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Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 1 # Bs‡iwR fvlv

Uwc‡Ki bvg KZ Zg wewmGm?

th th th
35 36 37 38th 40th 41st 43rd 44th 45th
Idioms & Phrases 4 1 1 3 3 1 4 2 1
বৈশিষ্ট্য Idiom Phrase
ধরন Subject এৈং Finite Verb শৈহীন িব্দগুচ্ছ (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle verb)
প্রকৃ শি Sentence এর একটি অংশ (Parts of Speech) হিসেসে েযেহৃত িয়।
অর্থ শব্দগুসলোর হিজস্ব অর্থ থর্সক আলোদো। শব্দগুসলোর হিজস্ব অর্থ থর্সকই থের করো যোয়
D`vniY ‘White elephant’ একটি idiom যোর অর্থ ‘েযয়েোধ্য’। এখোসি ‘No easy task’ একশি Phrase যোর অর্থ
‘white’ েো ‘elephant’ থকোসিো শসব্দর অর্থই প্রকোশ পোয় হি। েরং ‘েিজ কোজ িয়’। এখোসি আক্ষহরক অর্থই প্রকোশ
শব্দগুচ্ছটো েম্পূ র্থ আলোদো একটো অর্থ প্রকোশ কসরসে। করসে।


Conjunctional Interjectional Noun Phrase

Phrase Phrase
Prepositional Adjective Gi
Phrase Phrase
Phrase cÖKvi‡f`
Verbal phrase
Adverbial Phrase
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 2 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
01. He worked with all sincerity. [৩৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. adjective phrase L. Verbal phrase
M. Prepositional phrase N. Adverbial phrase DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Adverbial Phrase
Short-Cut : Verb ‡K How, Where, When, Why Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Adverbial Phrase cvIqv hvq|
Q. How did he work? Ans. He worked with all sincerity.
Adverb Gi KvR K‡i A_©vr Verb ‡K modify K‡i| GB Phrase QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| Dc‡ii ev‡K¨
Underlined AskUzKz (with all sincerity) ev` w`‡jI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq (He worked− ‡m KvR K‡iwQj)|
GQvovI Phrase wU (with all sincerity) verb (work) ‡K modify K‡i‡Q| myZivs GwU GKwU Adverbial
Phrase. AviI D`vniY †`Lyb− I want it at this moment.
02. We were waiting for the bus. [28Zg wewmGm]
K. adjective phrase L. Verbal phrase
M. Prepositional phrase N. Adverbial phrase DËi : N
‡bvU : hw` Ack‡b adverbial phrase bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Prepositional Phrase n‡e|
Prepositional Phrase
Preposition w`‡q ïiæ nq Ges m¤ú~Y©Uv wg‡j GKUv Preposition Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i| †hgb− He stood in
front of me. He could not come on account of illness.
03. I have no kith and kin in this town. Here the underlined phrase is- [Kviv ZË¡veavqK wb‡qvM cixÿv− 00]
K. adjective phrase L. noun phrase
M. adjective phrase N. prepositional phrase DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: Noun Phrase
Noun word থাকে। h_v: Nazrul is a man of letters. (cwÐZ e¨w³)
Noun এর কাজ করর। h_v: I have no kith and kin (AvZ¥xq-¯^Rb) in this town.
Determiner, Preposition এর পর ৈরি| h_v: His going home is uncertain.
এই Phrase ছাড়া ৈারকযর অর্থ প্রকাি পায় না| h_v: He likes to play tennis.
04. A man in great difficulties came to me for help. [_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi−1999]
K. adverbial phrase L. noun phrase
M. adjective phrase N. prepositional phrase DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Noun Phrase
o Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i| h_v:
The tree in front of my house has been cut down.
o GB Phrase QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| †hgb− The man in the street knows it.
o GQvovI Phrase wU‡Z Adjective word _v‡K| h_v :
A man in great difficulties came to me for help.
Verbal Phrase Verb Gi mv‡_ Preposition wg‡j bZzb A_©‡evaK Verb ‰Zwi K‡i| †hgb: Habiba looks
after her parents. evK¨wU‡Z look GKwU verb hvi mv‡_ Preposition (after) hy³ n‡q bZzb
A_©‡evaK kã (look after− ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv) ˆZwi K‡i‡Q| †hgb−The Police look into the
Conjunctional Conjunction Gi b¨vq KvR K‡i| ev‡K¨ as well as, as soon as, as if/as though, as far
Phrase as, no sooner had___ than, scarcely had___ when, Hardly had ___ before,
either ___ or, neither ___ nor, not only ____ but also BZ¨vw` _v‡K| †hgb−Come
as soon as you can. No sooner had he left the place than the fire broke. Not
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 3 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
only he but also his brothers were present. Fahim as well as his fridends had
decided to leave London.
Interjectional g‡bi g‡a¨ AvKw¯§K Av‡eM cÖKvk K‡i| †hgb− Good heavens ! What a pity ! the man
Phrase is dead. G‡`i c‡i Av‡eMm~PK wPý (!) _v‡K|

Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
ABC/ Three R’s প্রোর্হিক জ্ঞোি,Basic knowledge
A bad egg দুশ্চহরত্র/ হিষ্কিথো, A person who can’t create anything
A baker’s dozen ‡Z‡iv, Thirteen
A bed of roses পু ষ্পশযযো, A comfortable situation/ A life only of joy and happiness
A bed of thorns কন্টকশযযো, A discomfort situation
A big dream খু েই আকর্থর্ীয়, A huge attractive
A bird of passage ভ্রোিযিোর্ েযহি, A migratory bird
A black look রিচক্ষু, Angry
A black sheep কুলোঙ্গোর,Scoundrels, wicked man
A bolt from the blue হেিো থিসে েজ্রপোত, Unexpected something
A bull market থশয়োর েোজোসর EaŸ©MwZ, Rising of share market
A close-fisted man কৃপর্, A great miser
A dog’s life হিম্ন জীেিযোপি, An unhappy existence
A fantasy কল্পকোহিিী/ রূপকর্ো, an imaginary story
A fish out of water অস্বহিকর অেস্থো, An unsuitable environment
A fool's paradise িূ সখথর স্বর্থ,In a state of care free happiness
A foregone conclusion অিু হিত ফলোফল, An anticipated result
A gala day আনরের শিন, A day of happiness
A red letter day ¯§iYxq w`b, Memorable day
A green horn অনশিজ্ঞ,Inexperienced
A household word অশি পশরশিি, Familiar, well known
A jaundiced eye শৈরেষিরা চিাখ/ পক্ষপাশিত্ব,A biased view
A man of discretion শৈিারৈুশিিম্পন্ন ৈযশি, Judicious person
A man of letters পশিি ৈযশি, Scholar
A man of word এক কর্ার মানুষ, A truthful person
A rainy day দুশিথন, Trouble/ A difficulty day
A round dozen পূ র্থ এক ডজি, A full dozen
A short of miracle জোদুকর, Extraordinary power
A sleeping partner হিহিয় অংশীদোর, Silent partner
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 4 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
A slow coach অলে েযহি, Stupid fellow
A white elephant অকল্পিীয় েযয়, Costly/ Troublesome possession
A white lie/Pack of lies ডোিো হির্যো, a small or harmless lie
As a whole থিোসটর উপর, Altogether, On the whole
Above criticism েিোসলোচিোর E‡aŸ©, Beyond criticism
Above one's means আসয়র অহধ্ক েযয়, Beyond one’s income
Achilles heel দুেথল জোয়র্ো, A weak point
Acid test অহি পরীক্ষো, A conclusive test
Ad hoc হেসশর্ উসেসশয, For the purpose
Add insult to injury কোাঁটো েোাঁসয় িু সির হেটো, to worsen an uncomfortable situation
After one’s own heart মরনর মি, To one’s own liking
Against the grain অশনচ্ছা িরেও, Beyond one’s will
Alma mater দুগ্ধদোয়ী িো, The sucking mother
All and sundry িকলরক, Everyone, everything
All at once/By chance হঠাৎ, Suddenly, all of a sudden
All in all িরৈথিৈথা, Of supreme, All powerful
All ears/ All attention গিীর মরনার াগী, Deeply concentrated
All moonshine ৈারজ, Rubbish, Stuff and nonsense
All out efforts র্ািম্ভৈ, involvement of someone's energy, strength, and determination
All the while িারাক্ষণ, Always
An estimate of the value অনুমান, A forecast
An ordinance অধযারিি, A law
An irony of fate িারগযর শনমথম পশরহাি, Bad luck
An open question শৈিরকথর শৈষয়, a matter that is not yet decided
An open secret উন্মি
ু রহিয/ িৈাই জারন এমন চগাপনীয় শৈষয়, a supposed secret that is in fact
known to many people
Anno Domini শিস্টাব্দ, In the year of Christian era
Ante meridian দুপুররর আরগ, Before noon
Apple of discord শৈৈারির শৈষয়, Subject of quarrel
Apple of one’s eye নয়রনর মশণ, Most favorite
Arm in arm কাাঁরধ কাাঁধ শমশলরয়, with arms linked
As a matter of fact প্রকৃ িপরক্ষ, Actually
As a result of ফরল, on account of
As the crow flies চিাজাপরর্, In a straight line
At dead of night Mfxi iv‡Z, At midnight
At finger’s end নখিপথরণ, near
At first sight প্রর্ম চিখায়, on first seeing
At home/Good at িক্ষ, Expert
At home with Aviv‡g, At ease
At large স্বাধীনিারৈ, indepentdently
At least কমপরক্ষ, At the lowest
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 5 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
At length/In fine অৈরিরষ/ উপিংহার, At last, in conclusion
At one’s heels পারয় পারয়, Close behind
At one’s wit’s ends শকংকিথৈযশৈমূঢ়, perplexed
At sixes and sevens এরলারমরলা, In disorder
At stake শৈপিাপন্ন, In danger
At the eleventh hour চিষ মুহুরিথ, the latest possible moment
At the foot of পািরিরি, the lowest part of something
At the sight of িৃশষ্ট্িীমা, Upon seeing
At the outset শুরুরিই, In the beginning, On the eve of
At a stitch GKUvbv, Without break
At a stretch, At a time GKUvbv, Without break
At all events hvB NUzK bv †Kb/In all cases
At any cost/rate ‡h †Kvb g~‡j¨/ anyhow
At bottom wfZ‡i/Mnx‡b, at the core

