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Vaccine 40 (2022) 5044–5049

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Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 related hospital admission in the

Netherlands: A test-negative case-control study
F.A. Niessen a,b,⇑, M.J. Knol a,b, S.J.M. Hahné b, VECTOR study group 1, M.J.M. Bonten a,
P.C.J.L. Bruijning-Verhagen a,b
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Centre for Infectious Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction: Real-world vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates are essential to identify potential groups at
Received 1 December 2021 higher risk of break-through infections and to guide policy. We assessed the VE of COVID-19 vaccination
Received in revised form 11 May 2022 against COVID-19 hospitalization, while adjusting and stratifying for patient characteristics.
Accepted 2 June 2022
Methods: We performed a test-negative case-control study in six Dutch hospitals. The study population
Available online 8 June 2022
consisted of adults eligible for COVID-19 vaccination hospitalized between May 1 and June 28, 2021 with
respiratory symptoms. Cases were defined as patients who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR during
the first 48 h of admission or within 14 days prior to hospital admission. Controls were patients tested
negative at admission and did not have a positive test during the 2 weeks prior to hospitalization. VE
was calculated using multivariable logistic regression, adjusting for calendar week, sex, age, comorbidity
and nursing home residency. Subgroup analysis was performed for age, sex and different comorbidities.
Secondary endpoints were ICU-admission and mortality.
Results: 379 cases and 255 controls were included of whom 157 (18%) were vaccinated prior to admis-
sion. Five cases (1%) and 40 controls (16%) were fully vaccinated (VE: 93%; 95% CI: 81 – 98), and 40 cases
(11%) and 70 controls (27%) were partially vaccinated (VE: 70%; 95% CI: 50–82). A strongly protective
effect of vaccination was found in all comorbidity subgroups. No ICU-admission or mortality were
reported among fully vaccinated cases. Of unvaccinated cases, mortality was 10% and 19% was admitted
at the ICU.
Conclusion: COVID-19 vaccination provides a strong protective effect against COVID-19 related hospital
admission, in patients with and without comorbidity.
Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction risk of severe disease due to obesity, chronic pulmonary disease,

chronic cardiac disease, diabetes and immune deficiency were pri-
Only about a year after SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a new respira- oritized. As of 12 October 2021, in the Netherlands, 10,8 million
tory virus, the first vaccines were approved, based on licensure tri- citizens aged > 11 years have been fully vaccinated resulting in a
als yielding high vaccine efficacy against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 vaccination coverage of 82.4% in the adult population [4]. Four vac-
infection, especially for mRNA-vaccines [1–3]. cines are used in the Netherlands: SpikevaxÓ, ComirnatyÓ, Vax-
In the Netherlands, COVID-19 vaccination started early January zevriaÓ and COVID-19 Vaccine JanssenÓ.
2021. Elderly living in nursing homes, their caregivers and acute Once vaccination has been implemented, monitoring vaccine
care workers were the first groups to receive vaccination. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) is needed to measure the real life effectiveness
roll-out then followed an age-stratified approach, starting with of vaccination under changing epidemiological conditions (e.g.
elderly > 90 years of age, followed by successively younger 5- emerging variants) and for different vaccines, to identify potential
year age groups. In addition, people < 60 years with an increased groups at higher risk of break-through infections and to guide pol-
icy making on additional vaccination and booster vaccination. The
test-negative case-control design is well suited for quantifying VE
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department for Epidemiology of Respiratory Infec-
and is therefore often used in post-licensure VE studies because of
tions, RIVM – Center for Infectious Disease ControlAntonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan
93720 BA Bilthoven The Netherlands.
its efficiency and limited bias compared to other observational
E-mail address: annabel.niessen@rivm.nl (F.A. Niessen). designs [5]. Importantly, in this design bias due to health seeking
The VECTOR study group contains of authors appear at the end of the article. behavior or access to health care and vaccination is limited by only

