Nov 2022 Pathfinder Skills
Nov 2022 Pathfinder Skills
Nov 2022 Pathfinder Skills
Question Papers
Suggested Solutions
Examiner‟s Reports
Marking Guides
The answers provided in this publication do not exhaust all possible alternative
approaches to solving these questions. Efforts had been made to use the
methods, which will save much of the scarce examination time. Also, in order to
facilitate teaching, questions may be edited so that some principles or their
application may be more clearly demonstrated.
Although these suggested solutions have been published under the
Institute‟s name, they do not represent the views of the Council of the
Institute. The suggested solutions are entirely the responsibility of their
authors and the Institute will not enter into any correspondence on them.
ICAN/222/Q/B1 Examination No.....................
1. Check your pockets, purse, mathematical set, etc. to ensure that you do
not have prohibited items such as telephone handset, electronic storage
device, programmable devices, wristwatches or any form of written
material on you in the examination hall. You will be stopped from
continuing with the examination and liable to further disciplinary actions
including cancellation of examination result if caught.
Time Allowed: 31/4 hours (including 15 minutes reading time)
Statement of comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2020:
Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2020:
Additional Information:
(i) Inventories as at December 31, 2019 were N60 million, N30 million and
N50 Million and the current market prices, 30 kobo, 28 kobo and 10 kobo
for Favour Plc, Grace Limited and Blessing Limited respectively.
(ii) Purchases for cash within 365 days in the year 2020 were 10%, 20% and
40% of cost of sales for Favour Plc, Grace Limited and Blessing Limited
a. Calculate the following ratios for Grace Limited and Blessing Limited.
i. Net profit margin
ii. Quick ratio
iii. Debt equity ratio
iv. Proprietary ratio
v. Earnings yield
vi. Net asset per share (10 Marks)
b. Draft a technical report titled „Performance Scorecard‟ of Blessing Limited
and Grace Limited and advise Favour Plc in which of the two companies it
should acquire 75% controlling interests. (10 Marks)
c. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Favour Plc noted that the records of
Blessing Limited and Grace Limited are maintained using block chain
Discuss the type of records that a company can maintain in blockchain and state
TWO benefits of making use of this technology. (10 Marks)
(Total 30 Marks)
Financial statements and extract from the cashbook of Obudu Nigeria Limited
for the year ended December 31, 2020 are summarised below:
Revenue 169,314
Cost of sales (102,798)
Gross profit 66,516
Investment income 15,000
Depreciation (7,650)
Salaries and wages (4,712)
Other cash expenses (7,594)
Loss on disposal of equipment (2,061)
Interest expense (3,375)
Profit before taxation 56,124
Income tax expense (16,988)
Profit for the year 39,136
Obudu Nigeria Limited
Statement of financial position as at December 31
2020 2019
Non-current assets: N’000 N’000
Property, plant and equipment 98,550 86,400
Current assets:
Inventories 21,308 11,363
Trade receivables 22,703 14,063
Cash and bank 5,940 7,088
Trade investments 675 1,238
149,176 120,152
Equity and liabilities:
Ordinary share capital of N1 each 28,125 22,500
Retained earnings 40,111 21,600
68,236 44,100
Non-current liabilities
8% loan notes 33,750 40,500
Current liabilities
Trade payables and accruals 35,375 30,240
Taxation 11,815 5,312
149,176 120,152
Other Information
(i) The 8% loan notes have been partly redeemed. It is expected that the full
redemption will be made in five years time.
(ii) A cash payment for insurance of N1million was omitted in the cash book
and other records.
(iii) The investments are not easily realisable.
a. Prepare the statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2020
using the direct method in accordance with IAS 7. (9 Marks)
b. Prepare a statement of reconciliation of the operating profit to cash flow
from operations. (5 Marks)
c. Discuss the benefits of statement of cash flows information to users of
financial statements. (6 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
a. Food Plc has a subsidiary, Eba Limited. The statements of financial
position of the companies as at September 30, 2020 are presented below:
Food Plc Eba Limited
Assets: N’000 N’000
Non-current assets 536,000 258,000
Investment in subsidiary at cost 220,000 -
Current assets:
Inventories 88,500 92,000
Trade and other receivables 75,400 69,800
Bills receivables 30,000 -
Cash and bank 25,600 32,200
Due from Eba Limited 20,000 -
Total assets 995,500 452,000
Equity and liabilities:
Ordinary share capital 400,000 150,000
Share premium 50,000 -
Retained earnings 203,400 88,500
General reserve 105,600 64,600
Non-current liabilities:
10% Loan notes 100,000 50,000
Current liabilities:
Trade and other payables 96,300 46,900
Bank overdrafts 40,200 -
Bills payables - 40,000
Due to Food PLC - 12,000
Total equity and liabilities N995,500 N452,000
Additional Information:
(i) Food PLC acquired four hundred and eighty million shares in Eba Limited
two years ago when the balances in retained earnings and general
reserves were N60,000,000 and N48,000,000 respectively.
(ii) The fair value of non-controlling interests in Eba limited as at the
acquisition date was N158,000,000.
(iii) During the year, goods costing N80,000,000 to Food PLC were transferred
to Eba Limited. It is the policy of Food PLC to transfer goods at cost plus
25%. A quarter of these goods have been sold by Eba Limited at year end.
(iv) Part of the bills receivable have been discounted by Food PLC.
(v) The sum of N8,000,000 transferred by Eba Limited to Food PLC as part
payment for indebtedness was received after the reporting date.
(vi) An impairment test revealed a loss of N16,000,000 on the goodwill
arising on the acquisition of Eba Limited.
(vii) The carrying amount of the net assets of Eba Limited is N20,000,000 more
than the fair value at acquisition date. This was due to the loss in value
of the company‟s machinery occasioned by change in technology. The
machinery is depreciated at a flat rate of 15% on cost.
(viii) The nominal value of the ordinary shares of Food PLC are denominated in
50 kobo per share, while those of Eba Limited are 25 kobo each.
a. Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of Food group as
at September 30, 2020. (15 Marks)
b. A gain from a bargain purchase may arise in the course of a business
combination and when this happens, the acquirer must review or reassess
the procedure used to measure certain items at the acquisition date.
c. Explain the term “Gain from a bargain purchase” and identify the three
items stipulated in IFRS 3 that must be reviewed. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
IFRS is published subject to the appropriate level of IASB approval. This also
includes the opinions of any dissenting IASB members and basis of IASB
a. Describe SIX steps involved in the process of issuing International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). (6 Marks)
b. Explain any TWO enhancing characteristics of financial information.
(2 Marks)
c. IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments, prescribes principles for reporting,
recognising and de-recognising financial instruments in the financial
statements of an entity.
Explain TWO classes of financial instruments in accordance with IFRS 9.
(4 Marks)
d. On January 1, 2020, an entity bought Lagos State Government Bond in
the capital market for N575,000,000. The principal amount of the bond is
N500,000,000 and it is redeemable at par on December 31, 2025. The
bond has a stated interest rate of 15% payable annually and an effective
interest rate of 12%.
Draft an amortisation schedule to indicate the amortised cost at the end
of each year and the journal entries at the end of December 31, 2025.
(8 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
i. Explain FIVE conditions under which development costs can be
recognised as intangibles in financial statements. (5 Marks)
ii. Highlight FIVE conditions, which should be considered to determine
The useful life in the amortisation of intangible assets in the
financial statements. (5 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
a. IAS 33-Earnings Per Share (EPS) requires entities to calculate basic and
diluted earnings per share. However, diluted EPS and basic EPS will
usually differ when there are potential ordinary shares in existence.
i. Explain the term potential ordinary share giving THREE examples
as stated in IAS 33. (3 Marks)
ii. Describe the procedure for ranking when there are several types of
potential ordinary share in issue when calculating diluted EPS.
(3 Marks)
b. The following information relates to Jumai Nigeria Limited for the year
ended December 31, 2020.
Issued ordinary shares of 50k each N 3,000,000
Profit for the year N18,000,000
Average market price of shares during the year was N70 per share. The
potential financial instruments in existence in the company are detailed
i. 800,000 options with exercise price of N52.50.
ii. 5% convertible bond of N6,000,000. Each bond is convertible in year
2025 into ordinary shares at the rate of 30 new shares for every N100
iii. 200,000 8% convertible preference shares at N10 per share. Each
preference share is convertible in year 2024 at the rate of one ordinary
share for every 25 preference shares held.
The Company income tax rate is 30%.
Assume that all the options are exercised.
Rank the potential ordinary shares and calculate the diluted EPS for the
year ended December 31, 2020. (7 Marks)
(a) Computation of relevant accounting ratios for Grace Limited & Blessing Limited
Grace Limited Blessing Limited
i. Net profit margin = 51,000 × 100 33,000 × 100
Profit before interest and tax × 100 100,000 100,000
Revenue = 51% = 33%
ii. Quick ratio/acid test = 230,000 – 90,000 270,000 – 160,000
Current assets – inventory 37,820 122,160
current liabilities = 3.70:1 = 0.90:1
iii. Debt to equity ratio = Long-term debt x 100 35,000 × 100 315,000 × 100
Total Equity 1 437,180 122,840
= 8.01% = 256.43%
iv. Proprietory ratio = Shareholder‟s fund 437,180 122,840
Tangible assets 510,000 560,000
= 0.86:1 or 86% = 0.22:1 or 22%
v. Earnings yield = EPS x 100 20.7 × 100 0.95 × 100
MPS 28 10
= 73.93% = 9.50%
Earnings per share (EPS) = PAT x 100 _ 33,180 × 100 840 x 100
No. of Ord Share 160,000 ord. 88,000 ord.
= 20.7 kobo = 0.95 kobo
vi. Net asset per share = __Net asset _ 437,180 122,840
No. of Ord Share 160,000 88,000
=273 kobo = 140 kobo
OR N2.73k OR N1.40k
(b) Obokun & Co.
(Chartered Accountants)
Lagos, Nigeria
i. Based on the computed net profit margin of the two companies, the net
profit margin of Grace Ltd is 51% while that of Blessing Ltd shows 33%,
indicating that Grace Ltd is more profitable than Blessing Ltd.
ii. The profitability level of Blessing Ltd is seen to be too low. This was
probably due to poor control of overhead by Blessing Ltd since the two
companies almost have the same gross profit.
iii. In addition, the earnings yield of Grace Ltd is high, 73.93% while that of
Blessing Limited is 9.5%. This is an indication that Grace Ltd is likely to
provide shareholders of Favour Plc more returns than Blessing Ltd.
i. With reference to the computed quick ratio of the two companies, it can
be deduced that Grace Ltd is more liquid than Blessing Ltd. The quick
ratio of Grace Ltd is 3.7:1 while that of Blessing Ltd is 0.9:1.
ii. This indicates that Grace Ltd will be more comfortable in meeting its
short-term debt obligations than Blessing Ltd.
ii. In addition, the proprietary ratio computed for the two companies
indicates that the shareholders in Grace Ltd would be more secured and
protected in the case of liquidation, compared to Blessing Ltd that has a
lower proprietary ratio of 22%. Furthermore, the net asset per share of
Grace Ltd is higher than that of Blessing Ltd, indicating that Grace Ltd is
more solvent and financially stable.
However, in view of the fact that Grace Ltd will be capable of utilising its
resources more efficiently and considering the fact that it is a highly profitable
company with a fairly suitable liquidity position we would advise that, the
directors of Favour Plc should acquire 75% interest in Grace Ltd.
Further information that may be useful to the board of directors of Favour Plc
when making acquisition decisions are:
i. In this case, the analysis has been made on the draft financial
statements. These may be unreliable or change when finalised. Audited
financial statements would add credibility;
ii. Other relevant information should be considered, for example profit
forecasts, cash budgets, capital expenditure budget and future
iii. There would be need to ascertain current (fair) value of assets to be
iv. The level of risks and uncertainties within the business industry should
be considered;
v. The purchase consideration and mode of payment for the acquisition
should also be considered;
vi. Tax implication should also be considered; and
vii. Competitive advantage; and management quality of the target entity.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any area of this report that requires further
Thank you.
Trainee Accountant
ii. Auditing records: It helps in keeping financial transactions transparent
and auditable;
iii. Inventory records: It makes the transaction records of inventory
accessible to authorised users at any time and location; and
iv. Banking records: It enables quick funds transfer, recording of financial
transactions accurately, recording smart contracts, protecting and
transferring ownership of assets, verifying people's identities and
credentials, and much more.
Examiner’s report
Part (a) of the question tests the performance evaluation of two companies with
the aim of making acquisition decisions using ratio analysis, while part (b)
requires the candidates to discuss types of accounting records that can be
maintained using blockchain technologies and the benefits of the technology.
Majority of the candidates attempted the question and their performance was
below average.
Most candidates were able to calculate the ratios but could not carry out correct
evaluations using the ratios to arrive at the appropriate conclusions and make
relevant recommendations.
Candidates are advised to pay attention to all sections of the syllabus for better
performance in future examinations.
b) Technical report on performance scorecard
- Memo format for report 1
- Analysis of profitability performance 2
- Analysis of liquidity position 2
- Analysis of gearing and solvency position 2
- Conclusion of the report 1
- Recommendation 1
- Closing of the report 1 10
Note I – cash/bank balance in statement of financial position 5,940
Less – Omitted payment for Insurance (1,000)
(b) Obudu Nigeria Limited
Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from operation
Operating activities: N'000 N'000
Profit before taxation 56,124
Add (Less) Adjustments:
Insurance expenses omitted (1,000)
Investment income (15,000)
Interest expenses 3,375
Depreciation 7,650
Loss on disposal of equipment 2,061 (2,914)
Cashflows from operations before working capital 53,210
Working capital changes:
Increase in inventories (11,363 - 21,308) (9,945)
Increase in trade receivables (14,063 - 22,703) (8,640)
Increase in trade payables and accruals (35,375 - 30,240) _5,135 (13,450)
Cash flows from operations 39,760
Interest paid (2,250)
Taxation Paid (10,485)
Net cashflows from operating activities 27,025
(i) Where the direct method is used in preparing the statement of cash
flows, it reveals information which are not available in any other
financial statement.
(ii) A statement of cash flows provides information which helps users to
evaluate changes in the net assets of an entity and in its financial
structure (including its liquidity and solvency).
(iii) It provides information that helps users to assess the ability of the
entity to determine the amount and timing of its cash flows in order
to adapt to changing circumstances and unexpected opportunities.
(iv) It is useful in assessing the ability of the entity to generate cash and
cash equivalents.
(v) It helps users of accounts to compare the performance of different
entities because unlike profits, comparisons of cash flows are not
affected by the different accounting policies used by different entities.
(vi) Historical cash flows are often a fairly reliable indicator of the
amount, timing and certainty of future cash flows.
(vii) The statement brings into sharp contrast the entity‟s earning capacity
with its spending activity.
(viii) Focus on cash flows explains the nature of the events which have
affected the cash movements.
Examiner’s report
The question tests the candidate‟s knowledge of the preparation of statements of
cash flows in accordance with the provisions of IAS7 and the benefits of the
statement to users of financial information.
Most of the candidates attempted the question and their performance was above
The common pitfall was the inability of candidates to correctly account for the
cash payment relating to Insurance expenses which were omitted in the
The candidates should pay more attention to the preparation of final accounts
which also include preparation of statement of cash flows.
Working notes
Wk 1: Group structure
Food Plc ---------------80% (480m/(150m/0.25))--------------- Eba Limited
NCI = 20%
At Rep. Post-
Wk 2: Net asset of subsidiary Date At Acq. Date Acq.
N'000 N'000 N'000
Ordinary share 150,000 150,000 -
Retained earnings 88,500 60,000 28,500
General reserves 64,600 48,000 16,600
Fair value adjustment:
Property (20,000) (20,000) -
Depreciation 9,000 -___ 9,000
292,100 238,000 54,100
Excess Depreciation 15 100 × N20,000 × 3 years = N9000
Wk 7: Consolidated Bill Payables N'000
Bills receivables - Food PLC (30,000)
Bills payables - Eba Limited 40,000
Consolidated Bills Payables 10,000
Under IFRS 3, the acquirer must then review the fair value used to measure
the amounts to be recognised at the acquisition date for all the following:
i. The identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed;
ii. The non-controlling interest in the acquired company (if any); and
iii. The consideration transferred.
Any amount remaining after applying the above requirements is
recognised as a gain in profit or loss on the acquisition date.
Examiner’s report
The question is on preparation of consolidated statement of financial position
and it tests candidates‟ knowledge of simple group involving treatments of
goodwill, cash-in-transit and fair value adjustments.
