Recycling End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries
Recycling End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries
Recycling End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) play a significant role in our highly electrified world Context & Scale
and will continue to lead technology innovations. Millions of vehicles are equip- The rapid increase in the use of
ped with or directly powered by LIBs, mitigating environmental pollution and lithium-ion batteries in electric
reducing energy use. This rapidly increasing use of LIBs in vehicles will introduce vehicles will introduce a large
a large quantity of spent LIBs within an 8–10-year span. Proper handling of end- quantity of spent lithium-ion
of-life (EOL) vehicle LIBs is required, and multiple options should be considered. batteries in the near future, and
This paper demonstrates that the necessity for EOL recycling is underpinned by the options to properly handle the
leveraging fluctuating material costs, uneven distribution and production, and spent lithium-ion batteries include
the transport situation. From a life-cycle perspective, remanufacturing and re- remanufacturing, repurposing,
purposing extend the life of LIBs, and industrial demonstrations indicate that and recycling. Remanufacturing
this is feasible. Recycling is the ultimate option for handling EOL LIBs, and and repurposing are extending
recent advancements both in research and industry regarding pyrometallurgi- the life of batteries, and recycling
cal, hydrometallurgical, and direct recycling are summarized. Currently, none closes the loop by returning
of the current battery recycling technologies is ideal, and challenges must be materials back to the value chain.
overcome. This article is anticipated as a starting point for a more sophisticated Pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy,
study of recycling, and it suggests potential improvements in the process and direct recycling are the three
through mutual efforts from academia, industry, and governments. recycling processes for spent
lithium-ion batteries. Academic
Scope and Method of This Perspective Paper innovations and industrial
In this paper, the needs and options to address end-of-life (EOL) lithium-ion batte- demonstrations of these three
ries (LIBs) are first discussed. Furthermore, the current status of LIB recycling, recycling processes are constantly
including academic innovations and industrial demonstrations, are systematically re- emerging and attempting to make
viewed, focusing on pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, and direct recycling an impact. However, none of the
methods. The challenges facing current recycling technologies are analyzed, along current recycling technologies is
with potential suggestions or solutions. This study was conducted by establishing perfect, and challenges do exist.
scope and approach, searching related literature and industry demonstrations, By providing insights and
screening for inclusion, and providing insights. In addition, experts and industry rep- suggestions in this perspective
resentatives were interviewed to validate the accuracy of this study. paper, the direction for
improvement of lithium-ion
Needs battery recycling becomes clear.
LIBs currently dominate the market for electric vehicles (EVs), due to their high en- With the mutual efforts from
ergy and power density, and long life-span, combined with sweeping cost reduc- academia, industry, and
tions over the last decade. Millions of electric and hybrid vehicles that are powered governments, recycling will play a
by LIBs have been sold to date, and this number is projected to increase significantly significant role from both ecologic
in the coming years with the continued electrification of the automobile industry. Ac- and economic points of view.
cording to Avicenne Energy,1 LIBs represent the highest growth and the major
portion of industry investments. For example, worldwide, LIB sales have increased
by an average of 16% per year from 1996 to 2016. In 2016, the global LIB market
was over $20 billion at the cell level. By 2025, it is projected to reach $40 billion,
of which more than $15 billion will be from the hybrid and electric vehicle (xEV) mar-
ket. In the United States, there will be 1.4 million EV sales in 2035, as forecast by the
Transport Situation
LIBs are classified as category 9 hazardous materials, due to their unstable thermal
and electrical qualities9 and because of the risk of thermal runaway if improperly
handled during transportation. LIBs must undergo and pass a suite of national
and/or international tests prior to shipment by road, sea, or air. Having local and
mature recycling facilities has many advantages (economic, access to strategic ma-
terials, etc.) over shipping batteries to countries with less stringent regulations that
govern transport and recycling.