0264-410X/Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
F.A. Niessen, M.J. Knol, S.J.M. Hahné et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 5044–5049

including patients seeking care for a specified set of symptoms. Yet, dose<14 days prior to symptom onset (or < 28 days for vaccination
comorbidities can be important confounders, and many observa- with a single-dose vaccine) were considered unvaccinated. No data
tional studies on VE of COVID-19 vaccination lack details on was available on prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.
patient comorbidity status as such data cannot be comprehen- Data on comorbidities were collected through chart review. We
sively collected without detailed chart review. Furthermore, strat- classified comorbidities based on underlying conditions as
ified estimates for different risk-groups are essential for further recorded in medical records combined with data on chronic med-
decision making regarding additional COVID-19 vaccination. The ication. Obesity was defined as a Body Mass Index >= 30. Patients
aim of this study was to determine the VE of COVID-19 vaccination were considered immunocompromised when using immunosup-
against COVID-19 hospitalization stratified for comorbidity and pressant medication (systemic corticosteroids or disease modify-
with adjustment for relevant patient characteristics. ing antirheumatic drugs), having end stage renal failure or
having an immune deficiency disorder. Patients with recorded
chronic pulmonary disease, asthma or using chronic inhalation
2. Methods corticosteroids were considered as chronic respiratory patients.

2.1. Design and data collection

2.2. Statistical analysis

A test-negative case-control study was performed in six Dutch

The primary objective was to estimate VE against COVID-19
hospitals geographically distributed across the Netherlands. The
related hospital admission for fully and partially vaccinated sub-
study population consisted of adults admitted to the hospital with
jects. Secondary objectives were to estimate VE by age group and
respiratory symptoms and eligible for COVID-19 vaccination at the
comorbidities and to estimate VE against ICU-admission and in-
time of admission. Inclusion criteria were cough and/or shortness
hospital mortality.
of breath with an onset within 21 days before hospitalization,
Patient characteristics for cases and controls were described
and a respiratory specimen tested for SARS-CoV-2 (through PCR/
and differences were tested using the Mann Whitney U test for
LAMP-PCR) at admission or in the 14 days prior to admission at
continuous variables, Fishers exact test for proportions and chi
the municipal health services. Vaccine eligibility was determined
square test for categorical variables. Because the inclusion-
based on the age-stratified roll-out of the Dutch COVID-19 immu-
procedure was stratified by age, the overall VE-estimates were cal-
nization program. We distinguished three age-categories with an
culated by weighing the age stratified estimates respective to the
inclusion period based on vaccine eligibility. Patients born before
age distribution of COVID-19 hospitalization in the general
1947 and admitted between March 1 and May 10, patients born
from 1946 to 1960 admitted between April 12 and June 7 and
VE was calculated for both full and partial vaccination as pre-
patients born from 1961 to 2003 admitted between May 3 and July
ventive factor for COVID-19 hospitalization by 1 minus the odds
5 were included. Patients were screened retrospectively by chart
ratio (OR). The OR and 95% CI was calculated using logistic regres-
review for in- and exclusion criteria. Each respective week the first
sion adjusted for age group, week of symptom onset (cubic spline),
3–5 eligible patients in each age category were included per hospi-
sex, nursing home residency and underlying diseases. We took into
tal. Patients transferred from another hospital for possible or con-
account diabetes, chronic cardiac disease, chronic pulmonary dis-
firmed COVID-19 and patients readmitted within 14 days of a prior
ease, immune deficiency, malignancy and obesity as underlying
hospitalization were not included. Patients without information on
diseases, since these were associated with vaccination and severe
vaccination status and/or on their SARS-CoV-2 test results were
outcome [6–8]. Overall VE as well as product specific VE were esti-
excluded from the analysis. Controls without negative test results
mated. Subgroup analysis were performed for age, sex and comor-
at hospital admission were also excluded.
bidity. To assess whether there was effect modification by age or
Clinical data including demographic characteristics, medical
sex, separate models were fit with interaction terms for these
history and medication, COVID-19 test results, COVID-19 vaccina-
covariables. For ICU admission and mortality, we performed a
tion status and disease course were collected by retrospective
descriptive analysis and compared baseline characteristics and
chart review by dedicated research personnel and recorded in an
outcomes in cases by vaccination status.
electronic case report form. Vaccination status, including date of
Several sensitivity analyses were performed on the primary
vaccination and vaccine type, was verified and complemented with
outcome. First, VE was calculated among inclusions meeting the
the National vaccination registry (CIMS), containing data on
WHO SARI-criteria (acute onset cough and fever) [9]. Second,
COVID-19 vaccination of all Dutch citizens who provided consent;
patients with unknown vaccination status (excluded in the main
it is estimated that 93% of vaccinated persons give informed
analysis) were included and considered as non-vaccinated to check
for potential bias due to missing information. Third, we considered
Cases were defined as patients hospitalized with cough and/or
vaccination to be protective after 7 days instead of 14 days for 2-
dyspnea with a respiratory sample positive for SARS-CoV-2 by
dose vaccines and 14 days instead of 28 days for the 1-dose
PCR/LAMP-PCR tested within 48 h after hospital admission or at
the municipal health services no>14 days preceding hospital
admission. Controls were defined as patients hospitalized with
cough and/or dyspnea testing negative for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR/ 3. Results
LAMP-PCR on all respiratory samples taken during the first 48 h
of admission and in the 14 days preceding hospital admission. 3.1. Study population
Individuals were considered fully vaccinated if they had
received both doses of a two-dose vaccine (SpikevaxÓ, Comir- Between March 1 and June 26, 2021 a total of 678 patients were
natyÓ, VaxzevriaÓ) schedule at least 14 days before symptom included in six hospitals. Of these patients, 44 were excluded for
onset, or one dose of a single-dose vaccine (COVID-19 Vaccine analysis due to missing data on vaccination status (n = 38) and/
JanssenÓ) schedule at least 28 days before symptom onset. Partic- or SARS-CoV-2 status (n = 6). The remaining 634 inclusions con-
ipants who received one dose of a two-dose vaccine at least 14 days sisted of 379 patients positively tested on SARS-CoV-2 (cases)
before symptom onset, were considered partially vaccinated. All and 255 controls. Characteristics of the cases and controls are
patients who did not receive a COVID-19 vaccine or received a first shown in Table 1. The median age was 68 years (IQR 56–78) and
F.A. Niessen, M.J. Knol, S.J.M. Hahné et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 5044–5049