Majority of the candidates attempted the question and their performance was
The common pitfalls was their inability to correctly calculate goodwill and
determine the net assets of the subsidiary. Also most candidates could not
explain the term gain from bargain purchase and items required for the review
of the gain from bargain purchase as stated under IFRS3-Business
Marking guide Marks Marks
a) Preparation of consolidated statement of financial position
- Stating correct title of financial statement ¼
- Presentation of non-current assets 1 34
- Presentation of current assets 1¼
- Presentation of equity 1 34
- Presentation and evaluation of non-controlling interest 1½
- Presentation of non-current liabilities 3
(b) Enhancing characteristics of financial information
i) Comparability
Comparability is the qualitative characteristic that enables users to
identify and understand similarities in, and differences among, items.
Information about a reporting entity is more useful if it can be
compared with similar information about other entities and with
similar information about the same entity for another period or
another date. Consistency is related to comparability but is not the
same. Consistency refers to the use of the same methods for the same
items, either from period to period within a reporting entity or in a
single period across entities. Consistency helps to achieve the goal of
ii) Verifiability
This quality helps assure users that information faithfully represents
the economic phenomena it purports to represent.
• Verifiability means that different knowledgeable and independent
observers could reach consensus that a particular depiction is a
faithful representation.
• Quantified information need not be a single point estimate to be
verifiable. A range of possible amounts and the related
probabilities can also be verified.
iii) Timeliness:
This means having information available to decision-makers in time
to be capable of influencing their decisions.
iv) Understandability:
Information is made understandable by classifying, characterising
and presenting it in a clear and concise manner. Financial reports are
prepared for users who have a reasonable knowledge of business and
economic activities and who review and analyse the information
(ii) Fair value through other comprehensive income
Within a business financial model, a financial asset is measured at
fair value through other comprehensive income if:
The assets are held when the objective of business model is
achieved by collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial
assets; and
The terms of the contractual agreement of the financial assets give
rise to cash flows on a specified date that is wholly for payments of
principal and interest outstanding on the principal.
(iii) Fair Value through profit or loss
It is the normal default classification for financial assets, which are
applicable to all financial assets except they are to be measured at
amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive income;
This classification includes financial assets held for trading purposes
and derivatives unless they are properly designated for hedging
The journal entries at the end of December 31, 2025 will be as follows:
Dr. Cr.
Cash 575,000,000
Balance as per amortisation table 26,308,866
Investment in Lagos State Government Bond 536,882,916
Investment income 64,425,950
Being entries on amortisation of Lagos State
Government bond
Examiner’s report
The parts (a) and (b) of the question is on International Accounting Standards
Board (IASB) requirements which relates to process of issuing International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the enhancing characteristics of
financial information. While part (c) and (d) dealt with classes of financial
instrument under IAS 9 as well as preparation of amortisation schedule of
government bonds.
Most candidates attempted parts (a) and (b) of the question while majority did
not attempt parts (c) and (d), on Financial Instruments.
The performance of the candidates in this question was below average probably
due to their poor performance in the parts (c) and (d).
Candidates are advised to pay more attention to all areas of the syllabus for
better performance in future examinations.
(a) Professional behaviour denotes that members must comply with relevant
extant laws and regulations of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Nigerian (ICAN) and that members of the Institute should avoid any action
which discredits the profession. Members should behave with courtesy and
consideration towards all with whom they come into contact with in
professional capacity.
Fundamental threats to these principles
The fundamental threats to the principles of professional behaviour are as
Self interest threat may occur as a result of the financial or other interests
from family members or immediate close friends;
Self-review threat occurs when a previous judgement needs to be re-
evaluated by members responsible for that judgement, that is, where a
member maintains books of account of an entity, he may not be willing to
find fault with the financial statements derived from those records;
Advocacy threats occur when a Chartered Accountant provides false or
misleading information in advocating for an entity. A Chartered
Accountant may often need to promote the entity‟s position by providing
financial information. As long as the information provided is neither false
nor misleading, such actions would not create advocacy threat.
Familiarity threat occurs when a Chartered Accountant becomes too
sympathetic in the course of carrying out his or her professional duty as a
result of interest from family members and close associates; and
Intimidation threats occur when a member, in the process of performing
his or professional duty is intimidated or influenced by fear, such a
member entertains fear when he or she works with aggressive clients.
(b) i) Under IAS 38, the conditions under which development costs can be
recognised as intangible assets in the financial statements are:
ii) The following are the factors to be considered in determining the useful
life for the amortisation of an intangible asset, in the financial
The expected usage of the asset by the entity and whether the asset
could be managed efficiently by another management team;
Typical product life cycles for the assets and public information on
estimates of useful lives of similar assets that are used in a similar
Technical, technological, commercial or other types of obsolescence;
The stability of the industry in which the asset operates and changes
in the market demand for the products or services output from the
Expected actions by competitors or potential competitors;
The level of maintenance expenditure required to obtain the expected
future economic benefits from the asset and the entity‟s ability and
intention to reach such a level;
The period of control over the asset and legal or similar limits on the
use of the asset, such as the expiry dates of related leases; and
Whether the useful life of the asset is dependent on the useful life of
other assets of the entity.
Examiner’s report
The question tests ICAN code of professional behaviour and provisions of IAS38
on Intangible Assets.
Most candidates attempted the question but their performance was below
The common pitfalls were as follows:
Inability to correctly states the conditions under which development costs
can be recognised as intangible assets in the financial statement; and
Some candidates could not explain what is meant by professional
behaviour and state the threats that could affect such behaviour.
a i. Potential ordinary share
A potential ordinary share is a financial instrument or other contract that
may entitle its holders to ordinary shares at some time in the future.
Three examples of potential ordinary shares are:
Financial liabilities or equity instruments that are convertible into new
ordinary shares at some time in the future, such as convertible
debentures, convertible preference shares, etc.;
Share options and warrants. Options and warrants are financial
instruments that give the holders the right, but not the obligation, to
purchase new ordinary shares at some time in the future at a fixed price;
Shares that will be issued if certain contractual conditions are met, such
as contractual conditions relating to the purchase of a business.
ii. Procedure for ranking potential ordinary share
When there are several types of potential ordinary shares in issue, they
should be ranked in order of dilution, with the most dilutive potential
ordinary shares ranked first;
In order to carry out the ranking the earnings per incremental share is
found for each potential ordinary share. This is the earnings adjustment
that would be necessary, divided by the number of shares that would
come into being if the shares were included in the calculation of diluted
EPS; and
The money options and warrants always rank first as they increase the
number of shares in the calculation without affecting the earnings.
ii Convertible bonds:
5% of N6,000,000 300,000
Less tax at 30% (90,000)
N6,000,000 x 30/100 1,800,000 2nd
210,000 1,800,000 0.12 (wk 2)
iii Preference shares:
8% of N2,000,000 × 0.7 112,000
200,000 shares x 1/25 8,000 14.00 (wk 3) 3rd
Jumai Nigeria Limited
ii) Calculation of EPS
Earnings Number of EPS
Basic EPS 18,000,000 6,000,000 3.00
Options 0 200,000
Diluted EPS options only 18,000,000 6,200,000 2.90 Dilutive
Convertible Bonds 210,000 1,800,000
**DEPS options and Bonds 18,210,000 8,000,000 2.28 Dilutive
Convertible pref shares 112,000 8,000 2.29 Not Dilutive
18,322,00 8,008,000
The diluted earnings per share is 2.28
Wk 1 Cash received 800,000 × N52.50 = N42,000,000
Shares purchasable = N42,000,000 ÷ N70 = 600,000 shares
Dilutive number of shares = (800,000 - 600,000) = 200,000 shares
Wk 2 Convertible bonds = 210,000 ÷ 1.800,000 = 0.12
c) Limitations of EPS
(i) Not all entities use the same accounting policies. It may not always
be possible to make meaningful comparison between EPS of different
(ii) EPS does not take account of inflation, therefore growth in EPS over
time might be misleading.
(iii) EPS measures an entity‟s profitability, but this is only part of an
entity‟s overall performance. An entity‟s cash flows can be just as
important as its profit (and more essential to its immediate survival).
Changes in the value of assets that is holding gains can also be an
important part of performance for some entities.
(iv) Diluted EPS is often described as an early warning to investors that
the returns on their investment may fall sometimes in the future.
However, diluted EPS is based on current earnings, not forecast
earnings. This means that it may not be a reliable predictor of future
(v) EPS is not a complete tool for investment analysis as it cannot provide
information on liquidity position of the entity.
Examiner’s report
The question is on provisions of IAS 33-Earnings Per Share (EPS) and it also,
tests candidates‟ knowledge of computation of diluted EPS and limitation of EPS
as a means of determining an entity‟s performance.
Candidates are advised to pay more attention to all sections of the Institute‟s
syllabus, for better performance in future examinations.
Marking guide Marks Marks
ai) Explanation of the term potential ordinary shares 1½
- Stating three (3) examples of potential ordinary shares 1½ 3
v. In dealing with topics that are not yet covered in the international
vi. Auditors in forming opinion as to whether financial statements
conform with the international standards;
vii. Users of financial statements to interpret the information in the
financial statements prepared in accordance with the international
standards; and
viii. Those who are interested in the work of IASB with information about
its mode of operations and approaches to the formulation of
international standards.
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ knowledge of Conceptual Framework issued by
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the applications of
Business Model Test for various classes of financial instruments under IAS 9.
ICAN/222/Q/B2 Examination No...........................
1. Check your pockets, purse, mathematical set, etc. to ensure that you do not
have prohibited items such as telephone handset, electronic storage device,
programmable devices, wristwatches or any form of written material on you
in the examination hall. You will be stopped from continuing with the
examination and liable to further disciplinary actions including cancellation
of examination result if caught.
5. Read all instructions in each section of the question paper carefully before
answering the questions.
6. Do NOT answer more than the number of questions required in each section,
otherwise, you will be penalised.
7. All solutions should be written in BLUE or BLACK INK. Any solution written
in PENCIL or RED INK will not be marked.
In an accountancy class on “Audit Opinion in International Standards on
Auditing”, Ado, a lecturer at ICAN University, was explaining to the students
that the end product of external audit work is the auditor‟s opinion expressed on
the financial statements. He stated that a general purpose financial statement
was in compliance with the financial reporting framework designed to meet the
common financial information needs of a wide variety of users.
The role of audit is to provide a high level of assurance to the users of the
financial statements and that it is necessary for users to have confidence that
consistent auditing standards have been applied to the audits of financial
statements of companies. He went further to explain that the overall objectives
of the independent auditor is to ensure that the conduct of an audit is in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing. He concluded that the
auditor‟s report shall include a section with the heading “Opinion” as stated
We have audited the financial statements of Inajit Plc set out on pages XXX to
XXXX which comprise the statement of financial position as at year end date,
and the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the
statement of changes in equity and the statement of cash flows for the year then
ended, the notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant
accounting policies.
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of financial
position of Inajit Plc as at year end date, and its financial performance and cash
flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards and the requirements of the Companies and Allied Matters
Act 2020 and Financial Reporting Council Act, 2011.
At the end of the lecture a student in the class came to you for further
explanation on the topic.
a. State the objectives of the independent auditor as stated in International
Standards on Auditing. (5 Marks)
b. Outline what ISA 200 requires the auditor to do in relation to the audit of
financial statements. (10 Marks)
c. Explain the scope of audit as described in the independent auditor‟s
report. (5 Marks)
d. Highlight the role of regulatory bodies in ensuring that audits are carried
out in line with standards. (10 Marks)
(Total 30 Marks)
The International Standards on Auditing (ISA) 230 deals with the auditor‟s
responsibility to prepare audit documentation for an audit of financial
a. State FIVE reasons for preparing audit documentation. (5 Marks)
b. Highlight the requirements of ISA 230 on audit documentation. (3 Marks)
c. State FIVE contents each of current and permanent files. (10 Marks)
d. Explain who owns audit working papers and why. (2 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
ISA 210, Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements, requires that the auditor
needs to agree the terms of audit engagement prior to commencement of work.
a. What is an engagement letter? (2 Marks)
b. Highlight EIGHT major items expected to be found in a typical audit
engagement letter. (8 Marks)
c. State FIVE advantages of an engagement letter. (5 Marks)
d. State FIVE requirements of ISA 210 with respect to the preconditions for
accepting appointment as an auditor. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
You are part of an audit team engaged on the audit of an engineering company
which has a substantial amount of plant and machinery in its books. While
reviewing the accounts, you also observed that there were some current assets
and liabilities that may require external confirmations.
a. How would you establish the amount and level of audit evidence required
for the current assets and liabilities? (5 Marks)
c. State the audit procedures you would take concerning the disposal of
plant and machinery. (5 Marks)
balances. The audit function they perform through multitasking will best add
value to the progress of the organisation.
It is also the belief of management that the basic processes of both accounting
and auditing are similar. The two systems use essentially the same procedures
and techniques of bookkeeping, computation and analysis. To them, accounting
and auditing strive to ensure that the financial statements and records provide a
fair reflection of the actual financial position of an organisation. Both activities
are inter-related and go hand in hand, especially in setting up processes in the
organisation, hence, there is no need for any Internal Audit Unit or duplication
of efforts.
As the independent auditor of the bank, you were shown the regulatory
supervisory report and you have been asked to make presentation to the Board
of Directors on the necessity for the Internal Audit Unit in the bank.
a. Explain the need for the internal audit functions in an organisation.
(5 Marks)
b. State the various measures that can be taken to protect the independence
of internal auditors. (5 Marks)
When prompted on a question at the presentation meeting to the audit
committee of AMIRAH Plc, the Partner of OIO professional services stated that the
end result of the statutory audit is general purpose financial statements on which
audit opinion will be expressed. He explained that the auditor shall express an
unmodified opinion when the auditor concludes his work, based on the audit
evidence obtained, that the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement and that the financial statements are prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
framework. However, if the external auditor is unable to obtain sufficient and
appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, the auditor shall modify the opinion in the
auditor‟s report. In summary, the auditor's opinion is a certification that
accompanies financial statements after the examination of the books of accounts.
You are the manager in the firm and a member of the audit committee has
requested for more explanation on the presentation by the partner.
a. Explain general purpose financial statements. (5 Marks)
b. Highlight to an audit committee member, the contents of audit opinion in
financial statements. (10 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
In order to ensure that an audit is carried out effectively and efficiently, the
work needs to be planned, controlled and recorded at each stage of the
a. What matters must be taken into consideration when planning an audit?
(3 Marks)
b. What are the benefits of adequate audit planning? (3 Marks)
c. What are the key benefits that would arise from spreading the audit work
across interim and final audits? (4 Marks)
d. State FIVE audit procedures that are carried out at the final audit stage.
(5 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
(a) The objectives of the auditor are formally specified in ISA 200 as:
i. To obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
error, thereby enabling the auditor to express an opinion on whether the
financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance
with the applicable financial reporting framework; and
(b) In relation to the audit of financial statements, ISA 200 requires the auditor
i. Comply with all ISAs relevant to the audit;
ii. Comply with relevant ethical requirements;
iii. Plan and perform an audit with professional scepticism;
iv. Exercise professional judgement in planning and performing an audit;
v. Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to allow him to obtain
reasonable assurance
(c) The scope of an audit as described in the independent auditor‟s report
contains the following points:
i. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence
about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements;
ii. The procedures selected depend on the auditor‟s judgment, including
the assessment of the risks of material misstatement in the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error;
iii. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control
relevant to the entity‟s preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing
an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity‟s internal control;
iv. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting
policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by
management; and
v. Assessment and evaluating the overall presentation of financial
(d) The role of regulatory bodies in ensuring that audits are carried out in line
with standards normally includes the following:
i. Offering professional qualifications for auditors, to provide evidence
that auditors possess a minimum level of technical competence;
ii. Establishing procedures to ensure that the professional competence of
auditors is maintained. This includes matters, such as:
Ensuring that audits are performed only by „fit and proper‟
persons, who act with professional integrity;
Requiring that the members carry out their audit work in
accordance with appropriate technical standards (for example, in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing, known as
Ensuring that auditors remain technically competent and up to
date with modern auditing practice (for example, by following a
programme of continuing professional development);
Providing procedures for monitoring and enforcing compliance by
its members with the rules of the regulatory body. These include
rules and procedures for the investigation of complaints against
members and the implementation of disciplinary procedures where
Maintaining a list of registered auditors which is made available to
the public; and
Such a system is referred to as a system of self-regulation. In such
a system, the regulation of auditors is carried out by their own
professional bodies.
The government may appoint a public body with similar responsibilities
to a self-regulating professional body.