Reconciling the projected exponential growth in the demand for EV batteries, the
possibility of fluctuating prices for lithium and cobalt, and unsustainable production
of strategic materials poses a serious supply concern for the EV industry. Therefore,
EOL options for EV LIBs must be addressed with appropriate urgency. For example,
given the high costs of transporting spent LIBs, resulting from their hazardous mate-
rials classification, it would be ideal if LIBs could be recycled or rendered inert locally.
become part of the circular economy instead of becoming waste. That said, recycling
returns valuable materials back into the value chain promptly, partially mitigating the
need for extraction of new resources. Repurposing batteries for a non-automotive
(second life) use lies between these two scenarios, in terms of desirability. However,
considering the scalability and ease of processing, recycling is probably the simplest
and certainly the most broadly applicable solution for EOL EV batteries. It should be
noted that, even if batteries are first remanufactured or repurposed, they will ulti-
mately be recycled. The first two options only delay the recycling horizon. In this re-
view paper, recycling is the main focus of analysis.
Industry Demonstrations. The number of EOL vehicle LIBs is likely to reach 50%
of the demand for new vehicle LIBs between the years 2020 and 2033, and according
to the cost-benefit analysis by Foster, remanufacturing spent LIBs saves 40% of the
cost of using new batteries.13 Remanufacturing LIBs involves diagnosis, partial disas-
sembly of battery packs, replacement of damaged cells or modules within the bat-
tery packs, and then reassembly into new battery packs.
Repurposing is another option for EOL batteries, whereby batteries are reconfigured
for ‘‘second life’’ use in less-stressful applications (such as stationary storage), thus
extracting more value by extending their useful lifetime beyond their automotive
‘‘first life’’ usage. In the case where a pack is unable to hold a desired capacity, for
example, 80% remanufacturing seems economically unfavorable, and repurposing
becomes a viable path. Repurposing not only requires replacing damaged cells or
modules but also requires reconfiguring the modules or packs, including establish-
ing a new battery management systems (BMSs), to accommodate a non-vehicle
application. However, repurposing faces numerous challenges, including reliably
grading the EOL packs or modules, dealing with the many different designs and
performance metrics, liability, and the cost of reconfiguration, which must compete
with new, cheaper batteries. For example, the original xEV manufacturer has the
responsibility to offer vehicle-use qualified LIBs. However, the risks and liability of
Recycling is the third option, which can and must accommodate battery packs of all
designs and states of health. However, the multiplicity of material chemistries used
in today’s EV LIBs increases recycling complexity, presenting a few technical and
economic hurdles that must be addressed to enable efficient, large-scale automo-
tive battery recycling. First, LIB packs are complex structures, comprised of multiple
modules, in which numerous pouch, prismatic, or cylindrical cells are connected in a
variety of parallel-series configurations (welding, wire bonding, and mechanical
joining are common joining techniques used within LIB cells, modules, and packs).20
The respective architectures of LIB packs, modules, and cells vary significantly from
manufacturer to manufacturer. Within the cells, the chemical composition of active
materials also varies among manufacturers and continues to evolve. Cathode mate-
rials in xEVs can be any one of or a mixture of LiCoO2 (LCO), LiNixMnyCozO2 (NMC,
x + y + z = 1), LiFePO4 (LFP), LiMn2O4 (LMO), and LiNixCoyAlzO2 (NCA, x + y + z = 1),
and manufacturers are moving increasingly toward higher nickel and lower cobalt
chemistries, in response to cost and availability concerns. This leads to a weakening
of existing battery recycling business models, which depend largely on the recovery
of high-value cobalt.21 The cathode material represents the highest value in the LIB,
and, as such, recovering cathode as the final recycling process output is economi-
cally desirable. Of course, recycling more battery materials such as the anode, foils,
and electrolyte further augments recycling process margins, thereby enhancing the
sustainability of the recycling ecosystem.