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Fill in the gap: Birds fly _____ in the sky. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) random (L) at large
(M) at a stitch (N) are long DËi: L
02. The phrase ‘Achilles heel’ means- [৩৭িম ও ৪৫িম শৈশিএি]
K. a strong point L. a permanent point
M. a weak point N. a serious idea DËi: M
03. ‘A maiden speech’ means- [২৩িম, ২৪িম, ২৬িম এৈং ৩৪িম শৈশিএি]
K. First speech L. Final speech
M. Middle speech N. Maid servant’s speech DËi: K
04. ‘At daggers drawn’ means- (১৫িম শৈশিএি)
K. to be in a state of understanding L. to be in a state of hostility
M. to be in a state of friendship N. none DËi: L
05. Phrase ÔAmicus curiae’ means− 9eg we‡RGm (mnKvix RR)
K. An Americus dream L. A senior advocate
M. A friend of the Court N. An arbitrator DËi: M
06. A forgone conclusion means− gwnjv I wkï welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Dc‡Rjv gwnjv welqK Kg©KZ©v− 2006
K. An uneasy situation L. False hope
M. An anticipated result N. Quite familiar DËi: M
07. The proverb ÔA snake in the grass’ means− (AvenvIqv Awa`߇ii mnKvix AvenvIqvwe` 07)
K. A sleeping snake L. A dead snake
M. A poisonous snake N. A hidden enemy DËi: N
08. What is the meaning of Ôa while lie’?
K. Harmful lie L. Harmless lie M. Useless lie N. Irrelevant lie DËi: L
09. When a person says he’s ‘all in’, it means- (১৩িম শৈশিএি)
K. He is very tired L. He has finished packing
M. He has arrived N. He has got everything DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 6 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
B Below the salt শনম্নমারনর, low
Idioms & Meaning in Bengali & Benefit of doubt িরেহাৈিি, doubtedly
Phrases English Beset with িমিযা জজথশরি, In trouble
Back and belly িরণ-চপাষণ,Bread and Better half স্ত্রী, wife
butter Between two fires/ Between উিয় িংকি,
the devil and the deep Difficult situation,
Back and forth আগ-শপছু / এশিক ওশিক, to in perplexity
sea/Horns of a dilemma
and fro
Between you and চিামার-আমার মরধয, In
Back up িাহা য/ িমর্থন,Support
me confidence
Backstairs অননশিক প্রিাৈ, Unfair িরেহািীিিারৈ,Undoubtedly
Beyond all doubt
influence influence Beyond all questions শনিঃিরেরহ, Undoubtedly
Bad blood মরনামাশলন্য, Enmity,
Beyond one's িারধযর ৈাশহরর, beyond
bitterness, anmosity means one's income
Bad egg ৈারজ,A worthless person চনিৃস্থানীয়/ শৈখযাি ৈযশি,
Big wig/bug/gun
Bag and baggage িশিিিািহ, With all Powerful man
belongings Bill of fare খারিযর িাশলকা, a list of
Base born নীি ৈংিজাি, low birth or dishes at restaurant
origin Bird’s eye view িািািািা িৃশষ্ট্, To view in
Be on the watch িিকথ র্াকা, Cautious general/Rough
Bear a brave ৈীররত্বর িরে চমাকাশৈলা করা, Birds of the same িমিশররের চলাক, People of
face/Take the Face with courage, to
challenge the enemy with feather the same short
bull by the horns courage Black and blue শনষ্ঠুরিারৈ, mercilessly
Bear away the জয়ী হওয়া, Be winner, Black and white শলশখিিারৈ, In writing
palm victorious Blessed with Avkxe©v`, Wishes, pray
Bear in mind মরন রাখা, Keep in mind Blessing in অপ্রিযাশিি Avkxev©`,
Bear market মো ৈাজার, Falling price disguise Positive outcome in an
Bear a loss ক্ষশি স্বীকার করা, to make a apparent negative
loss good Block head চৈাকা, Foolish, stupid
Bears the brunt িরম চিাগাশি, Suffer the Blow for blow ইিশি মাররল পািরকলশি চখরি
most হয়, Tit for tat
Bearish মূলযপিন, A falling price Blue blood আশিজািয, Aristocratic
Beat about the অ র্া ৈকৈক করা/ অন্ধকারর birth
bush শিল চছাাঁড়া, Avoiding the Blue book আিালিনামা, Records of
subject court
Beauty sleep প্রর্ম প্রহররর ঘুম, sleep
Blue chip শনরাপি, safe
considered to be sufficient
Body and soul পশরপূণথিারৈ, completely
Bed and board খািয ও ৈািস্থান,lodging
Bon voyage শুি ভ্রমরণর প্রিযািা, Wish a
and food
good trip
BC শিস্টপূৈথ, Before Christ
Bone to pick with রাগাশিি হওয়া, an angry
Beg the question অশির াগ করা, To raise
Book worm পড়ুয়া, Person who is
fond of reading
Beggars অৈণথনীয়, Cannot be
Boot leg চিারািালাশন,smuggle
description described
Boring chore শৈরশিকর কাজ, Tiresome
Behind the scene চগাপরন, out of sight
Behind time চিশররি, late
Bosom friend ঘশনষ্ঠ ৈন্ধু, Intimate friend
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 7 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Bottom line মূলকর্া/ িারাংি, The Buoyant health সুস্থ িৈল, Sound health
essential point Burn the candle চৈশহরিরৈ খরি করা, Expense
Bottom of my অিররর চকন্দ্রস্থল, Core of without thinking
heart my heart Burn the candle অশিশরি িাপ, Overtaxing
Bring to book শিরস্কার করা/Mvjg›`
Kiv, at both ends his energies
Insult, rebuke, take to task Burning question িীব্র শৈিরকথর শৈষয়, Vital issue/
Bread and butter জীশৈকা, main source of an important question
income Bury the hatchet মীমাংিা করা, Make peace
Break butterfly মিা মাররি কামান িাগা, To apply By any means/By চ িারৈই চহাক, wbwðZfv‡e,
an excessive amount of force all means, By fair By all, By hook or by crook;
on the wheel Certainly, In any way,
to achieve something minor means or foul
Break the ice নীরৈিা িাো, To begin to honest or dishonest
overcome formality By and by ক্ররমক্ররম, eventually
Bring/Come to পুনরুজ্জীশৈি করা, To By and large অশধকাংি, mostly
life become alive By means of উপারয়, with the help of;
Bring/Come to light; প্রকাি করা, To disclose, by using
Come out/Give vent to
publish By contrast িু লনায়, In comparison
Bring to mind/ স্মরণ করা, To remind By dint of/By িাহার য/ ৈরল, with the
Call to mind virtue of help of, on account of
Bring to pass ঘিা, cause to happen By fits and starts অশনয়শমিিারৈ,irregularly
Bring to sense ৈাস্তৈিা চমরন চনওয়া, feeling
By heart/Get by মুখস্থ করা, Commit
heart/ Learn by heart something to memory
Broken reed অশৈশ্বািী ৈযশি, A non- By leaps and দ্রুিগশিরি, Quickly,
reliable person bounds rapidly, fast
Brow beating আশ্চ থ, Showing surprise By nature স্বিাৈি, Naturally
Brown study/Build আকাি-কুসুম শিিা করা/ By the by কর্া প্রিরে, By the way of
castles in the air/ শিৈাস্বপ্ন, Day dream, conversation
Utopian scheme meditation, absent minded By the ear কর্া লাগারনা, To provoke
Brush up উন্নশি করা, Improve previous to quarrel
knowledge by study By the rule and ৈাস্তৈ অশিজ্ঞিা, Practical
Bull in a china পদ্মৈরন মস্তহস্তী, thumb experience
shop Unbelievable something

