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D 633 - 97 R01 Rdyzmw

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Designation: D 633 – 97 (Reapproved 2001)

Standard Volume Correction Table for

Road Tar1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 633; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Significance and Use

1.1 This table (Table 1) has been prepared by the National 3.1 Tars change in volume with changes in temperature.
Institute of Standards and Technology to meet a demand from They are loaded or transferred at widely varying temperatures.
the tar industry for a short and convenient table for reducing Volume correction factors are used to adjust bulk volumes
volumes of road tar to the basis of 15.6°C (60°F) when extreme measured at those temperatures with corresponding volumes at
accuracy is not required. The table shows the volume occupied a base temperature of either 15.6°C or 60°F for the purposes of
at 15.6°C by a quantity of material occupying unit volume at custody transfer and accounting operations.
the indicated temperature. 3.2 Correction factors as provided in this table have proven
to be sufficiently accurate for the intended purposes.
2. Referenced Documents 3.3 The coefficient of expansion for D 490 type RT-12 at
2.1 ASTM Standards: 15.6°C (60°F) per degree F is 0.00030.
D 490 Specification for Road Tar2

This standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road and
Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.43 on
Specifications and Tests for Tar and Tar Products.
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 1997. Published May 1998. Originally
published as D 633 – 41 T. Last previous edition D 633 – 74 (1991).
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

TABLE 1 Volume Correction Table for Tar
Legend: t = observed temperature in degrees Fahrenheit; tc = observed temperature in degrees Celcius; M = multiplier for reducing volumes to the basis of 60° Fahrenheit (15.6°C)
t tc M t tc M t tc M t tc M t tc M t tc M t tc M t tc M
0 −17.78 1.0183 35 1.67 1.0076 70 21.11 0.9970 105 40.56 0.9867 140 60.00 0.9766 175 79.44 0.9657 210 98.89 09589 245 118.33 0.9474
1 −17.22 1.0180 36 2.22 1.0073 71 21.67 0.9967 106 41.11 0.9864 141 60.56 0.9763 176 80.00 0.9664 211 99.44 0.9567 246 118.89 0.9471
2 −16.67 1.0177 37 2.78 1.0070 72 22.22 0.9964 107 41.67 0.9861 142 61.11 0.9760 177 80.56 0.9661 212 100.00 0.9564 247 119.44 0.9469
3 −16.11 1.0174 38 3.33 1.0067 73 22.78 0.9961 108 42.22 0.9858 143 61.67 0.9757 178 81.11 0.9658 213 100.56 0.9561 248 120.00 0.9466
4 −15.56 1.0171 39 3.89 1.0064 74 23.33 0.9958 109 42.78 0.9855 144 62.22 0.9754 179 81.67 0.9655 214 101.11 0.9558 249 120.56 0.9463
5 −15.00 1.0168 40 4.44 1.0060 75 23.89 0.9955 110 43.33 0.9852 145 62.78 0.9751 180 82.22 0.9553 215 101.67 0.9556
6 −14.44 1.0165 41 5.00 1.0057 76 24.44 0.9952 111 43.89 0.9849 146 63.33 0.9748 181 82.78 0.9650 216 102.22 0.9553
7 −13.89 1.0162 42 5.56 1.0054 77 25.00 0.9949 112 44.44 0.9846 147 63.89 0.9746 182 83.33 0.9647 217 102.78 0.9550
8 −13.33 1.0158 43 6.11 1.0051 78 25.56 0.9946 113 45.00 0.9843 148 64.44 0.9743 183 83.89 0.9644 218 103.33 0.9547
9 −12.78 1.0155 44 6.67 1.0048 79 26.11 0.9943 114 45.56 0.9841 149 65.00 0.9740 184 84.44 0.9641 219 103.89 0.9545
10 −12.22 1.0152 45 7.22 1.0045 80 26.67 0.9940 115 46.11 0.9838 150 65.56 0.9737 185 85.00 0.9639 220 104.44 0.9542
11 −11.67 1.0149 46 7.78 1.0042 81 27.22 0.9937 116 46.67 0.9835 151 66.11 0.9734 186 85.56 0.9636 221 105.00 0.9539
12 −11.11 1.0146 47 8.33 1.0039 82 27.78 0.9934 117 47.22 0.9832 152 66.87 0.9731 187 86.11 0.9633 222 105.56 0.9537
13 −10.56 1.0143 48 8.89 1.0036 83 28.33 0.9931 118 47.78 0.9829 153 67.22 0.9729 188 86.67 0.9630 223 106.11 0.9534
14 −10.00 1.0140 49 9.44 1.0033 84 28.89 0.9929 119 48.33 0.9826 154 67.78 0.9726 189 87.22 0.9627 224 106.67 0.9531
15 −9.44 1.0137 50 10.00 1.0030 85 29.44 0.9926 120 48.89 0.9823 155 68.33 0.9723 190 87.78 0.9625 225 107.22 0.9528
16 −8.89 1.0134 51 10.58 1.0027 86 30.00 0.9923 121 49.44 0.9820 156 68.89 0.9720 191 88.33 0.9622 226 107.78 0.9526
17 −8.33 1.0131 52 11.11 1.0024 87 30.56 0.9920 122 50.00 0.9817 157 69.44 0.9717 192 88.89 0.9619 227 108.33 0.9523
18 −7.78 1.0128 53 11.67 1.0021 88 31.11 0.9917 123 50.58 0.9815 158 70.00 0.9714 193 89.44 0.9616 228 108.89 0.9520
19 −7.22 1.0125 54 12.22 1.0018 89 31.67 0.9914 124 51.11 0.9812 159 70.56 0.9712 194 90.00 0.9614 229 109.44 0.9517
20 −6.67 1.0121 55 12.78 1.0015 90 32.22 0.9911 125 51.67 0.9809 160 71.11 0.9709 195 90.56 0.9611 230 110.00 0.9515
21 −6.11 1.0118 56 13.33 1.0012 91 32.78 0.9908 126 52.22 0.9806 161 71.67 0.9706 196 91.11 0.9608 231 110.56 0.9512
22 −5.56 1.0115 57 13.89 1.0009 92 33.33 0.9905 127 52.78 0.9803 162 72.22 0.9703 197 91.67 0.9605 232 111.11 0.9509
23 −5.00 1.0112 58 14.44 1.0006 93 33.89 0.9902 128 53.33 0.9800 163 72.78 0.9700 198 92.22 0.9602 233 111.67 0.9507
24 −4.44 1.0109 59 15.00 1.0003 94 34.44 0.9899 129 53.89 0.9797 164 73.33 0.9697 199 92.76 0.9600 234 112.22 0.9504
25 −3.89 1.0106 60 15.56 1.0000 95 35.00 0.9896 130 54.44 0.9794 165 73.89 0.9695 200 93.33 0.9597 235 112.78 0.9501