The public body may, therefore, establish rules and procedures for:
i. Approving/authorising individuals to perform audit work;
ii. Ensuring that authorised auditors have the necessary minimum
skills and knowledge to carry out their audit work to a proper
standard; and
iii. Handling complaints and taking disciplinary measures against
auditors, where appropriate.
Examiner’s report
This question which is in four parts, tests the candidates‟ knowledge of the
requirements of the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
This being a compulsory question, all the candidates attempted it, but the
performance was poor.
Candidates are advised to read the ISAs because of their importance in relation
to the audit of financial statements.
Marking guide Marks Marks
a) Stating the objectives of the independent auditor as stated in
International Standards on Auditing
-3 marks for “to obtain assurance of financial statements being free 3
from material misstatement for the auditor‟s opinion”
- To report and communicate on financial statements as required by
ISAs 2 5
b) Outlining what IAS 200 requires the auditor to do in relation to
the audit of financial statements
2 marks each, subject to a maximum 5 requirements of ISA 200 10
b) ISA 230 requirements
The auditor should prepare, on a timely basis, audit documentation that
i. A sufficient and appropriate record of the basis for the audit report;
ii. Evidence that the audit was performed in accordance with ISAs and
applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
i. Certificate of incorporation;
ii. Memorandum and articles of association or any other legal
iii. Organisation structure and management profile;
iv. List of branches and addresses;
v. List of banks and locations;
vi. Copy of letter of engagement;
vii. Copies of audited financial statements to date;
viii. Copies of important agreements entered into by the company or
ix. List of directors;
x. List of major shareholders or members of the entity;
xi. Summary of the history and development of the entity; and
xii. Summary of the accounting system and other operational procedures.
d) Owners of audit working papers
Audit working papers are owned by the auditors. The auditor, in a
statutory audit, is performing in a principal capacity and not as an agent.
If any legal issue arises from his audit, he has to defend himself, hence
ownership of the working papers is appropriate.
The working papers do not form part of the accounting records of the
client, and do not belong to the client. Auditing standards require the
auditor to ensure that working papers are kept safe and their contents are
kept confidential. Information therefore should only be made available to
third parties in accordance with ethical guidelines and legal requirements.
Examiner’s report
The question tests the candidates‟ understanding of the requirements of ISA 230
on audit documentation.
About 80% of the candidates attempted the question. Performance of the
candidates was fair in parts(c) and (d) which relate to the contents of current
and permanent files, and ownership of audit working papers, respectively but
was poor in parts (a) and (b) which asks for the reasons for audit
documentation, and requirements of ISA 230 on audit documentation,
The major pitfall of the candidates was their inability to explain the provisions
of the International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
Candidates are advised to study the ISAs and also make use of the Institute‟s
Study Text and Pathfinder.
iv. Providing the auditor with all relevant and requested information and
unrestricted access to all personnel by management or those charged
with governance; and
v. Ensuring that management agrees to their responsibilities.
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ understanding of the provisions of ISA 210-
Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements.
About 80% of the candidates attempted the question but the performance
was fair in parts (a) and (b) and poor in parts (c) and (d).
The major pitfall of the candidates was their inability to state the
preconditions for accepting an appointment as an auditor as stated in ISA
Candidates should study the requirements of relevant ISAs and cover the
entire syllabus when studying for future examinations.
a. The factors that determine the amount and level of audit evidence for the
current assets and liabilities include the:
i. Effectiveness of internal control measures put in place;
ii. Materiality of the items of current assets and liabilities;
iii. Effectiveness of the accounting system;
iv. Reliability of the enterprise staff and management;
v. Consistency of the evidence;
vi. Sampling method applied to obtain audit evidence;
vii. Professional judgement by the auditor on evidence gathering
process; and
viii. The level of risk that the financial statements might not give a true
and fair view.
b. The procedures that will be applied to generate audit evidence in the
following scenarios are as follows:
Correct disclosure and classification of receivables in the financial
Conduct cut-off tests between credit sales procedures and trade
receivables; and
Checking that due provision is made for doubtful receivables.
Examiner’s report
The question which is in four parts tests the candidates‟ knowledge on audit
evidence and the requirements of ISA 505 on external confirmation regulation.
About 20% of the candidates attempted the question. The performance was
The candidates‟ major pitfall was the candidates‟ inability to generate audit
evidence in given scenarios.
Candidates are advised to study very well for future examinations by covering
the entire syllabus. They should also make use of the Institute‟s Study Text and
to a self review threat and this is unacceptable. Senior management
in accounting and finance or line management should have
responsibility for the design and implementation of internal controls,
taking advice where appropriate from the external auditors when
control weaknesses are identified during the external audit; and
vi. Professionalism- It is advisable to appoint someone who is
professionally qualified to head the internal audit function to assist in
maintenance of independence.
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ knowledge of internal audit functions,
weaknesses and limitations of internal audit, and independence of the auditors.
About 85% of the candidates attempted the question but the performance was
just fair.
Some of the candidates were not able to explain the weaknesses and limitations
of internal audit.
Candidates should endeavour to cover all relevant areas of the syllabus in their
preparations for subsequent examinations.
Marking guide Marks
a) Stating the need for internal audit function
1 mark each for any of the 5 needs for internal audit function 5
The financial statements provide adequate disclosures; and
The terminology used in the financial statements is appropriate.
Examiner’s report
The question tests the candidates‟ understanding of general purpose financial
statements and contents of audit opinion.
About 20% of the candidates attempted the question and the performance was
b. Benefits of adequate audit planning include:
i. Helping the auditor to devote appropriate attention to important
areas of the audit;
ii. Helping the auditor to identify and resolve potential problems;
iii. Helping the auditor to organise and manage the audit engagement so
that it is performed in an effective and efficient manner;
iv. Assisting in the selection of staff with appropriate experience and the
proper assignment of work to them; and
v. Allowing for the direction and supervision of staff and review of their
c. The key benefits that would arise from spreading the audit work
across interim and final audits include:
i. More flexible resource planning within the firm – the planning of the
interim audits is typically more flexible than the timing of final audit.
This helps reduce demand for audit staff during “busy season”
(traditionally the first few months of a calendar year when many
clients require their final audit to take place);
ii. Earlier identification of significant matters;
iii. Shareholders and other users receive audited financial statements
iv. Increased audit efficiency; and
v. Suitability for large and dynamic organisations, making the
conclusion of the final audit faster.
d. Audit procedures that are carried out at the final audit stage
i. Reviewing the audit evidence collected;
ii. Reviewing the final version of the financial statements;
iii. Checking the quality control;
iv. Communicating with those charged with corporate governance;
v. Holding audit clearance meeting;
vi. Reviewing subsequent events;
vii. Carrying out analytical review; and
viii. Obtaining third party confirmations, such as bank letters and trade
receivable confirmations for review and proper analysis.
Examiner’s report
The question which is in four parts tests the candidates‟ understanding on audit
planning, spreading audit work across interim and final audits, and the audit
procedures that are carried out at the final stage.
About 60% of the candidates attempted the question, but performance was
The candidates‟ commonest pitfall was their inability to state audit procedures
that are carried out at the final audit stage.
The candidates are enjoined to prepare well for the Institute‟s examinations by
making use of ICAN Study Text and Pathfinder.
c) Stating the key benefits of spreading the audit work across interim
and final audits 4
1 mark each, subject to a maximum of 4 key benefits for spreading the audit
work across interim and final audits
d) Stating the procedures that are carried out at the final audit stage
1 mark each, subject to maximum of 5 procedures 5
Total 15
ICAN/222/Q/B4 Examination No....................
1. Check your pockets, purse, mathematical set, etc. to ensure that you do not
have prohibited items such as telephone handset, electronic storage device,
programmable devices, wristwatches or any form of written material on you
in the examination hall. You will be stopped from continuing with the
examination and liable to further disciplinary actions including cancellation
of examination result if caught.
2. Write your EXAMINATION NUMBER in the space provided above.
3. Do NOT write anything on your question paper EXCEPT your examination
4. Do NOT write anything on your docket.
5. Read all instructions in each section of the question paper carefully before
answering the questions.
6. Do NOT answer more than the number of questions required in each section,
otherwise, you will be penalised.
7. All solutions should be written in BLUE or BLACK INK. Any solution written
in PENCIL or RED INK will not be marked.
8. A formula sheet and discount tables are provided with this examination
Koliwi Limited is planning to expand into another country and has been asked
by a prominent person in that country for a price quotation to build them a
house. The Board of Directors believes that securing the contract will help to
launch their houses in the country and have agreed to quote a price for the
house that will exactly cover its relevant cost.
(1) The Chief Executive and Marketing Director recently met with the potential
client to discuss the house. The meeting was held at a restaurant and
Koliwi Limited provided food and drinks at a cost of ₦37,500.
(2) 1,200 kg of Material Z will be required for the house. Koliwi Limited
currently has 550 kg of Material Z in its inventory purchased at a price of
₦5,800 per kg. Material Z is regularly used in its houses and has a current
replacement cost of ₦6,500 per kg. The resale value of the Material Z in
inventory is ₦3,500 per kg.
(3) 400 hours of construction workers‟ time are required to build the house.
Koliwi Limited construction workers are paid an hourly rate of ₦2,200
under a guaranteed wage agreement and currently have spare capacity to
build the house.
(4) The house will require 90 hours of the engineers‟ time. Koliwi Limited
engineers are paid a monthly salary of ₦475,000 each and do not have any
spare capacity. In order to meet the engineering requirement for the house.
Koliwi Limited can choose one of two options:
(i) Pay the engineers an overtime rate of ₦5,200 per hour to perform
the additional work.
(ii) Reduce the number of engineers‟ hours available for their existing
job, for the building of Product Y. This would result in lost sales of
Product Y.
Summary details of the existing job the engineers are working on:
Information for one unit of Product Y
Sales revenue ₦486,000
Variable costs ₦336,500
Engineers‟ time required per unit 30 hours
(5) A specialist machine would be required for 7 weeks for the house to be
built. Koliwi Limited has 4 weeks remaining on the 15 week specialist
machine rental contract that cost ₦1,500,000. The machine is currently not
in use. The machine can be rented for an additional 15 weeks at a cost of
₦1,525,000. The specialist machine can only be rented in blocks of 15
(6) The windows required for the house have recently been developed by
Koliwi Limited and use the latest environmentally friendly insulating
material. They produced the windows at a cost of ₦3,495,000 and are
currently the only ones of their type. They were planning to exhibit the
windows at a house building
conference. The windows would only be used for display purposes at the
conference and would not be for sale to prospective clients.
Koliwi Limited has had assurances from three separate clients that they
would place an order for 25 windows each if they saw the technology
demonstrated at the conference. The contribution from each window is
₦1,045,000. If the windows are used for the contract, Koliwi Limited would
not be able to attend the conference. The conference organisers will charge
a penalty fee of ₦150,000 for non-attendance by the Company. The Chief
Executive of Koliwi Limited can meet the clients directly and still secure the
orders for the windows. The meetings would require two days of the Chief
Executive‟s time. The Chief Executive is paid an annual salary of
₦41,400,000 and contracted to work 260 days per year.
(7) The house to be built requires 400kg of other materials. Koliwi Limited
currently has none of these materials in its inventory. The total current
purchase price for these other materials is ₦600,000.
(8) Koliwi Limited fixed overhead absorption rate is ₦3,700 per construction
worker hour.
(9) Koliwi Limted normal policy is to add 12% mark-up to the cost of each
a. Produce a schedule that shows the minimum price that could be quoted for
the contract to build the house. Your schedule should show the relevant
cost of each of the NINE items identified above. You should also explain
each relevant cost value you have included in your schedule and why any
values you have excluded are not relevant. (21 Marks)
b. Explain TWO reasons why relevant costing may not be a suitable approach
to pricing houses in the longer term for Koliwi Limited. (4 Marks)
Ibezi Nigeria Limited manufactures and sells three products A, B and C.
The company is recently considering the introduction of an activity-based
costing approach to facilitate efficient cost allocation, as well as achieve
improvement in cost accuracy and reduction.
Under Activity based wrong approach, direct materials and direct labour are
allocated to products and indirect costs are apportioned using cost pools which
represent the time activity areas. The Traditional costing approach uses the two
direct cost categories and a single indirect cost pool where overheads are
allocated using direct labour hours.
The following information is provided for the next period.
Product Product Product
Production and sales (units) 120,000 75,000 30,000
Direct material cost N190 N180 N160
Direct labour hours 6 8 7
Machine hours 4 8 9
Number of production runs 15 30 75
Number of component receipts 45 75 360
Number of production orders 45 30 75
Direct labour is paid at N8 per hour. Variable overhead is paid at N34 per unit
for Product A, N44 per unit for Product B and N38 per unit for Product C.
N Cost Driver
Set up 1,260,000 Production Runs
Machine 8,100,000 Machine Hours
Goods inwards 2,520,000 Company Receipt
Packaging 1,800,000 Production Order
Engineering 1,620,000 Production Order
a. Calculate the unit costs of each product using:
i. Traditional Cost approach, based on direct labour hourly rate.
(5 Marks)
ii. The ABC method. (5 Marks)
b. The company considered the pricing of the three products where sales
prices have remained uncertain as shown in the table below:
Product A Product B Product C
Prob. N Prob. N Prob. N
0.5 300 0.6 350 0.5 450
0.3 360 0.3 400 0.4 440
0.2 390 0.1 420 0.1 430
Compute the expected unit sales prices for the three products and the
total profit or loss for each product that will arise from the
implementation of the ABC approach and the traditional costing method.
(7 Marks)
c. State reasons why activity based costing approach may be preferred to
traditional absorption costing approach in a modern manufacturing
environment. (3 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
High Tech plc is a manufacturer of computer applications (apps) and has
contracts to supply the components to contractors operating throughout the
West African region.
Set out below is a part of the Master Budget for the component for the month of
April 2021.
High Tech plc uses absorption costing to arrive at product cost. Annual fixed
overhead budget for the year ending April 2021 is N360,000 and the normal
annual output is expected to be 36,000 batches.
Early in May 2021, these results were available to operating managers:
a. Prepare a full standard cost card per batch showing contribution margin.
(4 Marks)
b. Calculate all relevant variances and prepare a report reconciling
budgeted and actual contribution for April 2021. (12 Marks)
Outline FOUR factors to be taken into consideration by the management
of the company before deciding whether or not to investigate any
particular variance shown on the April Report prepared in (b) above.
(4 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
Ukachi and Sons limited has two operating divisions, X and Y, which are
treated as profit centres for the purpose of performance reporting.
Division Y can obtain the part-finished item from either Division X or from an
external supplier. The external supplier charges a price of ₦220 per unit.
Department Y produces Product C which is sold at a mark up of 25% of cost
which is the company sales policy.
a. i. What is an optimal transfer price or price range for Product B?
(3 Marks)
ii. What would be the optimal transfer price for Product B if there is
spare production capacity in Division X? (3 Marks)
iii. What would be the optimal transfer price for Product B if Division X is
operating at full capacity due to a limited availability of direct
labour and there is unsatisfied external demand for Product A?
(5 Marks)
i. Prepare an operating statement showing the optimal profit the
Divisions can generate in the period when operating at full
capacity with no spare capacity. (4 Marks)
ii. Using the return on investment and residual income approaches
Provide a comparative analysis of the performance of the divisions
provided for the period. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
Zinko Limited is launching a new, innovative product onto the market and is
trying to decide on the right launch price for the product. The product‟s
expected life is three years. Given the high level of costs which have been
incurred in developing the product, Zinko Limited wants to ensure that it sets its
price at the right level and has therefore consulted a market research company
to help it do this. The research, which relates to similar but not identical
products launched by other companies, has revealed that at a price of ₦60,
annual demand would be expected to be 250,000 units. However, for every ₦2
increase in selling price, demand would be expected to fall by 2,000 units and
for every ₦2 decrease in selling price, demand would be expected to increase by
2,000 units.
a. Calculate the total variable cost per unit and total fixed overheads.
(3 Marks)
b. Calculate the optimum (profit maximising) selling price for the new product
and calculate the resulting profit for the period.
Note: If P = a + bx; then, MR = a - 2bx. (7 Marks)
c. The sales director is unconvinced that the sales price calculated in (b) above
is the right one to charge on the initial launch of the product. He believes
that a high price should be charged at launch so that those customers
prepared to pay a higher price for the product can be „skimmed off‟ first.
