:al OO,II,\",otO( from

check fuel pump contacts in intake air
sensQr by CQnnecting Qhmmeter 10
terminals 36 and 39
pushelr sensor flap Qpen fully • melli'r $hOuld read 2;100-2700 ohm"
• meter should read 0 ohms
release air sensor flap
• meter should read 00 ohms

If resistance are correct
bul fuel pump does not worn, check for
break in between control unit and
intake air sensor

- toucll 1,0 10110'11111[1 01 aIr

sensor connections <;1<"""0, room

*6 &9 = ohms 3
• (I & l! '" 13CH!60 ohms fig. 3. AUldllaryllr r&g\llal,)r, eltlteillng
• !I &, \I 70-140
• \I & l' = Note
,,&1:1'; Ohm13
• 6&21 = max. When is cold, rltgulator is
ohms at 2(1'0 (ea 'F) fwHy, allowing oodllional air 10

'To' check that 11'1 intake 1 = bimelal spring

air sensor is 1'101 p«_,adas 2 = heating coil
foIlQw!!: 3 = rotary gate valve

- chOCk Intake ai! ""'''50! Is In - check regulalor electrically by pulling

closed P01l11lrll'l connector oil and allaohing ohmmeter
connect ohmmeter 10 terminals 7 & 8 to both terminals
and open air sensor pla!e slowly, * meier shO,uld read approx, 30 ohms
• resistance shou!d not be fower than - check meChanically by pulling 0,11 both
40 ohm and no! above 500 ohms at hoses and blowing into regulalor
values * with engine cold, regulator musl be
on lermlnals 6 & 7 open
9' with wanm, regUlator must be
lurn ignition ON
• after 5 minutes. must close

D·9 InlakllirlTllmperlllul'$ &lIl'Illora

Auxiliary IIlr rlillulatllf
Fuel on, AFC System

Idle speedlCO, checklngladJusting

(USA and Conadl ">;<;Ipl C..llf.)

Work equenee
Prelil'llilllIll tOndlIIO_
• engine oit !"tmperalur" min. eo '0 lUG
• iMak'! air 1III"!IOr I'IIU31 be 2O'C
• all electrical m".1 bl!
• hose lor charCQI!I musl be <1i$cOnn<>eted
and blocked al arr filler
• dwell >lna liming OK Group

When veh icle has been parked outside at
temperatures below 10'C (50 'F), adjustment
must wait until intake air sensor has reached screW larrOI.)
room temperature 2O'C (6S'F) • 1.0 :±: O.5 Q/Q
- connect tachldwell meter according 10 - secure CO adjusting screw wilh blue cap
manufacturer's instructions
If CO cannot be adjusted following components
may be deteclive:
• injectors
• spark plugs
• vacuum leak between cylinder head and inlake

Idle speedlCO, checkingladjusting

(CallI. ollly)

Work .equence
Preliminary conditions:
"engine oil temperature min. 6O"'C (140"'F)
• inlake air sensor must be 20'C (68 "F)
- check idle speed and II n!'!Cessary, • all electrical equipment must be OFF
with adjusting screw (arrow) II hose for charcoal filter must be disconnected
.. manuaJ transmission: 800-960 rpm and blocked at air filler
• automatic transmission: 850-1000 rpm
connect CO meier according to m""ul!'!C!urer's Nole
- connect CO prabe ahead 01 To check engine rpm on vehicles with oxygen
al proM r!'!Ceplaele sensor and electronic ignHion (CaUf, vehicles),
resistor adaptor must be used In conjunction
with commercial tachldweil meier

Idle speed/CO,
oheoklng/adjustlng I Air-cooled[AFC I
TACHOMETER - II timing selting does not change with
changes in rpm, replace idle stabilizer

Belo,e chl!cklr'tg CO, idle speed and
ignition specifications
- con""cl CO melel acco,'dlng to manufacturer's

ah"ad 01 catalytic converte'

engtna -=
ground -

on coil

- assemble and connect ad,jptl!l a)cc(;rdilrtg 10

- creek idle speed (with idl& $\('>bllizer
• 850-950 rpm

If CO canno! be foflowing components
may be deleCliV<!l:
• injeclOj'll
• spark plugs
• leak head and II1laka
- reconnect oxygen SenSor
• CO must be within
- secure CO adjusting screw with blue cap

- dis<:onMC\
connect fO(leti1el
- check ignition timing and If necessary adjusl
(see Repair Group 26)
- check ,die and II necessary, adjust
• 850-950 rpm (£II adjusting screw)
- reconnect idle stabilizer
- start engine and slowly increase engjne speed
to at least 900 rpm
- release throttle
• idle must now be: 850-950 'pm

Idle speed/CO, checking/adjusllng 24.11

24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

1..J'fl11 ,za.Ml1X)t hie ,ttPltrfl3'cL

loc,allof'l side ¢
It ltmil$ m,lI 1(}
,')4:00 {pm f6\f((!I!JII"n: mfOfIT\a:Hfil1 t1!f1I
., 4tir WJPlf1lt!ty i't1"tJ'I'%flf i¥t;!:I1S!if
&< eniJlrh<l 'i1;/mt}o1rh11ure; Jrom if;rmpliHltlJfi1:l sensor 11
., S!)ljEnli tram 19:01h"llft d'HUrJtui(jj'
• liiIf 1'hrOn1t ,v«tWf f4Qrn f$:''''t1Ctl for
iJ'Id thi8t
uti Q: (matiott to :di!! t€H m intt 4i1'flO b 111: Q' ttie I
to R 4('1j*l'C1($<1

TO doubla relay
checking Fig, 1

TO series resistance
(USA aoc 0'0.<1" ".c"pl ,",III i

To "Iol,'ol(lf.-

Speed flmit switch iCald )

checking, page 24 !4

O)(yg&n s(msor (CaM ,)

checking. page 24,1,:5

Control unlt/Wlfll harn"'"

Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
"zero" ollmmeter and connect one
to tem/leralure I!<!nl!Of llml other
10 ground
- <:he<:k reell:ltarr<:1ii at

• If resistance 100 !OuCh

ground probe to steel hOtlSlrro of
• if resistance now OK. is
corrosion between sensor and
001 cylinder head
• if resistance is stm Incorrect,
\'0""11,,111 'klm,tn;"" replace temperature sensor II
one lead 01 lesl
,ermlnal and other
Full throttle enrichment, checking
• 86a
• SOy Work sequence
• 8ad
operale slarter
• test light must light up
if NO, check wire to battery or inline fuse
If wire or Inline fuse OK, double relay This check shows possible defects in conlrol
must be replaced unit or break in wiring between control unit and
full throttle swilch. AI full throttle, this switch
signals control unit to increase amount of fuel

California ooly
Vehicles for California are equipped with
speed limit switch located between full
throttle enrichment sWitch and control unit
Fuil Ihrottle enrichment will take place
when engine fUns above 3000 rpm (at same
lime oxygen sensor switches off)

- warm englrle unlit oit Hlmperalure is at leas!

- check that idle
are OK
- go to nllxt pag;!

Temperature sensor in cylinder head
supplies control unit with information for
starting and warm-up enrichment
disconnect !emperawre sensor wire
lrom sensor

Double relay
AFC Temperalure s"nsor II
Full Ihrollle enrlcllmanl
Fuel Injection, AFC System
- open throttle valve slowly
• just before reach''''1I ohmmeter must
re!!<l 0 ohms,
II NO, swilCIl must b", or f"".l!l.(:ed

Ihrc,Ule enrlchlmel,1 switCh,

Call,fc<",la ol1ly
U8E! lumper wirE! ami mak'!; oontact
!lel ...e!!" terminal 4 and 8 {arrow Ai
01 connector lor lim1l switch
pull of! connectofs Idle stabilizer
cormec! together (arrow

- run alldleand 10
in table
- depress accelerator pedal fully and hotd in
position \

, Autem"lIc SSCHOOO rpm
-loosen switch and move it until ohmmate'r
changes from 00 ohms to 0 ohms
• roller should be in center of curved
- operate fun throttler sw!!ch by hand - tighten switch
• idle mustlncnease appro •. 100 rpm
II NO, cheCk full throttle sWlIC!1 and Speed SWitch, cbeck!rlg
adjustment pOSition
il OK. replace control unit or wiring between
control unit and switch
- on Calif. vehicles readjust idle speed to
specifications on sticker and reconnect idle
stab Hizer

Full throttle enrichment switCh,

Wark sequence

- connect lead i" I olvollmel'l' 10

switch lermillal 8 Md lead ( - i 10
switch terminal 6
- star! engine and accelerate to approx.
3000 rpm
• voltmeter must indicate battery voltage
,f NO, replace speed limit switch

- "zero" ohmmeter and connect to contacts on

• with throttle valve closed, ohmmeter must
read 00 ohms

Full throWe anrlctrmenl switch

Speed limit swllch
Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
Entire AFC System can be checked electrically at
control unit plug using an ohmmeter or volt meter
according to following chart.

Ohmmeter to terminal: Specs Checks

#1 and Ground Disconnect white injection wire at Wire to#l terminal on coil
coil 00 ohms; hook wire to ground
#3 and #18 Press accelerator pedal down fully. Full throttle enrichment circuit
Oohms thru throttle switch
#5 and Ground Oohms Ground Circuit
#6 and #9 200-400 ohms Air Sensor Circuit
#6 and #8 130-260 ohms Air Sensor Circuit
#Sand #9 70-140 ohms Air Sensor Circuit
#6 and #7 --4Q-300 ohm's Air Sensor Circuit
#7 and #8 100-,500 ohms Air Sensor Circuit
#6 and #27 Max 2,800 ohms at 68· F Air Sensor Circuit
#13and Ground F Head Sens,Or
270-390\at 176· F
#14and#10 Approxtrtlately 7 ohms Injector wire and resistor
#15and#10 Appr:oxi ately 7 {)hms Injector wire and resistor
#32 and #10 Appr mately 7 ohms Injector wire and resistor
#33and#10 Appr ximately 7 ohms Injector wire and resistor
#16 and Ground o Ground Circuit
#17 and Grou nd ohms Ground Circuit
#34 at control unit and Approximately 30 ohms Auxiliary air regulator
#37 on the double relay and wires

Voltmeter to terminal Specs Checks

#4 and Ground 12)volts during cranking 0 volts at Signal from starter

pll other times
#10 and Ground 12 volts with key on 0 volts with Voltage supply to computer
key off
#20 and Ground 12 volts with key on and sensor Pump GircuiC
flap open

Air-cooled AFC
AFC system check 24.15
24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Oxygen sensor, checking - reconnect oxygen sensor wire 1

(Cali!. only) • CO must drop to 0] '" 0,4% if oxygen
sensor Is OK
Work '''quence If NO, following components may be
Nole • oxygen sensor
• wire between oxygen sensor and control unit
Oxygen sensor il> 10000te<! in exhaust system {in ., leak in exhaust system between catalytic
front 01 c a t a l y t i o l l produces varying converter and cylinder head
voltages (up to 1 voltl dependent on oxygen
content Of exhaust are
sen! to electronl;;; !lOIllrol IInil which Wire between ol<ygen sensor and
injection lime UnsOi'
operates at all engine speeds, except warm-up
control unit, checking
and full thrOttle

i'r"lIminary conditions:
• engina oif (t40'F)
• air temperature Belore starUng
following lest wall \,I!l1l! intake
air sensor housh'lQ, h"", lIlItum",d room
- connecllachomeMIr 1iIC':<:Irdirlg V)
manufacturer'S in;tn..,t.z;{fGrii
- connect CO meter V) leln ret;epta<::1<11 in !,onl
01 converter (do fIOt eonnE!Ct at tailpipe)
- check idle speed and if !'1E!C&lISary
• 1150-960 rpm
- cOflnael ohmmeter belwe"" oxygen sensor
and lermlnal 24 00 control unll
.0 ohm, Sensor Wifing OK
II 00 ohm, sensor wiring defective

- disconnect oxygen sensor wire 1 to contrOl

-check CO
.. 0,7 ± ,40/Q
- lei engine Idle, disconnect vacuum hose 2 at
pressure regulalor 3 and plug hose
• CO must increase to appro:'" 2.5%
Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
No voltage at injectors,
1from page 24.61

No voltage attnjectors

f-- • pull connector off one injector and connect test light
• operate starter, light should flicker weakly

test light
flickers weakly I test light
does not light \
test light
stays on

1 Jr
go to replace
page 24.40 control unit
.. I.-
Temperature sensor on cylinder head has no continuity
or is shorted

Voltage at injectors. checkinq/

- • disconnect wire from temperature sensor
• connect ohmmeter on cylinder No.4
• check that reSistance is about 2.5 kO
\, atroom temperature)

measured resistance is as

I . ohmmeter shows
00 or 00 0

..... replace
temperature sensor
Engine floods due to defective cold start valve

• pull <:onnector off cold start valve

• start engine with throttle fully open,.becauSe spark
plugs may be wet
124-004 I
Engine does not start
I Engine starts

Temperature sensor. checking go to replace

page 24.39 thermo time switch

E·17 '--_A_i_r-CO O_led_-..:.J\ L-I_A_F_C_-,

_____ No voltage at Injectors,
troubleshooting 24.38
24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Engin.a ffOOd\t ®,e: 10 ,leaky co:ld vaJYf;

• detach from m14ke ,G!( Cfll.llrltiulOr but
it COIi!'ftX;ted tQ ring roam
• pull conI1"O'''' oll 001<1 sTarl valve
• pul! wife qtf !Qflttron termtnat 1
• operata starlar

Valv" d'04llS na' leak

1 Varve J0€1-Ks

Gold start vaive, checking Warning

Fire hazard
cold start valve

Intake air oonSOr bad

.. pull COf4t1(:}ctQJ Qff air mteke sensor

• conned ohmmeter to 6 and 9 on ,,'Hake air
sensor {reading: TOO 10 '300 {.}}
" then al: terminals 7 and 8 (r(tadinij. 00 to 200 g , I
Roodlngs 0"1Ii" t""'ran""s I Readings as $pf)'Cltied

Break in wire or connec-
Intake air sensor lions between control
unit and intake air sensor

IntaKe air sensor, checking

No voltage allnj""lo,.,
Air-cooled II AFC
Fuel Injection,AFC System 24

Ifrom page 24.381

Double relay defective

+-- • connect test light between center slot in molded
connector of series resistance and ground
• switch ignition on

Test light
I Test light
does not light

go to
page 24.41

\ ,.
Double relay, checking
No voltage at double relay

• switch ignition on
• connect test light between:
terminal 86c and 85 (to coil terminal 15)
terminal 88z and 85 (to battery)
terminal 88b and 85 (to series resistances)

Test light Test light

I does not light

L J..
replace break in wire
double relay

E·19 Air-cooled I I AFC No voltage at injectors,

troubleshooting 24.40
24 Fuel Injection, AFCSystem

I from page 24.401

No triggering impulse from coit terminal 1

• pUll multi-pin connector off control unit 1

• connect test light between terminal 1 and ground
• operate starter ..

Test light Test light
flickers does not flicker

Triggering impulse. checking

Possible causes:
• break in wire between terminal 1 on distributor and
terminal 1 on control unit multi-pih connector
• breaker contacts in distributor bad or incorrectly
• condenser ground connection
• ignition coil bad

Control unit has no ground connection

• switch on ignition
• test voltage between following terminals on multi-pin
connector of control unit:
terminal 10 and 5
terminal 10 and 16
terminal 10 and 17

Test light
I Test light
does not light

replace defective
control unit

Possible causes:
• break in ground wire of control unit

24.41 No voltage at Injectors,

troubleshooting '---_A_I_r-_co_o_'e_d_.....III"--_A_F_c_--'
Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
Do NOT touch or disconnect ignition cables When working on fuel system, always follow
when engine is running or starter Is cranked. these· precautions on cleanliness
Disconnect wires in ignition system only when - thoroughly clean all unions and area near
ignition is switched OFF. connections before disconnecting
- place removed parts on a clean surface and
Connect and disconnect tester leads to ignition
cover over. Use paper or plastic sheet. Use
system only when ignition is switched OFF.
only lint-free cloths
When high tension cable (terminal 4 from coil) - components' which have been opened or
is disconnected from distributor, always disassembled must be covered or sealed
connect it directly to ground using jumper carefully if repair cannot be carried out
cable. Otherwise. engine must NOT be immediately
cranked with starter (such as with compression
- only install clean components
- only unpack replacement parts immediately
Vehicles that have a defect in the ignition before they are installed
system or are suspected of having one, may - do not use parts that have been stored
only be towed with the connt;!ctorfrom terminal loose (for instance, in toolboxes)
1 of the ignition coil (green wire) disconnected. - when fuel system is open, do not work with
compressed air if this can be avoided or
Fast charging may onJY be used for emergency move car unless absolutely necessary
starting for up to 15;seconds maximum with no
more than 16.5 volts. Wait at least one minute
after each starting attempt.
00 NOT replace Ignition coil with conventional
type coil. I
Battery must be completely disconnected when
using arc, spot, or electrical welding
If components are heated above BO°C (176°F)
such as from paint drier or steam cleaner, wait
for components to cool down before starting
00 NOT wash engine while it is running or
ignition is switched ON.
00 NOT disconnect battery with engine
00 NOT apply voltage to control unit to
simulate output signals.

E·21 Digifant
Safety precautions 24.42
24 Fuel Injection,AFC System

Technical data/specified values

Engine code MV
Type 2.1 liter 70 kW, 90 SAE net HP
Introduction October 1985
Part no.

Control unit /

Ignition timing checking spec. 3-7" before TDC

adjusting spec . 5 ± 1° beforeTDC
• Test and adjustment conditions no. 1 and 9
Idle adjustment
idle rpm .880 ± 50rpm
CO content 0.7 70.4 Vol. %
• Test and adjustment conditions no. Ato 6,7,8
Conditions and requirements:
1- engine 011 temperature min. 80°C (176°F)
2- electrical consumers turned off
3- crankcase breather hose on oil breather
removed and closed tightly
4- throttle valve switch turned on (continuity)
5- idle stabilizer OK (valve vibrates and hums)
6- ignition timing setting: OK
7- connector (single connector) for idle stabilizer
control valve disconnected
8- with ignition OFF, disconnect connector (single
connector) for oxygen sensor
9- with engine running, double connector for
temperature sender disconnected and rpm
increased to 2000-2500 rpm by depressing

24.43 Technical data

Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
Engine code MV
RPM limiter
(Control unit)
switch-off rpm: 5500-5800 rpm
Idle stabilizer:
valve (resistance) continuity
• connector (single connector)
for control valve: disconnected approx. 430 mA constant
connected approx. 430 ± 20 mA, fluctuating
under load per following conditions: depending on load
• steering turned all the way 440-1000 mA
• selector switch in drive position
• climate control switched on
• electrical consumers turned on
• engine cold
Power steering pressure switch)
• measured at idle speea/
Steering: straight ahead no continuity
Steering: turned all the way n display (continuity)
/ //(to either side)
Fuel pump:
delivery quantity min. 500 cm 3 /30 sec
Pressure regulator
• fuel pressure measured at idle rpm
vacuum hose: connected approx. 2.0 bar (29 psi)
vacuum hose: disconnected approx. 2.5 bar (36 psi)

E·23 Digifant
Technical data 24.44
24 FuetlnJection, AFC System

Engine code MY
Spray pattern cone shaped

ONLY connector connected is valve being checked
Voltage supply diode test lamp flickers
• ALL connectors disconnected. starter operated
• measured on valve 15-20n
Air flow sensor
Resistance between
terminals: 3 and 4 500-1000 n
2 and 3 change in resistance when air sensor plate is moved
1 and 4 resistance dependent on of
air flow sensor - se1 diagram
Temperature sender ,"
• for engine temperature Sl-..
_----- .. Sl
• resistance dependent on coolant temperature - 900
see diagram at right
7000 700
6000 H\-+++-++-++++ 600
5000 500
4000 400
3000 300
2000 200
1000 100

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100·C
32 50 68 86 104122140 158176194 212"F


24.45 Technical data

Fuel injection system, repairing
Technical dala!specilied value - pages 24.43-24.45
NOle Rules 01 Cleanliness - page 24.42
Replace gaskels, sealing rings and spring clamps

Fuel return line

8 Nm
Control valve fer
(6 It Ib)
lClle stabilizer
., checking pag.J 24.53

20 Nm _____\

(15 It Ib) ---

Intake sfr (!ltttr1butor

.. checking - pago 24.55
• coat with D2
I /'
I <


., wIlt; connecter 'or
::ressure gauge

• chookiog
Fuel inlect!on line
• from 1uel pump
Fuel Injection, AFC

• replace

C()..adjusUng screw
• idle adjustment -
page 24.51

Intake air sensor

lit checking - page 24.57

TIt,OIII$ ho".I"!! - - - ,
• basic adlusnnanf of
lh"lIUa - _ 24,37


Intake air hose

Throttle valve switch

removing and inslaHing,

page 24.58
• checking and adjusting,
page 24.59

Temperature sensor 5 Nm (4 It Ib)

• for in!ake air temper-
• checking, see Inlake
air sensor, checking - - Gasket
page 24.57

F,3 Digifant Fuel Injecllon system,

Fuel injection system components
Electrical checking of ignition and fuel injection
system - pages 24.61, 24.62
Safety precautions - page 24.42

• connect or disconnect only
with ignition off
• to remove, press spring up

Control unit
• for fuel injection and
ignition system, oxygen
• installation location: on Fuel pump
trunk floor behind rear • to current supplY for
seat or in cargo area, fuel pump
in platform truck in • when turning ignition on
equipment box under load and off, relay must switch
surface perceptibly (requirement:
current supply relay and
control unit OK)

Idle stabilizer control unit

• connect and disconnect only L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Current supply relay
with ignition off • for control unit, idle stabi-
.. check idle stabilizer lizer control unit, pwr. steer-
pagIil24.53 ing pressure switch, injectors,
• installation location: oxygen sensor heating and
in front of right control for fuel pump relay
taillight terminal
• when switching ignition on
and off, relay must switch
• check connectors according
to current flow diagram

Relay adapter
• check electrical connec-
tors according to wiring

24.48 F
Fuel Injection, AFC System 24

Sealing ring

Temperature sender --_.,.

• for engine temperature
• resistance dependent on
coolant temperature.
specified value:
dI..,om. page 2445
\i"'"'...:::;..------ Retaining spring
• not used on
syncro vehicles


Power steering pressure

switch 15 Nm (11 ft Ib)
• check with engine running
• steering straight ahead:
no continuity
• turning as far as the
wheel will go: continuity

Power steering pump

Connector - - - - - - - " " ' "

• for oxygen sensor heating
• check voltage with
ignition ON: approx. 12 V

Connector - - - - - - -
• for oxygen sensor heating
• resistance: continuity

Oxygen sensor 50 Nm (37 ft Ib)

• checking - page 24.54

F·5 Digifant
FUE!l InJection system components 24.49
24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Idle checking Connecting test equipment

It is important to follow the sequence when
performing idle checking/adjusting. Ignition must be turned off when connecting
test equipment.
- check timing, adjust if necessary
• temperature sensor II disconnected
• rpm - 2000-2500
- check idle speed and CO content, adjust if
• idle stabilization valve disconnected
• (with ignition off) disconnect oxygen sensor

The oxygen sensor must be disconnected with the
ignition off, to cancel the memory in the Electronic
Control Unit (ECU).

Test and adjustment conditions

- engine oil temp min. 80°C (176°F) 128-6421
- all electrical consumers turned off (radiator fan
should not be running while performing checks or
adjustments) connect VW 1367 tester for ignition timing and
- crankcase breather hose removed from oil vent rpm display functions
and plugged - using adapter VW 1473, connect tester VW 1367
- throttle valve switch operating properly (closed to terminal 1 of ignition coil
when in idle position)
- ignition timing within specifications
- idle stabilizer operating properly (with ignition
turned on, valve should vibrate and hum)

The hose from charcoal cannister to air filter must be

pinched closed. See arrow

24.50 Idle checking

Fuel Injection, AFC 24

- connect co tester to adapter on left exhaust pipe, - check idle speed rpm, correct if necessary using
using Sun tool 120.239 adjusting screw (1)
•. specification: 880 ± 50 rpm
Idle speed and CO content, checking - check CO content
and adjusting • specification: 0.7 ±0.4% vol.
For CO adjusting, remove screw cap as follows:
- drill CO adjusting screw cap using
2.5mm (0.098 in.) drill
- thread 3mm (0.137 in.) sheet metal screw into
drilled hole
- grasp screw with pliers, pull out cap
Set idle speed and CO content by altemately turning
adjusting screws (1 and 2) to obtain specifications
- reconnect oxygen sensor connector and idle
stabilizer control valve connector
- let engine idle approx. 2 minutes
- check CO content, correct if necessary by
repeating adjusting procedure

- with ignition switched off, disconnect oxygen

sensor connector (1) and idle stabilizer control
valve connector (2)

F·7 Diglfant Idle speed/CO content,

checking and adjusting
24 51 _
24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Idle speed/CO· content, checking and - with Ignition switched off, re-connect oxygen
adjusting, continued sensor
- restart engine, let idle
. • CO content must read within specifications:
0.3 to 1.1% (not dependent upon elevation with
sensor connected)
--'- adjust if necessary
- secure CO adjusting screw with new safety cap
i / ..

Note (
After adjusting, the hoses for the crankc'ase..must be
reconnected. If the control current and the CO
content change, this is not due to an improper
adjustment,. but rather to oIL dilution caused by short
distance driving. With long distance drives, the
amount of fuel in the oil will be reduced and the CO
value will normalize again. A short-term solution
would be an oil change.

Check oxygen regulation function as follows:

- remove hose (1) from pressure regulator (2) and
CO should increase briefly, then drop in value.
- with Ignition switched off, disconnect oxygen
- restart engine, let idle
• CO content should correspond to chart
according to elevation of workshop

CO content is altitude dependent, refer to the
following chart to compensate for the altitude of the

CO (Vol. %)

3 -I--'--+-+-+-1-+-->-+:
2 ++-j--..--t

o 500 1000 1500 2000 Meters

1640 3280 4920 6560 Feet
Height above sea level \24-1321
Example: At 1600 meters (approx. 1 mile) CO
should be 5% ± .5%

24.52 Idle speed/CO content,

checking and adjusting
Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
Idle stabilizer, checking 2nd check (regulator)
1st check (function)
Engine oil temperature min. 80°C
Electrical consumers turned OFF
No leaks in intake air system
Ignition timing OK
Idle rpm OK
CO-content OK
- remove crankcase breather hose and close tightly
- connect multi meter US 1119 with adapter VW
1315A12 to idle stabilizer valve 1
- let engine idle
• specified value: approximately 430 = 20 mA

Idle stabilizer triggering can vary depending upon
specific vehicle wiring; however, in all cases the
following functional check applies.
- start engine and let idle
• idle stabilizer valve 1 must vibrate and hum
If OK,
go ahead with 2nd check
If NO,
remove connector from valve 1 and check resistance
of valve with multimeter US 1119
• specified value: display (continuity)
If specified value NOT obtained - Disconnect connector 2
- replace valve • specified value: approximately 430 mA constant
If specified value IS obtained If test conditions have been met and specified values
- re-connect connector to valve and check electrical are NOT obtained
connections on control unit relay adapter (in front - replace idle stabilizer control unit
of right tail light) according to wiring diagram
If electrical connections OK
- replace idle stabilizer control unit

'·9 Digifant Idle stabilizer,

24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Oxygen sensor and oxygen If NO:

regulation, checking proceed to determine whether the problem is with
the oxygen sensor or with the control unit
Engine code MY
Test step II
- shut off engine
Engine oil temperature min. 8O"C(176"F)
Note Terminal #1 .Input to \,_
Idle stabilization· control unit (rpm signal}---
There must be no leaks in the exhaust sytem (Left side of engine compartment)
between the cylinder heads and the catalytic

- connect CO test equipment hose to the sampling

point on left exhaust pipe using Sun 120.239
adapter (arrow)
Test ltep I
As of 9-87 production this connection .has moved to
- let engine run approximately 2 minutes at idle and the right side of the engine compartment (in front of
read CO-content the air flow sensor). .
- disconnect RPM Signal wire
- disconnect oxygen sensor

The oxygen sensor must be disconnected with the
Ignition OFF to cancel the memory In the control unit.
- start engine
- hold disconnected (green) oxygen sensor wire
from the control unit to ground
• CO content must increase
- check wire connection on control unit, page 24.62
test step II
- oxygen sensor connected - replace control unit and recheck
- remove hose (1) from pressure regulator (2) and
plug hose Note
• CO should increase briefly. then drop in value If test step I is not OK but test step II is OK, the
to 0.3-1.1% oxygen sensor is defective.

24.54 Oxygen sensor,

Fuel Injection,AFC System 24
Pressure regulator, checking Residual pressure, checking
The pressure regulator regulates the in - shut off engine and wait ten minutes
relation to the intake manifold pressure. • 2.0 to 2.5 bar (29 to 36 psi)
If pressure value NOT obtained there are three
possible causes

Use extreme care not to damage fuel lines
when clamping.

- check fuel pump check valve by clamping off line

from fuel pump
- check fuel pressure regulator by clamping off
retum line to tank
- check fuel injectors by clamping off lines from
.... injectors to pressure regulator, if necessary go to
\ page 24.56 to check injectors

( In each of these cases, observe gauge pressure

while clamping off the individual lines.
- connect pressure measuring equipment VW 1318 If the pressure drop ceases or slows dramatically,
with adapter VW 1318/17 and hose to t-connection
= 1 of fuel line
the problem is in the indicated component.

The switch (arrow) on the pressure measuring
equipment must remain closed during the
] measuring process.

- run engine at idle and measure fuel pressure

• specified values
vacuum hose on
bar (PSI) pressure regulator
approx. 2.0 (29) connected
approx. 2.5 (36) disconnected
continue with next column



Digifant Pressure regulator, checking
Residual pressure, checking
24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Fuel injectors, checking Voltage supply. checking

Injector "Pf"Y pattern, checking CAUTION

- remove injectors In pairs, (connectors and fuel Avoid shorl cir",,11lI ,,!ffle coonector ferminals,
lines remain OO<'IlfJeI;;al olheIWise the> control 001'1 be damaged,
- (IlSCO/ln;;el OOOoeClo, Irorn second 01 ilijllClora

- operate Slarler briefly, observe spray pattern: - '&mOve> all connectors !rom end connect
.. spray pattern must be cone shaped vollsse iesler US1t15 0<\ O<\e <Xlfl<1ector (arrow)
0",,,,,1:,, sfarlElf
- nEHnstall '!njectors • rnusllQck..-
NOle - _lIIe<:lrklef "flecks, page 24,6t, 24,62,
tOO' sleps 1 and 5 or control unit defective
When installing, make su,e seals (1) a,e present

ChllCklng 10' leak..

- dlsoonnoc1 all connectors from Infectors
- ramove injectors in pairs (fuel i,nes remain
- swilch ignition on for about 5 seconds
.. no more than 2 drops par minute per injector
may leak OUI

......... 11 checking
Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
Intake air sensor, checking Intake IIlr tempera!u,.. sensor, checking (arrow)

- "'1M'" C<)I1l1OOlOr aoo 110"" !tom air

_ _ aoo MSI \1\11111 muHimele1 US1119

m<!UUr<, baIw""" lermlnlllll<:I lind 4

spmlifled value-: 0,5--1.0 k
-- f"I'lOVS &lr :sensor and measura resistance
eslWtiln [armill..i!! Met :I
" specified value: resilllelnce cll",noo measure resistance between termina1s 1 and 4
" specified valu",
20°C ,e 2,3 -2.7 k
over 2O"C = n less
undm" 20'0 n grealer
(2O V e I58"Fj

Intake Illr !!ensor,

f,13 clulo::l:.lng
24 Fuel Injection, AFC System

Throttle valve switch, removing and Throttle val'(e sWitch, checking and
installing adjusting \
- remove throttle valve housing
The throttle valve switch supplies the following
information to the control unit:
Throttle valve closed
-injection quantity for idle
- switching off the Injection quantity during
deceleraton fuel shut-off
- ignition pOint setting in idle (DLS function)
Throttle valve completely open
- injection quantity for full throttle



1 @ 124-1521

- remove throttle valve switch 4 in sequence

numbered 1 to 5
- installation is reverse of removal

- check continuity of throttle valve switch at

connector 1
• switch must display continuity only during idle
and full throttle position of throttle valve switch

24.58 Throttle valve switch

Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
Throttle valve switch Throttle valve switch voltage,
checking, continued checking

- open throttle valve and close slowly. While doing CAUTION

so, check switching point (continuity) of switch
with feeler gauge at idle stop of throttle valve Do not connect test light to throttle valve switch
lever connectors IF control unit is connected.
• switching point: gap (a) - 0.05-0.10 mm
(0.002-0.004 in) before idle stop - disconnect connector 2 from connector 1 of
throttle valve switch
- If necessary, adjust gap (a) with eccentric screw 3 - switch ignition ON
(first loosen screw 2) - measure voltage on connector 2
• specified value: approx. 5 volts
Proper adjustment is important. - check for break in wiring or control unit is
If gap (a) too LARGE defective
- engine will surge when throttled slightly
If gap (a) too SMALL
- cold engine will stall out when given gas and
:h warm engine will have NO fuel deceleration shut-
off or DLS function at idle

The limiting screw for basic throttle valve adjustment
must not be changed.
If the screw is turned by mistake, it will be necessary
to carry out a basic adjustment of the throttle valve
page 24.37.

Digifant Throttle valve switch 24.59
24 Fuel Injection, AFCSystem

Deceleration fuel shut-off Full throttle checking

Requirement Requirements

Engine oil temperature minimum 80°C Engine oil tElmperature minimum 80°C (176°F)

Fuel shut-off will occur only when: RPM gauge connected

• throttle is closed CO tester connected (if catalytic converter

• coolant temperature is above 50°C (122"F) present;) on sampllng·poiht using Sun 120.239
• engine speed is above 1250 RPM adapter
• engine speed was above 2600 RPM - let engine idle about 2 minutes

- bridge connections In connector 2 with,...., sidElof

double adapter VW 1490 and give slight amount - remove connector 2 from connector 1 of throttle
of gas valve switch
- slowly increase engine speed to about 4500 RPM
• engine RPM must vary (surge, then • connections in connector 2 not bridged
deceleration fuel shut-off begins)
- check CO and record
• break in wiring
- bridge connections in connector 2 with ,...., side of
• temperature sender for engine temperature
defective double adapter VW 1490
• CO must raise at least 1 vol.% over recorded
• control unit defective
If NO, check for
- break in wiring
- temperature sender for engine temperature
- control unit defective

24.60 Deceleration fuel shut-off

Full throttle enrichment, checking
Digifant IFrom 1986 m·y·1
Fuel Injection, AFC System 24
Electrical testing Ignition and CAUTION
injection system
To avoid damage to circuitry, switch to the
Requirements proper measuring range before connecting the
test leads.
Battery OK
Fuel pump and fuel pump relay OK
Idle stabilizer control unit OK

- - - - -..-13
Internal resistance of the test equipment and ambient
temperature have a strong influence on test results,
digital multimeter US1119 should be used to perform
The specified values given are ·for ambient
temperatures of 0° to +40°C (32"·104°F)
If the measured value deviates' from the specified
values, determine fault according to current flow
diagram. Check wiring and connectors before
replacing any parts.

Measuring range: switch to vonage measurement

Test (Connector) To test Test conditions, Specified values:
step: terminal: additional steps:
1 13 + 14 control unit switch ignition ON approx. battery
voltage supply voltage
14 + 19
2 13 + 25 wire to ignition coil ignition switched ON approx. battery
terminal 1 voltage
3 1 + 13 wire from starter Disconnect connector from injectors. min. 8 V
terminal 50 and from Operate starter (selector switch in P
adapter for idle or N)
stabilizer control unit
terminal 50
4 bridge wire to fuel ignition switched ON fuel pump must
3 + 13 pump relay run audibly

F·17 Diglfant
Electrfcal testing 24.61
24 Fuel Injection, AFCSystem

[Switch ignition OFF
\ I

range: switch to resistance measurement n

Test (Connector) To test Test conditions. Specified values:
step: terminal: additional steps:
5 12 + 14 injectors connect only one injector 15·20 n
at a time
6 6+ 10 temperature sender see diagram.
for engine temp page
7 6 + 11 throttle valve switch throttle valve:

• closed continuity
• slightly open to shortly oon
before full throttle
• completely open continuity
8 6 + 17 intake air sensor 0.5·1.0 k n
17 + 21 potentiometer move air flow sensor change in resistance
9 6 + 9 intake air temperature see diagram,
sender In intake air page 24.45
10 6 + 8 wiring to Hall sender remove connector from Hall sender continuity
6 + 18 and bridge all three connectors

11 2 + 13 wiring to oxygen disconnect connector to oxygen sensor continuity

sensor and hold green wire to ground ( - )
re-connect oxygen sensor wiring oon

For additional tests of ignition parts of the digitant
system as well as Hall sender test see Repair
Group 28.

24.62 Electrical testing

Exhaust System-Emi.ssion Controls

ick Data Index

Air-cooled AFC Water-cooled Digijet
-California 26.3 -Assembly 26.7
1981 26.4 -Oxygen sensor 26.8
-USA and Canada except -Catalytic converter
California 26.2 checking 26.11
EGR valve 26.5
-Catalytic converter
checking 26.11 Water-cooled Digifant
-Assembly 26.9,26.10
Diesel checking 26.11
-,-Assembly 26.6

Index 26.1
26 Exhaust System-Emission Controls

Always .epfl,ce gaskets, sea's and
selt·locklng nuts. Tighten ell M8 bolts and
nuts to 20 Nm (14 IIlb)

EGA 'Valve
(mechanically controlled)
adjusting pag.a 2t15

Tall pip.

15 Nm (11 IIlb)

'--S>lrolghl pipe
(Canada only)
Catalytic COllverter
(not Canada)

2 exhau.! system
Exhaust System-Emission Controls 26

Always MaJa
and nll!l!. aU MEl I:xll!s 10
20 Nm 114 II

20 111m (14111bl

Catalytic convener
Heat exchanger

15 111m 111 1111>,

111m 140 II Ib)
installmg, coat
threads with anti-sieze
CO 101 poInl
tighten cap to
15 Nm (11 IIlb)

Air-cooled AFC ICalifornia-iSBO m·y·1 Ex heusl system 26.3

26 Exhaust __ Emission Controls

Modified and additional part> EOR $'f$lom (California 1981)

26 Exhaust system
Air-cooled AFC
Exhaust System-Emission

valve, checking
Work sequence

• manual 1 1116 turns

• aulomall,; Iranllmi'l'llon 5/6 lurns
EGA valve is Op'erated mechanically by
Ihrottle valve lever Use pin ill he" as '''',.",'n"" mark when adjusting

Checking In Idle speed posilion -lighten lock nul$

run engine at idle

- check pipe to EGA valve
• pipe should nol warm up

Checking In lull throtlle posilion

- disconnect rod for EGR vafve
- run engine at idle
- push lever on EGR valve to full throttle
check pipe to EGR valve
• pipe should nol warm up

ERG valve, adjusting

Wmk sequence
- run engine at idle
• manual transmissiorl: 000-950 RPM
• automatic transmission: a50-1000 RPM

CAN I USA, not Calif. EGR valve

26 Exhaust System-Emission Controls
Exhaust system components,
removing and installing

Bracket.-:-;-:;;--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-...& End pipe

• tor muffler and
engine mount

• tor muffler

Oxygen sensor 50 Nm (37 ft Ib)

• checking-
Repair Group 24
- - - Retaining Strap

Catalytic converter

• replace gaskets
• replace self-locking nuts
• tightening torque for screws and nuts:
25 Nm (18 ft Ib)

I 26-552 I

26.10 Exhaust system

Exhaust System-Emission Controls 26
Catalytic converter, checking
If ceramiC insert appears OK. check it ceramic
Converter replacement can become necessary If insert IS ffrmly seataq in converter housing
ihe ceramic insert loosens
Check as follows:
It exhaust "rallies"
- Check that axhaust flanges ara light while holding converte, vertically, firmly tap
(t "rBtlle" was not due to loose exhaust flanges, flange onlo solid wood from e dislance of 20 em
converter may have failed (8 In,)

Jf exhaust system is tight - turn converter over and firmly tap other flange
- remove catalytic converter as before
-lOOk through both flange openings agalnsllighl
If no knocking sound converter IS OK

if no movement of the ceramic insert converter is

If IIghl knOCking sound Is ""ard Inslda converter,
ceramic insert loose and convener has failed

AVOid the following conditions on vechlclas
equipped wllh catalyllc conveners
• usage 0/ leaded gasoline
If ceramIc insert appears broken or melted as
shown, convarte, has lailed .. turning off engine with the in

.. excessive prolonged eran king with an

Intermltlent 11,'n9 ot " lIooded anglne
.. pro!onged operation under load with a
mlsnring engine


Exhaust System - Emission Contrors
Exhaust system components,
removing and installing
• replace gaskets
• replace self-locking nuts
.. tightening torqu.e for screws and nuts;
25 Nm (18 II fb) / - - Exhaust pipe, Iront

" on engine block
I 1:9>

------ Gasket
fI metal s;de

toward cylinder

Exhau&1 pipe,
E:o:haust manifold -

Ii••, shl.ld
" for fesr exhaust
Gas"", pipe

5 dIaphragm springs

@ (Sc<> page 26, I 0)

Digitant Exhaust system

-Allernatcr! Regulator, checking
-I-feater b!ower lan, removing!
replacing 27.22

-CnlJJClIir'Q 27 4, 21 Ii
-EI!lelrOll'IlI l;;v,;l 27.4
-F Iler caps 27.7
-LclCatiOl1{s) 2HI, 279
-Nomenclature 21.2, 27.3
-Saleiy precauiiOils 27.4
routJreshOOtlnQ 27. 10

Cruise Conlr'"
-System, repairing 27.25
- Troubleshooting 27,29

-Installing 27.14
(Syncro) 27, 13a, 27, 13b
- Repairing 27.11
.... Troubleshoollng 27.12, 27.13

Index .1
Battery, checking and charging
Battery - checking electrolyte specific gravity -
Page 27.4, 27.5
Battery - checking voltage, Page 27.5
Battery - charging - Page 27.5
Troubleshooting guide - battery discharges itself -
Page 27.10

Negative terminal - -__

• clean off any oxidation
• grease lightly with
acid resistant grease

Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator 27
Before beginning repairs on the electrical
system, disconnect battery ground strap.

Filler cap
• measure state of charge
using hydrometer
• charge battery, if necessary

1 •Positive terminal
clean off any oxidation
z::.:::::::._-t'll'"---? • grease lightly
with acid resistant

Electrolyte level mark

• if necessary, fill to
mark with distilled

Negative plate
(metallic gray)

H·2 Battery, nomenclature 27.3

27 Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator

Battery Battery electrolyte level, checking

Battery precautions

Battery acid can cause severe burns. When MAX.
working with electrolyte always wear MIN.
goggles, rubber gloves, and apron. If
electrolyte is spilled on skin or clothing, PLATES
flush at once with large quantities of water. I 27-A028I·
If it gets into eyes, immediately flush with
large quantities of water for several - check that electrolyte covers battery plates
minutes and call a doctor. (including separators) by 5 mm (1/4 in.)
- check battery electrolyte level indicator on
Batteries produce explosive gases. Keep side of battery
flames and sparks away from batteries. Do
not smoke near batteries Note

Battery, Jump starting Only use distilled water when refilling battery

• car with good battery must not be running when Battery condition, checking
connecting jumper cables
Weak battery can be caused by:
• alternator belt slipping
(replace belt when glazed)
• ground straps corroded, loose or broken
• alternator or voltage regulator defective
TO BOLT ATTACHING • alternator warning light bulb burned out
GROUND STRAP TO • poor ground connection between warning light
BODY socket and circuit board
Battery terminals and cables should be coated
with grease or petroleum jelly and, if necessary,
cleaned to prevent corrosion and ensure good

Visual checks
I 27-A027 I
- check for
• cracked or leaking case
- connect jumper cables in following order:
• loose or corroded terminals
• 1 - one end of positive cable to + post of • low electrolyte level. If electrolyte is low,
good battery
refill with distilled water and fast charge
• 2 - other end of positive cable to + post of battery for several minutes after cells begin
dead battery
gassing (boiling)
• 3 -,one end of negative cable to - post of
good battery
Hydrometer test
• 4 - other end of negative cable to bolt (for batteries with removable caps)
attaching ground strap to body
- start car which has good battery first - test electrolyte in all cells
- next start car which has dead battery • average specific gravity should be at least
- disconnect jumper cables in reverse order 1.225
- correct for electrolyte temperature if necessary
• for every 10°F above 80°F add .004 to
hydrometer reading
• for every 10°F below 80°F subtract .004
from hydrometer reading
- if specific gravity is above 1.225, load test

27.4 Battery, checking

Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator
- if specific gravity is below 1.225, recharge
Approx. electrolyte Minimum acceptable
temp. OF (OC) voltage under load
- if specific gravity varies by more than .050
between cells, replace battery 60 (16) 9.5
,TOR 50 (10) 9.4
Specific gravity % ofchargjt 40 (4) 9.3
30 (-1) 9.1
1.265 100% 20 (-7) 8.9
1.225 75% 10(-12) 8.7
1.190 50% 0(-18) 8.5
1.155 25%
1.120 0% Battery charging

Do not expose fully discharged battery to Gases given off during charging are
freezing temperature because battery will explosive. Do not smoke or allow or
be damaged by freezing flame near a charging battery.
Battery charger must be turned off when
Voltage test-engine not running connecting or disconnecting cables on
(for sealed batteries only) battery

- tum headlights on high beam for 1 minute to

remove surface charge
- disconnect battery ground strap CAUTION
- check battery voltage with an accurate Do not allow battery voltage to exceed 17
voltmeter volts. If battery begins gassing (boiling)
• voltage should be at least 12.4 volts violently when charging, reduce charging
- if battery is above 12.4 volts, load test battery rate. Do not disconnect battery while
Ight - if battery is below 12.4 volts, charge battery engine is running
until voltage is at least 12.4 volts

ary, Voltage % of charge
ICI Follow battery charger manufacturer's
12.6 or more 100% instructions. Before testing a battery that has
12.4 75% been charged, load battery with 15 amps for 1
12.2 50% minute to remove surface charge
12.0 25%
11.7 or less 0% Battery with removable caps
If battery level is low and water is added, fast
Load test charge battery for a few minutes after battery
begins gassing (boiling). Slow charging current
Note should be approximately 10% of battery
Before load testing, battery must be at least 75% capacity. Fast charging should be approximately
charged 80-90% of battery capacity. Remove cell caps
while charging
- connect load tester according to manufacturer's
instructions - charge battery according to following table:
-load battery to 3 times amp/hour rating or 112
1St O°F cold cranking current rating
SpeCific Fast charge
- wait 15 seconds and read voltage
gravity up to
sary • battery voltage at room temperature should
be at least 9.6 volts 1.150 or less 1 hour
-If battery voltage at room temperature is below 1.150 to 1.175 3/4 hour
9.6 volts, replace battery 1.175 to 1.200 1/2 hour
-If battery is colder than room temperature, 1.200 to 1.225 1/4 hour
voltage under load will be lower. Use table above 1.225 slow charge ONLY
below If cold battery must be tested to 1.250-1.280

Battery, checking 27.5
27 Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator

Sealed batteries
Only slow charge sealed· batteries. Sealed 2
batteries, sometimes called "maintenance free,"
will not accept high rate of charge, making it
necessary to charge it for up to twice as long as 3
battery with removable caps. Also, voltmeter
reading will not increase as rapidly as when
charging battery with removable caps 4·---'

WARNING 5-----""
Battery acid can cause severe burns. When
working with electrolyte always wear goggles,
rubber gloves, and apron. If electrolyte is
spilled on skin or clothing, flush at once with
large quantities of water. If it gets into eyes, Battery, Installing
immediately flush with large quantities of water
for several minutes and call a doctor. =
1 nut, tighten to 10 Nm (7 It Ib)
2= washer
Batteries produce explosive gases. Keep
3= bracket
flames and sparks away from batteries. Do not
4 = shims (note number)
smoke near batteries
5 = base of battery case

Bracket must press on base of battery case
Before working on any part of electrical
system disconnect battery ground strap.
Never run alternator with battery

Battery, removing
- disconnect battery ground strap from negative
terminal of battery, not from body
- disconnect positive terminal from battery
- remove battery hold·down (note number of
- remove battery

Special bolt is used to attach ground strap to
body. If bolt has been loosened, it must be
removed and cleaned free of paint and
undercoating. Mounting area must also be
cleaned free of paint and undercoating. After
installing, coat bolt and mounting area with
corrosion resistant material

27.6 Battery, checking

Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator 27
Battery IIIler cap ( new style)

fnle, I;8p, removIng

- rut fiRer Clip ilkln at oolch (arrow) wUh !lOOkst
kr1lle Of !lIlar'P Ildged !ltrewdrlv&'

- insert suitable screwdriver into slot

-IUrn upper part of filler cap counler-clockwise 10
- remove filler cap
Filler cap, Installing
- install new type of filler cap in same manner as
old !ype filler cap

Filler caps 27.
27 Electrical-nitIIIE!I'"V, Starter, Alternator

Battery location

Fig. 1 Battery location

Rg. 2 Installation detail (under right front seat)

27.8 Battery location

(single battery system)
Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator 27
Battery locations, for non-propane
refrigerator equipped Camper (P21)

-J--!---A Primary

-'--+--- B Secondary

Fig. 3 Battery locations

Fig. 4 Installation detail (under front seats)

H·9 Battery locations,

(2 battery systems)
27 9

27 Electrical- Starter, Alternator
Battery discharges-troubleshooting
current draw suspected

Test conditions
fully charged battery
clock disconnected

Battery discharges
Possible causes:
corroded and fouled contacts
chafed-through wirings
internal short-circuits in electrical

disconnect battery ground ( ) strap

- connect test light between negative (-)
terminal and ground (-) strap ---+O--.........f
- turn off all electrical consumers
- close all doors
- --

, Test light does not

Test light lights up
light up

- eliminate individual circuits

by removing fuses
- if test light goes out in one
of interru pted circuits,
source of fault is to be
found there

- in place of test light, connect ammeter

(measuring range 0 - 200 Amp.) between
negative (-) battery terminal and battery
ground strap - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . . .........
- reduce measuring range until a clear
reading is shown (1 -3 mAmp is permitted)

- eliminate individual circuits by removing

fuses • if no faults are found in fused circuits,
if reading drops to zero in one of disconnect wiring connectors from nonfused
interrupted circuits, source of fault is to be components:
found there alternator
ignition system
cluster instruments
coolant fan and so on

27.10 Battery
Electrical-Batte Starter, Alternator 27
Starter, repairing

Protective -----..
cap for solenoid

• lubricate with moly paste

. '.
Shift lever
• If damaged, replace
• lubricate with moly paste

Intermediate - -.....

• clean commutator (lint free cloth

with gasoline)
• if windings are burned or if
solder is loose, replace

Drive pinion - - - - - - - ' - - __ ,,_J

• do not clean
• lubricate with moly paste ......-----:Sprlng

Field c o l l - - - - - _ .

Field coli houslng-----.

• replace if worn

End plate

""""....un•• Socket head screw

Starter, repairing 27.11
27 Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator

Starter turns engine too slowly or engages and will not turn engine
Check that engine is filled with oil of
recommended viscosity

Before working on any part of electrical
system, disconnect battery ground strap.

- check V-velt tension

- check battery voltage and charge if necessary
- clean battery terminals and check wire connections for tightness
Starter turns engine I Starter does not turn engine

I End I
- clean starter terminals and tighten
- clean and tighten ground strap between
transmission and body at transmission
Starter turns Starter does not
engine turn engine

I End I
Starter defective
- repair starter
Following defects could be cause of trouble:
Possible causes Remedy
• carbon brushes sticking - clean brushes and brush
or poor contact between guides; if necessary
brushes and commutator replace carbon brushes
• commutator dirty, or - clean commutator or
grooved and burnt replace starter armature

I End

27.12 Starter, troubleshooting

Electrical-Battery, Starter, 27
Starter not turn when ignition/starter swltcn Is operated
An engine thai won'l Crl.lllK Of battery !hal 15
repeatedly While driving may ba caused
by poor wiring conn<;cliOns !hill r4lsull !rom a loose
taslen,ng nul an terminal 30.01 the starter molor.
'0 'epair this condhfor!:
- disconnect bait!!,>, ground terminal
.- clean and lrulpeci OOMIlIctiOflS .jlIlermlnal 30 of
starter. Repair burned/damage<! connections as
necessary. Tarqll8 lastenill/l rlU! 10 10Nm (7.5 «
- reconnect battery ground terminal
AIS<) check connectkln oflllOlanoid switch and
sround straps for oorrosiQl'l lind lightness.

Voltage ot solenoid, m ..""uring

- disconnect connectors from terminal 1
on igni1ion coli before operating starter • terminal 30 irClrrl Il6I1I>'l/
o terminal 16 * tI¥ ignition <:<>.

- measure
Ill! "'rminallO d

terminal 50
connection A
Trom 19n1lfMistarter switch
= 1di'liaI<! wfl1dings

solenoid swill:h Imill, II \/IIItsl

No mage or
I."" than a voIla I Voltage OK

- measure voltage at terminal 50 01 - meawrlll wlfage Ell connllCtion A for
ignition/starter switch (min. 8 vails) field wll1<:llng !lr! switch
(min. iii''-_j
No voltage I Voltage OK
No voltag.!! I Voltage OK

- replace ignWoni ehetlk wlrll1g

sta rter switch IErrminai - replace - repair
10 on igllifion! solenoid starter
siarwr 1!IWMch and switch
lermirMl III on
IItlirte, sCli$f1oid
and miil<EO
necessary repairs
I End I I End I
- on vehicles with
transmission, also
check neutraVpar1<
starter switch.
Replace if

I End I I End I

Starter, troubleshooting 27.13

27 Electrical - Battery, Starter,

Statter motor, removing and


- remove bolt A from dltferenHal lock servo

- loosen B and withdraw as far as possible
(clearance limitations prevent complete removal 01
bolt B)

- remove upper mounting nut 1 from starter motor CAUTION

while holding bolt 2 with wr""""h
Nuls C and 0 are welded 10 Ihe bracket. No
- release handbrake (to allow "" .. shafl rolalion)
attempt should be made to loosen them.
- raise vehicle on hoist
- disconnect right rear axle shan trOOI transmission
(six bolls) (see Repair Group 34)
- cover exposed CV join! with pfasllc bag 10 prevenl
enlry of dirt or foreign material

You can remove the starter motor without
disconnecting the axle shaft, however; if the starter
motor area of the engine is caked with dirt, axle
removal greatiy improves accessibillty.

Dllle,enllal look seIVO, ,emo\llng

- loosen clamp securing ooolmg hoses to chassis
- swing hoses to one side (aru:i secure wi1h wire if
necessary) to provide WOtitlng clearance

- push back protec1Jve sleeve and drive out roll pin

-- with boll B withdrawn as lar as possible, give
servo a slight upward twist and remove from

27.13a Starte, moto"

removing and Installing
Electrical - 27
Starter motor, removing and Sianer, installing
installing, continued - claan mating surfaces and apply sealer
AMV 188 000 02 belore Installing starter
- installation procedure is reverse of removal
SIMer motor mounting bolts torque:
• specificallon: 26 Nm (21 II Ib)

- remove cirelli> 1
- remove bolls (arrows)
- remove bracket

Starter molor, removing

- disconnect wires from solenoid terminals 30 and


lower mounting nut on motor

- push up slightly on stMer motor and remove
27 Starter, Alternator

Sbln.,*,_ Installing
Work ...,quence

Belore staning work on any pan of electrical
system disconnect battary ground strap

- lIIIach <:able ID warm Ill' mw ""11tt

cable tie
.. 1 willi roIlJ1ual lral1sminloo
• 2 vehlc!es wi1h automatic transmission

- attach ""!ring lrom and wlnn>} lor

terminal 50 from switch to starter
solenoid with cable tie 1

- atlacl1 to frame side member

with cable (arrowa)

Starte., Installing
Electrical - Battery, 27
Alternator (gOA), removing and
installing (Bosch)
To ,revent Ihe ai!emalOr boll from becoming loose
and breaking. Iha lorque speciflcalion has bean

The increased torque specification requires use of a

new boll on 1.9l wal<!r cooled engine.
To repair a looselbrok...n bolt: • check;ng - page 27,18

1.9l Gas Engil'1<l 26 114m (II fllb)

- Ir·Slall new boll. PlIrt Number N 014 400 4. Torque

1025 Nm II
Diesel Engln",
- replace boll ONLY l! OOlTlllllj<l(l. / _ _ pulley
u"changed. 10 drl)fflet6f 81 mm (2.40 iii"

.. demator pulley, removing
at'td insta!!lng:
- hold pulley lighily with
r lj wrondl
(; remove mounting SClewS

(JI () (r? -)
'l.!J /
,\ 1\ " 17 /
' \'

J 0

Jllpport bracket
• mcufloog page 27,22

"''',,''''''' Feb 1985

M1El - + to Nm (37 + 7 Illb)
It check lor wl$i1;!Jr
.. Impression depth:
approx, 2 mm ({UT79 lfl)
in use
apprO)!; . .5 mm ttl}
• rep!ace
seo page 27"21

Alternator, removing
and Installing
27 Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator

Alternator, 45A and 65A, repairing (Sc»8chl

a ••rlng (ollp ring side)

• insiaiiing; press over
inner race to stop -
always use new bearing.
Boaring S8'6led on both sides

Voltage regulator

dH'..,rIt I'/pn 10f 4511

aftd GSA !l1i!!malOrs

"'lIulalor! - - - - ,
cmOfl! brushes
41: ard installirg page 27.20
.. page 27.18

.. position of housIng
., h(lW dttferent types for

Diode plate
• when replacing. In5:l;all
Pig. , page 27.20

II rotation direction,
by arrow

c:ifierent types jor

Bell pulley 45A and 65A
61 rrrn diameter (2.40 in) alternatorS
35 Nm (26 It 11»

AIIe",,,lor, re"alrlng
(45A and 65A mod"'.)
Electrical-Battery, Alternator, Starter 27
Alternator, repairing (90A, Bosch)
starting October 1982

lubricate wilh

1I000110g (Slip ,'ng ond) Nole

Always use new bearings, avoid damaging slip rings


S"'.'''''&o;/on condensor
Voitage reguietorJearbon DfIJIlMiJ
.. man be removed
fl1fTIOvlng alternator
.. hI of carbon brushes:
, _ iQ.197 in)

Alternator housing _ .._ -

.. Mark position to end p!atillt

.Inti pIoIe
'" MlJlrk in relation to alternafor housing

Diode plate
• removing and Instating: 10 neats!t'JI:
at 5O!derirg points IJse needle noM
pitefs, usa soldering iron 300 watts
.. if diode is damaged, replace
diode plate completely

V-be" pulley
dfa.ma!er mm (2.40 :n) .. removing and insla l ling:
to heatsink use needle
nose pasrs, use soldering
iron, 300 walts maximum

40 Nm (311 I! Ib)

AII"rnslor, '''paltlng
(9OA model) 7

'Itemator/regulator, checking Currenl drain lest

(with Sun VAT·40 or equivalent) - turn OFF ignition swllch, radio, and all Ilghls
Visual checks leave rear window defogger switch and air
conditioning switches ON to check air conditioner
- check for: relay and load reduction relay
.. loose or broken ground straps - disconnect ground cable from battery
.. loose or damaged V-belt conneel test light between Grownd callIe and
.. properly operating alternator charging light negative
.. proper lightening of altemalor • II tesl Is switched
Wor!< sequence ON or .'.A,""
remove lu",*, from fUll'illr"lIy
Alternator output tellt unlil 19S1 OUt to

- conne()j !ell>!!! &:cording 10 .. dlscoool3(l.!