26 −3.33 1.0103 61 16.11 0.9997 96 35.56 0.9893 131 55.00 0.9791 166 74.44 0.9692 201 93.89 0.9594 236 113.33 0.9498
27 −2.78 1.0100 62 16.67 0.9994 97 36.11 0.9890 132 55.56 0.9789 167 75.00 0.9689 202 94.44 0.9591 237 113.89 0.9496
28 −2.22 1.0097 63 17.22 0.9991 98 36.67 0.9887 133 56.11 0.9786 168 75.56 0.9686 203 95.00 0.9589 238 114.44 0.9493
29 −1.67 1.0094 64 17.78 0.9988 99 37.22 0.9884 134 56.67 0.9783 169 76.11 0.9683 204 95.56 0.9586 239 115.00 0.9490
30 −1.11 1.0091 65 18.33 0.9985 100 37.78 0.9881 135 57.22 0.9780 170 76.67 0.9681 205 96.11 0.9583 240 115.56 0.9488
31 −0.56 1.0088 66 18.89 0.9982 101 38.33 0.9878 136 57.78 0.9777 171 77.22 0.9678 206 96.67 0.9580 241 116.11 0.9485
32 0 1.0085 67 19.44 0.9979 102 38.89 0.9876 137 58.33 0.9774 172 77.78 0.9675 207 97.22 0.9578 242 116.67 0.9482
D 633 – 97 (2001)

33 0.56 1.0082 68 20.00 0.9976 103 39.44 0.9873 138 58.89 0.9771 173 78.33 0.9672 208 97.78 0.9575 243 117.22 0.9480
34 1.11 1.0079 69 20.56 0.9973 104 40.00 0.9870 139 59.44 0.9768 174 78.89 0.9669 209 98.33 0.9572 244 117.78 0.9477
D 633 – 97 (2001)

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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