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. ÔBy and largeÕ means – [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) everywhere (L) very large (M) mostly (N) far away D:M
02. ‘By fair means or foul’ – phrase wUi A_© nj- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. without difficulty L. in any way, honest or dishonest
M. without using common sense N. Having been instigated DËi: L
03. ‘By all means’ phrase- wUi A_© n‡”Q- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (Rev) : 2009]
K. Meaningless L. Meaningful M. Certainly N. Uncertainty DËi: M
04. ÔBlack and blue’ A_© Kx? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. DËg ga¨g L. i½xb M. a~mi N. Kvj I bxj DËi: K
05. ‘Bottom Line’ means— (১৫িম শৈশিএি)
K. The final step L. The end of the road M. The last of a book N. The essential point D: N
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 8 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
06. ‘Boot leg’ means— (১৫িম শৈশিএি)
K. distribute L. export M. import N. smuggle DËi: N
07. Which one is the correct phrase to fill in the gap of ___ The teacher beat the student_____
K. One by one L. Black and blue M. Black & white N. One after another DËi: L
08. ‘Bring to pass’ means— [২৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. cause to destroy L. cause to happen
M. cause to carry out N. cause to convince DËi: L
09. ‘Bill of fare’ means— [১৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. a chart of bus fare L. a price list
M. a valuable document N. a list of dishes at restaurant DËi: N
10. ‘Blue chip’s are- [১৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. Securities issued by the government
L. Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
M. Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
N. Flast plastic counters used as money tokens DËi : L
11. ÔBig bug’ means− (11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb)
K. Useful person L. Important person
M. Unemployed person N. Employed person DËi: L
12. The price of rice is increasing ____ 11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb (¯‹zj ch©vq) −2012
K. By fits and starts L. By dint of M. By virtue of N. By leaps and bounds DËi: N
13. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the_____[২৯িম শৈশিএি]
K. sky L. heavens M. firmament N. blue DËi: N
14. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it cannot be described in words.
(১৪িম শৈশিএি)
K. beggars description L. cuts to the quick
M. boils down to this N. keeps open house DËi: K
15. You should show good manners in the company of young ladies. Which is appropriate phrase?
K. behave gently L. practice manners M. behave yourself N. do not talk rudely DËi: K

Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Call at হর্সয় থদখো করো, To stop at a place for a short time
Call in থডসক আিো, Request to come
Call it a day কোজ েন্ধ করো, Finish work
Call names র্োহল থদওয়ো, To abuse
Call to the bar আইি েযেেোয়ী িওয়ো, Admission as a lawyer
Call to mind স্মরর্ করো, To remind
Came across পসর্র িোসে েোক্ষোৎ, To meet someone
Capital punishment িৃ তুযদণ্ড, Death penalty
Carry out চোহলসয় যোওয়ো, Continue
Carry the day জয় লোভ করো, Win
Castle in the air AvKvk Kzmyg wPšÍv Kiv, Fanciful schemes
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 9 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Cash cow েফলতো অজথসির উপোয়, A source of steady profit
Cat and dog life হেেোদপূ র্থ, A life together fights
Catch a tartar তুিু ল প্রহতদ্বহিতো, Meet a power opponent
Catch sight of িঠোৎ থদখো, Suddenly meet
Cats and dogs িু র্লধ্োসর, Heavily
Cat’s paw অসিযর িোহতয়োর হিসেসে েযেহৃত েযহি, a person who is used by another
Cat’s sleep েু সির ভোি, Pretension of sleep
Chicken hearted কোপু রুর্/ভীতু, Coward
Child’s play থেসলসখলো, Easy task
Chip of the old block, like father like son েোপকো থেটো, A worthy son of a worthy father
Cock sure আস্থোপূ র্থ, confident
Cock and bull story আজগুহে র্ল্প, An absurd story/A false story
Cold feet/feet of clay ভীরুতো, cowardice
Come into fashion প্রচহলত িওয়ো, become fashionable
Come into force কোযথকর িওয়ো, To be enforced
Come round আসরোর্য লোভ, recover consciousness
Come to an end থশর্ করো, To finish
Come true েসতয পহরর্ত িওয়ো, actually happen
Come up to আশোিু রূপ িওয়ো, become brighter
Compare to তুলিো, Similar to
Comply with েম্মত িওয়ো, act in accordance with a wish
Cope with তোল হিলোসিো/ এাঁসট ওঠো, deal effectively
Cook the books কোরচুহপ করো, To deceive in accounts
Crocodile tears িোয়োকোন্নো, False tears of sorrow
Cry for the moon অপূ রর্ীয় আকোঙ্ক্ষো, To want something impossible
Cry wolf হেপসদর জিয হির্যো হচৎকোর. Give a false alarm
Cry over spilt milk েৃ র্ো অিু সশোচিো, Repent falsely
Crying need অহত প্রসয়োজি, Obvious need
Cul-de-sac কোিোর্হল, Dead end
Cupboard love থলোক থদখোসিো ভোসলোেোেো, Show of affection
Curry favour থতোর্োসিোদ করো, Be favorite through flattery
Curriculum Vitae জীেি েৃ ত্তোন্ত, Bio-data
Curtain lecture স্ত্রীর পরোিশথ, Lecture given by a wife to her husband
Cut a poor/sorry figure পরীক্ষোয় খোরোপ করো, Make bad results
Cut and dry েোাঁধ্ো ধ্রো, Traditional, already decided
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 10 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Cut and thrust িোতোিোহত যু দ্ধ, Hand to hand fight
Cut off হেহচ্ছন্ন, Apart from
Cut someone dead িো থচিোর ভোি করো, Look over
Cut short অকোলিৃ তুয/ েংহক্ষপ্ত করো, to end earlier
Cut to the quick আাঁসত েো থদওয়ো, To shock

