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UTHM Biodiesel Pilot Plant Development: 1 Winardi@uthm - Edu.my

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Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

UTHM Biodiesel Pilot Plant Development

Winardi Sani 1 Khalid Hasnan2

Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia (UTHM)
Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, 86400 Johor

1 winardi@uthm.edu.my

Biodiesel is an environmental friendly, alternative fuel prepared from domestic resources such as
palm oil and jatropha curcas that can be used in normal diesel engine cars and buses without any
engine modification. It can be used either in the pure form (B100) or as blends on conventional
diesel engines and it is biodegradable.
UTHM being in the state of Johor, where oil palm is in abundance, has embarked on a project to
develop a crude palm oil (CPO) based Biodiesel pilot plant for research purposes. This pilot plant
will produce 1 MT fuel grade biodiesel per batch with a feed stock of CPO under presence of

This paper describes the chronological phases in the UTHM pilot plant development starting
from the project initiation to its current implementation stage. The experience shared in this paper
would be beneficial for other developers to emulate.

1. Introduction second largest producer of CPO in the

country with around 640,000 ha (18.20 %)
Biodiesel is a clean burning of the cultivation area at year 2001 [2], see
alternative fuel produced from domestic, Figure 1. The availability of the abundant
renewable resources. It is simple to use, energy sources makes the oil palm truly
biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free attractive as a future source of renewable
of sulfur and aromatics. Chemically, energy. If exploited prudently, it will
biodiesel is a fuel composed of mono-alkyl enhance the sustainability of the oil palm
ester of long chain fatty acids derived from plantation.
vegetable oils or animal fats, designated B UTHM is a state university located in
100, and meeting the requirements of ASTM Johor has recently embarked on a project of
(American Society for Testing and Materials a biodiesel pilot plant with the feedstock of
) D 6751 or EN (European Norm) 14214. CPO. It will contribute to the use of
The state of Johor is fortunate to sustainable renewable energy source in an
have a plentiful supply of oil palm and the efficient manner and is in line with

Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

18.20% 10.71% Johor Sarawak

N. Sembilan
29.36% Pahang
P. Pinang
15.22% Terengganu

Figure 1: Percentage of Distribution of Oil Palm Area by State

Malaysia's development policy of renewable comparison [3-5]. The kinematic viscosity

energy as a fifth fuel [1]. measures the flow resistance of the fuel.
Viscosity is important to diesel and biodiesel
because it impacts the operation of
components such as the fuel pump. Higher
2. CPO, Diesel, and Biodiesel Properties viscosity interferes with injector operation,
resulting in poorer atomization of the fuel
The oil palm produces two types of spray, and has been associated with
oils from the same fruit – palm oil from the increased engine deposits. As shown in
outer flesh or mesocarp and palm kernel oil Table 1, the viscosity of the CPO above 10
or lauric oil from the seed or kernel inside times higher than of the diesel specification.
the hard-shell. The palm oil extracted from Cetane number is a measure of the fuel's
the mesocarp is known as crude palm oil ignition delay. Higher cetane number
(CPO). The kernel also yields residual indicates shorter time between the injection
product known as palm kernel meal, which of the fuel and its ignition. Based on this
is mostly used for animal feed. number alone, biodiesel would tend to
The differences between the improve the operation of the engine with
feedstock, biodiesel, and petroleum based respect to pure diesel due to its higher cetane
diesel fuel are important to understand. number. Flash point measures the lowest
Table 1 represents selected physical and temperature at which application of test
thermodynamical data of CPO and oils for flame causes the vapor above the sample to

Table 1: CPO, Diesel, and Biodiesel Specification

Kinematic Flash Density Sulfur
Cetane heating
Oil type viscosity at point (kg/l) at content
number value
40 oC) ( oC ) 15 oC ( % wt )
( MJ/kg )
CPO 42 > 49 285 39.7 fat < 0.05
Diesel 4.0 50 84 45 0.85 0.16

3.5-5.0 51 min 120 min 39 – 41 0.86-0.90 0.001 (max)


Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

ignite. It is used to assess the overall The pilot plant design is modular –
flammability hazard of the material. Flash one module for CPO pretreatment which
point is used in safety regulations to define converts CPO into Bleach Palm Oil (BPO),
flammable and combustible materials. the second one for refining and separating
Biodiesel would be considered significantly which converts and process the BPO into the
safer with higher temperature. The sulfur end product of biodiesel that meets EN
content of biodiesel is very low and it 14214 fuel specifications. The Block Flow
reduces significantly particulate emissions in Diagram (BFD) of the biodiesel production
comparison with normal diesel. used in this project is depicted in Figure 2.
According to EN 14214 or ASTM In the pretreatment module, the process
D6751 there are 26 parameters of standard begins with degumming when the CPO is
specification for biodiesel fuel oils. treated with phosphoric acid to remove the
natural gums, and followed by bleaching
3. Processes of Biodiesel Production with activated earth under vacuum to
remove the coloring matters as well as to
Converting the feedstock of CPO adsorbs any metal ions content. Other
into fuel grade biodiesel will be performed impurities such as dirt and solid particles are
in a pilot plant with a capacity of 1 MT per removed using a bleaching earth filter. The
batch. The batch process has been selected objective of the pretreatment section is to
for operational flexibility of equipment, the prepare the raw materials quality to be fit for
possibility of a variety of raw materials as the second module. The product of this
well as the plant retrofit for future module is the refined bleached palm oil
development. (BPO).
The subsequent process is

Figure 2: Block Flow Diagram of Biodiesel Production

Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

esterification and transesterification of the engineering contractor must work

BPO with methanol under presence of acid synergistic during the plant development
and base catalyst, respectively. The after awarding the contract.
esterification process converts free fatty The feasibility study performed by
acids containing in the BPO to methyl esters the plant owner consists of preliminary
under mild conditions. This reaction design work. Market analyzes are carried
products are then transferred into the out to determine potential benefit, future
transesterfication reactor with methanol to demand trend in energy conversion
form fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) or technology, availability of raw materials,
biodiesel. The excess of methanol is and competitive situation. The plant
recovered for reuse. The methyl esters are capacity and location are specified.
then washed, filtered, and vacuum dried Particular attention must be paid hereby to
before sending to the storage. The waste environmental protection. Studies are
water resulted by the biodiesel production supplemented by sufficient accurate
will be well treated before releasing it to estimates of capital requirements and
public drainage. profitability.
Once the decision has been made to
4. Project Development go ahead with the construction project, the
plant owner proceeds with the preparation of
The project of the pilot plant started an accurate, comprehensive definition of the
at the beginning 2007 and is expected to be pilot plant which is used as the basis for
fully operational before end of 2008. inviting bids from competent engineering
Design and construction of the contractors. The conceptual phase of the
biodiesel plant are complex operations project ends when an appropriate
comprising many interrelated activities engineering firm is chosen and the contract
starting from the feasibility study till the signed.
plant handing over. The plant owner and the The implementation phase consists
of basic engineering or process design, detail
engineering of the pilot plant, procurement
of the plant equipment and material,
construction, and commissioning. After a
successful test run, the plant is handed over
to the plant owner. Figure 3 shows a
schematic diagram of the development of
the UTHM biodiesel pilot plant. Project
activity performed by the plant owner is
indicated by a rounded square, otherwise by
the plant contractor. This article will
emphasizes the basic engineering stage
when some problems on maintenance aspect
and safety concerns have been encountered
Figure 3: Development of the plant project in the early stage, and the best solution must
be searched.

Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

4.1 Site Location problems and solving

In the beginning of the project, the

pilot plant should be located inside the
existing laboratory building. This site
location is selected to utilize the existing
steam boiler for heat supply into the process
plant. The environmental impacts such such
effluents of methanol vapor and waste water
have been included in the feasibility study.
The following problems have
emerged during the basic engineering
• Maintenance problem
The space between the highest point
of the equipment and the ceiling is
only 30 cm left. It will be difficult
for an operator to conduct the
maintenance duty, see Figure 4.
• Lack of data of the floor structure
Even though the building has been
used to store 8 CNC machines and
each machine has at least 3 Tones in
weight, this previous data is not Figure 4: Plant layout inside the building
enough to convince the personnel
from the civil engineering group. by 2.5 m, it brings to very expensive
Because of unavailability of the for the civil work.
original data regarding to the floor
structure strength of the building, it Additionally, the Occupational Safety and
brings to uncertainty whether the Health Administration (OSHA)
building structure is able to recommended for double layer and fire walls
withstand the total load of the plant. for the building walls next to the other
The plant equipments are skid laboratories. The cost for the removing the
mounted on the steel frames and old walls and replace with the new ones will
distributed in three floors. The be very high.
maximum load in a section is
estimated 20 MT. To resolve that problems, a technical
• Ventilation systems solution has been proposed in which the
The pilot plant is exposed to the pilot plant should be redesigned to
potential hazard of the methanol overcome such of difficulties and must be
vapor. This hazard is controlled by suitable for installation inside the building.
the proper natural ventilation This approach has failed due to the cost
systems within the building. To get incurred for the building restructuring and
the natural ventilation, the height of setting up a new construction site doesn't
the building roof must be increased differ significantly.

Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

The final site location has been then process flow diagram, the piping and
recommended by the civil engineering team instrumentation diagram, plant layout,
for a new building that is isolated with other equipment list, utility distribution, process
laboratories and the pilot plant will be engineering data, electrical equipment list,
installed near to the university waste water data sheet for control equipment and
treatment pool. instrumentation, and the maximum load
distribution. The process flow diagram is
4.2 Basic engineering extracted from the block flow diagram as
explained in section 3. This diagram
With a new building for the pilot contains the bulk of input and output
plant, a significant change in spaces for streams necessary for the design of the
process area and utility has caused the process engineering. The Piping and
change in the plant layout and the utility Instrumentation Diagram (P & ID) or
arrangement along with the budget and the mechanical flow diagram describes the
project schedule. Activities in the basic whole plant in detail It contains all essential
engineering phase remains the same except information including:
an adaption in piping and and plant layout.
The current stage of the project is in the • Operating data and dimensions of
development of the basic engineering that is equipment including the bleaching
described below. vessel, the reactors, the filters, the
Basic engineering includes the degumming vessel, methanol

Figure 5: Overall plant layout plan (unscaled)

Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

• Design data for pumps, data on Furthermore, with a production
insulation and heating of equipment capacity of 1 MT per batch, the biodiesel
as well as piping. product can be utilized as fuel for university
• Codes for fittings and equipment buses, trucks, and process heating such as
nozzles boilers.
• Detailed information on electrical
and dedicated control systems 5. Summary

Plant layout includes approximate Project development of the biodiesel

data on the positions and sizes of the plant is a complex task comprising many
pretreatment section, the reactors and interrelated activities starting from the
separating section, the storage areas for feasibility study till the plant handing over.
chemical, raw materials, end products, a The plant owner and the engineering
control room, a boiler house, and the contractor must work synergistic during the
compressed air and nitrogen storages. Figure plant development stages after awarding the
5 shows the overall pilot plant layout plan. contract.
Some problems encountered in the
stage of basic engineering regarding to the
4. Utilization site locations have been solved after
thorough considerations on maintenance
The biodiesel pilot plant is a problems, safety issues, and potential future
significant platform especially for development.
conducting research and development in The biodiesel pilot plant planned
area of alternative energy resources that are ready for operation before end of 2008 will
plentiful available in Johor. This pilot plant give us more opportunities to conduct
represents the real commercial biodiesel research and development in area of
plant however in smaller scale. The batch alternative energy resources and other
technology of the pilot plant enables us to related disciplines that are in line with the
study the performance of each unit Malaysia's development policy of renewable
operation or a plant revamping if necessary energy as a fifth fuel.
without interfering the production processes,
test the operability of a control system,
obtain kinetic data, determine the economic References
feasibility or new process, gain the design
data, screen catalysts, prove areas of [1] Yusof Basiron, Palm Oil Production
advanced technology, and provide data for through Sustainable Plantations, European
solutions to scale-up problems along with Journal of Lipid Scientific Technology,
technical support to an existing process or 2007, pp 289-295
product. The environmental impact studies
such as toxic dispersion model, waste water, [2] Teoh Cheng Hai, The Palm Oil Industry
and assessing process hazards are in Malaysia, WWF Malaysia, 2002
interesting areas of choices. Additionally,
the pilot plant may give better impression [3] Yusof Basiron and Choo Yuen May,
and inspiration to the students during Crude Palm Oil as a Source of Biofuel,
experimental activities.

Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2008), 21– 23 May 2008, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
© Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia.
ISBN: 97–98 –2963–59–2

Malaysian Palm Oil Boad, Malaysia,

Technical Report, 2005.

[4] Y M Choo and A N Ma, Production

Technology of Methyl Esters from Palm and
Palm Kernel Oils, Technical Report of
Porim Technology, number 18, MPOB,
Malaysia, 1996

[5] Divya Bajpai and V.K Tyagi, Biodiesel:

Source, Production, Composition, Properties
and Its Benefits, Journal of Oleo Science,
2006, pp 487-502

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