Discuss the conditions which would make skimming a more suitable pricing
strategy for Zinko Limited and recommend whether Zinko Limited should
adopt this approach instead. (5 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
The market for metal testing equipment is growing at a reasonable rate, but
there are three other competitors in the market. Competition between them is
strong and consequently profit margins are fairly low at the moment, KL is
operating at a profit. KL‟s senior management are not sure what any competitor
might do next, although they suspect that at least one of them may be in
financial difficulty. KL‟s sales director is certain that although low prices are one
factor in the buying decisions of customers, customers are much more concerned
about the quality, reliability and functional features of the equipment that KL
At a recent board meeting, the board made two important decisions. The first
was a decision not to invest in new equipment for manufacturing electronic
chips that would significantly reduce the water and energy consumption in the
production process. This decision was taken because the discounted cash flow
return on investment was considered insufficient.
The second decision was an agreement that costs would need to be reduced to
improve profitability. In relation to this, the board decided that employees in the
manufacturing units should be empowered more, and should be given some
authority to take decisions affecting production operations.
The board also discussed the current lack of sufficient strategic information
within KL. They were aware that the decision not to invest in the new equipment
had not taken into consideration the probability of rising water and energy costs
in the future, and they felt they needed more information to help them predict
the long-term prospects for their industry.
a) Explain the difference between strategic, tactical and operational
information, and give examples of each that should be used by a company
such as Kolawole Limited. (10 Marks)
A producer of high quality executive motor cars has developed a new model
which it knows to be very advanced both technically and in style, compared to
the competition in its market segment.
The company's reputation for high quality is well-established and its servicing
network in its major markets is excellent. However, its record in timely delivery
has not been so good in previous years, though this has been improving
The company considers that, in relation to the competition, the proposed new
model will be attractive as was its predecessor six years ago. Control of costs is
very good so that accurate cost data for the new model are on hand. For the
previous model, the company assessed the long-term targeted annual
production level and calculated its prices on that basis. In the first year
production was 30% of that total.
For the present model, the company expects that the relationship between first-
year production and longer-term annual production will also be about 30%,
though the absolute levels in both cases are expected to be higher than
The senior management committee, of which you are a member, has been asked
to recommend the pricing approach that the company should adopt for the new
a. List the major pricing approaches available in this situation and discuss
in some detail relative merits and demerits to the company of each
approach in the context of the new model. (10 Marks)
Learning curve
Y = axb
Where Y = cumulative average time per unit to produce x units
a = the time taken for the first unit of output
x = the cumulative number of units produced
b = the index of learning (log LR/log2)
LR = the learning rate as a decimal
Demand curve
P = a – bQ
change in price
change in quantity
a = price when Q = 0
MR = a – 2bQ
Y = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑋
𝑛 𝑋𝑌 − ( 𝑋)( 𝑌)
where b = 2
𝑛 𝑋 − 𝑋 2
𝑦 𝑏 𝑥
a = −
𝑛 𝑛
The Miller-Orr Model
3 3
x Transaction Cost x Variance of Cash flows
𝑆𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 = 3 x
Interest rate as a proportion
Annuity Table
Present value of an annuity of 1 i.e. 1 - (1 + r) -n
Where r = discount rate
n = number of periods
1 0·990 0·980 0·971 0·962 0·952 0·943 0·935 0·926 0·917 0·909 1
2 1·970 1·942 1·913 1·886 1·859 1·833 1·808 1·783 1·759 1·736 2
3 2·941 2·884 2·829 2·775 2·723 2·673 2·624 2·577 2·531 2.487 3
4 3·902 3·808 3.717 3·630 3.546 3.465 3·387 3·312 3·240 3·170 4
5 4·853 4·713 4·580 4·452 4·329 4·212 4·100 3·993 3.890 3·791 5
6 5·795 5·601 5·417 5·242 5·076 4·917 4·767 4·623 4.486 4·355 6
7 6·728 6.472 6·230 6·002 5·786 5·582 5·389 5·206 5·033 4·868 7
8 7·652 7·325 7·020 6·733 6·463 6·210 5·971 5·747 5·535 5·335 8
9 8·566 8·162 7·786 7.435 7·108 6·802 6·515 6·247 5·995 5·759 9
10 9·471 8·983 8·530 8·111 7·722 7·360 7·024 6·710 6.418 6·145 10
11 10·368 9·787 9·253 8·760 8·306 7·887 7.499 7·139 6·805 6.495 11
12 11·255 10·575 9·954 9·385 8·863 8·384 7·943 7·536 7'161 6·814 12
13 12·134 11·348 10·635 9·986 9·394 8·853 8·358 7·904 7·487 7·103 13
14 13·004 12·106 11·296 10·563 9·899 9·295 8·745 8·244 7·786 7·367 14
15 13·865 12·849 11·938 11·118 10·380 9·712 9·108 8·559 8·061 7·606 15
(n) 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%
1 0·901 0·893 0·885 0·877 0·870 0·862 0·855 0·847 0·840 0·833 1
2 1·713 1·690 1·668 1·647 1·626 1·605 1·585 1·566 1·547 1·528 2
3 2.444 2.402 2·361 2·322 2·283 2·246 2·210 2·174 2·140 2·106 3
4 3·102 3·037 2·974 2·914 2·855 2·798 2·743 2.690 2·639 2.589 4
5 3·696 3·605 3·517 3·433 3·352 3·274 3·199 3·127 3·058 2·991 5
6 4·231 4·111 3·998 3·889 3·784 3·685 3·589 3.498 3.410 3·326 6
7 4·712 4·564 4.423 4·288 4·160 4·039 3·922 3·812 3·706 3·605 7
8 5·146 4·968 4.799 4·639 4.487 4·344 4·207 4·078 3·954 3·837 8
9 5·537 5·328 5·132 4·946 4·772 4·607 4.451 4·303 4·163 4·031 9
10 5·889 5·650 5.426 5·216 5·019 4·833 4·659 4.494 4·339 4·192 10
11 6·207 5·938 5·687 5.453 5·234 5·029 4·836 4·656 4.486 4·327 11
12 6·492 6·194 5·918 5·660 5·421 5·197 4·988 4·793 4·611 4.439 12
13 6·750 6.424 6·122 5·842 5·583 5·342 5·118 4·910 4·715 4·533 13
14 6·982 6·628 6·302 6·002 5·724 5.468 5·229 5·008 4·802 4·611 14
15 7·191 6·811 6.462 6·142 5·847 5·575 5·324 5·092 4·876 4·675 15
₦ Note
Food and drink at meeting - 1
Material Z 7,800,000 2
Construction workers - 3
Engineers 448,500 4
Specialist machine 1,525,000 5
Windows 150,000 6
Other materials 600,000 7
Fixed overhead - 8
Profit margin - 9
Total relevant cost 10,523,500
1) The food and drink costs are sunk. The meeting with the client has already
occurred and therefore the costs are not relevant.
3) The construction workers have spare capacity to complete the work and are
employed under a guaranteed wage agreement. Construction workers will
be paid whether or not they work on the contract. Therefore, the cost is not
4) Engineers are salaried and this is not an incremental cost. However, they
are currently at full capacity and do not have time within their normal
hours to complete the 90 hours of work required. The engineer‟s additional
time should be valued at opportunity cost. If overtime is paid, the cost
would be 90 hours× ₦5,200 = ₦468,000.
5) The first rental period is part-way through and the payment of ₦1,500,000
has already been made. Therefore, this is a sunk cost and not relevant. In
order to obtain the machine for the required seven week period another 15
week standard rental agreement would have to be entered into, therefore
the relevant cost is ₦1,525,000.
If the machine was to be purchased, the relevant cost would be
₦2,000,000 (sales price less resale value). The lower relevant cost of the
two options is to rent the machine for another rental period at
6) The cost to produce the windows has already been incurred and is
therefore sunk and not relevant.
If KL uses the windows for the building and misses the conference, the
sales will not be lost. The chief executive will visit the clients at a later
date to secure the sales. Therefore, there is no incremental loss in
contribution. The chief executive‟s time is not relevant as he is paid an
annual salary and would receive this irrespective of the visit to the
However, should the windows be used for the building, KL would not be
able to attend the conference and be liable to pay the non-attendance fee
of ₦150,000.
7) 400kg of other materials are required for the building. The incremental
cost is ₦600,000.
The minimum price will result in KL making neither a profit nor a loss.
This is not a sustainable pricing policy in the longer term as it does not
include a contribution to the fixed costs of the organisation.
Relevant costing does not include a profit margin. This is not suitable for
KL in the longer term as the company is planning to expand into different
countries and investors will also require a return on their investment.
The high quality materials and unique energy saving technology used in
the houses should command high prices from customers keen to have a
house with this technology. The house that consumers are willing to pay a
high price for, together with the barrier to competitors of the new energy
saving technology, make KL‟s product suited to the market skimming
pricing strategy. This market skimming approach will allow KL to recover
the research and development costs incurred to develop the energy
saving technology.
Marking guide
Marks Marks Marks
1 a. Minimum Price Schedule (12 ticks at 1 mark 12
Justification statements (9 ticks at
1 mark) 9 21
b. Reasons for relevant costing (2 points at 2
marks each) 4
c. - Correct Recommendation 2
- Any 2 Justifications at 1½ marks 3 5 30
Examiner’s report
This question tests candidates‟ knowledge of price setting using Marginal
Costing, Absorption Costing and Relevant Costing criteria and pricing method for
new innovative products and projects
Material 190 180 160
Labour 48 64 56
Variable overhead 34 44 38
Overhead 60 80 70
Unit Cost 332 368 324
Computation of total activity volumes:
Product Direct Material Machine Company Production Production
Quantity Labour Cost Hours Receipt run Order
a 120,000 720,000 22.800,000 480,000 45 15 45
b 75,000 600,000 13,500,000 600,000 75 30 30
c 30,000 210,000 4,800,000 270,000 360 75 75
Total 1,530,000 41,100,000 1,350,000 480 120 150
45 production order 12,000 540,000 540,000
30 production order 12,000 360,000 360,000
75 production order 12,000 900,000 900,000
Total 540,000 360,000 900,000 1,800,000
45 production order 10,800 486,000 486,000
30 production order 10,800 324,000 324,000
75 production order 10,800 810,000 810,000
486,000 324,000 810,000 1,620,000
Total 4,299,750 4,992,750 6,007,500 15,300,000
Unit cost of overhead N35.83125 N66.57 N200.25
c. Why ABC is preferred to traditional approach
ABC is preferred traditional costing due to the following reasons:
i. The traditional absorption costing method uses a single basis to absorb fixed
overhead costs even if the overhead costs are not related to the basis used.
ii. ABC groups overhead costs into cost pools and assigns a suitable cost driver to each
cost pool. By so doing, overheads are absorbed on basis that best reflect the manner in
which they were incurred.
iii. ABC uses multiple absorption basis unlike traditional absorption costing method that
uses a single basis of absorption.
iv. ABC provides useful information about the activities that drive
overhead costs.
Examiner’s report
This question tests candidates‟ understanding of ABC approach in overhead
absorption and cost based pricing in situation of uncertainty. The question was
well attempted due to its familiarity. Performance by candidate is above
The pitfall noticed was wrongful computation of unit sales price of products due
to wrong adoption of the probabilities needed in the computation of sales price.
Candidates are hereby encouraged to carry out their revision using the ICAN
study text when preparing for Examination.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a) Workings
Budgeted material usage 225,000/3,000 = 75 kg per unit
Budgeted labour hours 5,000/3,000 = 1.666hrs per unit
Budgeted variable overhead rate: 15,000/5,000 = N3.00 per direct
labour hr.
Budgeted fixed overhead absorption 30,000/3,000 = N10.0 per unit
b) Workings
Actual production = 2,800 batches
Actual material cost: 88,000/210,000 =N0.42 per kg
Actual labour cost 52,000/4,400 = N11.82 per hour.
Detailed Variances:
Material Price
(SP – AP) x AQ
(0.4 – 0.42) x 210,000 (4,000)A
Material usage
(SQ – AQ) x SP
(210,000 – 210,000) x £0.40 -
check (4,000)A
Labour Rate
(SR – AR) x AH
(12 – 11.82) x 4,400 800F
Labour Efficiency
(SH – AH) x SR
(4,667 – 4,400) x £12 = 3,200F
check 4,000F
(SH – AH) x SR
(4,667 – 4,400) x £3.0 800F
Fixed Overhead Efficiency Variance = SC (AH – SHAP)
2,800 5,000
N6 4,400 X
3,000 1
= N1,600F
ii. Reconciliation of Budgeted contribution and Actual Contribution for April 2021
iii. Probability that the cause of the variance will be controllable: whether or not to
investigate a variance will depend on management‟s expectation that the cause of
the variance will be controllable.
iv. Cost and benefit of the control action: investigating a variance has a cost in
terms of management‟s time actual cost incurred. A variance should not be
investigated unless the expected benefits outweigh the cost.
v. Reliability and accuracy of the figures.
vi. Possible interdependencies of variances
vii. The inherent variability of the cost or revenue trends in variances.
Examiner’s report
This question tests candidates‟ understanding of standard costing, variance
computation and reconciliation of Budgeted Contribution with Actual
Contribution. Many candidates attempted the question. Being a familiar
question, performance was high and encouraging.
The pitfall was in candidates failing to compute capacity and efficiency variance
preferring to determine the volume variance only.
It is advised that candidates read the questions thoroughly in order to provide
solution that fulfil the requirement of the question and familiarise themselves
with the ICAN study text.
Marking guide
3. Marks Marks
The variable cost per unit of product B is N192, hence the minimum
transfer price should be set at N192 per unit of B.
The maximum transfer price per unit for B would be the price that the
external supplier charges Division Y, which is N220.
Hence, the optimal transfer price per unit would lie between a minimum of
N192, and a maximum of N220.
If Division X has spare production capacity, then the units of product B
have no opportunity cost and should be transferred to Division Y at
variable cost less any cost savings due to internal sales. The transfer price
would therefore be N192 per unit.
The contribution per unit of A is N64 (i.e. N248 – N184). Thus, the optimal
transfer price would be N192 + N64 = N256.
Division X Division Y
Sales Sales
Product A to external parties Product C (N256 x 1.25 x 57,600,000
(150,000 x N248) 37,200,000 180,000)
Product B to Division Y 25,600,000
(100,000 x N256)
62,800,000 57,600,000
Variable costs Costs
Product A (150,000 x N184) 27,600,000 80,000 @ N220 17,600,000
Product B (100,000 x N192) 19,200,000 100,000 @ N256 25,600,000
46,800,000 43,200,000
Contribution 16,000,000
Fixed costs
Product A (150,000 x N76) 11,400,000
Product B (100,000 x N76) 7,600,000
Profit /(Loss) (3,000,000) Profit/(Loss) 14,400,000
Division X Division Y
Profit /(loss) (3,000,000) 14,400,000
Investment 40,000,000 50,000,000
% %
ROI -7.5% 28.80%
Due to the transfer price policy of operating at full capacity, Division X is not
able to charge a share of its fixed costs to division Y, hence Division X is
operating at a loss of N3million while Division Y with no fixed overhead cost
implication is operating at a Profit of N14.4 million.
The ROI for division X is therefore negative of N3million for its investors while
Division Y generates a 28.80% returns per Naira invested.
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ understanding of transfer pricing and divisional
performance appraisal. This is a familiar question that should have attracted
high performance from the candidates.
Marking guide
4. Marks Marks
Operating Statement
(12 ticks for 4 marks) 4
ii. Computation of ROI and residual income
(10 ticks at ½ mark) 5 9
Total 20
b) Optimum price
Find the demand function
Demand function is P = a + bx, where:
P = Price per unit
x = quantity
b = ∆P/∆x = -2/2000 = -0.001
Therefore P = a - 0.001x
Find value for „a‟ by substituting the known values for P and x:
60 = a - (0.001 x 250,000)
a = 310
(Note: This is the maximum selling price, that is, the price at which no
quantity will be demanded.)
Therefore P = 310 - 0.001x
Identify marginal cost (MC)
MC = unit variable = ₦21
Identify total revenue (TR)
TR = (P)(x) = (310 - 0.001x)(x)
= 310x - 0.001x2
Identify marginal revenue (MR)
MR = dTR/dx = 310 - 0.002x
c) Market skimming
As the sales director suggests, market skimming is a strategy which
initially charges high prices for the product in order to take advantage of
those buyers who want to buy it as soon as possible, and are prepared to
pay high prices in order to do so.
If certain conditions exist, the strategy could be a suitable one for Zinko
Ltd. The conditions are as follows:
- Where products have a short life cycle this strategy is more likely to be
used, because of the need to recover development costs and make a
profit quickly. Zinko Ltd‟s product does only have a three-year life
cycle, which does make it fairly short.
- Where high prices in the early stages of a product‟s life cycle are
expected to generate high initial cash inflows. If this is the case here,
then skimming would be useful to help Zinko Ltd cover the high initial
development costs which it has incurred.
