Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics An Overview
Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics An Overview
Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics An Overview
Volume 7 Issue 2, March-April 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The drug is said to be optimum at its strength only Ayurvedic drug manufacturing started with the use of
when it passes through right Drug Delivery system & herbal material. Later therapeutic importance of
undergoes appropriate Pharmacokinetics. It can minerals and metals were also recognised. For the
happen when the size of the particles are sufficiently medicinal use of minerals and metals many new
tiny. Nano medicine/Nano technology may be the processing techniques based on heating and
new concept for the present scientific society but this quenching into specific plant extractives and animal
medicine/technology is in use since ancient period in products, roasting, grinding / milling etc. were
Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. In chronological developed. With this many new mineral and metal
development of Ayurvedic drug manufacturing based dosage forms were derived. Production of
subsequently many dosage forms were developed. In bhasma and sinduras are the examples of
them many procedures and techniques were utilised. nanotechnology employed for the processing of
Ultimate idea was to make them suitable for the body minerals and metals.
system, safe and quick effecting.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD54022 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 417
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Nanomedicine is the medical application of Nano medicine and Nano technology in Ayurvedic
Nanotechnology1. The prefix "Nano" is a Greek word pharmaceutics:
for "dwarf". One nanometer (NM) is equal to 1 Ayurveda is the oldest medical science of Indian sub-
billionth of a meter. About a width of 6 carbon atoms continent. Started with plant material for diet and
or 10 water molecules. A human hair is drug, animal, mineral and metals were also further
approximately 80000 nm wide. A red blood cell is identified, used for therapeutic purposes. In the
7000nm wide. Atoms are smaller than 1 nanometer. developmental stream of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics
Molecules and some properties are between 1nm and which started with Panchavidakashayakalpana and
above. One nanometer = SI unit 1×10-9m,1×10-3 µm, developed many derivative techniques and unique
3.281×10-9ft 39.37×10-9 in US customary Imperial Herbo-mineral-metallic preparations which can
units. compare with Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
Nano Medicine: Drug delivery Churna2: A herbal fine powder is an example of size
Nanomedical approaches to Drug Delivery center on reduction technology. With the synonyms of “Rajah,
developing nanoscale particles or molecules to kshoda, Vansi and dhwansi” are indicative of fine
improve the drug bioavailability. Bioavailabilty refers particles (atom is 1/30th of Vansi, atoms are smaller
to the presence of drug molecules where they are than 1 Nano) which visualize in the sun ray’s, is able
needed in the body and where they will do the most to suspend in the atmosphere.
good. Drug delivery focuses on maximizing
Ayaskriti3: Internal use of minerals and metals
bioavailability both at specific places in the body and
started earlier from Samhita period in therapeutics.
over period of time. The strength of drug delivery
They were used in the fine powder form. Heating and
systems is their ability to alter the pharmacokinetics quenching in various plant extractive and then
and biodistribution of the drug. Nanoparticles have grinding / milling and filtering through a fine cloth to
unusual properties that can be used to improve drug get fine powder was the technique in practice.
delivery. Where larger particles would have been
cleared from the body, cells take up these Asavarista: Similar liquid form of iron produced
nanoparticles because of their size. Complex drug through the process of sandhana also during the
delivery mechanism are being developed, including period of charka in Lohasava4. Where iron was made
the ability to get drugs through cell membrane and like thin flake (thickness up to seasemum seed) added
into cell cytoplasm. Efficiency is important because into the fermenting liquid and kept for longer ( for 6
many diseases depend upon processes within the cell month) till it dissolved (Yavat aloha samkshayat).
and can be only impeded by drugs that make their Kshara5: Dried plant materials burnt completely to
way into the cell. Triggered response is one way for ash, dissolved it in 4 times water and filtered it with a
drug molecules to be used more efficiently. Drugs are clean cloth and dehydrates on mild temperature to get
placed in the body and only activate on encountering kshara.
