Rosenberg 2007
Rosenberg 2007
Rosenberg 2007
Over the years, numerous articles in this Journal have mechanism). For maximum benefit, this three-period experi-
discussed the advantages of inquiry- or discovery-based labo- ment should commence while studying the addition of nu-
ratories over traditional (cookbook or verification) labs (1). cleophiles to aldehydes and ketones and conclude before the
In short, the two major advantages of the inquiry approach mechanism of nucleophilic addition to carboxylic acid de-
are giving students a sense of excitement and allowing them rivatives is revealed.
to participate in the scientific process. In many cases, these
gains are achieved without sacrificing any of the skills learned Experimental
from the traditional approach. These advantages have led
some programs to incorporate discovery-based laboratories The procedures for NaBH4 reduction (4) and synthesis
into part or all of their laboratory curricula (2). Nonethe- and reaction of phenyl magnesium bromide (5) are adapted
less, most laboratory texts, most second-year organic cur- from standard procedures and are included in the Supple-
ricula, and most organic experiments published in this Journal mental Material.W
feature the traditional approach (3).
In this work, the guided-inquiry approach is applied to Hazards
two standard experiments from the second semester of or-
ganic chemistry: sodium borohydride reduction of a ketone Methanol and sodium borohydride are both highly flam-
and the Grignard addition of phenyl magnesium bromide to mable and toxic. Bromobenzene is an irritant. Magnesium is
a carbonyl compound (Table 1). Each student works in a team flammable. The unknowns are either irritants (benzoic an-
of four and performs these two reactions on an unknown car- hydride, benzophenone) or harmful (benzaldehyde). Ether
bonyl compound from the following list of possible un- is harmful and extremely flammable. Hydrochloric acid is
knowns: benzaldehyde, benzophenone, benzoic anhydride, corrosive. Students should have adequate eye protection, wear
and ethyl benzoate.1 IR spectral and melting point data of gloves, and work in a well ventilated space at all times dur-
the reaction products are used to establish both product and ing both of these procedures.
starting material identities. Students use their team data to
draw conclusions about relative reactivity (esters are the least Discussion
electrophilic species of the four carbonyl compounds stud-
ied, the Grignard reagent is more nucleophilic than NaBH4) NaBH4 Reduction
and about reaction mechanism (carboxylic acid derivatives The first week of the experiment involves the NaBH4 re-
undergo substitution reactions via an addition–elimination duction of an unknown. After the reaction, students will iden-
Current address: Department of Chemistry, Transylvania Uni- tify their unknown by using (i) the physical state of their
versity, Lexington, KY 40508. unknowns at ambient temperature, (ii) IR spectra and melt-
Conclusion Notes
Using standard experiments (NaBH4 reduction and re- 1. Many lab sizes will mandate some teams of three, in which
action of a Grignard reaagent), students learn about the re- case the instructor can provide data on the fourth compound.
activity and mechanism of carbonyl compounds. For 2. This argument is probably better suited to a class or team
reactivity, they discover that esters are less reactive electro- discussion than as a postlab question.
philic than ketones, aldehydes, or anhydrides and that Grig-
nard reagents are more nucleophilic than NaBH 4 . Literature Cited
Mechanistically, students learn that carboxylic acid deriva-
tives do not yield simple addition reactions with nucleophiles. 1. (a) Monteyne, K.; Cracolice, M. S. J. Chem. Educ. 2004, 81,
With a little help, students can be led to the correct mecha- 1559–1560. (b) Mohrig, J. R. J. Chem. Educ. 2004, 81, 1083–
nism. 1084. (c) Allen, J. B.; Barker, L. N.; Ramsden, J. H. J. Chem.
Educ. 1986, 63, 533–534. (d) Wartell, M. A. J. Chem. Educ.
Acknowledgments 1973, 50, 361–362.
2. Jarrett, R. M.; McMaster, P. D. J. Chem. Educ. 1994, 71,
The author would like to thank the students of Salem 1029–1031.
State College for helping to test these ideas. Also, the author 3. Horowitz, G. J. Chem. Educ. 2003, 80, 1039.
would like to thank David K. Johnson (SUNY, Geneseo) and 4. Bell, C. E., Jr.; Taber, D. F.; Clark, A. K. Organic Chemistry
Irvin J. Levy (Gordon College) for their shared wisdom. Laboratory, 3rd ed.; Harcourt College Publishing: New York,
2001; p 216.
Supplemental Material 5. (a) Williamson, K. L. Organic Experiments, 4th ed.; Houghton
Mifflin Co.: Boston, 2003; pp 465–470, 472–476. (b)
Instructions for the students, including prelab work and Mohrig, J. R.; Hammond, C. N.; Morrill, T. C.; Neckers, D.
report sheets, and notes for the instructor are available in this C. Experimental Organic Chemistry, 1st ed.; W. H. Freeman
issue of JCE Online. and Co.: New York, 1998; pp 122–126.