If no III'\J
(:lflbillS In n<'lI1-lused
start aM 'IlI'l iilI i.e. "llernal'll" siNter
.. all _rift OFF dashboold trnllNme!l!!a IIIl!i!
adjusl loll(! 1\1 m_ _ """""Iet "lading Alternator cl>illrgll19 IlghI tal
It do rn:l! "lIow to below 12 votlS
.. maxi_ 1IfflI1t_ lIIl'1OOltl be a! teas! Note
811am_ " amps
It II llr1lmiill$( r<1l",,:II/1£1. mQf"li'llIn 111 amps below II ballery is
charging Ilghl n
altarn,,{OIt and ralesl charging light
.. if amm;i!ihar alternator is
.. - disconnect
- remove t",ttD Imo,,"
Regulator lell
.. teste<
It all elomrn:1I1 Imd NO ammeter
run al stops rising
.. voltage lihould be
II NO, repl&il! !"lIuI1.l1or IiIld retest
Diode 1.,111

.. lasler slm coooooted

- run eng""" III rpm
load 10 marMaclurer's
.. If mater rUM

- a"!ach rnuUI!'r1a!er USll Ii between contacts 9 and

13 00 "i,wit bOard
.. 14M60ohms
If value is greater lhan 160 ohms:
- replace printed circuit board

27.1 Alternator {Regulato"

Electrical-Battery, Starter, 27
Alternator and related components, CAUTION
Belore SIa!1ing 10 work on any part of "Iedrieal
system disronnect baUery groond strao,
Never fun alternator with battery disconnected,

t-3a page 27.20

Nm (14 II

Warm aIr duct

1 Alternator system,
27 lectrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator

Ir and maintenance

FIg.:I Vol. regul6tor!CiIII'boll bl'lIl1M$,

rel1l<W1ng ·Ind In!ltalll"liI
• = new = 1(1 trim. WOOl' Ilmil = !i mm
Hnecessary, remove solder lrom wlr«l
(""'o,,,s)llml replace carboll Ilrullhes

Altemator!Volbigll regullllci
1981 mOlleI)
Fig. 1 Suppr"uloll oolldellse" ""n"eetlng


Vol!age regula!or CI''' bo I,placed without ,emovlOg

• if vol!ege I'liiIllaced, suppressor
condenser (Fig .• 1 (it no! already Installed) must be

fig. 1!A
Vollage '''0111810' ( hybrid·type ) now has longer
carbon brushes
a approx. 13 mm (19/32 In)
weer limit apprux. 5 mm (7132 in)

Do no! inslall new·lype vall age reguial"r (wilh longer
brushes) into o!d-type alternators
Fig, 2 Voll&g& ,egUlllt"" ,emovlng and Installing Slip ring (on Which brushe. make contact) has been
reduced in diameter to 28 mm (1 li8 In) (was 32 mm)
Shap" of cooling "penings in alternator housing
has been changed

Voltage regUlator
V-belt, adjustment V·belt, replacing
Work sequence
- disconnect barte'Y ground strap
- remove bellows trom heate' blower housing
(emove warm air duct and elbow
-- remove guard tor fan and Ignition timing scale
-loosen hoI! lor adjustment bracket on Ian hOUSing
- remove altllmlltor holVuppar heater blower
housing mounllng
-- remove lower 11S11lllf bklWer housing mounting
holt (on 01 ailernator)
- loosen adjustmenl bracke!theater
blower housIng 10 (on lell side of

Fig. 4 V·bIIll, adjusting

OLe 10 higher alleriWlor Clllipul, present V·belt

is insufttcioot
bel! tension as follOWS:
- ,,_,n bolts 1 and 2 and pivot alternator
Altlll'l'll!llor V-bIIl!s up 10 1000 mm long (39.4 In)

• 2 mm max. (0.079 in) deflection with new belt,

thumb pressure
• 5 mm max. (0.197 in) delteclion with previously run
bell, thumb pressure

Alt.millor V·bells over 1000 mm long (39.4 In)

• 10 mm max. (0.394 in) deilectlon wilh new bell.

Ihurrb pressure
• 15 mm max. (0.59 In) deflection wilh previously run - 'emove \I-1l;e11 trom between
0011. Ihumb pressure alternator and !\"atM blo_
lnstall new V-oolt and
;0 afte, irlBllllllng oow

lightly Oi'\ hellter IlklwM hou'slng

Euremely loud squealing may indicate damaged intake 0001 also, pages
v·belilhat should be replaced



V·bell, adjlJlI1menl,
27 8
27 Electrical-Battery, Starter,

Alternator mCIUI1It, adjusting

(Irom IIIU91",1I01I page 27.15)
II "llemalO' moun! '8 loose, with a consequent
raWing noise, lhe cruse can be Ihe elimination 01 Ihe
spring washer under each bracket mouming boll
The mounting bolts may only partly touch Ihe uneven
and rough surtece allhe casl iron bracket, causing
the preload torce 10 be lnsuli!cienl even with
correclly applied torque.

To correct,
- install spring washer, Pan No. N012 24 111, on
each bracket mounting bolt
- inslall bolts and lorque to 22 Nm (16 ft Ib)

Spring washers are 00'11 Il'lstelttKl on cars beginning
with January, IIl1Z jl«lduclion (Irom
VIN 25CH089151}.
Mounting bolli,
II alternator mounting bolls become loose. follow Ihis

old boKs wntl !lew bollS 01 higher strenglh
(New boll PIN Nt4
- re·tarque new boll 10 specillcalion
II - wOOdrull 01"",,1 mo lor
10 = ,"""he,
11- /11m It Ib) - re·torq1.le old bolts
Torque sP/lClica'tion
.. WaterboXllf 24.0 Nfl! It Ib)
.. Diesel motor (21.0·240 ft Ib)

Part "umberl! "1'& /0, rlllll,el'lQ! only. Always
check with your Parts Department for latest'
il1formallo(i ,

Fig. II Healer blower

- hold pulley with V·belt and VW 420

H"ale, blOW<!T lall, ,emovlnglillstalling

Alternator mounl, adJustillg
Electrical- Starter,

Troubleshooting indicator light for alternator (LED)

Does OO! illuminate with Ignition ON (!!ngl"" NOT started)

Posslole open circuit between alternator D + and ,ndicaror light (LED)

- remove alte matar cover
- remove D + wire from alternator
-- connect jumper wire betw'ean 0 + and ground
- (urn ON ignition

Allemator indicator light lights up

Possible causes;
- Improper ai!ernator ground Allernel"" Mldica1m does NOT light
- worn out cal'l:loo bnJar"," up
defective voltage regulator
- defective rotor

- connect
- turn on :gnition
Chock alternator grounding and brushes: Alternator indicator Alterna10r indicator
It HOT OK: If OK: light lighls up light (LED) does
make necessary replace voltage NOT lighl up
corrections regulalO(
- if light now END
comes on-

batwlMn _emalor D + and indicator

If light sN11 fails to oorreCI I:!f<ilal! if> wiring (or open Circuit)
come on: lIe.em 0 + and indicaior lighi

END Consult specj1ic current flow diagram lor
vehiCle in question, 10 determine exact signal


Altemator Indicator light

1·3 Troubleshooting
27 Electrical-Battery, Starter, Alternator

Troubleshooting indicator light for alternator (LED) Cr

Ught is on with ignition OFF
- diode (or diodes) defective
- replace alternator
I -4

Alternator indicator light does NOT go out when RPM increases

Possible causes:
- slipping fan belt, tighten if necessary
- ground short between alternator D + and indicator light (LED)
- Defective alternator


Possible short to ground betWeen alternator D + and indicator light (LED)

- disconnect alternator wiring
- turn ON ignition
Alternator indicator light (LED) lights up I Alternator indicator light (LED) does NOT light up

- short to ground in wiring between alternator

D+ and indicator light (LED) must be
I - Test alternator output
test voltage regulator

Consult specific current flow diagram for
vehicle in question. to determine exact signal
1- replace defective component


27.24 Altemator Indicator light,

Electrical - Battery, Starter, Alternator 27
Cruise control system, repairing
When troubleshooting:
- check vacuum hose on vacuum pump for wear
and condition; replace if necessary
Control unit for cruise control
- check all vacuum hoses for cracks, replace if
behind instrument panel right
necessary removing and installing:
Detach instrument panel shelf.
Inductive pickup tor cruise control
right and swing downwards.
on speedometer
Unscrew control unit and
removing and installing
Fig. 1 page 27.26 remove terminal connection

Switch tor cruise control

on steering column switch
removing and Installing -
Fig. 2 page 27.26

Relay panel
Brake light awltch

..., Vent valve Fig. 5 page 27.27

I I on brake - and clutch pedal
.v / Vacuum hose
for automatic transmission only

I r4 -1
Bracket tor ___..l.._ _/"""':
vent valve II Vacuum hose
for manual transmission only

t:============ J.r Vacuum hoee

ClIp _ _ _ _ _-1;>(""
on brake and clutch
pedal levers
li routing in engine
Fig. 3 page 27.26

Adjustable link
Vacuum servo ••m ....
adjustment to
removing and
throttle lever -
installing - Vacuum hose - - - -
page 27.28
Fig. 6 page 27.28 routing in engine
compartment l! Three-way
] Fig. 3 page 27.26 connector

routing in engine
Fig. 3 page 27.26

Cruise control system,

27 Electrical - Battery, Starter, Alternator

Fig. 1 Inductive pickup for cruise control,

removing and Installing

- detach battery ground strap

- remove instrument panel insert cover and
foil, located undemeath
- remove drive cable for speedometer
- remove electrical connections to
Instrument panel insert
- unscrew 4 mounting bolts from instrument
panel insert

- remove mounting bolts for steering column switch

and remove turn signal with switch for cruise

Fig. 3 Routing vacuum hoses In engine


- remove inductive pickup screws and

remove from hamess connector

Fig. 2 Switch for cruise control removing and


- remove steering column trim

- secure vacuum hoses with tie wraps (arrows)

1- Vacuum pump
2- Vacuum unit with adjustable link
3- Vacuum hose to pump
4- Vacuum hose to vent valves
5- Vacuum hose to vacuum unit

- separate 4-pin terminal connection to

switch for cruise control
- pry off cap for horn and remove steering

27.26 Cruise control system,

Electrical - Battery, Starter, Alternator 27
Fig. 4 Vacuum pump, removing and Installing

The vacuum pump is located at the rear right

side of the engine compartment.
- pull off vacuum hose and connector

When installing vent valve(s) set distance "a", so that

the valve(s) are closed when brake and clutch
pedals are in rest position, and opened when pedals
are actuated.

- remove mounting bolts (arrows)

Fig. 5 Vent valve(s), removing and Installing

Vehicles with a manual transmission will have a vent
valve for the brake and a vent valve for the clutch.
Vehicles with an automatic transmission will have a
vent valve for the brake pedal only.
- remove steering column trim

- remove vacuum hose and terminal from brake

vent valve (1) and clutch vent valve (2)
- unscrew vent valve from the vent clip

Do not damage thread.

Cruise control system,

27 Electrical - Batte Starter, Alternator

Fig. 6 Removing and Installing cruise control

vacuum servo

1- diaphragm
To check diaphragm:
- disconnect vacuum hose from pump
- press vacuum diaphragm inward, then plug
detached vacuum hose
• diaphragm must NOT move
2- adjustable link to throttle valve lever
3 - vacuum hose
4 - securing bracket on intake manifold with stud
and spacer
5- nut
torque: 4 Nm (3 It Ib)
6 - nut with shoulder
torque: 23 Nm (18 It Ib)

The adjustable link is set to zero clearance at idling
speed (arrow).

Setting adjustable link

Attach link to throttle valve lever and-adjust ball head
on vacuum servo so that the adjustable link can be
clipped in place without altering the throttle valve
lever position.

27.28 Cruise control system

Electrical - Battery, Starter, Alternator 27
Cruise control troubleshooting
To perform following test, gear selector lever must be 8
in "0" or "2" (automatic transmission).

ground circuit to control

- disconnect control unit hamess connector
- connect test light between terminals 8 of
harness connector and 12 volts positive
To positive (+)
• test light lights • test light does connection
NOT light

I27-A057 \

ON/OFF switch not work

- connect test light between terminal 1 and
- switch ignition ON
- turn cruise control switch ON
• test light lights


I27-A058 \
Vacuum vent valves do NOT work
• connect test light between terminal 1 and
terminal 3 of harness connector
• switch ignition and cruise control ON
• press brake pedal and clutch pedal one
at a time
• test light does
NOT go out

- repair break in
- adjust vacuum
vent valve
I27-A059 \
- replace defective
vacuum vent valve

Cruise control system,

27 Electrical - Battery, Starter, Alternator

Cruise control switch does NOT work

- connect test light between terminal 6 of
hamess connector and ground
- switch ignition and cruise control ON
- push RESUME on cruise control switch
• test light lights

- repair break in
!27-A060 I
- replace defective

- connect test light between terminal 2 of

harness connector and ground
- push SET on cruise control switch
• test light lights • test light does
NOT light
- repair break in
!27-A061 I
- replace defective

Vacuum control motor does NOT work

- connect jumper wire between terminal 4 of
hamess connector and ground
• pump runs • pump does NOT

next page

27.30 Cruise control system,

Electrical - Battery, Starter, Alternator 27

Vent valve in vacuum control motor does NOT

- connect jumper wire to terminal 7 of harness
connector, then briefly touch to ground
• vent valve "clicks" - vent valve does
NOT ·click"

- repair break in
OR Ground
- replace vacuum connectton
control motor
I27-A063 I

Speed sensor does NOT operate

- switch ignition OFF
- connect multimeter US 1119 (set to ohms
range) between terminal 5 of harness
connector and ground
.90-110 ohms - does NOT read
90-110 ohms

127-A064 I

An inoperative cruise control system may
be caused by vacuum loss due to cracked
or leaking hoses.

Cruise control system,


Manual Transmission
Controls, Assembly

091 094-4WD Syncro
- Drive flange oil seal 34.1 a - Differential
- Gearshol lock components 34,24
adjusting 34.4 lock conlrol, repairing 34.26
assembly 34.3 lock servo, removing 34.25
bearing plale 34.4 -Gearshift linkage
linkage 34,2 adjusting 34,21
- Transmission assembly 34.20
removing 34.14 - Technical data char134, 19
- Transmission
09111 removinglinstalling 34.22
- Drive flange oil seal 34,18
- Gear ratios 34.9
- Gea.rshrft
adjusting 34.8
assembly 34.6
oearir.gs 34.6
linkage 34.6
- Lubricant
specifications 34,9
- Shrrt rod
mounting 34.7a
- Technical dala
chart 34. 1a

- Drive flange oil seal 34.18
- Gearshift
adjusting 34.12
assembly 34.10
- Technical data chart 34.1 b
- Transmission
removing/installing 34,16
34 Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Technical data

• code letters
• application
• gear ratios


code letters ACW

date of manufacture
from 01/86


type 091/1

Application to engine 2.1 liter, Digifant, 70 Kw (95 bhp)

Gear ratios
final drivp 29:6 - 4.83

1st gear 34:9 - 3.78

2nd gear 33:16 - 2.06

3rd gear 49:40 -1.23

4th gear 41:48 - 0.85

reverse gear 33:9 - 3.67

capacity 3.0 liter (3.2 U.S. qt)l

specification hypoid API GL-4, MiI-L-2105, SAE SOW, 80W190

actuation hydraulic

disc diameter 228 mm

drive flange diameter 100mm

speed in 4th gear
per 1000 rpm , 29 Kph (18 mph)

1 refill capacity only; 1.5 liters cannot be drained

34.1a Transmission
Technical data
Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Technical data

• code letters
• application
• gear ratios

Code letters DX
Production from 10/82
I to 11/83
Application type Vanagon
engine 1.6L Diesel 37 kW (48 bhp)
Ratios final drive 38:7 =5.428
1st gear 37:9 =4.111
2nd gear 35:15 =2.333
3rd gear 31 :21 = 1.476
4th gear 57:56 = 1.018
5th gear 49:64 =0.765
reverse gear 33:9 = 3.666
Lubricant capacity 4.0 Liters (4.2 US qt)
Specification hypoid GL-4, MIL-L 2105, SAE 80 or G50 synthetic oil
Clutch actuation hydraulic
Clutch disc diameter 215mm
Axle shaft flange diameter 100mm

Technicaldata 34.1 b
All connections must engaga easily wilhoul
jamming. Lubricate all joints and friction surfaces
wiln MOS2 gmase (part no. G 000 602). linkages
already lubricated with wMe grease or solid
lubricant must first be cleaned thoroughly.

A.IfIY 1l1I••,
nls on ISftlactQf
in ont;
position 0(1)'

Raer shin rod

remO\llnglif1$-htlhng pagit 34,5

:ro Nm U4 II Ib) - _ ,

e.nl., ohltl mo
-- page 34,

Center shIH rod bushing-----'

lubricating: - remove front aod center stult rods
- Iii! lubricatIon grooves with grease
- remove front and cenler shiU rods Fronl ohlll ,od _ _...1
removing I installIng pag& :)4, 5

G..a.shlll linkage
Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly
1M lubricate all joints and iriClion surlaces with MaS,
lUfaces grease (part no, G 000 602), Linkages already
'ubricated with white grease or IlOIlo lubflcant musl
nisI bli! clelll'llld lMfOLIg/:iI\l,

'IQ leftr
s on selector
laH in ane
:milion only

adjusting page 34-4

---IIflIIII Set screw

Bushing -

Shllliinkogo, adjualing pago 34,4

LIM( beating assembly

tiliassemble tor lubricaling only
ilu0mbhng Fig, 1
i!'iIS!US!:flg page 34.4

,------Spacer "fig
10 Nm 17 It Ib)

Shoulder laces up

Rubbar stop plate

Shill h""alng - - - - "

Gearshift I".er
Shill rod
34 3 ..
34 Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Wllh alignment 11011111

(up 10 Q6.II8}
lever bearing plate.

Rubbef Qu,de bushing -_....,

shoulder laces up

Upper ban hal! _ _ _ _. /

Spring _ _ _ _ _...

BearIng sheUs - - -..

lower ball half _ _ _ _ _ _J

Fill. 1 Lever bearing, allll"mblll'lg (beginning 06-88)

- push both shells 1,,10 rubb'lr
guide bushing
press lower ball hall into shells from
bottom (shouldered side 01 bearing
IS top)
- inserl spring on lower ball hall
- pushing shells aparl, push in upper
ball half
- push rubber guide bushing Inlo upper
lever bearing pla!e (shouldered side
- inslall spacer ring into bottom of
upper lever bearing piale wi!h
shOulder lacing rubber guide bushing

Shift linkage, adjusting

Work sequence
shift lever In neutral position

A revised shift lever b",..in:<l
beginning 06·88. In tM
plate alignment holes are ,,,v11l<l0
lever bearwg can be in&lalled in ,el\i<::1lffl
manufactured from 1 10

loosen shiH rod clam;:> so selector lever can

move easily on shift rod
- remove spare tire
move Slop fmger of front shift rod to center 01
rubber stop in housing
Front and center shift rods,
Work sequence
-loosen clamp
- remove spare tire
- remOve boll holding shifl iever to Iront shill
- pull 011 lront and center shift rods In forward
- adiust shift rod end dIrection
• up to Chassis No. 25 BH 137 155 - when Installing, assemble both shift rods and
• 19 mm {3M in.1 Insert Into center shift rod bushing located
• from Chassis No. BH 25 137 156 above fuel tank
a = 22 mm 17/8 in.!
(to measure use locally fabricated sheilt
,wifh metal stripl
Rear shift rod,
- tighten shift rod damp removing/installing
shift through all gears and check that they
Work ""'1US"ce
engage easily without jamming
check reverse lock-out for proper operation - loosen clamp
- remove rear shift rod retaining bolt Irom
Note transmission hOUSing and pUSh bolt in10
shilt rod
From Chassis No. BH 25137156. new type
- pull ot! rear shift rod
mechanism housing has. been instaUed. - install in reverse sequence
If 1st gear is jamming on vehicles up to
Ch."is No. BH 137 155 - even after
correct adjustment is made - install new
type shift mechanism housing and adjust
di'tance • to 22 mm Pia in.J
34 Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly
Lubricate all jOints and moving parts with grease
(part no. G 000 602) before installing. Linkages
already lubricated with white grease or solid
lubricant must be cleaned thoroughly before applying
4 moly grease.
Transmission, removlnglinstalling
see pages 34.16 and 34.17 3

Gearshift leyer housing

Gearshift lever----iii-
adjusting page 34.8 U

Set screw (M5 x 8) .,

I Spring

bearing housing

ball half
Gearshift leyer bearing - - - - - ,
- place shells In rubber guide
- push lower ball half into ball half
shells (collar faces upward)
- push shells apart and insert

spring and upper ball half
- push completed rubber guide
Into gearshift lever bearing
housing as far as it will go
9'---- Rubber guide
BD'-----sPacer ring
collar faces upward ! 34-12971

34.6 Gearshift linkage

4-Speed 091/1
Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly 34
I grease
olid , . . . - - - - Shift rod, rear
fore applying


/ _--Lever
fits only in one position
25 Nm (18 It Ib) • // on shift rod

/ M
/ V Shift rod

- - - - - Shift lever

f------- Tensioning pin

1 34-12971

Bushing, rear

4-speed 091/1
Gearshiftlinkage 34.7
Beginning in June 1987 a boo! is installed on each
side of the shih rod bushing.

Flange (gear carrier ho,u"lngj

for mouni;ng support p!ale
Fig. 1
inslatling Fig, 2

adjuS!!f:g F'g:. 2

Support plato

h.\ r; -..
head 0011 M8 J( 40

Shlll ,od bual1lng

wilh groove lor mounting beals

Fig. 1 on gear carrier housing, dimensions Fig. 2 Front boot, adlusting

• t4.5 mm (preVIOUS version) a 60.0 mm (in neulral position)

a 21.0 mm (revised version)
The revised shift rod mounling can be
The Sllifl rod bushing is posilioned 6.5 mm further installed with Ihe previous gear carrier
lorward on the revised flange, This prevents lhe rear housing. Insert a nut MB x 6.5,
boot from bemg oompressed too far causing a shiH Pari No. NOll 00818, belween Ilange
out ot gear, and support plale. Use M8 x 40 boll,
Pari No. 1'10103404.
During repairs, a gear carrier housing can be
replaced wittl the "evised housing on transmissions
from 10i82 on.

Shift rod mOllntlng,

revised S-speed 094 II Syncro
34 Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Gearshift lever, adjusting alignmenl holes

(beginning 06-118)
A revised shift tever bearing is lnstalled In vehicles
beginning 00·88- In the revised bearing tha baanng
plate alignment holes are deleled, The ,evised shift
lever bearing can be instal1ed !n vehicles
manufactured from 1()·82 to 06-88,

Work sequ"nce
shift into neutral position

- align centering holes (a<rows) of gearshift lever

housing and gearshift lever bearing housing

- loosen clamp flut (arrow)

- check thaI joints of shifl rods slide freely
- remove spare wheel

(l ..a,s hilt I.....'

Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

4-speed manual transmission 091/1

(1985 MY VSfi,sg"ns)

Gear Rallos Trans,OU

lSI gear 34:9 = 3.78
2nd gear 33:18 2.06
3rd gear 63:50 ; 1.26
4th gear 52:61 085
Reverse 33:9 3.67
Final drive. 34:7 4.86

Gear Ratios Trans. ABO

151 gear 34:9 3.78
2nd gear 33:16 = 2.06
3rd gear 49:40 1 225
:,unting I - M! I"v.,.. Of! transmiss'on In vert'cal pc!1","JO,
as shown 4th gear 41:48 0.85
les oflhel Reverse 33:9 3.67
Final drive 29:6 4.83
.) I
LubrIcant speclllcaUons
lubricant capacily (incL diflerential)
09111 3.0 I (3.2 US ql)
viscosily .. SAE SOW. SAE 80W/90
type . hypoid. MIL·L·2105: AP!IGL·4

- move stop finger of front shift rod to cent"r of

ehiU mechanism housing
shift rod end
• '''' 23 mm (29132 in.)
[use strip of sheet metal to measure)

- tighten shift rod clamp

- shift through all gears and check that they
e"llage easily without jamming
- Check reverse lock4)ut for proper operation

Cl!e<:k Ihal wilh 1st gear engaged, distance

betWMl1 shift lever and heater pipe Insulation I,
min, Hi mm (19132 In,)

Gear ratios
Lubricant speellications 34.9
34 Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Lubricate all joints and moving parts with grease
(part no. GOOD 602) before installing. Linkage Apply grease to shifter components inside the
already lubricated with white grease or solid vehicle with great care. MoS2 grease cannot
lubricant must first be cleaned thoroughly. be removed from upholstery or carpets.

Shift knob

Gearshift lever -----fJ

adjusting page 34.12

Boot ---E-........c;:;..

Headless screw M 5 x 8 rSpring

Boot'1i@ (I pin
Gearshift lever bearing - - - - - - .
assembling: Gearshift lever bearing housing
- place shells in rubber guide
- push lower ball half into e-- Upper ball half
shells (collar faces upward)
- push shells apart and insert
a- Spring
,1---_ Spring
spring and upper ball half
- push completed rubber guide Lower ball half
into gearshift lever bearing
housing as far as it will go 58- SheUs

Spacer ring flj ®- Shift guide
collar faces upward 'J
Reverse gear 10ck

Gearshift hlver housing

Shift mechanism·housing

34.10 Gearshift linkage

5-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly 34
Shift rod, rear

E_ .
1 :-

Knuckle joint

front 25 N; (18 It

25 Nm (18 ft Ib) - . ./ r• fits only in one position

" /III . on ,h;ft rod

/ t:!9--Boot

./. If- Tensioning pin
.ring /
rguide pin ( fl)fJ.
Bushing, rear

134-1280 f

5-speed 094 Gearshift linkage 34.11

34 Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Gearshlfl leller, adjusting

Work sequence
shift Into neutral position

A revised shill lever bearing 1$ installed In lIef'l1c1OO'
beginning 06-00. In Ihe revised 1M bel"lr,c
plaie alignment holes are deleted. rll'lllsed
lever beafing can be installed iTIl1ehicles
manufactured from 10·82 to 6-00,

nut larr""v!
01 shift ,ods slide Ir"lv
,.move $pII'" whel!l

set iewr m tramrrtlulon -in 'lle'rtiar _,iti"rL

as shown
push shift $'Od: Into wMlImin:ion until spring
$00 in this position

rotale upper bearing plate &l thaI the mounting

studs (blaok arrows) conlact oppoSIte sides of the
bearing plate
tighten mounting nuts 10 10 Nm (7 It lb.)

34.12 Gearshlllle1ler 5-speed 094

Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly 3

Transmission mllst be in neutral, lever on

transmission in vertical

tighten cfamp nut in this position to 25 Nm

(18 ft Ihl

Id""'. poaitiQll t.11

reve,..,. 1""Qill,IIjil'l.1 dlr.cttOrl
.. $<:l lhlrt ",••sunm.nf I ""1'Mj.Il.""..... goa,
locI< i\f'\d stop of shi It .od Isllmm to.1 18 in.'
U",OO" shoet motolonglo pr...,.."t 3mm 10,11811'1,) - with 2nd gear engaged, check dist.ance between
thickness gear shift lever and heater covering

CAUTION • measurement I must be at minimum 15 mm

T'anomi'Slort must ""In n.utral, levo. (!itlil ;".l. II ""4 adjust gearshift lever bearing
Ofl in vertIcal positlQr1 by !:>u.llin@bRh•• rdln slotted holes
- Me<:i< that all g,ol1l ."9lIIIO ••• lly ...,thout j.mmlng.
P'rliwl.,ly, ch.,,1<: tllJ"m g••• lock out

- let shift rod spring back to left into 2nd/3rd

gear shift position and push rod slightly to right
• boot must touch inside of shift mechanism
housing (arrow)

5-speed 094 Gearshift lever

34 Transmission-Controls, Asselnbl

Transmission, removing
(engine inslalled)

Work sequence
- disconnect battery ground strap
- remove right side upper engirteltransmission

- disconnect starl"r cllbles II

- remove rlghl slae drive shaft bolls II ana
remove hydraulic ClutCh tine bracket 1 trom remove shaft Irom !IIIM/Mlssloif1
traoSffii&sion - hang IIMfI up wlih wire
• do no! disconnect hydraurlc lifle - remove rlgh! side lOwer
remove clutch 111 ave cylinCl,,1 from t\ra<:l«;.1 :t n... , .,
and hang up cylinder with wlr"

- sVPPOlj etJginl!lwiU' vw 7115/1

- remove left side upper engine/transmission - go to next pail!;
bolt 3A
- remove left side lower engine/transmission
nut 38
- remove left side drive shalt bolts 4
- remove shaft from transmission
- hang shaft up with wire

4.1 Transmission, removing

1 4- sp eed 091 I
Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

- dlsconneot back"up light w!r!r.g II

- ramove IIhlfllinkage IIlrom transmissiOn
- disconnect ground strap 10
- ramov!.! 'ronl tral1smllllliOll mount 11 Irom

room to fllmo'"lllrfIJ1I1nlillliloo
- sEfpwate trarlli\ml$1I10n from !!InCllOII and
ramO'l!!l Irom wIllel"

Work MqtHI""
Procead In r.wllrH order 01 ,emo.lng and flo!e
- inlilail transmission with US fi18 log!!lther
with US e,al5
- clean splines" 01 and lubrloa!e
Wllh Mll$,"
- note oorrecll'9sitlQll III air deli<ICtor plates
to bod,
- cheok engine compartment seals
-tighlen fronl VI>I1$mllSlon mounts

III transmission

4-speed 091
1(lllnllll'llI>I>'OI'l, {$II'IC'IIng
Transmlulon, 'nslaltlng 34.15
Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Transmission, removing (lrive !ll'Iliifl from transmissioo

(engine installed) IIfI with

Work sequence
- disconnect battery ground strap
- remove upper englneltransmission bol!
- remave bracket far accelerator cable

S",,,,,,,I engine wilhVW l"85I1 S

- ,liImove flJbber Irom lell wheel 00lJ5il1g
to "ook In

- rel'Tl<:We ,ell drive Shilll fmm Iransmh;sl00 and

hang up wilh wire
- remove clutch cable bracket from transmission
- remove clutch slave cylinder from bracket and
hang up wllh wire

Hyd,a,ullc system mUlIj be closed
- remove shi!! rod from transmission (arrowsl
- sUPpol'llransmlsslon will! sullable 1001

- remQve ground lIlrap from

- disconnect starter wiring and remove starter - remove front transmissIon moun!
comple!e (arrows)

Transmlssion f
Manual Transmission-Controls. Assembly

-lower front pari of Irainsnll!1!,ion iJoo'Mn

spindle of VW
room to
- ramoye lowl!lr l!lngl!ll!litrMsmhlsIOI1 <bolts
guld" bolts and

TJlruomlsslon, Installing
Pr()ceed 1/1 ordl!lr 01 femoYinllllnd note

- cl."" splines 01 mall'l!lhatl Md lubricate

lightly with 1\110$. IIreaY
-11"ally lighten Ironl tr"nsmlMion mounts

• transmission 10 llntll"$ It Itl)

• drive shaft;. 10 1,,,n,,mlsliIion Ib}

glfl arrowl

Tran$ml •• lan, ill.t.lllng 341017

Manual Transmission-Controls, Asselmo

Drive flange oil seal, removing Drive flange Installing

(Transmission Installed) (Trll"sml$$Ioo 1"$1111100)

A light film of oil on seal prevents sea! lips from
Replacement of seal is necessary only if there is a
large amount 01 oil on seal and transmission

Work sequence

- remove drive shaft bolt. Irom Uansmission

and detach shaft upward
• hang up shaft with Wire
- pierce cap in flange with screwdriy"," and pry

- drive In !'leW seal Mill It cOntilets besrlng tTIGe

- I ill 01 seal wilh grease

- remove clrclip and pull out flange

- Insert two bolts A 1M 8 x 30) through slots
In flange
- P'JII off Ilenge with 1001

- Install drive with tool \1\>'1391

- InS<>rt SllllCer Wasl'ler and eirellp
- preu 1010 groove wflh VW 2441l
lind 1.'1 aarne time check Ihal washer ,s
- pres" In new
- Install driv" lind !i91'11M socket head
bolts to 45 Nm (33 It Ib)
- check transmission oil level and add II

- pry out seal with tool VWool

Drive flange 011

Manual Transmission-Controls, Assembly
Technical data
• code letters
• application
• gear ratios

code letters AAK AAN
date of manufacture
from 10/85 10/85
Application vehicle Vanagon Syncro
engine 2.1 Liter 95 bhp (net) SAE
Gear ratios
1st gear 34: 9 = 3.78
2nd gear 33: 16 = 2.06
3rd gear 49 : 40 = 1.225
ring race 4th gear 41 : 48 = 0.85
ase Low gear 31 : 9 x 28 : 16 = 6.03
Reverse gear 31 : 9 x 28: 16 = 6.03
Final drive ratio 38: 7 = 5.43
Capacity 4.7 US qt (4.5 Litersp
Lubricant specification Gear oil GL-4 SAE 80
Clutch mechanism hydraulic
Clutch disc diameter 228 mm
Driveshaft flange
diameter 100 mm
Overall ratio in 4th gear 4.15
Speed in 4th gear per
1000 rpm 18 mph (29 km/h)

P l-When refilling only add 3.2 US qt (3.0 Itr) or fill

4b to edge of filler hole as 1.5 quarts (liters) cannot
is be drained off.

t head


I094-4Wol Transmission
technical data 34.1!
,ted Torque Converter

Quick Data Index

-Bushing 32.3
-Code letter 32.2
-Draining 32.2
-Installing 32.3
-Oil seal 32.3


Index 32.1
32 Torque Converter
- cut free end of drain hose at an angle
place converter in slop1ng position

- squeeze plastic bottle and hold while

inserting free end of drain hose into
convener hub
,end of hose must rest on bottom of
- release plastic bottle so that ATF
starts draining
fOOSli!11 bottle 'Cap :so fluid can

Fig. 1 Converter CoOa letter

O-up to budd date 3/27181
Z-318110 7/85
H-from 8i85
ConVGrter with <lode htUtr Z has
iii modajed imp;a:Her and turbinoG' vanes
alid can tnstaU!fK! in ,fQarUI1F Y'Ohicies"

Fig. 3 Converter oil seal hub, cheCking

check hub {arrowl for scoring from oil
- check that chamfer for oil seal is
rounded at front
- cover huh bore in converter
- remove sharp edges and burrs with
fine emery cloth
- do not damage surface where oil seal
contacts hub
Torque converter bushing can be replaced
separately, If torque converter assembly
is defective, replace complete unit

2 Torque converter, draining

attach small inslde diameter hose,
about 8mm {5/16 ird outside diameter,
'0 plastic bottle of about 21iter (2 qt )

hose connection and cap must be air


Co nverter assembly
Torque Converter 32

Fig, 4 Conv$ftttr bushing, checking Fig. 6 COllverler bushing, IlIslalllllg

.wear Hmit d;ameter 34.25 mm \ T,348 in , - press bushing ill ulltil seated
II out of roun.d max. 0.03 mm ( 0,001 in )

Of!) oil When installed, bushing must hsve inside
diameler of 34.00-34.05 mm (1.340-1.341 ill.).
It bushing is less thall minimum inside
'"'"""',-- Nut for Pulling diameter, it may sie26.
--,-.,-1,1>. After instalting Check edge 01
converter hub lor burrs

US 11111 ."
'€'placed 4(l..103

Fig.5 Cooverler bushing, removlllg

Fig. 7 COllverler oil seal, removing

- pry damaged seal out. carefully clean
seal ier seal

Converter bushing
Oil seal, removing
32 Torque Converter

FI1I- /I COl\l'&I1$r 011 Il'IltIIllllIO

,.1 In In 8$ lar as It

Be carelul when installmg silicone seal.
Seal IS soil and Can be easily damaged.
Silicone seals must not contact gasoline or 091
similar cieanlng solulions -i

Converter assembly. installing


" before installing converter, pump

shaft must be inserted fully into
pump splines
place converter carefully on one-way
clutch support
,. do not tilt or misalign converter
engage splines by turning converter
back and forth

.4 Oil seal. Installln9


Index <

Water=Cooled Gasoline

- Br.ke/elu len lIuld ""''''''1li.30.3 - ..!Ctutch fluid reservoir 30<3

- Clutch assembly<3O,<4 - Clutch a!!Slimbly30.4
"o,,!rols 30.2 C!lOtrois 30:2
di.ptlragm 'Piing 311 S diaphragm spring 30.6
diSC 30.1 disc 30<'
hydnltilk system 30.2 nyorlllJllc $jIstllm 30.2
pressure plate 30.6, 30.1 pressure platt 30<6, 30.7
- Releas. shaft bushing 30.3 - R"I.",. bearing 30 <7
- Roll pin 30.3 - Rel"""t shaft bushing 30.3
-Ron 30.3

- Brake/Clutch fluid reservoir 30.3

- Clutch .ssemtl1y 30.5
controls 30.2
diaphragm sprill9 30.6
hydrl!1Jlic system 3112
preSSure pl"t. 3ll6, 30.7

- bUshing 30.3
- R(!11

1< for

30 Clutch, Controls
clearance between push roo and
piston In clutch master cyllndcr
O.Smm (0.020 In.) rna•.

L Collo' pin
always. replace
Installation posItion FiU. 1

MoS, grellSe

remove with VW 201,
install flush

25 Nm 118 !lIb>
Filling ot II.Yl>lllm is done removir
lOP of dashboard and adding approv
Clutch m'".I1I;-,.........
brake fluid (see cauUM page 30.3) I<
brake/clutch fluid reservoir

Brlke/clutch fluid m&efJIoir

filling fig. 2

81..der IcrlW
open vsive only wtHJn
bleeding hydraulic system.
Bleed sylitem only wUh
pressure bleader

.,r------ blf.ore
Clutch 01... cyllndOl
Installing, lOSE
",II.( bolt

Pivot IMIIt
15 Nm 111 II Ib)
18curt:i9: rete8S6 shaH

r----- Ouldo 01...

pl""tlC. do

" . - - - 15 Nm (

25 Nm (18 II 'hl---" R.
Clutch ,___ .----..J

R;.h","'1 b;lafll'lg
do not clean in sotvent
cr.l)' lubricate pivot suriacG
and Clip to with McS2 grease
release sllaft replacing, Fig, 5 and page

30.2 Clutch hydraulic syslem

Clulch conlrols
Clutch, Controls 3C


Fig.:; Aeless& slla!, bushing, removing

• '011 pin must be ",((llallOO In Il'oove

l'lIrfOw) on side

Iluid mus! no! come In!o eonlac!

Bra"" "uld absorbs moh;tllr& Ii'r IIlld
mu.1 b. replaced :;
Only II"'" new UI1U",!4
brak", fluid le"",dl,", VEil-!
SA FErV Do flO! "dd or
mix DOT 5 silicon" Iype brake fluid willi
brake fluid in car, as MYere Fig. <II IIIftlasllhan bushing, Instamng
corrosion may result Suet! c, 00<11<1
yllndOl' I••ct 10 Clutch line! lallure drive irllluel'l
Ig, insert

111m IH II Ib)
.. liltll
III wllh

Fig. 5 Releas .. bearing, Inslalling

new release bea1'nQS on which thrust

ring is not centrally positioned to
Brake/clutch lIuid rese,.oi" filling (arrow) can be installed
- grasp two cecesses on back of thrust ring automatically centers Itself
dashboard cover aod pull up oe first application of clutch pedal
- IIII with brake fluid (see above caution)
unt!llevel .s between "MAX" and "M'N"
- replace cover by lronl edge
lirst then press Cover down firmly

A·2 Roll pin

091-091/1 S·speed 094
Smlrelclureh fluid ",.enroir
R.I ......haft bu,hing 30.
30 Clutch, Controls

On'l/ Il'IIflml$SIQn must 00 rem(Woo ler clutch

25 Nm 118 ft Ib)
and tighten by stag •• in diagonal II

boils Or socket h.ad

'" >t 16 wl1hOUI
install hexagon bolts or socket head
screws M8 x t8 with spring wamer
- US<! only 001 t! or saew, I'll sfim.'.nlJ1h
Clutch dl,

Friction materials such as brake and clutch linings or
brake pads may contain asbestos fibers.
Do not Create dust by grinding, sanding or by cleaning
with compressed air.
Avoid breathIng asbestos fibers and asbestos dust.
Breathing asbestos may result in serious diseases, such
as asbestosis or canCer.
Breathing asbestos may Cause severe injury and death.

30. 4 Clutch a ..""mbly IL___

30 Clutch

Fig. t 01,,,..
Cluteh P'MSU'" ,,1111.., G ..
- attach flywheel re!ainer VW 215c
- mark poslHon of pfessure alate on
Ilywheel (arrow)
4 Clutoh p,,,,,,,,.t
plato, 228 min ill die
Imodlfloatloo 0111'1'''' .""",,,Ied ••hiol.,
- 100S"" bolts dlstgonally

Fig. :2 Clutch assembly. Diesel

Ffg. 5 Production reiease bearing. air-cooled
-change relalne, over when ,emovlng
.contact 'iurfacB diameter is 46 mm (1

Fig. J Clutch diaphragm spring, checking


10 depth 01 0.3 mm

Clutch dIsc

30..6 Clulch pressure plale

Clulch diaphragm spring 14-speed
L-.:. _ _091-09111!S-Speed
_ _ _--'-_ _ _0941---'

Fig. 6 release bearing, aiNmoled engines

Note Fig, 8 Clutch pressure plaie, checking
Release bearing with wider contact surface cheCk for craCkS, burn marks and wear
(arrow) is the only bearing avaiiable as spare • i!lward tape<: (l a mm (0,012 itlJ max.
part. This release bearing will work with either
old or new type pressure plates,
Engine replacement
If exchanging engines, be $ure that wider-contact-
surface release bear'mg is used if pressure p1ate is
of older type [where (I, Fig. 4,:::::: 55 mm
(23116 in,) dia.l

Do not install reiease bearing having narrow
contact surface l46 mm (1 13/16 in.) dIad
together with short-fingered pressure plate
la 55 mm (23/16 in,) aia,)

1116 in.)

- chock runou!: Q,5 mm ({),020 in,) max,

• measured 2,5 mm (3/32 in,) from edge
01 disc
- check lining and spUnes for wear and
rivets for tightness
- when installing, clean corrosion from
transmission mainshaft and clutch disc
Fig, 7 Clutch pressure plate, checking lighlly lubricate clutch splines with grease
.. use grease part no, G 000 100
_ check straps (black arrows) between place transmission into gear to lock
plate and cover tor cracxs and mains-haft and temporarily instal! clutch
tightness of rivets (white arrows) disc to check movement
• clutches IlJith loose or damaged .. spring cage must face pressure plale
rivets: must be replaced • clutCh disc must slide freely on
remove excess grease
Clutch relf:ase bearing
Ch.ltch pressure ptatf:
094 Clutch disc
30 Clutch

Fig. 10 Release bearing, Inetall_ng

• New release bearing on which thrust ring

is not· cenlraHy .pbsitioped to.· housing
(arrow) can be installed .
.. thrust rirlg.8utomlitUcaIlY centers· itself
on first appli¢atlon Of clutch pedal

30.7'a Ciutch releaM bearing

Ignition System


Air-cooled AFC Water-cooled Digijet Water-cooled Digifant

- California 28.8 - Centrifugal advance 28.34 - Distributor, installing 28.44
distributor 28.11, 28.12 - Distributor driveshaft 28.32, 28.33 - Hall sender checking 28.43
distributor drive 28.10 - Hall control unit 28.36 - Ignition distributor 28.40
Hall control unit/generator 28.14 - Hall generator 28.37 - Ignition and injection system,
Hall ignition troubleshooting 28.17 - Idle stabilizer 28.38 repairing 28.39
idle stabilizer 28.16 - Ignition cable connectors new style - Ignition settings 28.41
ignition distributor/settings 28.9 28.30a - Ignition switching function,
ignition timing 28.11 -Ignition coil 28.32 checking 28.44
rotor 28.10 - ignition distributor/Hall generator Ignition timing 28.42
vacuum advance/retard 28.13 28.29
vacuum unit 28.12 - Ignition distributor/settings 28.29
wires/coil checking 28.10 - Ignition system 28.28
- USA (except Calif.) and Canada -Ignition wires/connectors 29.31
28.2 - Rotor 28.31
distributor 28.6, 28.7 - Suppressor connectors 28.32
distributor drive 28.4, 28.5 - Trigger wheel 28.38
ignition/distributor settings 28.3 - Vacuum unit 28.35
ignition timing 28.5, 28.6 - Vacuum advance/retard 28.35
rotor 28.4
vacuum unit/advance 28.7
wires/coil checking 28.4
- Glow plug light troubleshooting
- Quick glow troubleshooting

Index 28.1
...---Tormlr,all 11-)

Terminal 4

Static shield
only on vehicles
with radio
tgnlUon coli
checking Fig, 3


r----- Ignilion wi,..

cne:cklng Fig. '1

DIs'ributor ca.p - - - - - - - - - - -__

check for cracks and corroded: (10fltacii.
Clean betore i(!Slaliing

Carbon brush and spring - - - - - - - - - - .

check for wear and free movement ,--I)u," CO'4&(

;-- ar••••, polnl.

lubricate cam, tIllai)tic
block and Pivot WtH',
Rolo' - - - - - - - - -
checi<iJlg Fig. multi-purpos.e

Condenser - - - - _

types page
Spa,. plug eonlno,:!o,
4000-600011 Iwl'h radiO)
Distributor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J 801H2oo11 IwitMut radio)

Installing Fig. 6 L - - -II ,'c."m

advance unit
centrifugal advance, checkmg leakage page 28]
pages BInd 28. 'l vacuum advance checking page 28.1

Clamping boll - - - - - - - - - "

adjusting igniHon timing,
s•• paoo. 28.5 and 25.6
Ols.rlbulor drive - - - - - - - -
remo'lmg Fig. 4,
installing Fig. :;

Thru6t washer
gUide into position with


Engine eode letters CV

DiStributor (Pari No.) 022 905 205S

Ignition !Iming 7.5' BTDC

mark locatrQn: ;:rai1kshaft pulley


Idle SP'led
manuaJ 800- 950 rpm
lIJ1omari.c 850-1000 rpm
llaouum ho"" disconnected

Dwell angle' new pofnts 44-50·

waar tlmit 42-58'
Cent rifuga; Mvance (crankshaft degreesi
starl 1000-1200 rpm

9-14' at 1600 'pm

a[ 3400 rpm

Vacuum advanoe
Slarl 107-147 mbar (BCH1C mm Kg)

266 mbar 1200 mm Hgl


Spark plug. BOlich W 145 M2, W 8 CO

Beru 14511413l
Champion N .288

Spark plug ltgMterling lorque 30 Nm (22 II Ibi

Spark plug ga" O"HH mJT1 IO.Q2:H1Q28 In.}

Firing order 1-4-3-2

jjo 287

Air-cooled AFC I I CAN I USA, not Ca I"fI" I Ignition dIStributor

"and salUngs _WI.
tion System

A rough Idle or mil3flr& pllJ1iai 101ld could be
caused by jumplnglrom th" plug wire
connector to tl1;; oopprooslonllhield. or Ihe
cylinder hood.
remove and conooctor for white
spots or burn
- on those equipped wlth a suppressor
shietd on the (ii;>lriootOl' il 1& n"",essary to
remove the shield affll lOr wlhlta spots or
bum marl\s 00 th" CliP
II white spots Of oom marks arlilllrlM'ant, replace Ihe
damaged companelll!!.

fig. 3 Igl'litkm

di!lOQJ'1rteQ! ",II wll'4iis' jrom COil terminals

- r<l1IisIMoo beiwl!el'l lemllnills 1
lind 15
'II 2.1HI.1 ohms.
- m$!!$Ul'S ''''''slaru::e between lemlinals 1
and 4
III 1l00IHl!QOO ohms

Fig. 1 Rolor. ohecklng

.. 4000·6000 ohms

Fig. 4 Distributor drl"e, remolling

Fig. 2 Ignilion wl,es, oheoklng

- wires between distributor and spark

plugs (including connectors) lor conlmui;y
.. reslslance should nol vary greally
- check wire between igniUon coil and
distributor (including connoctor)
.. "ISIslance should nol be greater then
2400 ohms

Ignition wlreslColl
Dlslrlbut", orivtl
Ignition timing, checking/adjusting
with SIEMENS 451 tester or equivalent
Work sequonce

If SIEMENS 451 tester is not available, proceed
with check using with timing light
(see page 28,6)
- run engine until engine oil I. at least 30'C
] (SS·F)

- set crankshaft 10 TDC on cylinder
- iOlltall drive shaft so that otlset
sial is at an angle of about 12· to
centerline (small segment to

- pu II of! hose to dislributOf

- check dwelt !!dlus! il """"slIary
• new poi!n!s: 44_","
• wear limit 42-58'
- liming. Igllillon liming pOlll! wilt read
directly On SIEMENS tesler
• 7.5' before TDC
if NO, loosen distributor clamping boit and turn
- reconnect vacuum hose to distributor
- retighten clamping bOil
(I Dltll1bl.ltOf, INlllllllrlg
- sal <lreol<snllil 10 TOC On cylinder NO, 1
tum rOlor unlil ills 10 No, 1
cvli,nd.n mMI< On 01 hOusing
- clean distributor check lor
01 "nd rotor
em shan

Distributor dri...
Ignille" di!lltlblltOl'
Ignition liming, checking/ adjusting Ignition dlstrlt!ut,ar.
with timing light centrifugal with
451 fester or equivalent
Work sequence
- run until engine oil is at leas! 30°C {SS'F)
- connsct dwell/tach according to manufacturers
- run·engine at idle speed
• manual: 800-950 rpm
• automatic: 850-1000 rpm
- pull off vacuum hose to distributor
- check dwell angle, adjust if necessary
• new points: 44-50 il
• wear limit: 42... 5B"

- cormec! le.ster to macn\ll<ilc;tU1'ef's

- star1 and run at Idle
• timing lUld rpm wUl reg.i1ll1'lr dlrel:!!Y
on 1"51""
- adjust ,die
• tnIIrlIJlIl:
• aulomalio: 'pm
-pull hOM 011 unll
11 l'1iitllll!!ary Isee

- flash ignition liming scale with timing light 011 lesl Instrument (basic
• mark on pulley must align with red mark on
II NO, loosen distributor clamping boll and lurn Nol.
distributor Slart 01 advan;:!!i" Shown by
reconnect vacuum hose to distributor
increasing advance ,eglslered on tas!
- rellghten Clamping bolt
II!slrumenl while tpm
- Incrlilase engl"'il slowly 10 1600 rpm
- read 011 lIdvanee on test instrument

To determine centrifugal advance. subtract basic

angle from las! advance angle measured

E•• mpla
last advance angle measured
minus basic
{=) centrifugal advance

- repeat check at 3400 rpm

- reconnect vacuum hose when test is

Ignition distributor, checking - run engine at approx, 2500 rpm and check that
vacuum at throttle valve housing IS reaching
centrifugal with timing vacuum unit
IIdllsnc:e tester If NO, vacuum connection on throWe valve housing
may be blocked
Work sequence
- increase engine speed until vacuum tester
- connect tester according to manufacturer's indlclt!es higher feldlng Ihllf't:lilG mbar
instructions (200 mm Hg)
- start engine and run at idle
- swltel'! ¥:!l<lIJum lesh!lr so" holds vacuum on
• manual: 800-950 rpm
side tOn!il:!l<lled to vacuum wiil
• automatic; rpm
- pull off has.. at \fllli;uum unit - tu en e""" Ol'f'
- vacuum 'Ildll\g on lester (l'l\Jey 001 drop more
- check Ignltkll'l Hming and adjust If necessary
than '0% 1 mlnu!.., olll_Ise vacuum
(see 28,S 10 28,EI>
un It Of h_ is dereo!!""
- flash Ignlti.m timing Icale with timing light
and nole Indh:llIt,,;1l!1ngl<l (basic angle)
Vacuum ctlecklng
Not. - connOle' SIEMENS <IlI1IM!&< !l< equivalent,
or tad, lot\d liming light ...x<lro inll to
Start of centrifugal Idval'\\)$ Is shown by
manllfae!urer's ms!ruclioos
movement of notch while Increasing rpm
- connect vacuum tester between throWe valve
- Increase engine speed slowly to 1600 rpm hOU'$lng and vacuum advance unit connection
- bring notch back 10 Original salting by lurnlng - set vacuum tester to allow vacuum to pass
knob on tester and read olf advance value throuGh
start engine and run at Idle
clly Note
• manual: 800-950 rpm
To determine centrlfuga) Idvance, subtract baal>:: • automatic: 850-1000 rpm
advance angle from IMI advllnC" angle measurlld - II u,lng SIEMENS tester or equivalent, read
off Indicated advance angle (basic angle)
Example ana note
last advance angle measured - if usIng trmlng IIgh!. Uash scale and note
- minus basic advance advance anGIe \I:la.sic anglej
!=) cen!rlfugal advance - Increase engine speed until reading on
Vacuum t&sl!!r Is higher than 200 mba,
- r"p'la! check al 3400 rpm (200 rnm Kg)
-recoMeclvacuum hose when test completed '- switch vacuum tester so that it holds vacuum
on side connected to vacuum unit
Vacuum advance unit, checking for
leakage - leave engine running at idle (adjust If
-.. reduce vacuum 00 vacuum tester to 266 mbar
(200 mm Kg; or 107-147 mbar (80-110 mm Hg)
- note advanca angles
....... determine vacuum l!dv'ance by subtracting
basic advance angle from measured advance
ured bample
last advance angle measured
t -) f1}inus basic advance angle
(::::) vacuum advance
- compare vacuum advance angles wHh
specified values on page 28,3

- connect vacuum tester Sun VPT 212-1 or

equivalent according to manufacturer's

Ignition distributor

I Air-cooled AFC II CAN I USA, not Calif.

Vacuum unit
Vacuum advsnc'8
HaU control unit WARNING
Checking page Do not touch or remove tgnition coil wire
when running or cranking engine,
Only disconnect wires of ignition system or
conneclldisconnect test instruments when
Idle slsblll"", - - - - - - - - _ ignition is turned OFF
before adjusting idle,
disconnect connectors
and plug together CAUTION
pall" 28, "It
0" not CQl'ltli!lot any I""t i""!rum",,I$ em
iEfrminal 1S (+) 01 Ihl$ "Qtlll!
claf"",I" elfClfoniC '/10, 'lO
for COtH'ISCtlCtfii, preeauffGn:s $01"
!rarl$isiorilild ignihon "'lsillffr Sill PIIQ"

l;;;anUlon wire
Ignlllo" ..,11 checking F:g. ;;:

C.""n !>r..." •• d _____--::-1

che:cw; 'JO'( ",vU; ana

marlled I'll

Oust cover

Spark plug
30 Nm (22 It Ib,
types, see page 21i$!
Plug for Hall generator - - . . I

fill, e
Ch&ddnQ: cl$l1!riftJgllf -fu:J"a:ncia', »a:Q4:l' 2ft 11 ana

IlIBlrlbu!Cf -------------,.
remcvlr,gilnstal!!ng Fig.l and Flg,4

ThfUSlwasher - - - - - - - - _ .
Ifls1aJ! with serc.",dnver
then position

Ignilion liming
with HIIII Generalor AFC ('!Allf

Ois;ribu!o( {Par! N,,') 039 !lOS 205C

l' Ignilion timing 5' AIDC

Timing mark location: crankshaft pulley

Idle adjus!ment 850-950 'pm

Vacuum hoses Conn.9CteCi
Idle lItabili,,<lr plugs removed and
conneclad loge!h","

Ce'l,rifugal advance (c,anksharl degrees)

slar! 1050-1300 rprtr

21-25' at 3400 tpm

go-100mb,;! aO-120 mm Mill

8ctor 240-280 mbar (1130-210 mm Mg)

Vacuum retard
srar! 90·1ilO mbar {70·120 mm HIl)
200·280 mbar (150-210 mm Hgl
end 11-13 •

BoSch W 145 M2, W II CO

aeru 1451141 3l
Ghamp,,:m N28!l

Spark plug gap 0"6-0,7 mm {lW23-00211 In,l

Spa,k plug Ugh tM Inll torque 30 Nm (22 II loj

Firing order 1-4-

Transistorized ignition system cautions

Jo r;ot connect any OO¥ldensltrfsuppressor or test on car, Do not start engine after heating up to
:ighl to terminal 1. DO (jot ooonect test instruments more than OO'C (176*F), example; paint dryIng
with a 12 volt supply on termInal 15 of ignition booth, Do not wash engine when It lS running. Do
coi:. Do not crank engine before high tension wire not use battery booster longer tha'1 15 sec. nor
of distributor cap (terminal 4) is connected to exceed 16,5 volts with booster. Allow 1 minute
ground with jumper wire (example: compression pause between boosting attempts. Do not discon·
cneck etc.), Do not replace installed coil- nee! battery whire engine is running. Disconnect
211 905 115 G--with conventional type, Do not plug to ignition control unit when car roas to be
leave battery connected when electric welding towed.

Air-cooled AFC II California

Ignition distributor
and sattlngs
Note - check wire between ignition coil and
A rough idle or misfire during partial load could be dlstnbufOf, (including connectors)
caused by Ignilion sparks jumping from Ihe plug wire • reststance should not be greater than
oonne<:lor to the noise supprElSsion shield, or Iha 12000 ohms
cylinder head,
- remove and insp"Ct th<! plug C(>I1nector lor white
spots Or bum marks
- on those vehicle'S equlpp;ld wl!h a suppressor
shield on the dislrlbutor cap, ills necessary to
remove the shield and check lor while spOlS or
bum marks on th<! distributor Cap
If White spots or bum mar\(;! arll prasent, raplace the
damaged componl$l1lll.

