Strategic Management
Strategic Management
Strategic Management
Made By:-
Dhrumil Shah
Roll No. 47
Strategic Manager
A strategic manager is a person who analyses
the major initiatives taken by a company’s top
management on behalf of owners, involving
resources and performance in internal and
external environments.
Strategic Management
Role of Strategic Manager
Since Strategic Management is all about
taking crucial decisions having long term
implications of the organisation in mind, the
role of Strategic Manager is all the more
Any kind of casual attitude on the part of
Strategic Manager can lead to devastating
effect on the organisation and thus the role of
Strategic Manager is complex.
Strategic Management
The Strategic Manager tries to answer the
following questions:
Why does the organisation exist?
Vision and Purpose of the organisation(where
does the organisation see itself in the future?)
With what ambition does the organisation wish
that it should be seen by those who are
associated with it?
Mission of the organisation (why has the
organisation been set up?)
Strategic Management
Who are the clients or customers and the
competitors of the organisation or what is the
boundary of the organisational functioning?
Scope and framework of the organisation(quality
and price keeping in mind the competitors’
What is the organisational Strategic
Understanding with regard to the organisational
resources, competences, or the key success
factors(developing Strategic
products and technologies
Against what parameters and yard sticks
existing strategy would be evaluated and when
to modify?
Selection criteria and follow up action(check
deviations, corrective measures, parameters-
cost, gestation period)
Answering all the questions is not an easy task
and one can not administer these questions
with a lethargic attitude.
Strategic Management
Role of Strategic Manager
Strategic managers discharge the following
Role as an entrepreneur or a risk taker
Strategic Management