was lower in cases than controls (66 vs 71; p < 0.05). Since the dis- symptom onset and age group was 66% (95% CI: 46–79) for partial
tribution over the three age groups was comparable to the age- vaccination and 93% (95% CI: 82–98) for full vaccination. With
distribution in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the Netherlands, additional adjustment for sex, comorbidity and nursing home res-
weighing was considered not to be of additional value [10]. Most idency, VE was 70% (95% CI: 50–82) for partial vaccination and 93%
patients (82%) had at least one comorbidity. Obesity was more fre- (95% CI: 80–98) for full vaccination (Table 2). Sensitivity analyses
quent among cases than controls (38% vs 23%), whereas other showed higher VE-estimates when using a more infection-
underlying conditions like chronic pulmonary disease, immune specific case definition and lower VE-estimates when shortening
deficiency, chronic cardiac disease and malignancy were more fre- the interval between disease onset and vaccination (Table 1 in
quent among controls (p < 0.05). Fever at or preceding hospital supplement).
admission was reported by 239 cases (63%) and 109 controls Of all vaccinated patients the majority (67%) was vaccinated
(43%). Median CRP was 100 Ug/l among cases and 61 Ug/l among with Comirnaty, 18% with Vaxzevria, 12% with Spikevax and 1%
controls. Median leukocyte counts were 6.6 *10^9/L and 12.0 (n = 2) with COVID-19 vaccine Janssen. In seven patients the
*10^9/L among cases and controls, respectively. Controls were vaccine-product was unknown. For Comirnaty the product specific
more frequently also tested for other respiratory pathogens (86%, VE was 69% and 94% for partial and full vaccination, respectively
n = 218) than cases (30%, n = 113). Based upon these tests, seven (Table 2). VE was high for all vaccines and for all age groups with
controls had evidence of infection caused by other respiratory no statistical interaction between age groups and vaccination sta-
pathogens: Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 4), influenza (n = 1), res- tus, although numbers were low especially in the 18–60 year age
piratory syncytial virus (n = 1), and rhinovirus (n = 1). One case also group. Eighty percent of fully vaccinated cases were female and
tested positive for rhinovirus. Vaccination status for influenza and VE for both partial and full vaccination tended to be higher in
Streptococcus pneumoniae was only documented for 1% of the cases males than in females though this difference was not statistically
and 3% of the controls. significant. Subgroup analyses for different comorbidities showed
a protective effect of both full and partial vaccination among all
3.2. Vaccine effectiveness comorbidities (Fig. 1). VE-estimates for full vaccination were above
90% for all comorbidities except among immunocompromised (VE
In total 110 patients (17%) were partially vaccinated (40 cases 75%; 95% CI: 177–98).
(11%) and 70 controls (27%)) and 45 were fully vaccinated (5 cases
(1%) and 40 controls (16%)) (Table 2). VE was adjusted for week of 3.3. Vaccinated vs unvaccinated cases

