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RM Young 06201 Manual

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MODEL 06201



MANUAL PN: 06201-90

TEL: (231) 946-3980 FAX: (231) 946-4772
MODEL 06201

1. Wind Speed Display

2. Wind Speed Units Indicator
3. Alarm Status Indicators
4. Data Averaging Indicator
5. Maximum Wind Speed or Direction Display
6. Wind Direction and Variability Display
7. Brightness Control and Enter key (setup only)
8. Maximum Reset and Select key (setup only)


The YOUNG Model 06201 Wind Tracker is a compact wind speed and
direction display. This model has advanced features including 4-20 mA
inputs, serial input/output and alarms.

• 3 digit wind speed display
• 3 digit maximum wind speed or wind direction display
• Multi-color wind direction display with variability display
• Wind speed and direction alarms with delay
• RS-485 serial connections for up to 16 displays
• Calibrated 0-5 VDC outputs
• Display brightness control
• 4-20 mA Sensor Inputs

• INDOOR USE ONLY unless placed in approved enclosure
• Operating temperature range 0-50°C (32-122°F), 0-95% RH
• Use only recommended power sources. 12-30 VDC, 4.5 W
• Disconnect power when connecting or servicing sensors
and external devices 1. Power input (12-30 VDC)
• Maximum 24 VAC/30 VDC on alarm relay contacts. 2. Sensor or 4-20 mA inputs
3. Earth ground connection
4. RS-485 serial input/output
5. 0-5 VDC calibrated outputs
6. Alarm relay connections (N.O.)
7. Input selector switch

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MOUNTING AND START-UP PEr 030 Set averaging period in seconds (0-999).
Display will update at this interval.
1. Select location for display. A location out of direct sunlight
dSP SPd Displays MAXIMUM wind speed in right display.
provides best visibility.
dir Displays Wind Direction degrees
(1° resolution) in right display.
The Wind Tracker may be mounted from a bulkhead or installed in
a flush panel by removing the mounting bracket. Panel cutout
Wind Direction Alarm
dimensions are given in the specifications. An optional rack
ALr no WD alarm not used.
mounting panel (Model 06280) and protective enclosure (Model
YES WD alarm activated.
06260) are available from your YOUNG supplier.
If no is selected, the following 2 steps do not
2. Connect cables to terminals. Refer to diagram on page 5.
ALr dir Press SELECT to position alarm sector.
Selector switch on back panel should be DOWN for normal
Press ENTER.
sensor inputs, UP for 4-20 mA inputs or for use with Wind
ALr SPn Press SELECT to set size (span) of alarm
3. Connect GND terminal to suitable earth ground.
Wind Speed Alarm
4. Insert power supply plug into power jack, plug into standard
ALr no WS alarm not used.
AC wall outlet.
YES WS alarm activated.
If no is selected, the following step does not
5. The Wind Tracker will display a software version number for
approximately 4 seconds. It will then begin to display wind
information. The following information is displayed:
ALr 000 WS alarm set point. Press SELECT to change digits.
ENTER to save.
• Wind Speed
• Wind Speed Units
Alarm Delay Time
• Maximum Wind Speed or Direction degrees
If no alarm is selected, this step does not
• Wind Direction (single orange indicator)
• Direction Variability (green indicators)
dLY 030 Set alarm delay time in seconds (0-999).
• WS, WD Alarm Status Indicators (If selected)
• Data Averaging Indicator (If selected)
Snd no No sound with alarm or average update.
6. Observe the unit for a few minutes to verify that it is operating
YES Audible beeper will sound with alarm or avg
properly. If you wish to change settings (ie: wind speed units), this
is done easily using the keys on the front panel.
Test Functions
tSt ALr Press SELECT to close alarm relays.
CAL 0.00 Press SELECT to alternate between 0.00 VDC and
The Wind Tracker has a SETUP mode that allows you to easily change 5.00 VDC at "0-5V OUT" terminals. Use to calibrate
sensor type, wind speed units, averaging time, alarm settings, and other external devices (recorders, etc..)

Press and hold ENTER and SELECT keys (about 5 seconds). The ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
display will briefly flash “SEt uP”, then begin the SETUP sequence.
Change settings with the SELECT key. Press the ENTER key to save
a setting and move to the next step. Abbreviations in the left and right ALARMS
display windows identify each function and the available selections.
Wind speed and wind direction alarm functions are accessed in the
DISPLAY SETUP FUNCTION SETUP sequence. Either or both alarms may be used. When activated,
alarms are indicated on the front panel. When an alarm condition exists,
LEFT RIGHT Input / Sensor Type the indicator blinks, the associated relay contact closes and beeper
InP LDi Line Driver 4-20mA input sounds (if selected). When a delay time is set, the indicator will not
03 Wind Sentry report an alarm condition until it has existed for one complete delay
04 Wind Monitor-Jr period. Alarm activity ceases when conditions are outside the alarm
05 Wind Monitor range for one complete delay period. For a "latching" alarm effect, use
05A Wind Monitor-AQ the Wind Tracker alarm contacts to activate an appropriate external
09 Wind Monitor-SE latching-type relay.
SEr Serial input for remote display only
If SEr is selected, SETUP sequence ends here. AVERAGING