In-situ reduction roasting attracts significant research interest and is being studied
in the laboratory. The ‘‘in situ’’ means that no other additives are needed in this
process, and spent batteries can be directly transformed into useful goods via pyrol-
ysis.26–28 Spent battery systems whose cathode is LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4 have been
tested through in-situ recovery.26,28 In the process of oxygen-free roasting, mixed
electrode materials were transformed to Li2CO3, metal and metal oxide without
any additives.26,28 Lithium is released from the oxygen framework within the elec-
trode crystal structure and converted to Li2CO3. Afterwards, Mao and Xiao provided
a theoretical analysis of in-situ recovery and developed a collapsing model, in which
graphite, having a stronger affinity to oxygen than lithium and cobalt, causes the
collapse of oxygen octahedrons and the transformation of Li to Li2CO3.27,30 They
found that burning graphite promoted the pyrolysis of lithium cobalt oxide, due
to the coupling reaction between them. Consequently, the decomposition temper-
ature of lithium cobalt oxide decreased from 1,436 to 1,173 K. The coupling reaction
and collapsing model explained the underlying principles of in-situ recovery, guid-
ing related development efforts in academia and industry.30
Accurec utilizes vacuum thermal recycling (VTR) to treat LIBs, although VTR was
originally developed for precious metal recovery. The combined pyrometallurgical
and hydrometallurgical process (EcoBatRec) was finalized in 2016. Spent LIBs are
firstly treated mechanically (disassembly) to remove electronic fractions and plastic
covers, and then VTR (distillation and pyrolysis) is performed to extract the
electrolyte condensate. After crushing, classification, and sorting, Al, Cu, and steel
are recovered by sieving, magnetic separation, and air separation, while the
electrode materials are agglomerated to pellets with binder and converted into a
Co-based alloy by smelting.21,22,31,34–36 Lithium-containing slag (also produced in
this process) can be leached out by acid and converted to lithium carbonate or
Sony and Sumitomo in Japan recycle spent LIBs using a combined pyrometallurgical
and hydrometallurgical processes. At the Sony plant, during a calcination at
1,000 C, plastics and electrolyte are burned off, leaving metallic parts and active
materials. Fe, Cu, and Al can be separated magnetically, while active materials are
sent to Sumitomo for further hydrometallurgical recycling, where cobalt is recovered
as cobalt oxide. The recovered cobalt oxide has high purity and can be used for the
fabrication of new cathode materials.31,34,35,37 Recently, Sumitomo announced its
first practical method to recover copper by pyrometallurgy and nickel by hydromet-
allurgy.38,39 With the utilization of this processing flow, more value is extracted from
spent LIBs, and the depletion of resources is further addressed.
Leaching: Leaching dissolves the metals present in EOL LIBs, and the subsequent
leachate undergoes further treatment to separate metal ions and produce final
Alkali Leaching: Alkali leaching has attracted attention due to its selective leaching
and the resulting potential to avoid costly separation or purification steps. An
ammonia-based system is used because it can form stable ammonia complexes
with metals, such as Ni, Co, and Cu. Zheng and Chen utilized ammonia and/or
ammonium sulfate as a leaching solution and sulphites as the reducing agent. The
overall leaching efficiencies of Ni, Co, and Li were high in both studies and are
summarized in Table 2; Mn showed different leaching behavior.44,45 Chen found
that the leaching efficiency of Mn was largely dependent on the concentration of
(NH4)2SO3, with an optimal concentration of 0.75M.45
Acid Leaching: Acid leaching remains prevalent because of its high recovery
efficiency. With the use of acid in leaching, strong inorganic leaching may cause sec-
ondary pollution (excess acid solution and hazardous gas emission), while organic
leaching offers similar leaching efficiency with biodegradable properties. Acid
leaching agents include HCl, H2SO4, and HNO3, and organic leaching agents consist
of citric acid, ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, and formic acid.
Barik and He obtained a leaching efficiency of over 99% by utilizing dense HCl and
H2SO4-H2O2 systems, respectively, when dissolving Co, Mn, and Li. Manganese was
further separated by adding sodium hypochlorite in Barik’s work.46,47 Instead of
using excess acid, Li et al. recovered LiFePO4 in a low-concentration leaching
solution of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. After operating at 60 C for 2 h,
96.85% Li, 0.027% Fe, and 1.95% P were recovered in the leachate. Subsequently,
95.56% Li was recycled as Li3PO4 with the addition of Na3PO4, and the leaching
residue was recovered as FePO4, through burning off the carbon slag.48 The
reduced usage of inorganic acid in the process leads to a simultaneous decrease
in the amount of secondary waste and overall cost.