Characteristics of vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated

Table 1
cases are described in Table 3. Among the fully vaccinated cases,
Patient characteristics.
time since last vaccination ranged between 17 and 62 days (me-
Controls Cases dian of 33 days). Median age was higher in fully vaccinated cases
N = 255 N = 379
compared to partially and unvaccinated cases. All vaccinated cases
Median age (IQR) 71.00 66.00 <0.001 had at least one comorbidity, of the unvaccinated cases only 86 %
[61, 83] [56, 76]
had a comorbidity. In addition to female sex (80%), obesity (60%)
Age group
Age > 75 112 (44) 110 (29) and immunocompromising conditions (40%) were more frequent
Age 61–75 81 (32) 134 (35) among fully vaccinated cases. Median length of stay was the same
Age 18–60 62 (24) 135 (36) in vaccinated, partially vaccinated and unvaccinated cases. Of all
Sex (male) 136 (53) 228 (60) 0.105 cases, 69 were admitted in ICU (18%), 64 (19%) of unvaccinated
Long term care facility resident 0.022
Yes 14 (6) 8 (2)
cases and 5 (13%) of partially vaccinated cases. Forty-two cases
Unknown 8 (3) 5 (1) died during hospitalization, 33 (10%) of the unvaccinated cases
BMI (mean, SD) 26.7 (5.3) 29.4 <0.001 and 9 (23%) of the partially vaccinated cases. No ICU-admission
(5.7) or in-hospital mortality was reported among fully vaccinated
Chronic respiratory disease 120 (47) 100 (26) <0.001
Chronic cardiac disease 88 (35) 86 (23) 0.001
Immunocompromised 50 (19.6) 35 (9.2) <0.001
Malignancy 47 (18) 32 (8) <0.001
Obesity 58 (23) 143 (38) <0.001
4. Discussion
Diabetes 47 (18) 108 (29) 0.005
Hypertension 88 (35) 126 (33) 0.807 We determined the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination
Other 158 (62) 214 (57) 0.195 against hospitalization, adjusting for comorbidity, during March
Multi comorbidity 128 (50) 146 (39) 0.005
2021 to July 5, 2021 in which the alpha variant was dominant in
No comorbidity 22 (9) 47 (12) 0.172
Smoking status known 39 (15) 73 (19) 0.239 the Netherlands. The adjusted VE against hospitalization was 70%
Current smoker 62 (24) 37 (10) <0.001 for partial vaccination and 93% for full vaccination. We found no
Ex-smokers 99 (39) 133 (35) 0.383 significant differences between vaccine products, though the
Median days between symptom onset and 2.00 [1,5] 7.00 <0.001
power for this analysis was low since 67% of the vaccinated
hospital admission (IQR) [4,9]
Fever 109 (43) 239 (63) <0.001
patients received Comirnaty. We were not able to determine pro-
Cough 168 (66) 296 (78) 0.001 duct specific estimates for COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen. There was
Dyspnea 231 (91) 338 (89) 0.661 protection against hospitalization for both full and partial vaccina-
CRP Median concentration in Ug/l (IQR) 61 [17, 100 [50, <0.001 tion in all comorbidity-subgroups. Only in immunocompromised
141] 155]
patients the VE-point estimate was lower compared to the overall
Leucocytes Median concentration in 10^9/L 12.0 [8.8, 6.63 <0.001
(IQR) 14.8] [4.8, 9.3] VE-estimate however, the confidence intervals were very wide. For
SARS-CoV-2 serology test 16 (6) 92 (24) <0.001 all other subgroups, VE-point estimates for full vaccination were
Positive SARS-CoV-2 serology 5 (31) 77 (84) <0.001 above 90%. Though VE estimates were generally higher in males,
Tested at other respiratory pathogens at 218 (86) 113 (30) <0.001 we found no significant effect of sex on VE. Analysis of secondary
Positive for other resp. pathogen 7 (3) 1 (1) 0.353
endpoints suggested less ICU-admission in fully vaccinated SARS-
CoV-2 cases compared to partially vaccinated and unvaccinated
F.A. Niessen, M.J. Knol, S.J.M. Hahné et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 5044–5049

