JRF Math - Sample 2011
JRF Math - Sample 2011
JRF Math - Sample 2011
There will be two tests RMI and RMII of 2 hours duration each in the forenoon
and in the afternoon. Topics to be covered in these tests along with an outline of
the syllabus and sample questions are given below:
1) Topics for RMI (Forenoon examination) : Real Analysis, Measure and Integra-
tion, Complex Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations and General Topology.
3. Real analysis : Sequences and series, Continuity and differentiability of real val-
ued functions of one and two real variables and applications, uniform convergence,
Riemann integration.
(5) Show that the set of all rational numbers with the usual topology is not
locally compact.
(11) Let L and T be two linear functionals on a real vector space V such that
L (v) = 0 implies T (v) = 0. Show that T = cL for some real number c.
(12) Let
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
B= .
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
Show that, for each nonzero scalar λ, (λI − B)−1 = Pλ (B) for some poly-
nomial Pλ (X) of degree 3.
(13) Let A be an n × n square matrix such that A2 is the identity. Show that
any n×1 vector can be expressed as a sum of at most two eigenvectors of A.
(26) Suppose that there are n boxes labelled 1, 2, . . . n and there are n balls also
labelled similarly. The balls are thrown into boxes completely randomly so
that each box receives one ball.
(a) How many possible arrangements of balls in boxes is possible?
(b) Find the probability that the ball labelled 1 goes into the box labelled
(c) Find the probability that at least one ball is in the box with the same
Complex Analysis
(27) Suppose for an analytic function f its zero set Zf is uncountable. Show
that f ≡ 0.
(28) Let C be the set of complex numbers and let f n be an analytic
o function
on the open disc {z ∈ C | |z| < 1}. Assume that ddznf (0) is a bounded
sequence. Show that f has an analytic extension to C.
(29) Let f, g : C → C be entire functions with g(z) 6= 0 for all z ∈ C. Assume
that lim|z|→∞ fg(z)(z)
exists. Show that either f (z) = 0 for all z ∈ C or
f (z) 6= 0 for all z ∈ C.
Abstract Algebra
(30) Let Sn denote the group of permutations of {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} and let k be an
integer between 1 and n. Find the number of elements x in Sn such that
the cycle containing 1 in the cycle decomposition of x has length k.
(31) Let C be the field of complex numbers and ϕ : C[X, Y, Z] → C[t] be the
ring homomorphism such that
ϕ(a) = a for all a in C,
ϕ(X) = t,
ϕ(Y ) = t2 , and
ϕ(Z) = t3 .
Determine the kernel of ϕ.
√ √
(32) Show that there is no field isomorphism between Q( 2) and Q( 3). Are
they isomorphic as vector spaces over Q?
(33) Determine finite subgroups of the multiplicative group of non-zero complex
(34) Let Z[X] denote the ring of polynomials in X with integer coefficients. Find
an ideal I in Z[X] such that Z[X]/I is a field of order 4.
Differential Equations
(35) Let y : [a, b] → R be a solution of the equation
d2 y dy
+ P (x) + Q (x) y (x) = 0,
dx2 dx
where P (x) and Q (x) are continuous functions on [a, b]. If the graph of
the function y (x) is tangent to X-axis at any point of this interval, then
prove that y is identically zero.
(36) Let f : R → R be a continuous function. Consider the differential equation
y 0 (t) + y(t) = f (t) (∗)
on R.
a) Show that (∗) can have at most one bounded solution.
b) If f is bounded, show that (∗) has a bounded solution.
(37) Let q(X) be a polynomial in X of degree n with real coefficients and let k
be a non-zero real number. Show that the differential equation
+ ky(x) = q(x)
has exactly one polynomial solution of degree n.