Organic acid leaching can reach efficiencies similar to inorganic acid leaching, in
milder environments. Gao et al. introduced formic acid into their closed-loop recy-
cling process to selectively leach lithium ions into solution while precipitating other
metals out for precursor production.49 In this process, Li2CO3 was obtained with
a purity of 99.9%, after removing metal residues.49 Zhang et al. developed an inno-
vative method to recycle NMC by oxalic acid leaching. Lithium was dissolved in the
solution, whereas Ni, Mn, and Co were precipitated as oxalate. Unlike LCO systems,
where the metal oxide can be fully leached out,50,65 the layered NMC structure
still exists after 2 h of leaching with oxalic acid. This occurs because reacted NMC
oxalate precipitate covers the surface of NMC and hinders a continuous reaction,
and the degree of leaching can be controlled by changing the leaching time. Subse-
quent calcination with Li2CO3 transformed oxalate precipitates into regenerated
NMC, which showed excellent electrochemical performance. At 0.2 C, the initial
specific discharge capacity was 168 mAh/g and was better than that in reported
recycled materials (155 mAh/g).61,66,67 The specific capacity was 153.7 mAh/g after
150 cycles, demonstrating a capacity retention of 91.5%. The promising behavior is
The efficiency of the leaching process is enhanced by reducing agents since lower
valence metals dissolve more readily. The reducing agents include inorganic and
organic species and metallic current collectors (Cu, Al); the most commonly used
one is hydrogen peroxide. Following leaching, treatment options to separate metals
or remove impurities include solvent extraction, chemical precipitation, electrolysis,
and ion exchange.
Co-precipitation: Notably, Ni, Mn, and Co share similar properties and thus require
complex steps to separate them. An effective approach is to coprecipitate them
The LithoRec project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Environment, aimed
to develop an economically viable and ecological beneficial recycling process with
high recycling rates. Active materials that separated in the recycling stream are
sent to Albemarle Germany GmbH (Rockwood Lithium GmbH) for hydrometallurgi-
cal treatment, and the recovered lithium and transition metal salts can be used for
the synthesis of new cathode material.37,75,76,81
Recent Progress: Direct recycling processes can restore the structure of active mate-
rials directly, and some recent technical innovations are listed in Table 3. Capacity
degradation of spent LIBs is associated with lithium loss due to the thickening of
the solid-electrolyte interface (SEI) and undesired phase change.88 In earlier studies
of direct recycling, researchers principally focused on relithiation to regenerate
Industry Demonstrations: Because of the low intrinsic value of LFP, it is not econom-
ically feasible to recycle LFP by hydrometallurgical methods. In industry, utilizing
direct recycling to recover LFP can be potentially profitable, as claimed by BYD in
China.73 OnTo Technology is located in Bend, Oregon, and recycles LIBs via a
direct-recycle methodology at bench scale. EOL LIBs are discharged and opened
to harvest the electrode, after which the cathode material is gained by blending
the electrode in an aqueous alkaline solution and detaching it from the current col-
lector. With the utilization of hydrothermal and additional heat treatment, the
degraded cathode material can be regenerated and used in new cells.94 The com-
pany claims that its recycling process is economically viable and has started working
with a US-based EV manufacturer. OnTo Technology also recycles electrolyte, using
liquid CO2, either by circulating CO2 or soaking spent batteries in supercritical fluid.
After discharging and shredding, 90% of the electrolyte is extracted in 48 h.34,95
However, this electrolyte recycling process is not practically adopted, due to its
intrinsic high cost. Farasis, a lithium-ionbattery manufacturer, has also been devel-
oping a direct recycling process to recycle LIBs under a USABC contract and has
claimed some success in its report included in the Department of Energy Annual
Merit Review Report.