Table 2
Overall VE and VE by vaccine product adjusted for age, week of symptom onset, nursing home residency and comorbidity.

VE adjusted for age group and Fully adjusted VE*

week of symptom onset
Cases Controls VE % 95% CI VE % 95% CI
Unvaccinated 334 145
Partially vaccinated 40 70 66 (46-79) 70 (50-82)
Fully vaccinated 5 40 93 (82-98) 93 (80-98)
Partially vaccinated 22 44 68 (43-82) 69 (41-84)
Fully vaccinated 4 30 94 (81-98) 94 (80-98)
Partially vaccinated 12 15 65 (15-86) 70 (25-88)
Fully vaccinated 0 1 100 100
Partially vaccinated 3 7 75 (-10-94) 81 (-1-97)
Fully vaccinated 0 8 100 100

*Adjusted for time (week of symptom onset), age, sex, nursing home residency, diabetes, chronic cardiac disease, chronic pulmonary disease, immune deficiency, malignancy
and obesity as underlying disease.

Fig. 1. Effectiveness of partial and full vaccination, stratified by age-group, sex and comorbidity, adjusted for week of symptom onset, age, sex, nursing home residency and

cases, indicating additional protection of vaccination against ICU- the population, yielded comparable VE estimates as in the current
admission compared to protection against hospitalization. How- study. VE was 79% (95% CI: 77–80%) for partial vaccination and 94%
ever, this difference was not statistically significant due to the (95% CI: 93–95%) for full vaccination during the period that the
overall low number of patients needing ICU-admission. alpha variant was dominant [10]. However, these estimates were
VE estimates based on nationwide registration data in the not adjusted for sex and comorbidity. In addition, no distinction
Netherlands, where vaccination status among hospitalized between hospitalization with or due to COVID-19 could be made
COVID-19 cases is compared with vaccination coverage data from based on the registration data, though the majority (an estimated

F.A. Niessen, M.J. Knol, S.J.M. Hahné et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 5044–5049