- Where barriers to entry exist, which deter other competitors from
entering the market, as otherwise, they will be enticed by the high
prices being charged. These might include prohibitively high
investment costs, patent protection or unusually strong brand loyalty.
According to the information we have been given, high development
costs were involved in this case, which would be a barrier to entry.
Examiner’s report
This question tests candidates‟ understanding of using high-low method in
analysing costs as well as using derived cost data in computing optimum selling
price under situation of imperfect competition. It also tests candidates‟
knowledge of condition that will make skimming price policy more suitable for
the company in the prevailing situation.
Candidates are encouraged to use effectively ICAN Study Text when preparing
for future examinations of the Institute.
Marking guide
5. Marks Marks
Strategic information
Strategic management needs strategic information. This is information
that helps strategic managers to make long-term plans, assess whether
these plans will be met, review existing strategies, and make changes or
improvements. Strategic information has the following characteristics:
Tactical information
This is information reported to middle managers for the purpose of
planning and budgetary control. Tactical information is used to decide
how the resources of the organisation should be used, and to monitor how
well they are being used. The features of tactical information are:
Operational Information
Operational information is needed to enable supervisors and front line
managers to organize and monitor operations and to make on-the-spot
decisions whenever operational problems arise. Operational information
may be needed by employees to process transactions in the course of their
regular work.
In this way, there would seem to be a strong link between non-financial
performance and financial performance.
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ knowledge of strategic, tactical and operational
management, and features of information needed in each level. It also tests
candidates‟ understanding of the importance of financial and non-financial
information in evaluating organisations performance.
Marking guide
6. Marks Marks
(a) The following are the major pricing approaches which may be used in
this situation:
(i) - Price skimming
- Penetration pricing
Secondly, the car is very advanced both technically and in style
compared with the competition. This 'non-price' advantage may be
sufficient to encourage people to choose this vehicle.
(b) In this situation the approach proposed is to charge a high price relative
to competitors in the first year and a price similar to that of competitors in
later years because:
(i) It enables a high contribution to be earned per car in the first year
to compensate for the higher average cost caused by volume being
lower and to aid recovery of development costs.
(ii) It is likely to match demand with production, i.e. low in first year
and increasing thereafter.
iii) High prices in the first year should prevent excess demand and
(iv) A high initial price may make it easier to boost market share in the
second year when prices are reduced.
Examiner’s report
This question tests candidates‟ knowledge of pricing new products and in this
situation, pricing of technically advanced products. Candidates attempt on the
question was very high.
Performance was above average. The pitfall was candidates‟ inability to list the
two pricing methods and stating the merits and demerits of the two pricing
strategies. Candidates are encouraged to always read the questions before
attempting same in order not to stray away from the requirements of the
Marking guide
7. Marks Marks
ICAN/222/Q/B5 Examination No....................
5. Read all instructions in each section of the question paper carefully before
answering the questions.
7. All solutions should be written in BLUE or BLACK INK. Any solution written
in PENCIL or RED INK will not be marked.
The LPG station had a fair value of N28million at the inception of the lease, with
a residual value of N4million at the end of the lease period. Included in the
terms of the lease agreement was that the lessee, Home-Use Limited, reserves
the right to maintain the gas station throughout the period of the lease.
Depreciation is charged on the LPG station on a straight line basis. The
accounting year end of Home-Use Limited is December 31.
a.i. Show how the lease will be treated in the financial statements (extract) of
the lessee, Home-use limited, for the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
(14 Marks)
ii. IPSAS 13-Leases, is formulated to prescribe for the lessor and the lessee
the appropriate accounting policies and disclosures to apply in relation to
finance and operating leases.
a. Identify FIVE stages of IPSASB due process. (5 Marks)
b. Enumerate FIVE observations by United Nations on government
accounting system in developing countries and identify FIVE
characteristics of a good public sector accounting system as contained in
the United Nations manual on government accounting. (10 Marks)
c. Automated Accounting Transaction Recording and Reporting System
(ATRRS) is an ICT based accounting software application, which facilitates
the input of accounting transactions, reconciliations and generation of
standard accounting reports that meet the treasury requirements.
a. In the course of writing Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)
report, a lot of issues relating to states in the federation were integrated
into the report.
i. Identify FIVE key information contained in the MTEF. (5 Marks)
ii. Identify the FIVE requirements of the Fiscal Responsibility Act as
it affects time lag for preparation of MTEF the notifying the
National Assembly. (3 Marks)
iii. State THREE documents that should accompany the estimates of
revenue and expenditure of the Nigeria‟s annual budget. (3 Marks)
a. Nun Local Council Development Area (LCDA) of Bayelsa State has a
population of about 1,548,412, citizens based on the last census carried
out a year ago. An annual population growth rate of 6% and a 1% rural-
urban migration in the past years has been estimated for Nun LCDA.
The following additional information relate to the LCDA:
i. The population strata show:
Adult Men - 50%
Adult women - 20%
Children - 30%
ii. 90% of adult men and 80% adult women are taxable with a flat tax
of N800 per month.
iii. The LCDA has a Central Market Building that is let out to traders
with rent as detailed below:
vi. There are 2,411 houses which are charged local tenement rate of
N1,000 per annum.
vii. The overhead costs for the LCDA in year 2020 are detailed below:
Motor vehicle maintenance 540,000
Drainage cleaning 185,000
Transport and travelling 140,000
Office maintenance 128,000
Hotel accommodation 223,000
Utility services 200,000
Others 240,000
a. Prepare revenue budget and overhead cost budget of Nun LCDA for the
year ended December 31, 2021. (15 Marks)
b. Enumerate FIVE functions of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and
Planning. (5 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
Differentiate between the crowding-in effect and crowding-out effect of
fiscal policy. (5 Marks)
Explain FOUR ratios that can be used for measuring debt sustainability of a
country and one shortcoming of each ratio. (10 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
Otunba Local Government wishes to boosts its revenue generation and SIX
possible capital investments have been identified. However, the Local
Government only has access to a total of N6,200,000. The projects may not be
postponed until a future period. After the projects end, it is unlikely that similar
investment opportunities will occur.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Project N’000 N’000 N’000 N’000 N’000 N’000
A (2,460) 700 700 700 700 700
B (1,800) 750 870 640 - -
C (1,750) 480 480 630 730 -
D (1,800) 620 620 620 620 -
E (1,800) 400 500 600 700 400
F (1,500) 350 820 820 - -
Projects A and E are mutually exclusive while all the projects are believed to be
of similar risk to the Local Government‟s existing capital investments. Any
surplus funds may be invested in the money market to earn a return of 9% per
year. The money market may be assumed to be an efficient market. The Local
Government‟s cost of capital is 12% per year.
a. Calculate the expected net present value for each project, and rank the
projects. (8 Marks)
b. Assuming the projects are divisible, calculate the Profitability Index for
each project, and rank the projects to determine how the money would be
best invested. (6 Marks)
c. Explain briefly why the rankings in (b) differ from that in (a) above
(1 Mark)
(Total 15 Marks)
External debt does not constitute a burden when optimally deployed and the
return on investment is sufficient to meet maturing obligations as at when due,
while servicing of the domestic economy is not undermined.
a. Enumerate and explain THREE ratios or indicators commonly used to
determine the extent of indebtedness of a country. (6 Marks)
b. Identify and explain SIX reasons for borrowing. (9 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
a. i. Home-Use Limited
Statement of profit or loss (extracts) for the years ended December 31, 2017,
2018,2019 and 2020
1/01/2017 Lease rental 8,000
31/12/2017 Depreciation expense 6,000
31/12/2017 Interest expense 2,000
1/01/2020 Lease rental 8,000
31/12/2020 Depreciation expense 6,000
31/12/2020 Interest expense 140
Home-Use Limited
Statement of financial position (extracts) as at December 31, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020
2017 Non-current assets
Carrying value of LPG Station (28,000-6,000) 22,000
Non-current liabilities
Lease obligation (28,000 – 8,000) 20,000
Non-current liabilities
Lease obligation (22,000 – 8,000) 14,000
Non-current liabilities
Lease obligation (15,400 – 8,000) 7,400
Non-current liabilities
Lease obligation (8,140 - 8,000 + 14) 154
Year Capital b/f Rental Capital Interest at Capital c/f
payment outstanding 10%
N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000
2017 28,000 (8,000) 20,000 2,000 22,000
2018 22,000 (8,000) 14,000 1,400 15,400
2019 15,400 (8,000) 7,400 740 8,140
2020 8,140 8,000 140 14 154
Present value of minimum lease payment does not cover substantially
the assets value;
It is not specialised nature;
The assets is easily replaceable;
Lessee does not bear the lessor‟s cancellation loss;
No option to extend rental at lower than market value; and
Gains or losses from the fluctuations in the fair value of the residual
value does not accrue to the lessee
transactions at arm‟s length terms, or were estimated using other
valuation techniques;
The revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period;
The sum of all revaluation surpluses for individual items of investment
property within that class; and
The sum of all revaluation deficits for individual items of investment
property within that class.
Examiner’s report
Part (a i) of the question tests candidates‟ knowledge on how lease will be
treated in the financial statements (extract) of the lessee while part (a ii)
requires the candidates to identify the features of operating lease and finance
lease. Part (c) of the question also tests candidates‟ knowledge on the examples
and disclosure requirements of investment property (IPSAS 13).
As a compulsory question, all the candidates attempted the question and their
performance was average.
The common pitfalls were the inability of the candidates to calculate the amount
of the lease rentals that will be treated in the financial statements (extract) of
the lessee and state the features of operating and finance leases. Also
candidates were unable to state examples and disclosure requirements of
investment property.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a..i. Statement of profit or loss (extracts)
Title ½
Calculation of lease rental, depreciation expense and interest
expense of 2017 1½
Calculation of lease rental, depreciation expense and interest
expense of 2018 1½
Calculation of lease rental, depreciation expense and interest
expense of 2019 1½
Calculation of lease obligation under non-current liabilities for
2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 1
Workings 5 14
ii Features of operating lease and finance lease
Three features of operating lease 3
Five features of finance lease 5 8
b. Four examples of investment property 4
Four disclosure requirements when an investment property is
stated at revalued amount 4 8
Total 30
(a) The IPSASB adopts a due process for the development of IPSASs that
provides the opportunity for comment by interested parties including
IFAC member bodies. Auditors, preparers (including finance ministries),
standards setters and individual are priorities.
The IPSASB‟s due process for projects normally, but not necessarily takes
the following stages:
i. Study of national accounting requirements and practice and
exchange of views about the issues with national standard-setters;
ii. Consideration of pronouncement issued by:
The International Accounting Standard Board (IASB);
National standard setters, regulatory authority and other
authoritative bodies;
Professional accounting bodies; and
Other organisations interested in financial reporting in the
public sector.
iii. Formation of Steering Committees (SC). Projects Advisory Panels
(PAPs) or sub-committees to provide input to the IPSASB on a
iv. Publication of an exposure draft for public comment usually for at
least four (4) months. This provides an opportunity to those
affected by the IPSASB‟s pronouncements for comments before
they are finalised and approved by the IPSASB. The exposure draft
will include a basis for conclusion;
v. Consideration of all comments received within the comment period
on discussion documents and exposure drafts, to make modifications
to the proposed standards as considered appropriate in the light of
the IPSASB‟s; and
vi. Publication of an IPSAS which includes a basis for conclusion that
explains the steps in the IPSASB‟s due process and how the IPSASB
reached its conclusions.
(b) Some observations on government accounting system in developing
countries by United Nations manual
The general features of government accounting system as published by
the United Nations are as follows:
i. Unlike the advanced countries, where research work has been
documented and published, the records of general practice in the
developing countries are difficult to obtain;
ii. Relatively, little effort has been given to social government
accounting and budgetary control system;
iii. Accounting procedures in government departments, which reflect
complicated systems of checks and balances, tend to impair the
efficacy and timeliness of the accounting information and statistics
iv. Government accounting is seen mainly as an accountability device
for public receipts and expenditure. Efficiency, effectiveness and
economy of the operations tend to be neglected;
v. Bookkeeping or administrative legal compliance procedures are
more common than modern accounting approaches;
vi. Accounting tends to be identified with expenditure control. The
fact is that expenditure is subject to multiple checks;
vii. The amount of paper work is much, but no efficiency,
accountability or financial control is achieved;
viii. The accounting data upon which government budgets and plans
are based are frequently inaccurate and incomplete; and
ix. Financial reports are delayed and generally in arrears. They
consequently become obsolete at the point of implementation.
operating results of government programmes and organisation;
vii. It must be maintained in a manner that will provide financial data
useful for economic analysis and identification of governmental
transactions and also assist in the development of the country‟s
Examiner’s report
Part (a) of the question tests the candidates‟ knowledge of the five stages of
IPSASB due process for development of standards. Part (b) tests the candidates‟
knowledge of the United Nations‟ observations and recommendation on features
of good system of public sector accounting in the developing countries, as
contained in the United Nations Manual on Government Accounting. Part (c)
tests the candidates‟ knowledge on the benefits of Automated Accounting
Transactions Recording and Reporting System (ATRRS).
Few of the candidates attempted the question and performance was below
Candidates are advised to make use of the Pathfinder and Study Text of the
Institute for better performance in the Institute‟s future examinations.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Five stages of IPSASB adoption of the due process 5
b. Five observations on government accounting system in 5
developing countries
Characteristics of a good system of public sector accounting as
contained in a United Nations manual on government 5 10
c. Five benefits of the ATRRS accounting software 5
Total 20
ii. Requirements of the Fiscal Responsibility Act as it affect time lag for
preparation of MTEF and notifying the National Assembly are:
A copy of the underlying revenue and expenditure profile for the
next two years;
A report setting out actual and budgeted revenue and expenditure
with a detailed analysis of the performance of the budget for the 18
months up to June of the preceding financial year;
A fiscal target broken down into monthly collection targets;
Measures of cost, cost control and evaluation of result of
programmes financed with budgetary resources;
A fiscal target document derived from the underlying medium–term
expenditure framework, setting out the following relevant targets
such as inflation rate, fiscal account balances and any other
development deemed appropriate; and
A fiscal risk document evaluating the fiscal and other related risks to
the annual budget and specifying measures to be taken to offset the
occurrence of such risks.
iii. Documents that should accompany the estimates of revenue and expenditure
of the Nigeria‟s annual budget are:
A macro-economic framework;
A fiscal strategy paper;
An expenditure and revenue framework;
A consolidated debt statement; and
A statement on contingent liabilities.
b. i. Fiscal transparency
This is the aspect of accountability, which requires government to carry
out all aspects of budgeting responsibilities with openness, trust, basic
values and ethical standards without hiding anything from the public.
Where a government has something to hide, public reporting is more
likely to be infrequent, unreliable and less comprehensive in order to hide
material facts.
Fiscal data should meet accepted data quality standards
and budget forecasts and updates should reflect recent
revenue and expenditure trends, underline macroeconomic
Data in fiscal reports should be internally consistent and
reconciled with relevant data from other sources. Major
revisions to historical fiscal data and any changes to data
classification should be explained;
Ethical standards of behaviour for public servants should be
clear and made public;
Purchases and sales of public assets should be internally
audited and audit procedures should be open to review;
Fiscal information should be independently scrutinised. All
public finances and policies should be subject to scrutiny by
national audit body or an equivalent organisation that is
independent of the executive; and
The national audit body or equivalent organisation should
submit all reports, including its annual report to the
legislature and publish them.
Examiner’s report
Part (a) of the question requires candidates to identify the key information to be
contained in the Medium – Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). Part (b)
requires candidates to identify requirements of Fiscal Responsibility Act as it
affects time lag for preparation of MTEF, notifying the National Assembly and to
outline the documents that should accompany the estimates of revenue and
expenditure of the annual budget. Part (c) of the question requires the
candidates to discuss the term „fiscal transparency‟ and also to identify and
explain codes of good practices and transparency in line with IMF code of good
practices as related to the Nigerian government.
Few candidates attempted the question and performance was below average.
The common pitfalls were the inability of the candidates to identify the key
information to be contained in MTEF, requirements of Fiscal Responsibility Act
as it affects time lag for preparation of MTEF, discuss the term „fiscal
transparency‟ and explain codes of good practices and transparency in line with
IMF code of good practices as related to the Nigerian government.
Candidates are advised to read widely and ensure they have adequate knowledge of
relevant provisions of MTEF and other international provisions on codes of good
practices and transparency. Pathfinder and Study Text of the Institute are
relevant learning materials on this aspect of the syllabus for better performance in
future examinations.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Identification of five key information to be contained in an MTEF 5
b. i. Identification of five requirements of Fiscal Responsibility Act as it
affects time lag for preparation of MTEF and notifying the National
Assembly 5
ii. Three documents that should accompany the estimates of revenue
and expenditure of the annual budget 3 8
c. i. Explanation of „fiscal transparency‟ 4
ii. Identification any three codes of good practices 1½
Explanation any three codes identified 1½ 7
Total 20
a. i.