Fig. S Dimbulor drlllEl, removing

Fig, I Rolor, checking

-- check lha! resistance is approximately

1000 ohms
Do not change rOlor when inslalling radiol
rotor musl be marked wifh A1,

Fig. 4 Distributor drive, Installing

- set crankshaft to TOC on cylinder No, 1

- install drive shatt so that off...t slot is al
an angle about 12' to engine centerline
(smaller segmenl laward coil
'nslall spacer spring

2 Ignition wires, cnecklng

- check wires between distributor and spark

plugs (including connectors) for contlnuny
.. resistance should not vary greatly
between wires


1 Ignition wl,,,,,
DI!Itlibutor d,l\I..

When woriling Qn with Hall "Ignition

systam, OOSlllV1l to
prevan! InJurv or to sys,I,,,n:
do IIOlte>uch or remoye high loo!lioll wire
1'1 h e n , , , oralnklrlg
- wlr.
Is $Wlloh"" oH
-lest Instl'lJmE>rlls"sllollkl be oOJlnectlld1
switchlld off

- do nol OCll>!1l!CI artv 10 lermlnal 1

do "0' low oar! wllhou' 01&00(,,,,,,01.r'9
plugs on 00"\(01 unl' - disconn€ct all wires from coil terminals
- do no' crllnk unlll high lens Ion - me$$Uri rl$;ista&"!tl\!l1 b?-t'Ne(!rf negative terminal 1
w're 01 dl,,!rlil;Jlor CIlP 4) is and C;Qtf 1eftSton termrnal 4
connected to wtlh wire • fettua:nce:
(a",mple: Oi't<!cl<, 2400' - 3500
do not Ie".' conoooted when - if not within tolerance, repiace ignition coli

distribulor with one (If different type

when use <lnly
• 1000 otlme 1& tension wire!! and Q
1000 to 5000 ohms lor plug

do nol w,.,f't
do nol us,
I minute I'l« exceed HUi voll$ with

- .:Ii.COIIMa aii wi'K' Itom ooil termi",,1>

- me&lun tK'i$llln"'l bGtw••" 15 "nd
llllII,atilllll ooii tM"frullts
• ftfiiltlfl,*
0,52-1),111 ohms
- II not within to!<ll'ern:",ropt<IC" illnltk'" coil

Air-cooled AFC Ignition ooil

m(llne klfe 10 8!ID-9!ia
- set crankshafl to TOG on cylinder - !lull timing mark wllh timing
No.1 • mark on muat
tum tolO. untn II.hl poinUIlQ 10 No. on
""I lind,,. mati!. On af housing - 111l""",ssa!)" 1_1'1 distributor bOlt
Install distributor Md tun; dilltribuior
- 01.,.00 dIS!rlt,ul"r 011.0. OheaK '(" cracks, - lilConnoot idle sl$blltzer
ot toto< Ugh!nes" - retlghtell Clamping boll
on lIllafl
- adJulil IgnItiOn Ignltton dislrlbulor. checking
centrifugal advance with SIEMENS
Ignition tlmllntl. adjusting with timing 451 lester or aqulvalent

Olllemp;!lrallJrE! mu$! be at llI'ill 60'0 jl40'Fj

- connoot te<l!er ,,,,,,,,,,f!I,,,, 10 manufacture!'s

- remove idle stabilizer plugs and cOllnecl
- slart engine and run al idle
• Ignition timing and rpm will dlreclly
on tester
from idl.,. stabilize.-
.. squeeze connectors to release - adjust idie
- connecl plugs (arrow) manua!: 850-950 rpm
automatic: 850-950 rpm
- check and adjust ignition liming il necessary
- go 10 ne.t page

1 Ignition dlslributorlllming
California 1
- pull olf bOth vacuum hoses from distributor Nole
vacuum unit
- plug vacuum relate! hosl!' To delermine centrifugal advance! subtract basic
reset idle speed to specificatIons advance angie from advance angle measured
nole advance angle on tester (basic advance
angle) Example

Slal1 01 adnl'l'!:e 1s shown by (=) cel'llriltlgal advar«::e
increasing advanoe on tester
woile rpm - compare lidvar,ce to chllrl page 28.9
- repeal check at 3400 rpm
- whef'l Check completed, f<!1O<IDm>Ct "!leuum
Nole - recol1n<!<lt Idle stabl1l2er

To deterrnl"'l Iid.<llnee, I:lubtracl basic Distributor vacuum unit, leak checking

advance "from last a<lvlltiOll a"gle measured
Work sequence
Example - connect vacuum tester intake
manilold and relard connecllofl on vacuum unil
- plug vacuum floH for reI ani connection
set vacuum tester to allow vacuum to pass
start engine and run at idle
- disconnect hose from advance connect Jon on
vacuum unit
-,set vacuum tester so that it holds vacuum on
SIde connected to vacuum unIt

Vacuum re','$le'*Ki Otlii/ller m"",lnot by
more thall wilhin 1 mlnule
- reconneot Idle stabilizer
- connect vae uum l!!lIl€1r throtUe .,,1'$
IIIId advance connecllon on vacuum
Ignition distributor, checking unit
centrifugal advl\Ince timing set vacuum lelUIf 10 alloll1l \fll\Ci,lUm 10 paIS
advance tester - j ncrease on vacuum
testt! .,
Work seql.l...."" mm
conoool lesler ac"ordlrla to manufacturer's - if no VllIOlJOm ill "heck if
instructions conne<:lIpn at Ihro!!le Is blo<:k,ld
- pull advance and retard hoses off vacuum unit set vacuum !Mler SO thalli hOld$ vaouum on
side connected to vacuum unit
- disconnect plugs from idle stabilizer and
connect together
stall engine and adjust idle speed to 900 rpm
- flash timing mark with liming lighl, and note
indicaled angle (basic angle) Vacuum registered on tester must {lot drop by
more than 10% within 1 minute
Start of centrlfuga! advance is shown by
movement of notch while IncreasIng rpm
- Increase engine speed slowly to 1600 rpm
- bring notch back to original seHing by turning
knob on lesler and read olt advance value

Distributor cenlrlfugal advance

olslribulo, vacuum unil
28 Ignition System

Vacuum advance angle, checking Vacuum retard angle, checking with

SIEMENS 451 tester or equivalent
Work sequence
- connect SIEMENS tester or equivalent (or tach Work sequence
and timing light) according to manufacturer's - connect tester according to manufacturer's
In st ruction s instructions
- connect vacuum tester between throttle valve - disconnect plugs from idle stabilzer and
housing and vacuum advance unit connection connect together
- set vacuum tester to allow vacuum to pass - check ignition timing and adjust if necessary
- pull both vacuum hoses off distributor
- disconnect plugs from idle stabilizer and vacuum unit and plug retard hose
connect together - adjust idle speed to 900 rpm
- start engine and adjust idle speed to 900 rpm - note indicated retard angle on tester
- if SIEMENS tester or equivalent is being
used, read off indicated advance angle - add 5° to indicated retard angle
(basic angle) - compare with specifications in chart for retard
end (see page 28.9)
- if using timing light, flash scale and note - reconnect vacuum hoses and adjust idle
advance angle (basic angle) speed to 850-950 rpm
- increase engine speed until reading on - reconnect plugs to idle stabilizer
vacuum tester is higher than 240-280 mbar
(180-210 mm Hg)
- switch vacuum tester so that tester holds Vacuum retard angle, checking with
vacuum on side connected to vacuum unit
timing advance tester
- let engine continue to run at idle and
readjust to 900 rpm if necessary Work sequence
- reduce vacuum on vacuum tester to 240-280
mbar (180-210 mm Hg) or 90-160 mbar - connect tachometer and timing advance tester
70-120 mm Hg) according to manufacturer's instructions
- note advance angles - disconnect plugs from idle stabilizer and
- determine vacuum advance by subtracting connect together
basic advance angle from measured advance - start engine and flash ignition timing mark
angle and note
- pull vacuum retard hose off vacuum unit and
Example plug hose
last advance angle measured - adjust Idle speed to 900 rpm
(-) minus basic advance angle - flash timing mark again and bring mark back
to original setting by turning knob on timing
(=) vacuum advance advance tester
- compare vacuum advance angles with
- read off retard angle and compare with
specified values on chart page 28.9)
specifications in chart (see page 28.9) for
- reconnect vacuum hoses and adjust idle
retard end
- reconnect vacuum hose and adjust idle speed
- reconnect idle stabilizer
to 850-950 rpm
- reconnect plugs to idle stablizer

Distributor vacuum unit

28.13 advance. I Air-cooled AFclcalifornia I
Hall control unit, checking
Work sequence

Test condttion:
• Igol110n coil OK,llIoiticil'lOfl'

connect voltmeter with + to terminal 15

and with - (minus) to terminal 1 of ignition ooil
turn ignition ON
.. ,pec, = 2 11011$ Im'It" lor Iflout 1-2 second,
.nd th." (lr"'l'$. \0 fhalts
• if nm, replace eOmror L1n!t and ignition
touch center wire of connector on distributor
briefly to ground
• indicated vortage must increase briefly to
5--6 volts
• if not. check for wire break in cemer wire and
,.pair Or H.II unit if wire. Is OK


- remow COM<lCUH !rom Hall col'1l(oi unit

- OOftRe:ct \tottl"l'Mrter with '+ 10 terminal 4:
and - tG terminal :2 In cOnnector
connect voltmeter to outer terminals of Hall
- tum ON
generator connector
IIspec =: approx, battery voltage
tum ignition ON
" if not, check for wire breaks and repair
.. spec, 5 volts (min,;
(see current flow diagram 97,12)
- turn 0 FF
- reroonect connector to Hall control unit
If readings are within specifications, but defect
.- disconnect Hall generator connector from
still exists" replace Han oontrorunit Or check for
ignition distributor
wire breaks between Hall generator connector and
HaH control unit; if necessary> repair

I California 1 Hall oomrol unit

Hall pIIlera:lor, checking CAUTION
Set tester to read voltage belare connecting
• disCQnnOOl both Wlr<! lrom Idle stabilizer test leads,
!md coonecl l!!em lOOeIIl.at
.. Hail cootrol disconnect high tension wire tram termmal 4 ot
• coil OK distritlutOl' and cooNiClIO !Found,
.. OOlWoon Hall! coolrol unll and Ignition coil cabl;!
• ;line liIDd on Hall-generator

WMo wot'ldng 00 ..,,111 Hall

system, observe fOitowing
prevent injury or damag!l to
- do not touch or '"m<:Jve
when running or cra:nklng.
- disconnect ignllion
Is switched off
- 'est Inslrume"" should 00 oonnectedl
disconnected only wh"", ignillon is switched

- do not connect any condenser 10 terminal 1

- do "ot tow cars w,thout disconnecting plugs
on ignition control unit oonne<:tor liS sl1ow"
do not crank engine unit! high tension wire - 000f1<ild + 01 \/Oitm&t.
01 distributor cap (terminal 4) is connected equMII,ilfil) I<l l$rmil'llll " lind -
to ground with jumper wire (e,ample: lermir1lll ;3
conlpre:ssilll'l chElck,
- do nol leave ootlery cooNiCle<! ..h!ln
electric 00 ear
- do not ",lot 01 distributor
with one 01 Note
Posilion 01 rolor (in
distributor) ..tI"" is
.. 1!p6<Z: - II to 0,7 \/OIl
ll'1rnary currenl sw!too OFF -
01 rotOl' Ilpen 10
minute nor
1,8 volt up k> ""lte", 11011"9"
primary CUfrent switched ON -
Note position of aperature to
Hell generalor
Because internaf resistance af tester and ambient
lemperature can influence readings, test should be .. if 1'101, Hali generator is defective; replace
done wilh VAG 1315A lesler, SUN VAT,40 or
equivalent, Note
Specified values given are valid tor ambient
lemperatures trom 0 10 40°C (32 to 104'F) Metal shavings or other debns between lhe ignition
control unit and head sink can cause stress which
may damage internal circuits of the control unit
- when replacing ignition control unit, thoroughly
clean heat sink before assembly,
Ignition System 28
Idle stabilizer, checking

• if engine is difficult to start, does not start,

of or engine misfin!s/cuts out, proceed as follows:
pter - disconnect both wire plugs from idle stabilizer
and connect them together
• if engine starting troubles are eliminated:
- check contact pins and sockets of both idle
stabilizer connectors. for correct position or
• if OK: idle stabilizer unit must be defective;
- connect V.A.G. 1315A tester, SUN VAT -40 or
equivalent according to manufacturer's in-
- apply parking brake

No one should be allowed to stand in front of
vehicle during this test. Vehicle's wheels
must be blocked

SA or Vehicles with manual transmission

to - apply foot brake
- start and accelerate engine(Le. to 2500-3000 rpm)
- let engine idle and notice ignition timing
- select 4th gear and slowly engage clutch
• as engine speed drops below 940 rpm
ignition timing must move in direction
- if not, replace idle stabilizer

iition with automatic transmission

- apply foot brake

- start and allow engine to warm up until idle
to speed drops below 1000 rpm
- switch ON all electrical consumers including
air conditioner (if equipped)
- let engine idle and notice ignition timing
- place selector lever in a speed range
• as engine speed drops below 940 rpm,
ion ignition timing must move in direction
::h "advance"
- if not, replace idle stabilizer

Air-cooled AFC II California Idle stabilizer 28.16

28 Ignition System

Hall Ignition System Troubleshooting Note

In isolated cases only, there may be trouble in
Hall ignition system which cannot be traced
with this troubleshooting program.
Engine does not ltart or does not run properly
In such cases, try replacing Hall control unit
• starter speed normal
or Hall generator
• fuel system OK

CD Trouble in ignition system

When working on vehicles with Hall ignition
system, observe following precautions to
- pull center (high tension) cable with
prevent injury or damage to ignition system:
suppressor out of ignition distributor
- do not touch or remove high tension wire
cap and secure it so that it is 5 to 10 mm when running or cranking engine
(0.2 to 0.4 in.) from "ground"
- disconnect ignition wires only when
• at each end of cable there must be a ignition is switched off
1000-ohm suppressor (applies also
- test instruments should be connected!
when using a spark gap tester)
disconnected only When ignition is
- start engine switched off

Sparks jump to Sparks do not jump

- do not connect any condenser to terminal 1
"ground" to "ground"
- do not tow cars without disconnecting
plugs on ignition control unit

go to box
+.@ --'do not crank engine until high tension
wire of distributor cap (terminal 4) is
connected to ground with jumper wire
(example: compression check. etc.)
- do not leave battery connected when
(2) Ignition coil damaged externally
electric welding on car
- do not substitute rotor of ignition
- check coil to see if sealing compound
distributor with one of different type
has oozed out
- when installing suppressor, use only
- check connections for dirt, cracks and 1000 ohms for high tension wires and
sign of burning
1000 to 5000 ohms for spark plug
Coil OK Coil not OK
- do not wash engine when it is running
- do not use battery booster longer than
1 minute nor exceed 16.5 volts with
go to box @ booster

- replace ignition coil if

sealing compound has oozed
- go to box (i)

28.17 Hall Ignition system-troubleshooting

Air-cooled AFC II California
Ignition System

@ Spark plugs, spilfk plug COtI(lt!ClOrS, ignll100 ClIbies,
d;,trlbulO< cap, rotor arm dofal:tlve

I .... cheek condition 6f Ilirl>'

. cheek re$lstllr>cIi in rotor Mm,liP3rk plug
c",mect"... and ... with ohmmeter
I .. ,pe",,: , .. Fig. 1, Fill-::I and Fit. 3
I Parts OK Ports "ot OK
Fig. 1 Rotor .rm: 1000 ± 400 ohms

- replace defective parts

® Ignition timing incorrectly set or centrifugal/

vacuum spark control defective

cheek ign ;tiQr! 11 mi"ll

fig. 2 Spa,l< I'llliJ COtIIlOOlort'
01 1000 t 400 oIllTlli Inot :ruppressed) or
19"illoo limlno OK Ignition timing nol OK 01 5000 t 1000 ohm, (suppressed)

system ., ''''" I adjust ignition timing
or repair ignition

Fig. 3 Supp .... or: 1000 ± 400 ohm.

Air-cooled AFC ' -_ _ _ _ _ _--' Hall Ignilion ,y,lem . troubl.,hoOlil1\j 28. 18

28 Ignition System

® Idle stabilizer defective {delete this step if idle

stabilizer is not

Idle stabiHzcr pluQ$: and connect

4 IIfrowj --------.f--__

Trooulfl no longer eXISts

4 stabilizer
-" check contacts and sleeves in
- connect plugs together (arrow)
plugs for correct location
and damage
S jf OK, install new idle

@) Voltage supply for Hall control unit/Hal! generator

not OK

disconnect HaH generator plug from ign ilion

connect voltmeter on outer contacts of plug
Isee FIg. 5 ) · - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _
turn ignition ON
read lioltage
.. should till., !JI \I
turn tlIi,,·

Voltage OK ow, 01(

5 Hall generator plug on 19nitkm distributor


connect vOltmeter (watch plus and minus

£0 to nox (J) .- reconnect Half generator plu
and continue troubleshooting
at box ®

28.19 Hall Ignillon

Ignition System

Hall control unit checking

- connect voltmeter to coil te:ffl1iru:its: 1 and 15

Isee Fig. 6) - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - -......0-
- turn igniHon ON
- read voltage
.. should Ill; 2 V and f.1I to (I V
after 1-2 $l!oonds
- turn ignit,on Off; I."". yoltmetllr eonnoct!>d
Measured values nOt 01(

Fig. 6 Ignition coil

- connect voltmeter to terminals 1 and 15

- replace Han control unit

- insert metal pin in center contact of Hall

generator plug
- turn ignition ON
- ground metal pin briefly (Fig. 7 ) - - - - - 4 - - -.....
- read vot tage
.. should increase briefly to at least 2 V
- turn ignition OFf; reconnect Han generator
plug to i!lnltion di.trilrutOf

Hall control unit OK H.n centrol unit ""tOK

Fig. 7 Hall generator plug

ground center contact with metal pin

briefly (as shown)

go to box ® check for open circuit in

minus wiring using current flow
.. if OK,
replace Hall control unit

Air-cooled AFC Hall Ignition system - troubleshooting 28.20

28 Ignition System

® Hall generator defective

- disconnect center (high tension) catde from

distributor and "ground" it
- pull boot on Hall generator plug bllfCk and
connect voltmeter to terminals 3 and 6 (plug
remains in posWon) see Fig. S
- turn ignition ON
- turn engi ne over by hand
read voltaqe
•should alternate between a and at least 2 V
- turn ignition OFF

Fig. 8 Hall generator plug

Hall generator OK Hall generator not OK

connect voltmeter to terminals

3 and 6

- replace ignition coil - replace Hall generator

(, .. page 7) or
- replace

@l No voltagtJ at Hall unit

- disconnect plug from HaU contral unit

- connect voltmeter to terminals 2 and 4 In plug
- turn ignition ON
• voltage
reading should be approx. battery

- turn ignJtion off

Hall control unit OK Hall control unit not OK

Fig.9 Hall control unit plug

- check for open cirCUit in
wiring from battery to connect voltmeter to terminals 2 and 4
go to box (jJ) Hall contwi unit using in plug
current flow dIagram

28.21 Hall Igllillo" s".lem··

Air-cooled AFC California
Ignition System 28
@ Open circuit in wiring from Hall control unit to
Hall generator

- check for open circuit in wiring from Hall

control unit via idle stabilizer connection
to Hall generator

Wiring OK Wiring not OK

- replace Hall control - eliminate open circuit

unit in wiring

Air-cooled AFC California

' - -_ _ _ _ I Hall Ignition system • troubleshooting'
. 28 22
28 Ignition System

Hail generator. replacing

\;Vhun repi.acmg Har generator, use: repair kit v,;hich Pin*) - - - - -
conS1sts Of following parts;
• Hall g0 n wator
Apertu re FO tor
., circlips
removing/installing Fig .
., washers
., p'n
spring: --

Washed,) ') - : - - -_ _ _ _ __
number of walSh,,,,:
adjlJst with washers so that
gc"crcltor turns freely
without play

Hall generator' I
grease bearif',g surfaces

Ignition distributof - - - -

[ 28-3371

p) parts in repair kit

Fig. 1 Aperture removlrtgjil1staliing

to avoid bending rotor when prying off,

insert screwdrivers through two opposing
slots until they contact circlip
check that aperture: rotor turns freely
after installation hy turning distributor
• if aperture rotor is bent. it must be
.. aperture rotor identification:
4 gap<;
marking: 046

3 troubleshooting l
Hall Ignition system-;...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ,_ _ _ _ _-,
I .
AFC Cahforma
. I:
4-Speed 091
Manual Transmission
Case, Gears, Shafts

Quick Data Index

- Adjusting rings 35.3, 35.4 ",-,- Pinion shaft assembly 35.9,
- Assembly 35.2 35.24, 35.25
- Clutch housingl mechanism -:- ear main shaft 35.5
35.12 - Release shaft bushing 35.13
- Differential 35.4 - Removing 34.14,34.15
- Drive flange 35.3, 35.4 - Retaining ring 35.7
oil seal 34.18,35.15 - Reverse gear 35.14
-Gear end play 35.17
1st gear needle bearing 35.27 shaft circlip 35.15
3rd gear end play 35.29 - Rocker lever shaft 35.19
- Gear carrier/Gearshift housing - Selector shaft 35.19
35.6,35.7,35.18 - Shift forks 35.10. 35.11
- Gear carrier housing assembly - Shift rod 34.3
35.8,35.16 - Starter bushing 35.13
- Gearshift lever 34.3 - Synchronizers
- Gearshift linkage 34.2, 34.3 1st/2nd gear 35.26,35.28
- Interlockl Detent plungers 35.17 3rd/4th gear 35.21,35.22
- Installing 34. 15 circllps 3rd/4th gear 35.21,
- Lever bearing plate 34.4 35.26
- Main shaft assembly 35.9, 35.20 ring identification 35.30
ball bearing 35.23 - Tapered roller bearing 35.26,
oil seal 35.13 35.27
- Pinion needle bearing 35.23, - Transmission housing 35.14

4-Speed 091/1
-See page 35.31
S-Speed 094
- See page 35.61
094-4WD Syncro
- See page 35.93


Manual Gears, Shafts

Transmisslon/Flnsl dtlvlllubrlcsnl:
Hypoid oii I\PIIGL·4; MIL·L2105
capacity: 3.5 itr (3.7 us ql)

AdlY$lInll rl"ll, right - - - - - . . . . . . ,

marn position before removing Fig.
removing Fig. -4
lfts1alling Fig. a
TransmiSSion hOI.,I"II •.......,
011 IlIl<tr pIY,;-",,-
H Nmi1(11

always rep!ac:t:l
Adjusting ""II,
mark position before removing F!g, :3
removing Fig .4
installing Fig. 6

marK position 01 adjusting fing
before removing, Fig. 30 4 bolts M8 x
Before removing, loosen left
dIfferential adjusting ring to
reduce tension in transmission

Mafn shaU, 'Iront

cover splines to prevent
damage to main shaft oil
seal when disassembling!

Transmission assembly

:I Adjusting I'Ing, marltlng pGllllon

"'. Note
Seter" .tarfiAg repair does not
''''tUlle. final drive to be
of on Iransmiesion h.
Measure deplh to which ar" Installed with
VW 38217 anel write down 'I>adir'gs
- scribe lell side 1I""r with
1 fran"",h!"I!)1l housing, 11I0"l1llng In rep&lr cne mark 'M"""
IIl.il1nd - scribe right Ilide wfltl Iwo rna"',
- moun! In repair stand
- drain Iransmf$siOn oil

Fig. 4 Adjusting Ii"gs, removing

Drive lIange. removing

- remove circlio and wave washer
- attach VW391 10 flange with 2 bolts
• A = M8 x 30 bolts
- pull dnve flange oul
II Dillerenilal, rerr,o'll'llng
- removlIlIOjIJSllng
- hh oul (II Hllrlln 0<1'

AdJluslilng IInp. 1IIII1IIIUng

Install teft lind
Ilnd marllS
- lubricate threads with MoS, greasli Fig. II Clrollp lot Inllelllnd
- inl!ll;rt wav" wnl'l"!
- press into groove witll VW 244b
CAUTION and at same time check that washer is
Do not tlghlen lefl side adjusting ring until
clulch housing has ileen Installed and bolts

Adjusting ring.
Drive Ila"ge 4-speed 091
- remove circ";:> la,,,,,,,1
- pcsh reverse gear backwenl Md sc,ew out
Main shaft

- screw front and rea, loge!hllr,
then back orf one IIpllne
oush ,everse gea' oo<i\rtd 11l$laff new circlip

Rear main shalt

always rep!ace


remove wHh VW 3811t4
installlng Fig" !
!oc}(ing Flg. :3

1 bon. M8 • 32

always replace

with washers
20 Nm {14 II ibl
determining lhickness, removingiinsta!iing Fig. 2
Repair Group 39

Differential must be removed
before gear carrier can be removed,
see page 35,4
Manual Shafts

1 R"lalnlng rlng.imll..!ling
- ligMe" to
011 aM "''''1I"1.",

Iii 111 to reo;;,,; (arrow)

2 Gear carrtsr. remolJingJinstailing


ti bearing and/or' transmission hOUSing af8

replaced, and dimension r is not marked on nng
f;e8r, pinion depth must be measured and noted
becfafe gear carrier is removed, This is dimension
'L See Repair Group 39, When assBmbHng. parts
must be installed in same position. See Ring
gear/pinion, adjusting, Repair GrOlll) 39

\IIorl< sequence

• use two M8 x 20 bolts 10 attach VW 457
- press gear carrier out with VW 296

-lao on pi 'lion with plastic hammer to install
- turn reverse shalt so that reverse slidi"ig gear
SliOB Onto splines properly
fiat on bearing wHh recess in housing
Fig. 5 Gear shilt housing, installil19
- guide inner shift lever into 3rdf4th
gear selector sh8:'1 (arrow} when
Relaining ring
Qeaf c aITI..,
"'<lar shill oo""ing
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears,

25 Nm 118 II Ih) al way'S fe;,plaa:;
3,d14lh go., .hllllo" in groove.
adJusting page 35.10

:lTd141" lI•• r---,.


ReVertH" " ••It-_

...1"1<1, IIX!

Pinion .han ..... moly

removing Fig 1
1.!l2nd go., tllllll"" tn:sta!!lng Fig . .2
adjusting page 35.10

ge.., 2.06(17:35}
:lrd gear 1 .26(50:63}
4th goor 0.852(61:52)
fflIve,,,,, 3.28(13:16 x 15:40)
Final drive 4.57(7:32)

Gear carrier housing

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 3f

inset! 3fdl41h {lear shifl fork and

- remove Cirell!)
cl1e<:k lor Ir!!" movem"nl when
- remev$' .hill lorl< 10' 1 sI12nd gear orE,.siiI1Q In sl1ails
- move "e,,,ctor shall back 10 new!ral lill piniOn sMh !lI'ld carefully
- remove boll lor ;In;! 14th gear wMn in
shllilork allsr shift
- engage :I,d ,,,Iactor shsl! forks, _ paga :l!U Ci
back "mU! lori<. ill rr'l!e
- engag!! 4lh gear
- loo"",n Ufl!ofl nUl on '''''''' SUIJp<J,rl
- tilt shall whe!l "",&..1"" Oul am!
(;"",,,11111'1 so 111111 lind
l:Je1l,iml. do 1101

Mliin lihall a$sembly

Pinion .I'Iall u!>&mbly
Shift forks, adjusting
Work sequence

- position gear carm". wlUI lIh im $,

Group 39). in fOOl 2!!4b withOUt
gear carrier
• length at boll .. IJW 294b '" 100 mm in.)
tighten retaining ring VW 2941:>17 by hand
- Install shift forks for 1st/2nd and 3,d/4th

Shift fork for 1stl2nd gear (wider tork.
marking: No 551 AI is instailed with Ilat
side away from gear carrier.
Shift lork for 3rd/4th gllar (thinner fork,
marking: No. 561 A) is Installed with flat
side toward gear carrier,

- put lstl2nd gear selector shalt in 2nd gear

slide operating sleeve with lark over
synchronizing teelh unlll il is againsl 2nd
- center shift lork in groove of operaling sleeve
and lighten Clamp screw

Shill forks
Snift fork must not rub {)( Ilres.!Sure 4:)n
s des 01 groove in It"""" when In
neulral position or whilTI i. "ngag"':!,
Ther. must alway. bt

select 1st and 2nd 0-.

main shall al1<1
tlrrvN wl'lile
¢liaraflCtli of
In operating <1ill;!tlIve I" ench "",silion
nl!(;essary, aller 11M! fork until
there la ;>ame amoon' tll r::l!!!tlIranee on
selector shaft In 0011'1 em:l
clamp screw 10 II Ibi'
-puI3rdI4tr. gear selector sbalt in 3rd gear
posaion - Shift out of reverSe gear and press sliding
"adjJst 3rd/4th gaar shIft lork in same way as gear lightly toward gear carrier housong,
15112nd gear shift fork Clearance between reverse gear and 2nd gear
on ma,n shall must 00
• II m,n, 0,5 mm
For correCI adjustment 01 3r<)14th gears,
mil," shaftball must
lully into gear carrier

- cress reverse gear selector shall In!Q (avelS€!

gear pOSition

- engage 2nd gear

- check clearance D€'Hween operating s!eev8 and
reverse sliding gear in th.is position and adjust
I t necessary
- check interlock mechanism
• when gear is engaged It must "0\ be
possible 10 engage any olhar gear

-ii<ljust reverse gear so that sliding gear is fully

In fresh with teeth on operating sleeve for
Is1l2nd gear {arrow}
lighten union nut on re!ay fever support

Shill forks
f{.fttJ(lvJng rtg" 5
in5taUing Fig, 6:
,--P,iVQI boll :can t:a; rt1:piaced with
tran$mis'$fon installed
15 Nm (11 IIlb)

45 Nm (33 It 10) A.lo_.hall

rt,Jf}fl1;-9;lE< wHh multi·

ahaft bushtng
removlng Fig. 3
lnatalllng Fig:. 4


'--- R!II•• s. 11••"1'1\1

dQ not <;!.h In:

$Oivent, wipe wl:it!
d<y Cloth

011 drain plug 11"1,,_ b_l.III1Uldo .",••"

20 Nm j14 IIlb) ;>'.<iliC,a<> ooll!'o<WI

M ',0 .hal! ",I .,,111

removtng t
instamOQ '2
hll s.pa-C!9
with muitj·purpose

2 Clulch housing/mechanism
[ 4-speed 091

Flg.1 M.ill shalf oil leal. removing .. Re!ea,,'1 :!ihllll bush!,,!!. installi"!!
- orl.!! In Uu"h

S Slfrlllr '<llmQ\lll'lg
*' when transmission is. removed! usa
drill VW 222a


l'ig.3 Release shall bushing, removin!!

Fig. 6 Slarter bushing. in.lalling

- lubricate bus.hing and drive in flush

Main shall oii •••1

Re!ease shall bushing
Slarter bushing
Reverse geBr shaft 8s:5!ernbJ, ---""""\
removing: detach cin:;lip >lind tifive:
oul with plastic

lor noodle beanngimain shalt

Dttterel1t1al bearif'lQ, outer rBce

removingJinslal1mg, Repair Group 39
catj wH'h
when replacing., readj\Jsl ring gear
,ran.sxni:5!sIOf1 !(r51a:Utlld

4 Transmission housing
Reversa gear
4-speed. . ___ _
Manual Transmission-Case,


Fig. 3 R&vers/ll shalt clrcllll> Installing

- pres5 eirel; p ;nlCl groovE!
- squeeze i n!o groov," with wa'I,.."un,p

Fig.2 Drive llange oil seal. inslalling

- press io flush

Drive llange ail seal
4-speed 091 Reverse gear shall clrellp
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

0010.1 ball
press down with screwdriver
to install selector shalt,
Installation positIOn Fig 2:
,-.·II•• 01""
.olus.,ng POlIo .5,17
Relay I••
adj.sMC ""gOlf 35 l'

removing fig:. l'

instail fllJSn

'-IR"",v Ie.."
aid.. IOwas<!

liU2nd geaf
$\IIIOCIO' shall

Interlock plung,,, __...l

I..... ilnte"m"dl.,t. pl.

in reverse gear selector shaU,
Installatlon posllion Fig. 2'

35-103 I

Oes, carrier housing I

4-speed 091--]
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

clearance, adjusting
WI1"n ',M!fSe shall ,aM brackets have been
,,,moved, play between reverse gear and Pin
':!ItTnw! on ,elay shall musl be by
mC<IIinia eh"lt and br"ckelS IElll shownl

1 1'11111 lor II1t6r1ooklde!I!'111 pIIlI1S",r,

I!l mm thread in and pull oul
bolt (alwaY!llIse new plugl

- inetall carrier with rlilVeree gear in se""na

- loosen bol11l on both b,ackets
- slide brockel A down against shaft C un!il
pin (arrowlOfl Shaft is firmly against
brook!!!1 ba.::k'sllglllly unlil there is
clear;;,nce between and reverse gea'
- light"'" bolls On lJ,ackel A

Fig. 2 Interlock plul'lll"l'$,

- check thai woori Ilear h'l II Is
not to engage any gear

- press bracket II againsl srt",11 ufltil

shaft is iMtalled firmly and w,thoul play
- tighten bolts on bracket B

InteriocklDelent pillngers
Reverse lIeer end ploy
35.....I 7
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Setector Unger
Rocker lever i.ilhiU
fits only in one
removing Fig,
pasillon on selector
r-- Flock., "'••r

";;;;'-5;.I."lor .hall

pre$HS sltlltl 'ifd
$:1$ieCfo( iflla 3rd 14th
shtff gata

Plugl rocker lever shaH - - - " "

removmg Fig. 1

$lIlft.IQr ."""b,,"'I'II.'9..J
n;;fl1()'1ltl'Q Fit!, l
1f'l;:ifaUtng f4Q.1t

rilmOYlr>g Fig, 5:
ll'lstalilng Fig, 6
can 00 replaced w!lh
tr30smn1Sion inslaHed

- - - - Geaf shfft housing assembly

shows position 01 selector shaft and
roCKer shat! parts when !nstalled
1 Plug for lewt IIll$iI. nlll'lOlrlnll
II mm In oul
boll uS" "'' w

fig. 5 Seleclo, lIh.lt 011,_1••enu;wlng

- pull 01.11 will1 sctsw(iriller
Fig.2 Rocke, leve, shalt. ,amoving
.- firsl remove plug, see Fig.

Fig. II Selector shalt 011

- fill space between lips with mull,·
purpose grease

Fig. 3 Sel",,\o' shaft bushing. ,emovlng

RocI<.t, Itvt, 1I1'I1li II
Selector sh.11
wll" l<>Cl<lnl


4thgo., " • ...sllt

before installing lu""'.,'!.
with tran&mi:!i5!On od

Synch,,,n"'" a,cll4lh


SynchroniztK ikd par

checklnll 5

'--3«110 '"
'''lilac. aa malch,,"
',d g•• , "oocI,,* b1>.rll'I9 .." <>"'y
use only spJit cage with needles
It1 pairs, Sp(ud Cage. &od lift"
over splintts on fl"taifl t!:ttaft
Before !ubr!cat-e: ------l1li.111 .11.11
wllh oil


Mal" shall

1'111." Clrclip kdl4th gear, installing

"'r hub
- place flew cfrollp (!lifO wI 011 sleeve and
push over with lube umil

musl bEl looi!lled Ir.sida reli.wed pari
inslai!lno 1001 whll" II iii
on so Ih",

s Svr,,,h!rt>r,"'" rings .Srdlllih gear, el!'.ck.lng

syllCt'rOllil,!r lings onlO by
"';!asure gap II wltl!

mm lin.>

Synchroniler ring rdentification marks and
Circllp 3rdl4th gear, installing installation instructions. page 35.30

slide sleeve over shaft until It contacts

splines lor hub (arrow). II may be
necessary to back out knurled screw

SYflChronizer kdf 41h ge,,,

Clrellp :lrd/4th ilU'
Fig.6 Synchronizer 3rdl4th gear, assembling
II Synchronizer Srd/4th gear. Installing
• identification grooves (arrows) ot
sleeve and hub are on opposite - tum synchronizer ring until grooves
sides, Groove on sleeve (white are In line with keys
arrow) faces 4th gear • 1dentHicat1an gro01le on Steeve
• sleeve and hub are nol matched and (Fig, Ii, wllile '<lces gea'
can be separately
- assemble parts at severa! positions
belore installinG to determine POSHI:Q"
01 $ffioo!I1!O.i oPera no" wi! tI minimum
!:laC k Iash

Fig, II Clrc:llp 3rdl4th gear, Insl$flil1g

- slide ,sleeve .han and lurn
K(\utied !lerEf'" until groove jarrow)
I. if necessary, use Me x 60
bolt inslead 01 knurled screw
---;:- push circlip on until i1 snaps into
Fig. 7 Synchronizer 3rdl41h gear, assemblinG
- slide sleeve over synChronizer hub,
Matched is not necessary
- Insert keys and install springs with
ends olfset 120°, Angled ends of
musl fil into keys

3rd/4th gear synchronizer

ManuaIJransmission-Case, Gears,

Fig. 12 Pinion n""dle bearing in housing.



Fig. 13 Pinion needle bearing in housing,

- press in flush

-- press in so that recess in bearjng is

aligned wit..., recess (arrow) in housing
- ,nBtal! locking key to prevent bearing
fmm turning

Main shaft bali be.rlng
Pinion neadle bearing In ho"sing
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

tapered roller
%iwplac1ItQ, 1'rtQ,ure pinion
R be'oft rem()¥ing.
GrOup 39
removing Fig, :3 and Fig, 4
installing Fig. 5
Transmission housIng turning torque, checking
bearing condition, checking a
QlI b.I",. inMalting
note Ihickness

Retaining: tinv 1'1.,1>11 .holt

removingf,"liaHinQ pDge ;35,1 match;!(1

Pinion shall ossombly

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35

check!1lIl 9
idenlille.lle. mm1l. I>IIt;lO :!!i:JO

1II1I1."od ""' 01'11"
IIPI.'" Iplin9

1"' ' ' '••_ "".,'ng

; 2.>11 11"0' neodl. b",'og
,,,111,,.,1111 16
lubricate with transmIsSion
on before installing


+--- 0<11., corrie,

CifellI' / gila' 1Io0$Iog
alway. ,epla"e,
tit securer, in QJ0<.Ml1
adl"slIng 3,,;1 go" "",:I pI.y,

•• ms.l_ Hl9I'ly,
ShCUId<lr '1>"0' 2nd
.nd play, adiusUnli 14

II "''' {j"'"liIIiOO,
I_""" .,lIn
Im"IChad ""I)

I 4-speed 091 Pinion shafl assembly 35.25
off ,,,,Do.,";i,,o outer rae!!
I"nef r!ICe tlf!

• mU1I1 Ii I Se(;" '!ltv In 0'001/'"

Fig. 4 Tapered roUer bearlllll 2nd Inner race,


FIII.2 Synchronizer slee.e/hub .",Il.t lin"


Clrcllp/4lh lIeor
Synchronl.er! 1111 Ilea,
Tapered roller bearing
Fig. 1 Tapeled 'ClU", bearing, checking turning
!>o,,..i,,,,,, with transmission
5 lollel lMilllllng oil and rel.ainina ring, see page
- nllal inne, leces to lIilOul l00'C I?t?-I"I - turn pinion lI"<'Itt in both directions
Mel press 00 about 15-2l} tilYle$
before I ighlening "eedle Inner - turn further read turning torque
race, lal roller cool 10 !II neW beating$::

room temperalure up to 211l Ncrll!1BO In. Ib)

• used bearings
up to 70 Ncm (61 in. Itl)
('after running at least 30 miles)
• if no turning torquJ$: can be
measured, se!" Fig. a

Fig. 6 lsi gell' needle bearing inne, 'lice,

- heat inner race to aboul ao'c (140°F)
and screw on as far as by
Fig. II Bea,ing condition, checking
- check for rock at end of pinion. There
must not be any detectable movement
if YES, replace roller bearing

- place pinion shalt in tool 2052 and

tighten wing nul lightly
- lighten inner race to 210 Nm (152 it Ib)
- check turning torque 01 tapered roller
bearing, see 7

TllIlelEid toller beering

gMl ",,""III boring

- synchMI'>iZe, 01'>1(>
hal'ld and measure ilap II w!th

N<iW Piilrl Wear Umll

onm mm lill,j
no! 1l!ll';IlS!la'll
- Inse'l and '''''1311 ,,,,,·io(,.
eods 1.20',
Nole sOI'inlls must III into

Synchn;mlZ<lf ldentifiOiilllon mark" anCl

installation Ins!tru<;lio,ns, 35,30

•!I'"'' teeth Oil sleeve and fang collar "I'>

nub must iace 1St gear when installing
<# sleeve and hub are not matched and
can be replaced I!el:l'il'<ljl,ty po,SillO'l'\ Iv,v.I"r.ob,", IiIssembiy on
IT,,,,,,,", inne, faGe so Ihat old
lif synchronizer
inner race) are now OPPOSite gaps on
needle bearing inner race
e sleeve and hub are not ma1cned and
can be replaced separately
15 Plni,lI'I 1'1110<11111 1:I11"l1l!g II! g<IlI.r earfl"r
hou.lng, <lImcflnll
- p'''.' Otl! without d,"TIll"ln" "ircllp

- tum .. ,ICtlrOI''''.'
arl'! in

Fig. 14 3rd !I""r end play, adjusllng

- measure end play with feeler gauge
- acljust by selecting suitable circlip Fig. 16 Pinion needle bearing In ge"r carrier
J • play should be 0.05 mm-O.20 mm
(Iry 10 keep lower limit)
housing, Ins'alling
n<l - press in until seated
Clrollps "vsllabl,,:

ihlcknll" Part
mm Color No.
1.60 black 113311382
1.75 blue 113311 383
1.90 brown 113311384
2.05 gray 113311 385
2.20 copper 113311386
2.30 brass 113311387
2.40 sHver tt3 311388

:l,d gear
Pinion ne..dle bearing
Synchronizer rln96, fdelnllflCilUCIfl mar1csllnstallatlon Instructions

When assembiinc lfi!nsmlss!on, 101111111
synchronizer ring 10 same il"'",r from which if
was removed

__ __
rl ng ____1..19"'"____ ____
2nd g"ar__. ______ __- L___ __


production brass ring coated sp&eiat tlr;ass ring brasa ring
wilh mOlybdenum coaled wilh
B molybderHJm, Perl
No. 001 3il 2!l5
shOwn below
. .- ..
spor", pori bras;; ring coaled brass ring
.,.ilh molybdenum, coaled with
Pari No,OOI 31 I 247 a molybdenum, Pan
No,OI)I 311 295 A,
marl<ed as shown

Synchronizer ring Identification 4··SPEJe,d

"'e ........!'e I(ienltifilcation Number

is located on the instrument on the

driver's side so that it is the out-
side the windshield.

new vehicle
Federal Motor
CAIJ1J""'ClU''':; 1
which were in 2 Code
effect at the time the vehicle was manufac-
tured. You can find this sticker on the left 4 nd Interior
It shows the month and year of

number is located on
the block next to the pump.


code letter

is located on
the block.
Air-cooled Diesel
.. .
. controlled electric radiator
controlled electric radiator fan .. air-flow controlled
.. Mechanical pump electronic
.. Breakerless electronic
vacuum and advance and
.. Breakerless electronic on
California models


57 @ 4200 !pm

101 ft-Ib @ 3000 !pm


3.7 US ql. {3.5

4.2 US ql. (4.0 liters)
Water-cooled: 4.8 US qt. (4.5 liters)
filter change)
Air-cooled: 3.2 US qt. (3.0
Diesel: 3.7 US ql. liters)
Water-cooled: 4.2 US qt. liters)

Automatic transmission fluid

3.2 US qi. (3.0 liters)


check oil add if necessary
check for leaks

Brakes: rl"'rn",r'" and brake fluid leaks

check of hoses and check coolant

add if necessary


Fuel J:t\l<:T""I"I"


Road Test: and v&I1titation

After Road Test:

check for leaks
idle check
idle check (1984-1985
Exhaust system: check for exhaust leaks

oil filter
check for leaks


Fuel filter:


oil filter
check for leaks

valve clearance
clean valve cover breather screen

Fuel filter:

Automatic transmission final check for leaks
drive: check gear oil

check "'",rtr,nl,,",,, add distilled water if necessary

add if necessary

check thickness


check coolant

Crankcase ventilation hoses and connections

Door check rods: lubricate

Drive shafts:


Exhaust ",,,e,t,,,,,,-

Front axle:

distributor cap and rotor, if neces-

Manual transmission:


check Drotec'uve

check tension and (,f'llv1I1t1nn if necessary

Wheels and tires:

Road Test: auto-

After Road Test:

Automatic transmission: check automatic transmission fluid level
check for leaks
check (1984-1985
check for exhaust leaks
Power c:t""rtlnn- check fluid add if necessary


Automatic transmission: automatic transmission fluid

clean pan and pan

Brake fluid:

oil filter
check for leaks

clean valve cover breather screen

Valve cover

Automatic transmission final check lor leaks


add distilled water if necessary


check thickness


check function

check of hoses and check coolant

add if necessary

Crankcase ventilation hoses and connections {1982-1983

Door check rods: lubricate

Drive shafts:

EGR system:

Exhaust <:u<:rPFn" check for n"'lm",""'"

distributor cap and rotor, if neces-

Manual transmission:

if necessary

Wheels and tires:

Road Test: and ventilation system, auto-

After Road Test:

Automatic transmission: check automatic transmission fluid add if necessary
Brakes: check brake fluid add if necessary
check for leaks
check (1984-1985
Exhaust <:,!<,t&>rn'


oil filter

Automatic transmission final check for leaks

drive: check gear add if necessary

Brakes: check for

check brake add if necessary

check thickness

Drive shafts:

Exhaust <>\le-,<>r,,'

Manual transmission:


Road Test: ••::"':n .... automatic transmission kickdown

power accessories and

After Road Test:

Automatic tr",nc"n;c,:c,;l'1in check automatic transmission fluid level
check for leaks
check for exhaust leaks
Power c,fAArlnn- check fluid add if necessary


Air cleaner:

Automatic transmission: transmission fluid clean pan and

Brake fluid:

* Specified in the case of severa conditions such as extremely high temperatures,

continuous mountain driving, trailer towing. and predominantly stop-and-go traffic
add if necessary

Brakes: check for and brake fluid leaks

check thickness

Drive shafts:

Exhaust system:

Front axle:

power accessories and

After Road Test:

Automatic transmission: check automatic transmission fluid add if necessary
check for leaks
idle check
Exhaust system: check for exhaust leaks
Power check fluid add if necessary

On vehicles with swivel seats are

stored under the rear seat bench.
The screwdriver has a reversible blade.

The spare wheel is located underneath the • When the

floor of the driver cab, where it rests slide spare wheel onto metal
on a metal
• Give the a hard
make catch

• Stand in front of the and

catch hook forward to let

• Pull oul the spare wheel.



off with
• loosen nuts or bolts counter-
clockwise one turn with the lug
wrench. 00 not remove the nuts or
- turn counterclockwise
- turn

Wheels with wheel cover

• Remove chrome hub

and wrench. Insert
of a hub cap. Put
wrench brace one end of
other end.
When you the hub cap lace
you can use it as a
or nuts

• Before
• Place as Pos;slbie as
A failure in the electrical may be


of fuse box
• To raise the turn the handle and press

aOiota.orlale electrical wir-

out fuse
that has failed .
• Remove blown fuse with the
located on cover in front of fuse
Three fuses can be attached to the
bottom the fuse It is
to a

the blown fuse which can

the burnt metal with

lower the vehicle and remove

If a fuse blows on
r"' ... I<>"'i" .... it. The cause the clr-
or overload must be found. On no
account should fuses be up
with tin foil or wire as this cause
serious elsewhere in electri-
cal circuit or cause a fire.
• Have flat re[}all'eCl and re[)lat;ed
• To lower the vehicle, turn the handle

bulb, switch off


Should it become necessary to

bulb, the air intake
r ... nnt 1\/""" Ii rst.

• With a screwdriver loosen the five

1f'1<··rPIPA<'!'! screws upper of

• Pull the toward you.

• Then lift the


From 1985:

• Remove the three short screws in

sealed beam and take • Turn cap to left and take off.
• connector off.
of the
bulb and

• Take the sealed beam unit out of the

and pull the cable connector

If no other
here was YQrnr\\/Ari • Attach wire
it should not be ne<;e::;;::;i::11 • Install cap and turn to
If in doubt have
f'h''>f'k'.::>'' by your dealer. • Have checked.

• Disconnect wire connector (1)

• Twist lock
bulb out

• Take the bulb it

• Remove the two screws and
take off lens cover,
• Press bulb into tum left and
take out.
bulb and reverse above proce-
bulb and lens cover,
screws and

down the

take out

• Give and
reverse the above
holder lens


• Remove the four

take off lens cover with
• Take out bulb from between the two
contacts and install new bulb.
switch side of

• Press defective bulb into bulb holder,

turn left and take out bulb.
bulb and reverse the above
to install bulb with lens

end of
of boos-

6. Start with
To reduce the. beam range, turn the the usual manner.
screwdriver not continue to crank
Use of
\lor"""", in exact reverse

Vehicles with Automatic Transmission

cannot be started
Vehicles with Manual Transmission must
not be started

cables can

- if test and water
pump switch in faucet
- if and switch ,,,,n.. ,,r'A water pump

check level of water in water tank-
must be minimum 1 US Never removelinstall external electrical
inside electrical
Note breaker with or
vehicle is connected to 115 volts AC.
Check for
115,volt Q",,.p'rn
to prevent pump from
to check
check fuse on water pump and fuse located
under driver's seat


- connect test to back-side of terminal 4

Water pump
Current Wire connectors
T1 -
Amber diode, T3a
below 12.5 volts T4 -
Amber water tank level full T6
unit Ground connections
unit switch behind left side
socket (110
Gas flame ON sensor
Gas flame ON
above 12.5 volts
Green diode, water tal'1k level full
Interior center
Interior socket (110
Red diode,
below 12.0 volts
Red diode, water tank level

Ro'fri"o.",!n. 11 0 volt resistance

.. "t,". 12 Volt resistance
12·Volt heater
condenser fan
RA'lrinAr::l,lnr fan thermoswitch
socket (110
switch (110 V, 12
Rcrfrinort:l,lnr thermostat

Thermo fuse
Water pump
Water pump switch
Water tank low level sensor




I K53




Electrical "'... "i... m ......t III


Electrical System-Wiring,

General 1982 Diesel Air-cooled AFC
- Battery/Ground cables - Auxiliary heater BA6 - Refer to 97.11
97.9a, 97.9b .(Canada only) 97.47, 97.48
disconnecting/connecting 97.6 - Cautions and Warnings 97.2 Camper
- Cautions and Warnings 97.2 - Fuse/Relay panel 97.10 - Refer to 97.29
- Dashboard wiring harness 97.7 - Heater booster 97.49-97.51
- Engine/Body ground - Main wiring diagram 97.36-97.40 WaterboxerlSyncro
connections 97.6 current track index 97.36 (Water-cooled Digifant, Digijet)
- Fuse/Relay panel, removing - Rear window wiper 97.26 - Refer to 97.53
(1980-1985) 97.10
(from 1986 m.y.) 97.10a 1983 Diesel
- How to read wiring diagrams 97.4 - Auxiliary heater BA6
- Main wiring harness 97.8 (Canada only) 97.47, 97.48
- Starter cable routing 97.9 ....;, Cautions and warnings 97.2
- Symbols used in - Fuse/Relay panel 97.10
wiring diagrams 97.5 - Heater booster 97.49-97.51
- Troubleshooting 97.3 - Main wiring diagram 97.41-97.46
- Working on the electriCal current track index 97.4 1
system 97.3 - Rear window wiper 97.26

Electrical System-Wiring,

General - Air conditioning - Differential lock
- Battery/Ground cables , 1984,198597.137 1986-1989 Syncro 97.178
97.9a, 97.9b 1986-198897.139 - Heated driver's seat
disconnecting/connecting 97.6 from 1989 97.142 198697.179
- Cautions and Warnings 97.2 - Automatic transmission 1987-1989 Canada 97.181
- Dashboard wiring harness 97.7 1986-198997.146 from 1990 Canada 97.244
- Engine/Body ground from 1990 97.219 - Main wiring diagram
connections 97.6 - Auxiliary battery 1983,198497.54
- Fuse/Relay panel, removing 1986-1989 (Auto. trans.) 97.221 198597.60
(1980-1985) 97.10 from 1990 97.224 1986
(from 1986 m.y.) 97.10a See also 97.29 up to VIN G 055 689 97.67
- How to read wiring diagrams 97.4 - Auxiliary heater BA6 from VIN G 055 690 97.85
- Main wiring harness 97.8 from 1987 Canada only 97.148 198797.102
- Starter cable routing 97.9 - Auxiliary heater BBW46 (Syncro) 1988,198997.119
- Symbols used in 1986-1988 Canada 97.151 from 1990 97.201
wiring diagrams 97.5 from 1989 Canada 97.155 - Power mirrors
- Troubleshooting 97.3 - Central locking system 1986 up to VIN G 105 000 97.183
Working on the electrical 198697.159 1986 from VIN G 10500197.185
system 97.3 1987-198997.162 from 1987 97.185
from 1990 97.226 - Power windows
Air-cooled AFC - Crankcase ventilation heat element 198697.187
- Refer to 97.11 198597.165 from 1987 97.189
198697.166 - Radio
Camper - Cruise control 198697.191
- Refer to 97.29 auto. trans. - Rear footweU heater blower
198697.168 1983-198597.194
Diesel 1987-198997.176 - Stereo radio 1987-198997.195
- Refer to 97.29 from 1990 97.229 - Stereo radio with amplified
man. trans. speakers from 1988 97.197
198697.174 - Stereo radio with 4 speakers
1987-198997.171 from 1990 97.246
from 1990 97.232 - 450-Watt radiator cooling fan
- Daytime running lights (Canada) 1986-198997.200
to Dec. 1989 97.234
from Dec. 1989 to May 1990
from May 1990 97.241


Electrical System-Wiring,

I General
- Battery/Ground cables
97.9a, 97.9b
disconnecting/connecting 97.6
- Cautions and Warnings 97.2
. Air-eooled AFC
- Referto 97.11

. - Refer to 97.29
- Dashboard wiring harness 97.7
- Engine/Body ground Diesel
connections 97.6 - Refer to 97.35
- Fuse/Relay panel, removing
(1980-1985) 97.10 WaterboxerlSyncro
(from 1986 m.y.) 97.10a (Water-cooled Digifant, DigiJet)
- How to read wiring diagrams 97.4 - Refer to 97.53
- Main wiring harness 97.8
- Starter cable routing 97.9
- Symbols used in
wiring diagrams 97.5
- Troubleshooting 97.3
- Working on the electrical
system 97.3

97 Electrical System-Wiring, General

Cautions and Warnings

Whenever working on Volkswagen cars, follow pro- • Never work under a lifted car unless it is
cedures described in the appropriate section of the solidly supported on stands intended for the
Repair Manual. Use of tools or procedures other than purpose. Do not support a car on cinder
those recommended may be detrimental to the safe blocks, hollow tiles, or other props that may
operation of the vehicle as well as the safety of the crumble under continuous load. Do not work
person doing the repair. under a car that is supported solely by a
Before working on any car, read Cautions and
Wamings: • If you are going to work under a car on the
ground, make sure that the ground is level.
Block the wheels to keep the car from
CAUTION rolling. Disconnect the battery ground strep
to prevent others from starting the car while
• If you lack the skills, tools and equipment, you are under it.
or a suitable workshop for repair on the
electrical system, we suggest you leave • Never run the engine unless the work area
such repairs to an Authorized Dealer or is well-ventilated. Carbon monoxide kills.
other qualified shop.
• Tie long hair behind your head. Do not wear
• Before starting a job, make certain that you a necktie, scarf, loose clothing, or necklace
have all necessary tools and parts on hand. when you work near machine tools or
Read all instructions thoroughly; do not running engines. If your hair, clothing, or
attempt shortcuts. Use tools appropriate to jewelry were to get caught in the machinery,
the work and use only replacement parts severe injury could result.
meeting Volkswagen specifications.
• Illuminate your work area
Makeshift tools, parts, and procedures will
safely. Use a portable safety light for
not make good repairs.
working inside or under the car. Make sure
• Before working on any part of electrical its bulb is enclosed by a wire cage. The hot
system, disconnect battery ground cable. filament of an accidentally broken bulb can
Do not substitute fuse links with fuse links ignite spilled fuel or oil.
of other wire gauge or with standard wire.
• Finger rings should be removed so that they
Always replace entire length of fuse link.
cannot cause electrical shorts, get caught in
• Relay locations are subject to change and running machinery, or be crushed by heavy
may vary from vehicle to vehicle depending parts.
on options.
• Keep sparks, lighted matches, and open
• Use extreme care when troubleshooting the flame away from the top of the battery. If
electrical system. hydrogen gas escaping from the cap vents is
ignited, it will ignite gas trapped in the cells
• If you encounter problems identifying a par. and cause the battery to explode.
ticular relay, consult your Parts Department.
• Always observe good workshop practices.
Wear goggles when you operate machine
tools or work with battery acid. Gloves or
other protective clothing should be worn
whenever the job requires it.

97.2 Cautions and warnings

Electrical System-Wiring, General 97
Working On The Electrical System Troubleshooting Procedure
The electrical system of our cars is getting more and Verify the complaint:
more sophisticated. If guesswork and hit-and-miss
If you are a professional mechanic, check customer's
replacement of parts did not work in the. past when
complaint to understand what the problem is. If pos-
attempting repairs. it surely won't work today.
sible, let customer show you what happens.
The schematics in this book are called "Wiring
Diagrams." By showing how electrical current flows Analyze the problem:
through electrical components that work together in
Find the diagram in the book that applies to the car.
circuits, troubleshooting is much easier with these
Identify the circuit that most likely affects your
problem. By following the circuit from ground to
Each diagram in this book shows the powerflow power source. get an understanding of how the
through all wires, connectors, switches, and motors circuit works.
beginning at the top of the page down to ground at
the bottom. A test light, or better still, a volt/ohm Find the problem:
meter can be very helpful for testing circuits.
You will find the problem if you follow a simple and
logical step-by-step procedure. Test portions of the
circuit, one at a time, starting with the most likely
area. Test at points that you can reach easily.

FUSE Repair the problem:

PANEL When you find the cause of the problem. make the

Check the results:

... Be sure it works. Check all parts of the circuit that
you worked on .



To trace a circuit you should start with the ground

and then follow the wires back to the source of
power. Note the color of wires in the diagram.
Sometimes the color will be different on the car.
Don't be concerned. just be sure to learn that the
wires connect the proper terminals.

To learn more about the details in the diagrams,

see 'How to read wiring diagrams' on page 97.4.

Worldl1$J on the electrical system

troubleshooting procedure 97.3
All switches and contacts are in
neutral The various contacts are shown
In current tracks in which operate

across top diagram

contains individual fuse(s)
"""... n,,,,,, and ralings

teUerlnu",ber co"I08tlon
Idenlilles connection on fuse 1relay
bOard 10 component
Example: E18 '" multipoint connector E,
Wire size/color
American Wire Gauge (awg) as shown, or
melric cross-section. Example: 1 (mm):
coler codes correspond to wire colors in vehicle

connections (thin lines)

nol actual wires but ground connections
which go through parts

Te,,,,Inal with number on

actual part

(here: molor)


Circled nunrlbe,r.
ground connections, numbers appear in
legend telling you where
to find connector
trsck number.
component$- In diagram

Note: All wire sizes American Wire Gauge

Where to find a

Description Current Track Connectors

T2d - !leliind dash
T2e - behind dash
Rear window
Rear window - Ground connector. iostrum. clSlr.
Rear window Ground connector, body
Sidemarker. rear
Tail right
wiper iO!ermiltent swilcn
Windshield wiper motor

How to read
Electrical System-Wiring, General 97
0 Resistor ¢ Meter or gauge
Wire size In Amencan
Wire Gauge

Variabl. resistor
$ Wire connector, detachable Toggle or rocker switch
(manually operated)

operated valve
+ Semiconductor diode
", ", Hydraulically operated

E,lectromagnetic relay

-#"", Ignition distributor

+ !
Condenser (capecltor)
-;l .l
Starter solenoid

Ignition coil
T t '1

@ I Solid-state relay
Spark plug
Fuse -®- Alternator
}--i Thermally operated
(bimetallic) switch


$ Light bulb

+ Wire junction, detachable

Manually operated
multi-position switch

'One filament in a
multifilament light bufb (9-
.......-wIre crossing (no connection) Solid·state circuitry

\ Wire junction, permanent

Heating element ...J.!
Manually operated switch
Mechanically operated

l Shielded conductors U-t--9 Hom

cff Light-emitting
diode (LED)

Color Code Wire Connector Code

Black -BK Green -G T1 -single T6 -&point
Brown -BR Light Green - LT. G T2 -double IS -S-polnt
Clear -CL Blue -BL T3 -3-point T12--12-point
Red -R Violet -V T4 -4·point T14-14·point
Yellow- Y Gray -GY
White -W


Symbols used In wiring diagrams 97.5

97 Electrical $yslem-Wiring,General

Engine/Body ground connections WARNING

Poor ground connections may cause
speedometer or brake warning light problems. Batteries produce explosive gasses. Keep
flames and sparks away from batteries. Do
If speedometer needle will not return to zero or if not smoke near batteries
brake warning light willnof go out, ground
connections may be bad or may have been
connected to the wrong location on the vehicle.
Poor grounds may weaken speedometer needle CAUTION
return spring by allowing battery current to flow
through speedometer cable. To avoid. voltage drops and corrosion
damage, ground cables on vehicle body
Battery/Ground cables, must not be disconnected. Disconnect
ground cables from battery or transmission
disconnectingl connecting ends only.
When connecting cablest ground straps, all
Disconnecting connections must be cleaned to bare metal.
- disconnect battery ground cable from negative Be sure mounting bolts are tight.
terminal of battery
- disconnect ground cable from transmission
(not from body)
A special bolt. is used to attach the ground strap to
- clean ground connection on transmission to the body. If the bolt has been loosened, it must be
bare metal removed and cleaned free of paint and
- connect ground cable to transmission undercoating. The mounting area must also be
- connect ground able to negative terminal of cleaned free of paint and undercoating. After
battery installing. coat the bolt. and mounting area with
corrosion resistant mater.ial. .

4 6 5

Ground straps
1 = Battery
2 = Transmission
3= Engine
4 Negative terminal of battery
5 = Ground point (transmission)
6 = Ground point (body)
• do not disconnect

97.6 Engine/Body ground connections

Battery/Ground cabIee
Electrical System-Wiring, General 97
Before working on any part of electrical
system, disconnect battery ground strap

to rear courtesy light

to heater/ventilation controls
4bles and to cigarette lighter
to front courtesy light

Ground point
behind fuse/relay panel to neutral/park
starter switch
(vehicles with automatic

Dashboard wiring harness 97.7
97 Electrical SyStem-Wiring, General

Before working on any part of electrical
system, disconnect battery ground strap

Cable - - - - - -..
to ground point on
cross membEir, from to plug connections T4.6.l'ld T4c
fuel gauge sender behind dashboard and'to fuse/relay panel
to battery

. <Main wiring harness


to Ignition distributor,
starter, 011 pressure switch Forward _
and Ignition coil '

to neutrall park starter to fuse' relay panel and ]
switch (vehicles with au.tomatic;. to switches for heater b o o s t e r ,
Left side· member

97.8 Main wlrlnghameu

Electrical General 97
- Starter cable routing CAU.TION
Before working on any part of electrical
system, disconnect battery ground strap
Starter cable - - - . . ,
from battery to Cable grommet
starter; to replace,
remove fuel tank
Starter cable


from battery to
fusef relay panel

• Forward

harness i

Rear erossmember
Tie wrap

Starter' oonneetlon,


floor pan rear

- F·5
Starter rouUng 97.9<
97 Electrical System-Wiring, General

Battery cables, location

Wiring from battery

to Itertel'

197*2150 I


to battery
cut-out relay

Electrical System-Wiring, General 97
Ground cable from body to automatic transmission

Ground c a b l e - - - - - - - "
from body to transmission


...... Automatic transmission

1hlnsmlsslon mount

on transmission mount 197-21451

Ground cable from body to manual transmission .

Ground cable
from body to


-H-------- 1hlnsmlsslon mount

Manual transmission

ound cable - - - - - - '

on transmission mount


Ground cables 97.9b
locations are and may
vary from vehicle to vehicle rI<>,,,<>,,.rllnin on

Use extreme care when troILlbl_3Sn,oolmg the


nrr,hl""m" iti""ntifilinn a

emergency flasher
2::::: vacant
3::: load reduction

and unhook

and down

wnrlcir.1"I on the electrical disconnect

• "'''''\'''<:>1''1\1 new tAf'rni!I"I<:lI1 1

Connector terminal rubber n .. "I",tin

General 1980,1981 Air-cooled AFC
cables Cautions and 97.2 Refer to 97.29
97.9a, 97.9b - Fresh air fan 97.23
97.10 Diesel
1 97.25
- Refer to 97.35

Refer to 97.53
1983 Air-cooled AFC
Cautions and 97.2
97.4 Fresh air fan 97.23
Rear window
- Seat belt .ntlO,rlnr·1<
(1982 only) 97.27

On 49 state and
Canada vehicles, a
series is
located kc!tw""n
control unit and

On California
resistance Is built
Into fuel
control unit.

Note: All wire sizes American Wire Gaulle

Descrlpllon Descrlpllon Description

Emergency flasher
Emergency lIasher
fuel gauge
fuel sender

fuselrelay panel

• Ca1l!omia on1v




1 - - - - O'x"l8n sensor/Fuel pump -----------4-----StarUnliJ/ChalraIr1C1-------i

Description Description Description

dimmer swil\:lIfflasher

HIJm 00I!00
Idle stlllllizm cOlllroi UI1I"

Color Code
Black BK
Brown BR
Clear - CL
Red R
Yellow - Y Ell
Grlliln - G
Green- LIG
- GY

brake switch
Parking lell
Parkmg nghl
lIadio connection (- )
Radio connEction (+ )
Ili!ar window
Rear window swilch
Side marker light, righl
• C;!lilornia only

----------.....11-------- HorrI/E.n8.1I81nCY 1I••her/Dlrectlonal 8Ia.18I. - - - - - - - 1

Description Description Description

Alternator charging Indicator light
air regulator

• california only

Note: For 1981 vehicles


--+-- Brake
Nole: All wire sizes lmerlcan Wire Gauge
o.scripllon o.scrlpUon Description

Horn button
!dill stlbilizer coolroi unij'
Ignolion coil

. F·16
USA and Canada vehicles are
with EGR system instead of OXS system.
OXS system is for California

Wire Connectors

T1 a at panel
T1 b behind
T1c behind dash
BKIV T1 d In near alternator

behind dash
- In comparl.
T4a al luselrelay panel
Hb al luse/relay panel
Hc behmd instr
TS at brake
Tl4 at instr. panel

Ground Connectors

!rom batlery to bOOy

from transmission to bOOy
behind instr. panel, to lett of
luselrelay panel
18 behind Inslr. panel, 10 leI! ot
tuse/relay panel
on steering gear
at lelt Iront 01 crossmember
near luse I relay pane!
near ignillon distributor
at tuse/relay pane!