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. ÔCall it a day’ means--[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. to be unhappy with the weather L. to pay someone a visit
M. to raise doubts N. to stop work since enough has been done DËi: N
02. Cock and bull story− (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb− 2014)
K. Give a false alarm L. deal effectively M. Dead end N. A false story DËi: N
03. ‘Cul-de-sac’ means- (২২িম শৈশিএি)
K. dead end L. selection M. error N. bubble DËi: K
04. ‘Call to mind’ means- [৩৩িম শৈশিএি]
K. fantasize L. attend M. remember N. request DËi: M
05. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in ‘Cold blood’. (১৪িম শৈশিএি)
K. in cool brain & calculated thoughts L. so patiently & thoughtfully
M. so impatiently & thoughtlessly N. stirred by sudden emotion DËi: K
06. False tears of sorrow− Crocodiles tears (gvqvKvbœv) (Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U− 15)
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Daggers drawn শত্রুতো, To be in a state of hostility
Dark horse অজ্ঞোতিোিো, Unknown person
Day by day হদসির পর হদি, Gradually
Day dreams হদেোস্বপ্ন, Fantasy
Dead against থেোর হেসরোধ্ী, Bitterly against
Dead beat ক্লোন্ত, Extremely tired
Dead language অেযেহৃত ভোর্ো, Not spoken language
Dead letter অপ্রচহলত আইি, No longer in force/ Law not in force
Debut অহভসর্ক, First public appearance
De-facto প্রকৃতপসক্ষ, Actually
De jure আইির্ত, By legal right, legally
Desire to ইচ্ছো, Wish
Devoted to ভি, Loyal, obedient
Die in harness কিথরত অেস্থোয় িৃ তুয, Die while still working
Dilly dally র্হিিহে, Waste time
Dog days র্রি আেিোওয়ো, Hot weather
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 11 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Donkey work র্োধ্োর খোটুহি, Hard and boring work
Double jeopardy একই িোিলোয় দুইেোর হেচোর, Judicating twice
Down in the mouth থতজিীি, Out of spirits
Down-to-earth েোিেেোদী, realistic
Ducks and drakes অপচয় করো, waste
Due to থকোি হকেু র কোরসর্, Because of

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. ÔDog days’ means— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019; 14Zg wewmGm]
K. a period of being care free L. Hot weather
M. a period of misfortune N. a time when dog roam the street DËi: L
02. ‘Dilly-dally’ means— (২০িম শৈশিএি)
K. wait impatiently L. to dilute M. repeat N. waste time DËi: N
03. ‘Debut’ means— (২৩িম শৈশিএি)
K. first appearance L. conclusion M. gracious response N. contradiction DËi: K

E, F
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Eat the humble pie অপিোি িজি কসর ক্ষিো চোওয়ো, Make a humble apology and accept
Ended in Fiasco েম্পূ র্থ েযর্থ, Complete failure
Ended in smoke েযর্থতোয় পহরর্ত িওয়ো, To come to nothing
Epoch making যু র্োন্তকোরী পদসক্ষপ, Of major importance
Evening star আধ্োাঁর েসরর িোহিক, Most favorite or desired
Exit েোহির িওয়োর পর্, A way out
Face value েোহিযকতো, Outward appearance
Fag end থশর্ অংশ, The last part
Fair and square েৎ ও েরল, Honest
Fair play/fair field and no favor িযোয় হেচোর, Impartial justice/ Hold the scale even
Fair weather friends েু েিসয়র েন্ধু, Person who ceases to be friend when one is in trouble
Fall a victim to ভুিসভোর্ী, Sufferer
Fall flat হিষ্ফল িওয়ো, Have no effect
fall from the clouds আকোশ থর্সক পিো, Shattered dream
Fall ill অেু স্থ িওয়ো, Become sick
Fall off েসর পিো, Drop out
Fall out ের্িো করো, Make a quarrel
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 12 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Fall short আশোিু রূপ িো িওয়ো, Be inferrior to
Far and near কোেোকোহে, Near to
Far cry অসিক েযেধ্োি, Long distance
Fight shy of এহিসয় চলো, Avoid
Find fault with অসিযর থদোর্ ধ্রো, To complain
First language িোতৃভোর্ো, Natural/ mother language
Fish in troubled water থেোলো পোহিসত িোে স্বীকোর, Take advantage of disturbed situation
Fish out of water অস্বহিকর, Like one out of his element
Fare and fury উসত্তজিো, Excitement
Few and far between কদোহচৎ, Few and widely scattered

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. ÔFag end’ means− [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (weUv): 14]
K. The last part L. Foggy M. Cut a bad figure N. Unfair DËi : K
02. ÔFall into lineÕ evMavivwUi A_© wK n‡e? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (hgybv) : 2012]
K. Disagree L. Honest M. Brave N. Agree DËi : N
03. ‘First language means the____Language.[২৫িম শৈশিএি; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM): 07 ]
K. important L. main M. natural N. official DËi : M
04. Only those who are not serious to their success work____and starts. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
K. long odds L. against time M. every inch N. fits DËi : N
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Gain ground ধ্ীসর ধ্ীসর উন্নহত করো, Become more popular
Gain the day জয়লোভ করো, Become victorious, winner
Gala day উৎেসের হদি, Victory day
Get along with িোহিসয় থিওয়ো, To adjust/Tolerate
Get his ideas across কোউসক হকেু থেোেোসত পোরো, Make his ideas understood
Get into প্রসেশ, Enter into
Get over অহতক্রি করো, Recover from
Get rid of িু হি পোওয়ো, To do away with, become free
Get the better of আসর্র থর্সক ভোল, Gain an advantage
Get the sack েরখোি করো, To be fired from a job or task
Gift of the gab েোকপটু, Fluency of speech
Give a cold shoulder ধ্িক থদওয়ো, To scold
Give a hand েোিোযয করো, Help
Give away হেতরর্, A thing that is given free
Give in ek¨Zv ¯^xKvi Kiv, Surrender
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 13 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Give up তযোর্ করো, Cease making an effort
Give upon the ghost িোরো যোওয়ো, To die
Go a long way অসিকদূর অহতক্রি, very successful
Go all out েোধ্যিত থচষ্টো, Try hard
Go astray হেপসর্/ থর্োল্লোয় যোওয়ো, Become lost or mislaid
Go away চসল যোওয়ো, To leave a place
Go down অি যোওয়ো, To move down to a lower level
Go hand in hand একসত্র, Together, in a body
Go sky high আকোশচুম্বী, To go very high
Go through ভোসলো কসর পিো, Look at something very carefully
Golden age থেোিোলী যু র্, A period of prosperity
Golden mean উঁচু দসরর, avoiding both extreme excess and extreme deficiency
Golden opportunity েু ের্থ েু সযোর্, An excellent opportunity that is not likely to be repeated
Go in a body একসযোসর্, Together
Go to the dogs থর্োল্লোয় যোওয়ো, Be ruined
Greek and Latin অসেোধ্র্িয, Difficult
Good for nothing থকোসিো কোসজর িো/অপদোর্থ, Entirely without value
To genuflect m¤§y‡L bZRvby nIqv/ bZ nIqv, To bend the knee
Habeas corpus কোরোেন্দীর থিৌহলক অহধ্কোর, Fundamental rights of prisoners
Hale and hearty েু স্থয েেল, Strong and health
Hall mark থেষ্ঠসের েোপ, Excellent
Hang around হেলম্ব করো, Loiter about
Hard and fast েোধ্ো ধ্রো, Fixed
Hard nut to crack কঠিি েিেযো, A difficult problem to solve
Hard times দুুঃেিয়, A time of difficulty
Hard up অভোেগ্রি, With insufficient money
Have a heart েদয়, To ask somebody to be kind
Head and ears পু সরোপু হর, Completely
Head is in the clouds হদেোস্বপ্নচোরী, A day dreamer
Head or tail িোর্োিু ণ্ডু, Be quite confused
Heart and soul প্রোর্পসর্, Earnestly, tooth and nail
Herculean task কঠিি কোজ, A very difficult task
High and low উঁচু-হিচু, in many different places
High time উপযু ি েিয়, The appropriate time
Hold good প্রসযোজয/খোটো, remain true or valid
Hold water উত্তীর্থ িওয়ো, Bear examination
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 14 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Hole and corner লু সকোচুহর, Secret, secrecy
Home maker র্ৃ হির্ী, Housewife
Hot water অেু হেধ্ো, Trouble, difficulty, problem
Hush money/speed money েু র্, Bribe
Hue and cry হি হচ/সশোরসর্োল, Loud outcry