Nun Local Council Development Area, Bayelsa State
Revenue budget for the year ended December 31, 2021
Revenue Note N N
Revenue generated from tax: 1
Adult men: 7,019,585,280
Adult women: 2,495,852,544
Total taxable income 9,515,437,824
Rent LCDA property: 2
Warehouses 16,000,000
Lock-up shops 36,000,000
Sheds 12,300,000
Total rent from LCDA property 64,300,000
Fees from market hawkers: 3
Regular hawkers 1,032,000,000
Other hawkers 134,640,000
Total fees from market hawkers 1,166,640,000
Tenement rate:
Tenement rates collected on houses 2,411,000
Total revenue budget 10.748,788,824
1 Population
Current population with 6% growth (1.06 X 1,548,412) 1,641,317
Less: 1% Rural-urban migration (.01 X 1,641,317) 16,413
Total population of Nun LCDA 1,624,904
Revenue generated from tax N
Adult men: (50% of 1,624,904 X .9 X 800 X 12) 7,019,585,280
Adult women: (20% of 1,624,904 X .8 X 800 X 12) 2,495,852,544
Total taxable income 9,515,437,824
5 Overhead cost N
Motor vehicle maintenance (540,000 X 1.25) 675,000
Drainage cleaning 185,000 X 1.25) 231,250
Transport and travelling (140,000 X 1.25) 175,000
Office maintenance (128,000 X 1.25) 160,000
Office accommodation (223,000 1.25) 278,750
Utility services (200,000 X 1.25) 250,000
Others (240,000 X 1.25) 300,000
Total overhead cost 2,070,000
ix. Developing formats of returns aimed at ensuring cost effectiveness in
the use of government resources; and
x. Carrying out research on budget utilisation and the attainment of
national or state objectives.
Examiner’s report
Part (a) of the question tests candidates‟ knowledge of the preparation of
revenue and overhead cost budgets. Part (b) tests the functions of the Ministry
of Finance, Budget and Planning.
The common pitfalls were the inability of the candidates to prepare revenue and
overhead cost budgets and identify the functions of the Ministry of Finance,
Budget and Planning.
Candidates are advised that they should ensure they have adequate knowledge of
the relevant provisions on the preparation of revenue and overhead cost budgets and
other regulations relating to public sector account for better performance in the
Institute‟s future examinations. The Pathfinder and Study Text of the Institute
are relevant learning materials on this aspect of the syllabus.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Preparation of revenue budget
Title 1¼
Calculation of components of total revenue budget 2¾
Calculation of total revenue budget ½
Workings 3½
Preparation of overhead budget
Title 1
Calculation of components of total overhead budget 4
Workings 2 15
b. Functions of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Planning
Five functions 5
Total 20
a. Crowding-in effect: If public expenditure has positive or stimulating
influence on private consumption, that is, personal consumption and
investments, then we have crowding - in effects, which include:
come soon, many firms are likely to invest more. Consequently, other
firms will increase their investments. This is a desirable outcome of the
crowding-in effect, which comes from the positive effect on people‟s
attitude regarding future economic conditions;
ii. It is important for the efficacy of fiscal policy that public spending,
especially public investment, produces a profitable outcome for private
agents. If a public investment project makes private firms more
productive, then crowding-in effect occurs; and
Countries that use external borrowing for productive
investment with long gestation periods are more likely to
exhibit high debt-to-exports ratios. But as the investments
begin to produce goods that can be exported, the country‟s
debt-to-exports ratio may start to decline. So, for these
countries, the debt-to-exports ratio may not be too high
from an inter-temporal perspective, though in any given
year it may be perceived as large.
Some countries may benefit from highly concessional debt
terms, while others may pay high interest rates. For such
countries to better capture the implied debt burden in terms
of the opportunity cost of capital, it is useful to report it and
analyse the average interest rate on debt. We may also
need to the present value of debt by discounting the
projected stream of future amortisation payments including
interest, with a risk-neutral commercial reference rate.
While the debt-to-GDP ratio is immune to export-related
criticisms that mainly focus on the differing degree of
value added in exports and price volatility of exports, it
may be less reliable in the presence of over-or under-
valuations of the real exchange rate, which could
significantly distort the GDP denominator.
Also, as with the debt-to-exports ratio, it is important to
take account of the country‟s stage of development and
the mix of concessional and non-concessional debt.
ratios. An increase in this indicator over time indicates that the
country may have budgetary problems in servicing its debts
Fiscal policy can be swayed by politics and placating voters,
which can lead to poor decisions that are not informed by
data or economic theory.
If monetary policy is not coordinated with fiscal policy
enacted by governments, it can undermine efforts as well
The amortisation payments on short-term debt are typically
excluded from debt service and the coverage of private
sector data can often be limited, either because the
indicator is intentionally focused on the public sector or
because data on private debt service are not available.
A debt-service-to-export ratio not corrected for the import
intensity of exports is biased downward for economies with
a higher propensity to export.
The ratio indicates whether international reserves exceed
scheduled amortisation of short-term, medium-term, and long-
term external debt during the following year; that is, the extent
to which the economy has the ability to meet all its scheduled
amortisations to non-residents for the coming year, using its
own international reserves.
A large stock of short-term debt relative to international
reserves does not necessarily lead to a crisis as being
portrayed by the ratio. Many advanced economies have
higher ratios of short-term debt to reserves than many
emerging economies, which have shown vulnerability to
financial crisis.
The ratio assumes that measured international reserves
are indeed available and can be used to meet external
obligations; this has not always been true historically.
Examiner’s report
Part (a) of the question tests candidates‟ knowledge on the difference between
the crowding – in effect and crowding – out effect of fiscal policy while part (b)
tests candidates‟ knowledge on the ratios that can be used for measuring debt
sustainability of a country and one shortcoming of each ratio.
Few of the candidates attempted the question and performance was below
Candidates are advised to make use of Pathfinder and Study Text of the Institute
for better performance in the Institute‟s future examinations.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Discussion of crowding-in effect
Definition 11/2
Explanation of any two of the effects 1
Discussion of crowding-out effect
Definition 11/2
Explanation of any two of the effects 1 5
Otunba Local Government
(a) Calculation of Net Present Value (NPV) for each project
Project A Project B Project C Project D Project E Project F
N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000
0 1 -2,460 -2,460 -1,800 -1,800 1,750 -1,750 -1,800 -1,800 -1,800 -1,800 -1,500 -1,500
1 0.893 700 625.1 750 669.75 480 428.64 620 553.66 400 357.2 350 312.55
2 0.797 700 557.9 870 693.39 480 382.56 620 494.14 500 398.5 820 653.54
3 0.712 700 498.4 640 455.68 630 448.56 620 441.44 600 427.2 820 583.84
4 0.636 700 445.2 0 0 730 464.28 620 394.32 700 445.2 0 0
5 0.567 700 396.9 0 0 0 0 0 400 226.8 0 0
NPV 63.5 18.82 -25.96 83.56 54.9 49.93
Ranking 2 5 6 1 3 4
(b) Profitability Index (PI)
Project A B C D E F
N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000 N‟000
Outlay 2,460 1,800 1,750 1,800 1,800 1,500
NPV 63.5 18.82 (25.96 83.56 54.90 49.93
Outlay 0.0258 0.0105 (0.0148) 0.0464 0.0305 0.0333
Ranking 4 5 6 1 3 2
Project A, which is the 4th Project in ranking will not be selected because it is
mutually exclusive with project E that is already selected. We will now select the
next project in ranking, which is project B. Only N1,100,000 is left for investment in
project B. Project B requires a total investment of N1,800.000. However, since the
projects are said to be divisible, the available amount of N1,100,000 will be
invested in project B and the NPV will be a proportion of total NPV for project B.
Thus, 1,100,000/1,800,000 X 18.82 = N11,500,000.
(c) The rankings differ from (a) because NPV is an absolute measure whereas the
profitability index is a relative measure that takes into account the different
investment cost of each project. Also, the main difference between NPV and
profitability index is that the PI is represented as a ratio, so it does not indicate the
cash flow size.
Examiner’s report
Part (a) of the question tests candidates‟ knowledge of the calculation of net
present value of projects and their ranking while part (b) asks the candidates to
calculate the Profitability Index (PI) and rank the projects to determine how the
fund available would be best invested. Pat (c) requires the candidates to state why
the rankings in (b) differ from that in (a).
Majority of the candidates attempted the question and their performance was
above average.
The commonest pitfalls were the inability of the candidates to calculate Profitability
Index (PI) and rank the projects accordingly. Also, candidates could not state the
reason why rankings under Net Present Value (NPV) and Profitability Index (PI)
Candidates are advised to make use of the Pathfinder and Study Text of the
Institute for better performance in the future‟s examinations.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Calculation of net present value of projects A – F 61/2
Ranking 11/2 8
b. Calculation of profitability index for projects A – F 11/2
Ranking based profitability index 11/2
Decision on the projects to invest using profitability index 11/2
Decision on the mutual exclusive projects to invest on 1
Determination of how the balance of the total outlay should be 1 6
a. There are four major ratios or indicators commonly used to determine the extent of
indebtedness of any country. These ratios are explained briefly below:
i. External debt service to export ratio: This relates total external debt
service to export of goods and services. It reflects the level of export
earnings committed to servicing external debts. Since external debts
are denominated in foreign currency, then servicing and repayment
must be in foreign currency, which can only be procured through
export earnings;
ii. External debt stock to export ratio: The ratio relates to the availability
of foreign exchange earnings in the economy. It is an important
indicator since foreign exchange is needed to pay off foreign debts. It
reflects the extent to which total exports of goods and services can be
used to liquidate external debt outstanding. The movement in this
ratio is an indicator of the nation‟s debt service capacity;
iii. External debt stock to nominal gross domestic product ratio: This ratio
measures the extent to which total domestic output can be deployed
to wipe out total outstanding external debt obligations. The higher
this ratio the greater the degree of external debt burden; and
iv. External debt service to nominal gross domestic product ratio. This
ratio relates to the proportion of total domestic output set aside for
servicing external debt. The ratio will be rising where total domestic
output is falling.
The higher these ratios the greater are the debt burden. However, it is
important to emphasise that debt service ratios should be interpreted with
caution because the ratio will be relatively low if the country continues to
default in debt service payment.
Examiner’s report
Part (a) of the question tests candidates‟ knowledge of the ratios or indicators
commonly used to determine the extent of indebtedness in a country while part (b)
asks the candidates to identify and explain reasons for borrowing.
Few candidates attempted the question and their performance was average.
The common pitfalls were the inability of the candidates to identify and explain any
three ratios or indicators commonly used to determine the extent of indebtedness in
a country. Also, the candidates were unable to identify and explain the reasons for
Candidates are advised to make use of the Pathfinder and Study Text of the Institute
for better performance in the Institute‟s future examinations.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Ratios commonly used to determine the extent of
indebtedness of a country
Identification of the three ratios 3
Explanation of any three ratios identified 3 6
ICAN/222/Q/B6 Examination No.........................
1. Check your pockets, purse, mathematical set, etc. to ensure that you do not
have prohibited items such as telephone handset, electronic storage
device, programmable devices, wristwatches or any form of written
material on you in the examination hall. You will be stopped from
continuing with the examination and liable to further disciplinary actions
including cancellation of examination result if caught.
5. Read all instructions in each section of the question paper carefully before
answering the questions.
7. All solutions should be written in BLUE or BLACK INK. Any solution written
in PENCIL or RED INK will not be marked.
Aziko Brothers Limited is a company that engages in the manufacture and sale of
Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) in Nigeria. The company manufactures
detergent, cosmetics, pasta, confectioneries, and food seasoning. The profit of the
company has experienced a steady average growth of 15% annually in the last ten
years of operation. This growth was in part fuelled by the success of its flagship
product, Goodlife detergent, which is currently a household name in Nigeria. This
product contains an active ingredient developed by the company‟s Research and
Development Department. This active ingredient enables Goodlife to clean clothes
more deeply without affecting the colour and texture of fabrics than any other
brand in the market.
However, some competitors have been able to replicate the deep cleaning effect of
Goodlife detergent in their respective brands, thus eating into the market share of
Goodlife. Consequently, Aziko Brothers Limited experienced, for the first time in
decades, a decline in its profit, relative to the previous year. To maintain and
improve the company‟s future performance, management of Aziko Brothers Limited
decided to pursue the following growth strategies:
Acquisition of a 1,000 hectares farmland for growing palm fruits and the
establishment of a palm oil/palm kernel processing plant for the production
of palm kernel oil, an active ingredient in the production of detergent and
Acquisition and refurbishment of an abandoned cement factory to exploit an
opportunity in the cement market created by a sharp decline in the
production capacity of the largest producer of cement in the country and
increase in demand due to population growth; and
Diversification into the production of washing machines through the
acquisition of Aqua Electronics Limited, a manufacturer of electrical
a. i. In the light of the above scenario, explain the term diversification
(2 Marks)
ii. Identify factors that signal to a firm the time to pursue diversification
strategy. Given these signals for diversification, draw conclusions on
the need for Aziko Brothers Limited to diversify. (6 Marks)
b. Drawing from the success of Goodlife detergent, advise Aziko Brothers
Limited on the benefits of adopting innovation as a growth strategy.
(6 Marks)
c. Identify and explain the types of diversification being proposed by Aziko
Brothers Limited. (4 Marks)
d. Advise the management of Aziko Brothers Limited on the role of accountants
in the business strategy formulation and implementation process.
(12 Marks)
(Total 30 Marks)
ABC Confectioneries, makers of a well-known brand of biscuits recently received a
consignment of vital raw materials to produce its flagship brand - Shortbread
Biscuits. However, due to poor handling during the delivery process, the raw
materials became contaminated, which led to a change in the materials‟ colour and
texture. The quality control department of ABC confectioneries, however, passed
the materials as good, leading to their subsequent use in the production of
Shortbread Biscuits. This led to massive complaints of food poisoning by customers.
Citing this as reason, many of the company‟s wholesalers who took the company‟s
products on credit, started defaulting in payments. Demand for Shortbread biscuits
dropped. All financial indices show that the company may not be able to meet its
financial obligation to its creditors.
You have been engaged by ABC Confectioneries to advise management on effective
risk management, to avoid the future occurrence of such an incident.
a. Using the Turnbull report as framework, identify and present to the
management of ABC confectioneries the categories of risks to which the
company was exposed because of the contamination of the raw materials.
(12 Marks)
b. Advise the management of ABC Confectionaries on ways of embedding risk
awareness in the firm‟s corporate culture. (8 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
Mrs. Eze was appointed the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a mining company that
recently suffered reputational damage due to unethical practices of the immediate
past board of directors. Part of Mrs. Eze‟s goal is to reposition the company as an
organisation that is ethical in its practices and can be trusted. To achieve this goal,
the CEO is trying to convince members of the board of directors of the connection
between organisational culture and corporate ethical behaviour. She intends to
introduce a new set of corporate culture that will support ethical behaviour among
members of staff.
a. Prepare a position paper on the connection between organisational culture
and ethical behaviour. (6 Marks)
b. Using the Johnson and Scholes cultural web, advise Mrs. Eze on key
elements of organisational culture. (10 Marks)
c. Suggest to the board steps to be taken to create culture that supports ethical
behaviour of employees. (4 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
Consequent upon the recent lockdown to curtail the spread of the covid 19
pandemic, Oxede& Co. (Chartered Accountants) is thinking of transforming into a
virtual organisation. Advise the management of Oxede& Co. On the:
Corporate governance disclosure has become a major requirement in today‟s
business environment. Firms are increasingly becoming obliged to disclose even
information that are not mandatory for them to divulge.
a. Illustrate how corporate governance disclosure can enhance firm
performance. (10 Marks)
b. Identify the principles of disclosure and communication of corporate
governance statements. (5 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
Using the Classical Product Lifecycle as framework, advise your friend on:
a. Product lifecycle stages of a consumer good like evaporated milk. (4 Marks)
b. Likely current stage of Mountain Milk in the product lifecycle. (3 Marks)
c. Appropriate marketing strategies for Mountain Milk, using the marketing
mix. (8 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
Andrew is a newly qualified chartered accountant employed as an Accountant in
the Treasury department of Teller Bank. Taqua is the Head of Treasury Department.
One of the leading depositors of the bank is Oxede Trading Company (OTC) whose
Financial Controller, Tony, always collect over-riding commission on all deposits
made by the Company to the bank.