Color Code
Black - OK
Brown - SR
Clear - Cl
Red - R
Vellow V
Green G
Green - llG
- Sl
- GY

"Gahfornii only
Windshield window

Description Description Description

Parking light, lett plugs
Parkrng IIghl, light
Radio conneClion ( ) Tail light, lett
RadiO connection ( + ) Tall light, right
Aear wrndOw mc sender
Rear SWitch Temperature sensor
Side marker Thermo time SWitch
Throttle valve switch
Turn Signal mdicator light
Turn Signal, lett Irool Interminent

• California only

·16 F·17

Alternator indicator IIg ht
Auxiliary air

BaCk-up light, left

Back-up light,
BaCk-up light

Temperature sensor
Thermo time switch
Throttle lIallie switch
Turn indicator light
light Turn left fronl
Turn left rear
Cold start \lal\le Tum Ironl
Distributor Tum
Door switch, left front, with buzzer
contact Voltage
Door switch, right front Voltage

mileage switch for OXS Windshield washer

Emergency /lasher indicator light Windshield
Emergency tiasher Windshield intermittent
Emergency relay

Fuel gauge Wlrv Connvctors

Fuel gauge sander
Fuel pump Tla panel
Fuel relay
Fuses on !use/relay panel
(under dash) Tid near alternator
dimmer switch/llasher
H"'>lAlrfl",,,h air controls light
beam Indicator light
Horn button
T3a compart
T4 dash
Idle stabilizer conlrol un II
T4a at fuseirelay panel
T4b at panel
T4c behind
TS al brake lighl
T14 at Inslr. panel Insart

Ground Connectors
1 from to
2 from
Instrument dimmer
Instrument panel lights 10 - behind instr panel to of fusa/relay panel
Intake air sanser 11 behind instr, panella left 01 fuse/relay panel
Interior front 12 on
Interior rear 15 atlef!
Licensa light 17
Light 18
Load reduction relay

indicator light

Parking brake
Radio rYlr,n..r.lir,n
Rear window
Rear window

v_ -A

t. I.JgI1tGlNn

'0 20 -V

• Main
- -


______ _


Ground Connector
behind dash

air fan



Heater booster
Air circulation blower
Breaker for fuel pump
Breaker for coli
Combustion air blower
flasher term.58b
Flame switch
Fuel pump

Heater indicator
Heater lever switch

Main fuse 523
Overheat fuse 517
Overheat switch
for air circulation blower

Wire connectors
T1a-at fuse holder
T2 -at air circulation blower
T4a-at heater
T4b-at heater

at heater
at combustion air blower


To reset wait three minutes and then
press reset lever in direction of arrow

Heater Booster
behind dash
Rear-window behind dash.
relay T2a double, on roof. rear.
T2b double, on rear window-wiper molor

Ground Connectors

9 behind dash, right

10 near fuse panel
11 near rear washer-fluid container, right
12 on rear lid, near rear window-wiper motor

BfocI< !II(
ar<>W!1 IIR

1. T2b Tl0


BIoo Ill.
Gray GY
-.. W

motor wiper motor
Electrical System-Wiring, Air.,cooled-AFC 97
NO ••



l 12
18 16 20

to to

Wire connectoR Track
18 18

T1c single, behind dash 3

T2a double, under driver's seat 4 HORN
T3 3·point, behind dash 4,6 LIGHT
T4 4·point, behind dash 8 58 SWITCH

T4a 4..point, in engine

compartment 8
20 20 20 18



to IS 1810 --.J820 810 I I 820

o:I\... BRAKE-
18 ---I

Wiring Color Code 8R 'w R/8K

Black - BK
Brown - BR

Clear - CL
Red - R
Yellow -Y
Green - G
Light Green
- l T.G
- Bl
- V
ott ( 1..F)
EMERG .. l'
o i (RI
o I (L1


White - W

AFC 1980-1982
Seat-belt Interlock system 97.27
97 Electrical System-Wiring, Alr-cooled-AFC



Electrical System-Wiring,

General Camper Air-cooled AFC
- Battery/Ground cables - Auxiliary battery - Refer to 97.11
97.9a, 97.9b 1986-1989 (rnan. trans.) 97.34
disconnecting/connecting 97.6 (also see 97.53) Diesel
- Cautions and Warnings 97.2 - Battery level indicator - Refer to 97.35
- Dashboard wiring harness 97.7 lights 97.30
- Engine/Body ground - Camper electrical equipment Waterboxer!Syncro
connections 97.6 1980-198597.32 (Water-cooled Digifant, Digljet)
- Fuse/Relay panel, removing from 1986 97.33 - Refer to 97.53
(1980-1985) 97.10 - Water pump 97.31
(from 1986 m.y.) 97.10a - Water tank level indicator
- How to read wiring diagrams 97.4 lights 97.30
- Main wiring harness 97.8
- Starter cable routing 97.9
- Symbols used in
wiring diagrams 97.5
- Troubleshooting 97.3
. - Working on the electrical
system 97.3

indicator but are not Note
mentioned in test indicator lights which light but are not
- check indicator fuse located under mentioned in test
driver's seat check indicator fuse located under
- remove indicator from sink cabinet driver's seat
and disconnect connector - remove indicator from sink cabinet
and disconnect connector

- connect indicator
12-volt as follows: - connect indicator light
.. terminal 1 to "I"'>.<"tl\/O terminal
12-volt as follows:
.. terminal 2 to terminal .. terminal 1 to terminal
" terminal 2 to terminal

Red Red
(K58) (K511

- red level (K58) (K57)

indicator level - red and red water level
above 12.5 volts indicator will
Sun VAT-40 or - connect green wire from known
to maximum 110 A. VU"<R• ., will start
tank sender unit to terminal 3 in
to connector
level indicator lights will light in the - connect one end of wire to
negative terminal
level above 12.5 volts
level below 12.5 volts - connect other end of wire to white,
level above 12 volts and green wire of sender unit one
after another
.. water tank level indicator
red water tank level
necessary - go to next page
if indicator
Electrical System

Quick Data
·.;.;..Aerodynamic 94.5a
- BUlb holder 94.6
- Headlight 94.4
adjusting 94.5
mounting frame 94.5
removing 94.5
-Ignition key
. debUrririg 94.3a
- Intermittent windshield wiper
94.4 .
- Steering column
covers 94.3
lock 94.3
lock cylinder 94.4
switches 94.2
- Tail.light 94.6
- Turn signal switch 94:3

1 94.1
Tum signal cancalling ring with slip
grease slip ring with multi-purpose grease.
If slip ring is defective, press
out and replace

_ - - - - - Windshield wiper switch

intermittent windshield wiper,
service installation Fig. 8

Steering lock housing ---"""'"

removing Fig. 2 and Fig. 3
installing Fig_ 4 and Fig. 5

IgnitJonlS..rter switch
lower column switch cover
(with warning buzzer contact)
removinglinslalling Fig. 1
to remove: !irst remove
steering column lock, then
unscrew clamping boll

10 Nm (7 ft Ib)
before tightening, adjust clearance
between top of spacer sleeve and
lOp of steering column, see Fig. 5
- remove two screws
- remove lower cover from lock with
column tube support
- remove both column switch covers - drive spacer sleeve on column
VW 420
clearance (see 5)

hold VW 267a
clearance between of
spacer sleeve and top of column
.. a 51 mm (2

off lock clearance between

with spacer sleeve wheel and turn switch
.. 8= 2 to 4 mm (1/16 to 3116

column switch covers

column lock
Burrs on and/or metal in the
lock cylinder could make insertion difficult.
If this occurs,


If insertion and operation is still ..

- replace lock I'Vlmn!!Y and deburr new

7 8 Intermittent windshield service
drill 3 mm (1/8 hole into installation
.. a in windshield switch
.. b - install windshield
press in pin with intermittent
drilled hole and pull out lock

Mounting frame
removing Fig. 3

Adjusting rlncl-.......

Sealed beam
removing Fig. 1 and Fig. 2

.. arrow B

adjust headlights Weaver WX-50
tester or in accordance with local

- remove screws

94 Electrical System-Lights

Aiming requirements
- park vehicle on flat surface

It is not necessary that the surface be exactly level.
- remove any large accumulations of mud or ice
from wheel wells, fender undersides, bumpers etc.
- check and correct tire pressures
- verify that vehicle has no loads other than driver
- rock vehicle to settle suspension
clean headlight lenses and aiming pads
check hi and low beam headlight operation
I94-A049 I
Setting up universal adaptor Fig. 2 Placing the adaptor assembly on the
aiming pads
- attach aiming device to adaptor
Use adaptor 0203 when aiming Vanagon - mount assembly to headlight lens. See
aerodynamic headlights with Hoppe headlight aiming Fig. 2.
- locate aim setting pads on headlight lens

The settings are designated by the letters V and H,
followed by a number.

Aerodynamic headlight (driver side)


Fig. 3 Adaptor installation, right and left side

- check headlighraim using mechanical
Fig. 1 Aiming pad locations aiming procedure provided by equipment
V = vertical setting - correct if necessary
H horizontal setting
o inside aiming pad (set always to zero)
- move adjustable rods of adaptor to
correspond to settings found on headlight

94. 5 a Aerodynamic headlights

Bulb h o l d e l ' - - - - -.....
removing Fig, 1
wiring Fig, 2

Turn signal bulb

12 V/21 W

Tail-Ugh' bulb
12 V/5 W

Back-up light bulb

12 V/21 W

squeeze at arrows and remove 1 == to bulb 12 V/5 W
2;:;;: vacant
3 to
4 bulb 12 V/21 W
5 bulb 12 V/21 W
6 bulb 12 V/21 W

Bulb holder
Electrical System
Windshield Wiper
Windshield Washer

Quick Data Index

-Assembly 92.2
-Rear window
washer /wiper92.5,92.6
washer pump 92.7
-Spray jets 92.4
- TroublEllshooting 92.8, 92.9
- Windshield washer 92.4
- Wiper arms/motor 92.3
- Wiper blade rubber insert 92.3

- Index 92.1
Wiper motor
park position adjusting Fig. 2

lubricate with MoS, grease


----Relav rods, left and removing linstll iii ng

remove glove compartment
remove instrument cluster
- remove 4 phillips head screws on instrumenl
Wiper blade rubber Insert cluster near windshield
removing Fig. 3 remove wiper arms
Installing Fig. 4 remove windshield wiper relay rods
(extend fully to passenger side)
Wiper arms _____"'"
positioning Fig. 1

Nm (43 in. Ib)

remove plastic wedge in windshield wiper switch
- install relay in fuse/relay panel

windshield seal
4 blade rubber
- slide metal inserts into rubber insert
upper grooves. Notch in metal insert
must face rubber insert
- slide rubber insert into retainers.
Retainers must engage recess in
second groove

- run motor to
crank 1 and
direction of line
- attach crank 1 to motor shaft
1818 111n9


squeeze metal inserts at open end of

rubber insert
metal inserts out of retainer
remove rubber insert

G·2 G·3
blade rubber Insert
92 Electrical System-Windshield Wiper and Washer

adjusting Fig. 1


__ ./

Washer pump

Water container

Fig. 1 Spray jets, adjusting

- adjust spray jets using pin, until water
is directed onto windshield as shown
a = 490 mm (19 in.)
b 220 mm (9 In.)
c= 190 mm (7112 in.)
d 330 mm (13 In.)

92.4 Windshield washer
Spray jets
Electrical System - Windshield Wiper & Washer 92
Rear window washer and wiper system, repairing

Fluid reservoir - - - - , r - - - Rear washer pump

Stopper - - - . ,

Mounting screw

r on,. .,.dum r - - - - Wiper arm

adjusting Fig. 1

Spray jet - - -
adjusting Fig. 3

' - - - - Mounting nut

6.0 Nm (4.5 ft Ib)

Hex head screw - - - - ' Mounting nut

4.0 Nm (3.0 ft Ib) 6.0 Nm (4.5 ft Ib)
Mounting screw
4.0 Nm (3.0 ft Ib) / - - - - Bracket

Rea" window washer/wiper 92.5
1 Rear window arm, adjus.tlng end
center of field
a 27 mm

- remove cover in back hatch

let motor run to
attach crank and
01. 6°

remove screws f ................ \ and out connector

install in reverse order

window .allhelrlWlper
- take pump out of on fluid reservoir

- install in reverse order

• WlIlIl!lhl'lf'pUmp
Electrical System-Windshield Wiper & Washer 92
Windshield wipers chatter or do not clean
window properly

Windshield wiper blade chatter and skipping of blade

across windshield can be caused by incorrect wiper Correct IncorI'Kt
ann angle. blade to blade to
wlndehlekl wlndlhlekl
The incorrect wiper arm angle will not allow the wiper angle angle
blade to flip and follow the wiper arm.
It is most noticeable on the downward stroke of the
To adjust wiper arm,

!92.A039 I

Angle of bllIde to wlndshlelel

- hold wiper ann with duckbill pliers at A

- bend wiper blade arm at B to obtain correct wiper
blade angle
Wax and dirt build up on windshield wiper blades
can cause streaking and smearing on windshield
when using wipers.
- do not replace windshield blades that may only
need to be cleaned
- clean wax and dirt build up from wiper blades and
entire windshield with alcohol based cleaning
solution or rubbing alcohol and water
- see troubleshooting chart on page two
- refer customer to instructions in Owner's Manual


Windshield wiper troubleshooting 92.8

Electrical System-Windshield Wiper & Washer 92
Windshield wiper troubleshooting chart

Symptoms Possible causes Solutions

Bad wiping (sheeting) • dirty blade lip - clean blade lip with wet
cloth and soap
- rinse with water
• blade lip worn, torn or - replace blades

• old blade lip - replace blades

Some water remains in the wiping area, • windshield glass - clean windshield glass
forming droplets contaminated by with clean cloth soaked
pollutants, oil or film from in solution of alcohol (or
diesel engine exhaust ammonia) and warm

Windshield wiper blades clean to one side and • blade lips are deformed or - replace blades
are deficient to the other (chatter) filled with dirt or foreign
matter on one side.
• windshield wiper arms are - bend wiper arm to
twisted. Rubber lips do obtain proper blade
not touch glass properly contact

• glass is dirty-or not wet - clean the glass with clean

enough, resulting in cloth soaked in solution
varying friction between of alcohol (or ammonia)
blade and glass and warm water

Windshield wiper troubleshooting 92.9

Electrical System-
Instruments" Radio

1980-1984 From 1985 From 1990
- Cigarette lighter - Cigarette lighter - Heidelberg VI fixed coded radio
replacing 90.31 replacing 90.31 coding a new or remanufactured
- Fuel gauge - Coolant temperature gauge radio 90.32
checking 90.5, 90.9 locating 90.14 reactivating radio after
troubleshooting 90.13 troubleshooting 90.21 reconnecting power 90.33
- Fuel gauge sender - Dynamic oil pressure system unlocking an electronically
removing/installing 90.11 assembly 90.22 controlled radio 90.34
- Instrument cluster removing/installing 90.23
assembling/disassembling troubleshooting 90.24
90.2,90.6 - Fuel gauge
removing/installing 90.10 locating 90.14
- Light emitting diodes (LED) troubleshooting 90.20
checking 90.5 - Instrument cluster
identifying 90.4, 90.8 assembling/disassembling 90.14
- Muhi-point connector removing/installing 90.10
identifying 90.4, 90.8 - Light emitting diodes (LED)
- Speedometer checking 90.19
calibration 90.30 identifying 90.18
- Speedometer cable - Multi-point connector
removing/installing 90.10 identifying 90.18
- Voltage stabilizer 90.4, 90.8 - Speedometer
calibration 90.30
- Speedometer cable
installing (from VIN
25 H 040 185)
except Syncro 90.17 ..
removing/installing 90.17
- Voltage stabilizer
checking 90.18


Printed circuit foil
use ohmmeter to check conductors
for continuity
connections on multipoint connector Fig, 1
Note identification of LEO'sl resistors on
printed foil Fig, .4
To checking LED's Fig, 6
replacing LED's Fig, 7

Mounting plate for warning light

pry off carefully to prevent damage
to printed circuit foil

Voltage stabilizer
checking Fig. 2
identification of LEO'sl resistors
on printed circuil foil, Fig. 4
checking Fig. 6
replacing Fig. 7
polarity Fig, 8

cable, remolfinglinstalling page 90,10

PlasUc clip
mounting clock
posltille (+ ) term mal

retaining plale

L...--Fulel gauge
Instrument cluster - - - checking Fig. 5
remollinglinstalling page 90,10 removing /installing sender, page 90,11
troubleshooting, page 90,13

Instrulrnel,t ........" .... with clock

To first


Warning light housing

Instrument bulb


Fig. 3

g plate Identification LED'sf resistors
on printed circuil foil Fig. 4
checking Fig. 6
replacing Fig. 7
polarity Fig. 8
e 90.11
Fuel gauge retaining plate

Printed circuit foil _ _ _ _ _ _- l

use ohmmeter to check conductors
for continuity
connections on multipoint connector Fig. 1
identification of LED's/resistors on Warni mounting plate
printed foil, Fig. 4 pry off carefully to prevent
checking LED's Fig. 6 damage to printed circuit foil
replacing LED's Fig. 7

Instrument cluster without clock
fall 1 Ll ndar terminal of
1 "CO vacant
2 = terminal 31
3 = instrument
4 = beam terminal 56a
5'" terminal 31
6 = vacant When
TI'lIMnn,::'ratIIrA gauge (wl3.ter-COOI80 circuit

7 clock (if not installed,

8 fuel gauge sender
9 positive terminal 15
10 = oil pressure switch
11 = EGR or OXS
glow indicator
12 = vacant w8ter"'C()()lleO)
13 =
14 indicator terminal4Qa

Identification of LEDfs/resistors on
circuit foil
K1 = LED beam
K21/22= LED
R1 = Resistor for K1
R2 = Resistor for K3
- connect voltmeter between R3 = Resistor for K21/22
connection 1 and 2 R4 Resistor for stabilizer (1
switch ON R5 == Resistor for K2
• should be 10V R6 Resistor for K5
is above 1O.5V or below
stabilizer is defective
and must be

5 Fuel
set tester VW 1301 to test

'deviation of one needle width to left or is

OK - note 8)

connect to LED
K1 (+)
- connect .. neC18tlve terminal Is wider
K1 (-
- repeat this test on
.. LEOS must


Printed circuit foil

use ohmmeter to check conductors
Nole lor continuity
connections on multipoint connector Fig. 1
identilication 01 LEO's/resistors on
printed loil, Fig. 4
checking LED's Fig. 6
replacing LED's Fig. 7

Mounting plate for warning light housing

pry off carefully to prevent damage
to printed circuit foil

Voltage stabilizer
checking Fig. 2
identification of LED's/resistors
on printed circuit foil, Fig. 4
checking Fig. 6
replacing Fig. 7
polarity Fig. 8

Speedometer - - - - - - - - - - . .
cable, removing / installing page 90.10

terminal connections Fig. 3

Fuel gauge retaining plate

Fuel gauge
Instrument cluster
checking Fig. 5
removinglinstalling page 90.10
removinglinstalling sender, page 90.11
troubleshooting, page 90.13
Cap for warning light openllV1_----1
Bulb (blue) in warning light housing
identification of bulb/resistors
on printed circuit foil, Fig. 4
checking bulb Fig. 6
installing bulb Fig. 9

Instrument eluater with clock

Bulb (blue)
Identification of bulb/resistors on

printed circuit foil Fig. 4
checking bulb Fig. 6
lnslailing bulb Fig. 9


Fig. 3

lEO - - - - - - - '
identfflcatlon of LEO's/rElslstOfs
on 4

! 90.11

Printed circuit 1011 _ _ _ _ _../

use ohmmeter to check conductors
for continuity
connections on multipoint connector Fig. 1
identification of LEo's/resistors on Mounting plate for warning light housing
printed foil, Fig. 4 pry off carefully to prevent
checking bulb/LED's Fig. 6 damage to printed circuit foil
replacing LED's Fig. 7

Instrument cluster without clock
toll 1 terminal of
1 vacant
2 = terminal 31

1 = clock (if not installed,

8 fuel gauge sender
9 positive terminal 15 secure tertnlnal :2 with
10 oil pressure switch


4 Identification of LED's/resistors/bulb on
circuit foil
K1 == bulb
K2== LED
K3 == LED oil pressure
K5 LED turn indicator
R1 Series resistor for K1
R2 Series resistor for K3
R3 Series resistor for alternator pre-
exciter circuit (1
R4 == Series resistor for K2
RS Series reSistor for K5


Work SfKluelBce

Work sequence

Instrument clusler

Work l!IliIl:lUllnC:lI!I

Speeclorrletltf cable
gauge sender

- install sender unit so


Fuel sender
Work sequence

Needle l'tAlilAI'ti."n CIOrfEISDlonCl!s with

Sender unit stabilizer or fuel· gauge defecHve

fuel gauge
for Instrument illumination ---..,.
12 V11.2 W

Dynamic oil pressure eontro'

removing pg. 90.22-90.23


Bracket for cloek - - - - ,



IIlIr!lMfl'lll:lfA indicator

Coolant temperature Indllcll,tor

Fuel gauge
checking 90.20
removing/installing sender 90.11
removing and installing pg. 90.15

Inatrumont cluster with tac:hOmlite,

Electrical System - Instruments, Radio 90
Two different cigarette lighters are used in
Volkswagen vehicles and they are NOT interchange-
able. If installed in the wrong vehicle it is possible
that the lighter will not release properly, thus creating
a possible safety hazard.


I9O-A078 I
Fig. 1 Part number 175.919.3078
Application: Rabbit - all
Pickup - all
Golf - all

I9O-A079 I
Fig. 2 Part number 171 919 305
or 191 919 305
Application: Cabriolet - all
Jetta - all
Vanagon - all
Quantum - all
Sci rocco - all

Cigarette lighters, replacing 90.31
90 Electrical System-Instruments, Radio

Heidelberg VI fixed coded radio,

The Heidelberg VI radio is assigned a fixed
four digit security code from the factory.
Unlike previous coded radios, the security
code cannot be changed.
The Heidelberg VI radio can be identified by
white lettering on the face plate and separate
knobs for fader, bass and treble control.
The radios are not coded at the factory. To
activate the theft protection, the radio must be
coded during the Pre-Delivery Inspection.

The security code and serial number of the

radio are printed on a removable sticker
located on the right "B" post near the vehicle
191-A047! identification sticker.

Coding a new or remanufactured radio

• remove radio security code/serial number
sticker and attach to radio card in radio
owner's manual

DO NOT keep the security code or radio
card with the vehicle. Always instruct
customers to detach radio card from
I 91-A048I
operating instructions manual and keep
in a safe place.

The security code/serial number sticker for
remanufactured replacement radios comes in
the box with the new radio. Place the new
sticker over the old sticker on the radio card .
• switch radio ON
• radio plays and radio station frequency is

90.32 Coding
.Heidelberg VI radio
- Electrical System - Instruments, Radio 90
• push and hold AM/FM and SCAN buttons
to activate coding procedure
• radio display changes to CODE and then
• release AM/FM and SCAN buttons
• 1000 will remain on display
• enter radio's security code using first four
program station buttons
• security code will appear on display
• push and hold AM/FM and SCAN buttons
once again until display changes to SAFE

FM .- -. - OX
MTL ''J c,e A new or remanufactured radio will only
CCAM - I II cHE accept its factory assigned security code. If
an incorrect code is entered, the radio display
will not change to SAFE.
• release AM/FM and SCAN buttons
I91·A046 I • radio display changes to a radio station
• radio is now coded

Reactivating radio after reconnecting

After disconnecting power (fuse, battery, etc.),
the radio will lock up electronically.
To reactivate:
• obtain radio's security code
• located on radio card
• switch radio ON
• radio will not play
• radio display shows SAFE
• push and hold AM/FM and SCAN buttons
• display changes to 1000
• release AM/FM and SCAN buttons
• 1000 remains on display

- Heidelberg VI radio I 90 33
1...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ' Coding •
90 Electrical System-Instruments, Radio

If the AM/FM and SCAN buttons are held
down too long or pushed again, the radio will
misinterpret the 1000 as an attempt at coding
and one incorrect attempt will be logged.
• enter radio's security code using first four
program station buttons
• security code will appear on display
• push and hold AM/FM and SCAN buttons
once again until display changes to SAFE
• release AM/FM and SCAN buttons
• radio display changes a radio station
CDC frequency
:::JIll • radio is now coded and plays

Unlocking an electronically locked radio

After two incorrect attempts at entering the
security code, the radio will lock-up
electronically. The display shows SAFE and
will not change.

To unlock:
• leave radio switched ON for approximately
one hour
• after one hour, reactivate (code) radio as it
would be after a power interruption

The radio will never permanently lock-up no
matter how many incorrect coding attempts
are made. The reactivation procedure can be
repeated indefinitely.

90 3 4
• Coding I Heidelberg VI radio
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Air Conditioner

- Ale adapter valve VAG 1637
installing 87.15
- Ale components
locations 87.2
- Ale compressor (Sanden SD51 0)
replacing 87.16
- Ale evaporator
removing/installing 87.14
- Ale evaporator housing
assembling/disassembling 87.12
removing 87.10
- Air distribution system
components 87.9
outlets, removing 87.13
- Expansion valve
removing/installing 87.14
- Fuses
locations 87.4
- Refrigerant system
capacity 87.7
cautions and warnings 87.7
controls 87.6
discharging 87.8
- Relays
locations 87.5


Quick Data Index

Air cooled - AFC Auxiliary heater BBW 46

-Air circulation blower 82.7 -Auxiliary heater

- Combustion air blower 82.3, components 82.20
82.4 electrical wiring 82.24
hose 82.4 operating 82.25
- Control flaps 82.8 waterflow 82.22
-Defrost/Footwell flaps 82.7 - Combustion air blower
-Flame switch 82.5 adjusting 82.32
- Fuel pump 82.6 removing/installing 82.32
-Glow/Spark plug 82.3, 82.14a - Engine coolant system
- Heater booster/components 82.2 draining/refilling 82.35
assembly 82.3 -Felt pad
- Heater lever switch 82.8 removing/installing 82.29
-Ignition coil 82.6 -Flame head
- Overheat switch 82.4 removing/installing 82.33
-Safety switch 82.7, 82.8 - Flame switch
- Temperature regulating switch checking 82.30
82.5 removing/installing 82.30
- Temperature sensor 82.6 -Fuse S24
- Troubleshooting (heater removing/installing 82.33
booster) 82.10, 82.11 -Glow plug
checking 82.30
- Heater core
- Air circulation blower 82.17 removing/installing 82.33
-Combustion air blower 82.14 - Metering pump
- Control valve 82.17 flow rate checking 82.35
- Flame switch 82.15 - Recirculation pump
- Fuel pump 82.17 removing/installing 82.32
-Glow/Spark plug 82.14 - Series resistor
- Heater housing 82.14 removing/installing 82.32
-Ignition coil 82.17 - Temperature sensor
- Overheat switch 82.15 checking 82.31
- System components 82.12 removing/installing 82.31
- Temperature regulating switch
- Temperature sensor 82.16
- Troubleshooting 82.18

8·1 82.1
82 Heater Booster

Temperature sensor
checking Fig. 14

Glow/spark plug
checking Fig. 2
replacing Fig. 3

Heater relay _ _ _ _ _ _
with 1 ohm resistor for air
circulation blower

Heater lever switch Air circulation blower

replacing Fig. 24 checking Fig. 20
replacing Fig. 21
Defroster/footwell flaps
checking Fig. 19

Main fuse

Heater blower
(on alternator)
see Repair
relay panel
Group 27
Heat exchanger

in supplemental fuse holder

Temperature regulating
switch Exhaust pipe
checking Fig. 12 clean or replace if necessary
replacing Fig. 13
Combustion air blower
checking Fig. 4
replacing Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 Combustion air hose
must fit tightly on blower

Fuel filter/water separator

drain water; note fuel flow direction (arrow)
Ignition coil Fuel pump
replacing Fig. 17 and Fig. 18 checking Fig. 15
adjusting Fig. 16
Overheat switch
checking Fig. 7 and Fig. 8
replacing Fig. 9

82.2 Heater booster/components

Air cooled-AFC
1 If carbon-
clean with toothbrush
2 == combustion air blower vane
3 == combustion chamber. If CAUTION
clean Connectors for terminals 1 and 2 must not
4 == fresh air inlet. If clean
contact connector 3. This may cause
5 exhaust outlet. If tar-like are trouble
If distorted


4 Combusion air

- check blower
movement in both directions

Fuel is pump every 33rd
.. electrode gap a : 2.5 mm revolution of blower shaft. Each
.. :12 volts stroke can be detected
.. resistance :4000-6000 ohms from pump
.. current draw of :10 A
element Number of pump strokes x 33 == blower

6400-7000 rpm
12 volts after for 10
to 190-210 pump strokes per

.. condensation drain hole in - disconnect from blower
must be at bottom .. If overheat switch operates within
60 seconds after blower is
switch is OK

overheat switch and

.. combustion air hose must fit on

blower connection and in rear frame
cross member.
If hose comes heater flame will

green wire to terminal A

brown wire to terminal B
- solder wires rosin-core

- remove ceramic
- turn heater on
12 TAI¥fInAra,"n,...

- turn heater on
- disconnect either wire to •.
or overheat switch
- turn heater ON
.. heater must within 70 seconds
at 20"C/68"F
- turn heater OFF
.. run on time must be between 80 and
160 seconds at 20°C/68°F
temperature sensor terminals
If NO for either flame
.. fuel pump should stop
.. if temperature
correct, check sensor

rubber grommet off

- remove union nut and

13 TemlPEtrlll1

remove escutcheon with VW 674/1

.. do not wires of
terminals 31 and K of multi-
as this will cause

IIfYilJUlIIllng switch
14 sensor, 16 Fuel pump, __• __ '...

in warm water .. to increase amount of

.. resistance: 3500-5000 ohms turn hose C in direction of
arrow B
.. to decrease amount of
turn hose C in direction of
arrow A
- lock and seal with after

It arrow A = direction of fuel flow


- remove hose on pressure side of pump A= tension wire

- connect of hose to pump and B = terminal 15
hold into C == terminal 1
- turn on heater
- check amount of fuel in
after 200 strokes of pump
.. amount: 18.4 to 21.7 cm'

To count 200 strokes write down number every

10 strokes.
If fuel pump

Fuel pump
21 Air circulation U'U'_",'L

z coil
.. condensation drain hole must
be at bottom

19 Defroster/footwell
- check for free movement


if disconnected wires touch one

another or

- connect ohmmeter to terminals A

12 volts to terminals NO
measure ""01",,<>"" is
until contact is
at terminals A
.. switch response time:
150 to 230 seconds at 20·C/68°F
If switch

press reset lever in
direction of arrow

Defrosterl footwell
Air circulation blower
25 Control
- remove hoses
check of

24 Heater lever switch contact, location

Heater lever switch
Heater Booster 82



B·9 82.9
82 Heater Booster
2b 5 6 21 8 9 11 12

1 20 19 3 20 7 15 16

Trouble Operating conditions

10th fuse (16 A) in fuse relay panel blown Engine running

Heater lever switch 5 ON
Temperature regulating switch 3 ON

Main fuse (16 A) in fuse holder blown Temperature regulating switch 3 ON

Heater lever switch 5 ON

Overheat switch 9 has operated and fuse 26 (8 A) has blown Temperature switch 3 ON
Heater lever switch 5 ON

Safety switch 19 has operated Temperature regulating switch 3 ON

Heater lever switch 5 ON

Heater does not run on Heater and engine turned OFF

Air circulation blower does not run at two speeds Temperature regulating switch 3 ON
Heater lever switch 5 ON
Ignition turn ON and OFF

Heater output inadequate and/or heater uses too much fuel Engine running; heater turned ON

Air circulation blower 13 and combustion air blower 20 Engine running

continue to run after run on period although heater is turned Heater lever switch 5 ON
OFF Temperature regulating switch 3
just turned OFF

Heater smokes Temperature regulating switch 3 ON

Heater lever switch 5 ON

Heater does not start up at all Temperature regulating switch ON

Heater lever switch 5 ON

At least 10 volts required for voltage check at flame switch

Air cooled-AFC 8·10

82.10 Troubleshooting-Heater booster
-I -I -1-
I I 1 1 '"

....:.. II II II 3
cnz::z:: CT
III II II I o I 1-10th fuse (16A) in fuse/relay panel
Wiring Diagrams
O(/.l-e.. 2a- Main fuse (16A) in inline fuse holder Wiring Diagrams
3 o '<Q)
o o o 2b-Overheat fuse (8A) in supplemental
fuse holder Wiring Diagrams
t> o o o 3- Temperature regulating switch 82.5
m o 4- Defroster/footwell flaps 82.7
- o I I I I I I 5 - Heater lever switch 82.8
ac: t> I I 0 I I 0 0 0 6- Heater relay 82.2
I 0 0 7 -Glow/spark plug 82.3 I
8 II
I 0 I t> I I
8- Temperature sensor
9 - Overheat switch
& I
t> I t> I I 10- Heater booster 82.3
:J> o o o I I 11 - Flame switch 82.5
o o o 12-Exhaust outlet 82.2
I..-- o o t> 13-Air circulation blower 82.7
t> o t> 14-Exhaust pipe 82.2
o 15-Control flaps 82.8
16 - Heater flap 82.2
o 17 - Heat exchanger 82.2
g t> 18- Heater blower 82.2
:-::r o I 0 I I t> I I 19-5afety switch 82.7
t> t> I 0 I t> I I 20-Combustion air blower 82.3 :::t:
o CD

j" I I 21 - Fuel inlet 82.2
::z:: r T I t > 22 -Ignition coil 82.6 a
CD o I t>
0 23-Fuel pump
24- Fuel filter/water seoarator
o I I 25-Combustion air hose 82.2 o
t> o o I 0 I 0 - Trace circuit in current flow diagram Wiring Diagrams


80 Heater and Ventilation

Fresh air outlet in roof pillar

supplies fresh air only
,...---- Center vent
removing/installing page 80.5

r - - - - - Fresh air vent

removing/ installing page 80. 5
Rear air duct gasket - - - - - ,
installing Fig. 1

Heater vent

Warm air hose

Warm air distributor (passenger compartment)

remove fuel tank to remove
installing Fig. 4 Heater control flaps
adjusting Fig. 2
' - - - - Heater/Ventilation controls
removing/installing page 80.5

Ventilation chamber/Warm air distributor (driver's compartment)

disassembling/assembling page 80.5 Heater control flap cable
installing Fig. 3
disassembling / assembling page 80.7

80.2 HeaterNentiiation system

System components
Air-cooled A·2
- install
down - install sleeve with cable on bracket B
in hole 1 end of cable to outside

- move center heater/ventilation control

lever to left side to stop
- check that heater

bolt on cable in end

4 Warm air distributor for passenger

rod 1 for
cable in slot 2 of lever and secure

age 80.7

A·2 air duct

Heater conlroI1lAII'\!I"t':Aruj:l,!I.
Warm alt distributor III
Heater control outer cable is pressed
in sleeve


Guide sleeve
insert in bushing to stop

welded 10 frame

Heater control flap ouler cable

insert in guide sleeve to slop

slide over bushing

....----Heater outlet Heater outlet
removing: press in two lugs (arrows) removing: press in two lugs (arrows)
below dashboard below dashboard
installing: left and right outlets are installing: left and right outlets are
different, note part numbers different, note part numbers

:;;..----·Ou let gasket

glue to ventilation chamber
with D 17

_.WA ..l1 air distributor for

driver's compartment

glue to ventilation
chamber with D 17

must be watertight.
Glue to ventilation chamber
with D 17

HeaterIVentiiation controls
remove instrument cluster
Fresh air outle before adjusting controls.
removing: press in four lugs (arrows) Installing and adjusting cables, page 80.6
below dashboard

He,aie,,"en,lil4l.tlon control. •
Work sequence
install controls
- install trim
- press on levers
loosen two heater control cables at
heater control

lever on ventilation chamber


install both inner cables of heater control

in center slide and
outer cable to controls II
center control lever to extreme left

engage inner cable for ventilation chamber

in lower lever
lever in direction of arrow toward
side of vehicle
ventilation chamber outer cable with
lever in this

go to next page

hook inner cable for warm air distributor
in upper control lever
secure outer cable on bracket

hook inner cable for warm air distributor

in upper control

HeaterNentiiation controls
Heater outlet
press in two lugs lilllTmNSI
press in two lugs
below dash
below dash
left and outlets are
installing: left and outlets are
different; note part numbers
glue to ventilation chamber
with D 17

ron,,,,,';nn Iin'olJ>lli"n 80.10

Heater and fresh air fan

Warm air hose disassemble! assemble 80.10

Air deflector

Heater IVentiiation
remove instrument cluster
before removing controls.
press in four lugs Installing and adjusting cables,
below dash 80.9


• Heater !Ventilation
(cable conduit has 2 green marks 3 Control
and prolJec·ts on lever 1 - heated air distributor in
a=3mm passenger compartment
cable condu it has red paint mark and
projects out of clamp approx. a = max.
paint 30mm(13/16in.)
on lever 2 heater flap cable (arrow)

Fig. 2 cables
1 - passenger compartment flap
2 - main cut-off flap Fig 4 Control
3 - defroster flap and footwell flap on lever 1 - footwell fl ap
cable conduit has red paint mark and
out of clamp approx. a = 30 mm
( 1 3/16 in. )


""''"''''''!!. upper part

Flap housIng, lower part


Series resistance

Passenger compartment to avoid leaks


Seats, Bed

- Rear seat with storage locker
removinglinstaUing 77.2
- Roof bed, boards
removing/installing 77.3

77 Seats, Beds

Rear seat with storage locker,

/-:remove mattress from engine compartment deck

- remove bolts 3 in bottom panel on both sides

- remove bracket on locker

- remove screws 1 from rear seat back-rest bracket

on left and right sides
- loosen screws (arrow A) from arm rest B and pull
out toward rear (upper arrow)
- lift up rear seat bench
- pull seat belts into storage locker ):::===

- remove 3 screws (arrows) if Digifant equipped

- disconnect Digifant control unit 4, if applicable
- remove nut 5 on each left and right, push
bolts out
- pull out storage locker toward front

- pry off caps (arrows), remove screws, and Circuit breaker can be easily damaged.
cover 2
Rear seat, with storage locker,
- install in reverse order with the following
- check seat mechanism for proper function

77 . 2 Rear seat with storage locker, removing/inlJrtalling

For vehicles up to 1984 model year.
Before first remove shelf,
cabinet and clothes closet, see group 76.

to model year 1984.

Before bed boards can be pan,
wall cabinet and clothes closet must be dismantled,
see group 76.
remove roof-bed board screws I .......u" .. \

Loosen left headliner and remove from .ot"j"j",.,

rails. See "removal of air

From model year 1985.

Before bed boards can be removed, storage pan
with curtain left, cover with curtain ml"lirllr.n
wall cabinet and clothes closet must be
see group 76.

remove 1 screws (ar'rOllilS\ In roof frame

remove front bed board
remove screws for cover 3
remove rear bed board

- install In reverse order

remove screws {ermllV_I for roof rail 5

remove screws for center roof
reinforcement 6

Cabinets, Water Tank,

- Ceiling cabinet . - Storage shelf
with AlC, installing 76.9 removing/installing 76.2
with AlC, removing 76.7 w/curtain rod
without AlC, removing/ removinglinstalling 76.4
installing 76.6 - Water faucet w/pump switch
- Clothes closet removing/installing 76.17
installing 76.11, 76.14 - Water level sensor
removing 76.9, 76.11 removinglinstalling 76.20
- Curtains - Water pump, kitchen
curtain rail w/fresh air duct, removing/installing 76.18
installing 76.6
curtain rail w/fresh air duct,
removing 76.5
removing/installing 76.3
- Propane tank
removinglinstalling 76.23
- Refrigerator
air supply modification 76.25
installing 76.25
removing 76.24
- Sink cabinet
installing 76.23
removing 76.20 ..,
- Storage chest w/water tank
installing 76.17
removing 76.15

to 1984 model year.

shelf in and install bolt and saewa

remove l.fTftlilllR' and end 1
in reverse order
connect interior

Do not cross wires when ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,..tI••,,, Interior
r ..

Note Note
to model year 1984. to model year 1984.

shelf first see page 76.4.


remove cover 1

-remove In clothes

curtains on rails
Install curtain rails and
curtain behind
- loosen rail and rc.li'''h'I''' ....
remove rail screws C
remove rail screws for door curtain

curtains on rails
install rails and screws
install cover
- pry off five nrr,t",,..·;;,,,, caps and remove screws - remove both nuts r8f'ro.Id' side brackets
curtain rail

- install In reverse order of removal

VerillCl4tl without Ale

- remOVe both nuts fafrG1f1r1R\ on left side and

bolts in to clothes

• location of cabinet
remove roof-bed mattress
of lower-bed mattress on
,..",-nn<>rt,,,,,nnt deck

- remove nut on lett side and bolt into

clothes closet
- lift cabinet out (2 mechanics

- install in reverse order

Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator 76

Ceiling cabinet, removing
Vehicles with AlC
Ceiling cabinet can only be removed if storage shelf
with curtain rail, left, is removed ffrst, see p. 76A.
and front bed board with mattress, see repair group
75. has been removed.

- remove two screws each (_rows) from left and

right air intake grills, remove grills

- remove vent 1 with cover 2 (20 screws with

protective caps)

] , • water drain hoses 3
- unhinge clothes closet doors

a Before working on any pari of electrical system,
disconnect battery ground strap.

- remove fiVe countersunk screws (arrows) from

above rear bed board, support vent channel with
cover from below with one hand
- lower vent channel with cover and remove


K·7 Vehicle with AlC Ceiling cabinet, removing 76. 7

76 Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator

- remove four screws (arrows) - remove nut and push out carriage bolt (arrow)
from clothes. closet
- carefully lower ceiling cabinet and disconnect left
and .right speaker wires

-loosen nut and push carriage bolt (arrow) out of

clothes closet

- remove two screws (arrows) while second

mechanic supports ceiling cabinet
- pull ceiling cabinet slightly downward and remove
cross wall 4 - disconnect water drain hoses (arrow) right and
left from drip pan 6

76. 8 Ceiling cabinet, removing

Vehicle with Ale
to 1984 model air f'n.viilinn,inn
Remove closet first, see page 76.6.

- continue fa lower and

terminals 7 and disconnect both
... for fans 8

eVaOOfl!ltor fan
If series is
rll'Ilnl'It'lAt'l the entire resistor block must be

lower bed mattress on

rnrnnllllnmlAnt deck
closet doors

• when water
must be taken that
obstructed with
to installation, heat water hoses
with hot air blower to ease in<:I"IIin"

install in reverse order of removal below closet bolt


(1II11'1_IIJIl'in chest and

closet wall into closet

- remove screw In
remove nut of
- remove both screws bracket 2

- remove screws lart(n.1l1 for roof rail 5

- remove screws for center roof

- remove nut and bolt 'hr''''''',h

shelf 3 and closet wall 4 into closet

- loosen screws roof bed board on left and
- lift bed board Slnlnrn;yinnSlt,,,,lv 10 cm
Into ••• h ............\
backrest of rear-seat bench
- Install deck lid
- Install all ........

From year, without air l'rlf,t1itinninn
Clothes closet can be removed if shelf with
curtaln and cabinet have been
f'I'.'M"',n";01i'I first. See 76.4, 76.6
- remove mattress on deck
both doors of clothes closet and remove

lift backrest of rear seat bench

mechanics closet to center of vehicle
and lower into
closet to front and liftEo rear, out of vehicle

IYVnnr\n",nl", when


remove one nut below closet and

bolt out of bracket

- unscrew left and rear bed
- lift rear bed board on left side
15·20 mm

one screw In lower front area from

bracket 1
- remove one nut at and bolt

floor 2

With air """"liltL""'r"" cabinet see

sto'waCle pan of chest

seat bench

remove drain hose 3

Cabinets,Water Tank, Refrigerator 76

- pull evaporator housing 4 towards front (arrow),

and remove

- remove one screw at lower front from support

bracket 1 (arrow)
- remove one nut at support bracket 2 and push
bolt out
- remove two screws from engine compartment
deck and remove floor support bracket 2


- remove nut (arrow) below closet and push bolt

out of bracket

- remove both nuts in stowage pan of storage chest

and push bolts through chest and clothes closet

- K·13
Clothes closet, removing 76.13
76 Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator

--A::---\ "


...,- remove support bracket In left frontS and support - remove two evaporator mounting screws (arrows)
bracket In left and right rear 6 from rear bed
board Note
- loosen stop for bench seat and pull bench seat This procedure may require a second technician to
with backrest forward approximately to cm (4 In.) support evaporator and wiring hamess 7.

Wear protective gloves when holding

- unscrew seven left and right bed board screws

- 11ft rear bed board on left side approximately
15-20 mm (3/4 in.) with wedge from underneath

- lower evaporator slightly

- swing clothes closet to left and swing out
evaporator to rear at same time
- remove clothes closet

Clothes closet, installing

-install in reverse order

76. 1 4 Clothes closet, removing/installing

Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator 76
Storage chest with water tank, CAUTION
Note Before working on any part of electrical
system, disconnect battery ground strap.
Storage chest with water tank
can be removed after rear
bench seat, See Repair Group 77.

] - remove water tank drain pipe cap 1 under left

center bottom panel and drain water tank
- remove waterdraln cover plate and seal 2

- pull water filler hose 3 and ventilation hose 4 into

storage room of chest
- remove two clamps from electric cable (arrows)
from bottom panel

- remove four screws (arrows) from water filler

cover plate
- pull filler neck out to access hose clamp 6
- loosen clamp for water filler hose 3
- remove ventilation hose 4 and remove water filler
hose from filler neck
- open storage locker lids and door of storage chest
and remove - remove wall outlet cover 5
- remove chest divider - remove cover with fuse from circuit breaker 6 and
remove cable connnections from fuse

Storage chest with water tank, removing 76.15
76 Cabinets,Water Tank,Refrigerator

8----- . ./
- remove four screws (arrows) from socket mount - unscrew two screws and remove cover plate 8
- remove socket housing, tilt goo backward and
push back into recess

- remove four wire connections from plug terminal

(arrow A)
- remove four screws from circuit breaker housing - release clamp (arrow B) and remove water hose
- remove circuit breaker housing far enough for
screws (arrows) to be exposed
- loosen both screws (arrows) and remove upper
support bracket 7
- push circuit breaker housing back into recess



- remove two nuts (arrows) in storage space of

chest and push bolts through chest and clothes

76. 1 6 Storage chest with water tank,

remove three bolts from sink cabinet f arm,•• 1 remove nut 1 and off with spacer 2
chest with water tank
(4 and out

- install in reverse order

- check all water connections for leaks

to No. C.OOO
- remove kitchen cabinet drawer
remove cabinet door
- disconnect

- remove faucet from counter

- disconnect connection 4 and disconnect
hose 5

Warm hose 5 to onto water faucet.

- install in reverse order

- disconnect12V DC electric connection from pump

switch at plug terminal 3

Sttl.,atlllll chest
faucet ... 1,_..._-
76 Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator

Water pump (kitchen), removing Water faucet with pump switch,

Up to equipment serial number C.OOO 858.
From equipment serial No. C.OOO 859.
- remove kitchen cabinet door
- disconnect battery ground strap - remove kitchen cabinet drawer
- unhinge cabinet door
- disconnect battery ground strap

- pull out three pump cover keepers (arrows)

- remove cover 1
- disconnect 12V DC electric connection from pump
switch at plug terminal 1

- disconnect 12V DC wire connections at pump lead

-loosen hose clamps 2 and disconnect pump
- loosen 2 mounting bracket screws 3 and remove - open cabinet lid and loosen three screws
water pump in direction of arrow
- remove faucet 4 from kitchen counter and
disconnect city water connection,
Water pump (kitchen), installing see fig. 76-107, 3

- install in reverse order

Water faucet with pump switch,
Be sure to check all fluid connections in pump circuit - install in reverse order
for leaks.

76.18 Water faucet, w/pump switch, removing/installing

Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator 76
Water pump (kitchen), removing
From equipment serial number C.OOO 859.
- disconnect battery ground strap

- remove water pump 3 from tank, release clamp 4

and disconnect hose
- pull 12V DC wires through rubber sleeve 5 inward
to water tank
- remove water pump with leads from tank

Do not cross 12 V DC wire connections. Pump works
- open left lid of chest and remove cover, two
in one direction only.
screws (arrows)

Water pump (kitchen), installing

- install in reverse order

- check all fluid connections in pump circuit for

- disconnect 12V DC connections at water pump

lead 1
- turn out water tank cap 2 and remove pump with

Water pump (kitchen), removing/Installing 76.19
76 Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator

Water level sensor, removing Sink cabinet, removing

Note Note
For vehicles from 1988. On vehicles up to equipment number C.OOO 858,
water pump must be removed, see page 76.18.
Equipment number can be found on back left side of
CAUTION rear seat.

Before wor1dng on any part of electrical

system, disconnect battery ground strap.

- close propane gas tank valve 1 located under left

center floor panel

- open left lid of chest and remove cover, two

screws (arrows)
Fire hazardl Do not smoke or have anything in
the area that could ignite propane fuel. Ensure
adequate ventilation.

- disconnect gas lines at connections 2

- remove sealing panel 3, six screws

- disconnect 12V DC wire connections from sensor

at lead connector 1
- remove water tank cap 2 and remove with sensor
- remove sensor from water tank lid, three screws 3

Water level sensor, installing

- remove vent cover, 4 washer, mounting plate and
- install in reverse order gasket

76.20 Water level sensor, removing/installing

Sink cabinet, removing
Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator 76

- remove table leg and top 5 from mount 6 - remove drain hose 13 at bottom
- remove table mount 6, four screws (arrows) - remove four clamps arrows

..'@ - <@1lL v VI , 10=


{ (E) ;-1 =
0 !--

Jl IfI,,,.=:;JjI,'

::::::; ([)
'-' -J I 1 \-

=:d- o

- remove retainer strap for sink cabinet door 7 - disconnect gas lines at union nuts 14 and remove
- unhinge refrigerator door 8 and sink cabinet door 9
- remove drawer 10

111111111IIIII fl "

[[[[ill Jt
0 \..
J - remove water hose 15 from faucet
- remove hose clamp from valve 16 and disconnect
- remove shelf 11 and water pump cover 12

Sink cabinet, removing 76.21
76 Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator

- remove nut (arrow) from wall support bracket and

CAUTION push out bolt
Before working on any part of electrical system,
disconnect battery ground strap.

- disconnect 12V DC water pump switch

connection 17
- pull 110 disconnect V.A.C. wire from refrigerator 18
- remove cover from 110 V.A.C. outlet

- remove 110 V.A.C. socket (four screws)

- remove bolt (arrow) from floor bracket

-lift sink cabinet and refrigerator over floor stUd,
towards center of vehicle

- remove three boHs (arrows) from side wall of


76.22 Sink cabinet, removing

Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator 76
Fire hazard! Do not smoke or have anything in
area that can ignite propane fuel. Ensure
adequate ventilation.

- remove two clamps (arrows) from rear of cabinet

and remove 110V socket with cable harness.
- lift sink cabinet with refrigerator from vehicle

Sink cabinet, Installing

If propane gas lines are opened during repair
work, a pressurized leak test must be
performed, prior to returning the vehicle to
service. Use soap water or equivalent to check
an fittings.

- install in reverse order of removal

- remove nuts (8I1'OW'8 A) and loosen nuts (8I1'OW'8 B)
- remove propane tank
2 1
Propane tank, installing
- install in reverse order, noting the following

Always replace self-locking nuts. After installing
gas lines, check all fittings for leaks. Apply
soap solution to joints and watch for bubbles
with lines under pressure.

Propane tank, removing

- close valve 1
- disconnect line fittings 2

During repair work on any part of electrical
system, the electrical hook-up for 110/220 volt
power source must be disconnected.

Deluxe Sink cabinet, removing/Installing
Propane tank, removing/Installing·
76 Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator

Refrigerator, removing

- Close valve 1 on propane tank

During repair work on any part of electrical
system, the electrical hook-up for 110/220 voH
power source must be disconnected.

Fire hazard! Do not smoke or have anything in
area that can ignite propane fuel. Ensure
adequate ventilation.

Before working on any part of electrical
system, disconnect battery ground strap.
- remove screws (arrows) and remove vent cover 4
- remove cabinet doors and drawer - remove plug 5 for 110 volt AC supply
- remove shelf - disconnect connector 6 for refrigerator
- place wiring harness on top of refrigerator
- I - disconnect gas pipe 7
- remove both screws·(arrows)

- remove strap 3
- remove cabinet and refrigerator doors
- remove drawer
- remove shelf 4 - remove shelf in storage chest and screws

76 .24 Refrigerator, removing

Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator 76
Refrigerator air supply modification
(Dome tic 182 models)

When troubleshooting ignition problems on the
refrigerator unit, verify spark and fuel are adequate
prior to performing air supply modification

G- Air Pump

- remove plugs 8 in cover plate 9 and remove
- remove cover plate 9 by pulling lower part forward
(a"ow A) and then to side (a"ow B)
- remove refrigerator

Note I76-A020 I

] Ventilator must slide easily out of air duct.

Refrigerator, Installing
- install in reverse order
Air pump Installed (arrow)

After installing gas lines, check all fittings for
leaks. Apply soap solution to joints and watch
for bubbles with lines under pressure.

I76-A021 I
Air pump removed (arrow)

remove air pump assembly from refrigerator


Refrigerator, removing/Installing
Refrigerator air
pump modification
76 Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator

Air Pump


I76-A022I I76-A0241
- disassemble air pump - disassemble air pump piston assembly
• a-ring (arrow) is not part of original assembly

- drill out air outlet (arrow) of pump housing, using
a #40 drill bit (3.54mm, approximately 9/64 in.) - install a-ring
• a-ring may be obtained at local hardware or
auto supply store
- reassemble air pump piston
assembly with circlip in groove approximately mid-
shaft iarrow)
- reassemble air pump

76.26 Refrigerator air pump modification

Cabinets, Water Tank, Refrigerator 76

Air Pump

Tie Wrap
I76·A020 I
- remove existing plastic air supply line (left arrow) - install replacement one-way valve between two
with one-way check valve and discard lengths of 4mm (approximately 5/32 in.) ID x
- reinstall air pump (right arrow) 65mm .(2.5 in.) long, surgical tubing or equivalent,

Part numbers are for reference only. Always
check with your Parts Department for latest

17&-A029 I
- secure replacement check valve to ignitor with tie-
wrap (arrow)

To avoid pinching ignitor wire when reinstalling
assembly, secure wire with tie wrap to rear of
Be careful not to puncture one way valve

- drill out one-way check valve PIN 055 131101 at

inlet and outlet (arrows) using a #40 drill bit
(3.5mm approximately) 9/64 in.)

L·S Refrigerator air

pump modification
76 27 .•

Interior Panels,

- Front headliner
installing 75.7a
removing 75.7
- Luggage rack
removing 75.8
- Pop-up roof
installing 75.3
removing 75.2
- Pop-up roof C$flvas
installing 75.5
removing 75.4
- Pop-up roof seal·
installing 75.6a
removing 75.6
-Roof vent
installing 75.7
removing 75.6a




front mattress and board forward
open snaps of front mattress and remove

- release lock latches 1 behind lock cover 2

down with both hands until lock 3
rli!':An">'l(lAJ:: at lock 4
lock cover 2 and roof up as as
up roof with crossbar 5 until support struts
are locked into

open snaps arr,I:)WI!l1 for rear mattress

front mattress and board 7 as far as POS:siblle
to front with 8

- remove 9 from 10 for struts 6

Pins 10 remain in brackets 11.

roof h<>I'I\.",,,, and loosen bolts (lIIIrl'lliWIl' on
each side

three mechanics.
10 out of brackets 76.2

bolls on each side and tie

00 not rlArnAnlA
when rAnV\vlnn

CCln'po,und under all bolt

-lower and let canvas rest on

- make two cuts In
ensure proper
from front to rear

Serial no. of camper fs found on 1.0. Plate
at left on
• with serial no. up to e.ooo 871

- remove lock oover

remove cover

- remove strut screws and bolts

cut it vehicle
of screws In held to wooden frame with
canvas to frame
With aOI'llr1lmAnT serial 00. from 872.

- remove screws and aluminum rails

remove and. canvas

canvas, save 8x8x10 mm 6x

wooden blocks for reuse.

- fit .canvas of wooden frame with

'U""I..IU'LU net to


Warm water before From serial no. E.OOO 872.

seams of canvas at left and

mm (1 3/8
General Information

- fit canvas and to front center of wooden

frame. Pull toward two front corners and
rear corners and
!Nnirkil'1it"l from center

bolt canvas to rails and ensure bead 1 is centered

in groove 2 of poJ;up roof

Bolt rails from center and ....,....... ',::._,1........ toward


.. seal with cross section 8·8 75-019)

A = inserted steel
8 = rubber of seal
• seal wlth cross section A-A
on rear and left and
A inserted steel
B rubber
- to make sure seal with Inserted steel
Note seated on press It Into

open roof and

open roof vent 1-1/2

hand knob 1
turn set screw from hand 1 and remove
- coat seal with talcum
hand knob
- slide seal on roof
pry off and

Part numbers are for reference
check with your Parts

J·7 roof
model year 1984,

bracket 4 downward from bolts

roof window bracf<et

• Iooation of front headliner larl'Ollll'

old out of roof hole

clean old silicon sealant from roof area
with a suitable solvent

remove screw from 1 and

shelf and remova both

fit roof vent weather """,11"11"""

seal walllnlEif "",,,111",,,,.
a suitable

install a reverse order of removal,

or 7

- remove all 14 screws headliner ial1FMlI'lIl

From mOOel 1985

- remove interior and ''''..,''''''',.. wire

sun visor front roof rail with
turn Inside rear mirror toward windshield must be removed

remove h",,'nh' .....,. 2 and seals 3


down headliner
...f,.. I"I"", '811'_",
- remove headliner
- remove interior and insulate hot wire
out sun visors and toward windshield,
turn interior mirror as far as toward
have second mechanic windshield
- slide headliner Into left 'bt,!>,..'I",.. - turn out screws from front headliner
bend headliner down
iAmall seals front and
iAStall all 14 screws and
install and
connect and Install interior and sunvisors
install end
out of remove screw

1..."" .. 11,1",,,, reverse order 01 removal

- ramove 7 SCf8WS '.,TftI_\ at rear of front


remove rubber caps (II!Irrm_'

- remove nuts
if necessary, hold bolts from underneath roof

rack on roof of vehicle and


remove 4 screws {....."'uu..,

- lift rack off vehicle roof



Seat Upholstery

Quick Data· Index

- Heated seats (Canada)
component location 74.2.
heat element
removing/installing 74.2

1·7 74.1
74 -Seat U

Heated seat, seatbackelement, Heated seat SWitch,

removing removing/installing
disconnect battery. ground strap - disconnect battery ground strap
- disconnect electrical plug under seat - unscrew lower steering column cover
- remove seat from vehicle - lift upper steering column cover
- remove wires from electrical plug
- remove seat back
- remove seat or seat back cover
- remove defective element

Heated seat, seatback element,

Installation is in reverse order. Note the following:

- push heated seat switch (arrow) up and

disconnect electrical plug
- remove. switch
Installation is In reverse order. Note the following:
- route wires to switch around bracket 1
- reconnect battery ground strap
- check system for proper function

- ensure replacement element is installed wrinkle

Electric component location
free Control unit
- check heated seat. seatback for proper function
- remove access trim cover for relay board

74.2 Heated seat elements, removinglinstalling

Component location
Body - Seat Upholstery 74
Electrical wiring to heated seat elements

....... ...... .... ;: .: .. .... :.::: .

r-- , -- - - - ... - - - - - - · . . J I
- control unit is identified by number 59 stamped on
o 1

the top (as shown)

1 - six cavity electrical plug
Electrical wiring to river's seat 2 - wire to seat element
3 - wire to seatback element
Note 4 -tie wrap
Wiring is taped to floor with fabric tape.
Electrical troubleshooting
For electrical troubleshooting, refer to appropriate
Wiring Diagrams.

1 - wire routed through seat crossmember

2 - six cavity electrical plug to driver's seat

1·3 Heated seat elements,

Component location
74 3


Quick Data Index

- Armrest, adjustable
assembly 72.5
removing/installing 72.6
- Armrest, fold down
removing/installing 72.4
-Front seat
removing!installing 72.2
- Front seat backrest
removing!installing 72.2,

1·5 72.1
72 Body-Seats

Front seat, removing Front seat backrest, installing

- insert backrest 5, fold forward and lock
- reinstall socket head bolts 4
- reinstall cover caps 3

Front seat backrest, removing

From 1985 m.y.

- pull front seat adjusting lever 1 upward and push

seat forward
- pry locking lever 2 upward with screwdriver and
push seat forward out of seat tracks

Front seat, installing

Reinstall all components in reverse order of removal,
noting the following:
- pry off cover caps 3 from both sides
- check seat for proper function
- remove socket head bolts 4 from both

Front seat backrest, removing

From 1980 - 1984 m.y.