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. The word Ôto genuflect’ means- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) to be genuine (L) to refect
(M) to bend the knee (N) to be flexible DËi: M
02. Gala day (Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x cÖ‡KŠkjx− 15)
K. A day of festivity L. Holiday
M. A day of judgement N. None DËi: K
03. He has gone to dogs. Gi mwVK Abyev` †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM): 07]
K. †m KzKz‡ii Kv‡Q †M‡Q L. ‡m KzKyi Lye fv‡jvev‡m
M. ‡m †Mvjøvq †M‡Q N. ‡m KzKzi †cv‡l DËi: M
04. The weight was too much and the pillar gave way. Here Ôgive way’ indicates— [cÖv_wgK
we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (evwZj cixÿv): 02]
K. Bent down L. Was changed
M. Was broken N.Vanished DËi: M
05. Which is the appropriate meaning for ÔHush money’? (Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x cÖ‡KŠkjx− 15)
K. Silent money L. Money given as bribe
M. Quiet money N. Borrowed money DËi: L
06. A person whose ‘head is in the clouds’ is- [23Zg wewmGm]
K. proud L. a day dreamer
M. an aviator N. useless DËi: L
07. ÔHead over heels in love’ means− (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb K‡jR mgch©vq− 2014)
K. Loving somebody L. Disliking somebody very much
M. Hating love strongly N. Loving somebody very much DËi: N
08. ‘Hold water’ means- [11Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 92]
K. keep water L. bear examination M. drink water N. Store water DËi: L
I, J
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
In a body একসযোসর্/েেোই হিসল, Together
In a fix িতেু হদ্ধ, In perplexity, puzzled
In a hurry তোিোহুিো, Very quickly
In a nutshell েংসক্ষসপ, Briefly, In a word
In accordance with অিু েোসর, According to
In any way/case থয থকোি উপোসয়, Anyhow
In cold blood ঠোন্ডো িোর্োয়, Deliberately
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 15 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
In connection with েযোপোসর/েম্বসন্ধ, Concerning
In course of time েিসয়র পহরক্রিোয়, At the time of
In fine উপেংিোর, In conclusion
In force েল প্রসয়োর্, চোলু , currently valid or in effect
In front of েম্মু সখ, In someone's presence
In full swing পু সরোদসি, Very active
In good faith েরল হেশ্বোসে, In honest belief
In good stead কোসরো উপকোসর আেো, Be extremely useful
In harmony with একেসঙ্গ হিসল হিসশ র্োকো, to agree with another
In lieu of পহরেসতথ , In the place of
In no time শ্রীেই, Very soon
In no way থকোি িসতই িো, not at all
In order to জসিয/উসেশয, according to a particular sequence
In pursuance with অিু প্রোহর্ত করো, Inspire, motivate
In pursuit of অিু সপ্ররর্োয়, the action of pursuing
In quest of থখোাঁসজ, In search of, look for, search
In season and out of season েিসয় অেিসয়, At all times
In spite of েসেও, Despite
In high spirits gnvLykx, Cheerful/ Joyful
In store for ভোর্য/ভহের্যৎ, coming in the future
In the dark অন্ধকোসর/অজ্ঞোত, In ignorance
In the event of েটিোক্রসি, if there should be
In the eye of দৃহষ্টসত, In someone's view
In the god book উপকোসর লোর্ো, Become useful
In the grip of কসষ্ট, affected by something undesirable
In the guise of েদ্মসেসশ, In disguise
In the long run পহরর্োসি, Ultimately
In the seventh heaven পরি েু সখ, Extremely happy
In the teeth of অগ্রোিয কসর, In defiance or regardless of
In the long run cwi‡k‡l, As a consequence
In vain েযর্থ, Fail
In case of যহদ, If
Ins and outs খুাঁ টিিোটি, In details
Iron will দৃঢ় েংকল্প, Strong determination
Irony of fate ভোসর্যর হিিথি পহরিোে, By bad luck
Jack of all trades েেজোন্তো, Person who knows a bit of all
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 16 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
In the nick of Time In the appropriate time, fixed

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. The idiom ‘In black and white’- Gi A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (BQvgwZ) : 2010]
K. Temporary L. False M. Verbally N. In writing DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: ‘In black and white’ phrase— Gi A_©- wjwLZfv‡e| In writing— wjwLZfv‡e|
02. Trying unitedly we were able to have out project approved against strong oppositions.
(১৪িম শৈশিএি)
K. in the wake of L. in the guise of
M. in the plea of N. in the teeth of DËi: N
03. What do you means by ÔIn the nick of Time’?
K. In the appropriate time L. In the wrong time
M. Before the just time N. After the just time DËi: K