Andrew observed that this over-riding commission was not reported to OTC. The
over-riding commission was deducted from the interest due to OTC, so it did not
affect the cost of the fund to the bank. Andrew tried to convince Taqua to stop this
act, but he retorted that the payment of over-riding commission was necessary to
ensure that the Treasury Department met its target.
Andrew is expected to make all his reports to Management through his HOD,
Taqua. Despite this situation, Andrew decided to expose this to the board. The
bank has no policy on this issue.
a. Explain the process Andrew should take to inform the board of this issue.
(2 Marks)
b. Discuss the issues that Andrew should consider before embarking on his
intended action. (9 Marks)
c. Based on the scenario, advise with reasons whether Andrew should embark on
his planned action. (4 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
businesses and thereby used as a lever for driving up the sales and
profits of the other businesses. The company can leverage on the
popularity of the Goodlife brand to achieve success in the cement
and washing machine businesses, thus justifying the
Conclusion: From the above, it can be concluded that it is time for
Aziko Brothers Limited to diversify. Also, there are good chances
that the company will achieve success in the new lines of business.
b. From the given scenario, the company achieved success in the detergent
business from the innovation output of its research and development
department. From this, one can identify the following as benefits of adopting
innovation as a growth strategy:
controlling and measurement of strategy performance in a timely
manner. These models include budgets and budgetary controls,
capital investment appraisal, discounted cash flow(DCF) analyses etc;
iii. Assist the R & D and marketing departments in new product screening
and new product development and marketing decisions;
iv. Strategic investment appraisals which involve a strategic and
financial assessment of proposed investment projects;
v. Provision of reporting system for marketing function through
management information on customers, channels of distribution and
product profitability;
vi. Working in conjunction with the marketing department to assess the
effectiveness of marketing initiatives and the marketing mix; and
vii. Identification and measurement of added value throughout the entire
value chain.
Examiner’s report
This compulsory scenario based 30-mark question from the Strategic Management
section of the syllabus tests diversification and innovation as growth strategies, and
the roles of accountants in strategy formulation and implementation.
Virtually all the candidates attempted this question.
Performance was below average, as less than 50% of the candidates scored less
than 50% of the marks obtainable.
Skills level candidates should pay particular attention to applying their knowledge
to simple scenarios, as this is the distinguishing feature between foundation and
skills levels of the examination.
Marking guide
Topics Number Marks per Total
of points point
a i Definition 1 1 2
Types of diversification 1 1
ii Indicators of the need for
diversification 3 11/2 41/2
Conclusion 1 11/2 11/2
b Benefits of innovation strategy 3 2 6
c Types of diversification pursued
by Aziko Brothers Limited 2 2 4
d Role of accountants in strategy
formulation and implementation 6 2 12
Total 30
a. Using the Turnbull Report as framework, the following are risks faced by ABC
i. Market Risk: Risks associated with changes in market prices. From the
scenario, there exist no evidence of a change in market prices because
of the contamination. However, due to the fear of consuming
contaminated product, the demand for shortbread shrank. Thus, there
is a market risk;
ii. Credit Risk: Risks of losses from bad debts or delay by customers in
settling debts. The complaints by customers led to a rise in default
rates by wholesalers. As such there exists a credit risk in the
iii. Liquidity Risk: Risks that companies will be unable to meet financial
obligations when they arise. The level of exposure of the firm to this
risk is high because of the decline in sales occasioned by the
contamination incident;
iv. Technology Risk: Risks that arise due to change in technology. From
the given scenario, there is no indication that the company may or
will be exposed to technology risk because of the contamination
v. Legal Risk: Risks such as regulatory risk arising from failure to comply
with laws and regulations and risk of losses from legal actions and
lawsuits. From the given scenario, even though no breach of laws or
regulation was mentioned, legal risk could arise from lawsuits
instituted by customers who suffered food poisoning due to
consumption of shortbread biscuits;
vi. Health, Safety and Environmental Risk: Risks associated with the
health and safety of stakeholders such as employees, customers,
suppliers, visitors, community etc. From the given scenario, there is
health risk in respect of the customers who consumed shortbread
biscuits and employees who handled the contaminated input;
vii. Reputation Risk: Risks of damage to the reputation of the firm and
brand with customers and the public. The scenario shows that the
contamination could damage the reputation of the firm and its
product brand with customers and the public; and
viii. Business Probity Risk: Risks from loss due to failure of the firm to act
in an honest way. From the scenario, the firm failed to act in an
honest way by intentionally using contaminated inputs.
iii. There should be a general recognition that problems should not be
kept hidden. Bad news should be reported as soon as it is identified.
The sooner the problems are identified, the sooner control measures
can be taken(and the less the damage and loss);
iv. To create a culture in which problems are disclosed, there must be
openness and transparency. Employees should be willing to admit to
v. Openness and transparency will not exist if there is a „blame‟ culture;
vi. Individuals should not be criticised for making mistakes if theyown up
to them promptly; and
vii. The attitude should be that problems with risks will always occur.
When they do happen, the objective should be to take measures to
deal with the problems. Mistake should be analysed to find solutions
and prevent a repetition of the problem. Risk management should be
a constructive process.
Examiner’s report
This scenario-based question on Risk Management tests categorisation of
risk, using the Turnbull framework, and ways of embedding risk awareness
in a firm‟s corporate culture.
About 70% of the candidates attempted this question, however, performance
was below average, as many candidates scored less than 50% of the marks
Some candidates could not apply the Turnbull framework to the scenario,
while some do not know how to embed risk awareness into a firm‟s corporate
Marking guide
a. Culture is a set of dominant beliefs, attitudes, values, and norms that are
shared by a group of people. Organisational culture therefore is a set of
beliefs, values, and norms that are shared by individuals in an organisation.
Ethics connotes a set of moral principles that govern a person‟s behaviour
and is concerned with the question of rightness and wrongness of an action.
b. The cultural web is made up of six interrelated elements of culture. These are:
i. Routines and rituals: ways in which things are generally done in the
ii. Stories and myths: History of how the organisation got to its present
level and the heroic efforts of its past members. Such information is
mostly transmitted via oral tradition;
iii. Symbols: These are representations of the nature of the organisation
such as logo, office building,etc;
iv. Power structure: Organisations are influenced by individuals who are
in positions of power. In some organisations however, power could
come from influence, accomplishments, and expertise.
v. Organisational structure: The culture of an organisation is affected by
its organisation and management structure. Hierarchical and
bureaucratic organisations might find it particularly difficult to adapt
to change and are often conservative in their outlook; and
vi. Control systems. Performance measurement and reward systems
within an organisation establish the views about what is important
and what is not so important. Individuals will focus on performance
that earns rewards. For example, it has been suggested that cash
bonus systems help to create the profit-driven culture in investment
The cultural web within a company shapes its corporate posture.
c. Steps to be taken to create corporate culture that supports ethical behaviour
i. Leadership by example: Corporate culture usually begins at the top.
Board members, management and other leaders within the
organisation should set the stage for ethical behaviour through their
ethical conducts. This sends a positive message to other employees;
ii. Creation and communication of organisation‟s corporate codes of
ethics: Sending a clear message to employees about what the firm
sees as the organisation‟s ethical standard as reflected in its
documented corporate codes of ethics sends a positive signal;
iii. Ethical training programmes: Organising training programmes for
employees on ethical behaviour sends a strong positive signal that
will raise the ethical standard of the organisation;
iv. Reinforcing Ethical behaviour: This could be achieved through the
inclusion of ethical behaviour in the employee appraisal process. Also,
employees who imbibe high ethical standard should be openly
rewarded and those who fall below expectation sanctioned; and
v. Whistleblowing: Firms should encourage employees to report
unethical behaviour and protect those who make such reports.
Examiner’s report
Candidates and trainers should develop skills to apply principles and concepts to
Marking guide
Topics No. of Mark per Total
points point
a. Connection between ethical 2 3 6
behaviour and
organisational culture
b. Johnson and Scholes‟ 5 2 10
cultural web
c. Steps involved in creating 4 1 4
corporate culture that
supports ethical behaviour
Total 20
iv. Could lead to security and regulatory breaches; and
v. Could lead to reputational risk arising from lack of physical presence.
Examiner’s report
This Strategic Management question tests meaning, characteristics, and
advantages and disadvantages of virtual organisations.
About 80% of the candidates attempted this question. Performance was above
average. However, some candidates could not fully state the characteristics of a
virtual organisation.
Candidates are enjoined to ensure that they fully comprehend all aspects of the
Marking guide
iv. Allows investors to make informed decisions: Sentiments about mistrust
and speculation by investors are reduced, leading to improved investor
confidence. This will contribute positively to the success of the firm‟s
growth strategy through access to needed funds from the financial
v. Reduction of market volatility: One of the causes of volatility in the
financial market is lack of transparency. With adequate corporate
governance disclosures, market uncertainties are reduced.
vi. Corporate governance disclosure could enhance firm reputation which,
in turn, will enhance its performance. Inadequate corporate governance
disclosure can impinge negatively on the company‟s integrity which
could adversely affect performance.
vii. Improved disclosure enables shareholders to exercise their ownership
rights thus enhancing firm performance monitoring.
viii. Lack of transparency on application of environmental and ethical
standards could give the public a wrong impression of the firm‟s
ix. It serves as a deterrent to fraud and corruption.
i. Reliability. Reliable information is information that is sufficiently
accurate for investors to trust when making their investment decisions.
ii. Understandability. One of the criticisms of International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRSs) is that financial reporting in accordance
with IFRSs can be very complex, and some investors might not properly
understand the information that they provide. Many investors support
the idea that companies should provide information about themselves
in a narrative form, in addition to providing financial statements.
iii. Timeliness. In the financial markets, „timely‟ often means „communicated
as soon as possible‟. Information should be made available to all
investors as soon as possible after it becomes available.
iv. Availability. When information is disclosed by companies, it should be
equally available to all investors.
v. Divulged through Convenient Channels. Information should be made
available by convenient channels of communication. Companies should
be encouraged to make it available in electronic form to investors who
want to receive it in that form. For example, companies should use their
web sites for making disclosures.
vi. The opportunities for exploiting confidential information to make a
personal profit should be minimised. By making information available
to investors quickly, opportunities for insider dealing would be
Examiner’s report
This Corporates Governance question on how corporate governance disclosure
enhances performance, and principles of disclosure and communication of
corporate governance.
Very few candidates attempted this question. Performance was below average.
A number candidates could not link corporate governance disclosure with firm
performance, thus losing valuable marks.
Candidates are advised to study well all aspects of the syllabus when preparing for
future examination.
Marking Guide
Topics No. of Mark per Total
points point
a. Impact of corporate
governance disclosure on firm
performance 5 2 10
b. Principles of disclosure and
communication of corporate
governance statement 5 1 5
Total 15
N Maturity Phase
Introduction Growth Phase
Decline Phase
iv. Decline phase. Eventually:
Total annual sales in the market will start to fall;
As sales fall, so too do profits;
Companies gradually leave the market; and
At some point in time, it is no longer possible to produce and
sell the product at a profit, and the product is therefore
discontinued by the last of the companies that makes it.
b. From the given scenario, Mountain milk is likely to be at the growth stage of
the product lifecycle. This is because
i. It is currently in a high growth market with a market growth rate of
10%; and
ii. Huge profit is currently being made from the sale of mountain milk
c. Using the marketing mix, the following are strategies that can be adopted to
improve the market performance of Mountain milk:
i. Product: This refers to the features of a product and its quality. During
the growth stage, new flavours and varieties of Mountain milk can be
introduced to satisfy the needs of various categories of customers. For
example, the introduction of low-fat milk for health-conscious
customers. Also, product quality should be maintained and possibly
improved upon;
ii. Price: This is the selling price of the product. Effort must be made to
ensure that product prices are competitive, relative to that of
competing products. The producers must of Mountain milk must be
careful not to raise prices too high above those of competitors;
iii. Place: The channel through which the product gets to customers. The
producers of Mountain milk might consider innovative channels such
as door-to-door distribution and online marketing to maintain and
improve market share; and
iv. Promotion: The way in which products are advertised and promoted.
At the growth stage of the product lifecycle, manufacturers of
Mountain milk should continue investing in brand building and
aggressive advertisement and publicity to maintain and increase the
product‟s market share.
Examiner’s report
This is a Strategic Management question which tests application of product
life cycle to place a product and using a marketing mix to develop a
marketing strategy.
More than 90% of the candidates attempted this question and performance
was good.
The few candidates who performed poorly mixed up the features of the
various phase of the product lfe cycle, and some could not identify the phase
of the product on the product life cycle.
Marking guide
v. Think about the impact that blowing the whistle may have on the
whistle blower‟s career;
vi. Will the result of being victimised or bullied outweigh the benefit of
blowing the whistle?
vii. Double check Teller Bank‟s policy and whistle blowing procedures in
the staff manual. Andrew should ensure he follows the process, if any;
viii. Establish whether there is scope to discuss the matter confidentially
with the Human Resources Department of Teller Bank;
ix. Is there an internal audit department which could be made aware of
the issue and take ownership of the findings and follow it up?
x. Consider if there is a legal or professional obligation to report, such as
c. Based on the scenario I advise that Andrew should embark on his planned
action because:
i. The payment of over-riding commission without the knowledge of OTC is
unethical and illegal;
Examiner’s report
This scenario-based question is on whistleblowing procedure.
More than 80% of the candidates attempted this question. General performance was
below average.
Most of the candidates were able to identify the concept as whistleblowing, but
many could not state the steps to take in whistleblowing. These steps are important
to protect the whistle-blower in societies rife with corruption.
ICAN/222/Q/B3 Examination No....................
1. Check your pockets, purse, mathematical set, etc. to ensure that you do not
have prohibited items such as telephone handset, electronic storage device,
programmable devices, wristwatches or any form of written material on you in
the examination hall. You will be stopped from continuing with the
examination and liable to further disciplinary actions including cancellation of
examination result if caught.
5. Read all instructions in each section of the question paper carefully before
answering the questions.
6. Do NOT answer more than the number of questions required in each section,
otherwise, you will be penalised.
7. All solutions should be written in BLUE or BLACK INK. Any solution written in
PENCIL or RED INK will not be marked.
8. Tax and Capital Allowances rates are provided with this examination paper.
Other information:
Preliminary expenses amounted to N1,0526,000 and it is to be written off in equal
amounts over a period of eight assessment years, commencing from the period
ended October 31, 2020.
The break-down of the preliminary expenses is as follows:
(i.) Stamp duties and registration expenses 108,400
(ii.) Cost of initial clearing and cultivation of land for plantation 70,000
(iii.) Gratification to local chiefs and heads of families, so as to
attract labourers to the farm 500,000
The following details were extracted from the company‟s register of property, plant
and equipment:
a. The capital allowances for the relevant assessment years. (10 Marks)
b. The adjusted profits for the relevant assessment years. (10 Marks)
c. The income tax liabilities for the relevant assessment years. (10 Marks)
(Total 30 Marks)
a. Mr. Zakari incorporated Zaki Limited on October 1, 2016, but the company
did not commence business until March 2017. The company prepares its
audited financial statements to February 28, every year. However, due to
disruption of business activities arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the
company ceased business on April 30, 2020.
Given the provisions of the Finance Acts 2019 and 2020, determine the:
b. Stamp duties had been one of the underutilised sources of revenue for the
Nigerian Government until the recent amendments introduced by the
Finance Act 2019 which expanded the scope of dutiable instruments.
i. List FIVE each of chargeable transactions under:
Ad-valorem instruments
Fixed duty investments (5 Marks)
ii. List THREE instruments exempted from stamp duties? (3 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
The Federal Government is committed to diversifying the sources of government
revenues by significantly increasing tax to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio,
among other things. The attainment of this laudable objective will require an
overhaul of the government‟s tax policy which is a key function of the Ministry of
Nigerian tax system, like any tax system, is a tripartite structure which comprises
the tax policy, tax laws and tax administration.
a. Explain FIVE specific objectives the National tax policy is designed to
achieve. (5 Marks)
a. Explain THREE types of capital allowances claimable by a taxpayer.
(6 Marks)
b. Big City Enterprises Limited is a trading company located in Lokoja, Kogi
State of Nigeria. It commenced trading on January 1, 2020 and makes up its
accounts to June 30, every year.
For tax purposes, the adjusted profits of its first two years of operation are as
January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 8,500
July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 22,400
The company achieved a revenue of N26,000,000 for the first six months after
commencement of business. Due to favourable business climate, its revenue
increased to N102,000,000 in the year ended June 30, 2021.
i. Determine the basis periods for assessment and capital allowances.