a particular signal. For example, a drug with poor
solubility will be replaced by a drug delivery system Bhasmas6: Bhasmas are the ancient Nanomedicine
where both hydrophilic and hydrophobic explained in Rasashastra the part of Ayurveda which
environments exist, improving the solubility. Also, a can be corroborated with ultramodern parameters like
drug may cause tissue damage, but with drug AAS, TEM etc. Bhasmas are prepared with many
delivery, regulated drug release can eliminate the metals, minerals & aquatic substances by using
problem. If a drug is cleared too quickly from the various degree of temperature depending on their
body, this could force a patient to use high doses, but properties like hardness, specific gravity, melting
with drug delivery systems clearance can be reduced point & so on subjecting to different no. of Putas
by altering the pharmacokinetics of the drug. Poor bio which in turn help the drug to attain the desired size.
distribution is a problem that can affect normal tissues Acharyas had a clear idea about procuring best
through widespread distribution, but the particulates combination of minerals and metal to form Ideal
from delivery systems lower the volume of medicine by different methods. Procedure adopted in
distribution and reduce the effect on non-target tissue. the preparation of bhasma is unique. Here organo-
Potential nanodrugs will work by very specific and metallic complex molecule formation is achieved by
well-understood mechanisms; one of the major the combined effect of Bhavana and Puta.
impacts of nanotechnology and nano science will be “RaseebhavantiLohaniMrutaniSuravandite”7
leading development of completely new drugs with
more useful behaviour and less side effects. The above shloka makes clear that end product of
Marana is so fine and effective that it becomes one
with Rasa. Apart from this there are several such
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD54022 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 418
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
references stating the importance of effect of the drug Chemical
rather than the physical form. Even the parameters set Reactivity may depend on surface area. Reduction in
in classics to evaluate the end product were sufficient the particle size gives larger surface area in bhasmas
and competent enough to match with modern day to react. From the XRD of bhasmasit is evident that it
analytical techniques and Nanotechnology. attains series of changes during procedure to attain
stable, efficacious and safe compound form.
two main approaches “A catalyst of 10 nm size is 100 times more reactive
than the same amount of material in 1 micron
1. Top - down technique (Dispersion based
Involves breaking larger micrometer sized Chemical Changes:
particles into nanoparticles Apunarbhava
The use of manufacturing processes such as Nirutha
milling or grinding which means reducing the size Gravimetric & Volumetric analysis
of the smallest structures to the nanoscale. Instrumental analysis
2. Bottom - up approach (Precipitation based Biological:
process) Nanoparticles can cross the blood brain barrier.
Ions/atoms are grown from smaller to bigger Properties of bhasmas in the Classics are evident
particles. This involves manipulating individual of the biological application.
atoms and molecules into nanostructures and more Nanotechnology in Rasaushadhis — Particle size
closely resembles chemistry or biology. (Nanoparticles)
NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanoparticles —Bhasmas
Nanotechnology, or “nanotech”, is the study of
the Controlling of matter on an atomic and Properties of Bhasmas:
molecular scale. It deals with structures sized Rasayana - Immunomodulation &Antiaging.
between 1 to 100 nanometer. Yogavahi - Targeted drug delivery.
Federal gov’s definition: Nanotechnology is the Rasibhava- Readily absorbable, Adoptable,
creation of functional materials, devices, and Assailable &non toxic.
systems through control of matter on the Shegravyapi - Spreads quickly & fast acting.
nanometer scale, exploiting novel phenomena and Agnideepana-Bhasma increases metabolism at
properties. cellular level &acts as catalyst.
Physical, Chemical & biological present at that These attributes of Bhasmas are comparable with
scale only. Nanotechnology is the manipulation of the action of NPs in the body.
individual atoms, molecules, or molecular clusters Nanoparticles (NPs) are biodegradable.
into structures to create materials and devices Biocompatible.
with new or vastly different properties. Non-antigenic in nature.
NPs in general can be used to provide
Properties at Nanoscale:
selective/Targeted/Controlled delivery of drugs to
Nano particle has completely different physical specific site of action in the body even across the
behavior than the bulk. Similar phenomenon can be blood brain barrier.
expected inbhasmas by combined effect of repeated Detection of Nano particles in Bhasma:
bhavana and puta. Here it is evident byseeing the Methodologies used to test Nanoparticles are:
reduction in the particle size and change in the Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)
consistency and colour. Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)
Changes in Physical properties Evident by following Flourecscence Optical microscopy
BhasmaPareeksha Energy dispersive x-ray analysis(EDAX)
Varna Atomic absorption spectroscopy(AAS)
Rekhapurna X-ray induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Vareetara The process of Nanoparticle testing in Ayurvedic
Unnama Products may involves steps:
Nischandra Testing Nanoparticles in the sample.