:-------3 - pry out clamp 6 from outer side of seat with

- pull out clamp 6

- pry off left/right cover caps 3

- fold backrest 5 to front and lock
- remove socket head bolts 4 from both sides
- fold back backrest all the way back to horizontal
- pull off backrest 5

72.2 Front seat, removinglinstalling

Front seat backrest, removinglinstalling
Body - Seats 72

- remove four socket head bolts (arrows)

- remove right seat rail 7
- remove left seat rail 8 to side
- remove backrest

Front seat backrest, Installing

Reinstall all components in reverse order of removal,
noting the following:
- check seat for proper function

From 1985 m.y.
Front seat backrest, removing/Installing 72.3
72 Body - Seats

Teflon washer

Spring washer

Flat head screws - - - - '

Fold down armrest, removing

remove cover cap
remove socket head bolt (
- carefully pull off armrest from flange

Fold down armrest, installing

Reinstall all components in reverse order of removal,
noting the following:
- check armrest for proper function

72.4 Fold down armrest, removin$l/instailing

Body - Seats 72



H·15 'AdJustable armrest, assembly 72.5

72 Body - Seats

Adjustable armrest, removing

- push covering of armrest to side in order to

expose pin (arrow)
- drive out pin with punch 6
- pull off armrest

Adjustable armrest, installing

Reinstall all components in reverse order of removal,
noting the following:
- check armrest for proper function

72.6 Adjustable armrest, removing/installing


- Automatic 3-point seat belts
retrofit installation 68.5
- Automatic rear 3-point seat belts
retrofit installation 68.7
- Automatic 3-point left center
seat belt "
retrofit installation 68.10
- Illuminated vanity mirrors
replacing bulbs 68.13
- Seat belts
inspection 68.2
webbing defects 68.4
- Template measurements 68.6

68 Seat Belt System

Complete seat belt system If webbing cannot be pulled out of retractor or will
not retract to stowed pOSition, check for the following
Note conditions and clean or correct as necessary:
A visual and functional inspection of seat belts is • dirty webbing coated with gum, syrup, grease or
recommended to assure maximum protection for other foreign material
vehicle occupants. • twisted webbing
• retractor or loop on a-pillar out of pOSition
CAUTION Cleaning
Seat beH assemblies must be replaced after Clean the belt webbing only with a mild soap solution
being subjected to loading by occupants in a recommended for cleaning upholstery or carpets.
collision. Follow the instructions provided on soap container.

The following inspection is described separately for

front. rear and center seat belt positions. It includes Buckle Inspection
all continuous loop. single retractor 3-point restraint - insert tongue of seat belt into buckle until audible
systems, 2-point automatic (passive) front seat click is heard. Pull back on webbing quickly to
restraint systems, and all non-retractable belt assure buckle is latched properly
systems. - replace seat belt assembly if buckle will not latch

System inspection, front seat - depress button on buckle to release belt

• belt should release with a pressure of approx.
Webbing Inspection 2lbs.
- replace seat belt assembly if buckle cover is
- check for twisted webbing due to improper cracked, push button is loose or pressure required
alignment when connecting buckle to release buckle is too high
- fully extend webbing from retractor. Inspect
webbing and replace with new assembly if
foliowing conditions are noted: Retractor inspection
Front retractors are dual sensing and will lock up in
• cut or damaged webbing
two modes. The unit will lock up as the belt is being
• broken or pulled threads
withdrawn from the retractor if the inertia increases
• cut loops at belt edge
dramatically. Also, the unit will lock up with a change
• color fading as a result of exposure to sun or
in vehicle motion such as rapid braking.
chemical agents
• bowed webbing - grasp seat belt webbing and, while pulling from
/retractor, give belt a fast jerk
see page 68.4 for examples of webbing defects
CAUTION For automatic belt vehicles this mode is difficult to
inspect due to a low setting of the inertia unit.
Do not bleach or redye seat belt webbing.
Webbing that is severely faded will not meet - drive vehicle in an open area away from other
strength requirements and must be replaced. vehicles at a speed of approx. 5 to 15 mph and
quickly apply footbrake
Belt assemblies must be installed in sets. Do
not interchange buckle and retractor - if retractor does not lock up under these
assemblies with those designated for other conditions, remove and replace seat belt
seating positions or other car models. assembly

68.2 Complete seat belt system

System Inspection, front seat
Seat Belt System 68
System inspection, rear seat
9 A passenger can be used to test the right hand
retractor. The driver alone can test both retractors Webbing/buckle inspection
simultaneously by grasping the right hand webbing, same as for front seat
extracting approx. 26 inches from the retractor and
holding the belt while braking.
Retractor Inspection
Rear seat retractors lock automatically when the
Seat belt warning light/buzzer webbing is extended and allowed to feed back into
A light in the instrument panel displaying the words the retractor.
"fasten seat belts" or "fasten belts" along with an - check retractor by extending webbing and
audible signal that lasts for four to eight seconds fastening to buckle. Allow several inches to feed
should be noticed when the ignition switch is moved back into retractor and then jerk belt sharply
to the "on" or "start" position and the drivers belt is - if retractor does not lock up, remove and replace
unlatched. If the driver's belt is latched the buzzer seat belt assembly
should not activate.
For 2-point automatic belts, both belts must be Lap and shoulder belts (rear seat)
connected to the door in order to start the vehicle.
The "fasten belts" light should activate if either The 3-point system for the rear seat is the same as
automatic belt is disconnected after starting. for front seat except for the light and buzzer warning
Anchorage Inspection
ed Correct any malfunctions in this system if the
same as for front seat
customer desires.

Anchorage Inspection Center seat position (and non-retractable belts)

Seat belt mounting bolts are installed at 35.3 Nm to Some models have a rear center seat belt. These
n belts do not have a retractor. In addition to checking
47.0 Nm (20 to 35 ft Ib). Retractors must be securely
Ig the webbing and anchorages, the adjustable slide
anchored in place. The bolts at the lower belt anchor
point (not the retractor) and upper seat belt loop locking of the belt must be checked.
must be tight and still allow the hardware to swivel. - fasten tongue to buckle and adjust by pulling
Anchorage areas must be sound and uncorroded. webbing end at right angle to connector and
Note - release webbing and pull upward on connector
and buckle
Reinforce bolt mounting area if necessary.
- If slide lock does not hold, remove and replace
seat belt assembly

Center seat position (retractable belts)

same as for rear seat retractor inspection

G-11 System inspection,

rear seat 68.3
68 Seat Belt System

Examples of webbing defects

Cut or damaged webbing

Cut loops at belt edge
(damage from being caught in door)

Color fading
Broken or pulled threads

Cut loops at belt edge

Bowed webbing

68.4 Webbing defects

Body Accessories - Interior 68
Automatic rear 3-point seat belts,
Retrofit Installation


Always consult with the Parts Department for
Part numbers.

- remove rear cushion and floor carpet

- remove rear seat bottom assembly
- remove rear seat back
- remove D-pillar trim - install belt through cut hole in trim panel
- remove left rear luggage area trim panel - mount upper belt guide onto D-pillar
• 40 Nm (30 ft Ib) .
- remove existing 2-point left/right side lap
belt - install belt anchor (arrow) to original lap

t - using template for luggage area trim panel. mark

and cut hole in panel as shown
belt anchor point
'. 40 Nm (30 ft Ib)

- using template for D-panel. mark and cut side of - repeat procedure for right side belt assembly.
D-pillar for belt guide hoting to reverse template dimensions accordingly
- reinstall rear seat back and seat bottom
- replace both outer seatDelt buckles
- reinstall rear cushion and floor carpet
- check rear 3-point belts for proper function

- using bolts 2. mount retractor assembly 1 to side

panel 3
• 40 Nm (30 ft Ib)

G·14 Vanagon only \1 From 1986 m.y. Ale Automatic 3-polnt seat belts,
retrofit installation
68 5 •
68 Body Accessories - Interior

Luggage area trim panel

(1.6 In.)

240 mm (0.7 In.) 203 mm

I ': .;
(2.1 In.)


(2.3 In.)
(7."0.) "---------"""l
1 _ _ _ 310 mm
147 mm _ ..... ---l
(5.7 In.) (12.1 In.)

335 mm 290mm
(13.1 In.) (11.3 In.)

68.6 Template measurements

Vanagon only II From 1986 m.y. with Ale
Body Accessories - Interior 68

Automatic rear 3-point seat belts,

retrofit installation

Part numbers are for reference only.
Always check with your Parts
Department for latest information.

Parts required
Part Number Description Quantity
2538578150 Rear 3-point seat 1
belt (left side)
2538578160 Rear 3-point seat 1
belt (right side)

Check with your Parts Department for
additional installation parts. Not all parts listed.
may be applicable to all vehicles.
• remove rear seat bottom
• remove existing 2-point left/right side lap
• remove rear floor carpet
• remove right rear luggage area trim panel
. • mark and cut rear luggage area trim panel
using dimensions as shown on page 68 • 9
• locate, by feel, threaded hole under D-pillar
trim (arr6w)
• cut hole in trim to expose threaded bolt

Iss-Ao51 I

Automatic rear3-point seat belts,

retrofit installation
68 7 •
68 Body Accessories-Interior

• using bolts 2, mount retractor assembly 1,

to side panel 3
• 40 Nm (30 ft Ib)
• install belt through cut hole in trim panel
• mount upper belt guide onto D-pillar
• 40 Nm (30 ft Ib)

• install belt anchor (arrow) to original lap

belt anchor pOint
• 40 Nm (30 ft Ib)
• reinstall right rear luggage area trim panel
• repeat procedure for left side belt
assembly, noting to reverse dimensions
• reinstall all other components in reverse
• check rear 3-point belts for proper function

1 68-A052 1


68.8 Automatic rear 3-point seat betts,

retrofit installation
- Body Accessories - Interior 68

Luggage area trim panel


(8 in.)

403 mm
1-4----'-(15718 i n . ) - - - -..\
408mm _ _""'
(16 1/16 In.)

(22318 In.).

• Front of vehicle

] Automatic rear 3-point seat belts,
retrofit installation
68 9
68 Body Accessories-Interior

Automatic 3-point left center seat

belt, retrofit installation
Part numbers are for reference only.
Always check with your Parts
Department for latest information.

Parts required
Part Number Description
253 857 811 D 3-point seat belt
(left side)

Check with your Parts Department for
additional installation parts.
• remove rear seat back
• remove rear seat bottom
..remove original left center belt
• remove rear left .side.panel trim
• measure location of belt retractor, belt
guide, and mounting holes, using
dimensions on page 68. 12
• cut panel as required
• reinstall trim panel

• install seat belt retractor on outside of
/ panel, as shown
/ • 40 Nm (30 ft Ib)
• hand tighten forward bolt only

68.10 Automatic 3-point left center seat

belt, retrofit installation
Body Accessories - Interior 68

• locate, by feel, threaded hole in C-pillar

jJ II (arrow) for belt guide O-ring
• cut C-pillar trim from threaded hole, install
belt guide O-:-ring
• 40 Nm (30 ft Ib)

/// !S8-AO.54I

• install anchor of 3-point belt into forward

mounting hole of retractor bracket (arrow A )
• <40 Nm (30 ft Ib)
• align bracket for belts, reinstall rear seat
bottom and belts
• reinstall rear seatback
• install new buckle for 3-point belt
• check seat belt for proper function

All w/center seat (except CamperlMultivan}

From 1980 m.y.
Automatic 3-point left center seat belts,
retrofit installation
68 Body Accessories-Interior


67 mm
(2-518 in.)

38 in.)
(1-112 LCjt::--i 38 mm
. - - - - - I - - - - - - l - (H/2 in.)

442 mm
(17-3/8 in.)

298 mm 31 mm
(11-3/4 in.) (1-1/4 in.)
245 mm 327 mm
(9-5/8 in.) (12-718 in.) 203 mm
(8-1/8 in.)
216 mm
(8-1/2 in.)

w center seat except Camper

68.12 Automatic 3-polnt left center aeat
belt, retrofit installation From 1980 m.y.
Body Accessories-Interior 68

Illuminated vanity mirrors, replacing bulbs

• locate clips under lower edge of vanity mirror

assembly (arrows)
• carefully pry mirror assembly out of sunvisor with
small flat bladed screwdriver (as shown)

• replace bulbs

] 0·23 All w/llluminated Vanity Mirrors illuminated vanity mirrors.
replacing bulbs 68.13



- Body side moldings

assembly 66.5
bracket locations 66.6,
removing/installing 7
-Mirror glass
Increasing mirror glass
adjustment range 66.3
removing/installing 66.2
- Outside mirrors, electric
assembly 66.4
removing/installing 66.4

Index 66.1
· - Exterior
Body Accessories 66
BodyaldemoIdlng, aide panel

Body aide molding. alldIng door

Hex head nut

Body side mold lng, sliding door panel

Body aide moIdlng. door

G-6 Body side moldings, assembly 66.5

66 Bod Accessories - Exterior

Rg. 1 Body side molding bracket locations, sliding door

a - 30 mm (1.2 In.) e- 60 mm (2.3 in.)
b-15 mm (19/32 in.) f - 33 mm (1.3 in.)
c - 53 mm (2.1 in.) g - 65 mm (2 1/2 in.)
d- 365 mm (13.2 in.) h-180 mm (7.0 in.)

n r-
. _. -

k k k k


I ! ti
'. " 1 .'J
. .1

?" j

166-2288 1
Fig. 2 Body side molding bracket locations, side panel
a - 30 mm (1.2 in.)
i -10 mm (25/64 in.) CAUTION
'k'- 390 mm (15.2 in.) De-burr, touch-up and apply anti-corrosion
primer to bored holes in b?dy as required.

66.6 Body side molding bracket locations,

sliding door/side panel
Body Accessories - Exterior 66
Body side moldings, removing
- loosen hex head nuts

Fig. 3 Body side molding bracket locations,

front doors
a - 70 mm (2.7 in.)
b - 25 mm (63/64 in.) - swing molding outward (arrow A)
c - 35 mm (1.4 in.) - remove molding from top (arrow B)
d - 80 mm (3.1 in.)
e - 226 mm (8.8 in.) Body side moldings, installing
Reinstall all components in reverse order of removal.
De-burr, touch-up and apply anti-corrosion to
bored holes as required.

Body bracket locations, front doors
Body side moldings, removing/lnstalling
66 7 _
Glass, Window Regulators


-Sliding window FrOm 1986 M.Y.

replacing guides 64.2 -Glueing rubber window seals
side window 64.4
sliding door window 64.5
rear lid window 64.5
windshield 64.3
- Power window motor
removing 64.6, 64.7
installing 64.7



1·10 Index 64.1

64 Glass, Window Regulators

Sliding window guides, replacing

If the nylon sliding window gUJdes are loose in the
window track channel, guide pieces,
Part No. 281 847723, can be installed as follows:

Work sequenot:
- remove slldtt'l{l windOw interior latch
- remolls out. 'iilJtnOO\Ai channel weatherstrip/seal
!ift sliding wlrYdow Ui#' and remove loose guide

HghUy sand surfaces 01 guide piece and window

channel to be glued
- clean out window channel with cleaning solvent

- glue replacam",,1 plOM 3M!> brand

s1ructural adhesive or equivalent two-part epoxy
- reinstall window channei weatherstrip/seal
- reinstall }nterior latch

Mechanicafly fastened gutdes were Introduced
during 4/85 production. These new guides cannot
be retrofitted on earlier models,

Part numbers ars for reference only, Always
consult your Parts Department tor latest

.. Sliding 11111",(10,", "'I>I''''in,g

Glass, Window Regulators 64
With start of production M.Y. 1986, the rubber
seals for the windshield, side windows and rear lid
are glued into place.

To insure a satisfactory seal, use adhesive
AMV 172 003 05 or equivalent specifically made for
EPDM rubber.

Windshield seal, removing

Work procedure

- pull seal from flange and window glass

- from outside place suction cups on glass and
remove windshield
- with plastic wedge remove rest of rubber seal
and remaining adhesive to height of
1-2 mm (3/64-5/64 in)
If paint has been damaged, repair before installing
new rubber seal.

- carefully remove trim strip, if applicable, from

rubber gasket
- cut through seal at area of A-pillar (as shown)

Prevent paint damage by placing piece of
flat plastic (as shown) between seal and

From 1986 m.y. Gluelng window
rubber seals 64.3
64 Glass, Window Regulators

Installing Side window seal, removinglinstalling

Work procedure Inside
- reinstall trim strip. if applicable vehicle
- install seal on glass Outside vehicle
- place plastic cord for installing window into
seal lip
- clean sealing area around window opening

, r-·Body
/. ..... . Adhesive
;--"0 ___ bead
Cross section -Side window
A = 7 - 2 mm{9/32 - 6/64 in)
Cross section - Windshield B. = 7 - 2 mm (9/32 -5164. in)
C = 3 + .1 mm (1/8 + 3/64 in)
A = 7 - 2 mm (9/32 - 5/ij4 in)
B '" 7 - 2 mm (9132 - 5/64 in) - removal/installation procedure is identical to that
C == 3 + 1 mm (1/8 + 3164 in) of windshield
• note proper placement of adhesive bead
- place bead of adhesive as shown
- reinstall windshield. checking for proper fit

64.4 Gluelng window

rubber ...1s .
From 1986m.y.
Glass, Window Regulators 64

Rear lid window seal, Sliding door window seal,

removing/installing removing/installing
Outside vehicle
- > : - - - - - - - - Glass Outside vehicle
Inside vehicle
seal Glass "'---'----...:..-/f:

' - - - - Body


Cross section • Rear lid window

A = 7 - 2 mm (9/32 - 5164 in) bead
B = 7 - 2 mm(9132 - 5/64 in)
C = 3 + 1 mm (1/8 +3/64 in)

- removal/installation procedure· is identical to that

of windshield seal
• note proper placement of adhesive bead Cross section· Sliding door window
A = 7 -2 mm'(9/32 - 5/64 in)
B = 7 - 2 mm (9/32 - 5164 in)
C. 3 + 3mm (1/8 + 118 in)
- procedure is identical to that
of windshield
• note proper placement of adhesive bead

The dimension of adhesive bead ensures no
adhesive will get into interior of vehicle. Any excess
adhesive must be cleaned off immediately with
suitable solvent such as 3M <!' General Purpose
Adhesive Cleaner or equivalent.

Adhesive material hardening times

After repairs. vehicle should not be exposed to
temperatures beloW OOC(320 F) for. 12 hours .before
being driven.

F·5 From 1986 m.y. Gluelng window

rubber seals 64.5
64 Glass, Window Regulators

Power window motor, removing

- fully raise door window glass
- disconnect battery ground strap
- remove door trim panel
- disconnect electrical connectors and press out
window operating switch
- carefully pull off plastic moisture barrier

- disconnect battery ground strap

- reconnect window operating switch - cut off tie-wrap for cable guide (arrow)
- temporarily reconnect battery ground strap - disconnect window operating switch
- lower glass sufficiently to remove two hex head
bolts (arrows) from regulator

Always use care and wear protective gloves for
safety to prevent injury if glass breaks.

- remove window regulator fasteners (arrows)

- window guide rail toward outside of door
.with one hand

- fully push up glass and secure with wooden

wedges (as shown)

64 6 • Power window motors, removing 1

From March, 1986 1_
- Glass, Window Regulators

Power window motor, installing


- while holding window guide, proceed to withdraw

electric motor (as shown)
• this position will allow threaded bolts to clear
- guide window motor assembly into Cloor shell (as
door assembly (arrows)

Do not apply excessive force. Plastic cable
guides may break.


- tum and place electric motor into position (as

- remount electric motor, guide rail and window
- push window operating switch into position
- turning electric motor 1800 (as shown) remove - replace tie-wrap for cable guide
window regulator through assembly hole in door - temporarily reconnect battery ground strap and
shell window operating switch
• electric motor and cables are one unit - check window for proper functioning
- disconnect battery ground strap and window
operating switch
- starting at top, carefully reinstall plastic moisture
barrier, noting
• replace if damaged
• ensure adhesive areas are clean
• ensure installed wrinkle free
- reinstall all electrical connectors and window
operating switch
- reinstall door trim panel
- reconnect battery ground strap
- check window for proper functioning

'.7 From March, 1986 Power window motors, removlnglinstalllng 64.7


Quick Data Index

- Front bumper/spoiler
removing!installing 63.2
- Rear bumper
removing/installing 63.3

G·5 63.1
I 61

- Tarpaulin 61.2, 61.3

-, 1·7
Index 61.1
61 Tarpaulin

Tarpaulin frame and tarpaulin,

service installation

- drill two 10 mm (3/8 in.) diameter holes, one at

each dimple located at rear corners of load
platform (arrow)

CAUTION - clean rain channel (arrows) and stick sealing strip

Drill carefully through floor plate and do not A in position
damage captive nuts underneath. Touch up - remove plastic plugs from holes at each front
drilled holes, apply corrosion protection as comer of load platform

- drill 8.5 mm (21/64 in.) diameter holes at dimples

in each side of cab rear panel (arrow)

- mount rail B at front corner and fasten securely to

floor with bolt 1 and washer 2

61.2 Tarpaulin, service installation

Tarpaulin 61

- mount rear rail to floor with boH 1 and washer 2 - install deflector plate E in position and securely
- press rubber buffers 3 into both sides of rail D fasten to rail B and cab rear panel with bolt 4,
washer 5 and nut 6
- mount and align tarpaulin on frame starting at rear

Three mechanics are required to install tarpaulin.

- mount longitudinal rails C .in position and fasten to

front and rear rails with countersunk screw and
nut L

Upon reassembly after dismantling frame,
countersunk screws are to be installed with D6
locking compound.

- fasten tarpaulin frame G to rail B at front with bolt 7

The tarpaulin frame must seal tightly in the rain
channel (arrows).
Tailboard bump stops which do not line up with the
tarpaulin can be removed and the holes plugged.

Canada Tarpaulin, service Installation 61.3

Quick Data Index

- Guide plate adjusting 60.4
Height alignment, front 60.3
- Height alignment, rear 60.4
- Parallel adjustment BO.4
- Rear drain hose
replacing 6O.B
- Sunroof panel
adjusting 60.3
removing/installing 60.2
- Sunroof trim panel
- removing/installing BO.3
- Sunroof water drains
cleaning 6O.B

H·1 60.1
60 Sunroof

Sunroof panel, removing

- remove both Phillips screws (arrows) from front

- open sunroof panel slightly
- snap out 5 trim-panel clips (arrows) at front edge
of sunroof with plastic wedge

To remove sunroof panel

- push trim panel to rear as far as stop (arrow) -lift panel at front (arrow)
- lift out panel at rear through openings in guide rail

Sunroof, installing
- install in reverse order of removal

. . '.';

- pull sunroof panel forward

• stop pulling before lifter starts activating
- swing leaf spring 1 to center
- pull crank 2 out of support 3

60. 2 Sunroof panel, removlnglinstalling

Sunroof 60
Sunroof trim panel, removing
- remove sunroof panel

- remove screws of rail 3 on one side

- push rail to rear and lift together with sunroof trim
panel 5
- remove sunroof trim panel 5 by slightly pushing
rail 3 to outside
- remove drive handle
- loosen both Phillips screws (arrows)
approximately 6 turns Sunroof trim panel, Installing
- detach cables at drive
- install in reverse order of removal

Sunroof panel, adjusting

- detach trim panel first and push to rear (see
page 60.2)

Height alignment, front

- remove guide block 1

- move guide plate 2 to front and slide out of rail 3


- loosen Phillips screws (arrows A)

- align sunroof panel by turning adjusting screw
(arrow 8)
- tighten Phillips screws (arrows A)

- move cable guides 4 to front and slide out of rail

3 with cable from opening

Sunroof trim panel, removlngllnstalling
Sunroof panel, adjusting
Height alignment, front
60 3 •
60 Sunroof

Height alignment, rear

- lower sunroof panel

- loosen Phillips screws (arrows C)
- lower sunroof panel at rear - adjust guide plate 10 in height by turning adjusting
- swing leaf spring 1 to center screw {arrow D)
- pull crank 2 out of support • guide plate 10 must not have play in rail
- loosen nut 7 and screw 8 (arrow X)
- adjust front height alignment by moving pin 9 in - tighten Phillips screws (arrows C)
crank slot 2
- tighten screw 8 and nut 7
- slide crank 2 into support Misadjustment of guide plates can cause noises and
- close sunroof and check height alignment make sunroof hard to open and close.
• readjust if necessary
Parallel adjustment
Guide plate, adjusting
,..... first detach trim panel and push it to rear (see
Note page 60.2)

Always adjust guide plates after sunroof panel rear-

height alignment.

-lower sunroof panel at rear (turn drive handle

approximately 2 turns counterclockwise)
- adjust guide plate 10 with sunroof panel closed - remove handle and cover plate
and plates located above slot in rails (arrow) -loosen both Phillips screws (arrows)
approximately 6 turns
- detach control cables at drive
- move sunroof panel forward and back in guide rail
several times by hand

Height alignment, rear

60.4 Guide plate, adjusting

Parallel adjustment
Sunroof 60

- push panel to front stop - install cover plate

- press panel upwards by hand at rear install drive handle so it rests in recess when
- tum both cranks 2 into upright position sunroof is closed

If necessary, replace both control cables.

The sunroof operates with cables exposed. This is
so if cables are replaced or panel is hard to move.
cables may b.e lubricated with multipurpose grease.

- turn drive, wHh handle attached, to the right

to stop
- lubricate control cables and attach to drive

D-5 Parallel adjustment 60.5

60 Sunroof

Sunroof water drains, cleaning Rear water drain 'hose, replacing

Front - carefully loosen headliner at rear door opening
pull hose 12 off pipe, and from 'grOl'Tlrnet 13
- pull out flap 11 and clean
- install new hose in reverse order
- clean hose opening in air intake duct (arrow)
.Grommet13 can be replaced or adjusted without
loosening headliner by going through the air intake
Note duct.
Use a speedocable to clean out drains.

60.6 Sunroof water drains, cleaning

Rear water drain. hose, replacing

Quick Data Index

Center hinge
-Adjusting 58.9
-Assembly 58.8
- Removing/installing 58.9
Sliding door,
1980-1984 m.y. !
- Bowden cables
adjusting 58.7
- Door cover 58.3
- Door handle
inner/outer 58.3
- Door lock buffer 58.3
Lock, front 58.2
Lock, rear 58.6
- Lock plate, remote control 58.6
- Lubricating 58.7
- Removing/installing 58.4
- Striker plate, adjusting 58.5
Sliding door,
from 1985 m.y.

- Assembly 58.10
- Central lock 58.20
-Door cover 58.11
- Handle 58.22
- Hinge link. adjusting 58.16
Hinge link. assembly 58.21
- Modifications 58.11
-Remote control lock 58.18
- Removing/installing 58.12
- Roller guides
adjusting 58.14
-Striker pin. adjusting 58.15

Index 58.1
58 Body -Rear Doors

_I" Outer door handle
removing Fig. 1

,..---- Front sliding-door lock

removing Fig. 3

Trim ring

clean threads and install

with D 6 locking compound

Door-lock knob
Door lock buffer _ _ _- l -+--+--_ Inner door handle
removing Fig. 1
removing/installing Fig. 3

58 .2 Front sliding door lock

1 BIII!lftl[N'lO('l, rock/door lock
remove screw 1 and take off Inner
handle - remove three screws Ift • • .. _\
remove screw 2 and remove outer handle remove lock buffer 11
with seat - slide front lock 12 out
install in reverse order

Coat threads of screws for door handles with
o 000 600 or before

Before cover for center

rait must be removed. Cover and
are Into U'"''''''',J'''''
- remove 3 from release cable 8 and
rod 4

pry out nut 7 and lift out release cable

and rod
I. 1 remove lock 9 r.,nno,,'mn screws

- remove door-lock knob 10

- remove screw


C-3 Front

remove cover

- remove
- slide door back until foller
Note be lifted from at I ••r .........

screw in area of door lock can be

removed with door n .. ,·UJ:\IIV
- remove cover, at rear, hammer and


seated after it has been in

for some silicone spray first to ease

To make installation of cover with
first to cover with
AKD 476 KDS 05 adhesive or ,.,"'''V,",.,. - slide door back until upper can be
h<><u1Ir.n into removed
if door at front is not correct,
carrier A
height of upper door

- if door does not line up with upper door

check rails, if necessary
- check upper center, and lower ,... remove on bolt and
if necessary
on cover or reattach with
AKD 476 KD5 05 adhesive or
- insert door Inl0 fower rail fir_land then iMo
upper ,ail

- reinstall cover

• striker

After striker
door center

- if door does not line up with door nn<,nir,n



-loosen lock

in nr.ltitil''IA
both screws
after lock is <:IUjUIlliIIllU,
from outside with
from inside, If necessary,
spacers behind lock

inner door handle
out Bowden cable from center
on illustration

remove rear

lock to

Inner door handle

",,,,,.niF." 17 and

engage Bowden cable 8

"" .. lock and
- press nut 7 into Slldlno,·dOl:>r lock
for Bowden cable
rod of front lower roller track

secure screw 6 with lock nut 5
it must be
runner and lower roller
where door goes in,
- clean runner and roller track with an oil-soaked
HllJIU"[JUT[J(:lSe grease to
each roller track (Ar_IiIR)
58 Body - Rear Doors

Lower/upper locking levera

- remove roller with bushing
- remove clrclip from locking
lever pin
- press out locking lever pin and
remove both locking levers with
swivel spring
- lubricate moving parts with
G 4 grease before installing

____-- SwIvel spring

_ - - - Spacer sleeve
Seal Roller pin

Houalng - - - - - . , .

Tenalon aprlng _ _ _ _ _---J.

- remove clrclip and detach spring
housing Iogether with spring
mount from hinge link
- remove pin from spring attachment
and take off spring
- when installing, attach spring to
pin In housing first and then insert
hinge link in housing and spring
mount Guide - - - - - '
- grind off rivet to remove
Roller with buahlng - install with screw, nut
press pin out and remove and lockwasher and pleen nut
roller with bushing

58.8 Sliding door center hinge

Center can be removed when door
has been removed. -install
-check: Correct if necessary
- remove bolts and remove after bolt
- after correction is rATi'.... ""!"'" boll 10 23 Nm


- open door while rear

of door in area of bell line
boils 2 to 23 Nm ft

Front Doors

- Front doors
adjusting 57.5
assembly 57.2
glass 57.4
guide channel 57.5
handles 57.3
lock/lock-rod 57.3
power door locks 57.6
whistling noises, eliminating 57.10
window regulator 57.4
- Lost/broken keys
code location 57.8

57 Body - Front Doors

When disassembling door, remove in numerical
order; install in reverse order.

@ Window front guide channel

Quarter-wlndow gla8s with recess seal
when installing, glue seal, removing page 57.5
overlap areas to window front
and upper guide channels @ Window upper guide channel
install starting at corner
o Door window glass
removing, Fig. 5
installing Fig. 6

® Door handle, outer

coat threads on bolts
with D6 locking compound
before installing
Fig. 2

,...;'#+-1- @ Window slot

(i) weatherstrip,
",,+If-I-- Door handle (Inner) with connecting rod Innerfouter
removing FIQ. 1 press into
window seal clips

Door-lock button

Locking rod with slseve

plastic lugs on sleeve
must engage in opening
installing Fig. 4

aloftn thread", and apply

US 1000ina oompound
DefOre Inllillina

(!) Door lock

removing, Fig.
installing Fig. 4

clean threads and
apply D6 locking
compound before

@ Door handle seal

Front air duct seal

install so that longer
sealing lip is toward
inside of vehicle

57.2 Front door, assembly

1 Door
- remove two socket head screws

door lock out of locking rod sleeve

and remove lock with
('"r.no,('t,r,,, rod

weathers:trip and remove

door handle to front of vehicle and

sleeve 2 onto lever and at
same time install door lock

I .... .... \ from window remove

and remove

- remove bolt

to window

wind up window
window in front window and
upper window channel
wind window down

remove window seal

- remove bolts (A....
- bend back metal

Front door when there is an
even gap all around door when shut. Door and
belt-line must and door must be flush with

- if door does not line up with outer

even gap does not exist all around,
bolts and move door as renUlrl'!I]

remove bolt
channel down and remove

Reinstall all (,(lrnm1nlP,nt", in reverse order of removal.

Window front
8·5 III
55 Hoods, Lids


up 106182

Au bber washers



::.'!:'. - . ..--""""" .-
h lock cylinder
Lock hen installing.
do not tilt W t operation,
A bber door stop lockensure
To cylinder must be installed
Fig. 3 horizontally

adjusting Fig. 4

55.2 Rear door/lock cylinder, assembly

pry off and off gas
from ball headed stud
- disconnect rear window wire
connection for 3
remove cable
rubber stop 1,
harness out of rear door
until rear door is flush with outer
remove socket head screws
and take off

- loosen socket head screws and

move door up as necessary 4
" 8 :::: 12 .0 mm (15/32 3/64 attach striker
- move door to left or to obtain even
gap at rear door sides - close rear door
open rear door and screws
" 10 Nm (7 ft
55 Hoods, Lids

Rear lid variable gas spring

For complaints that rear·lid gas spring causes rear
hatch to open completely. such that lid is too high
for some people to reach to close. correct as

install new-type variable gas cylnders. Part No.

2518293318/332 (in pairs only). These cylinders
allow the rear hatch to stay open in various

New-type gas cylinders are installed in current
production vehicles (starting May, 1982;
VIN No. 25 CH 126332)

Part numbers are for reference only. Always
check with your Parts Department for latest
parts information

55.4 Rear lid spring



-Acid rain
removing spots 50.6
materials 50.5
- Body dimensions
door 50.4
floor 50.2
windshield 50.4
- Painting
pop-up rooflluggage carrier 50.5
- Plastics
identifying 50.5
repairing 50.5

......---1326 ;t 6 mm ----!Ioi
7/32 ;t 1/4

"measured 200 mm (7 31/32

from outer of frame rail
*-measured with gauge

Floor section dimensions

Please note the ffoor dimension
measurements for VanAt1t1n ;;')Yllt;;Hllk
All other dimension measurements remain

o ± 'I,.
F 289 ± 1mm(113/e ± 'I,.


Floor section dimensions

J == 105() ;t 2 mm 11/32 ;t 3132
I == 1618 ;t 5 mm 11116 ;t 3116
Front door 8 :::: 340 mm 3/8

k = 723 ;t 4 mm 15/32 ;t 5132
I = 1469 ;t 5 mm 27/32 ;t 3116

9 1185;t 5mm 21/32 ;t 3116

h 1348;t 4 mm 1/16 ;t 5/32

.. DoorlWindshield dimensions
Body 50
Identifying/painting and repairing Pop-up roof/luggage carrier, painting
plastic parts
Color determination
Refer to the Volkswagen of America Refinishing
- locate pop-up roof/luggage color on vehicle
Guide, Lit. No. W42-701-008-1.
identification plate
- if pop-up roof/luggage carrier is painted in a color
Body assembly materials other than the body, consult a color chart for the
correct color code
Refer to the Volkswagen of America Refinishing
Guide, Lit. No. W42-701-OO8-1. Surface preparation
- thoroughly clean and dry pop-up roof/luggage
CAUTION carrier
Part numbers are for reference only. Always - roughen surface with steel wool
check with your Parts Department for latest - reclean and thoroughly leave dust free
parts information.
- paint surface with synthetic resin, acrylic, or two-
component paint in selected color
• adhesive promoter is not necessary

Body assembly materials

Identifying/painting and repairing plastic parts
Pop-up roof/luggage carrier, painting
50 5 •
50 Body

Acid rain spots on paint, removing

Applies to all vehicles without acrylic transport

Acid rain spots are most visible under fluorescent

light and look like water spots.
In most cases, you can remove these spots by
performing the following procedures and thus avoid
Do NOT confuse the effects of acid rain damage with
industrial fallout. Industrial fallout consists of small
airborne metallic particles that settle onto the paint and
eventually eat their way into the finish. Rubbing your
hand across the clean surface will reveal a gritty
If acid rain spot removal is new to you, we recommend
that you contact a good body shop or reconditioning

Before using any chemicals or
cleaning compounds, carefully read
all of the cautions and medical
information on the container. Always
follow all of the manufacturer's

Most makers of professional automotive reconditioning

products recommend the following six steps IN
SEQUENCE to repair acid rain paint spots:

Step 1: Inspection

• wash vehicle with mild soap and water, then

dry completely

Do NOT wash or dry vehicle in direct
sunlight. Ordinary water spots could
form and confuse the inspection.

50. 6 Acid rain spots on paint. removing

Body 50
• inspect the following surfaces under a
fluorescent light

• hood, roof, rear deck. tops of fenders. painted

surfaces of bumpers and doors from the belt line

Step 2: Neutralization
The continuing effect of the acid must be stopped by

• mix a solution of baking soda and water

(4 tablespoons per gallon) and stir until
completely dissolved
• apply solution to all affected areas and let
stand for a few minutes before rinsing off
with clear water

j Commercial neutralizing products such as "Blue Max"

by Car Brite® or equivalent work well.

Step 3: Buffing
You can buff by hand or with a low speed orbital buffer
or with a high speed buffer.

It is extremely important that power
buffing be done by an experienced
Ig person. If done incorrectly. power
buffing can quickly and easily damage
the paint finish.
Use clean buffing pads at ALL times.

• mask off any trim or glass close to affected

• buff small areas at a time. no larger than
two feet by two feet
• buff using a light polishing compound such
as "Finesse-It" by 3MA, "Acid Aain Creme"
by Car Brite®. or equivalent. Follow the
manufacturers instructions to achieve the
best possible results.

- A·7 Acid rain spots on paint, removing 5,0,. 7

50 Body

Do NOT use general purpose rubbing
or buffing compounds. They are too
coarse for this application and could
damage the finish.

• buff surface until acid spots are removed

Inspect the work surface frequently during
buffing to ensure that only a minimum of
original finish is removed. If the color of the
vehicle shows up on the buffing pad, you have
cut through the clearcoat and you have to
repaint the affected area.

Step 4: Cleaning
• wash vehicle thoroughly with a solution of
mild soap and water
• rinse vehicle with clear water then dry
• inspect vehicle to see if another application
is necessary

Step 5: Polishing
Polish the finish to restore the original luster either by
hand or with a power buffer. Always follow polishing
with an application of wax.

It is extremely important that power
buffing be performed by an experienced
person. If done incorrectly, power
buffing can quickly and easily damage
the paint and finish.
Use clean buffing pads at ALL times.

• buff with polishes such as "Uquid Polish" by

3MR, "Crystal Shine" by Car Brite®, or
equivalent. Follow the manufacturers
instructions to get the best possible results.

50. 8 Acid rain spots on paint, removing

Body 50
Step 6: Waxing
Waxing (unlike polishing) will seal the finish and
prevent acid rain from leaving spots .
• HAND WAX using clean cheesecloth and a
good quality non-abrasive wax.
If. in extreme cases. you can still see acid rain spots
after the previous six steps. or if the clearcoat has been
rubbed through. it will be necessary to re-paint the
affected areas.

Acid Rain Spot Removal Flowchart

(See detailed instructions on previous pages)
• wash with mild soap and water
• dry completely
• under fluorescent lighting. inspect horizontal areas

Are acid rain/water spots visible?


• wash with neutralization solution

• buff with light polishing compounds (clean buffing
pads are essential)

• remove buffing compound using mild soap and water

• to restore luster, polish buffed surfaces

• hand wax vehicle


I End

Acid rain spots on paint, removIng 50. 9



- Power steering
checking for leaks 48.7
pressure/flow limiting valve 48.11
suspension changes 48.6
system layout 48.6
technical data 48.6
- Power steering pump
removinglinstalling 48.9
repairing 48.10
- Power steering pump pressure
checking 48.7
- Power steering system
filling/bleeding 48.7
- Steering column
switches 48.2
- Steering drive/gear 48.4
- Steering lock
assembly 48.3
- Steering wheel/column 48.2
- Tie rods 48.4
removing 48.5
- Troubleshooting 48.12-48.17

Spacer sleeve - - - - - - " ' \
remove together with steering
lock housing
removing Fig. 1
installing Fig. 2 and Fig. 3
lilling dimension Fig. 4

Sleering lock housing

removing Fig. 1
installing Fig. 2 and Fig. 3
Upper column - - - - - - - - - - repairing, Repair Group 94
assemble with tube first,
then install, see Fig. 5

Column t u b e - - - - -.........
assemble with column firs!,
then install, see Fig. 5

out to remove.
installing, first set gap between hub and
switch, then tighten until head of bolt shears all



20 Nm (14 ft

Do not re-use fasteners that are worn or
deformed in normal use. faslen-
to be used once
when a time.
but is not limited to, Boot retainer

4 Installation dlnl1enlsl':ln

+ 13/64 in.)

5 column/column tube,

2 .. t·.... sleeve,

note dimension a of 4

!::t....vllnn ----------t
not adjustable. To remove,
detach connecting shaft at
coupling disc and remove tie rods from
steering knuckles. Then take
steering gear out After installing,
adjust toe, see Repair Group 44

left and right sides adjustable.

cotter pin hole Before adjusting, set
to center position, see
Repair Group 44.
removing Fig. 1
unlocking 2
locking Fig. 3 25Nm

n,,..,..,,..,a lubricate
"Self-locking nuts

press tie rod off knuckle

- press out or in as shown

.. flat surface of must
vertical when rack is installed in


tie rod to 70 Nm It
and lock


Tie rods
48 Steering
When working on the power steering

Always follow these "rules" for cleanliness
when repairing the power steering system:
1. Clean connections and surrounding area
thoroughly before loosening.
2. Place removed parts on a clean surface and
cover them. Use plastic, paper or lint-free
3. Carefully cover opened components or plug
openings if repair is not going to be done
4. Install clean parts only.
• do not remove replacement parts from
packaging until just before installation
• do not use parts that were stored
5. When the power steering hydraulic system
is opened:
• do not use compressed air in the
immediate area
• do not move the vehicle unless absolutely

Power steering system layout

Power steering

Pressurelflow limiting val've--__

Steering gear pinion - - - ,

Valve housing--__

<r-.;;::::.-=-') - - - Return flow line,

Steering gear assembly _ _.J

Suspension changes for power

Technical data for power steering
• steering knuckles are different
• coupling disc (between steering gear pinion and lubricant capacity 1.2Sl (1.3 US qt)
transfer gear connecting shaft) has been Type ATF Dexron®
replaced by universal joint System pressure (at idle) 115-120 bar/1668-1740 psi

System repair rules/layout

48 6

Suspension changes
Technical data
Power Steering
- rotate
If ATF level is too low,
system for leaks. fill and bleed
(pull boot off power system with ATF after nn.>,., ..,,,
gear system for Do not reuse fluid which has
been drained.
check power cI",,,,rio,," pump for leaks filter in reservoir when


I tine
connect pressure gauge US 1074 B between
pressure line and valve in open Max. mark

Min. mark
When i,.,,,,+ " III I,.,,, gauge, turn it In,,"',,'!'" as far as

start and run at idle

top up ATF in reservoir if necessary
close valve than 5
read pressure ' - - - - - - - - Suction
• 115-120 bar fitting

power ' - - - - - - Return flow fitting

Power reservoir

48 Steering

- fill power steering reservoir to MAX with ATF

- lift front of vehicle
- with engine off, rotate steering wheel from lock to
- top up reservoir to MAX mark
- start engine briefly several times (switch OFF
immediately after engine starts)
- add ATF until level is maintained at MAX mark

Do not allow reservoir to be pumped dry.

- when ATF level no longer drops, start and run

- rotate steering wheel lock to lock several times

Do not use more force on steering wheel than
necessary to turn wheel.

- add more ATF if level drops below MAX mark

- check that no bubbles appear in reservoir and level
remains constant

48.8 Filling Ibleedlng

Power Steering
..........- - - - Sealing rings
20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
always replace
Pressure line
to steering gear


Front pump bracket

"_.lrIO pump

20 Nm (14 ft Ib)

- - - 3f,i Nm ft Ib)
loosen to tension V-belt

- - - - - - - - Pulley

- - - - - V-belt
size: 9.5xl080mm

When pump, all marked with r--
an asterisk.
Coat all with ATF on installation. I
' Stator
/ pins downward


ring oil channel
in both
halves must line up

Valve retainer - - - - -
I 20 Nm (14 ft

Fig. 1 Sea'" - - - -_ _ __
I removing: use VW 681
ins'lalli,nn' drive in
I fill space between
Seal support
with mUlti-purpose

wear marks. If necessary,
replace complete pump

Valve plate ____1 I


L __ _
causes nor,nrl,,'

.. valve must move in bore

- if maximum pump pressure is not obtained after
s,,,,,.n,,,,, pump

1 Pressure/flow IIIJIfUilUlvalve retainer,

- install slot
ends with screwdriver

2 Rotor and shaft, rAl1nnl/in,t'liilr'ljiltl'lllinn

Rotor and shaft must be removed from to
pump shaft seal.

press rotor down

from groove
rotor and

must fit in groove and be secured

IimUil1lO valve
48 Steering

Use the following procedure to troubleshoot
complaints of heavy or stiff steering:
Test conditions
• vehicle at room temperature
(approximately 68°F)
• vehicle raised on hoist
• steering turned 3 times from lock to lock at
steering wheel

- measure tuming torque of complete steering gear at

steering wheel
value less than / value greater than
300 Ncm (26 in. Ib)* 300 Ncm (26 in. Ib)*

/90toAon I steering system OK I

page 48.13 /

I End I
*vehicles with
0-1000 km (1600 mi) = 300 Ncm (26 in. Ib)
vehicles with
1000-3000 km (1600-4800 mi)
230 Ncm (20 in. Ib)
vehicles with more than
3000 km (4800 mi) = 170 Ncm (15 in. Ib)

48. 12 Troubleshooting
Steering 48

- remove connecting shaft between steering gear and relay gear

and measure tuming torque again
value greater than 150 Ncm value less than
(13 in. Ib)** 150 Ncm (13 in. Ib)**

page 48.14 \
I go to D on
page 48.16 I
··vehicles with
0-1000 km (1600 mi) = 150 Ncm (13 in. Ib)
vehicles with
1000-3000 km (1600-4800 mi)
= 130 Ncm (11 in. Ib)
vehicles with more than
3000 km (4800 mi) = 110 Nom (10 in. Ib)

Troubleshooting 48.1 3
48 Steering

- measure clearance at joint of upper and lower

steering column
a = 3.5 mm (0.138 in.)
measurement is measurement is NOT
3.5 mm 3.5 mm

- measure on both the right and left sides, turn

column 90 and measure again

gotoCon - correct clearance

page 48.15 to correct:
- rework holes if clearance is different between
- place shims under bracket (upper arrow) to
- measure turning torque again adjust height
value greater than value less than
150 Ncm (13 in. Ib)·· 150Ncm (13 in. Ib)··

go to C on
page 48.15

··see page 48.13

48. 1 4 Troubleshooting
Steering 48

- remove relay gear

- measure turning torque on upper splined shaft

value greater than
150 Ncm (13 in. Ib)
Ivalue less than
150 Ncm (13 in. Ib)

I replace relay
I I relay gear OK I

I End I I End I

15 1\'oubleshootlng 48.15
48 Steering

remove steering gear and measure turning torque at pinion
Do NOT close off hydraulic lines on power steering gears. Drain ATF before measuring turning torque.
value less than 120 Ncm (10 in. Ib) I value greater tl)an 120 Ncm (10 in. Ib)

- replace steering gear I - check both outer CV-joints and ball jOints for
stiffness during movement.
- replace damaged parts.

I End I I End I

48. 16 Troubleshooting
Steering 48
- Troubleshooting

Condltlonlfault Possible cause Remedy

Fluid level in ATF reservoir low Air trapped in steering system has Fill reservoir to "MAX" mark
escaped during normal operation
Valve housing seal leaking, ATF leaks Replace seal and O-rings
out at steering gear pinion
Leaks at connections on steering Check system for leaks and repair
gear, hoses, pump or reservoir
Fluid level in ATF reservoir low again Additional air trapped in steering Fill reservoir to "MAX" mark
after refilling - no external leaks system has escaped during normal
evident operation
Steering rack seal defective (leaking Replace seal (install complete
fluid is found inside steering gear repair kit)
Steering effort becomes greater as Pressure/flow limiting valve in pump Clean or replace pressure/flow
wheel is turned housing is sticking limiting valve in pump housing
Dirtlforeign matter in valve control slot Clean valve unit
Insufficient pump pressure Check pump pressure and replace
pump if necessary
Noises In power steering system ATF level in reservoir too low Fill reservoir to "MAX" mark
Insufficient pump drive belt tension Tighten or replace belt
Reservoir filter dirty Replace filter
Loose connection at pump drawing air Tighten pump connections
into system (ATF foaming in reservoir)

G-17 Power steering

Troubleshooting 48.17

Brake-Hydraulic Components,
Regulator, Booster

- Brake booster
assembly 47.10
Friction materials such as brake and checking 47.10
clutch linings or brake pads may - Brake caliper
contain asbestos fibers. Girting (1980-1985) assembly 47.5
Do not create dust by grinding, Girting/Teves (1980-1985),
sanding or by cleaning with disassembling/assembling 47.6
compressed air. Girling/Teves (From 1986 m.y.)
Avoid breathing asbestos fibers and assembly 47.7a
asbestos dust. Teves (1980-1985), assembly 47.4
Teves (1980-1985).
Breathing asbestos may result in noise damping plates 47.7
serious diseases, such as asbestosis - Brake fluid, changing
or cancer. with US 111647.8
Breathing asbestos may cause without US 1116 47.8a
severe injury and death. - Brake hydraulic system
general repair notes 47.8
- Brake master cylinder
assembly 47.2
- Brake pressure regulator
checking 47.8a
- Brake system, bleeding
with US 111647.8
without US 1116 47.8a
- Check valve
checking 47.10
- Rear wheel cylinder
assembly 47.8

Brake fluid is nol:<l;OnO,


always replace

--- -- ---
Stop screw - - - - - - - - _
remove before detaching circlip
to install: move secondary piston
if necessary
-- Secondary piston assembly
assemble before installing
Installing Fig. 3
DOT 4 fluid is. now used in
vehicles. The new fluid recommended for all

fluid has been into the spare

nr(ll'Ir,l'Imeffective June.

,..---Bleeder screw
bleed caliper from
this screw only

, .
Drain screw
do nol bleed caliper
from this screw
Caliper housing
do not split,
replace if leaking

Noise damping plate

removing page 47.6 installing page 47.7

Piston - - - - - ' Dust cap Brake pad

removing page 47.6 removing page 47;6 install after caliper is Installed
installing page 47.6 installing page 47.6

Cars may have either Teves or

III Brake
Retaining pin clips

Drain screw
do not bleed caliper
from this screw


Retaining ring
opening points toward disc

Noise damping plate

removing page 47.6 arrow points up

Piston - - - - - ' Dust cap Brake pad

removing page 47.6 removing page 47.6 install after caliper is installed
installing page 47.6 installing page 47.6

Cars may have either or Teves

Brake II
llrllntll,nn, """"rllnrt or

Avoid ...""",,. as!)estos fibers and asbestos

aiSO€iStCIS may in serious
diseases, such as asbestosis or cancer.
asbestos may cause severe
and death.

Work sequence
Work sequence

noise llalmOlna of


install dust cap hand

- jf necessary of
US 1023/2

- press dust cap with VW 442 recess

• now seated



Piston leal
remove with screwdriver

Duat cap
inslll'lRllna Fig. 3 and Fig. 4
damage white

removing Fig, 1
installing Fig. 4 and Fig, 5
Brake-Hydraulic Components, Regulator, Booster 47

Fig. 1 Caliper piston, removing with Fig. 4 Piston and dust cap, installing
compressed air
- insert inner lip of cap into groove in cylinder while
Note holding piston

Place a wooden block in caliper to prevent damage

to piston.

Fig. 5 Piston, Installing

- press piston as far as it will go

Fig. 2 Piston seal, removing

Outer lip of dust cap must slip into groove in

Fig. 3 Dust cap, installing

From 1986 m.y.
Brake caliper 47. 7 b
47 Brake-Hydraulic Components, Regulator, Booster

Rear wheel cylinder, CAUTION

When repairing wheel cylinders always use all
parts of repair kit

always replace always replace
coat with brake cylinder
paste before inserting

__- - Bleeder screw

Piston _ _ _ _.......J
check for wear
coat with brake
cylinder paste before inserting
Wheel cylinder housing
check for wear (grooves, rust pitting, etc.)
if necessary, replace complete wheel cylinder

Brake hydraulic system Brake system, bleeding

General repair notes Whenever possible use pressure bleeder (US 1116).
To bleed brake system, use bottle with transparent
hose attached so that brake fluid can be checked for
WARNING air bubbles.

Brake fluid is poisonous. Do NOT siphon by Do NOT re-use fluid removed from reservoir. Water
mouth. and other contaminants in fluid can cause brake
performance problems.
On vehicles with brake booster, turn engine OFF and
CAUTION then disconnect vacuum hose/check valve from
brake booster prior to bleeding brake system. When
Brake fluid must NOT come into contact with bleeding brake system push lever on brake
paint. pressure regulator in direction of rear axle.
Brake fluid absorbs moisture from air and must
be replaced every 2 years. (With pressure bleeder US 1116)

Only use new DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid - connect pressure bleeder US 1116 to brake fluid
according to SAE recommendation J 1703 and reservoir. Turn bleeder switch to ON position
STANDARD 116. Do NOT add or mix DOT 5 - connect hose from bleeder bottle to bleed
silicone type brake fluid with brake fluid in car screws and bleed brakes in following sequence:
as severe component corrosion may result. 1. Right rear wheel cylinder/caliper
Such corrosion could lead to brake system 2. Left rear wheel cylinder/caliper
failure. 3. Right front caliper (upper screw)
4. Left front caliper (upper screw)
- after bleeding, fill reservoir to maximum mark

47.8 Rear wheel cylinder assembly

Brake system bleeding
connect hose from bleeder bottle to bleed

- open bleed screw, with

close bleed screw, with
release brake
repeat until brake fluid flows without air

connect pressure
reservoir. Turn on
connect hose from bleeder boltle to bleed screws,
sequence in the table nrrnHr,,,,,
cn""ifio" amount of fluid must flow out


fill the system with new brake fluid

- bleed as described

IWlltn()UI pressure hllY'ltlftl'

Follow the same for brakes

without a pressure bleeder, covered in this section.
Remove brake fluid until the new fluid flows without
air bubbles.
connect gauge US 1016 to front brake

- increase pressure on brake until gauge
connected to front brake reads 100 bar

• pressure at gauge connected to rear wheel

NJI!inrl,o. must read 55·65 bar

if NO, brake pressure

- reinstall reCIUI<1!QI

disconnect gauges
- bleed brakes
- connect gauge US 1016 to rear wheel
- bleed both gauges
Ii"""",.,,, brake several times

- remove nuts
- press brake
- lift forward 30 0

from two different
several times with manufacturers. are identified, "ATE" for the
Teves Co. and "BENDIX" for the Bendix Co.
A Teves booster is shown in the illustration.
• if brake booster is will boosters can be used as for
fall and then hold each other, of manufacturer a
Teves booster can be combined with a Bendix

15 Nm (11 ft Ib)

ring always replace

always replace

n.......,I ...... washer

always replace

from hose

ODIDO!,ite direction

F·13 Check valve

Mechanical Components

WARNING Brake pedaViinkage
assembly 46.10
Friction materials such as brake and
- Front brake
clutch linings or brake pads may
assembly (1980-1985) 46.2
contain asbestos fibers.
assembly (from 1986 m.y.} 46.5
Do not create dust by grinding, pads (1980-1 985)
sanding or by cleaning with removing/installing·46.3
compressed ai r. pads (from 1986 m.y.)
Avoid breathing asbestos fibers and removing installing 46.5a
asbestos dust. - Parking brake
assembly .46.1'
Breathing asbestos may result in
- Rear brake
serious diseases, such as asbestosis
aSsembly 46.6
or cancer.
shoes, adjusting 46.9
Breathing asbestos may cause shoes, removing/installi ng46. 7
severe injury and death.


remove brake before When never disconnect

Yor"",,,'''''' disc. brake hose, on frame.
force. Disconnect brake hoses when
Force may cause frame to brake
crack or break

Grease cap
remove with VW 63712 always replace, peen after adjusting wheel bearings
(see Repair Group 40)

thickness: 13 mm (0.512 in.)

wear limit: 11 mm (0.433 in.)
minimum thickness after machining: 11.5 mm (0.453 in.)
maximum runout: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
Brake caliper
Teves or Girling calipers Brake pads
may be installed checking thickness Fig. 1 and Fig. 2
removing page 46.3
installing page 46.4

new brake When brake discs,
several times before amounts must be taken off each side of
and brake to disc.
Never machine one side

Front brake as!.emlblv

Work sequence

drive out brake

On first.

with wheel slide gauge from

6 It Ib) inside between rim and brake
to insert gauge into gap at lower

It if gauge cannot be inserted, brake

are worn to wear limit of 2 mm
and must be

Friction materials such as brake and clutch

may contain asbestos


CAUTION Avoid asbestos fibers and asbestos

When mark to
prevent inside to outside or from one asbestos may result in serious
to another, Mixed can cause diseases, such as asbestosis or cancer,
asbestos may cause severe
and death,

E·3 Front brake
Brake carrier - - - - - - - .

inn!larliina and fial'1,f"'nil'ln

IL-_ _ _ _ _ _ Brake pads

replace pads on both wheels
thickness (new): 14 mm (0.551 in.)
wear limit: 2 mm (0.79 in.)
wear limit including backing plate: 7 mm (0.276 in.)

After installing new brake pads, brake Always remove brake caliper before removing
pedal firmly several times before driving to disc.
and brake pads to adjust to brake disc.
When rpn"Cl"'lnn caliper only, never disconnect
When machining brake discs, amounts on frame.
must be taken off each side of disc.
Disconnect brake hoses only when repairing
Never machine ooe side only. brake

Work sequence


When mark 10 CAUTION
prevenl inside 10 oulside or from one
is back, fluid is
to another. Mixed can cause
and into reservoir. To
some fluid

After are installed, refill ...,,'''''"''',. 10
MAX mark.

Work sequence

bolts to

New bolts MUST be used when
,,,,,If_I,,,.,!.-I ... ,,,
and remove brake several times before

Friction materials such as brake and clutch Avoid """<>1;",;",, asbestos fibers and asbestos
or brake may contain asbestos dust.
Rye,,,f;",'"" asbestos may result in serious
"",vi;"" or diseases, such as asbestosis or cancer,
asbestos may cause severe
and death.

Front brake
and contact

Wheel cylinder - - - - - . . . . ,
diameter: 23.81 mm (0.937 in.)

Brake backing plale

left side has right hand thread,
right side has left hand thread.
Install as shown

Brake lining
checking thickness Fig. 1

remolling page 46.7
diameter: 252 mm (9.921 in.)
maximum diameter after machining: 253 mm (9.960 in.)
(use ollersize linings after machining 0.5 mm (0.020 in.) or more
wear limit: 253.5 mm (9.980 in.)
1 off drum and hub

• standard
6.0 mm
• oversize lining thickness: Drum must rotate when off.
• wear limit:

- remove ."'fo ......"' .." and hold down

unhook brake cable at lever on brake

- remove lower return
- remove adjuster spring
- go to next page

Friction materials brake and clutch Avoid asbestos fibers and asbestos
brake may contain asbestos dust.
......""",.,'r',., asbestos may result in serious
00 no! create "",.."11,,,., or diseases, such as asbestosis or cancer.
rl",,,,.,!"'''' with ..."""",f",,,,"''',,",
asbestos may cause severe
and death.
- move brake shoes out of lower - pry brake shoe away from wheel
- unhook return screwdriver and install
rnr"'Tln<>. with - Install hold down

Work sequence

- Install .....11\10."'.
- aUach lever on

- insert brake shoes into lower

with make basic
until measurement II is

brake drum inner diameter:

minus clearance:
measurement II =

brake cables at brake

page 46.11)
• there must be no between lever on brake
shoe and rod
- install brake drum
slotted nut to 500 Nm ft and turn
further until new cotter fits into hole in axle

Rear brake aSlsennbly

Instrument must be removed
booster and bracket with
be taken out

lubricate before installaUon

remo\lel install with 'l",&>wrlri'"""r
Lubricate all and moving parts
before installing.
As of Chassis No. 25 CH 028 686,
new type parts are installed:
t Left and brake cables (now _---Boot

, Parking brake actuator rod

New type parts can be installed into earlier vehicles


Parking brake lever

brake actuator cable/rod

Left parking brake cable - - " .