K, L, M
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Keen on চোহলসয় যোওয়ো/উৎেোিী িওয়ো, To be enthusiastic
Keep abreast of আাঁকসি র্োকো, To remain closely informed
Keep one’s head শোন্ত র্োকো, To keep calm
Keep in the dark িো জোিোসিো/লু কোসিো, To keep someone uninformed
Keep in view িজর রোখো, Observe, monitor
Keep pace with তোল হিহলসয় চলো, Progress at the same speed
Keep up রক্ষো করো, Meet a commitment to pay
Kiss the dust আত্মেিপথর্, Surrender
Kith and kin আত্মীয় স্বজি, Blood-relations and kinsfolk
Know no bound েীিোিীি, To be without limit, unlimited
Lag behind হপেসি পিো, To fall behind
Laid to rest হচর হেদোয়, To die
Lame excuse েোসজ অজু িোত, Bad plea
Laugh at িোহে ঠোট্টো, To treat lightly
Lay down আত্মোহুহত, To give up and surrender
Lay heads together পরোিশথ করো, To work together to come up
Lay to rest েিোহধ্স্থ করো, to bury a dead person
Lead story গুরুেপূ র্থ খের, Important news
Leave no stone unturned/spare no pains থচষ্টোর ক্রটি িো করো, Use all available means
Lend me ears িিসযোর্ থদওয়ো, Listen to me
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 17 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Let bygones be bygones অতীতসক ভুসল যোও, Forget the past
Let the cat out of the bag থর্োপি তর্য ফোাঁে, To tell the secret
Lick the dust অপদস্থ িওয়ো, To be humiliated
Life and soul জীেি, Main support
Line by line ধ্োসপ ধ্োসপ, Step by step
Lingua franca েচরোচর েযেহৃত ভোর্ো, Common language
Lion’s share থেহশর ভোর্ অংশ/হেংিভোর্, Major part
Live on থোঁ সচ র্োকো, To depend on something for sustenance
Loaves and fishes েযহিস্বোর্থ, Personal gain
Lock and load প্রস্তুত িওয়ো, Get ready
Long for আকোঙ্ক্ষো, Desire for
Look after থদখোসশোিো করো, Care for
Look down upon েৃ র্ো/অেজ্ঞো করো, Avoid
Look forward to আশো করো, Await eagerly
Look out লক্ষয করো, Be vigilant and take notice
Loom large ভয়োেি হুিহক, Threat
Loose end থেকোর, Unemployed
Loose heart িতোশ িওয়ো, To be despaired
Lull to sleep অন্ধকোসর, To quiet and comfort to sleep
Learn by heart gyL¯’ Kiv, Memorize
Maiden speech প্রর্ি েিৃতো, The first speech
Make a mess জর্োহখচুরী, Create a dirty or untidy state
Make both ends কোয়সক্লসশ জীেিযোপি, To live in a fixed income
Make good ক্ষহতপূ রর্, Compensate for
Milk and water GK‡N‡q, cÖvYnxb/`ye©j, Lifeless, dull

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Ôcixÿv LyeB wbKUeZ©xÕ Gi mwVK Bs‡iwR Abyev` †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM) : 07; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK: 02]
K. The examination is coming soon L. The examination is with start soon
M. The examination is knocking at the door N. The examination is beginning soon DËi: M
02. ÔLoaves and fishes’ means− [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK−12; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. Personal gains L. Beautiful Bread M. Tasty fishes N. None DËi: K
03. ‘Lingua Franca’ means- [24Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡WjUv): 14]
K. The French Language L. The common language
M. Language of brothers N. The first language DËi: L
04. Sher-e-Bangla was a__(12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb−15)
K. Man of sorrow L. Man of justice M. Man of mark N. Man of softheart DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Man of mark A_© weL¨vZ e¨w³|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 18 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
05. The idiom Ôlet things slide’ means— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. ignore L. set free M. lose gradually N. reveal a secret DËi: K
06. ÔMilk & water’ means− [12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡ngšÍ): 10]
K. Brave L. Timid M. Daring N. Courageous DËi: L
07. ÔMan of straw Õ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. respected person L. worthless man M. gentleman N. noted person DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : ÔMan of strawÕ— ¸iæZ¡nxb e¨w³ ev hv‡K mn‡R civ¯Í Kiv hvq| myZivs mwVK DËi worthless man.
08. I have a boat made of wood. The underlined phrase is—[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. an adverbial phrase L. perfect participle phrase
M. present participle phrase N. past participle phrase DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : verb Gi past participle hLb adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Zv‡K past participle phrase e‡j| D³
sentence G noun(boat) †K modify K‡i‡Q Ges Zv GKwU past participle phrase.
09. We must keep our finger____that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow. (২২িম শৈশিএি)
K. raised L. pointed dreamer M. lifted N. crossed DËi: N
N, O, P
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Nota bene হেসশর্ দ্রষ্টেয, Mark well, note well
Nouveau riche
িতুি ধ্িী, New rich
Now or never িয় এখিই িয়ত কখিও িয়, Used to convey urgency
Notwithstanding িো েলসলই িয়, All the same, nevertheless
Null and void েোহতল, Rejected, invalid
Nip in the bud A¼z‡i webó nIqv, Destory at the very beginning
Odds and ends টুহকটোহক হজহিেপত্র, Miscellaneous
Of course অেশযই, Certainly
Of late েম্প্রহত, Recently, lately
On all hands েেথজিস্বীকৃত, Unanimously
On and on µgvMZ, Without interruption
On behalf of পসক্ষ, As a representative of
On easy terms েিজ হেলসম্ব/হকহিসত, Long term payment
On foot পোসয় থেঁসট, Walking rather than travelling
On no account থকোিক্রসিই িো, By no means
On the contrary অিযহদসক, On the other hand
On the eve of প্রোক্কোসল, In the beginning, just before
On the highest alert েসেথোচ্চ েতথ কতোয়, Concious, cautious
On the increase ক্রিেধ্থিোি, Becoming greater
On the sky উম্মু ি আকোসশ, Open air
On the spur of the moment উসত্তজিোর িু হুসতথ , Without planning in advance
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 19 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
On the utter of হেেরসর্, In details
Once for all থশর্ েোসরর িত, For the last time
Out of date অচল, Off fashion/Obsolete
Out of doors েোইসর, Outside
Out of order অপ্রচহলত, Defective, in vogue
Out of temper রোর্োহিত, Angry
Over head and ear র্ভীরভোসে, Deeply
Over the years েিসয়র হেেতথ সি, With the passage of time
Own accord থস্বচ্ছোয়, Willingly
Palmy days/good time েু েিয়, Days of prosperity and glory
Pandora’s box হেিম্বিোপূর্থ উপিোর, Artificially good bt actually not
Part and parcel অহেসচ্ছদয অংশ, An essential portion
Pass away িৃ তুযেরর্, Die
Pass over অহতক্রি করো, To avoid
Pave the way পর্ হতহর করো, Make the way
Pen through থকসট থদওয়ো, Cancel something
Pin money িোতখরচ, Personal allowance for a lady
Pivotal question গুরুেপূর্থ প্রশ্ন, The most important question
Play false/Play tricks প্রতোরর্ো, Fraud, to deceive someone
Play on a fiddle েিয় অপচয়, To waste time
Play truant স্কুল পোলোসিো, Stay away from school without leave or explanation
Point blank েরোেহর, Directly
Popular with জিহপ্রয়, Liked or admired by many people
Post mortem িয়িোতদন্ত, Autopsy, after death
Prima facie প্রর্ি দশথসি, At the first sight
Prior to পূ েথেতী, Before, previous
Pull down থটসি িোিোসিো, To lower something from a higher level
Puppet in the hands of িোসতর পু তুল, A man without ego
Push somebody to the wall পরোহজত করো, To defeat him
Put off থরসখ থদওয়ো/Ly‡j †djv, unpleasant quality, leave
Put on পহরধ্োি করো, To wear
Put out থিভোসিো, To emit something
Put the cart before the horse স্বোভোহেক হিয়ি উল্টোসিো, Reverse the natural order
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 20 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Put up with েিয করো, Tolerate