Sukshma Qualitative and quantitative estimation.
Slakshna Chemical form, Structure and presence of organo-
Niswadu or Gatarasatwa metallic bonding.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD54022 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 419
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Analyzing bioactivity. Bhasmas are the best examples for
Nanotechnologies in Ayurveda, as these are
Interms of particle size , Nanoparticles will aid in comparable with the action of nanoparticles.
determining standardization. Traditional method of Ayurvedic Bhasma
Apart from Bhasma siddhi lakshanas, presence of preparation involves “top down” approach of
nanoparticles in the bhasma has to be tested and Nanoparticle synthesis.
parameters has to be fixed in order to standardize
Standardization of Bhasmas has to be done on the
the bhasma in terms of nanoparticles.
basis of particle size using Nanotechnology.
Each bhasma has to be placed in a particular
nanometer range. This will in turn help to clarify the blames on
Ayurvedic drugs and even be fruitful in
Eg: YashadaBhasma 10-40 nm (IIT)
globalizing our science.
Swarna Bhasma: References:
Gold in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine as
Swarna bhasmas (gold ash) has been characterized as
globular particles of gold with average size between [2] Sharangadhara Acharya, Sharangadhara
56 to 57 nanometer (nm) detected by transmission Samhita, Commentry by Adhamalla and
electronic microscopy(1TEM). Same study also Kashiram Vaidya, Edited by Pt. Parashuram
revealed Swarna bhasma to be devoid of any other Shastri Vidyasagar, Varnasi, Chaukhambha
heavy metal or organic material by its AAS and Surabharati Prakashana, 2018,Madhyama
Infrared spectroscopy. This also proves the safety of Khanda, 6th Chapter, Verse 1, 178 Pp.
our Bhasmas against Heavy metal toxicity. (Bajaj S [3] Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Varnasi,
&Vohora S.B, Analgesic activity of gold preparations Chaukhambha Surabharati Prakashana, 2017,
used in Ayurveda and Unani,- Indian journal of Chikitsastana, 1st chapters, 3rd Pada, Verses 15-
medical research) 23, 384 Pp.
Rasasindoora: [4] Sharangadhara Acharya, Sharangadhara
Rasa-Sindora (sublimed mercury compound) Samhita, Commentry by Adhamalla and
containing mercury sulphide has nanocrystalline size Kashiram Vaidya, Pt. Parashuram Shastri
between 25 to 50 nm and is associated with several Vidyasagar, Varnasi, Chaukhambha
organic macromolecules derived from plant extract Surabharati Prakashana, 2018, Madhyama
used during processing of drug. (Dr.AnandChaudhari Khanda, 6th Chapter, Verse 1, 232 Pp.
and S.K.Sharma,IMS,BHU,” preparation and
characterization of Mercury based indian traditional [5] Sushrurta Acharya, Sushrurta Samhita,
drug — Rassindoora, Indian journal of traditional Commentry by Dalhana, by Narayana Ram
knowledge.) Acharya ‘Kavyatirtha’, Varnasi, Chaukhambha
Surabharati Prakashana, 2018,Sutrsstana, 11th
CONCLUSION: Chapter, Verse 11, 46Pp.
Nanotechnology is truly a new revolutionary
technology, having its application in various [6] Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji, Dravyaguna Vignan
fields. Aoushadhi Khanda, Varnasi, Chaukhambha
Surabharati Prakashana.
Nanotechnology provides the field of medicine
with promising hopes for assistance in diagnostic [7] Vagabhata Acharya virachita, Rasa Ratna
and treatment technologies as well as improving Samucchya, Commentry by DA KulKarni, New
quality of life. Delhi, Maeharchand Lachhmands Publications,
Reprint 2017, 5th Adhyaya, Shloka 139,120 Pp.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD54022 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 420