Prostate Cancer Review On Risk Factors
Prostate Cancer Review On Risk Factors
Prostate Cancer Review On Risk Factors
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Kampala International
University, Uganda.
Department of Publication and Extension, Kampala International
University, Uganda.
Department of Biochemistry, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki,
Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
School of Nursing Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
Prostate cancer is a common malignancy in men and the worldwide burden of this disease is rising. Lifestyle
modifications such as smoking cessation, exercise, and weight control offer opportunities to reduce the risk of
developing prostate cancer. Early detection of prostate cancer by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening is
controversial, but changes in the PSA threshold, frequency of screening, and the use of other biomarkers have the
potential to minimize the overdiagnosis associated with PSA screening. Several new biomarkers for individuals with
raised PSA concentrations or those diagnosed with prostate cancer are likely to identify individuals who can be
spared aggressive treatment. Several pharmacological agents such as 5a-reductase inhibitors and aspirin could
prevent development of prostate cancer. In this Review, we discuss the present evidence and research questions
regarding prevention, early detection of prostate cancer, and management of men either at high risk of prostate
cancer or diagnosed with low-grade prostate cancer.
Keywords; prostate, prostate cancer, cancer, risk factors, PSA
Prostate cancer is a common malignancy in men, and its incidence continues to rise in many countries [1-2].
Screening for, and management of, early prostate cancer is one of the most challenging and controversial issues in
medicine [3-4]. Work is in progress to assess new tests that might be offered either as part of primary screening,
or for the triage of men with high PSA concentrations, and we discuss these tests in detail [5-6]. Management
strategies for low-grade cancers and for men with high PSA concentrations but negative biopsies are discussed [7-
Early Detection and Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer
Early Detection
Prostate cancer is unique among the potentially lethal human malignancies in the wide discrepancy between the
high prevalence of histologic changes recognizable as cancer and the much lower prevalence of the clinical disease
Evidence is still uncertain for several of the modifiable prostate cancer risk factors. However, lifestyle modifications
like smoking cessation and exercise can decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer. 5α-reductase inhibitors,
although associated with an increased number of high-grade prostate cancers, reduce overall prostate cancer burden.
In absence of any detrimental effect on survival, these agents can be cost-effective in prostate cancer prevention.
Several other pharmacological agents, e.g., aspirin appear promising and need further evaluation in clinical trials;
many such trials are already underway. While PSA screening remains a controversial topic, overdiagnosis associated
with PSA screening can be minimized by one or several modifications like changes in the PSA threshold, frequency
of screening, and addition of other biomarkers like Kallikrein panel, free-PSA. Prospective evaluation of these should
remain among top research priorities. The role of newer biomarkers like urinary PCA3i and TMPRSS2-ERG assays
also appears promising and needs further evaluation in screening setting. Similarly, newer methods to distinguish
aggressive prostate cancers from indolent cancers diagnosed during screening are needed and biomarkers like Ki67,
CCP or imaging methods like mp-MRI need further prospective evaluation so that these can be incorporated in
management algorithms to minimize overtreatment.
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©Obeagu et al., 2023
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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