Cte STD Uasag
Cte STD Uasag
Cte STD Uasag
Course Description
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Agriculture course is an advanced course in Agriculture, Food,
and Natural Resources career cluster intended to meet the needs of specific applications of advanced
UAS precision technologies specific to the agriculture, food, and natural resources industry. Students
will receive rigorous instruction in preparation to take the the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
remote Pilot Certification (Part 107) (less than 55 pounds) exam for the commercial drone pilots for
small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) and develop specific knowledge and skills associated with
Course Standards
1. Accurately read and interpret safety rules related to operating and using small
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) and attachments. Demonstrate safe operation
procedures with appropriate attitudes and behaviors associated with operating sUAS.
Complete safety test with 100 percent accuracy.
3. Gather relevant information from multiple sources in both print and digital formats
related to career opportunities using small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)
technology, including but not limited to current careers, upcoming career shifts related
to sUAS technology, and how sUAS positions are related to the agriculture industry.
Research notable historical figures, time periods, technological advancements and/or
practices to develop a visual, oral, and/or written presentation that cites specific textual
evidence to support analysis.
4. Compare and contrast the types and functions of precision and advanced technologies
(such as GIS, GPS, and unmanned aircraft systems) available to the agriculture industry.
Citing technical data and academic research, compare in a written or oral format the
legal, ethical, and economic impact of using emerging technologies to improve efficiency
and efficacy in the agricultural industry.
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Airspace classification and Operating Requirements
5. Analyze small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) technologies, platforms, and systems
to determine capabilities and limitations such as payload elements, stabilization &
navigation sensors, environmental operation conditions, life & operational cycles, and
operational considerations. Using the information gathered, create a sUAS operational
7. Summarize and demonstrate the FAA regulations associated with the operation of small
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) including registration requirements, categories of
vehicles, system operators, ramifications of false reporting, accident reporting, and
prohibition of operating multiple small UAS.
8. Classify airspace, including general, special, and other airspaces. Describe the operating
requirements in airspaces including restrictions due to Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). Given
a specific region on aeronautical maps and using researched sources of information,
identify authorizations required, maximum altitudes, unauthorized areas, and other
points of risk or concerns for the sUAS operator.
10. Read and interpret sectional charts, aeronautical charts, and chart supplements. Identify
classifications of airspace, latitude, longitude, obstacles, and navigation routes. Include
the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other specific words related to small Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (sUAS) as they are used in technical context.
11. Demonstrate effective communication skills while using proper radio communications
procedures including Zulu time and the phonetic alphabet. Explain the various
transmitters. Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft communication equipment.
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12. Compare the differences of in human factors related to the operational control, ground
control, and personnel required to operate small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS.)
Summarize how the different types of human actions and automatic sensory factors
impact the different types of human operator errors.
13. Articulate the components of preflight planning to access risk. Be prepared to outline the
risk assessment, a maintenance schedule, and conduct a preflight inspection.
14. Investigate and compare the various small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, cameras, and
sensoring systems to make recommendations for specific agricultural applications.
15. Using Aviation weather reports (METAR), Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAF), and other
weather reports from various sources, analyze weather reports to interpret weather
conditions for operating a small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS).
16. Using small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS), plan and implement a sUAS mission. The
mission will include creating an autonomous flight plan that is safe, fully complies with
FAA regulations within the National Airspace, and completes the planned objective.
Serve as remote Pilot In Charge (PIC) for the mission. Demonstrate situational awareness
and perform risk mitigation during the flights. Demonstrate standards of
professionalism during flights. Demonstrate an understanding of mission planning,
preparation, execution, and post-flight debrief.
17. Explain the processes of loading and payload as it applies to small Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (sUAS) including the historical payload uses and prohibitions for carrying
hazardous materials, citing technical manuals. Determine the impact of a load on
performance by calculating the in-flight weight of the payload using load factor charts to
maintain specific altitudes.
18. Create a plan for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) to monitor plant growth and
describe which sUAS remote sensing technology should be used to examine the
processes of plant growth to conduct chlorophyll counts. Using this sUAS remote sensing
technology identify nutrient deficiencies.
19. Describe how small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) are used to analyze soil
properties using remote sensing technology. Develop a plan to use sUAS technology in
best management practices for soil moisture/irrigation. Assess irrigation application
effectiveness using sUAS technology.
20. Determine uses for small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) to monitor companion
animals, livestock & wildlife operations. Differentiate the signs and symptoms of
common disease and other issues such as but not limited to identifying heard health
issues, nutritional issues, predator issues, calculating calving percentages of using sUAS
remote sensing.
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21. Determine the small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) remote sensing applications
needed to identify common forages pest and disease that impact plant growth and
nutritional levels. Analyze data to identify and provide management recommendations
for forage, hay crops, food plots serving as a source of nutrition for animals.
22. Differentiate between nutrient deficiencies and pest/disease damage in plants using
small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) remote sensing technology. Identify pests and
diseases and the damage they cause. Recommend appropriate solutions for pest and
disease control by developing an integrated pest management (IPM) plan using
information from sUAS technology.
23. Determine the proper small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) applications to provide
data on agricultural crops such as but not limited to vegetable, row, nursery, native
vegetation, fruit, etc. Develop a data management report for a diversified farming
operation with at least three different crops to contain at least:
a. identification of common pest and diseases,
b. use of sUAS for early detection of diseases,
c. calculate yield estimates using sUAS data, and
d. evaluate and monitor crops to predict growth and harvest times.
24. Selecting small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) applications and techniques to provide
forest management data including the identification of economically important tree
species, forest pest, insects, and diseases. Create a written recommended forest
management plan based on the data from sUAS images and data.
• AFNR: National Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster Content
Standards: Students engaged in activities outlined above should be able to demonstrate
fluency in Standards NRS. 02.03, 03.02,04, ESS.01, 02, 05, and PST 05at the conclusion of the
• P21: Partnership for 21st Century Skills Framework for 21st Century Learning
o Note: While not all standards are specifically aligned, teachers will find the
framework helpful for setting expectations for student behavior in their classroom
and practicing specific career readiness skills.
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active WBL Certificate issued by the Tennessee Department of Education and follow policies
outlined in the Work-Based Learning Policy Guide available online
at https://www.tn.gov/education/career-and-technical-education/work-based-learning.html.
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