Right parking brake cable

Sell· locking adjusting nut

until there
is no noticeable play at brake components
.. check by pull on brake cable
brake several times
check proper of brake
.. wheels can not be turned by hand when
brake lever 2-4 notches
.. must rotate when


Wheel Alignment

- Tires Syncro
rotating 44.1 a - Wheel alignment
- Wheel alignment determining front toe 44.3a
front 44.3 specifications 44.5
rear 44.4
specifications 44.2

Wheels-Tires, Wheel Alignment 44
Tires, rotating
Most tire manufacturers have changed their tire
rotation policy on radial belted tires. Previously,
radial belted tires were to be rotated only from front
to rear and rear to front on the same side of the
All radial belted tires approved for use on
Volkswagen vehicles can be rotated diagonally if
unusual wear, such as feather-edging, is observed.

n..... rotating 44.1 a

44 Wheels-Tires, Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment data for front and • tire pressures correct

rear axles • testing surface level and horizontal
• vehicle bounced several times
When checking wheel alignment, the following • steering gear correctly adjusted
conditions are important: • steering linkage free of play
• except in emergency, alignment should not be
checked until vehicle has run 625-1250 miles
and coil springs have settled
• vehicle empty

Front axle
Empty Half load· Maximum load*
800 kg 1000 kg 1100-1200 kg
(1764Ib8.) (2204Ib8.) (2425-2646 Ibe.)
Toe per wheel (not pressed) +10' ± 15' +10' ± 15' 0° ± 15'
Total toe (wheels not pressed) +20' ± 30' +20' ± 30' 0° ± 30'
2.0 ± 3.5 mm 2.0 ± 3.5 mm o ± 3.5 mm
(0.08 ± 0.138 in.) (0.08 ± 0.138 in.) (0.08 ± 0.138 in.)
Camber o± 30' 15' ± 30' o± 30'
(wheels in straight-ahead position)
Total angle difference,
at 20° lock to left and right 1° 10' ± 20' 1° 10' ± 20' 1° 50' ± 20'
(not adjustable)
Caster (vehicle on level)*" +7° 15' ± 15' 6° 30' ± 15' 6° ± 15'
corresponds to camber difference of wheel
on lock from 20° left and right 4° 50' ± 10' 4° 20' ± 10' 4° ± 15'
maximum permissible difference between
left and right 1° 1° 1°

Rear axle
Empty Half load· Maximum load·
700 kg 1050 kg 1300-1400 kg
(1543Ibe.) (2314Ibe.) (2865-3086 Ibe.)
Toe per wheel 0° ± 10' +10' ± 10' +10' ± 10'
Total toe (at specified camber) 0° ± 20' + 20' ± 20' +20' ± 20'
Camber 50' ± 30' 1° 30' ± 30' _2° 10' ± 10'
maximum permissible difference between
left and right 30' 30' 30'

"Measurements given for "half load" and "full load" apply for vehicles which cannot be measured unladen because
of special equipment installed
Some models, from 1986 on, have a lower chassis height. For these vehicles use the "half-load" measurements as
"empty" settings.
**If vehicle is inclined to front or rear, 10' must be added or subtracted for each 15' angle off level (measured in
sliding door opening)
Example: Angle measured on stand :6° 40'
correction angle for vehicle angle W to front) : 40'
actual caster angle :7° 20'

Angle of vehicle: to front - add correction figure
to rear - subtract correction figure

44.2 Wheel alignment data

Toe adjusting
- set «'''!I::mnn
Work sequence
number of turns
camber and toe must be in
sequence wilh vehicle on its wheels.


turn wheel back. 1/2 the lolal number of turns,

and on rubber washer on shaft
with notch in «'''.A.I,nn

set casler of radius bar A at

location B

- loosen lock nuts and turn both tie rods until

for toe is reached
lock nuts

ause must remain in center

lts as - after tie rods, check that bellows are not

road test and check that c'o,o.i.,,, wheel is
in center nn"lTIr,n

For ... rn «tt>t>rirv, wheel
on upper control arm shaft
upper control arm shaft


D·4 Wheel front

44 Wheels-Tires, Wheel Alignment

The specification for total toe at the front axle is a dimension (mm) between wheel center and
determined by the jounce condition (ride height) of lower edge of wheel house
the vehicle. b - toe per wheel
total toe = toe per wheel x 2
Front toe specification, determining (values in parentheses = total toe in mm)
c - tolerance band for total toe
- bounce front of vehicle several times to settle
suspension Note
If measured distance a falls outside the range on the
Note graph, use the toe specification last shown at the
The vehicle must be empty of cargo and occupants appropriate end of the graph's vertical axis. Toe
during measurement. values must be adjusted as precisely as possible.

- remove one front wheel cover

- measure from center of bore in axle shaft to lower
edge of wheel (measurement a)


use measurement a to find corresponding toe

specification on the following graph:


-26 -24 -22'-2ft -1l5' -15' -13' -11' -8,5'-6,5' -It -2' :to'
(-6,0) (-5,0) (-,\0) (-3,0) (-2,0) H,O)


44.38 Wheel alignment

Work sequence

down with screwdriver

bolt to 105 Nm

loosen inner bolt on arm

or rear with screwdriver

bolt to 105 Nm ft

Wheels - Tires, Wheel Alignment 44
Wheel alignment data for front and • tire pressures correct
rear axles • test surface level and horizontal
• vehicle bounced properly
When checking wheel alignment, the following • steering gear correctly adjusted
conditions are important: • steering linkage free of play

• alignment should not be checked, until vehicle

has run 625-1250 miles and coil springs have

Front axle Empty Full load

Toe per wheel (not pressed) see page 44.3a
Camber, wheels in straight ahead position +20' ± 20' -30'
Maximum permissible difference between sides 20' 20'
Caster, with zero vehicle tilt +4° 40' ± 15' +3° 35'

Rear axle Empty Full load

Camber 15' + 30' 1° 10'
Maximum permissible difference between left and
right 20' - 20'
Toe of each wheel (at specified camber) +5' ± 10' +0° 5'

D·7 Syncro
Wheel alignment data 44.5

Rear Wheel Suspension

Shafts & Axle

.. c

-Axle shaft
assembly 42.4, 42.7
removing /installing 42.4
- Constant velocity joint
assembly 42.7
disassembling/assembling 42.8
removinglinstalling 42.8
- RearaxJe
assembly 42.4
- Rear wheel suspension
assembly 42.2
- Shock absorber
bushing/sleeve 42.3
- Trailing arm
bushing 42.3
- Wheel bearings, inner/outer
grease seals 42.5
removing/installing 42.5
- Wheel studs
removing/installing 42.6

c!o".lr"'"'n''' nuts.

Upper spring seat - - - - -

end of spring must fit
in depression


Trailing arm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ .
left and right differ in _ - - - - - Coil spring
can be Installed with
production; replacement
either end al lop.
parts use same trailing arm
Note different lolerance
for both sides
groups (color code). Only
toe/camber see
install springs of same
Repair Group
color code on one axle
100 Nm (74 H Ib)
Inner bracket ror trailing arm
Outer bracket for trailing arm with horizontal slols for
with vertical slots for toe adjustment
camber adjustment
Cl----100 Nm (74 H fb)

arm bushing
removingJinstaliing page 42.3

- - - - - - - - - - Lowe, spring
depressions for end of
seal and arm must be

- - - Socket head
lock washers
45 Nm (33 H Ibl

- - - Shook absorber
check for flat spots
over full stroke

Wheel bearings Shock absorber bushing

assembly page 42.4 removing/Installing page 42.3
removing/installing page 42.5

140 Nm (101 It

Axle shaft
assembly page 42.4, 42.7
removinglinslaUing page 42.4

j with 3 Shock absorber UUDIIIIIH and

ode). Only .8=


1 arm bUl8hlno. r8lno'lIln,o

"A = rod
coat washer with 011 and put between nut
and tool
lQpage 42,3 arm

4 Shock absorber .... •••• ,U and

on one end of sleeve

coat soap solution
press sleeve half way into ..,,,i.,,, with


5 Shock absorber and

if necessary, press 01 out

- press and sleeve in

T ••• m.,.... arm bUShilna

Shock absorber Dusn,lna

10 Nm (7.4 It Ib)

Wheel stud ----.,


Axle nut Outer wheel bearing

with 10 slots in crown
Fill and space
removing: first remove spacer between bearings with
If removed, sleeve and drive bearing out
inspect threads; replaoe grease
with brass drift
Tighten to 500 Nm (360 7
tum to next slot, then
colter pin

mIlIY"'y:.. m,,,,... grease CAUTION

on vehicles
instail new sleeves and axle nuts
500 Nm ft

1 Axle 2 Axle shaft, in.. t .. lliinn

press shaft out of wheel press shaft into wheel

5 Inner wheel hA·...·I,".. ..........ui .....
3 Grease seals In wheel" ..",.. rln ............Inl"l
- remove inner race of outer wheel
and spacer sleeve
pry out with screwdriver
ilashaft - drivt;! outt;!f wheel out with
1lm0ll\ng Fig. brass
Fig. 2 press:

6 Inner wheel " .....1......

- grease
- press in until sealed

4 Grease seals in wheel

first install spacer sleeve and inner race

of outer wheel
press in flush on wheel side and
on side

7 Outer wheel 1'11 .. ".1...... inlstallinio

- grease and fill space between
inner and outer with mUlti-
purpose grease
press in untll sealed

Grease seals
Inner wheel h""Al"inn
Outer wheel h ..jui."n
8 Wheel


Wheel studs
Cons!an! mus! be checked for wear if
boo! is torn and dirt has entered If was
45 grams of G-6,3 grease into
when If boo! was torn,
grease as necessary,

check for cracks and
signs of
Protective cap
removing Fig. 3

1 Axle

Measurement a
Transmission side

2 3 Protective cap,
- drive off with drift

Axle shaft
Work sequence

5 Constant
- press out axle


Ball hub and outer

two grooves ft • • _ ••• and take ball hub out

01 ball cage
Check cage, and balls for

Constant vel,ocl1ty
Rear Wheel Suspension, Shafts and Axle 42
Constant velocity Joint, assembling
Work sequence

• when pivoting ball hub with cage and balls into

] outer ring, hub should be pivoted out of cage
(arrows) until balls are spaced to fit grooves
- insert ball hub along both grooves in ball cage
• installation position is not important
- push balls into cage
- insert ball. hub into proper outer ring
• chamfer on inside diameter of ball hub (splines)
must point to contact shoulder on axle shaft
and to larger diameter of outer ring

- press cage firmly (arrow) until hub swings fully

into position
- fill each side of joint with 45 g (l.S oz) of G-S.3

Joint is correctly assembled when ball hub can be
- insert hub with cage and balls into outer ring moved in and out, by hand, over full range of axial
vertically motion.
- be sure that in each case a wide ball groove in
outer ring a and a narrow groove in hub bare
together on one side when hub is swung into
) out outer ring

Constant velocity jOint 42.9

FrOnt Wheel Suspension

Shafts & Axle

-Assembly syncro '- .;.;;... Wheel bearing housing
early version 40.2 - Axle shaft assembly 40.23
late version 40.7 .embly 40.29 removing/installing 40.17
- Ball joints 40.30 -Wheel hub
assembly 40.10 .tremoving/installing 40.28 assembly 40.23
lower 40.12 -Balljoints pressing 40.24
-Coilspring , . pressing 40.25
removing/installing 40.3 .....;. Components
- Lower control arm assembly 40.15
bushing, early version 40.6
bushing, later version 40.8
- Coil spring
removinglinstalling 40.20
removinglinstalling 40.3 . - CVjpint, inner
- Shock absorber assembly 40.29
removinglinstalling 40.4 ..... 40.33
- Steering arm '. pressing 40.31
checking 40.12 .
- Steering knuckle . 40.29
assembly 40.12 disassembling/assembling40.3.2
checking for wear 40.12 removing 40.31
modification, grease sear 40.13 ".
.,...;Guards,· drj,ve sha.ftl engine
modification,brake disc removinglinstalling 40.28
interference 40.14 - Lower control arm
-Subframe bushings '40.19
wax preservation 40.14 .....;Shock absorber
- Upper control arm rernovinglinstalling 40.20
bushing 40.5 .....; Subframe
lower 40.6 components 40.26
removing 40.5 installing 40.28
wax preservation 40.14 removing 40.27
- Wheel bearing --' Upper control arm .
adjusting 40.11 bushings40.19
assembly 40.1 0 removing/installing 40.18a
-Wheel bearing
pressing 40.24
<.i . i


Nm (22 It Ib)

Upper control arm shaft

note position before
After installing, adjust

__- - - - J

----Bump stop/Dust sleeve

modification page 40.4
Spacer sleeve - - - - - - - - -
modification page 40.4

Stabilize, ba,

r--Sh,oek absorbe,

SfllblllU, link - - - -_ _ _-,

90 Nm (65 fa Ib) _ _ _ _ _ _ --1-..,.

Lower control arm bushing - - - - - - - - -_ _
removinglinslalling page 40.6

Strut bar
always replace
first tighten all 3 nuts to 65 Nm (47 ft Ib), and advance to
then retighten all 3 nuts to 70 Nm (51 It Ib) next cotter pin hole

Front sUllPlmsllon A·2

'III shaft
,lore removing,
adjust camber WARNING

Do not
lock nut


Nm (11S It Ib)

rod end
nOlllng 40,3 to 65 Nm (47 ft Ib)
to 70 Nm (51 ft Ib)

'0 Nm (123 ft Ib)

Front SUlSl)Einsiion
A,3 to Oct. 31, III
Work sequence
remove wheel
- remove stabilizer bar from strut

- remove nuts (arrows) with hook

knuckle and lower control arm


must be

remove tie rod end

end out

remove brake and brake hose bracket

• Lower control arm

Shock absorber, .","rln\rinfl/in...t",m",,..

remove shock absorber from control arm at

lower vehicle onto wheels and shock
absorber bolt out control arm
lift vehicle
remove shock absorber from and install new
shock absorber to
lower vehicle and shock absorber to
control arm

v,ehlcle without shock absorber, avoid
"::>'711'''''' to upper ball
SIC:m/ltfUf&t sleeve and spacer sleeve,

Work sequence
- install control arm

A spacer sleeve
B = sleeve

From YIN 25A 007 7959, parts have been
• new spacer sleeve 28.5 mm/1.122
Part No. 251 413 439A
• contact surfaces of and
- lift control arm with and attach shock If new must be installed in vehicles up to
absorber to control arm YIN 25A 007 7958, spacer sleeve, 24.5 mm
attach knuckle to control arm. At lower Part No. 251 413 439B, must be installed.
connection, strut bar must also be attached
- install stabilizer bar, tie rod and brake
reinstall wheel

Lower control arm
A·4 A·5 Shock absorber
- remove wheel
- remove bolts upper ball to
control arm
knuckle to one side
- remove control arm shaft and detach upper
control arm

control arm,
- attach control arm to and note
of control arm shaft

control arm

" flat on control arm shaft must be vertical

and face center of vehicle. side of
eccentric washers face down
- lubricate control arm shaft with
- install ball in control arm

off spot welds

- secure with spot welds to

prevent them from
- clean up welds and

• arm bU!lhll1lg
An insufficient seal at the outer
control arm

...i1 in

control arm DU:llUllno. r"hllI",klnll

control arm

press out

-press in

Lower control arm bughllnn

in November 1984, the sheet metal the eye in the ",t",..,,,,,,,,, arm for the tie rod end
lower control arm has been a cast arm. has been made wider.

The strut which was bolted to the Note

arm with the ball is now screwed into
New version parts cannol be installed with
the cast arm. The ball is installed in
of the old version. Parts of the old version will
the arm and the ",rI"nt.,. has been discontinued.
remain available.

90 Nm (66 ft

Lower control arm - -_ _

removal/i nstallalion

Lower control arm bushing - - _...

Fig. 4 and Fig. I)
.. ..•.•

145 Nm

Strut bar
180 Nm (133 ft Ib)
removing/installing Fig. 1

30 Nm (22 ft

Tie rod end - - - - / ft Ib)

preSSing out Fig. 2 and advance to next
cotter pin hole

Front auttpelnallon
II (rnl)dH1oatiol'l from 1,
Front Wheel Suspension, Shafts and Axle 40




Fig. 1 Strut bar, removinglinstalllng Fig. 3 Steering knuckle, removing

- measure dimension a from end of thread - press ball joints out arms
to rear nut before removing

When installing rod, the rear nut must be
set to the old position or the caster angle

" (118 ft

Fig. 4 Control arm bushing, pressing out

ft Ib) 140-9061

Fig. 2 Tie rod end, pressing out

Strut bar, Tie rod end

Steering knuckle, Control arm bushing
(modifications from Nov. 1, 1984)
40 8 •
40 Front Wheel Suspension, Shafts and Axle


Fig •. 5 Control arm bushing, pressing in

40.9 Control arm bushing

(modHlcatlons from Nov. 1, 1984)

Grease seal and seal ring (not shOWll)

Peening nut modification Fig. 12
lock after adjusting checking for wear Fig. 10
wheel Fig. 3 position Fig. 12
installing Fig. 5
Thrust washer

When tightening
do not bend bracket
clearance 01 brake hose,
see abo\le nOla

- _ ' - - Shouldered bolt

160 Nm (115 It Ib)

Steering knuckle
modilication Fig. 12
Nm (115 II
checking for wear Fig. 10
checking for distortion Fig.

If brake hose bracket is removed, clearance
between wheel and hose must be checked when
«"'''''''''"'''''.1. With wheels at full left and
locks, there must be a minimum clearance of
25 mm (1 If not, bend bracket to

1 Grease cap, I"AITl(')vill,(')
outer race

- press in flush

pry or twist screwdriver
peen nut (see 3)
install grease cap

peen nut on shoulder

- do not reuse nut,

Wheel bearIng
• seal
- press lower ball off lower
press upper ball out with same

- check for these

... "',... ..... seat

. " "... "in sea t
seal seat/Seal
""'il.. "'1II> sea I knuckle if

.. measurement must be: 54-56 mm

flat side of shoulder faces

to ball

Do not
must be with control arm when
knuckle is
rubber boot will be stretched and torn
when is in full lock

Mluilnln seal seats

12 lIlt.......II,.... knlllci.ll!t_ modification
1 =

• SleerlrKl knuckle
Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle 40
The internal portions (cavities) of the front lower
control arms and rear trailing arms are sprayed with
preservation wax during vehicle production.

Spray wax into the cavities of replacement parts

during repairs to ensure the same quality of
corrosion resistance as the original parts.

When installing replacement steering knuckles with

the following Part Numbers:
251 407311 AE
251 407 312 AE
contact could be made with the brake disc in the area
indicated. (arrow)

• arrows indicate openings to be used for wax


Preserve parts with wax after installation only.
Do not allow wax to get into bolt threads or
mating surface areas of suspension parts. Grind down the cast lug on the steering knuckle
approx. 8.0 to 10.0 mm (5/16 to 318 in.) to provide
clearance for the brake disc. (arrow)
Cavity preservation wax If necessary, also modify the splash plate, Part No.
Part No. AKR 31603810 251 407343 C, to prevent contact in the same area.
or equivalent
Modified parts must not show scoring marks
from grinding and must have smooth, rounded
For a description of Volkswagen wax application edges.
equipment and its use, see Cavity and Underbody
Preservation, service literature No. W42-701.Q04-1. Paint parts after modification to provide
protection against corrosion.

Wax preservation
Steering knuckle modification 40.14
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle

Welding or straigbtening procedures must not
be performed on load bearing front suspension
components and components that position the
Always replace seH-lockil'lg nuts.
If vehicles that have an axle shaft removed
must be moved, an outer joint must be
installed to prevent damage to wheel bearing;

Wheel bearing housing /'"

replacing wheel bearing page 40.24.
removingllnstalling 40.17 . ,.../
350 Nm (258 tt Ib)
grease nut on contact
surface with MoS2

...........' . "1 . / . 250 Nm (185 tt Ib)

. '-J. .

30 Nm (22 ft Ib)
then tighten to next
cotter pin hole

Spacer washer
Do not re-use any fasteners that are worn or
deformed in normal use. Many fasteners are
designed to be used only once and become un-
reliable and may fail when used a second time.
This includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bolts, !40.A023!
washers, self-locking nuts orbolts, circiip9 and
cotter pins. Always replace these fasteners with
new parts.

40. 15 Front suspension components

Front Wheel Sus - Shafts & Axle 40

Camber adjustment bolt

... adjust after installation

Upper control arm - - - - - " "

removing/Installing page 40.18


Upper spring plate Call spring

removing/installing page 40.20
fasten to coil spring
in 3 places with
5 ft Ib) adhesive tape

__ Bump stop/dust sleeve


Shock absorber
removing/installing page 40.20
note Installation position

BOnded rubber bushing

remOving/installing page 40.19


Lower control arm 140-A0241

Front suspension components 40.16
40 Front Wheel Suspension, Shafts & Axle

Wheel bearing housing,

Work sequence
- remove axle nut (vehicle on wheels)
- remove wheel

- remove brake caliper (arrows) and tie to body

- remove brake line bracket from wheel bearing

housing (arrow)

- press tie rod end out

A = US 1014

- remove upper ball joint from control arm by

removing bolts (arrows)

-- remove bolts (arrows) and separate radius rod,

wheel bearing housing and lower control arm

40.17 Wheel bearing housing

Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40

Splines on drive shaft and wheel hub must be
free of oil, grease and old locking compound.

- apply locking compound 06 around splines of

outer CV jOint in a bead approximately 20 mm
(25/32 in.) wide

ody - press axle shaft out of wheel hub

A standard commercial puller

If a suitable commercial puller is not available,
remove wheel bearing housing together with axle
shaft. Press out axle shaft.

Remainder of installation procedure is the reverse of


Allow locking compound 06 at least 60 minutes to
harden before driving vehicle.


Always remove stub axle with mechanical or
hydraulic hub puller only. Do not heat up
wheel bearing housing or wheel bearing will be

ius rod,
I arm

8-5 Syncro
Wheel bearing housing 40.18
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle

Upper control arm, removing/

Work sequence
- remove wheel
- remove bolts attaching upper ball joint to control
- remove camber adjustment bolt and take out
control arm

- fasten control arm to body

• installation position:
flat surfaces of adjustment bolt must be
vertical and larger side of eccentric washers

A maximum play of 0.5 mm (0.020 in.) is
allowable on each side between the bonded
rubber bushing in the control arm and the
eccentric washer when the bolt is loosened.
The following eccentric washers are available
to adjust the clearance:

Thickness Part No.

4.0mm 251 407133 A
5.0mm 251 407133 B
5.5 mm 251407133 C

- lubricate camber adjustment bolt with all purpose

attach upper ball joint to control arm

40. 1 8 a Upper control arm

40 Front Wheel Suspension, Shafts & Axle

Lower control arm bonded rubber Upper control arm bonded rubber
bushing, removing/installing bushing, removing/installing

VW 4080

Bonded rubber bushing, pressing out Bonded rubber bushing, pressing out

VW 411


rubber bushing, pressing In

Bonded rubber bushing, pressing In

40.19 Control arm bushings

Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle 40
Coil absorber,
Work sequence

- remove upper ball joint from control arm (a.rrows)

-402 - depress lock catch A, push seat to full forward
position and release lock catch


- pry out rubber plug (arrow) under seat

- remove wheel - attach spring compressor and compress spring

B·8 Syncro
Coli spring/shock absorber 40. 20
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle


- install shock absorber to lower control arm and

hand tighten nut
• Installation position
right side: spring end stop B at front
left side: spring end stop B at rear
- push piston rod A in enough for installation
- remove shock absorber from upper attachment on
...,... install coil spring with lower spring end in spring
end stop
- push piston rod down
• Installation position:
- swing shock absorber and spring . outward
evenly coiled end downwards
- remove spring and spring plate
- fasten spring plate to top of spring with tape in at
- remove bolt from shock absorber attachment to
least 3 places
lower control arm and take shock absorber out
- swing shock absorber and spring inward
Not,s on shock absorber testing/replacing
A defective shock creates a rumbling noise during
Slight oil seepage from the shock is normal. If
greater oil loss occurs, performance will be affected.
It will be possible to compress or extend a defective
shock in increments, rather than with the smooth
stroke charac!eristic of normal shock testing.
Shocks are maintenance-free and must be replaced
rather than repaired. Shock absorber oil cannot be
Install only original replacement shock absorbers.
Shock absorbers of different manufacturers that have
the same part number are interchangeable.
It is not necessary to replace both shock absorbers if
only one is defective.
- insert T-handle wrench into piston rod through
access hole

.40. 21 Coil spring/shock absorber

Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40
- pull piston rod upward
- tighten nut attaching shock absorber to lower
control arm, to 150 Nm (110 ft Ib)
- install upper ball joint to control arm and tighten
to 60 Nm (44 ft Ib)
- lift control arm with jack and remove spring
- pull piston rod upward and remove T-handle

- attach shock absorber to body and tighten to

30 Nm (26 ft Ib)
- insert plug in access hole
- reposition seat
- install wheel

8·10 Syncro
Coli spring/shock absorber 40.22
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle

Ball joint, upper

pressing out Fig. 6

Wheel bearing housing

Splash shield

Wheel bearing
pressing out Fig. 2
pressing in Fig. 4
when installing, coat outer
circumference with Moly paste,
Part No. AOS 115 000 01 or
equivalent to prevent clicking
noises while driving

pry out with VW 681
Ball joint, lower
pressing out Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 i pressing in Fig. 11

pressing in Fig. 9 ®
S e a l - - -....
pry out with VW 681
pressing in Fig. 10

100 Nm (74 ft Ib)

Wheel hub - - - - - - - "

pressing out Fig. 1
pressing in Fig. 1
removing from bearing inner race Fig. 3

Brake disc - - - - - ' "

WARNING remove before pressing
out wheel hub
Do not re-use any fasteners that are worn or 20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
deformed in normal use. Many fasteners are
designed to be used only once and become un-
reliable and may fail when used a second time.
This includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bolts,
washers, self-locking nuts or bolts, circlips and
cotter pins. Always replace these fasteners with
new parts.

40.23 Wheel bearing/hub

Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40

Fig. 1 Wheel hub, pressing out Fig. 3 Inner bearing race, pulling out

When pressing out hub,wheel bearing is destroyed.

;.:-r:==------- 3143

....--- 3144

Fig. 4 Inner seal, driving in

Fig. 2 Wheel bearing, pressing out

- remove oil seal first; replace
- remove circlip

Fig. 5 Outer seal, driving in

8·12 Syncro
Wheel bearing/hub/seals 40.24
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle

VW412 ---.3124


Fig. 6 Wheel bearing, pressing In Fig. 9 Lower ball jOint, pressing out of wheel
bearing housing
- install circlip after pressing
in wheel bearing


Fig. 10 Lower ball joint, pressing out of bracket

Fig. 7 Wheel hub, pressing In


Fig. 11 Lower ball jOint, pressing into bracket

Fig. 8 Upper ball jOint, pressing out

40.25 Lower ball joint

Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40

• collar downward

Spacer sleeve

25 Nm (18 ft Ib) """"\


Spacer tube - - - - -

Self-locking bolt
85 Nm (63 ft Ib)


• collar away from
rubber bushing

150 Nm (111 ft Ib) WARNING

Do not recuse any fasteners that are worn or

deformed in normal use. Many fasteners are
designed to be use.d only once and become un-
reliable and may fail when used a second time.
This includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bolts,
washers, self-locking nuts or bolts, circlips and
cotter pins. Always replace these fasteners with
new parts.

8·14 Syncro
Subframe components 40.26
40 Front Wheel Suspension, Shafts & Axle

Subframe, removing/installing
Work sequence

- fasten final drive support to body (arrows)

- remove radius rods from subframe and stabilizer


- remove protection bars and bonded rubber

bushings (arrows)

- remove control arm from subframe (arrow)

- tie up final drive
140-9271 \

- remove final drive support from subframe


40.27 Sub'rame, removing

Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40
- use universal transmission jack to support
- remove bolts that attach subframe to body
- carefully lower subframe and remove

Proceed in reverse order of removal and note the
- tighten bolts fastening subframe to body last (see
page 40.26 for tightening torques)

After installation of subframe, vehicle must be
aligned. (see group 44)

Guards for drive shaft/engine, - remove and install engine guard (skid plate)
removing/Installing • tighten to 45 Nm (33 ft lb)

Front axle shaft, removing/installing

The axle shaft cannot be removed without first
loosening the wheel bearing housing. It is practical,
therefore, to remove the axle shaft and the wheel
bearing housing together, then press out the axle
Refer also to Wheel bearing housing, removing.

Refer to Wheel bearing housing, Installing.

Protection bars for drive shaft can be removed
independently of the engine guard (skid plate).
- install protection bars with front and rear recesses
to the right, as seen from the driving direction
• tighten to 45 Nm (33 ft Ib)

8·16 Syncro
Subframe, removing/installing
Protection guards, removing/Installing
Front axle shaft, removing/Installing
40 .28
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle
When replacing CV jOint boots, grease jOint if
inner: 45 grams G6.3 grease each side (total 90)
outer: 90 grams G6.3 grease

Axle shaft - - - -__

I .

Rubber sleeve - -.......

I always replace

pull over clamp I CV jOint, Inner

I replace as complete set only

always replace I Dished washer
I with teeth on inner
diameter for solid shaft
Boot ----------__ I
check for cracks and

replacing Fig. 6
I . always replace

I 35 Nm (26 ft Ib)

Rubber sleeve _ _ _ _ C) I ----Boot

pull over clamp
I check for cracks and
Clrcllp - - - - - - -
always replace I
I If CV jOint boots are squeezed
while being installed, a vacuum
Splash ring - - - - - . .
pressing off Fig. 2
I may be created inside the boot.
This causes an inward fold in the
boot during use. Lift the small
pressing on Fig. 3
I diameter end of the boot after in-
stalling to equalize the pressure.
011 seal - - - - -
installing Fig. 4
CV joint, outer
replace as complete set only
installing: insert circlip,
press jOint on shaft until
circlip engages

40.29 Axle shaft components

Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40

Flg.1 Axle shaft length

Transmission _asurement a
right left
side side
570 mm 570 mm
all ,(22.440 in.)
(22.440 in.)

set only

j shaft

Ag. 2 Splash ring, pressing off

(5 and - use separating fixture with aperture of
Fig. 3 Splash ring, pressing on
22-115 mm (7/8-4.5 in.)

19 boot.
lid in the
t after in-

Fig. 4 011 seal, pressing Into splash ring

Syncro Axle shaft length

Splash ring/oil seal
40 30•
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle

Fig. 5 Outer CV joint, removing

Fig. 7 Circlip, removing/installing
- expand circllp and remove joint from shaft

If joint is seized on splines, drive it off shaft by
tapping against hub with copper drift or mallet.
VW 408 0 - _

Don't jam hub on splines, or otherwise damage
splines, during this procedure.

Fig. 8 Inner CV joint, pressing off

- support hub during procedure


Fig. 6 Outer CV joint boot clamp, replacing

- a new clamp made of a stiffer transparent
material is used in production beginning
in February 1988
- the new clamp requires a force of 400 kg
to tighten properly
- tool KD 424 will apply the necessary
force if squeezed very hard with both
hands when compressing the clamp
- a gap in the compressed clamp of 1 to 2
mm is permissible after installation
Fig. 9 Diaphragm spring, correct posHloning

40.31 Outer CV joint, removing

Inner CV jOint, pressinA off
Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40

- swivel hub and cage

remove balls one at a time
Fig. 10 Inner CV joint, pressing on
- press joint onto seat
- engage circlip into groove

Chamfer on inside diameter of ball hub
(splines) must face contact shoulder on
axle shaft.

Outer CV jOint, disassembling!

Work sequence

CV joint should be disassembled, and grease - turn two larger openings of cage (arrow)
replaced, when joint is very dirty or when checking until level with joint edge, then remove
ball tracks for wear and damage. cage with hub

- mark position of hub in relation to cage and

- swing hub until one segment can be
pushed into larger rectangular opening
of cage. then tilt hub out

B·2O Syncro Inner CV jOint, pressing on

Outer CV joint, disassembling
40 32
40 Front Wheel Suspension-Shafts & Axle

Set of 6 balls in each joint belong to one
tolerance group. Therefore, always replace
hub, outer ring, ball cage and balls toget!'ler.

Check housing, hub, cage and balls ·for pitting.
Excessive radial clearance in joint is noticeable when
shifting gears. When this occurs, replace jOint.
Do not replace joint because of polished
appearance, or because. ball track can be seen.

-lube joint with 45 g (1.6 oz) G 6.3 grease (half of
total amount)
- install cage with hub, into housing
- pivot ball hub and cage out of outer ring and push
• balls must be installed from OPPOSite side
outward (arrow)
• marked position of hub, cage, and housing
- press balls out of cage
must match
- install new circlip in hub
- fill joint with remaining G 6.3 grease for a total CAUTION
amount of 90 g (3.2 oz) Ball hub and housing are paired, One hub, or
one housing, must not be exchanged with
Inner CV joint, disassembling! another.
Work sequence

CV joint should be disassembled, and grease
replaced, when jOint is very dirty or when checking
ball tracks for'wear and damage.

- align two grooves (arrows) and remove ball hub

out of ball cage

Check housing, hub, cage, and balls for pitting.

40.33 Outer CV Joint, assembling

Inner CV Joint, disassembling
Front Wheel Suspension - Shafts & Axle 40

I puSh - insert ball hub along both grooves in ball cage

• installation position not important • when pivoting ball hub with cage and balls in
- push balls into cage outer ring, hub should be pivoted out of cage
- insert ball hub into proper outer ring (arrows) until balls are spaced to fit groove

• chamfer on inside diameter of ball hub (splines)
must point to contact shoulder on axle shaft
and to large diameter of outer ring

- press cage firmly (arrow) until hub swings fully

into position
- fill each side of joint with 45 g (1.6 oz) of G 6.3
- insert hub with cage and balls into outer ring
dlhub vertically
• wide ball groove in outer ring a, and a narrow
groove in hub b are together on one side when Joint is correctly assembled when ball hub can be
hub is swung into outer ring moved in and out, by hand, over full range of axial

B·22 Syncro
Inner CV joint, assembling 40.34
Automatic Transmission

-Adjusting ring 39.51
-Assembly 39.56
-Cover plate 39.51
- Differential bearing outer race
- Drive flange oil seal 39.53
- Final drive assembly 39.50
- Governor oil seal 39.52
- Pinion bearing outer race
39.52, 39.54
inner race 39.54, 39.55
- Pinion oil seals 39.52-39.54
- Ring gear 39.56
- Ring gear/Pinion adjusting
39.57- 39.60
backlash 39.61, 39.62
- Torque converter oil seal 39.51

Final drive ratio:
4.09:1 CAUTION
Final drive lubricaat: If

outer race

disassemblingl a&sembling
see Repair Group 38
Inner race
... ,.. Fig. 18


Oil hole seal - - - - '

installing 4

Shim S:. - - - - -
page 39.59

Differential bearing outer race

remove with drift
installing Fig. 12

Drive flange 011 seal

can be replaced with mark
final drive instalied When replacing """.ir"",
see Repair Group 37 ring gear page 39.60
'nstalling Fig. 11 removing/installing Flg. 5

II Final drive
used it
3. Note


it ilrlve housing
!I'1!Ing in repair
Fig. 1

JIIIge 39.57

'que converter
Fig. 2
,tailing Fig. 3
liOn bearing
Ilr race
ooving Fig. 7
!talling Fig. 8
,ion oil seal
l10ving Fig. 6
stalling Fig. 9
sassembling 2 converter
Ige 39.56

J Nm (7 It Ib)
ghten diagonally;
itorque twice more
Iter intervals of

- when ring, mark position

before removing


In until seated

- remove seal with VW 248/1

with 248/2
- drive in oil seal until seated
VW 248/1 without
faces ,,,.,,,"',,,,, rI

space between
purpose grease and

14 Pinion oil seal in covet.

- press in until seated
drive seal into cover until seated.
side of seal faces final drive

outer race
Pinion oil seals

16 ..,."..... .,.... auter race In coyer,

Pinion oil seal

. bel,drlS! outer race
;h seal

Inner race. InIS'Kllnlng

heat in"errace approx.100·C

press Into shaft

Pinion HI.,ll1lg inner race III
Differential housing cover Differential pinion shaft
remove and install with drill

when replacing, readjust
ring gear, page 39.60

Drive flange nut

align lugs when

mount differential vise

loosen bolts and lightly on bolt heat to approx. 100"C
heads and press on

Pinion may be
matched set

Position of shims S3/S.

Ro== of gauge used in
machine. Ro 52.60 mm
r == Deviation measured master gauge
of machine used in
Deviation r For

== Shim for
8.= Shim for


Marks on gear
Identification G 1145 refers to Gleason gear
set with ratio of 11:45
2 == Serial number of matched gear set
3 Deviation r
- install I'IAlUI!'!in outer race into covel and

Inner races to approx.

- Install dial gauge holder VW 387 on

VW 385/17 on
install dial gauge and set to zero with 1 mm

move up and down without and

note measurement

Measurement will be inaccurate if

",:,,"'.."..... Plrelclad and 0.10 mm

Result is until flush
install shims selected from table

until mesheS with

- screw In """'''''"Ln
far as
there Is no

If are to
torque should be measured
When parts that
check page 39.9
to determine which parts need to be
several times in both directions

gear oil

"-----------vw 521/4

- turn gear until

of dial indicator a and it to
1.0 mm. Reset dial indicator to zero


and lock
ar21/2 screw
lear 5 tooth - go to next page

- check backlash at four OO!>I1UlnS
• backlash should be:

Individual must not differ
than 0.05 mm, Backlash
to new
If used set of gears is
should be set to same backlash with
which were before were


Manual Transmission

Quick Data Index

4-Speed 091, 091/1 094-4WD Syncro
S-Speed 094 - Differential with lock
-Assembly 39.2 assembly 39.20
- Bearings 39.3-39.5 bearing outer race 39.24
- Housing 39.3 bearings 39.21-39.23
-Pinion housing 39.21
adjusting 39.10, 39.11 pinion shafts 39.22 '
- Pinion/Side gears 39.6 ring gear 39.20-39.23
-Ring gear 39.3,39.4 - Differential without lock
adjusting 39.12, 39.13 assembly 39.15
backlash 39.13, 39.14 bearing outer race 39.19
- Ring/Pinion gears bearings 39.16-39.18
adjusting 39.7-39.9 housing 39.16
-Shim S339.11 pinion shafts 39.17
ring gear 39.15-39.18
- Driveshaft
flange oil seal 39.44
removing/installing 39.43
- Front final drive 39.30, 39.31
adjusting rings 39.32, 39.33
axle flange 39.32, 39.33
circlip 39.33
Differential-Auto. Trans. housing 39.34
- See page 39.49 mounting 39.32
technical data 39.42
- Front pinion 39.39
bearing 39.40
grooved nut 39.40
turning torque 39.41
- Locking pin 39.28, 39.29
backlash 39.29
- Pinion/Side gears 39.25
- Removing 39.33
- Ring gear/Pinion
adjusting 39.26
backlash 39.27
screw-in depth 39.26, 39.27

I- 1

Index 39.1
Inner and outer races of roller
are matched and must not be " - 1 - - - - Adjusting ring
Heillac:e both at

Differential bearing/outer race

removing Fig. 10
installing Fig. 11

- - - - Differential bearing/inner race

(ring gear side)
50 Nm (36 It Ib) - - - remol/ing Fig. 4
lighten diagonally installing Fig. 7

Differential cover

Ring adjusting, holes (arrow) must be

page offset appro:.:imately 90'
backlash adjusting, page 39.13 10 differential pinion shaft

-..Ji--"'----- Thrust washers

check for wear
Side gears --<

- - - - Differential pinion gears

installing page 39.6

DiUerential pinion shalt - - - - - .

out drilt. When
not damage

. " . . - - - - - Ring gear

(matched to pinl
removing Fig. 2
installing Fig. 9
drive flush

Differential bearing/ouler
removing Fig. 10
Differential bearing/inner race installing Fig. 11
Chousing side)
removing Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
installing Fig. 8

- - - - - - - - Transmission
Differential ..........",,,,.....
Differential .. ",·,..i"ro"
5 race

drill hole in VW 457/1 as shown above

.. a == 8 mm
.. b == 9.5 mm

Clean contact surfaces are essential to
ensure that gear, differential
and cover fit Remove all burrs and
pressure marks with oil stone

- heat gear to approx. 100·C

and install
.. A

- heat to approx. 100°C and
press on

- press race in until seated


rrs and

'C 2

sleeve ensures backlash
between side gears and differential gears
even when there is axial pressure on side gears.
If differential cover, side gear or spacer
size of spacer sleeve must be

similar device. Sleeve
used as sleeve


and both

in differential


Differential- Manual Transmission 39
Ring gear/pinion, adjusting

Ring gear! pinion must always be replaced as
matched set, never individually

Ring gear/pinion markings

3'2 ._


e under
2 3
R 34-367
;t( -
t No.
,17 241
Service gears
i17 242 Fig. 2 Production gears
,17 243 1 =Marking K 738 means
,17 244 Klingelnberg gear set with ratio of X = Markings x'ed-out are not shown on
;17 245 7:38 teeth production gears
2 = Matching number of gear set 312 Po = Setting dimension for production
3 =Deviation r based on master gauge
e and used in special test machine in
ial production. Deviation r is always CAUTION
given in 1/100 mm. 25 shown in
example means that r 0.25 mm In production, position of pinion is
determined by dimension Po (ring gear
Ro =Length of master gauge in centerline to back of pinion head)
production: Ro =63 mm
Marking of deviation r on ring gear and
R = Actual dimension between ring gear matching number have been discontinued.
centerline and end face of pinion at It is therefore necessary to measure
quietest running point for this position of pinion before removing it when
gear set parts which affect position of pinion are to
Vo= Hypoid offset =10 mm be replaced. See page 39.g.

1-6 14-speed 091-091/1 11'----_s-_s_pe_e_d_0_9_4---' Ring gear/pinion 39.7

39 Differential-Manual Transmission
Ring gear/pinion, adjusting Note
Ring gear/pinion must be adjusted if gears
themselves have been replaced. If other parts
CAUTION which affect position of pinion are to be
Maximum possible care and cleanliness replaced, pinion depth R must be measured
during all assembly and measuring before disassembling, and pinion set to this
operations are essential for satisfactory dimension when assembling. See page 39.9

Fig.3 Ring gear/pinion adjustment points

• S. :;:: Screw-in depth of adjusting ring
(ring gear side)
• $2:;:: Screw-in depth of adjusting ring
(housing side)
• Sa =Shim for pinion

Ring geart pinion adjustment procedure

Work sequence
- find screw-in depth S. and S2
• tapered roller bearing preload is determined
by ring gear turning torque
- adjust pinion and check S3
• adjust pinion with shims so that correct
dimension R is attained
- adjust backlash

39.8 Ring gear/pinion /4-Speed 091-091/11 5-speed 094

gear, or or shift forks if parts which influence
relJlla(:efl See table to avoid unnecessasry

To be aOI!USlleO Pinion 83 8,
Shift forks from actual from gear
dimension R deviation r S, and 82
see see see
page 39.9 page 39.10 39.12
x x
x X
- measure difference from Ro. This measurement
to deviation r. Note
Cv ..."""I",· r 0.25 mm
after new parts, See
pages 39.10-39.11. Deviation r is used to
determine thickness of shim 83

remove differential nOllSlriin

assemble bar as described on page
39.10 and In transmission

set gauge VW 385/30 to Ro = 63.00 mm,

on bar and zero dial indicator (3 mm
with 1 mm

if gears
If other
are to be
must be measured before
and set to this dimension
See page 39.9

Work sequence
- install t:::'''''''''''111 roller and needle
inner race for 1st gear on shaft
needle inner race to
210 Nm (152 ft


dimension e
screw in one until flush with

on bar VW 385/1
to dimension a
.. a ::: approx. 57 mm

VW 385/11 can be used instead of
universal gauge VW 385/30

S3 shims available

Part No.
001 311 391 0.15
001311392 0.20
001 311 393 0.30
001 395 0.50
001 1 396 0.60

Shim tolerances make it to select any
thickness for 8,
Measure shims at several with micrometer
turn bar until and check for burrs and ",un""", ..
disc on end of
Use shims which oondltion
maximum deflection. This is dimension e
e == 0.40 mm


.. if shims have dial
gauge should
d of
show deviation r within tolerance of 0.04 mm

bar Dial gauge fore 0040 mm
Deviation r +0.25 mm
Slstiim thickness 0.65 mm

39 Differential-Manual Transmission

Ring gear, adjusting - turn in adjusting ring on ring gear side with
(pinion removed) VW 381/15 until upper edge is approximately
0.20 mm below surface of housing
Note - turn in adjusting ring.on other side with
VW 381/15 unti I differential is free of play
Ring gear must be adjusted if transmission and without preload
housing, differential bearings, differential - attach VW 381/5a to ring gear side and lock
housing/cover, adjusting rings or ring gear/ with hex nut
pinion have been replaced. Also see table on - turn transmission housing so differentiai is
page 39.9 top and attach bridge VW 381/8 on dowel

Work sequence

Differential bearing outer races must be
fully seated in adjusting rings

- install differential with ring gear on driver's

- install dial indicator (3 mm range) with
extension VW 382/9 into bar VW 382/7
-.zero dial indicator with 1 mm preload

VW 381115

I •

39.12 Ring gear, adjusting

14-speed 091-091/1.1 5-speed 094
Work sequence
- install with shim 8.
- install dUferenlial wUIi't on
- attach
- turn in
II is at
differential until measured screw-in
8, and 82 have been

- attach torque gauge US 1064

- turn differential in both directions while
with transmission oil

300-350 Ncm 30-70 Ncm
- attach tools as shown

at least 30 miles

-lock with bar VW 381/11

- measure screw-in of and

note S, and S.
mark and do not


If ring gear is being readjusted, check pinion

see page 39.10
39 Differential- Manual Transmission

If backlash readings vary by more than 0.06
mm from one another, there is something
wrong with installation of ring gear or gear
set itself. Check all assembling operations
and replace gear set if necessary

- to adjust backlash, proceed as follows

- turn adjusting ring on opposite ring gear
- turn adjusting ring on ring gear side In by
same amount
- continue adjusting until backlash is
0.15-0.25 mm (0.006-0.010 in.)

- lock pinion with clamp Note

• A = bolt M8 x 125
Keep within tolerance of ± 0.01 mm

Backlash, checking
- check backlash each 1/4 turn
• backlash should be
0.15-0.25 mm (0.006-0.010 in.)

Individual readings must not differ by more than
0.05 mm

lock pinion with clamp

• A = bolt M8 x 125
- turn ring gear to stop and set dial indicator
to zero
- turn ring gear in opposite direction and read
- check backlash each 1/4 turn
• backlash should be
0.15-0.25 mm (0.006-0.010 in.)

Individual readings must not differ from one
another by more than 0.05 mm

39. 1 4 Backlash, adjusting

1 4-speed 091-091/1 II 5-speed 094
39 Differential - Manual Transmission
Clamp differential gear into a vise before
disassembling (Fig. 1). Bearing inner and outer races are matched
and must not be interchanged. Replace both
Adlustlng ring bearings at the same time. Ring gear and
pinion must be adjusted after replacing
Differential bearing/outer race differential housing, cover and bearings. Side
removing Fig. 13 gear end play must be adjusted if differential
installing Fig. 14 housing, cover or side gears have been
Differential bearing/Inner race
(ring gear side)
removing Fig. 4
installing Fig. 10
, - - - - - Thrust washer
50 Nm (36 ft Ib) check for wear
tighten diagonally

Differential cover
removing Fig. 3
When installing, oil holes must be
offset approximately 90° to _ Thrust washers
differential pinion shaft ..., check for wear
Differential pinions
Thrust washer @
check for wear

Differential side gears - - -

long shaft in housing,
short shaft in cover.
o DIfferential side gears
long shaft in housing,
When replacing, adjust end play
short shaft in cover.
When replacing, adjust end play
Spacer - - - - - ,
determining size, page 39.25
___- - - Thrust washere
DIfferential pinions check for wear

Thrust washers ___- - Differential housing

check for wear

drive in flush

Differential pinion shaft

removing Fig. 6
when Installing. do nol
Differential housing damage thrust washer

Ring gear
Pin (matched to pinion) Differential gear set with four
drive in flush removing Fig. 2 small differential pinions
installing Fig. 12
Differential bearlng/oute. race
removing Fig. 13 Differential bearlngllnner race
installing Fig. 14 (housing side)
removing Fig. 5
1I'ansmlaslon housing installing Fig. 14

Differential gear set with two

small differential pinions

39.15 Ring gear

Differential - Manual Transmission 39
. Side


Fig. 1 Differential housing, disassembling Fig. 3 Differential cover, removing

- use jaw covers on vise
1St end play




m shaft

10 not
asher VW ... UL-...

Fig. 2 Ring gear, removing

- use drift to separate ring gear from


CAUTION Fig. 4 Differential bearing/Inner race (ring gear

side), removing
Do not damage threads in ring gear.


Ring gear
Differential housing
Differential bearing
39.1 6
39 Differential - Manual Transmission



Fig. 5 Differential bearing/Inner race (housing Fig. 7 Differential pinion shafts (short),
side), removing removing

- insert greased ball A (17 mm diameter)

into bore hole of spacer up to stop and
- press on shaft

Fig. 6 Differential pinion shaft (long), removing

- drive out axle until it projects 70 mm on

one side
Fig. 8 Differential pinion shafts, Installing

- align short shafts with slots parallel to

- drive in all shafts until thrust washers and
differential pinions can be positioned
- install spacer with large bore hole a facing
long axle
- drive in long axle until it matches pin hole

39.17 Differential bearings and

pinion shafts
Differential - Manual Transmission 39


Fig. 9 Shafts, Installing

Fig. 11 Differential bearlng/lnner race (housing

side). Installing

- heat to approximately 100°C (212"F) and

press on

Fig. 10 Differential bearing/Inner race (ring gear

side), Installing

- heat to approximately 100°C (212°F) and

press on

Clean contact surfaces are essential to ensure
that ring gear, differential housing and cover fit
properly. Remove all burrs and pressure marks
with oil stone.
Fig. 12 Ring gear. Installing

- heat ring gear to approximately 100°C

(212"F) and install
A centering pins (fabricate)
aCing If ring gear/pinion are replaced, readjustment is

094-4WD I
Differential bearings
Ring gear
39.1 8
39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Fig. 13 Differential bearing/outer race, removing


Fig. 14 Differential bearing/outer race, Installing

- press race in until seated

39.19 Differential bearing/outer race

Differential - Manual Transmission 39
Clamp differential gear into a vise before
disassembling (Fig. 1). Bearing inner and outer races are matched
and must not be interchanged. Replace both
Adjusting ring bearings at the same time. Ring gear and
pinion must be adjusted after replacing
differential housing, cover or bearings. Side
gear end play must be adjusted if differential
housing, cover or side gears have been
Dltrerentlal bearing/outer race replaced.
removing Fig. 13
installing FIg. 14
DIfferentIal cov.r
removing Fig. 3
when Installing. oil holes must be
offset approximately 90°
to differential pinion shaft

- - - Thrust waahera
check for wear

DIfferentIal ald. gears

long shaft in housing, short shaft in cover.
When replacing. adjust end play

installation position Fig. 8

______ Differential pinion ahaft (long)

Pln----' removing Fig. 6

drive in flush Differential gear set with four when Installing, do not damage
sll18l1 differential pinions thrust washers
DIfferential lock .... v.
' - - - - Ring gear
(matched to pinion)
DIIIeI'lntlal bearlngllnn.r race
removing Fig. 2
installing Fig. 12
FIg. 5
Fig. 14
Differential bearing/outer race
removing Fig. 13
Installing Fig. 14

1tanamlaalon houalng
Differential gear eet with two
small differential pinions

094-4WD Ring gear

Differential with lock
39 20 • .
39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Fig. 1 Differential housing, disassembling Fig. 3 Differential cover, removing

- use jaw covers on vise

Fig. 2 Ring gear, removing

- use drift to separate ring gear from


Fig. 4 Differential bearlngllnner race (ring gear
Do not damage threads in ring gear. side), removing

Ring gear

39.21 Differential housing

Differential bearing
Differential - Manual Transmission 39



134-1130 I 134-10981
Fig. 5 Differential bearlngllnner race (housing Fig. 7 Differential pinion shafts (short),
side), removing removing

-Insert greased a (17 mm diameter)

intoooN hose of spacer up to stop and
..,... press on axle


Fig. 6 Differential pinion shaft (long), removing

- drive out shaft until It projects 70 mm on VW402 o

one side

fig. 8 Differential pinion shafts, Installing

- align short shafts with slots parallel to

- drive in all shafts until thrust washers and
differential pinions can be positioned
- install spacer with large bore hole A
facing long shaft
"'rive in long shaft until it matches pin hole

094-4WD Differential bearings and
pinion shafts
39 Differential - .Manual Transmission


Fig. 9 Shafts, Installing Fig. 11 Differential bearlng/lnner race (housing

side), Installing

- heat to approximately 1000C (212"F) and

press on

Fig. 10 Differential bearing/Inner race (ring gear

side), Installing

- heat to approximately 100QC (212"F) and

press on Fig. 12 Ring gear, Installing

Clean contact surfaces are essential to ensure
that ring gear, differential housing and cover fit
properly. Remove all burrs and pressure marks
with oil stone.

- heat ring gear to approximately 1000C

(212"F) and install
A = centering pins (fabricate)

If ring gear/pinion are replaced. readjustment is

39.23 Differential bearings

Ring gear
Differential - Manual Transmission 39


Fig. 13 Differential bearing/outer race, removing

Ire Fig. 14 Differential bearing/outer rece, Installing

,r\<s - press race in until seated

094-4WD Differential bearing/outer race 39.24

39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Differential pinion/side gears,

adjusting end play ---VW387
The spacer sleeve ensures adequate backlash
between side gears and differential pinion gears
even when there is axial pressure on the side gears.
If differential housing. cover or spacer sleeve is
replaced. the size of the spacer sleeve must be A

- install dial indicator with 3 mm range

A = M10 x 25 bolt
30-45 = 76 mm long
VW 381/13 = 52 mm long
- zero dial indicator with 2 mm preload
- find end play by moving side gear up and down
- add measured play and length of measuring
sleeve together
- find this figure in the table below under x range
and select proper sleeve

- measure shortest spacer sleeve. Part No. 002517

241, with a micrometer x range Sleeve length mm Part No.
- mark dimension on sleeve with electric marker or 31.87-31.95 31.84 002517241
similar device 31.96-32.04 31.93 002517242
- this sleeve should always be used as a 32.05-32.13 32.02 002517243
measuring device 32.14-32.22 32.11 002517244
32.23-32.33 32.20 002 517245

- disassemble differential and remove measuring

...0- install sleeve selected from table and assemble

differential wHhout differential pinion shaft

- recheck play. play should be 0.03-0.17 mm

- place side gear (with short shaft) and both thrust

washers in cover
- attach clamping sleeve VW 381/5a and clamp
gear tightly against cover
- place side gear (with long shaft) in differential
- insert measuring sleeve, bolt housing and cover
together with four M8 x 20 bolts

39.25 DifferentJalpinlon/side gears

Differential - Mantial Transmission 39
, Ring gear/pinion, adjusting
Pinion removed
Screw-In depth, determining

Differential bearing outer races must be fully
Ring gear/pinion must always be replaced as a seated in adjusting rings
matched set, never Individually.
Adjustment of ring gear Is required if any of the
following are replaced:
Adjusting rings
Transmission housing
Differential cover
Differential bearings
Differential housing
Ring gear/pinion

wn - install differential with ring gear into housing (ring

gear lies on left side)
- install dial indicator (3 mm range) with extension
VW 38219 (18 mm long) Into bar VW 38217
- zero gauge with 3 mm preload
- tum in adjusting ring on ring gear side with VW
381/14 until upper edge is approximately 0.20 mm
.0. below surface of housing
. 241 - tum in. adjusting ring on other side with VW
, 242 381/15 until differential Is free of play and without
, 243 . preload
, 244 - attach VW 381/58 to ring gear sIde and lock with
, 245 hex nut
- tum transmission housing until differential is at top
ing and attach bridge VW 381/8 on dowel pins


13 094-4WD
'--_ _ _ _--'_
I· Ring gear/pinion, adjusting
Screw-In depth
39 26
. .•
39 Differential - Manual Transmission

If ring gear is being readjusted, check pinion
adjustment, see page 39.25

Backlash, adjusting
- install pinion with shim sa
- install differential with adjusting rings on correct
- attach bridge VW 381/8
- turn in adjusting rings while turning differential
until measured screw-in depth S1 and S2 have
been reached

A = Commercial torque wrench. 0-600 Ncm

(0-54 in. Ib)

- insert torque wrench with socket wrench (19 mm)

- tum differential in both directions while Oiling
bearings with transmission oil
- increase bearing preload slowly by.turning in
adjusting ring on side opposite ring gear with VW
381/15 while turning differential until specified
turning torque is reached

Turning torque

New bearings Used bearlngs*

300-350 Ncm 30-70 Ncm
(27-31 in. Ib) (2.7-6.2 in. Ib)
"after running at least 30 miles

- measure screw-in depth of adjusting rings and

note readings S1 and S2
- mark adjusting rings and do not interchange

39.27 Screw...n depth

094-4WD I
Differential - Manual Transmission 39
Locking pinion, front final drive


70 ----eo!
- attach measuring tools as shown r-134--1-805-',
- press in bridge VW 381/7 on two plate screws up
to stop
- attach special tool 3861A to final drive housing
(manufacture a retaining plate from 3 mm thick
locking pinion, standard sheet metal plate)

- lock pinion with clamp

- lock pinion with clamp
A = M8 x 125 bolt A = M8 x 60 bolt with M8 nut
B = Self manufactured retaining plate
C Me x 20 bolts
- tum ring gear to stop and set dial indicator to zero
- tum ring gear in opposite direction and read
- note values
- remove bridge
- check backlash 3 more times, 1/4 turn apart each

094-4WD Locking pinion 39.28

39 Differential- Manual Transmission

If backlash readings vary by more than 0.06
mm from one to another, there is something
wrong with installation of ring gear or the gear
set itseH. Check all assembling operations and
replace gear set if necessary.

- to adjust backlash, proceed as follows

- turn out adjusting ring on side opposite ring gear
- turn In adjusting ring on ring gear side by the
same amount
- readjust adjusting ring on oppo.site side of ring
gear one more time after screwing in adjusting
ring behing the ring gear
• keep within tolerance of ± 0.01 mm

81 + 82 must always equal 8 total to insure that
ring gear preload is not changed.
- continue adjusting until backlash is 0.15-0.25 mm
(0.006-0.010 In.)

To obtain the required backlash quickly, the
determined backlash minus 0.20 mm (0.008 in.) can
be used for the first adjustment of the adjusting

Backlash, checking
- check backlash each 1/4 turn
• backlash should be 0.15-0.25 mm
(0.006-0.01 0 in.)

Individual readings must not differ by more than
0.05 mm.

39.29 locking pinion

Differential - Manual Transmission 39

Front final drive housing with viscous coupling

Dual taper roller bearings


Needle bearing

Retaining ring Viscous coupling

7 094-4WD Front final drive 39.30

39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Before disassembling, mount to repair stand (Fig. 1)
and drain transmission oil.

Right adjusting ring - - - - - - - - - . . ,

identify before removing Fig. 3 Cep------.
removing Fig. 4 always replace
before removing: installing Fig. 6
loosen left adjusting ring for final drive. disassembling/assembling, pages 39.32 and 39.33
Identify position of adjusting ring Fig. 3 coat thread with MoS 2

disassembling/assembling, pages 39.29-39.32

20 Nm (15 ft Ib) Lock ring

with washer

Final drive housing - - - - - - '

disassembling/assembling, page 39.34

Lock ring

always replace
t 2lJ Nm ft Ib)
Drive housing
repairing, page 39.34
Left adjusting ring
Axle flange identify before removing Fig. 3
removing Fig. 2 removing Fig. 4
installing Fig. 6
installing Fig. 7 disassemblinl;l/assembling, pages 39.32 and 39.33
coat thread With MoS2

39.31 Front final drive

Differential - Manual Transmission 39

Fig. 3 Adjusting ring position, d.termlnlng

For differential assemblies which do not need
readjustment, the adjusting rings position in relation
t6 the transmission housing must be identified with a
marked tool (arrow)
- measure screw-in depth with VW 38217
Fig. 1 Final drive, mounting - note values
- mark left side (ring gear side) with 1 scratch
- clamp final drive in repair stand - mark right side with 2 scratches



Fig. 2 Axle flange, removing Fig. 4 Adjusting rings, removing

A = 2 M8 x 30 hex bolts through slots in

joint flange

E·19 094-4WD I Final drive

Axle flange
39 32 •
L...-_ _ _ _- ' Adjusting rings
39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Fig. 5 Differential, removing Fig. 7 Axle flange, tightening

fig. 6 AdJusting rings, Installing

- screw adjustment rings into transmission

housing to scratch mark and measure

Tighten left adjusting ring first if housing cover Fig. 8 Clrellp, Installing
is installed and bolted into place.
- position spring washer and clrclip
- press circlip into groove
- watch for central fit of spring washer

39.33 Adjusting rings

Axle flange
Differential - Manual Transmission 39
Retaining ring
removinglinstalling, page 39.35

always replace

Pinion shaft guide

--------. ---- ____ adj,,'me,' oomp..;te, page 39.35
-.............. thickness
Needle bearing .------. ______ . Viscous coupling
lubricate with transmisSion oil
I before assembling Spacer ring

Output housing

Drlveshaft flange
Flange shaft

with washer

can also be replaced on an installed

Final drive housing 39.34
39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Front final drive, disassembllng/

Final drive housing, disassembllng/
- remove output housing bolts
- remove housing
- remove spacer ring and viscous coupling
- drive out pin for speedometer drive
- pull out speedometer drive

- push out pinion

- fasten VW 457 with two Me x 20 bolts
- remove shim S3 and note thickness


- remove retaining ring

- mount support to flange and remove hex nut


- drill an additional 9.0 mm (0.35 in.) diameter hole

in bracket VW 457/2

39.35 Front final drive

Final drive housing
Differential - Manual Transmission 39


- remove flange, use two-armed extractor if

- remove flange shaft


- remove both ball bearings

A - Puller, e.g. 22-2
B -Inner extractor, 30-37 mm, e.g. Kukko 21/5

B Assembling
Before assembling:
- position shim S3
- place 12 point of dual bearing on opening in
139-11221 housing
- heat pinion housing at dual bearing seat to
- remove needle bearing from flange shaft 40·6O"C (130·166°F)
A- Puller, e.g. Kukko 22·1 - drive pinion in using a plastic hammer
- position washer and install retaining ring
B - Inner extractor 12 - 14.5 mm, e.g. Kukko
- pry seal out from Cover·
- remove seals for outer and inner ball bearing .