Wind Speed Units The Wind Tracker can display instantaneous or averaged wind data.
SPd unt Press SELECT to change units, ENTER to Averaging is selected in the SETUP sequence at the prompt "dSP". The
proceed. average is a block average for the time period selected. The display
updates only after each time period has elapsed and will hold this
Display Averaging information until the next update.
dSP no No averaging. Instantaneous data displayed.
YES Display averaging in effect.
If no is selected, the following step does not
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BRIGHTNESS Other Inputs: RS-485, 4-20 mA
Accuracy: ±0.6% F.S.
Adjust display brightness by holding the BRIGHT key.
Display Resolution:
MAXIMUM/WIND DIRECTION DIGITAL DISPLAY Wind Direction: 10° circular pattern (36 points)
1° digital w/ dSP dIr selected
The right display window can show either MAXIMUM WIND SPEED or Wind Speed &
Numerical WIND DIRECTION. This selection is made in the setup mode Maximum: 1 Knot, 1 MPH, 1 KM/H, 0.1 M/S
under Display (dSP).
Voltage Outputs:
REMOTE DISPLAYS Wind Direction Range:
0-5 VDC 0-360°
The Wind Tracker can be used as a remote display by selecting "InP SEr" Wind Speed Range: (dependent on units selected)
during SETUP. Remote displays are connected to the main display using 0-5 VDC 0-100 Knots
the RS-485 terminals. Connect like terminals as shown in wiring 0-100 MPH
diagrams. Remote displays show exactly the same information as the 0-200 KM/H
main unit. MAX RESET and SETUP features are controlled at the main 0-50 M/S
unit only. Brightness can be adjusted at each display independently. Up
to 16 remote displays can be connected to one main display. Alarm Relays: Non-latching
Normally Open contacts for WS and WD.
VOLTAGE OUTPUTS Contact rating 5A resistive,
2A inductive @ 24 VAC, 30 VDC.
The Wind Tracker offers calibrated voltage outputs for both wind speed
Input Power: 12-30 VDC, 4.5 W
and wind direction. This feature allows the use of recorders and other
devices. Full scale voltage for each channel is 5.00 VDC.
Weight: 1.0 lb (0.45 kg) without AC adapter
4-20 mA INPUTS
The Wind Tracker accepts 4-20 mA (Line Driver) inputs. The Line Driver
circuit must provide 0 - 50 M/S Wind Speed scaling ("M" suffix). Connect
cable as indicated on page 4. Switch on back must be UP at power up
for correct 4-20 mA operation. Set INPUT to "LDI" in SETUP. This product has been tested and shown to comply with European CE
Note: 24 VDC power is required for line driver applications. requirements for the EMC Directive. Please note that shielded cable
must be used.

The Wind Tracker detects and indicates two errors. Once corrected,
the error indication disappears.
Declaration of Conformity
DISPLAY Application of Council Directives:

LDi Err 4-20 mA (line driver) signal is missing or outside Standards to which Conformity is Declared:
of acceptable range. Verify proper switch EN 50081-1
position or signal. EN 55022 (CISPR 22 class A)
EN 50082-1 (IEC 801-2, 3, 4)
SEr Err Unit is set to receive RS-485 serial signal, (inP
SEr) but no serial data is coming in. Verify Manufacturer's Name and Address:
that the serial source is operating. Check cables R. M. Young Company
for proper connection. Traverse City, MI, 49686, USA

Importer's Name and Address:

See Shipper or Invoice
Type of Equipment:
The Wind Tracker is warranted to be free of defects in materials and Meteorological Instruments
construction for a period of 12 months from date of purchase. Coverage
is limited to repair or replacement of defective unit. Model Number / Year of Manufacture:

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment

SPECIFICATIONS specified conforms to the above Directives and Standards.

Size: 144 mm (5.65 in) x 144 mm (5.65 in) x Date / Place:

36 mm (1.4 in) Traverse City, Michigan, USA February 19, 1996

Panel Cutout: 138 mm (5.43 in) x 138 mm (5.43 in)

Compatible Sensors:
Wind Monitor
David Poinsett
Wind Monitor-SE
R & D Manager, R. M. Young Company
Wind Monitor-MA
Wind Monitor-AQ
Wind Monitor-JR
Wind Sentry
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