Although various battery recycling technologies are available today, as yet none of
them offer the perfect solution, and continued efforts are needed. LIBs recycling
research must keep pace with rapidly evolving LIB materials research, which is
bringing new materials and designs to the market. This requires LIB recycling tech-
nologies that are flexible, economically feasible, robust, and which offer high recy-
cling efficiencies. The authors see the following research needs and challenges for
various recycling processes. Note: different recycling processes may have the
same or similar research needs.
1. Sorting and separation technologies: The spent LIBs most likely include vari-
ations in shape, size, and chemistry. Sorting and separation technologies
could increase the efficiency of recycling.
A. LIBs separation, based on different chemistries. Recycling facilities nor-
mally receive EOL LIBs without knowing the interior chemical constituents.
Proper labeling of LIBs by battery manufacturers would help the separation
of LIBs, based on chemistry. Then, single-chemistry LIBs can be sorted and
recycled, which is more effective and efficient. For example, the Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) has developed labeling standards (J2936) for
LIBs. This standard gives labeling recommendations for energy storage de-
vices, including cell, battery, and pack-level products during the entire life
B. Material separation. Various chemistries and form factors of spent LIBs
make the pretreatment of EOL LIBs challenging. Safe and effective separa-
tion of battery components needs to be developed. For example, if cell
size and shape are standardized to a few designs, auto-dismantling and
separation become more feasible.
2. The Pyrometallurgical process: The pyrometallurgical process is the most
mature technology and has been primarily deployed in Europe and North
A. Slag recycle. During the smelting process, most of the materials (graphite,
separator, organic electrolyte, plastics) are burned and not recovered.
Slag, including lithium, is produced. In most traditional pyrometallurgical
processes, the lithium and aluminum in slag is not recovered. However,
the gradually increasing price of lithium renders this unsustainable; the
lithium must be recovered or not be sent to slag. Developing practical
technologies to recover lithium in the slag could be one of the important
research directions for the pyrometallurgical process.
B. Adaptation to the rapidly developing LIB industry (high nickel and low co-
balt). The LIB industry is evolving very quickly. Trends are moving toward
increasingly higher nickel and lower cobalt content cathode materials,
with the ultimate objective of ‘‘no-cobalt’’ cathodes. The pyrometallurgical
process relies on reasonably high cobalt concentrations for economic
feasibility. However, as cobalt concentrations are reduced, the business
model will be strained. Innovation is needed to enable pyrometallurgical
processors to adapt their business model to emergent generations of
LIBs, notably low-cobalt or no-cobalt cathode materials. For example,
developing roasting conditions to allow easier purification and separation
of different chemicals could be one possible direction. In addition,
In addition to the research needs outlined above, the following areas also need to be
recycling. The European Union has stringent laws regarding LIB recycling, whereby
recycling efficiencies must meet 50% by 2030.98 In China, after August 2018, all EVs
are given a specific ID, which will help track the batteries from the first production to
second use and, finally, to recycling.99 However, in the US, there are still no national
regulations for the collection and recycling of large-format LIBs. Even though na-
tional policies regarding LIBs recycling have not been established, some existing
state policies are intended to promote the sustainability of xEV LIBs. California is a
forerunner in promoting vehicle electrification, and it will continue to be a national
leader in LIB recycling. In 2016, an EV action plan in California set a new goal to
develop new market opportunities for battery recycling.100,101
In fact, the policy can be initiated for manufacturing LIBs, EOL LIB collection
and transportation, recycling processes, and reuse of recycled materials. The
manufacturing standardization recommendations could include stipulations
regarding module design (energy, size, and voltage), the joining mechanism (revers-
ible to enable disassembly of packs), and adhesives, and these could effectively pro-
mote the acceptability of recycling. If there are fewer variants, the disassembly and
separation processes during recycling would require less labor, and appropriate
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Department of Energy, the Na-
tional Energy Technology Laboratory under award number DE-EE0006250 with the
United States Advanced Battery Consortium LLC (USABC LLC). The authors also
thank Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Division of Marketing Communications
for creating figures.
Conceptualization, Y.W.; Visualization, M.C.; Original Writing, M.C., R.A., and Y.W.;
Review & Editing, M.C., R.A., Y.W., X.M., B.C., P.K., and N.S.
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