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Fill in the blank: ÔShe went to New Market…..’. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) on foot (L) on feet (M) by foot (N) by walking DËi: K
02. ÔOut and out Õ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. Whole heartedly L. not at all M. thoroughly N. Brave DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : ÔOut and outÕ— m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c| thoroughly A_© m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c| Whole heartedly A_© AvšÍwiKfv‡e|
03. You will fail in the exam, If you ____ from school. (12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15)
KTake to task L. Put off M. Put out N. Play trurant DËi: N
04. Put an end to means –
K. Caused to happen L. Stopped M. Spread N. Confirmed DËi: L
05. Puss the buck− to pass the blame to someone else. (G‡Ki †`vl A‡b¨i Dci Pvcv‡bv) – (wkÿv, WvK, ¯^v¯’¨ I A_©
gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK I e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v− 2015)
06. ‘Paediatric’ relates to the treatment of— (১৫িম শৈশিএি)
K. adults L. children M. old prople N. women DËi: L
07. ‘Plebiscite’ is a term related to— (১৫িম শৈশিএি)
K. medicine L. technology M. law N. politics DËi: N
08. Politicians often use students as— (12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb)
K. Cat’s paw L. Cold water M. Fresh blood N. Kith and kin DËi: K
09. ‘Pass away’ means— [৩৩িম শৈশিএি]
K. disappear L. die M. erase N. fall DËi: L
10. ‘Parcel’ means— (২২িম শৈশিএি)
K. Quarrel L. Piece of land M. unobstructed view N. Postage DËi: L
11. ‘Pros and cons’ phrase wUi A_©— [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Rev) : 2011]
K. Good and bad L. Advantage and disadvantage
M. Light and dark N. In and out DËi: L
12. NB-Gi c~Y©iƒc wK? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM): 07]
13. ÔPrior toÕ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. before L. during the period of M. immediately N. after. DËi: K
14. ‘Once in a blue moon’ means- [৩৮িম শৈশিএি]
K. always L. very rarely M. nearly N. hourly DËi: L
15. He is _____ a rogue. (12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15)
K. Out of out L. After all M. One and every N. Above all DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: He (wZwb) is out of out (cy‡ivcywi) a rogue. (e`gvk)

Q, R, S
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Queer fish A™¢zZ e¨w³, Eccentric person
QQuorum িূযিতি, Required number
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 21 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Rack and ruin উচ্ছসন্ন যোওয়ো, Destroyed
Rank and fashion েোজেজ্জো/অহভজোত েিোজ, Aristocratic society
Rank and file েোধ্োরর্ হেহিক, The common soldiers
Razzmatazz হেশৃ ঙ্খলো, A noisy activity
Red handed িোসত িোসত ধ্রো, With proof
Red letter day স্মরর্ীয় হদি, Memorable day
Red tape আিলোতোহিক জটিলতো, Excessive official formality
Renal failure হকডহি হেকল, Kidney failure
Riding for a fall পতসির পসর্ অগ্রের িওয়ো, To act recklessly
Right and left এসলোপোতোহি, On all sides
Road block প্রহতেন্ধকতো, Obstacle
Root and branch েম্পূ র্থরূসপ, Completely
Run into হপেু িটো/েোক্ষোৎ করো, Meet
Run out হিুঃসশহর্ত িওয়ো, Be paid out, finish
Run riot আইি হেরুসদ্ধ আচরর্ করো, Behave in a lawless way
Run short েোটহত, Want of, lack of, shortage
Run counter to we‡ivwaZv, Contradict
Saddle on the right horse থদোর্ী েযহি েিোি করো, Identify the guilt
Safe and sound হিরোপসদ, Quite safe
Salt of life গুরুেপূর্থ েস্তু, Valuable things
Salt of the earth থেষ্ঠ েযহি, Famous person
Set on fire প্রজ্বহলত করো, To burn
Sheet anchor িোসতর পোাঁচ/থশর্ েম্বল, Last thing for safety
Silver lining দুভথ োসর্য েোন্ত্বিো, Hope
Sine die Awbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨, Uncertain
Sit on the fench হিরসপক্ষ, Remain neutral, To be impartial
Skin and bone অহস্থুঃচিথেোর, Very thin
Skim through ভোেো ভোেো দৃসশয, Bird’s eye view
Slip of the pen থলখোয় অেতকথ তোেশত ভুল, Mistake in writing
Slip of the tongue কর্োয় অেতকথ তোেশত ভুল, Mistake in speaking
Slow and steady ধ্ীর হস্থর েযহি, Continuity, cold blooded man
Small fry চুসিোপুাঁ টি, A person of minor importance
Smell a rat েসন্দি করো, Suspect, doubt
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 22 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Snake in the grass থর্োপি শত্রু, A hidden enemy
Soft soap থতোর্োসিোদ, Flattery/ Flatter for self motives
Spare no pains থচষ্টোর ক্রটি িো করো, Leave no stone unturned
Stand in the way of েোধ্োস্বরূপ িওয়ো, Hinderance of
Stand out গুরুেপূর্থ, Important
Status quo পূ েথোেস্থোয়, State of affairs
Steer clear of েজথি করো, Avoid
Storm in a tea cup তু িু ল উসত্তজিো, A fuss about a trifling matter
Straw vote জির্সর্র িতোিসতর জিয থেেরকোহর থভোট, Poll of public opinion
Stumbling block েোধ্ো, Obstacle
Sugar coated থিোিক, Make superficially attractive
Sum and substance েোরিিথ, Summary
Summer friends েু েিসয়র েন্ধু, A fraud person
Swan song থশর্ রচিো, Last work

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. The phrase Ôsine die’ means- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) half-heartedly (L) doubtfully (M) fixed (N) uncertain D:N
02. I have never seen such a slow coach like you. Which is appropriate phrase? (১৩িম শৈশিএি)
K. an irresponsible person L. a careless person
M. an unthoughtful person N. a very lazy person DËi: N
03. ‘Ruminant’ means- (২২িম শৈশিএি)
K. cud chewing animal L. soup M. gossip N. noise maker DËi: K
04. ‘Salarium’ means- (১৮িম শৈশিএি)
K. salt L. Salary M. soldiers N. the Salt Road DËi: L
05. He raised his eyebrow at my explanation means- [২৪িম শৈশিএি]
K. Show surprise or disapproval L. show agreement
M. show happiness N. show indifference DËi: K
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Take away েহরসয় থিওয়ো, To take someone/ something to a new place
Take down হলসখ রোখো, To write something
Take into account হেসেচিো করো, Consider
Take place েটো, To happen
Takes after েদৃশ, To resemble someone
Take to heart িিথোিত িওয়ো, Cut to the quick
Take leave of (sb) we`vq †bIqv, To say goodbye
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 23 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
Tall talk েি েি কর্ো, The act of exaggerating
Teeth of opposition েোধ্োর িু সখ, In the face of
Teem with ভরপুর, To be full of something
Tell upon ক্ষহত করো, To harm
Ten to one একোই েে/েম্ভেত, Very probably
The birds and the bees িোিে প্রজিসির থিৌহলক হের্য়, The basic facts about sex
Three score র্োট, Three times twenty
Through fire and water প্রহতকুলতোর িধ্য হদসয়, Through thick and thin
Tittle- tattle ‡LvkMí Kiv, Gossip
To be up and doing উসঠ পসি লোর্ো, Active, busy
To bell the cat আেল কোজ করো, To perform a very dangerous task
To blaze trail িতু ি হকেু করো, To initiate word in a movement
To blow hot and cold একেোর র্রি একেোর ঠোণ্ডো, To be inconsistent
To bring to book েোিসি আেো, To compel to give an account
To call a spade a spade থেোজোেু হজ কর্ো েলো, To speak bluntly
To get along with gvwb‡q †bIqv, To adjust
To breathe one’s last/ To kick the bucket িোরো যোওয়ো, Die
To cry wolf e„_v Kvbœv Kiv ev wg_¨v wec` ms‡KZ †`qv, To give a false alarm
To raise one’s brows অেোক িওয়ো, Surprise
To read between the lines অর্থ েু সে পিো, To grasp the hidden meaning
To run a race প্রহতসযোহর্তোয় অংশগ্রির্, Compete with
To the backbone িোসি িোসি, Thoroughly
To the full েম্পূ র্থরূসপ, Completely
To the point েঠিক, Right
To the utmost চরিেীিো অহতক্রি, Cross the most extreme
Toil and moil কসঠোর পহরেি, Hard labour/ work
Tooth for tooth অিযোসয়র প্রহতসশোধ্, Take revenge
Top to bottom আদযপোন্ত, A to z, completely
Tough cookie র্ম্ভীর প্রকৃহতর, A tough person
Turn a deaf ear েহধ্র/কর্থপোত িো করো, Disregard
Turn down প্রতযোখযোি করো, Refuse
Turn over a new leaf িতু ি জীেি আরম্ভ, Change for the better
Turn tail গুটিসয় থিওয়ো, Run away
Tooth and nail m¤ú~Y©fv‡e/`„pfv‡e, Completely/strongly
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 24 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
To lighten the atmosphere KwVb gyn~‡Z© ¯^vfvweK _vKv, To ease a tense situation
To cut the crack K_v _vwg‡q KvR Kiv, To stop talking and start
Throw cold water wbiærmvwnZ Kiv, Damp the spirit/ Discourage
To break the ice wbieZv †f‡½ K_v ejv, To start a conversation