Table 3 because serology was not consistently performed at admission,

Characteristics of unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated cases. and prior SARS-CoV-2 infection was not consistently reported. This
Fully Partially Unvaccinated might have underestimated our VE-estimates. Second, our results
vaccinated vaccinated cases are not representative for the VE against the delta variant, affecting
cases cases the generalizability in the current epidemiologic situation. How-
N 5 40 334 ever, recent studies suggest that the VE against hospitalization is
Age median (IQR) 85 [60, 86] 78 [62, 84] 65 [55, 75 ] also very high in settings with dominance of the delta variant
Age group
75+ 3 (60) 20 (50) 87 (26)
61–74 0 (0) 16 (40) 118 (35) Third, most patients were only partially vaccinated. Therefore,
18–60 2 (40) 4 (10) 129 (37) our study was underpowered to measure the effect of full vaccina-
Male Sex 1 (20) 25 (63) 202 (61) tion in many subgroups. Fourth, it was not feasible to only include
Residency status
patients admitted because of suspected COVID-19 because SARS-
Nursing home 2 (40) 0 (0) 6 (2)
Non-institutional 3 (60) 39 (98) 324 (97) CoV-2 PCR at admission is not reserved for patients suspected of
Unknown 0 (0) 1 (3) 4 (1) a respiratory infection. Residual bias due to health-seeking behav-
BMI (mean, SD) 33 (7) 29.7 (6) 29.37 (5.6) ior otherwise mitigated by the test negative design might therefore
Comorbidity still exist. Based on the patient characteristics we suspect the con-
Chronic pulmonary 1 (20) 8 (20) 91 (27)
trol group to consist partially of chronically ill patients admitted
Chronic cardiac disease 2 (40) 13 (33) 71 (21) for an acute deterioration of their respiratory or cardiac condition.
Immunocompromised 2 (40) 8 (20) 25 (7.5) This might have underestimated the VE since the sensitivity anal-
Malignancy 0 (0) 5 (13) 27 (8) ysis showed higher VE estimates in a more infection-specific sub-
Obesity 3 (60) 12 (30) 128 (38)
group. Fifth, residual confounding due to unmeasured factors
Diabetes 1 (20) 18 (45) 89 (27)
Hypertension 2 (40) 14 (35) 110 (33) such as ethnicity might have biased our estimates. Sixth, there
Other comorbidity 3 (60) 24 (60) 187 (56) might be some misclassification of vaccination status by vacci-
Multi comorbidity 2 (40) 21 (53) 123 (37) nated patients who did not give informed consent for sharing their
No comorbidity 0 (0) 1 (3) 46 (14) data with the national vaccination registry (7.3% of the Dutch pop-
Days since first 60 [54, 70] 29 [22, 36] 5 [2,8]
ulation). We do not expect this effect to be large.
vaccination, median
Days since full 33 [24, 35] 4 [3,6] – 5. Conclusion
vaccination, median
Disease severity We showed a high vaccine effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccina-
endpoints tion against COVID-19 related hospitalization during the period
Days in hospital (median 6 [6,7] 6 [3,9] 6 [3,10] were de alpha variant was dominant. Also among risk groups,
COVID-19 vaccination has a strong protective effect against
ICU-admission (%) 0 (0) 5 (13) 64 (19)
In-hospital mortality (%) 0 (0) 9 (23) 33 (10)

Ethics approval
90%) was admitted due to COVID. Our findings are comparable to
VE estimates against hospitalization during periods that the alpha
This study was performed in accordance with the ethical stan-
variant was dominant reported from other countries, showing VE-
dards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later
estimates ranging from 33 to 74% for partial vaccination and 87–
amendments or comparable ethical standards. This study was
98% for full vaccination [11–15], and confirm the results of other
assessed by the medical research ethics committee Utrecht and
studies also reporting no of large effects of adjustment for comor-
considered not to be subject to the Medical Research Involving
bidity on VE-estimates [11].
Humans Subjects Act (WMO).
In one study performed in the United States, during the period
of alpha-variant dominance, VE against hospitalization in immuno-
compromised patients was 63% (95% CI: 44–76%) as compared to Funding
90% (95% CI: 87–92%) among subjects without immunocompro-
mising conditions [15]. Other studies have also reported lower This project was funded by the Ministry of Health Welfare and
immune response after vaccination among immunocompromised Sport (VWS), the Netherlands.
individuals [16–18]. Among transplant patients the immune
response was enhanced after a third vaccine dose [19,20]. Specific Declaration of Competing Interest
risk groups might, therefore, benefit from an additional vaccine
dose. In the Netherlands, since the beginning of October a third The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
vaccination is being offered to immunocompromised patients. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
Our study does not indicate other subgroups that might benefit to influence the work reported in this paper.
from an additional vaccine dose in order to provide protection
against COVID-19 requiring hospitalization, however, our study Acknowledgements
did not have enough power to detect small differences in VE for
subgroups. The authors would like to acknowledge the hospitals that con-
Whether will occur in the future or whether VE is affected by tributed to this study: Catharina Ziekenhuis, Medisch Spectrum
new variants such as the delta variant cannot be assessed by our Twente, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Martini Ziekenhuis, St. Anto-
study since the follow up time was too short. Therefore, follow nius Ziekenhuis and the Canisius Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis. In partic-
up studies are necessary to guide policy making regarding booster ular their research personnel that collected the data. Furthermore,
vaccination. the authors would like to acknowledge Corine de Haas, Ellen
Our findings are subject to a few limitations. First, we were not Vlieger-van Leijden for their help with the logistics and Jan van
able to take into account immune status before hospitalization de Kassteele for his input on the statistical procedures.
F.A. Niessen, M.J. Knol, S.J.M. Hahné et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 5044–5049

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