- tighten retaining ring to 225 Nm (166 ft Ib)

- loosen retaining ring and retighten to 225 Nm
(166 ft Ib)

094-4WD Front final drive 39.36

39 Differential- Manual Transmission

- drive seal in to stop

- secure retaining ring by staking in two places
A - fabricated staking tool
- Install speedometer drive




- press in flange shaft needle bearings

- install flange shaft into output housing

- push both ball bearings up to stop in back cover

- install circlips

39.37 Front final dr1v8

Differential - Manual Transmission 39

40 .. 20

- push on driveshaft flange

- Insert washer
- mount puller and tighten hex nut to 160 Nm
(118 ft Ib)
- position viscous coupling on pinion

- coat spacer ring with grease and align on viscous

- position output housing and tighten

Front final drive 39 •38
39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Retaining ring
tightening/loosening, pages 39.36 and 39.37

Dual taper roller bearing _ _ _ _-,

removing Fig. 2
installing Fig. 3
determine position of pinion
prior to removing, page 39.25
check turning torque Figs. 4 and 5



Final drive houalng

pinion and ring gear are matched set
adjusting, pages 39.26 and 39.29 Speedometar drive geer - - "
position with tumed In
groove facing outwards

Grooved nut 210 Nm (155 ft Ib)

removing Fig. 1
chamfer faces locking plate

39.39 Front pinion

Differential- Manual Transmission 39
3132 3136


Flg.1 Grooved nut, removing/Installing

(at final drive with viscous coupling)

- Install and tighten grooved nut to 210 Nm
(155 ft Ib)
- check turning torque of bearing

Fig. 3 Bearing, Installing

- heat inner rings to approximately 100°C

- position and press jn


Fig. 2 Bearing, removing

Fo8 094-4WD Grooved nut

Bearing 39.40
39 Differential -Manual Transmission

Fig. 4 Bearing turning torque, checking

A - Commercial gauge, 0-600 Ncm

(0-54 in. Ib)
- lubricate bearing with hypoid transmission
- tighten retaining ring as specified
- rotate pinion in both directions 15-20 times
without interruption
- rotate again and read turning torque

Tumlng torques

New bearings Used bearings"

to 210 Ncm to 70 Ncm
(19 in. Ib) (6.2 in. Ib)
"after running at least 30 miles

Fig. 5 End play. checking

- If turning tO'rque equals zerO', check piniO'n

shaft bearing for end play
- if any end play is felt, replace bearing

39.41 Bearing tumlng torque

End play
Differential-Manual Transmission 39
Technical data

• code letters
• application
• gear ratios

Front final drive

code letters ACU
date of manufacture
from 10/85
Application vehicle Vanagon Syncro
engine 2.1 Liter 70 kw (95 bhp SAE net)
manual transmission AAK I AAN
Ratio 34: 7 "" 4.86
Capacity 1.6 US qt (1.5 Liters)
lubricant specification Gear oil GL-4 SAE 80
Axle shaft flange 100mm

o ISyncro I Front final drive

technical data
39 Differential - Manual Transmission
Drlveshaft, removing/installing
Work sequence


- remove bolts (arrow) at front and rear driveshaft

flanges and remove driveshaft


- install driveshaft and tighten bolts to 35 Nm

- loosen mounting bolt of front final drive (arrow) (26 ft Ib)
Do NOT remove bolt.

- loosen side bolts of front final drive mounting Note

bracket (arrow) Do NOT remove bolts.
On vehicles with fuel injection and rubber damper
CAUTION on driveshaft (arrow), damper faces transmission.

Front final drive mounts MUST be loosened - align front final drive in longitudinal direction and
to prevent damage to the driveshaft universal tighten mounting bolts
joints when removing driveshafts.


The installed position of the driveshaft must be Front final drive alignment must be done to
noted for reinstallation. Vibrations due to ensure driveshaft is installed without distortion.
incorrect installation can cause cracks in the
transmission housing or engine block.

The universal joints cannot be replaced using
standard workshop tools and are not available as
replacement parts.

39.43 Drlveshaft, removinglinstailing

Differential-Manual Transmission 39
Driveshaft flange' oil seal, replacing
(on front final drive or transmission)

Work sequence

-remove driveshaft (see page 39.43)

iveshaft - drive in new seal to stop

Nm 134 -16661

- mount handle on flange and remove flange

shaft nut .

- drive in flange
- mount handle 3145 and tighten flange shaft
nut to 160 Nm.(1fS ft Ib)
- install driveshaft and tighten bolts to 35 Nm
(26 ft Ib)

- remove driveshaft flange. Use two-arm puller

damper if necessary ,
lission. - remove oil seal with VW 681 or similar tool

ction and

'·12 ISyncro'l Drlveshaft flange 011 seal 39.44

39 Differential - Manual Transmission
Front final drive axle flange oU
seals, replacing

If both left and right oil seals are to be replaced,

remove front final drive (see page 39.47).
If the oil seal is to be replaced on one side only,
remove suspension. as .described below.

Work sequence

- remove bolts connecting axle shaft to flange

- remove spacer ring

- remove brake line bracket from wheel bearing

housing (arrow)

- remove ball joint from upper control arm by

removing bolts (arrows)

- remove bolts (arrows) and separate radius rod.

wheel bearing housing and lower control arm


39.45 Front final drive

axle shaft seals
Differential-Manual Transmission 39
- remove wheel bearing housing complete with - install wheel bearing housing with axle shaft
axle shaft - install bolts for radius rod. wheel bearing
- pierce cap in drive flange with screwdriver and housing and lower control arm
pry out
- remove circlip and wave washer CAUTION
- remove drive flange with VW 391
Do not damage axle shaft boot.
- remove lock ring
- install tie rod. brake caliper and upper ball
- install brake hose bracket
- bolt axle shaft flange with spacer washer
to drive flange

Tightening torques
radius rodlwheel bearing housing on control arm
100 Nm (73 ft Ib)
brake caliper to housing 240 Nm (177 ft Ib)
wheel bolts 180 Nm (132 ft Ib)
axle shaft to drive flange 35 Nm (26 ft·lb)
ball joint to upper control arm 60 Nm (44 ft Ib)

- pry out oil seal

134-1681 I
- drive in new oil seal to stop
- install lock ring
- install drive flange with VW 391
- install wave washer
- press circlip into groove with VW 454 and at
same time check that washer is centered
- replace cap

,dius rod.
101 arm

14 ISyncro I Front final drive

axle shaft seals
39 Differential - Manual Transmission

Front final drive, removing/installing

Work sequence


- loosen mounting bolt of front final drive (arrow).

Do NOT remove bolt.

- remove right side axle shaft from final drive

(right arrow) and disconnect speedometer cable
(left arrow)
- remove left side axle shaft from final drive
- remove vent hose

- loosen side bolts of front final drive mounting

bracket (arrow). Do NOT remove bolts.


39.47 Front ftnal drive, removing

Differential-Manual Transmission 39
- support final drive with transmission jack and
small adapter


- remove bolts from front mounting (arrows) and

take bracket out by pulling forward

tr cable
- lower final drive and remove from vehicle
(2 mechanics required)


Proceed in reverse order of removal and note the


- tighten mounting bolts of front and rear brackets


Tightening torques

axle shaft to final drive 35 Nm (26 ft Ib)

driveshaft to final drive 35 Nm (26 ft lb)

Front final drive,

39 48

Automatic Transmission
Case, Gears, Shafts

- Apply shell 38.10 - Transfer plate
- Direct/Reverse/Forward clutches trans. 090 code letters NG 38.26
installing 38.11 trans. 090 code letters NG from
- Forward clutch 38.8, 38.17 trans. no. 17 07 0 38.28
- Governor trans. 090 code letters
disassembling/assembling NH, NK 38.37
trans. 090 code letters NG 38.22 - Transmission
removing/installing assembly 38.7
trans. 090 except code letters NG - Transmission 090 modifications
38.23 code letters NH, NK 38.13
- Governor drive gear 38.14 - Transmission/Final drive
- Kickdown lever modification assembly 38.2
trans 090 code letters end play 38.5
NH, NK 38.39 separating 38.3
- Manual valve 38.35 - Transmission housing studs 38.4
- Oil pump 38.8, 38.22 - Turbine shaft 38.3
- One-way clutch 38.12, 38.14 -Valve body
with plastic cage 38.16 removing/installing 38.25
- Operating rod 38.35 trans 090 code letters NG 38.26
- Parking lock 38.34 trans 090 code letters NG
modification trans. 090 from trans. no. 17 07 0 38.28
code letters NH, NK 38.39 code letters NG
- Pump shaft 38.3 up to trans. no. 16 07 0 38.29
- Reverse planetary gear set 38.12 trans 090 code letters
- Reverse planetary ring gear 38.14 NH, NK 38.36
- Separation plate - 1sVreverse brake piston 38.10
trans. 090 code letters NG 38.26 -2nd gear brake band 38.12
trans. 090 code letters NG from - 2nd gear brake band piston 38.10
trans. no. 17 07 0 38.28 disassembling/assembling 38.24
trans. 090 code letters
NH, NK38.37
- Spacer springs and rollers 38.15
- Spring table
trans. 090 code letters NH, NK
up to trans. no. 16 07 0 38.30
trans. 090 code letters NG from
trans. no. 17 07 0 38.32

Final driveltransmisslon '011 seal is installed in
final but fits shoulder on
governor drive gear in transmission.
If oil seal is to be
should not be tilted when
drive to avoid oil and

Turbine shaft - - - - - - - - -....

removing: transmission must
be removed first
place in pinior! shaft
before joining transmission
and final drive
t!h'>t!klnn turbine shaft rings Fig, 5 Shim
determining thickness
T Clf'que page 38.5
before installing, pump shaft
must be inserted fully
into pump splines Fig. 2

Final drive

Repair Group 39

removing! installing
Repair Group 32

Transmissionl Final drive SlII,IIAlmb


5 Turbine shaft
check for wear and


• turbine shaft for forward clutch with

thrust washer

Do not install with thrust

Tra nsmlsslonl Final

mount transmission/final drive
as shown
- drain ATF
7 turbine later version
" turbine shaft for forward clutch with
thrust hA••d"'i""
" Identification: for

Never install shaft without

New shaft with can be Installed t,.."r'Atli'lAf' Note
with version oil pump and thrust w .... h,"

hOllsl"9 studs
measure dimension from

18.7 mm
Separation plate - 8.0mm
Dimension a 10.7mm
Dimension b, m4li'.. .. rinn

to oil seal a
shim contact shoulder
with b

- measure dimension from


Transmission/Final drive end

- measure dimension from
shoulder for shims

from to 19.2mm
from to shoulder -10.0 mm
Dimensionb fUmm

Shim Inl;..IIiI" •••• 1Illlla,rmininn

- deduct b from 8
• result dimension x

Dimensions rom
Dlmenslonb mm
Dimension x mm

J( Shim
mm mm
0.85-1.24 1 x 0.4
1.65-2.04 1
2.05-2.44 1 xO.4
1 x 1.2
2.45-2.84 2xO.4
1 x 1.2
2.85-3.24 2 x 1.2
3.25-3.64 1 x 0.4
2 x 1.2
3.65-3.88 2xO.4
2x 1.2

Transmission/Final drive end

2nd gear brake band piston - - - - - - - _ _ . , . ...---Push rod fOf
remolle before taking oul brake band adjusting screw
remolling Fig. 2
Inslaliing Fig. 8
checking Fig. 10

page 38.20

Forward clutch _ _ _ _ _...1

disassembli ng I assembling

Thrust wastier
emea, with graBIll
stick planetary
g6at set
Reverse planetary gear set
installing Fig. 1
Retaining key
Separation Dtsle--J take out after One-way clutch
after installing, check Reverse planetary ring gearl remolling dlsassemblingl
transmissionlfinal drille Governor drive gear one-way clutch assembling page 38.10
end play, adjust if checkingl assembling installing Fig. 13 installing Fig. 13
necessary see page 38.4 page 38.10

Transmission II
From Dec.

Oil pump with thrust washer

011 pump with
Can be installed tnr,,,,fln,,,, with thrust
00 not

Forward clutch with thrust washer

.. identification: dril .. identification: no

Do not install with thrust Do not install with thrust washer

Oil pump
Forward clutch
also be inri,,,,II,'rI

Thrust washer
remove from groove
-lrlMr! In groove shown

remove 5
- remove with
rubber hammer

3 1stl Reverse brake pump,

9 Dlrectl Rever,e and Forward CIUltCtIA!!i:.

- assemble MIi'4t!llIA and forward

transmission IVIJ'l:>II:IU downward
and slide clutches onto of 011
faces up

- press down and insert

- first insert
- insert wavy

brake 6Dliniid


is eXIlml9a
II it must not be to turn
gear set counterclockwise

planetary gear set

• 2nd gear brake band

New with ball valve and shell with drill-
may be Installed In

Note .. do not use wavy washer

.. lise 4 inner and 4 outer plates

16 1st gear brake

-lubricate with ATF

.. is with ATF
cooler to transmission with
union bolts and with


" musl line up with ball valve
on 151 gear brake


Number of inner and ouler used with

this shell is 4 each.

Modifications for trans. 090

code letters NK


Spacer and rollers - -__ 'II.

early version Fig. 3
later version Fig. 5


Outer ring - - - - - - -
inserting lower clrcllp Fig. 1

Reverse D ... 8·13

Governor drive geer
III One-'II'aY clutch
must be installed In
to each other

- n ........'av clutch


outer ring with (arrow),
- short sides of on cage
must be firmly shoulders in
outer ring (arrow). If necessary, turn
cage after
mer Nota

Both can be installed er,

with and without
If cage is not properly located on lower
and inside of outer do not
press it into Knock cage out
let cool and repeat re


New can be service-installed In earlier
transmissions. used have been
cHscontinued end cannot be used with

from below

4 Plastic cage seslllfte!nts

10 seclmErnts to

7 cage
turn in direction of anow

5 """,,,"u,,. and rollers, installing

.. tab toward rolier

II une-lIfay clutch with cage

FGNUud clutch assembly
opeFatlon Fig. 4

l I - - - - - - Circlip

- - - - Pressure plate
different thicknesses
adjusting end play Fig, 2

Outer splined (3) --+-----...;.

it radial grooves are found,
replace plates, If discolored
but no grooves, reuse plates


DiI,Dhlraa'm spring
convex side faces
bottom of clutch drum

before installing,
dip in ATF

Clutch drum - - - - - - - - - - - -
assembling Fig, 3
checking: blow compressed air in direction
01 arrow to check that ball valve is
free and seals properly,
Check that valve is not obstructed
by blowing compressed air in
opposite direction of arrow

Forward clutch iii

4 FOIward clutch

- install both clutch and

2 Forward direct! reverse clutch with thrust
washers on oil pump
compressed air to port (arrow A)
must compress clutch
must release when
table air is removed


III Forward clutch

Direct I Reverse clutch assembly
checking operation Fig. 8

(4) ......



""', .... ,,1(1 dip in ATF


3 and Fig. 4

Clutch drum - - - - - - - - - - - '

assembling Fig. 7
checking: apply compressed air in direction
of arrow to check that ball valve is
free and seals properly.
Check that valve is not obstructed
by applying compressed air in
oPPosite direction of arrow

Direct/Reverse clutch II
- press in flush
- press down

- use old bushing A to press new
1.7 mm (0.067 in.) below top

- press out

15 minutes

6 Direct/Reverae clutch end 8 Dlrectl Reverae clutch

-0.098 in.) and




, .7

ID.c,,,,,,...,,,, clutch

Piston rings (small) - - - - - - - .
removing: unhook ends and take off

and take off

-YUfl_r gear
dip in ATF Defore Installing.
check for scoring, Side with code letter must
AHer assembling face cover plate
Insert pump shaft
plale and turn pump
Gears must turn amool'hhi
without lamming


Thrust plat.
check for scoring

do not interchange,
governor Is balanced
Goyernor shalt
check wear.
Can be replaced

Oil pump
• Governor
New governor may be used with new type
valve Previous governor may also be
used with new


1 Flat governor

3 - Governor cap
• must be secure


are <::9",",,,.<,11 on

pages 38.37,

Transmission Valve Governor

Code Letters Code Letters Code letters

Govemor III
replacement parts supplied
pre-assembled and adjusted.
Check piston diameter
see Fig. 1

Accumulator spdng

points toward
side of cover, see

with 2 O-ring grooves

OJ a ::= 96.5 mm

2nd gear brake band

Valve can be removed and installed with
automatic transmission In vehicle. Drain ATF and
remove oil pan first

20 Nrn (14 II Ib)

L -_ _ _ 011 pan

3 Nrn (26 In. Ib) _ _ _ _

' -_ _ _ _ Gasket
alw.ay8 replace

' - - - - - 011 It,aine, cover

4 Nm C35 in. Ib) ------1

quanHty 11
Accumulator pi.ton - -__

Valve body
Strainer in pressure channel Installing Fig. 1
deleted a50f trans. No. 21 040 disassembling/assembling see page 38.24
repairs on transmissions
to No. 21 04 do not
reinstall strainer

attach valve to
- connect manual valve and
lever (arrow 8)
all bolts Iy
Transmission 090

•. Cqluanility 3)
'''''''lOl'I.tllv 18} In. Ib)


Accumulator COfer 01111(8_...

e 38.24

8.11 cOde letter 2
location disasSembling/assembling page 38.25

1 locations in valve
.. all balls mm diameter
4 Identlflca lion
.. at arrows 1
.. at arrow 2

2 code lellerJfalllDUcallion
.. code leUer located on boss

transmission 090-code letters NG
transmission no. 17 07 0)


Valve body code letters

Transmission Valve
Code letters code letters


New valve body can be installed in transmissions
from transmission No. 01 06 8

Ball valve locations in valve

5 balls a mm diameter (arrows except A)
1 ball 3 mm diameter

2 notches at arrow 1
3 notches at arrow 2

to trans. no. 16070)

SMI spring table page 38.26
Circled numbers 10
on .tllnd

pt.:BSI.i,rfl ..allle.

Maftuaillaive - - - -
Throttle PflSSUre lIaI1l8·--
----val... bOdy

Spring/ throtlle - - - -
DArSSILIr. yalve
pressure valye

Kickdown valye _ _.......!i, Spring I converter

pressure va lYe

Guide sleeve/klckdown valve

code lellers NG
II to trans. no. 16070)
Automatic Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 38
Spring table
This table allows identification of springs by
Several valve springs have similar
their dimensions. Coil diameter and free length
dimensions. However, they must not be
can vary between new and used springs (due to
interchanged because they have different
settling) so check spring wire thickness and
number of coils first, as a means of identifying
springs. If this is not enough, also use inner coil
diameter and free length

Transmission 090-code letters NG up to transmission no. 16070

Transmission 090-code letters NH, NK
Inner dlameter2
Number Wire thickness Free length' of coil
Description of coils mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.)

CD Spri ng / throttle pressure

limiting valve
14 1/2 1.1 (0.043) 35.3 (1.389) 7.7 (0.303)

® Spring/main pressure limiting

11 1.2 (0.047) 32.4 (1.275) 7.7 (0.303)

0 Spring/main pressure valve 16 1/2 1.5 (0.059) 77.0 (3.031) 11.9 (0.468)

2 0 Spring/control valve 3-2 12 1/2 1.0 (0.039) 32.4 (1.275) 7.7 (0.303)

® Spri ng/ throttle pressure valve 16 1.25 (0.049) 43.4 (1.708) 7.75 (0.035)

® Spri ng/ shift valve 1-2

except code letters NH 91/2 0.8 (0.031) 26.0 (1.024) 8.2 (0.323)
rot Spring/shift valve 1-2
code letters NH only 81/2 0.9 (0.035) 28.8 (1.134) 8.1 (0.318)

CD Spring/converter pressure valve 8112 1.25 (0.049) 22.2 (0.874) 7.7 (0.303)

® Spring/ modulator pressure valve 11.1/2 0.8 (0.031) 28.6 (1.126) 7.75 (0.305)

ody ® Spring/shift valve 2-3 9 1/2 0.8 (0.031 ) 26.0 (1.024) 8.2 (0.323)

® Spring/kickdown control
valve 3-2
11 1/2 0.9 (0.035) 28.4 (1.118) 8.1 (0.318)

@ Spring/apply valve. 11 1/2 0.9 (0.035) 28.4 (1.118) 8.1 (0.318)

1stl reverse gear brake
'Free length can vary due to tolerances and settling
'Inner coil diameter is within a tolerance of ± 0.3 mm (0.012 in.)


Spring table
trans. 090 code letters NH, NK
code letters NG up to trans. no 16070
38 30 •
Valve modifications
transmission 090-code letters NG
transmission no. 17070)


Main reoulsitiriiO yalye

1 dlr.fli!141!iNtII! gear brake

Governor 2·3

Throttle pressure valve

_ _.... valve 2·3

... - I

trans. 090 code letters NG
trans. no.
transmission 090-code letters NG
transmission no. 17 07 0)

Several valve
dimensions. HOWQVQI' must not be
have different

Wire thickness of coil
mm mm mm
14.5 1.1 37.9 7.7

brake 12.5 1.2 27.5 7.6

16.5 1A 69.2 11.9

16.5 1.1 44 7.75

assure valve 11.5 0.8 7.75

1-2 0.9 19.9 8.1

valve 2-3 0.8 17A 6.95

pressure valv.e 1.0 32.4 7.7

pressure valve 1.25 22.2 7.7

control valve 3-2 0.9 28A 8.1

valve aear brake 0.63 36.3 9.0

(1) Free length can vary due to tolerances and

Inner coil diameter is within tolerance of ± 0.3 mm

trans. code 09O-code letters NG
trans. no. 1707 0)


of valve All parts

Valves and same
are reinstalled In their holes from
location, should be in storage tray_
insert and valves into one side in
Ball valves can be stored in space for locations shown view page
bolts before
- remove rear end take out valves and
one after another and them in
remove end from other side and

place lid on tray

air. Do not use
water, rags or cloths when parts
Pin tor parking lock pawl
end of pin must be
flush with housing edge

Operating 'e"er

••lleclor eable

shift segment

ends of lever
toward center of transmission
Version I
Version III

MODIfIED - - - - - - - - <


pr.'lsu,re vahi.
set 011 lest stand


Governor plug 1 4 ' - - - - - - - -

with spring uat

Main prusur.

Throttle pr•••l.lr. v l l u - - - - _

Sprlng"ISftfft v4Ilva 1 ' - 2 - - - - - -

Klck-down valva··----_______
control valve

Guide sluvelklck-down Ylillv.---........


The modulator pressure valve has

Modified shift valve 1-2 been deleted.
Total coils 8.5, wire thickness 0.9 mm To clean the valve assembly use
Length 28.8 mm, internal coil dia, 8. tray 2008 A.

0·16 Valve
090-code letters NK •

Tighten screws when

Transmission with code letters
Modified valve and

Accumulalor cover - - - - - -

Valve body
identification Fig. 2
disassem bling/ assembling
page 38.36

1 Ball

6 mm dia.

.. at arrow 1
.. 3 notches at arrow 2
.. 1 notch at arrow

2 Valve identification
.. code letters on boss {.,. ..."",..,\.
FFA NK w/FFA valve

3 Transfer identification
.. Part No. 010325 283 J

Transmission 091;I-J\lI1. NK

1'\.I(:k(lIO.,o valve

Kickdown valve operating lever has flattened

at contact surface A


New kickdown valve operating lever

previous transmissions, but A",,'I'A,'.tlj'l"\A
must not be installed in transmissions with new Idolil.dclwn


• Automatic Transmission
Controls, Assembly

- Accelerator cablellinkage
090-except code letters NH
code letters NH only 37.14, 37.15
checking/filling 37.9
dipstick changes 37.9
troubleshooting 37.9a
- Rnal drive oil seal 37.10
agO-except code letters NH
code letters NH only 37.8
- Modifications 37.19
- Operation 37.17, 37.19
- Pressure test procedure 37.18
- Removing
090-except code letters NH
code letters NH only 37.6,37.7
- Selector lever assembly 37.2
- Selector lever cable 37.3
- Shift points 37.19
- Technical data
code letters NG, NH 37.1 a
code letters NK 37.1b

37 Automatic Transmission-Controls, Assembly
Technical Data
• code letters •
• application
• number of splined plates and springs
• gear ratios

code letters NG NH
date of manufacture
from 06/79 10/82
to 10/82

Type No. 090

Torque converter
code letter Z1 Z
Valve body
code letters AH BH FF FFA
date of manufacture
from 06/79 07/80 10/82 01/85
to 07/80 10/82 01/85
Forward clutch inner outer inner outer
number of splined plates 4 3 4 3
Direct/Reverse clutch
number of springs 24 24
inner outer inner outer
number of splined plates 4 4 4 4
1st/reverse gear clutch inner 2 outer 2 inner outer
number of splined plates 4 4 4 4
2nd gear brake band
first tighten, then loosen: 2112 turns 2112 turns
Application to engine 2.0Itr. 1.9 Itr.
air-cooled water-cooled
67 bhp SAE net 82 bhp SAE net
Final drive ratio 45:11 = 4:09
Gear ratios
1st gear 2.55 2.71
2nd gear 1.45 1.50
3rd gear 1.00 1.00
Reverse 2.46 2.43
ATF cooler forward
1 up to build date 03/27/81 = code letter 0
2 up to build date 10/1181 = 5 inner and 5 outer plates

37.1a Technical data

Automatic 090
Automatic Transmission - Controls, Assembly 37
Technical data

Code letters NK
Manufacture date 07/85 to
Automatic transmission 090
Torque converter
Code letter H
Valve body
Code letters FFA
Manufacture date 07/85 to
Number of splined plates Inner outer
forward clutch 4 3
Number of springs 24
Number of splined plates Inner outer
direct/reverse clutch 4 4
Number of splined plates .inner outer
1st gear clutch 4 4
Brake band
first tighten, then loosen 2·1/2 turns
Engine application
Type Vanagon
Engine 2.1 Liter
90 bhp
lhlnamlsslon ratios
Final drive 45:11 = 4.09
1st gear 2.71
2nd gear 1.50
3rd gear 1.00
Reverse gear 2.43
ATF cooler supply flow
3 row

Technical data 37.1 b

---<>,... screw

Lubricate all
Accelerator/Pedal cable see pages


operate in lever
positions Nand P


Shift rod - - - - - - - -
install with selector
lever cable

A--- Sa'iector lever cable

Do not or bend.
Lubricate cable ends lightly
before Installing
removing Fig. 1 to Fig. 3
adjusting Fig. 4 and Fig. 5


Selector lever
4 Selector lever

shift rod to rear

shift rod bolt

- remove shift rod bolt

shift rod with selector lever
cable to rear


- disconnect A(:,rlAI,erAtor
- pry off accelerator cable 2
remove from selector lever cable :I
To access to convlIII.rt.llllr
crankshaft be rotated until each
appears in hole on top of transmission

converter bolts
of transmission
.. use extension and T-handle to
turn crankshaft
.. on tool must engage in recess of
fan hub
tool US 618

- remove rear transmission mount from

- remove lower bolts

Proceed In reverse order of ren:lOlilnO endnote

:able 3
"'''"Ui,,,n 5 and &elector lever

When transmission to
converter must be seated on one-way clutch
and can be turned hand.
When converter is nrr,,,.c,rI,,
a= 10mm
- go to next page


lower fansmlSSlon bolts to 30


While turn
converter to oheok for proper on
one-way clutch "u,,,,,",,n

... 4 rear transmission mount bolts to

- attach A TF tube
install starter
drive shaft bolts to 45 Nm ft
bolts to

install fan
- attach strap to
- check selector lever cable
-check <=I"f'",I""<=Itl"lr I"",,,


remove three
hole on top of transmission

OIG-code fetters NH
access to

hoses and remove

strap 4
- remove bracket bolts 5 and
selector lever cable

rod from transmission kickdown

"""",,,,,,nn nut 1
pry off ball socket 2 for accelerator cable and
cable from bracket
remove 3 for selector leller cable to
disconnect cable

support transmission with US 4470

When transmission to torque con-
verter must be seated on one-way clutch sup-
and able to be turned hand. When
8 = 10 mm

support with VW 785/1 or VW 785/1 B

remove rear transmission mount from
lower transmission and remove lower

"""I""""'''''' transmission from

lower transmission vehicle

in staffed

Work sequence
Proceed in reverse order 0' removal and note Note
While tint.tAl'1iil'1n
converter to Check for proper on
one-way clutch

bolls to

-check selector lever cable and accelerator
pages 37.14,

09O-oode letters NH
Automatic transmission fluids labeled
DEXRON® or DEXRON IP must be used. All
makes 'Or brands 'Of DEXRON@ A TF may be
mixed with 'One anether. De not use
dirt 'Or even lint can
transmission valves. Use clean funnel
and hose te add ATF and
with clean lint·free cloth

New A TF dlpstl(:k
and hose
.. difference between Min./Max. marks:
0.24 L)
- move selecter lever .. when cold, fill te 20°C mark. warm up
to and fill to
check A TF level and up te lower mark if
between marks
- warm up ATF and check fluid level
.. must be between two marks en CAUTION

Do NOT overfill. Too much ATF can cause

and must be drained.

'Of apprex. 60°C

Use ATF marked DEXRON. Do NOT use
apprex. 6 miles after a
any lubricant additives.

luse . The ATF used in vehicles has ,..... ,.... "",.,..

mn,,...,,ii'i,,n and color from that used in
.. use a lint-free cloth te color: red
new color: red/brown
The new ATF discolors to black/brown after
short times. This discoloration has no
effect on the of the fluid. the fluid
is necessary at the recommended service intervals

The new ATF and types of ATF DEXRON used

to can be mixed.

Current A TF dlFlSliiCk
.. difference between Min./Max. marks:
0.35 qts. L)
.. when fill to below the Min. mark, warm up
to and fill to
between marks

ATF. che,ckillo/fill
Automatic Transmission-Controls, Assembly 37
ATF level, checking/troubleshooting

I Check ATF level I

ATF level OK
I ATF level too low ATF level too high

I End I Check oil level in final drive

Oil level in final drive OK I I 1\ I Oil level in final drive too low

Too much ATF added; drain Oil seals between the final
off drive and transmission
leaking; seal transmission

I End
I I End

I Check transmission for leaks 1 "

No leak visible externally
Leaks visible externally 1
Check oil level in final drive Seal transmission

I End

Oil level in final drive too high Oil level in final drive OK I
Governor shaft oil seal or
drive shaft seals leaking;
Top off ATF in transmission I
repair transmission

I End
I I End

16 ATF level, troubleshooting 37.9a

Work .....[.... ..

detach drive shaft from

between seal

drive seal in until

pan underneath
- remove drive shaft

pry out seal

check transmission oil level and add- if

Final drive oil seal


transmission 090-code letters

Acceleralor cable

leyer on transmission

Adjusting rod

Accelerator cable/linkage
adjusting page 37.13

, ..,,'....,.... trans. 09O-code letters

to full throttle

kickdown lever on transmission must not be
In kickdown
full throttle to

must be tensioned and

Iission contacts

(el(CE!pt trans. 090-code letters III
090-code letters NH
ClA!lfA!'!!ll to full throttle
.. throttle valve lever must contact
kickdown lever on must not be
in kickdown
press accelerator full throttle
to floor
.. override must be and kick-
down lever on transmission must be in
down nn.,mr,n
as follows:
Accelerator IIn'<ao,e/cablie.
Work sequence

.. kickdown lever 4 must be in closed throttle

pOlsiticm on stop

-loosen nut 1
- remove override 2
- start and run at Idle

accelerator rod in direction of arrow to stop -If necessary, accelerator cable at

throttle DOISitklnl CU!UnPlllQ bolt

3 with screwdriver until

GU.O"',.,,'''' rod contects
of throttle lever

Accelerator ............. ":.. 11 . . .

090-code letters N H III
37 Automatic Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Transmission operation, checking • do not overfill, too much fluid will

upset operation of transmission
- check smell and appearance of ATF.
CAUTION Burnt smell may indicate burnt friction
linings and trouble in control system
All work on vehicle calling for running
engine must be done with selector lever at
N or P and parking brake applied. Only CAUTION
exceptions are pressure test and stall
speed test Automatic transmission fluids labeled
DEXRON@ or DEXRON III!) must be used. All
makes or brands of DEXRONI!) ATF may be
For proper transmission operation, engine idle mixed with one another. Do not use
speed, ignition timing, etc. must be correct. additives.
Poor engine output because of incorrect
adjustments or worn parts maY give impression
of problems with automatic transmisSion. C - Final drive oil level, checking
• final drive oil level must be up to edge
Before checking operation, try to find out how
of oil filler hole
problem developed and whether any repairs had
• if level is too high or too low it may
been done before.
indicate transfer of oil between
Trouble is often caused by out of adjustment transmission and final drive
selector lever cablel accelerator cable, low ATF
level or Improperly tuned engine. 0- Stall speed test
Before performing tests, do general checks A Check stall speed onlylf vehicle shows poor
and road test E. If problem still exists, proceed performance or poor acceleration
with tests B to E •
• engine must be warm
A - General Checks - connect tachometer (use adapter to avoid
- check engine idle speed, Ignition timing damage to electronic ignition, see Repair
- check for leaks (A TF or hypoid oil), Group 28)
external damage, loose or missing - start engine and hold vehicle firmly with
screws, etc. parking brake and foot brake
- put selector lever in 0 and depress
B - Transmission fluid level, checking accelerator pedal briefly to full throttle
-check that engine now runs between
- check that vehicle Is level
- place selector lever In P and apply .1950 and 2250 rpm (stall speed) for all
parking brake. Idle engine. (ATF must be automatic transmissions except 090-code
lukewarm) letters NH
- check that ATF level is between two • 2450 and 2750 rpm (stall speed) for
marks on dipstick transmissions 090-code letters NH only
• 2500 and 2750 - code letters
• difference between upper and lower
marks Is approx. 0.5 Itr (0.5 US qt)
- add ATF fluid If necessary CAUTION
Do not continue stall speed test longer
than time required to read tachometer.
CAUTION Maximum stall speed test time 5 seconds.
If necessary to repeat test, wait at least 20
Tiny particles, dirt or even lint can clog seconds.
transmission valves. Use only clean 'funnel
and hose to add ATF and wipe dipstick
only with clean lint·free cloth Note
Normal stall speed will drop 125 rpm per 3200 ft
altitude. Stall speed will also drop slightly at
high ambient air temperature

Transmission operation
is not as refer to
Transmission 090- from transmission
table as follows:
No. 17 07 0 ( code letters
Cause - see page 37.19

- note shift and compare to chart

above. Shifts should be smooth and should
be .. if stall
take and without in
power transmission
one.way clutch for
listen for any of
1st is defective between shifts which indicates
.. If rpm is
brake bands or clutches
sUI! too - after road test, check transmission for
clutch Is fluid leaks
ay too low Nole
a"':"'if approx. afe Incorrect or transmission does
200 rpm below check accelerator cable

b-if approx.
400 rpm below F Pressure test

Pressure test if defect cannot be found
E- test other checks.
, with
Vehicle should be driven In all and This test will locate ",,,,1;,,,,,11,,,
under all road conditions. Do not road
ottle test if there is obvious mechanical

In km/h

1-3 26-33
2-3 67-72
3-2 41-48
2-1 19-22 (1

.. gauge connection
25-40 50-53 - go to next page
59·74 85--87
43·58 80-83
17·22 (1 39-42

Transmission II
37 Automatic Transmission-Controls, Assembly

Teat procedure
- connect gauge with 0-10 kg/cm2 (0-142 psi) scale
- measure three different main pressures as

Selector lever Accelerator Code Main pressure

-n.st conditions
position pedal position letters kg/cm2 (psi)
accelerate to
50 km/h (31 mph),
NG release accelerator
idle speed NH 2.90-3.00 (41-43)
pedal (idle speed)
NK and check pressure
on gauge*
NG 5.85-5.95 (83-84)
full throttle NH *
NK 6.80-6.90 (96-98)

NG 7.62-8.22 (108-117)
NG 9.10-9.70 (129-138)
R idle speed (from17 070) vehiCle stationary
NH 9.00-10.00 (128-142)
*These tests should be performed on a dynamometer

If specified values are not reached, check following:

Fault Remedy
Oil pump defective Check pump for wear, replace if necessary
Oil leaks at seals and sealing surfaces or Check for leaks, particularly at valve body
leakage in housing transfer plate
Sticking control valve Disassemble and clean valve body, check valves for
free movement

37 . 1 8 Pressure test procedure

Automatic Transmission - Controls, Assembly 37
Shift points In km/h (mph)

Transmission 090 - code letters NG

(from transmission 17 07 0)
Shift Full throttle Klckdown
1·2 25-36 (16-22) 49-52 (30-32)
2-3 60-76 (37-47) 89-90 (55-56)
3-2 43-60 (27-37) 84-86 (52-53)
l). 2-1 17-20 (11-12) 44-47 (27-29)
iUre "A'ansmlsslon 090 - code letters NK
Shift Full throttle Klckdown
1-2 22-38 (13-24) 48-58 (30-36)
2-3 59-73 (37-45) 86-95 (53-59
3-2 36-56 (22-35) 76-86 (47-53)
2-1 14-19 (9-12) 37-47 (23-29)

y Clutch and brake band operation

This table shows which shift components are in
operation in various gears.
It provides basis for determining which shift
components are not worldng properly when
complaints are made of poor acceleration, faulty
shifting or transmission defects.

Example: No drive in 3rd and R gears

Possible cause; 0 + R clutch
does not work (must be applied)

Selector lever posHlon 1 2 or D 2 or D D R

Gears 1st 1st 2nd 3rd Reverse
Forward clutch applied applied applied applied released
o + R clutch released released released applied applied
1st + R gear brake plates applied released released released applied
2nd gear brake band released released applied released released
One-way clutch holding overrun overrun inactive

Shift points
Transmission operation
37 19 •
Manual Transmission
Case, Gears, Shafts

Quick Data Index

-Adjusting rings - Main shaft 35.117
installing 35.96 bearing, removing/
marking/removing 35.95 installing 35.119
-Assembling/Disassembling 35.99 - Main shaft seal
35.100 removinglinstalling 35.112
-Assembly 35.94, 35.98, 35.105 Needle bearing
- Axle flange removing/installing 35.115,
installing 35.96 35.119, 35.120
removing 35.95 - Needle bearing
- Bearing, removing 35.122 inner race, loosening/
installing/checking 35.123 tightening 35.123
inner race, removing 35.122 outer race, installing 35.126
- Clutch housing 35.111 outer race, removing 35.125
- Differential lock servo 35.96 - Output housing 35.103
- Drive flange seal - Output shaft bearing
installing 35,115 removing/installing 35.114
-Drive pinion 35.121 - Rear driveshaft
- Driveshaft flange measuring 35.97
removing 35.104 - Reverse gear idler
-Flange nut removing/installing 35.106
loosening/tightening35.104 - Shift rod bushing
Flange seal removing/installing 35.115
installing 35.104 -Shift shaft seal
-Gear carrier 35.107,35.116 removing/installing 35.114
disassembling/assembling - Starter bushing
35.108-35.110 removinglinstalling 35.112
-Gears - Synchronizer rings
1st, 2nd and 3rd, identification 35.127
removing 35.122 -1 st/2nd gear synchronizer
- Housing 35.113 checking/installing 35.124, 35.125
-Intermediate housing - 3rd gear installing 35.125
removing 35.106 - 3rd/4th gear synchronizer 35.118
- Low gear idler installing 35.119
remOving 35.106
- Low gear shim
measuring 35.101, 35.102
4-Speed 091
- Lower gear bearing
- See page 35.1
removing/installing 35.126
4-Speed 091/1
- See page 35.31

- See page 35.61



35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Before disassembling. mount transmission In
assembly stand (Fig. 1) and drain transmission fluid. Protect driveshaft oil seal from damage by the
driveshaft splines before removing and
installing the clutch housing. Pull a wiring
harness conduit or similar covering over the

Differential lock servo

installation position; hole faces
indicator lamp switch
Drain plug 20 Nm (15 ft Ib) • cen be changed when Installed in
Indicator lamp switch
Transmission houslnlll
removinglinstalling carner. page 35.107 o ring Right adjusting ring
check condition mark before removing Fig. 3
removing Fig. 4
installing Fig. 6
coat threads with MoS2 grease

Lock pin
always replace
removing Fig. 5
Shift fork

always replace
Before assembling;
remove adjusting rings. rear drives haft
and shift fork for differential lock
disassembling/assembling. see Repair
Group 39
Rear main sheft - - - - - - - - - - - - '
removing: remove circlip, push back
splined sleeve and remove main shaft
installing: connect rear main shaft and
front main shaft, back off one spline.
push on splined sleeve and install
new circlip
M 8 x 28 20 Nm (15 ft Ib)
Clutch housing - - - - - - - ' four bolts with washers
repairing, page 35.19
Left adjusting ring before removing:
mark before removing Fig. 3 loosen left adjusting ring to reduce M 8 x 46 20 Nm (15 ft Ib)
removing Fig. 4 tension in transmission housing. six bolts with washers
installing Fig. 6 Mark position of adjusting ring before
coat threads with MoS 2 grease removing Fig. 3 134-18711

35 .94 Transmission assembly

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35


Fig. 3 Adjusting ring, marking position

When differential is not being replaced:

• mark position of adjusting rings in
relation to transmission (arrow)
• mark left side (ring gear side with one
lace scratch, mark right side with two
ig. 7 scratches
• measure installed depth with VW 38217
Fig. 1 Transmission, mounting In repair stand

,.2 - remove shift rod lever and backup lights

1.7 switch before mounting transmission in
repair stand

Fig. 4 Adjusting rings, removing

Fig. 2 Axle flange, removing

A = screw 2 bolts (M 8 x 30) through slots
in axle flange

t Ib)


1..-_ _ _ _- '
I Axle flange, removing
Adjusting rings, removing
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

134-1750 I
Fig. 5 Differential lock servo, removing Fig. 7 Axle flange, Installing

- drive out shift fork lock servo

- remove differential lock servo from shift

Fig. 6 Adjusting rings, Installing

- install adjusting rings into transmission

housing using previously marked position
- check that depth equals previous
measurement Fig. 8 Clrcllp, Installing

- install spring washer and circlip

CAUTION - press circlip into groove
• make sure spring washer is fully seated
Tighten left bearing ring after the clutch
housing is installed and torqued.

Differential lock servo, removing

35.96 Adjusting rings, installing

Axle flange, Installing
Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Fig. 9 Rear drlveshaft, measuring

- dimension b = 27 mm (1.06 in.)

- total length = 298 mm (11.73 in.)


Rear drlveshaft, measuring 35. 97
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts
If the bearings and/or transmission housing are being Low gear housing
disassembling/assembling, page 35.105
replaced and the r dimension is not specified on the
ring gear, the position of the drive pinion to the
housing must be determined before disassembling. always replace
When installing, this position must be the same. See
Repair Group 39. Low gear shim
determining thickness, page 35.102

Output housing - - - - '

disassembling/assembling, page 35.103

20 Nm (15 ft Ib)
with washer
I Nm (15 ft Ib)
. , , - - - Bearing retainer
install with grease
15 Nm (11 ft Ib)

o ring I

Shift shaft cover
disassembling/assembling, page 35.105 .
. _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _.J
I Shift shaft

I slotted side faces differential gear

L._ (10_

Retal.... " ••

Shim S3
note thickness (j)

Transmission housing
repairing, page 35.113
t,. Nm Ib)

Shift shaft lever

35.98 Transmission assembly

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Transmission, disassemblingl
- remove output housing bolts
- remove housing

- remove splined sleeve (arrow)

- rotate transmission 180° (1/2 tum)
- remove cover for reverse idler gear
- remove low gear housing along with low gear,
needle bearing and shim
- unboH shift shaft cover
- remove shift shaft

- remove bolt (arrow)

- remove low gear housing bolts

- loosen bolt until relay lever (arrow) pulls against

- tighten boH by hand to lock lever in that position

094-4WD Transmission,
35 99 •
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

- remove retaining ring - tighten retaining ring to 225 Nm (162 ft Ib), loosen
- remove end shield from housing and tighten again to 225 Nm (162 It Ib)

- attach VW 457 with two M 8 x 20 bolts - secure retaining ring at two places by staking
- push out gear carrier bolt end shield to transmission housing
- remove shim S3 and note thickness
- loosen relay lever bolt
- position lever and tighten bolt to 20 Nm (15 ft Ib)
- install shift shaft with slotted side facing
Before Installing gear carrier:
differential gear
- position shim S3 and new gasket
- install new seal in cover
- position shift rail
- position cover with spring and tighten bolts to
- position bearing to opening in housing
15 Nm (11 ft Ib)
- heat bearing seat in transmission housing to
40-60" C (130-166° F)
- seat bearing using a plastic hammer on drive
- check for binding
- install retaining ring and shim (75 mm wide)

35.100 Transmission,
Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Adjustment range = a b
Dimension b = x- y

Low gear shim, determining

oosen thickness Example

I x = 77.6 mm
- measure dimension y

- measure dimension a
Example Example

,ft Ib)
I a = 17.8 mm y = 1.0 mm
- measure dimension x Dimension b =x- y

to Example

x = 77.6 mm
-y = 1.0 mm
76.6 mm

Adjustment range =a - b

a = 17.8 mm
-b = 76.6 mm
1.2 mm

094-4WD Low gear shim, measuring 35. 101

35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears,Shafts

Available shims:

Adjustment range Shim

Part Number
(mm) Thickness
0.95-1.14 0.6 094311 379
1.15-1.34 0.8 094311379A
1.35-1.54 1.0 094 311 379 B
1.55-1.74 1.2 094311 379 C
1.75-1.94 1.4 094311 3790
1.95-2.14 1.6 094311 379 E
2.15-2.47 1.8 094311 379 F

- Install bearing retainer with grease (arrow)

- rotate transmission 1800 (1/2 tum)
- push low gear housing from below, guiding gear
and shim to drive pinion
- Install mounting bolt and tighten to 20 Nm
(15 ft Ib)
- Install reverse Idler gear cover
- push splined sleeve onto drive pinion '
..... install output housing, tighten bolts to 20 Nm
(15 ft Ib)
- Install back up light switch and shift shaft lever
after removing transmission from repair stand

- install shim, low gear disc and needle bearing in

low gear housing
- position new gasket

35.102 Low gear shim, measuring

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35
To remove low gear housing, completely remove
output housing.
Drlveshaft flange removing/installing Ag. 3 20 Nm (15 ft Ib)
removing Fig 2
r--- Clrcllp

Output shaft .

Drive pinion

134-1880 I

Output housing 35. 103
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts


134-1760 I
Fig. 1 Flange nut, loosening/tightening Fig. 3 Flange seal, Installing

- secure flange with tool . - press seal in to stop

- loosen or tighten to 160 Nm (112 ft Ib)


Fig. 2 Drlveshaft flange, removing

- if necessary, pull off flange with a two

armed extractor
A- two armed extractor of commercial size,
e.g. Kukko 44-2

nut, loosening/tlghtenlng

35.104 Drlveshaft flange, removing

Flange seal, installing
Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Low gear Idler

Needle bearing

he, o ring
Banjo bolt

o ring \
r@ C' (}'

.J Idler gear shaft


Bearing with clrcllp

Supporting ring

Needle bearing
install with transmission oil
Reverae gear Idler
removing Fig. 2
installing Fig. 3

Transmission assembly 35.105
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

Fig. 1 Low gear Idler, removing Fig. 3 Reverse. gear Idler, Installing

- remove idler gear shaft - install with groove pointing up

A - Puller, e.g. Kukko 22-1
B- Reducing thread bolt M5

Fig. 4 Intermediate bearing, removing

- clamp separation device behind bearing

Fig. 2 Reverse gear Idler, removing
A - Separation device,
A - Puller, e.g. Kukko 22-1 e.g. Kukko 15-15, Gr. 2

B - Reducing thread bolt M5

Low gear Idler, removing

35.106 Reverse gear Idler, removing/Installing

Intermediate housing, removing
Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Gear carrier
repairing, page 35.108

Low/reverse synchronizer
install molybdenum coated
synchronizer ring facing low gear 3rd/4th gear shift rail

Synchronizer hub
Main shaft
Needle bearing
install with transmission oil

/ 1st/2nd gear shift rail

Second clrcllp '--
First clrcllp

Install with transmission oil

Ball valve
Thrust washer

Gear carrier 35.107
35 Manual Transmission- Case, Gears, Shafts

Gear carrier, disassembly/assembly

DI.....mbly L.---VW411
- remove low/reverse gear shift fork
- remove low/reverse gear synchronizer
- remove synchronizer hub first circlip

- press out main shaft with drive pinion and shift



- remove synchronizer hub with control gear

A - two armed extractor, e.g. Kukko 20110
- remove second clrclip, thrust washer and needle
- remove main shaft circlip

- press in main shaft with shift rail

35.108 Gear carrier,

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35


- install drive pinion with shift rail

- shift into 3rd gear - secure retaining ring at two places by staking
- shift into neutral - Install end shield to transmission housing
- install needle bearing for drive pinion - determine thickness of reverse gear thrust washer
- install main shaft circlip (75 mm wide)

Before installing gear carrier:

- position shim S3 and new gasket
- position shift rail
iff - position bearing faCing opening in housing
- heat bearing seat in transmission housing to
40.600 C (130-1660 F)
- seat bearing using a plastic hammer on drive
- check for binding


- position circlip and measure dimension c


-tighten retaining ring (75 mm wide) to 225 Nm c = 29.1 mm

(162 ft Ib), loosen and tighten again to 225 Nm
(162 ft Ib) - measure dimension d


d = 24.7 mm

094-4WD Gear carrier,

35 1 09 •
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts


Dimension c = 29.1 mm
- Dimension d = 24.7 mm
- Adjustment range - 4.4 mm

Shims available:

range (mm) Part N Color
3.97-4.19 091 311 379 white
4.2D-4.39 091 311 379 A black
4.40-4.59 091 311 379 B green
4.60-4.90 091311379C red

- position thrust washer, reverse gear, needle

bearing and second circlip


- Install synchronizer hub
- position first circlip
- position low/reverse synchronizer with shift fork
- place molybdenum coated circlip on low gear
- fasten shift fork to shift rail
• coat bolt with D 6 and tighten to 20 Nm
(15 ft Ib)

35.110 Gear camer,

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Clutch housing
Starter bushing
removing Fig. 3
installing Fig 4

Release shaft
install with
multi-purpose grease

Rubber bushing

Rubber bushing

Clutch lever
lightly grease ball end

removing Fig. 1
installing Fig. 2
only with plastio sleeve
fill space between lips with Clrcllp
mUlti-purpose grease always replaoe

Release bearing
wipe dry only, do not use solvent

Guide sleeve
metal sleeve greased with MoS2
plastic sleeve not greased Retaining clip

Drain plug 20 Nm (15 tt Ib) Retaining spring


Clutch housing 35. 111
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

Fig. 1 Main shaft seal, removing Fig. 3 Starter bushing,. removing

(installed transmission)

For disassembled transmission, remove with
VW 222a.

Fig. 2 Main shaft seal, Installing

Fig. 4 Starter bushing, Installing

- drive in flush

35.112 Main shaft seal, removing/lnstalling

Starter bushing, removing/lnstailing
Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Clrcllp Pinion needle bearing
Low gear housing

Main shaft needle bearing

Pinion needle bearing outer race

clip off before removing

---- ----.
Main shaft bearing ____ .
shift rod Gear carrier
011 tiller bolt 20 Nm (15 ft Ib)
removing Fig. 7
. installing Fig. 8

Low/reverse shift rod

Shift shaft seal

removing Fig. 3
installing Fig. 4
seal can also be
replaced on installed

install with lug
facing end shield

rod bearing
:"'\ removing/installing
2nd/3rd gear relay lever '" Fig. 5
lhlnsmlsslon housing
Main shaft needle bearing when replacing, adjust drive pinion to
removinglisntalling, page 35.119
previously determined installation
poSition, see Repair Group 39 134-18821

Transmission housing 35.113
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts




Fig. 3 Shift shaft seal, removing



Fig. 1 Output shaft bearing, removing

Fig. 4 Shift shaft seal, Installing

- remove wire circlip

drive i.n seal with 3077
- replace wire circlip

fig. 2 Output shaft bearing, Installing

- push bearing in to stop

35.114 Output shaft beanng, removing/Installing

Shift shaft seal, removlngllnstalling
Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

134-1341 1 134-18831
Fig. 5 Shift rod bushing, Fig. 7 Needle bearing, removing
A- Puller e.g. Kukko 22-2
- to remove, rotate until lug (arrow) is
positioned over recess in housing B- Inner extractor 31 - 37 mm e.g. Kukko
- push out shift rod bushing 21/5


Flg.6 Drive flange seal, Installing Fig. 8 Needle bearing, Installing

- push in seal up to stop - push in needle bearing to stop

Shift rod
094-4WD Drive flange seal, Installing
Needle bearing, removing/Installing 35.115
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

Input shaft - - - - - - - - - ,
Drive flange

Output housing

Low gear

Drive pinion
disassembling/assembling, page 35.121


35.116 Gear carrier

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35
4th gear needle bearing
lubricate with transmission oil

Needle bearing ,
before removing bearing, remove low gear
idler gear, page 35.106
removing Fig. 10
installing Fig. 11

7 I

l Clrcllp
removing Fig. 6
installing Fig. 7
,--' __ J
4th gear synchronizer ring

-- --' ---'
checking Fig. 2
3rdf4th gear synchronizer identification, page 35.127

--' --'
Installed position Fig. 5

, 3rd gear synchronizer ring


L. always replace

diameter 1.6 mm

diameter 1.6 mm

....._ I
_ _ _--' Malnshaft 35.117
35 Manual Transmission -Case, Gears, Shafts


Fig. 1 Synchronizer 3rc1/4th gears, removing

- press off with 3rc:1 gear

a Fig. 3 3rd/4th gear synchronizer, assembling

• sleeve and hub identification grooves

(arrows A & 8) are on opposite sides
• clutch sleeve groove (arrow 8) faces
4th gear
• the grooves (arrows C) are for
1stl2nd gear = one groove
3rc:1/4th gear = two grooves

Fig. 2 Synchronizer rings, checking

- push synchronizer rings on to gear cones

and measure gap a with a feeler gauge

Gap a New Part Wear limit

mm (In.)
1.25-1.95 mm 0.5 mm
3rc:1 gear (0.049-0.077) (0.020)
1.00-1.70 mm 0.5 mm
4th gear (0.039-0.067) (0.020)

Fig. 4 Synchronizer 3rd14th gear, assembling

- push sleeve over hub

- insert keys and install spring ends 1200
• angled ends of spring must fit into
hollow key

35.118 3rc1/4th gear synchronizer

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Fig. 7 Main shaft bearing, Installing
- press bearing into carrier to stop
• recess on bearing aligns with recess in
carrier (arrow)

fig. 5 Synchronizer 3rd/4th gear, Installing
sides - rotate synchronizing ring until grooves are
aces in line with keys
- clutch sleeve identification groove (Fig- 3,
arrow 8) faces 4th gear

Fig. 8 Needle bearing, removing

- drive bearing out of transmission housing

Fig. 6 Main shaft bearing, removing

- push bearing out of gear carrier



3rd14th gear
Main shaft bearing, removing/Installing
Needle bearing, removing
35.1 19
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

FIg. 9 Needle bearing, Installing Fig. 11 Low gear needle bearing, Installing

The lettered side of bearing (thicker material)
must face installing tool.

FIg. 10 Low gear needle bearing, removing

- shear off rivet head before removing

A- Inner extractor 18.5-23.5 mm, e.g.
Kukko 21/3
B- Extension
C - Yoke, e.g. Kukko 2212

35.120 Needle bearings,

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Low gear housing

determining thickness,
page 35.102

Reverse gear
Needle bearing - - - -
install with transmission oil

Low/reverse hub

2nd gear

3rd gear
removing Fig. 1
installing Fig. 13
Clrcllp - - - - - - - -....... colillar faces 2nd gear
always replace gear neadle
must fit securely in groove
Synchronizer hub
bearing Inner race
loosening/tightening Fig. 6
collar on the synchronizer

I hub secures against

Spring - - - - - - '
1st gear needle bearing
diameter = 1.6 mm L Key
install with transmission oil
lst12nd clutch synchronizer sleeve _ _ _....J 1st gear synchronizer ring
removing Fig. 2 checking Fig. 9
assembling Figs. 10 and 11 identification, page 35.127
installing Fig. 12

Bearing - - - - . . , l
removing Fig. 3
installing Fig. 5 Transmission housing
if replacing. measure pOSition of pinion and ring gear are
drive pinion before removing. replaced as a matched set
see Repair Group 39 when replacing drive set. adjust note thickness
turning torque. checking Figs. 7 and 8 pinion and ring gear adjusting see Repair Group 39 135,1060 I

I 094-4WD I Drive pinion 35 .121

35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

VW411 t ... ___- VW409

Fig. 1 3rd and 2nd gears, removing

A- Separation device 22-115 mm,

e.g. Kukko 17/2

VW411 Fig. 3 Bearing, removing

- unscrew needle bearing inner race

- push bearing over outer race



Fig. 2 Synchronizer sleevelhub and 1st gear,


A- Separation device 22-115 mm, e.g.

Kukko 17/2
- secure separation device behind gear

Fig. 4 Bearing Inner race, removing

A- Separation device 12-175 mm, e.g.

Kukko 17/1

1at, 2nd and 3rd gears, removing

35.122 Bearing, removing 094-4WD

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Fig. 7 Bearing, checking turning torque

Fig. 5 Bearing, Installing
A - Torque gauge, Q-6OO Nm
- heat inner race to 100° C (212° F) (0-54 in. lb.)
- before tightening needle bearing inner - lubricate bearings with transmission oil
race. let bearing cool to room temperature and tighten tenSion nut
- turn pinion shaft in both directions 15-20
turn and read turning torque
• new bearings:
up to 210 Ncm (19 in. lb.)
• used bearings (after 30 miles):
up to 70 Ncm (6.2 in. lb.)

Fig. 6 Needle bearing Inner race, loosening/


- heat inner race to 60° C (140° F)· and

screw on by hand as far as possible
- install pinion shaft into tool 2052/1· and
tighten wing nut lightly
- tighten inner race to 210 Nm (152 ft Ib)

Fig. 8 Bearing condition, checking

- if turning torque cannot be measured,

check for rock at end of pinion
- if there is detectable rock, replace bearing

094-4WD Bearing, Installing/checking

Needle bearing, Inner race, loosenlngltlghtenlng
35 123 •
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts


Fig. 10 1st/2nd gear synchronizer sleeve,

Rg. 9 1st12nd gear synchronizer ring, checking
- groove (arrow A) faces 2nd gear
- press synchronizer ril"/Q onto gear by hand
- hub collar faces 1st gear
and measure gap A with feeler gauge - grooves (arrow B) are for identification:
e 1st/2nd gear = 1 groove
e3rd/4th gear = 2 grooves
New part mm (In.) Wear limit mm (In.)
1.3-1.9 0.5
Gap a
(0.051-0.075) (0.020)

Ag. 11 1st/2nd gear synchronizer, assembling

- slide sleeve over hub, matched position is

not necessary
- insert keys and install spring ends 120"
apart. Angled ends of springs fit into keys

35.124 1st/2nd gear synchronizer,

Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35


Fig. 14 3rd gear end play, adjusting

- measure end play with feeler gauge

- adjust by selecting suitable circlip
• play should be 0.05 mm-0.20 mm
(try to meet lower limit)
The following circlips are available:

Fig. 12 1st/2nd gear synchronizer, Installing

Thickness mm Color Part No.
- turn synchronizer ring until grooves are in 2.20 copper 113311 386
:ation: line with keys (installation position, see 2.30 brass 113311 387
Fig. 10)


Fig. 13 3rd gear, Installing Fig. 15 Needle bearing outer race, removing

- collar faces 2nd gear
position is

cis 1200
t into keys

094-4WD 3rd gear, Installing

Needle bearing outer race, removing
35 125 •
35 Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts

Fig. 16 Needle bearing outer race, Installing Fig. 18 Bearing, Installing

Fig. 17 Low gear bearing, removing

35.126 Needle bearing outer race, Installing

Low gear bearing, removlnglinstalling
Manual Transmission - Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Synchronizer rings, Identification
When assembling transmission, install synchronizer
rings to the same gears from which they were

3rd gear:
special brass ring
molybdenum coated teeth around entire
outer surface

For all gears, install synchronizer ring which is
1st gear: supplied under Spare Part No. 091311295 A
brass ring (standard production on 3rd gear).
molybdenum coated 3 x 6 teeth
without identification

2nd gear:
brass ring
molybdenum coated 3 x 8 teeth
identification 3 notches
4th gear:
brass ring
3 x 8 teeth
identification 3 notches

094-4WD Synchronizer rings,

5-Speed 094
Manual Transmission
Case, Gears, Shafts

Quick Data Index

-Adjusting rings 35.62 -Main shaft 35.81
installing 35.65 assembly 35.80, 35.81
marking/removing 35.64 ball bearing 35.83
-Assembly 35.62, 35.63, 35.66, lock ring 35.84
35.67 needle bearings 35.83, 35.84
mounting in repair stand 35.64 oil seal 35.75
-Clutch housing assembly 35.74 rear, removing/installing
-Differential 35.65 35.65a
-Drive flange 35.62 -Modifications to trans.
circlip, installing 35.65 manufactured prior to
installing 35.65 Dec. 15, 1982 35.65b-35.65d
oil seal 34.18 -Pinion shaft 35.87
removing 35.64 assembly 35.86, 35.87
-Gear carrier 35.76 needle bearings 35.89, 35.91,
assembly 35.66, 35.67 35.92
assembling 35.70, 35.71 roller bearings 35.88, 35.89
cover 35.76 -Removing 34.16, 34.17
installing 35.69 -Retaining rings 35.67
removing 35.68 installing 35.70
-Gears removing 35.68
1st, shim 35.72,35.73 -Shift rod bushing 35.78
2nd, removing 35.88 -Shift shaft oil seal 35.78
3rd/4th, removing 35.88 -Starter bushing 35.75
4th, end play 35.91 -Synchronizers
installing 35.91 assembling 35.90
-Gearshift lever 34.10 checking 35.82
-Gearshift linkage 34.10, 34.11 installing 35.90
-Installing 34.17 removing 35.82, 35.88
-Lever bearing plate 34.10 ring, checking 35.90
identification 35.92
2nd/3rd gear 35.90
4th/5th gear 35.82, 35.83
-Transmission, housing 35.77
assembling 35.69
disassembling 35.68, 35.69

4-Speed 091
- See page 35.1

4-Speed 091/1
- See page 35.31

094-4WD Syncro
- See page 35.93


I '''''',..
I "
Olllllle, plug I
20 Hi'll (14 Illb) I

Transmission housing
Mount'lng m repair stand. Fig, t

removing FiQ. 5

Adjusting ring, Jeft

marking position
before removing Fig, J
removing Fig . .4
installing Fig. 6

5-speed 094
nansmllislon, ".sembly
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

replace -"

F'g, a

LlWlk rinjj - - -....