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. ÔTo get along withÕ means – [28Zg I 44Zg wewmGm]
(K) to adjust (L) to interest (M) to accompany (N) to walk D:K
02. ‘Three score’ is- (১৫িম শৈশিএি)
K. Thirty times twenty L. three hundred times M. three times twenty N. more than three DËi: M
03. ‘Take into account’ means- [৩৩িম শৈশিএি]
K. count numbers L. consider M. assess N. Think seriously DËi: L
04. ‘To end in smoke’ means- [৩৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. To create fire L. To go through suffering M. To come to nothing N. To see five DËi: M
05. ‘To put the cart before the horse’ means- [৩০িম শৈশিএি]
K. to offer a person what he cannot eat L. to force a person to do something
M. to raise obstinate N. to reverse the natural order of thing DËi: N
06. ‘To keep one’s head’ means- [৩০িম শৈশিএি]
K. to save oneself L. to be self respectful M. to keep calm N. none of these DËi: M
07. ‘Take the bull by the horns’ means- [৩৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. To challenge the enemy with courage L. Force the enemy to submit
M. Surrender before the enemy N. Out of one’s wit DËi: K
08. ‘To do away with’ means- [৩৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. To repeat L. To start M. To get rid of N. To drive off DËi: M
110. ‘Through thick and thin’ means— [২৭িম শৈশিএি]
K. under all conditions L. to make thick and thin
M. not clear understanding N. of great density
DËi: K
09. ‘To meet trouble half way’ means— (14Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Avjdv): 14]
K. To be puzzled L. To get nervous M. To be disappointed N. To bear up DËi: L
10. ÔTo flog a dead horse’ means−
K. To fight for a lost cause L. To take interest in an obsolete subject
M. To act in a foolish way N. To treat an incurable patient. DËi: L
11. ÔThe birds and the bees Õ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. The basic facts about sex L. The bird's eye view
M. The birds and bees are good workers. N. The relation between the birds and bees DËi:
12. ‘The pros and cons’ – phrase wUi A_© n‡jv- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2009]
K. Foul and fair L. Good and evil M. Before and after N. For or against a thing DËi: L
13. To cry wolf means−
K. To listen eagerly L. To give false alarm M. To be frightened N. To keep off starvation DËi: L
14. ÔThe shoulder died in harness’ means−
K. He died in business L. He died in peace M. He died in honor N. He died in dishonor DËi: K
15. What is the meaning of the Idiom ÔTake to one’s heels’.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 25 # Bs‡iwR fvlv
K.To stand on one’s own feet L. To wear expensive shoe
M. To escape N. To reach DËi: M
16. To take a leap in the mark.
K. To take risk L. To hazard oneself DËi: N
M. To do a task secretly N. To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result.
17. ÔTo keep the wolf away from the door.’ Means- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivBb) : 16]
K. To keep away from extreme poverty
L. To keep off an unwanted and undesirable person M. To keep arrive
N. To keep the difficulties and dangers in check DËi: K
111. ÔThrow cold water on’ means—
K. Damp the spirits L. Throwing of cold water M. Ice water N. None DËi: K
112. ÔTo push somebody to the wall’ Gi A_©— [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv): 13]
K. To defeat him L. To heckle him M. To humiliate him N. To knock him DËi: K
113. To catch of guard means− (Dc‡Rjv cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v – 15)
K. To neglect duty L. To substitute a guard
M. To get someone when he/she is careless N. To be on guard DËi: M
114. “To have full hands” –Phrase-wUi A_© wK? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010]
K. To be rich L. To be fully occupied
M. To lead an easy life N. To be in lot of troubles DËi: L
115. The invention of computer has turned over a new leaf in the history of modern technology. (১৪িম
K. created a new history L. began a new civilization
M. opened a new chapter N. created a sensation DËi: M
116. ÔTo see eye to eye with’ idiom wUi mwVK A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (cÙv): 12]
K. To agree L. To stare fixedly M. To be angry N. To take revenge DËi: K
117. ÔTo see red’ phrase wUi A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZ¯Ív): 10]
K. To be very angry L. To see the colour red M. To find fault with N. To criticize others DËi: K
118. ÔHe was taken to task’Gi evsjv n‡jv— [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK : 15]
K. Zv‡K KvR †`Iqv n‡qwQj L. Zv‡K Kv‡Ri Rb¨ ejv n‡qwQj
M. †m KvR wb‡qwQj N. Zv‡K wZi¯‹vi Kiv n‡qwQj DËi: N
119. Take one to task means− 10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb− 2014
K. Imitate L. Rebuke M. Resume N. Restrain DËi: L
U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Idioms & Phrases Meaning in Bengali & English
Up and doing তৎপর িওয়ো, Be serious
Up and down এহদক ওহদক, Backwards and forwards
Ups and downs উত্থোি পতি, Prosperity and adversity
Upper hand কতৃথ ে, Control over
Value judgment েযহির্ত হেদ্ধোন্ত, Judgement on personal views
Various from পোর্কথ য, Difference from
Vice versa হেপরীত, The terms being exchanged
Viva voce থিৌহখকভোসে, Orally
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 26
A Verbose speech evMvo¤^ic~Y© e³…Zv, A speech full of too many words
Vote rigging থভোট জোহলয়োহত, Making vote forgery
Watch out for েতকথ , Be cautious
Weal and woe েু সখ দুুঃসখ, In good and bad fortune
Well to do স্বচ্ছল, Well off
Well up েু পহন্ডত, well acquainted with
Wild goose chase পণ্ডেি, Useless pursuit
With a heavy heart হের্ণ্ণ, Feeling sad
With a view to উসেশয, For the purpose of
With flying colours হেজয়ী িওয়ো, Victoriously
Without delay অিহতহেলসম্ব, Quickly, as soon as possible
Without fail অেশযই, Certainly, of course
Without issue েন্তোিিীি, Childless
Worthy of িূ লযেোি, Precious
Year to year েেসরর পর েের, Continuously
Yellow dog িীি েযহি, Mean person
yeoman’s service হিুঃস্বোর্থ কোজ, Efficient or useful help in need

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. A speech full of too many words is- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) a big speech (L) maiden speech
(M) a verbose speech (N) an unimportant speech DËi: M
02. What is the meaning of ÔWhite Elephant?’ [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019; 10g I 26Zg wewmGm] .
K. A very costly or troublesome possession L. An elephant of white colour
M. A hoarder N. A black marketer DËi: K
03. ÔWear & tear’ means−
K. Clothing L. Disbursement
L. M. Depreciation N. Accumulation DËi: M
04. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (weUv): 14; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kxZjÿ¨v): 13]
K. He copied the answer word by word L. He copied the answer word with word
M. He copied the answer word for word N. He copied the answer word in word DËi : M
05. ‘With open arms’ Gi A_© n‡”Q- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010]
K. Warmly L. With beautiful arm M. With long arm N. With strong arm DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: ‘With open arms’ phrase wUi A_© ‘to accept/greet with, greet willingness and without any
hesitation. A_©vr to greet some-one warmly.

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