(4 Marks)
ii. Compute the income tax payable for the relevant assessment years.
(ignore minimum tax computation). (8 Marks)
iii. Explain the meaning of “in use” in relation to the second schedule of
Companies Income Tax on Capital Allowance. (2 Marks)
(Total 20 Marks)
a. E-commerce presents a major challenge for tax administrators, given the often
multi-jurisdictional nature of the transactions and the potential anonymity of
the parties.
It is, therefore, crucial to give the subject a critical examination through the
lenses of relevant statutes.
Most often, the terms “e-business and “e-commerce” are used intercheageably,
however, they are not synonymous.
Explain FIVE differences between “e-commerce and “e-business. (5 Marks)
b. The law requires all taxpayers to obtain taxpayers identification number (TIN)
which shall be dislayed on all documents by the taxpayer in all business
transactions with other companies, individuals, government and government
agencies. This number shall be used for the purpose of filing tax returns.
a. Explain “employment”, “vocation” and “profession”. (6 Marks)
b. Explain “cash emoluments” and “benefits-in-kind”. (2 Marks)
c. Explain THREE general rules for quantifying “benefits-in-kind” in respect of:
Withholding tax is a tax deducted from the payments made to a taxable person
pending the determination of the final tax liability.
It has enabled the government to keep track of incomes of taxpayers from whom
withholding tax has been deducted. The credit notes issued to taxpayers by the
Revenue have been useful in defraying the total tax liability.
a. What levels of government are the ultimate beneficiaries of withholding tax?
(3 Marks)
b. State FIVE items in the withholding tax returns/payment schedule. (5 Marks)
c. What are the penalties for late remittance and non deduction of withholding
tax from payments due to taxpayers? (3 Marks)
d. In which currency is withholding tax deducted paid over to the Revenue and
what is the role of the Central Bank of Nigeria in the process? (4 Marks)
(Total 15 Marks)
Initial % Annual %
Building Expenditure 15 10
Industrial Building Expenditure 15 10
Mining Expenditure 95 Nil
Plant Expenditure (excluding Furniture & Fittings) 50 25
Manufacturing Industrial Plant Expenditure 50 25
Construction Plant expenditure (excluding Furniture
and Fittings) 50 Nil
Public Transportation Motor Vehicle 95 Nil
Ranching and Plantation Expenditure 30 50
Plantation Equipment Expenditure 95 Nil
Research and Development Expenditure 95 Nil
Housing Estate Expenditure 50 25
Motor Vehicle Expenditure 50 25
Agricultural Plant Expenditure 95 Nil
Furniture and Fittings Expenditure 25 20
Graduated tax rates and consolidated relief allowance of N200,000 or 1% of
Gross Income, whichever is higher + 20% of Gross Income.
Taxable Rate of Tax
Income (N) (%)
First 300,000 7
Next 300,000 11
Next 500,000 15
Next 500,000 19
Next 1,600,000 21
Over 3,200,000 24
After the relief allowance and exemption had been granted, the balance of
income shall be taxed as specified in the tax table above.
5. TERTIARY EDUCATION TAX (2.5% of Assessable Profit)
8. HYDROCARBON TAX 15% (Petroleum prospecting
License and Marginal Fields
30% (Petroleum Mining Lease
(a) AbdulRaman Limited
Computation of capital allowances
i. Based on the provisions of Finance Act, 2019, there would not be any gap or
overlapping period anymore, except for transitional purposes only.
ii. Certain expenses included in preliminary expenses have been capitalised as
qualifying capital expenditure (plantation) in accordance with the provisions of para
(1) of Schedule 2 of CITA (as amended).
The capitalised costs consist:
- Cost of initial clearing and cultivation 70,000
- Cost of labour and technical expertise on the first planting 56,060
- Cost of nursery plant from Federal Ministry of Agriculture 191,540
- Cost of nursery plant from IART 130,000
iii. Stamp duties and registration expenses have been disallowed as they are incurred in
bringing the company into existence and not for the purpose of producing the profits
assessable to tax.
iv. Gratification to local chiefs and heads of families have been disallowed because the
expenditure was not incurred wholly and exclusively for the purpose of providing the
company‟s profit or loss.
v. There would be no restriction in capital allowances to be claimed in any period because
companies in agricultural production are exempted from such restriction.
(c) Computation of income tax liabilities
For 2021 and 2022 assessment years
(i) Determination of basis period (BP) based on Finance Act, 2019
YOA B.P for assessments B.P for capital allowances
2021 1/2/2020 – 31/10/2020 1/2/2020 – 31/10/2020
2022 1/11/2020 – 31/10/2021 1/11/2020 – 31/10/2021
2023 1/11/2021 – 31/10/2022 1/11/2021 – 31/10/2022
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ knowledge of the taxation of agricultural companies,
taking into consideration the relevant provisions of Finance Acts 2019, 2020 and
This being a compulsory question, about 100% of the candidates attempted the
question. The performance of the candidates was poor.
The commonest pitfalls of the candidates were their inability to capitalise some of
the preoperational expenses in line with the provisions paragraph 1 of Schedule 2
of CITA (as amended). Additionally, some them could not prorate the initial
allowance and were unable to identify the relevant basis periods.
Candidates are advised to read widely and be conversant with the provisions of the
Finance Acts and other relevant tax laws before sitting for subsequent examinations
to enhance better performance.
Making guide
Annual allowance:
- Old asset (3 ticks @ ¼ mark each) ¾
- New asset (1 tick @ ½ mark each) ½
Total capital allowance (1 tick) ¼
c. Computation of income tax liabilities for relevant assessment
Heading 1
Assessment year 2021 1
Adjusted profit 1
Capital allowances 1
Total profit ½
Companies income tax (20% of total profit) ½
Tertiary education tax (2% of assessable profit) ½
a. Zaki Limited
(i) Computation of basis periods
Year Basis period
2019 1/3/2017 - 28/2/2018
2020 1/3/2018 - 28/2/2019
2021 1/3/2019 - 28/2/2020
2021(Cessation) 1/3/2020 - 30/4/2020
the transaction. This will enable him determine the appropriate duty
to be paid.
Fixed duties
These are duties that do not vary with the consideration for the
document being stamped.
Payments and deposits for self to self-transactions whether
inter or intra-bank; and
Payments for goods supplied or services rendered if the
amount is under N1,000, payment of salaries or wages,
pensions, gratuities, etc;
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ knowledge of computations of assessable
profits of a company in cessation, chargeable transactions subject to ad-
valorem and fixed duties, and instruments exempted from stamp duties.
About 50% of the candidates attempted the question and the performance
was poor.
The commonest pitfalls of the candidates were their inability to ascertain the
relevant basis periods for a company in cessation and were also unable to
state the instruments that are exempted from stamp duties.
Candidates are advised to pay attention to the amendments to tax laws and
effects on tax computations in their preparations for future examinations.
Marking guide
a (i) Computation of basis periods for the relevant years of Marks Marks
Heading (2 ticks @1/2 mark each) 1
Assessment year 2019
Year 1
Basis period 1
Assessment year 2020
Year 1
Basis period 1
b i. Ad-valorem instruments
(½ mark for any correct transaction subject to a maximum of 5
points) 2½
Fixed duty instruments
(½ mark for any correct transaction subject to a maximum of 5
points) 2½ 5
(ii) Provide the basis for future tax legislations and administration;
b. The tax system usually involves a tripartite aspect, namely the tax policy, tax
laws, and tax administration.
i. Tax policy
The tax policies are general statements of intention, which guide
the thinking and the action of all concerned towards the
realisation of the set goals. They usually include:
Movement of emphasis from income tax to consumption tax that
is less prone to tax evasion;
Pursuance of a tax law regime with the aim of reducing Individual
tax burden, widening the tax net and encouraging savings and
investments; and
Introduction of the self-assessment scheme to encourage
taxpayer participation in the tax assessment process, which is
considered to be realistic in approach. The policy can also include
movement from coercive method of taxation to voluntary
compliance as in the case of Nigeria in recent time.
In Nigeria, the Constitution vests the legislation of income tax,
whether personal or corporate on the Federal Government in order
to promote uniformity. However, the three tiers of government
share the administration of the various taxes. Tax laws are
reviewed periodically in line with the changes in social, political
and economic conditions of the country.
The power to impose tax in Nigeria is within the exclusive
legislative authority of the Federal Government. There are
various machineries set up by the government to ensure strict
compliance of these laws; non-compliance attracts penalties and
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ knowledge of the specific objectives of the National
tax policy (NTP) 2017, and the tripartite structure of the Nigerian tax system.
About 90% of the candidates attempted the question but the performance was
The commonest pitfall of the candidates was their inability to explain the specific
objectives of the National tax policy (NTP) 2017.
Candidates are advised to familiarise themselves with the provisions of the National
tax policy (NTP) 2017 and also read ICAN Pathfinders and Study Text in their
preparations for subsequent examinations.
Marking guide
a. Specific objectives the National tax policy is designed to achieve Marks Marks
(1 mark for each objective subject to a maximum of 5 points) 5
It is granted annually over the useful life of the asset;
It is determined by dividing the cost of the assets less initial
allowance over the assets useful life, taking into consideration the
specified rates;
Annual allowance shall be prorated where the basis period of a
year of assessment is less than twelve months;
Annual allowance is calculated on straight line basis; and
A book value of N10 shall be deducted from annual allowance
claimable in the last year of the assets life and retained until the
asset is disposed off.
added to assessable profit. However, since balancing charge is
a claw back of capital allowances previously enjoyed on the
disposal asset, the amount to be added back to profit shall not
exceed the relief previously enjoyed. Consequently, the excess
of balancing charge being capital gains shall be assessed
under the Capital Gains Tax Act.
Computation of capital allowances
Motor Office Furniture Total
vehicle equipment and fitting
Initial allowance (%) 50 50 25
Annual allowance (%) 25 25 20
Assessment year 2021
Cost 8,400,000 2,300,000 10,700,000
Initial allowance (4,200,000) (1,150,000) 5,350,000
Annual allowance (525,000) (143,750) 668,750
_________ 6,018,750
W.D.V c/f to A.Y. 2022 3,675,000 1,006,250
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ knowledge of commencement principles,
computation of capital allowances and explanation of “in use” in relation to capital
allowances, and computation of companies income tax payable.
About 75% of the candidates attempted the question but performance was fair.
The commonest pitfall of the candidates was their inability to identify the basis
periods for assessments and capital allowances. Also, they could not explain the
meaning of “in use” in relation to capital allowances.
Candidates are advised to read ICAN Study Text and Pathfinders when preparing
for subsequent examinations to ensure better performance in future.
Marking guide
a. Types of capital allowances Marks Marks
(1 mark for any correct capital allowance subject to a maximum
of 3 points) 3
(1 mark for explanation of a correct capital allowance subject to a
maximum of 3 points)
3 6
b i. Basis periods for assessment and capital allowances
Assessment year 2021
Year 1
Basis period 1
Assessment year 2022
Year 1
Basis period 1 4
ii. Computation of income tax payable
Assessment year 2021
Year ¼
Adjusted profit ¼
Capital allowances ¼
Limited to 662/3 of adjusted profit ¼
Unutilised capital allowances c/f ¼
Total profit ½
Companies income tax payable (20% of total profit ½
Tertiary education tax payable (2% of assessable profit) ¼
Assessment year 2021
Year ¼
Cost (2 ticks @ ¼ each) ½
Initial allowance (2 ticks @ ¼ each) ½
Annual allowance (2 ticks @ ¼ each) ½
Capital allowance ¼
Assessment 2022
Year ¼
Cost ¼
Initial allowance ¼
Annual allowance(3 ticks @ ¼ each) ¾
Total allowance ¼ 8
(a) Most often, the terms “e-business” and “e-commerce” are used
interchangeably; however, they are not synonymous. E-commerce refers to
buying and selling online, while e-business encompasses all business
conducted online. Therefore, e-commerce can be viewed as a subset of e-
v. E-commerce involves the E-business could involve the use of
mandatory use of the internet. internet, intranet, or extranet.
vi. E-commerce is narrower concept E-business is a broader concept that
and restricted to buying and involves market surveying, supply
selling. chain and logistics management, and
using data mining.
Examiner’s report
The question tests candidates‟ understanding of the taxation of “e-commerce” and
About 55% of the candidates attempted the question but performance was poor.
The commonest pitfalls of the candidates were their inability to state the
differences between “e-commerce” and “e-business”. In addition to the foregoing,
some candidates could not state the objectives of taxpayers identification number
Candidates are advised to read widely before sitting for the Institute‟s
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Differences between “e-commerce” and “e-business”
(1 mark for each explanation subject to a maximum of 10 points) 5
(a) Employment
Employment is an agreement between an employer and an employee that
the employee will provide certain services on the job and in the employer‟s
designated workplace to facilitate the accomplishment of the employer
organisation‟s goals and mission, in return for compensation. The agreement
can be verbal, implied or an official employment contract.
In employment, the employer determines where, when, how, why and what
of the work that is performed by the employee. The degree of input,
autonomy and self-directedness that an employee experiences on a job is a
by-product of an employer‟s philosophy of management and employment.
Employment ends at the prerogative of the employer or the employee.
A vocation is a specified business, occupation, profession, or trade to which a
person is specially drawn or for which he or she is suited, trained or
qualified. Vocation can either be an activity that serves as an individual‟s
regular source of livelihood or as an activity engaged in especially as a
means of passing time.
A profession refers to an occupation that requires specialized education,
knowledge, training and ethics. Although professionals make their living in
what they do, this paid work is often more than just a job or occupation
alone. Whether the occupation is law, medicine, plumbing, writing, interior
design or accounting, those who are in it are expected to meet and maintain
common standards.
Professions are, ideally, made up of people who should have high ethical
standards, special knowledge and skills. The responsibility of people in
certain occupations to the public is an important distinction from those who
may participate in the fields on an amateur or non-professional basis. For
example, if a home owner hires a non-licensed plumber to save money, he or
she wouldn‟t be able to hold this person to the same standards as a licensed
professional in the same industry.
(b) Cash emoluments
Cash emoluments are the remuneration that an employee receives from the
employer in cash.
Cash emoluments include salary, wages, fee, allowance or other gain or
profit from employment, including compensations, bonuses, premiums,
benefits, and share of profits received by an employee.
Benefits–in–kind (BIK)
Benefits-in-kind mean those expenses incurred by an employer in the
provision of benefits to the employee.
Benefits-in-kind will also include such benefits which are usually provided to
the spouse, family, servant, dependent or guest of the employee.
(c) The following are the general rules for quantifying benefits-in-kind on
the use of assets, etc:
i. Use of assets owned acquired by the employer
ii. Provision of residential accommodation by the employer
Examiner’s report
The question tests the candidates‟ knowledge of the taxation of individuals with
emphases on explanations of “employment”, “vocation”, “profession”, “cash
emoluments”, and benefits-in- kind.
Over 80% of the candidates attempted the question but performance was average.
The commonest pitfall was the candidates‟ inability to explain the general rules for
quantifying “benefits-in-kind”.
Candidates are advised to read relevant study materials in order to perform well in
future examinations.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Explanation of “employment”, “vocation” and “profession”
Employment is an agreement between an employer and an employee.
Agreement can be verbal, implied or an official employment contract.
The employer dictates the terms.
Employment ends at the prerogative of the employer or the employee
(1 mark for any correct point subject to a maximum of 2 points) 2
Definition 1
Nature of vocation 1
Definition 1
Explanation 1 6
(d) Currency of deduction
The currency in which tax is to be deducted and paid over to the relevant tax
authorities is the currency of transaction. Where the transaction is in foreign
currency, the tax is to be withheld in the foreign currency and paid to the
relevant tax authority, through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The CBN
would then effect the necessary conversion, using the ruling rate of
exchange and then credit the appropriate government account with the sum.
Examiner’s report
The question tests the candidates‟ knowledge of ultimate beneficiaries of
withholding tax, filing of returns/payment schedule, penalties, and currency of
payment for withholding tax.
About 80% of the candidates attempted the question and the performance was
The commonest pitfall was candidates‟ lack of knowledge of the penalties payable
for non deduction and late remittance of withholding tax to the appropriate tax
Candidates are advised to pay attention to this particular aspect of the syllabus.
Marking guide
Marks Marks
a. Ultimate beneficiaries of withholding tax
State Internal Revenue Service 1½
Federal Income Revenue Service 1½ 3
Penalty of 10% per annum of the tax withheld or not remitted
Individuals 1½
Penalty/fine of N5,000 plus interest at the prevailing commercial rate 1½ 3
d. Currency of deduction/remittance
Currency of transaction 4
Total 15