Adjuolilig rlnjj. right

roarkfng p.oslUot't
bolor. ,em".ing Flg,3
f!Hru)ving Fig. 4,
,..I.IIing Fig, 6

CI,II.IC" """,,'fill
tr'lW1ll POji1ion ot adjusting ring
before removIng. Frg. 4
Main shaft. rear '",mO"II1I1, loosen lei!
remoll'ingfinsta!ling page :36,(J6A dttfenmt!al adjusting ring to
redu.ce tension!n transmission

_ _-0 bolts M8,. 46

with washel's
20 Nm (14 ftlb)

cover &pline:& to pre'lent
damagtl to main shaft oil
seal when disassembling!

4 001,. M8 , 2 8 ' - - /
with washers
20 Nm (14 ftlb) 011 d,aln plug
20 Nm (14 IIlb)

Transmission t assembly 35.63

-case. Glears

Belo,e SI!.rlina

-scdbe 'ell side gear wllh

FIg.1 Trlnllml$s'OfIls,s<>I1,lIIy, mountIng 11'1 one mark /""mol
-scribe side with Iwo marl<s
clr .. in oil
-mount !rllnSml&sion In

Fig. 4 Adjusting rings, ranloving

-remove circnp and wavy spr!ng washer

-attach VWJ91 to flange wllh 2 boll •
• A Me x 30 bolls
-pull drive out

Drive flange 5-speed 094

Adjusting rings
Fig.5 Differential. removing
-remove adjusting rings and rear main
-lift out differenlial

:11 10

Fig.6 AdJusllng rings, inslalling

-inslall leB and right adjusting rings
and align marks at depth previously
-lubricate threads with MaS, grease Flg.8 Clrcllp for d,i." flang", Inslalllng
CAUTION -ins.ert wavy spring washer and c/rclip
-press circlip into groove with VW 244b
00 not tighten Ie!! side adjusting and at same time check thai washer is
clutch housing nas been Installed centered

Adlllsllng rings
Drive fhtnge
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Rear main shaft, removing/installing

Work sequence

34·1309 A

remove circlip (arrow)

push sleeve backward and screw out
main shaft


screw front and rear main shafts together I

then back off one spline

push sleeve on and install new circlip


35.65a Rear main shaft 5-speed 094

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Transmission modifications
(manufactured prior to Dec. 15, 1982)

Transmissions with date of manufacture (see Note

transmission housing code) prior to 15 122
(December 15, 1982) are subject to refinements Only latest version parts will be supplied as spare
currently used in production. Transmissions needing parts.
repair should be inspected and repaired as
necessary according to following two groups of
procedures with required parts according to dates of CAUTION
manufacture. Part numbers are for reference only. Always
check with your Parts Department for latest
parts information.

Selector shaft, modifications

• external repairs performed without removing

Large spring (old)

• pressed gearshift lever
into 2nd13rd shift gate
/ Up to 1110 2
date of manufacture

Spring (new)----...-J
• pushes gearshift lever
out of reverse/1st shift _ _ Selector shaft (old)
gate with small preload

Since 1 2 1 0 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - '
date of manufacture

Selector shaft ( n e w ) I - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5-speed 094 Modifications to transmissions

manufactured prior to Dec. 15, 1982 35.65b
3S Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shaft

A- Selector shaft Note

- replace complete shaft with new version
large spring may be left in transmissions in which
B- Selector shaft spring originally installed to accommodate driver's current
Gearshift lever is now moved by spring shifting habits.
pressure out of reverse/1st shift gate rather than
C- Selector shaft cover
into 2nd/3rd shift gate
- install new selector shaft spring • provided with shoulder for spring to maintain
proper position when assembling
- replace cover and o-ring

Shift forks/synchronizers, modifications

• internal repairs requiring disassembly of

Main shaft assembly - - - , 4th/5th gear shift rod fork/rail

Gear carrier

2nd/3rd gear shift rod


Pinion shaft assembly - - - - - '

2nd/3rd gear synchronizer - - - - - I

D- Shift forks/rails E- Synchronizers

• 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th gear shift forks/rails are • 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th gear synchronizers have
riveted and welded to maintain proper been changed to prevent jumping out of gear
alignment to each other • changes cannot be detected visually
- replace with new shift forks/rails - replace with new version synchronizers

3S.6Se Modifications to transmissions

manufactured prior to Dec. 15, 1982
5-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Parts requirements (based on transmission date of
manufactu re)
ment Note
Previous version parts are not available and must be
replaced by latest version listed below.

Part numbers are for reference only. Always
check with your Parts Department for latest
parts information.

Transmission date Parts required

of manufacture
Description Part Number
Prior to 11 10 2 Selector shaft 091-311-5348
Selector shaft spring 091-311-5488
Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
Selector shaft cover o-ring 094-301-278A
Synchronizer (2/3) 091-311-2418
Synchronizer (4/5) 091-311-3018
Shift fork (2/3) 091-311-549A
Shift fork (4/5) 091-311-559A
From 12 102 Selector shaft 091-311-5348
to 18 11 2 Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
Selector shaft cover o-ring 094-301-278A
Synchronizer (2/3) 091-311-2418
Synchronizer (4/5) 091-311-3018
Shift fork (2/3) 091-311-549A
Shift fork (4/5) 091-311-559A
From 19 11 2 Selector shaft 091-311-5348
to 2411 2 Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
Selector shaft cover o-ring 094-301-278A
Shift fork (2/3) 091-311-549A
Shift fork (4/5) 091-311-559A
From 2511 2 Selector shaft 091-311-5348
1002122 Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
Selector shaft cover o-ring 094-301-278A
From 03122 Selector shaft 091-311-5348
to 14 122

:ers have

Jt of gear


5-speed 094 Modifications to transmissions

manufactured prior to Dec. 15, 1982 35.65d
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shaft

Differential must be removed
before gear carrier can be removed,
Needle bearing
see page 35.65
Reverse idler gear

, - - - - Gear carrier cover

Synchronizer unit

7 bolts M8 x 38
with washers
20 Nm (14 ft Ib)

Needle bearing

-1st gear
Shim for 1st gear-
determining thickness, page 35.73

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35

15 Nm (10 ft Ib)

Shim S.
determining thickness,
Repair Group 39
Shift shaft lever •

25 Nm (18
4th/5th gear shift rod fork

Main shaft assembly

disass.fass. page 35.80

2nd/3rd gear shift rod fork

Pinion shaft assembly - - - -

disass./ass. page 35.86

S-speed 094 Gear carrier, assembly

Transmission, assembly
35 67 •
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts


Work sequence
-remove coverplate
-remove shift shaft

L_ _
-pull off synchronizer hub and reverse gear
• A-puller US 1078
-loosen bolt until relay lever (arrow) can be
pulled against housing -remove inner circlip, washer and needle
-tighten bolt to lock lever in that position bearing
-remove reverse gear together with needle bear-
r----- ing and washer
-remove gear carrier housing bolts


-remove retaining ring

-remove gear shift housing
-remove reverse gear shift rod and hub
-remove outer circlip

35. 68 Transmission, disassembling

S-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
I Assembling

Work sequence
I VW412


-to remove gear carrier attach VW 457 with two

M8 x 20 bolts
-press gear carrier out with VW 296
\ -remove shim S3 and note thickness

p) Note
If bearing and/or transmission housing are
replaced, and dimension r is not marked on ring
....--J gear, pinion depth must be measured and noted
.r before gear carrier is removed. This is dimension
r. See Repair Group 39. When assembling, parts -press main shaft with shift rod into gear
must be installed in same position. See Ring carrier
gear/pinion, adjusting, Repair Group 39
t bear·


-install pinion shaft with shift rod

• shift into 4th gear
-shift into neutral
-install pinion shaft needle bearing

-press pinion shaft with main shaft and shift

rod out of gear carrier

S-speed 094 Gear carrier, removing

Transmission, assembling
35 69 _
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Gear carrier d

Work sequence

-install shim S3
-install new gasket
-align shift rod
-align flat on piston with recess In housing
-tap on pinion with plastic hammer to install
• make sure teeth of gears match properly

-install circlip
• make sure lugs of circlip are below teeth of
pinion head (arrow)

A -install retaining ring and tighten to

225 Nm (162 ft Ib), then loosen and retighten
to 225 Nm (162 ft Ib)


A = previous circlip B = new circlip

Part No. 091 311 381 Part No. 091 311 381 A
Use either type of circlip during repairs. The
previous circlip will be discontinued when stock -peen retaining ring twice with suitable tool A
is used up. (local manufacture)
-attach gear carrier to transmission housing
CAUTION and tighten bolts to 20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
Always replace the circlip during repairs.
Identifying marks on a new circlip (arrow)
must face reverse gear splines.

35.70 Gear carrier, assembling

5-speeed 0941
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
determining thickness of spacer for reverse gear



-install synchronizer
-install circlip
-install reverse gear
-install circlip
• groove in gear must face cover
-measure distance C
-Install needle bearing and washers
-install synchronizer for 1st/reverse gear and
shift fork
measurement c 29.1mm • molybdenum coated side of synchronizer
measurement d -24.7 mm ,ring faces 1st gear
thickness of spacer 4.4 mm -install shift rod/fork bolt and tighten to
20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
thickness of spacers available • before Installing coat thread of bolt with
A, D6-locking compound
gap to be adjusted -install 1st gear
(mm) Spare part no. color -install needle bearing
+--i 3.97-4.19 091 311 379 white
4.20-4.39 091311379 A black
4.40-4.59 091311379 B green
4.60-4.90 091311 379 C red

-install selected spacer, reverse gear, needle

bearing and circlip


5-speed 094 I Gear carrier, assembling

_ _ _ _---'
35 71 _
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shaft

Shim for 1st gear

gear carrier housing cover

gear carrier housing

35.72 Shim for 1st gear

S-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Determining thickness b=x-y
Work sequence b=77.6 mm
-1.0 mm
76.6 mm

Measurement = a - b
=77.8 mm
-76.6 mm
Following shims are available:
Shim Spare
Measurement thickness Part
(mm) (mm) No.
0.95 ... 1.14 0.6 094311379
1.15... 1.34 on 094311379 A
1.35... 1.54 1.0 094311 379 B
1.55... 1.74 1.2 094311379 C
-measure depth a
Example: a = 77.8 mm 1.75... 1.94 1.4 094311379 D
1.95... 2.14 1.6 094311 379 E
2.15 ... 2.47 1.8 094 311 379 F

-select correct shim

--install new gasket
-install cover
• align shaft and bore in cover
-tighten bolts to 20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
-loosen relay lever bolt
-push lever into position and tighten bolt to
15 Nm (14 ft Ib)
-install shift shaft
• slotted side toward differential housing
-install new gasket
-install spring
-measure distance x -install cover and tighten bolts to
Example: x = 77.6 mm 15 Nm (10 ft Ib)
-install back-up light switch
-install shift shaft lever

-measure distance y
Example y = 1.0 mm

5-speed 094 Shim for 1st gear 35.73

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

.---Piivo. bal.
IS 111m (l! !tib) r - - - - S •• ••hl"1i

45 Nm (33 IIIDI'-"

R.i ••••• h"1 b."hlrIQ

Ci'CliP..../ '
always replace

•••• b•• ring

do f'HH clean in
solvent, wIpe wHh
dry olOlh
Oil drain plug
20 Nm (14 II Ibl Release bearing guide steeve
plastic, do not grease

Main shaft 011

removing fig, 1.
installing Fly.:2
hll space- be1ween lips
with multii'lurpose

Clutch hoyslng 5-speed 094

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35



RII_ 3 Slarter bushing, ,emo.lng

• when transmIssion is removed, use
dri fl VW 222a

Maio shaft oj) seal

Itarto, bushing
35. 75
Drive shaft needla

lor ,drlVI; SI1£iU,

Pinion bei"II1t'<-/

Shill rod
Fig. 3

detach be10re removing
shift rod

dr;ve I

Gt'" carrltr 1I0usll'lg

Ollar earl'll" housing <:ove,

011l1li0' plug
20 Nm (t4 ft Ib}

,--Plvol bolt for relay leyar

ior needle bearmg 20 Nm 114 II Inl

1n:;1311 so thai lug: laces cover

"'II"--.,-.,____ Shlft shaft seal

rerroving Fig. i
installing Fig, :2
-car be replaced With
tfanS!';iisSlon ins!alled

Relay lever
lor 2nd arid 3rd gear

Shift rod bearing

remJinslalL Fig. 3
Transmiss!()n hc)!)sing

TransmisSlon housing
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

134-1321 I

Fig. 2 Shift shaft oil seal, installing

Fig. 3 Shift rod bushing

• turn bearing so that lug (arrow) is in
recess of housing and press out
• align bearing and rod

35 ·78

Shift shaft oil seal
Shift rod bushing
5-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35



35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Main shaft needle bearing 5 Nm (4 It Ib)

removing Fig. 10
installing Fig. 11 5th gear needle bearing
Lockring before installing lubricate
installing Fig. 10 with transmission oil

Ma', .ha" ..a"ngJ

removing Fig. 6
installing Fig. 7

Gear carrier cover

Synchronizer ring 5th gear

checking Fig. 2
instructions page 35.92

35.80 Main shaft

5-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Synchronizer hub

<r---- Circlip
Needle bearing
removing Fig. 8
t bearing
,instailing Fig. 9
Ig lubricate
ion oil Synchronizer 4th 15th gear
parts are not matched
removing Fig. 1
installing Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
installation position Fig. 3 \

L 4th •• " \
L4th gear needle bearing
Before instailing, lubricate
with transmission oil
/ II!
Synchronizer ring 4th gear
checking Fig. 2
identification I installation
instructions page 35.92

\ carrier

5·speed 09iJ Main shaft 35.81

35 Manual Transmission-Case, GeiiUS Shafts


Fig. 1 Synchronizer, removing

-press off together witt, gear

fig. 3 Sjfl1ch,onlzer 4thl5th gear, assembling

• identification grooves (arrows A & 8101
sleeve and hub are on opposite sides.
Groove on sleeve (arrow Bl faces
4th gear
• grooves (arrow C) are for identification:
Fig.! SyoohrOrllze, ,Ings. checking 2nd & 3rd gear = 1 groove
4th &. 5th geaf = 2 grooves
-press synchronizer onto
halld lind measure gap II with

N&w Fart WillA' limit

Gear mm mm
4th/5th 1.7 0.5

Flg.4 Synchronizer 4thl51h gear. assembling

-slide sleeve over synchronizer hub.
MatChed position is nol necessary
-inser1 keys and install springs with
ends offset 120°. Angled ends of
springs must fit inlo keys

35.-- Syn<:hl'Onizer
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Fig. 7 Main shaft ball bearing, Installing
VW401 -press in so that recess in bearing is

k------l aligned with recess (arrow) in housing

Fig. 5 Synchronizer 4th/5th gear, Installing
l B)ot
ides. -turn synchronizer ring until grooves are
in line with keys
• identification groove on sleeve
ation: (Fig. 3, arrow B) faces 4th gear

Fig. 8 Needle bearing in housing, removing

Fig. 6 Main shaft ball bearing, removing

Fig. 9 Needle bearing in housing, installing
• lettered side of bearing (thicker
material) must face installing tool

5-speed 094 Main shaft bearings 35.83

35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Fig. 10 Main shaft needle bearing in gear carrier

housing cover, removing
-remove screw
-pull bearing out with
A-extractor US 1088 Fig. 12 Circlip, installing
B-puller US 1039
• make sure ring is seated correctly

Fig. 11 Main shaft needle bearing in gear carrier

housing cover, installing
-tighten screw to 5 Nm (4 ft Ib)

Fig. 13 Circlip, two types

A = previous circlip B = new circlip
Part No. 091 311 381 Part No. 091 311

Always replace the circlip during repairs.
Identifying marks on a new circlip (arrow)
must face reverse gear splines.

35.84 Main shaft bearings

5-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35





No. 091 311

35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Gear carrier housing cover

1st and reverse gear
synchronizer hub

determine Ihit-Len",,,,.;\' Synchronizer 1st/reverse gear

page 35.73

always reptace

Pinion bearing
removing Fig. 17 Needle bearing
lubricate with transmission

installing Fig. 18
oil before installing

--- --- - - ------ -- -

,--- - - -- - - ----
Synchronizer ring 2nd gear
checking Fig. 9
2nd gear needle bearing
lubricate with transmission
oil before installing
identification marks page 35.92

must fit securely in groove

0 .,
i) t i

Synchronizer 2nd/3rd gear - _ o J 2nd gear needle bearing inner

removing Fig. 2 loosening/tightening Fig. 6
assembling Fig. 10 and Fig. 11
installation position Fig. 12

(1.6 mm dial

35.86 Pinion shaft assembly

5-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
4th gear circlip - - - -......
determine thickness
Fig. 14

4th gear
removing Fig. 1
installing Fig. 13
Spacer collar faces 3rd gear
determine thickness
page 35.73
se gear
r3rd gear

5th gear

groove faces gear oil before installing
Needle bearing
carrier housing cover ----
----- -- ----
removing Fig. 15
installing Fig. 16

,---- Shim S, - - - - - - - - - - .
note thickness
adjusting, see Repair Group 39

I ;
Pinion shaft
matched with ring gear,
when replacing adjust
ring gear/pinion"
I inner race see Repair Group 39 --,. :._(- Retaining ring
Tapered roller bearing Transmission housing
removi ng 35.68
when replacing measure pinion installing 35.70
depth before removing,
see Repair Group 39
removing Fig. 3 and Fig. 4
installing Fig. 5
torque, checking Fig. 7
and Fig. 8

5-speed 094 Pinion shaft assembly 35.87

35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Fig. 1 3rd and 4th gear, removing
A-US 1103

1- Fig. 3 Tapered roller bearing, removing


-remove retaining ring first


Fig. 2 Synchronizer and 2nd gear, removing

A-US 1103

Fig. 4 Tapered roller bearing inner race,


35 .88 Pinion shaft

5-speed 094
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Fig, 7 Tape,ed ,oller bearing, checking turning

-lobriC!le will'l transmi ssion

oil ana lighten retaining ring,
-turn pinion shaft in both directions
about 15-20 times
-lurn lurlher and read turning torque

II Tllperlld I'OIIIIr b<t"rlng. 1"'"lIllIg

-1'1""1 1M". 'a"!! to $001)1 lOOcC t21r,,·fj
and press 011
-betor" trghlan'nQ n"edle b",,,ln,o Illner
race, ,el roUef cool 10
room !emparillure

Fig, 6 N....dl.. bElllrl,,!!. IOO'S&f,h'llllllghllen'lng Fig. II Bearing condition, checking

-heal inner race 10 aboul60·C (140°F) -check for rock at end 01 pinion, Ther"
and screw on as lar as by must not be any delectable movement
hand if YES, replace tapered roller bearing
-place pinion shaft in 100! 2052 and
lighten wing nut lightly
-tighten inner race 10 210 Nm (152 ft Ib)

Pillion shall
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Fig. 9 Sr'ncllro,nlz'er rloll. checking

and measure gap a with


-groove (arrow A) must face 3,d gear

-collar on hub must lace 2nd gear
-grooves (arrow 8) arE! lor identification: Fig. 12 Synchronizer. Installing
• 2nd gear & 3rd gear 1 groove -turn synchronizer ring until grooves are
• 4th gear & 5th gear 2. grooves in line with keys (installation position.
see Fig. 10)

Synchronizer 5-speed 094

Manual Transmission-Case,

fig. 13 411'1 glllll r,

-ccllar mll$! rac" 3r.:i gaat

In gear carrier

Clrcl1ps lIIvailllblc

Thlck""$11 Pari
mm Color No.
1,60 black 113311 382
1.75 blue 113311383
Ule 1.90 brown 113311384
en, 2,05 gray 113311385
2,20 copper 113311386
Fig. 17 Pinion bearing outer race in gear carrier
2,30 brass 113311387 housing cover. removing
2.40 sillier 113311388
A-exlractor US 1088
B-puller US 1039

4th gear lind play

Pinion shall bearings
35 91 •
Transmission-Case, Gears,

Synchronizer nn,,,,,,-ldentification
When assembling trallsmlsslofl, Install synchron-
izer ring 10 same geal from Which II was removed

18 Pinion bearing In gear carrier

cover, !nstalilng

3 x leell'l

5th gear:
brass ring
3 x 8 teelh
with 3 nolches (arrow)

spare part
For ail gears Install ring (3rd and 4th gear) which
Is supplied under Part No: 091 311 295 A

Pinion bearings
Synchronizer 5-speed 094
4-Speed 091/1
Manual Transmission
Case, Gears, Shafts

-Adjusting rings 35.32 -Main shaft 35.49
installing 35.35 assembly 35.48, 35.49
marking/removing 35.34 ball bearing 35.51
-Assembly 35.32, 35.33, 35.36, lock ring 35.52
35.37 needle bearing 35.51
mounting in repair stand 35.34 oil seal 35.43
-Clutch housing assembly 35.42 rear, removing/ installing 35.35a
-Differential 35.35 -Pinion shaft 35.55
-Drive flange 35.32 assembly 35.54, 35.55
circlip, installing 35.35 needle bearings 35.57, 35.59
installing 35.35 roller bearings 35.56, 35.57
oil seal 34.18 -Removing 34.16, 34.17
removing 35.34 -Retaining ring 35.37
-Gear carrier 35.44 installing 35.40
assembly 35.36, 35.37 removing 35.38
assembling 35.40, 35.41 - Selector shaft
cover 35.44 modifications 35.60a
installing 35.39 parts for 35.60d
removing 35.38 - Shift forks/synchronizers
-Gear ratios 35.60 modifications 35.60b-35.60c
-Gears parts for 35.60d
1stl2nd, removing 35.56 - Shift shaft oil seal 35.46
3rd, - Shift rod bushing 35.46
end play 35.59 - Starter bushing 35.43
installing 35.59 - Synchronizers
removing 35.56 1st/2nd gear 35.58
-Gearshift lever 34.6 3rd/4th gear 35,50,35.51
-Gearshift linkage 34.6, 34.7 ring indentification 35.52
-Installing 34.17 - Transmission, housing 35.45
-Lever bearing plate 34.6 assembling 35.39
-Lubricant specifications 35.60 disassembling 35.38, 35.39

/ 091
- See page 35.1

5· peed 094
See page 35.61

- See page 35.93


35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts
Transmission/Final drive lubricant:
Hypoid oil APIIGL-4; MIL-L2105
Vehicles with gasoline engines 3.0 L (3.2 US qt)
Vehicles with Diesel engines 4.0 L (4.2 US qt)
To reduce shifting effort. transmission oil capacity
has been reduced. For production reasons, the oil
filler hole remains at the same location
Oil should only be poured into a level approximately
15 mm (9/16 in) below filler hole.

011 filler plug

20 Nm (14 ft Ib) G

always replace

Transmission housing
Mounting in repair stand. Fig. 1

Transmission 091/1
Gear Retlos Trans. OU
1st gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34:9=3.78
2nd gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33:16=2.06
3rd gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63:50 = 1.26
4th gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 52:61 = 0.85
Reverse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....33:9 = 3.67
Final drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34:7=4.86
Gear Ratloa Trans. ABO
1st gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34:9=3.78
2nd gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33:16 2.06
3rd gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49:40= 1.225
4th gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41:48=0.85
............. . . . . . .33:9:3.67
Final drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

35.32 Transmission, assembly

4-speed 091/1
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Drive flange----....
removing Fig. 2
installing Fig. 7
Lock rlng-----,

Adjusting ring, right

marking position
before removing Fig. 3
removing Fig. 4
installing Fig. 6

Clutch housing
mark position of adjusting ring
before removing. Fig. 3
Main shaft, rear . Before removing. loosen left
/ removingfinstaliing page 35.35A differential adjusting ring to
/ reduce tension in transmission
/ housing

ace ... ...../ / /

r·'. . 6 bolts M8 x 41
with washers
20 Nm (14 It Ib

always replace

Main shaft, front

cover splines to prevent
damage to main shaft oil

seal when disassembling

2nd gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33.16-2.06
3rd gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .49:40 = 1.225
4th gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....41:48=0.85
Reverse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .....33:9 = 3.67 " - - 011 dreln plug
20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
Flo" d"', . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . .29c6

bolts M8 x 28
with washers
20 Nm (14 ft Ib)

4-speed 09111
Transmission, assembly 35.3
Manual Transmission-Case, GElSrs

Fig. 3, Adjusllng ring, marking posit 1011

Belora repair work ,which does
not linal dri,,", to be "".1".'='1
mark of rings on
\raIlSml$slon Measure to
are InSlalle(l wrth VW 38217

-scribe sldll iring IIe ..r with

1 Tra""ml."l"" 9$jlllnlbl'f. mounting I"
siand IIld" with IWO marks
-dr<lll1 transmission 011
nt tn,'u1:sml'Ss:ion in

Fill. 4 Adjusting rings. removing

Fill.2 Drive lIange. removing

circlip and wavy spring washer
-attach VW391 to flange with 2 bolts
• A= Me x 30 bolts
-pull drive oul
Fig,S Dillerentlol, removing Fig, 1 Orlv.. 11..ng6, '''$1&11'''9
-remove adjusting rings and rear main
-lift out differential

-lrlSlall leI! and (lghl rings
and marks at depth previously

-luhrio!!I" tllrea!ls with MoS, grease 8 Clrcl'p for drive Ilange, Inslalling
-Insert wavy spring washer and eirelip
press circlip Into groove with VW 2440
and at same time check Ihat washer is
until centered
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Rear main shaft, removinglinstalling

Work sequence


34-1309 A

- remove circlip (arrow)

- push sleeve backward and screw out
main shaft


- screw front and rear main shafts together,

then back off one spline
- push sleeve on and install new circlip

35.35a Rear main shaft 4-speed 091/1

35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shaft

Differential must be removed
before gear carrier can be removed,
see page 35.35

ynchronizer unit
with washers
20 Nm (14 It Ib)
\ ' Reverse idler gear

(9) Q

with washers
20 Nm (14 It Ib)
«t======:::::::::» o

always replace Needle bearing


Gear carrier cover

--:<rn/4th gear shift rod fork

Main shaft assembly

disass./ass. page 35.48

Pinion shalt

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 3!

I' 0

always replace
determining thickness,
Repair Group 39
Transmission housing

Shift shaft

25 Nm (18 ft Ib)-


134-1312 1


4-speed 091/1 Gear carrier, assembly

Transmission, assembly
35 3- • j
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts


Work sequence
-remove coverplate
-remove shitt shaft

-loosen bolt until relay lever (arrow) can be

pulled against housing -pull off synchronizer hub and reverse gear
-tighten bolt to lock lever in that position A-Puller US 1078
-remove inner circlip, washer and needle
-remove reverse gear together with needle
bearing and washer
-remove gear carrier housing bolts

- remove retaining ring

- remove gear shift housing
- remove reverse gear shift fork and hub
- remove outer circlip

35.38 Transmission, disassembling

4-speed 091/1

, Assembling

Wort sequence


-to remove gear canler attach '1W 457 with Iwo

M8 , 20 botls
-press gear carrl\wr out with VW 296
-remove shl m and !Wle Ihickness

II bearing and/o, It"nsmil>$lon ;,,,using are
replaced, and dlmeflsiol'l r Is not marked on ring
must be measured end noted
removed. this is dimension
39: WIlen "asembling, paris
must be in same See Ring
gear/pinion, adjusting, Group 39
-press main shaH with shiH rod into gear


-install pinion shalt with shift rod

• shiH into 3rd gear
·-shlft into neutral
-install pinion shalt needle bearing

-press pinion shaft with main shaft end shift

rod out of gear carrIer

Gear carrier, removing

4-sDeEld 091/1 Transmission, assembling
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Gear carrier

Work sequence
-install shim S3
-install new gasket
-align shift rod
-align flat on piston with recess in housing
-tap on pinion with plastic hammer to install
• make sure teeth of gears match properly

-install circlip
• make sure lugs of circlip are below teeth of
pinion head (arrow)

-install retaining ring and tighten to

225 Nm (162 ft Ib), then loosen and retighten
to 225 Nm (162 ft Ib)

-peen retaining ring twice with suitable tool A

(local manufacture)
-attach gear carrier to transmission housing
and tighten bolts to 20 Nm (14 ft Ib)

35.40 Gear carrier, assembling 4-speed 091/1

Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
determining thickness of spacer for reverse gear

r- d -1
I ___ I


-install synchronizer
-install. circlip
-install reverse gear
• groove in gear must face cover
-install needle bearing and washers
-instal.1 shift rodlfork bolt and tighten to
20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
• before installing coat thread of bolt with
D6-locking compound
-install new gasket
-install circlip -install cover
-measure distance C • align shaft and bore in cover
-tighten bolts to 20 Nm (14 ft Ib)
Example -install shift shaft
• slotted side toward differential housing
measurement c 29.1 mm -install new gasket
measurement d -.24.7 mm -install spring
n thickness of spacer 4.4mm -install cover and tighten bolts to
15 Nm (10 ft Ib)
thickness of spacers available -install back-up light switch
-install shift shaft lever
A -
(mm) Spare Jrt
3.97-4.19 091311379 white

- 4.20-4.39
091 311 379 A
091 311 379 B
091 311 379 C

-install selected spacer, reverse gear, needle

bearing and circlip

4-speed 091/1 Gear carrier, assembling 35.41

Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Pivot bolt removing :l
lS Nm (11 ft Ib) installing Fig, -4
call bli3: re:l)lacetJ with
1ran,smt551ofl installed

15 Nm (ll Illb)
45 Nm (33 Illb)
lI..r<lu<I $h."
lubricaHEI wHh mum·
purpose: id(tlifrS,q

;41'/;3Y5 ffJ})1(iC£
REtf>Ct1se 'beiftrlfltj
<fa f1Clt C?€iat" in
Clutch lever
solver\, ..vipe '¥{1j!\
lubricate ball iit)h1ly

Release bearing guide sleeve

Oll drain plug - - - - ' plastic, dO not ;(83:38
20 Nm (14 Illb)
' - MoJn shaH oH seal
removing Fig. 1
inS1a!i11U Fig, 2
liIl space bel\V!ih3:fI ips
wi:h multi'purpose urease

Clutch housing li:speed 091/1

Manual TransmissionMCase, Gears, 35

1 Main shall 011 removing 1"".1'11.".. : 11I&lallll'lg

WId drll/& In flush

fin iii:

3 Starte. bushing, .emoving

(transmission Inslalled)
• when transmission is removed, use
drift VW 222"

Mliin .i1alt oil ."111

Starte. bushing

Reverse gear shaH

also kreks bea:mg jor rl(ive
Install sa that 1$ tiV€lidy

Shift rod bushIng - ....
rem lips!. Fig, 3

Bearings --",,?---
detach hefore 'emoving
shiH 100

Re'lerse gear rod

Gear carrier housing

Gear carrier housing coyer
Oil fmer plug
21) Nm (14 It Ib)

lor needle beanng
, , - - - Bushing:
Pivot bolt tor relay so lhal lug laces covcr
Drive shaH needle bearing 20 Nm (14 l! 10)

shaH seal
removing Fig. 1
instaqjDg Fig. 2
can be replacec 'NiH;
transmission inSlalled

sl'ifl shait,
jtl unii! seated

Relay lever
for 1sl and 2ftd gear

Transmission housing
'---SI1ilt rod bushing
¥crrd instaL Fig. 3

4-speed 091/1
Transmrssion housing
35 Manual Transmission-Case, G , Shafts

Fig. 1 Shift shaft oil seal, removing Fig. 3 Shift rod bushing
• turn bushing so that lug (arrow) is in
recess of housing and press out
• align bushing and rod

Fig. 2 Shift shaft oil seal, installing

35.46 Shift shaft oil seal

Shift rod bushing
4-speed 091/1
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35



Synchronizer hub

/SI&.. 6

\ I , (l,SmmdlOi

J ,- )
Main shaft bearrtlg
removing Fig. 6 SY'l1chn.)oi2.er 3ed J41h \leat
insta!!iliQ FIg. 7 / - O,,.r carrier parts are not malctlsd
remMing Fig, 1
installing Fig. <1 and Fill $
!f)fitallation posiiion F!)j.l

install ng Flq. to

S'Ynchroflizer ring 3rd gear

checking Fig. :2
Synchronizer ring 4th idenW ication/in sl allation
ch{;cking Fig. ,2 instructions page 35.53
loeo!J 'icallOnfmstaliat ion
inSiructions page 3553

4th goal" needle bearing

before instainng lubricate
with transmission od

Main shall
Manual Gears,


Transmission housing

remOltth/J B

J) "' J
!! /

r=====_ . .

Main shaft
Manual Transmission-case, Gears, Shafts


Fig. 1 Synchronizer 3rd 14th ge.rs, removing

olf tOQeth"r with 3rd gear

3 Sy.1ehirOflltll, r :& Ird I ,4tllll;;a" ass", mbllllg

• Identiiiical grO<iV,;,S (amows A & B
of sleeve and are on OPI:>OSitt"
sides, Groo"e
faees 41t! !It!!lt

Fig, 2 Synchronizer rings 3rdl410 gears, 151 & 2nd gear = 1 groovII
"hecklng 3fd &. 41h gear= 2 grooves
-press synchronizer rings onto gear by
hand and measure gap" with feeler


New Part Wear limit

Gear mm mm
3rd 1.25-1,95 0.5
4th 1,0-1,7 0,5

Sy.,ctlfO.,I2.'f 3rdf4lh gear, assembling

-slide sleeve ovor synchronizer hub.
Matched position is not necessary
-insert keys and install springs with
ends offset 120°. Angled eods 01
springs must fif inlO keys

4-speed 09111
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Fig. 7 Main shaft ball bearing, Installing

-press in so that recess in bearing is
aligned with recess (arrow) in housing

B Fig.5 Synchronizer 3rd/4thgear, Installing

-turn synchronizer ring until grooves
are in line with keys
• identification groove on sleeve
(Fig. 3, arrow B) faces 4th gear

Fig. 8 Needle bearing in housing, removing

Fig. 6 Main shaft ball bearing, removing



4-speed 091/1
Main shaft bearings 35.51
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears,Shafts

Fig. 9 Needle bearing in housing, installing

• lettered side of bearing (thicker
material) must face installing tool


Fig. 11 Cirelip, two types

A = previouscirclip
Part No. 091 311381

B = new circlip
Part No. 091 311 381 A

Use either type of circlip during repairs. The
previous circlip will be discontinued when stock
is used up.

134-13331 Always replace the circlip during repairs.
Identifying marks on a new circlip (arrow)
Fig. 10 Circlip, installing
must face reverse gear splines.
• make sure ring is seated correctly

35.52 Circlip
Needle bearing
4-speed 091/1
Synchronizer rings, identification
When assembling transmission, install syn·
Chroni,,,r ring to same gllaf from which II was

3rd gear: special brass ring,
molybdenum coated,
le<l!n ali around circumference

which is
311295 A

1st gea" brass

:> x 6 teeth,
without notches

2nd Ilea,: bra""

molybdenum <::041100,
8 leeth,
with 3 notches (arrow)

11h gear: brass ring,

:> x 8 leeth,
with 3 notches (arrow)

4-speed 09111
Synchronizer rings 35. 53
Manual Gears,

1st and feverse gear

synchronizer hub

Needle be'''',.g·-I'
lutHicale with Iransrr,ission GIlT ea:nfitr
oil before inslalling

---- -----
\ _ mUB' fit se<:ui.ly

L --0
Synchronizer 1st/2nd
removing Fill ;>
aS8embiing Fig, 10 and Fig. 11
Ins!al1aUOfi position Fig, 12

i \ l• •



Pinioll shall us_,l:>Iy


removing Fig.
In<l \I'""

r-Syn"hron;izor ring 2nd gear

Chl.ckrr,q Fig, 9

Ci({Upt3n1 geaf
0'1 before
repiace 1
In secwely in groove,
&3jUStjr,g 3(d gear end play,


l!,jrr" SsiOIi

remavl ngJ ir';s1d.lIii19. page 35.40
transmission housing

Pinion shall assembly

35 Manual Transmission-Case, G'ears, Shafts



Fig. 1 3rd and 2nd gears, removing

Fig. 3 Tapered roller bearing, removing


Fig.2 Synchronizer sleeve/hub and 1st gear,


Fig. 4 Tapered roller bearing inner race,


35.56 Pinion shaft

4-speed 091/1
with transmission

5 Tor'''Ts,1I rolle! Insllllllng shall In 00111 directions

aooul times
iMer raee iO 2Iooul lOO"C -turn further aoo read lorque
and press on
'""' bef'lfe needle M,.rlrH; Inner
'11<>", Ie! mller co'll l'l

II Needle. bearing, looseningltightenlng

Inner race fa about eOGG (140 Q F)
ami lIOr.eW on as lar as possible by Fig. II Bearing condillon, checking
harlo for rock at end of pinion, There
pinion shaft in fool 2052 and must not be any detectable movement
Ugh!en wing nut lightly if YES, replace tapered roiler bearing
inner race to 210 Nm (152 IIlb)
lurning torque of tapered roller
see Fig, 7

4-speed 091/1
Pinion shaft
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

bt/2nd par, chtekll,;

i'lartcl and me<ls,.,,1'l Ciap 1I wllh

New Part Wear limit

mm rom -slide siile"e
Mlltchild position no!
1.3-UI 0,5 -Inserl and Insiall s"""'c's
€Inds !:ro o, ends of
sprltKlS must !It IntO'

Fig. 12 Synchronizer 1..112nd gear, installing

Fig. 10 Synchronizer ls112nd geer, -turn ,Ynch/'oniler ring until 9tOO"88 are
in line with position,
-groove (arrow A) must face 2nd gear see Fig,
-collar on hub must lace lsi gear
(arrow B) are for identification:
• 1st gear & 2nd gear 1 groove
• 3rd gear & 4th gear 2 grooves

4-speed 09111
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts



13 3,d lie.,. Inslalllnll Fig. HI Pinion needle

housing, removing
In gea, ca"le,
-collar must face 2nd gear

14 lrd gear end play. adjusllng Fig. 16 Pinion needle bearing in gea, carrier
-measure end play with leeler gauge housing, Inslaliing
-adjust by selecting suitable circlip
• play should be 0.05 ml11·0.20 111m (try
to keep lower limit)

ClrelipS a •• liable:

Thickoos" Part
ure mm Color No.
on, HlO blacK 113311 382
U:S blue 113311383
1.90 brown 113311384
2,i')5 gray 113311385
2,iIfl copper 113311386
2.30 brass 113311387
2,40 silver 113311388

4-speed 09111 3,d gea'

Pinion needle be. ring
35 59II
Listed below are gear ratios and lubricant To reduce shifting transmission oil czrpacltv
specifications lor 1985 MY Vanagons eqUIpped wlth has been reduced,
4-speed manual transmission 0911[:
For production filtH>Oftl, the nit fHier hole (emains
Gear Ratios Tr.ns,OU at the sam¥t !ocat/oo,
Sf gear 34:9 3.78
2nd gear 3316 2,05 Oil shoold ooty f::t,e p<;Iurad in to II l!Wel approxi mutcty
3rd gear 63:50 1.25 15 mm 19116 in,1 ""low !h. fiil" hole,
4th gear 52:61 085
Reverse 339 367 Transmlss10fi
Finat . 34:7 4,85 V.hid .. with 9""ollrl. 3.1} li!<:rs (3.2 q\l
with e:ftgtnes. 4,0 Ii!." (4.2 qti
Gear Ratios Trans, ABO
1'sl gear 34:9 378
2nd gear 33:'6 206
Ord gear 49>10 1,225
4th gear 41.48 4 O,ss
Reverse 33:9 U'l
F,nal drive 29:8 4,83

lubncanl capac:iiy d,lferential)

091!1 3,0 I US <;1)
!'/pe hYPOld, Mll·L,2105: M'ilOL,4

Gear ratios
Lubricant specifications
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35

Transmissions installed in vehicles prpduced before Note

May, 1984 are subject to refinements currently
used in production, Transmissions needing repair Only latest version parts will be supplied as spare
should be inspected and repaired as necessary parts.
according to following procedures with parts
required according to transmission date of
manufacture (see transmission housing code). CAUTION
Part numbers are for reference only. Always
check with your Parts Department for latest parts
Selector shaft, modifications
• external repairs performed with transmission
installed A - Selector shaft
- replace complete shaft with new version
B- Selector shaft cover
• provided with shoulder for spring to maintain
proper position when assembling
- replace cover and a-ring
" '0

O----o-rin g


Spring ----'I
• pushes gearshift lever into
3rdl4th shift gate

Selector shaft

Transmission hOusing--_ _4-W.J


4-speed 091/1
Selector shaft modifications 35.60a
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Internal repairs (requiring

disassembly of transmission)
Shift forks/synchronizers, modifications

Gear carrier - - - - ' " " ' \

r ",l/4th . ." 'hift "'" , • ..,,,,,

Main shaft assembly

Pinion shaft

1st/2nd gear synchronizer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - J

C- Shift forks/rails
• 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th gear shift forks/rails are
rivited and welded to maintain proper align-
ment to each other
- replace with new shift forks/raifs

D- Synchronizers
• 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th gear synchronizers have
been changed to prevent jumping out of
• changes cannot be detected visually
- replace with new version synchronizers

3S.60b Shift forks/synchronizers

4-speed 091/1
Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts 35
Reverse shift fork/rail, modifications
Gear carrier cover
Reverse shift rail

to. :,,,jJ .'.,\
20 Nm (15 ft Ib
,.....,..----- Gear carrier

._-/ \
;. "\ '
. .l \

-!J -if shells ,i

Reverse shift fork 135-9671

with splines

E - Reverse shift fork/rail and has two bearing shells which ride in 3rd
• mating surfaces of fork/rail have splines to bearing which is housed in boss provided in
properly align to each other gear carrier cover
• reverse shift rail is lengthened - replace with all new version parts

Reverse gear/shaft, modifications

Reverse gear shaft

R Thrust washer
everse gear deleted
with shoulder
• shoulder faces reverse shaft
support plate
Gear carrier

F - Reverse gear/shaft - replace with all new version parts only if

• diameter of reverse gear shaft bearing pin reverse shaft pin A is loose in bearing
A increased from 12 to 18 mm carrier
• bearing carrier hole increased to fit
• thickness of support plate B increased from Note
5 to 6 mm and thrust washer between plate
Thrust washer between support plate and reverse
and reverse gear is deleted
gear must be removed if new version reverse shaft
• reverse gear provided with shoulder
is installed.

4-speed 091/1 Reverse shift fork/rail modifications

Reverse gear/shaft modifications 3S.60c
35 Manual Transmission-Case, Gears, Shafts

Parts requirements (based on

transmission date of manufacture)
Part numbers are for reference only. Always con-
Note sult your Parts Department for latest parts
Previous version parts are not available and must
be replaced by latest version listed below

Transmission date Parts Required /

of manufacture Description tlar'r number (Quantity)
Prior to Selector shaft" 091-311·5348' ,
09082 Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
Selector shaft cover O-ring 091 c301-278A
Shift fork (112) 091·311-549A
Shift fork (3/4) 091-311-559A
Synchronizer (112) 091-311-2418
Synchronizer (3/4) 091-311-3018
Reverse s.hift fork 091-311-571A
Reverse shift rail 091-311-577C
Reverse shift rail bearing shells 091-301-146(2)
8earing carrier cover 091-301-205E
Reverse gear shaft· 091-311-514A
8earing carrier· 091-301·173C
Reverse gear' 091·311-507A
'Only to be replaced if reverse
shaft is loose in bearing carrier
from Selector shaft" 091·311·5348' ,
10082 Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
to Selector shaft cover O·ring 091-301·278A
25082 Shift fork (112) 091·311-549A
Shift fork (3/4) 091-311-559A
Synchronizer (1/2) 091-311-2418
Synchronizer (3/4) 091-311-3018
Reverse shift fork 091-311-571A
Reverse shift fork rail 091-311·577C
Reverse shift rail bearing sheils 091-301-146(2)
8earing carrier cover 091-301-205E
from Selector shaft·· 091-311-5348"
26082 Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
to Selector shaft cover O·ring 091-301-278A
18 11 2 Shift fork (1/2) 091-311·549A
Shift fork (3/4) 091-311-559A
Synchronizer (1/2) 091-311-2418
Synchronizer (3/4) 091-311-3018
from Selector shaft"' 091·311-5348' ,
19 11 2 Selector shaft cover 091-301-232A
to Selector shaft cover O-ring 091-301·278A
2411 2 Shift fork (1/2) 091-311-549A
Shift fork (3/4) 091-311-559A
from Selector shaft" 091·311-5348' •
25 11 2 Selector shaft cover 091·301-232A
to Selector Shaft cover O-ring 091·301·278A
from 03 122
to vehicles produced Selector shaft * , 091-311-5348* *
up to May, 1984
** See page 35.60a

3S.60d Parts for modifications

4-speed 091/1

Do-It-yourself Service Lubrication, Emissions and Vehicl.e
- Changing a wheel 21 Maintenance Schedules
- Emergency starting 25 - Air-cooled, Water-cooled and
- Fuses 22 Diesel models 1982-1985 28
- Headlight adjustment 25 - Water-cooled models
- Jack and tools 20 from 1986 32
- Replacing bulbs 23
- Spare wheel 20

Technical Data
- Capacities 27
- Engine 27
- Vehicle identification 26

Vehicle Care
- Air cleaner 10
- Battery 14
- Brake fluid 13
- Cleaning products 3
- Cooling system 11
- Corrosion protection 5
- Engine compartment 6
- Engine oil 7
- Engine oil filter 9
- Exterior 3
- Fuel filter (diesel) 10
- Fuel supply 1
-Interior 4
- Lubricants 7
- Maintenance 5
- Power steering 10
- Replacing wiper blades 16
- Tires/Wheels 17
- V-belt 12

Your vehicle is """1[ ..... ,..""'.....
converter and reCIUllres Gasoline Recent fuel de1lfel!oPlments

Do not use leaded

the converter and thus
defeat its purpose to control exhaust emis-
not be available
USA and
da. we recommend you do
not take your vehicle to areas or
tries where fuel not be


with additives are not avail-

contact dealer
• unstable

about proper
fuels have an octane
from 91 to 95 RON
or8? 91
Do not use
lower than 91

Gasolines alcohol suit

If tank Diesel "n,ninl'" Diesel Fuel No.2

Premium Diesel fuel are Temperature Diesel Fuel Kerosene

routes of No.2

are Diesel fuel 20° to 14° F

stations. (-reto -10°C) 75 % 25%
Some U.S. states to below 14° F
Diesel fuel. (-10° C) 50 % 50%
Motor Vehicle
if neither Diesel Fuel No, 1,
Diesel fuel not be available outside Diesel Fuel No.2, nor Kero-
will run but avoid full power as
can be Fill up with cor- the U.S. and sene are available, use up to 30 % leaded
fuel as soon as recommend do not take or unleaded
to countries Diesel
obtainable. • Do not use Premium
Diesel fuel fnstead
Your Diesel
to on
do not use home ,"",,,.f;,..,...

add the correct amount of

Leaded instead Kerosene to the fuel tank
and fill up with Diesel Fuel
Do not drive your car. Have No.
drained as nn""","'i"'"
emission control will be rI<l,.,.,<l"",rl
Winter OJ)EN'aliOIl
The fuel must be drained while ob-
serving environmental it is • Do not use fuel line anti-freeze of-
best to have this "OI'f""'n"£,rl fered for
wagen dealer.
It is normal that the noise level
(dieseling) is louder the warm-
up period in winter. It is also normal that
If below 20° whitish-blue smoke be emitted from
F the exhaust after and
• Use Diesel Fuel No.1, if available in warm-up. The amount of smoke
your area. on the outside
• If Diesel Fuel No.1 is not Diesel
fuel dealer whether his Diesel a cold
2 is sufficiently winterized for the will shorten the warm-up
prevailing ,on"..,,,,",:>"
• As a measure of precaution, add a WARNING
commercially available Diesel Fuel flow
improver depressant) to your
Diesel of the many
different flow on the market, as
well as differences in Diesel Fuel, their
effectiveness varies. Use
to instructions on containers.
amount to
• !f winterized Diesel Fuel No.2 is not fuel as
available, mix Diesel Fuel No. 2 with to flammable as pure
50 % Kerosene. power
therefore keep of kerosene • Handle all fuels in well ventilated
added to Fuel as low as the areas. Do not smoke or
temperature allows. in the area that can
• Never carry
tainers in your
.""", .. r",full or
eXI::Ilosion. or result

dealer has a number of
car-care and can advise
which ones to use for the
and interior of your vehicle.
Whether you use Do not wash or wax in direct or
mended or when the sheet metal is hot. Do use
available hot water. lukewarm to cool water is
of their correct aDl)IICatl(m kinder to the

or oil

Remove as soon as with a

lukewarm soap water or insect re-

Do not allow tree to

harden on the a
lukewarm soap

of water, a car-wash and wax

a soft or hose brush. Clean all windows
over the road film and car-wash wax Use a
face to remove loose dirt before lukewarm soap water solution or an al-
the car-wash and wax solution. cohol base commercial window f"lo<>n'lnn
of water to rinse the vehicle off. If a chamois is used for
with a chamois to it should be used for
your vehicle washed at an be sure to clean all windows
be sure to observe all on the inside.
the esta- Use a scraper to remove snow and
ice from windows and mirrors. To
dirt from the
The underside of the vehicle
and road salt. To
it is to remove
road salt from the with a
of water. Be sure to include the

with an al-

5111'oorle sprays off the windshield and wheel as for ex-
smear in rain. rims when your to remove
road salt sprays and brake dust. If nec-
essary, use a commercial wheel cleaner to
remove accumulated brake dust. Paint
scratches should be touched up to

rails To preserve the decorative appearance of
the aluminium cast, some
To assure that the roof' function
In addition to dirt
nr()n&"rill clean the rails and lubri-
metal dust is also
silicone spray at least once a
corrosive. on 100 brake melal
year. See dealer for cor-
dust can cause Ihe wheels
with a brush every other
week. salt should be removed
with an acid free solution.
months clean- Use a cloth or
Your dealer has
wheels should be coated with this trim free from For
for minor scratches and stone
<::""",1"..,,,,,,, should be touched up soon or car wax. Rub it in use a lukewarm solvent free all purpose
Never use abrasive or solution or a mild saddle soap for
occu r to corrosion. If cor-
leather trim. Remove water spots
soap traces with a cloth
will not suffice.
or sponge. Use a rub
The affected surface must be smoothed hr:lkiru, effi-
with sand and covered with an anti- after
rust the

The number for the

can be found' on the
label. a colorless
"rr",.", .. to retain the
Dull and DII'lstir.!! necessary.

metal belts


waler solu-
and away



the winter season. Have neces-
sary done as soon as
See your dealer for correct
and materials.

Whenever the lower

transmission or
have been lost anti-corrosion
of the affected surfaces should be
Under difficult coni:litlons.
dealer has the appro- p.X:'1mnlAat extreme low outside brn",,,,,.
"''''0'''''''' the necessary tures or in very etc., some
and is familiar with the aplolicati()n service work bet·
ween the intervals
This to:
• oil and
• the air filter.
work should be per-
dealers because
the IAI".Lrcih"n
This any tools
lion or treatments. If any wax this work per-
should seep out of the when the to the manufacturer's
ambient is it can be
removed a and a
suitable solvent. sure to all in accordance with the
and environmental may be a condition

and environmental concerns

strict limits on the nature of re-
and trans-

tions when
used brake
batteries or worn out

vehicle which con-
of the American Pe-
A has been

is not

Automatic transmission:
ATF Dexron@ or Dexron II® for
verIer and oil SAE 90
or API/GL final

or "'''Fn f'

The lubricant used does not have to be

Should the need arise to add

be done with the necessary

ATF Dexron(!)

VOlks\1If8(len does not recommend the

use of additives. It may af-
fect your


• Turn off the A

The best time to check the oil level
is when the oil is warm. • To
be on
wait a minutes for the oil to return
The oil and the oil filler
neck are located the license
lid. • down.
• Pull out and clean with a
Air-cooled rag.
• Reinsert OIOstl(;K it in all the way.
The oil level is
"max" and "min"

on Due to the additives in the oil, R

• Make sure the fresh oil will look dark after the is
in. has been for a short time. re
normal and there is no reason to
the oil more often than recommended
the Ir
• Unscrew cap from oil filler neck. T
• Pull extension tube out of filler neck as oS
far as it will go.
• add the amount of oil needed. The "'"
difference between the "min" and "max"
marks on the is about U.S.
Diesel or 1 liter. select a oil
correct See
page 7.
Do not exceed the MAX
be drawn in
the crankcase into the
The oil would then burn in
converter and cause dam-
• Push in the extension tube, fil-
ler cap and hand


a oil collection in
your area, or contact a service station .

• Turn off the

• Remove the drain
the is still warm

C'h,!lInnirln the oil filter Air-cooled lOn'''Iln,,,,'

The oil Ii Iter should be at the inter-

vals listed your Maintenance booklet.
• Remove old oil filter element and dis-

coat seal of new filter element

• Screw on filter element and hand-

to manufacturer's
instructions on the carton or on the filter
amount of

• Run at various
to five minutes and check
• Check for correct oil top
up if necessary. Diesel
center nut B for the oil strainer
should be with a
wrench. The correct is 7-9

Diesel AntUflA'


Fuel filter should be

formed your VW dealer or a
mechanic< can cause
it not to service the
air cleaner more often than recommended
in the Maintenance booklet. If the vehicle
is driven on very the air
cleaner must be more
We recommend that you have
serviced Volks-

...1"I,,, ... r.,,,,11 more

follows, the

is filled with
filter element must never be
soaked with clean- the reservoir is im-
solvents or oil. proper of


• Loosen drain
fluid also functions as
to the pump
a cup or until drained of the
• and vent $Crew,

·where applicable
On the refill the coolant level must be
between the min. and max. marks when
is cold and not When
warm, coolant level may be
above max, mark,

insects ar
front of
00 not
coolant in the summer
water, The coolant "' ....... nr,,,n,',,"t:;,,,., • the of the coolant has been
must be at least 40"i" but more than reduced due an incorrect mixture of
to maintain the antifreeze coolant and water;
the radiator fan not see
• ar;

-13" F/-25° C
-400 F/-40 c C

,.,...,,,1 .. ,,,+ level


tank are

On the refill and the Water-cooled Jl:>n,......,"'.

need not be taken
The coolant level is checked
in the refill tank license
An,nln,n coolant Radiator fan
Turn off the and allow it to cool Correct V-belt tension is for over-
down. all vehicle

the radiator YI.I,i\lIUIIt:1.I work-
to 10 mi-
to run
'N ...IT''',,.. switched off.
• If the radiator fan does not come on
when the coolant temperature is very
check the fuse and it jf necessary

To maintain the anti-corrosion nyr,"art,

of the the antifreeze concentra-
tion should be ''C'UtUI.J't:tu,
the warm season.
InC'rI'!IlISlrl(] the antifreeze in the coolant
to more 60°/" is not
it is also ......trirn.. '... t ..

• Wait for the radiator fan to switch on

and off
• Check coolant level. Add more coolant
if necessary.
Do not overfill the
Excess coolant will be forced out
the pressure relief valve in the
when the becomes hot.
Screw capon
The correct fluid level is
of the
level in brake fluid reservoir
be between the MAX and
Your brake fluid level is
monitored the brake

The fluid level may

time due to the
the brake
the brake fluid level falls
Brake below the mark "MIN", brake
will come on. Do not continue to oper-
The brake fluid reservoir located under
the vehicle, The brake sys-
the instrument cluster in the dashboard
tem should be your
dealer cor-
To the
two recesses the
frame cover
acid level
Under normal

If the fluid level is below "min" let

VOIKS\lVaClen dealer correct the condi-

On vehicles with swivel seats, turn the

seat 180" an then for-

is in the on

If your vehicle is left

weeks at low
should be and
where wilt not freeze. This will
nee! both
then unscrew

'where applicable
• Connect
cables must be connected
to POSITIVE and inals and
Do not connect or disconnect
cables while
• Switch on

• After turn off and dis-

connect cables.
With a disconnected
must not run because the ..1",,,t...,,,,,,,1
tern will be .rt"" ...."""",.rt

blades must be in condition to

clear vision.

The filler • Commercial hot waxes
the driver's matic car washes have been known to
affect the of the windshield,
Vehicles with rear window and
washer have an additional ""Y""""or on
The washer for the rear window should
the in the 'UI..I''1o,",v ",-,,,,,,-.,,,.'1,,,,0'"
be so that the fluid hits the
of the containers are: in the center of the area.
The dUII'-H,""'U with a needle.
container . . . . .. 4.3 liters
Rear window washer The
container . . . . , , 1.1 liters can
the containers ef.
To fill the f'nr,t"i,nt:>r cover and un-
screw the filler cap. After the con-
screw the cap and close

arm and hold

Since clear water is

for the
tion to the water. • The must click into
on the
Use winterized washer solvent
cold season. It to
windshield and clean
vents the fluid from in the
coolant antifreeze or
sollutlon that can the

Follow the directions on the can for the

correct amount to be used.
the container press the cap
neck .

• where applicable

New tires Since tire imbalance can cause wear on Tire care
the and tires at least every 2,000
New tires do not maximum trac- should have wheels
tion and should driven at moderate for wear and
wheel should be balanced if a new
and with caution for the first 100 tire has been mounted or a tire was re-

Tire service life

The service life of
for • Mark tires before them.
the most on the Remount tires on the same side
because the rotation direction should
Tire pressures the same.

are not used.

6 years should
in an emergency,

When the indicators

grooves, it is
tires. We 'Of'"...,."m".nrl
do not let the tires wear down to
extent. Worn tires cannot the road
to surface and are even effec-
check tive on wet
are cold. When
pressure will be
pressure of warm
Use an accurate tire pressure
inflation pressures.
exceed maximum tire inflation
sure listed on the tire sidewall. tire
inflation pressure means: when a vehicle
has been for at least 3 hours or
driven for less than 1 mile.
a pres-

Fast acceleration and
hard tire wear.
Incorrect wheel
Wheel sive and uneven wear
of the vehicle. If you
The front wheels on new vehicles are wear, contact your VOIKs'waQel
balanced. When various
conditions can cause a wheel to become
unbalanced. This may be noticed as vibra-
tions in the do,orir",
11'll1",,,,,,,,le and General notes Tire speCIITlc:atlon,s
Wheels and tires
lacturer have been
your vehicle and
car and some trucks
the vehicle.
conform to Federal
in addition to these

reasons, tires
and not
deEme:s! tread should reasons it Is not

Irani wheels. Case to use wheels

vailielies under certain
not even wheels from the Same
vehicle model.
• Wheel rims and wheel bolts

• Never mount used tires if you are not

sure of their

• tires and/or wheels which have

not been the manufacturer
for can be detrimental
• If wheel trim discs or a front
installed, make sure the air flow
the brakes is not obstructed.

• Before

tire's reSistance to
of heat. Suslained tem-
can reduce tire to
sudden tire failure. Grade C
to a which all
to the "'\IIr1i'r,n' tires must meet under the
All four wheels on the vehicle must Vehicle Standard No. 109. Grades
have tires of the same size, construction 8 and A levels than the
and tread so that the viscous
does not activate the
wheel drive. on the front or
rear wheels exerl additional stress on the
drive train
sed lire wear
tires Remember the when
in the winter:



concentration in
inslallino snow note before the

snow tires must be

VO'IKS\Na<len dealer for
tire size, ,",,""""fn models

• Snow tires should be mounted on not be

four wheels, J x 14
• The tire pressures for snow
same as for summer tires. 1-1"\1\11"'''"" • windshield washer
exceed the maximum tire pressure with for the windshield and rear
on the sidewall, window washer winter
Where should be
fitted to all four wheels, If two chains remove snow
are these must be to the
rear wheels,
chains may also be fitted on all
tires and wheels
205/70 x 14 tires on 5 1/2 J x
however, should be used when
road conditions them, • When in the mountains in winter
remove snow chains when road it is best to take a set of snow chains.
tions Be sure to follow all state Snow chains may be for some
and to the use mountain roads, and this also
of snow to vehicles with all-wheel drive

• Snow tires with studs should be run at

moderate when new in order to
the time to settle,
Do not drive a vehicle with snow
tires at Snow tires
do not same of traction on
wet or snowfree as a normal tire,
snow tires wear
under these conditions.
• Where snow tires are
certain this also
with ",1I.,WhIPpI·","IIP

') Check with local Motor Vehicle Bureau for

possible fP"I'rI(,nOn"

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