Let's Go 3 5th Edition Can-Do - Guide
Let's Go 3 5th Edition Can-Do - Guide
Let's Go 3 5th Edition Can-Do - Guide
Unit 2 Clothing
I can express preferences. I can describe what I can talk about clothing and I can read the story.
someone is wearing. who it belongs to.
Conversation: Which hat do Clothing: a blouse, a skirt, Clothing: a T-shirt, a jacket, br brown, bread
you like? I like the red one. a dress, a shirt, pants, shorts, a sweater, a sweatshirt, jeans, gr green, grapes
I don’t know. What about this shoes, socks pajamas, slippers, boots pr pretty, prune
one? Wow! I like that one!
Language: What’s she Language: Whose jacket is this? Phonics Chant: Brown
We want these hats, please!
wearing? She’s wearing a dress. It’s Scott’s jacket. Whose jeans are Bread for Breakfast
Patterns: striped, polka-dot, He’s wearing a shirt. He’s not these? They’re Jenny’s jeans. It’s
Story: A New Shirt
plaid, checked wearing a skirt. They’re wearing her jacket. They’re her boots. Is his
pants. They’re not wearing sweater green? Are her boots blue
Chant: Red Plaid Hat
shorts. and white?
Song: Cowboy Boots
Unit 3 Places
I can talk about places at I can talk about places in I can talk about I can read the story.
school. the neighborhood. transportation.
Conversation: Excuse me. Places: clinic, repair shop, Transportation: by car, by bike, cl class, clock
Where’s the nurse’s office? office, factory, store, bakery on foot, by bus, by taxi, fl flower, fly
It’s next to the gym. Follow me. by train sl sleep, slow
Language: Where’s he going?
Here’s the nurse’s office. Thanks Phonics Chant:
He’s going to the store. Are they Language: How’s he going to
for your help. You’re welcome. Watch the Clock
going to the office? school? He’s going by bus.
Rooms: music room, Where’s he going? He’s going to Story: At the Same Time
Chant: Where Are You Going?
classroom, gym, art room, the factory. How’s he going there?
lunchroom, office,across from, He’s going by bus.
between, next to
Song: Where’s the Classroom?
Unit 4 Occupations
I can talk about jobs. I can talk about jobs. I can talk about what I can read the story.
someone does.
Conversation: What does your Occupations: a veterinarian, What People Do: help animals, fix cr crab, crocodile
father do? He’s a pilot. My a mechanic, a salesclerk, cars, sell things, make things, take fr friends, frog
mother’s an office worker. Oh. a factory worker, a pictures, use a computer
Phonics Chant:
What does an office worker do? photographer, a baker
Language: What does a My Best Friend
I’m not sure!
Language: What’s his job? veterinarian do? A veterinarian
Story: Amazing Animals
Occupations: a pilot, a He’s a mechanic. helps animals.
zookeeper, an astronomer, a Is she a zookeeper? He works on a farm. He grows food.
baseball player Is he a farmer?
Song: Jack’s a Mechanic
Song: What Does Your Father Do?
© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Let’s Go 5e Level 3 1
Let’s Talk Let’s Learn Let’s Learn More Let’s Read
Unit 5 Activities
I can make plans with I can talk about class I can talk about daily I can read the story.
others. schedules. schedules.
Conversation: Can you play Classes: art class, English Activities: play outside, dr draw, drum
tomorrow? Sorry, I can’t. I’m class, music class, math class, take a nap, watch TV, go shopping, tr train, tree
busy on Saturday. What about swimming class, computer class play video games, practice the
Phonics Chant:
Sunday? Can you play? Yes. piano
Language: What do you do on Play the Drum
I’m free.
Monday? I go to art class. Language: What does he do on
See you on Sunday! Story: Drums Every Day
What does she do on Monday? the weekend? He plays outside.
Days of the Week: Sunday, She goes to computer class. Does he ride a bike on the
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, weekend?
Chant: What Do You Do
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
on Monday?
Song: Busy, Busy, Busy
Conversation: Where were Weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, Places: restaurant, movie theater, sk sky, skylark
you yesterday? I was at the snowy, breezy, stormy, chilly, mall, amusement park, circus, sn snowflake, snake
beach. foggy hospital, library, airport
Phonics Chant: Snowflakes
How was it? It was fun! How was
Language: It was sunny on Language: Where were you and Skylarks
the weather? It was sunny and
Sunday. It’s cloudy today. yesterday? I was at the circus.
warm. How about you? We were Story: What Were
How was the weather on Where was she at 1:00? She was
at the zoo! They Before?
Sunday? It was cloudy. How’s at the restaurant. Where is she
Places: at the zoo, at the store, the weather today? It’s snowy. now? She’s at home.
at the beach Was he in the lunchroom
Song: How Was the Weather
at 12:00?
Song: Where Were You at Two? Yesterday?
Unit 8 My Home
I can talk about where I can talk about where I can talk about what I did at I can read the story.
things are. things were in the house. home.
Conversation: What are you Sports: a skateboard, a scooter, Activities: eat breakfast, do sm small, smile
doing? I’m looking for my a unicycle, a sled, a snowboard, homework, watch TV, talk on the sc scary, scooter
skateboard. Where was it skis, in-line skates, ice skates phone, play a video game, ride a
Phonics Chant:
yesterday? It was in my bike
Language: I can’t find my I’m a Small Scooter
bedroom! It’s not here.
skateboard. It was in the garage Language: What did you do
I hope we find it! Me, too! Story: Last Saturday
yesterday. Where was the yesterday? I ate breakfast.
Places: bedroom, living room, snowboard? It was in the living Did he practice the piano?
bathroom, dining room, kitchen, room. Where were the skis? They
garage were in the bedroom.
Chant: Where’s the Bed? Song: Where’s My
© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Let’s Go 5e Level 3 2