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Regenerative Agriculture Conference - Western Cape - LVDM Signed

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Regenerative Agriculture and Soil Health

A fully hybrid event Stellenbosch Western Cape
3rd - 4th August 2023


The need for sustainable agricultural practices is growing throughout the world, and Africa is
no exception. Urgent action is needed to address the costs of land degradation in sub-Saharan Africa. In
response, a growing movement toward regenerative agriculture is taking hold in
many African countries including South Africa. This type of farming is based on a holistic approach to
land management and agricultural production, focusing on restoring, replenishing, and regenerating soils
and ecosystems to create healthy and productive agricultural systems
and combat the effects of climate change. Regenerative agriculture has been gaining traction
in South Africa for some time but has recently been gaining more recognition as a viable and sustainable
agricultural practice.

Farmer experience has demonstrated that regenerative farming practices can restore the soil carbon
sponge for better water absorption and purification, nutrient availability, CO2 sequestration and genuine
farmer profitability. Scientific evidence for this is mounting rapidly.
This Summit is dedicated to discussing issues, exchanging of ideas and views towards the
advancement of regenerative agriculture as the future of sustainable food production in South

The conference will feature a series of presentations, discussions, case studies and a field day
on topics scaling regenerative agriculture and conservation practices, soil health research,
carbon sequestration, collaborative conservation, fostering the whole agrarian lifecycle and
much more.

www.think-green.co.za Tel: +27 010 023 1263 Cell: +27 64 414 6695
Overview 3. Deepening Regenerative thinking with Biomimicry.

4. Soil borne diseases and soil health in general with

To galvanize the industry to expedite peer-to-peer
emphasis on cover crops and organic amendments,
knowledge sharing and discussions around industry
• The general impact of intensive/conventional
collaborations, cooperation’s and partnerships to
enhance more proactive and innovative measures agricultural production on soil health with emphasis on
needed to boost agricultural production and increase microbial diversity and soil-borne diseases;
• Introduction of alternative cropping systems such
supply. The event intends to facilitate and accelerate rotations, cover crops and organic amendments and
the adoption of regenerative agriculture and their benefits in improving soil health and suppressing
conservation practices, soil health research, soil-borne diseases
collaborative conservation, to effectively achieve • Examples and results of 3-4 projects implemented
sustainability goals and ignite systemic change in under the smallholder farming system in Limpopo in
the agrifood ecosystem. the past 8 years addressing soil health and soil-borne
plant diseases.
With the right policies and support, regenerative
agriculture can help to ensure that farmers in South 5. The development of urban agricultural food
Africa are able to produce healthy, sustainable yields enterprises inclusive of food production and retail
sales. "From Production to Enterprises to Agency:
for years to come.
Institutional development for sustainable urban
The event also brings together leading farmers,
researchers, practitioners and educators to debate
6. Spatial planning on farms to enable regenerative
and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and
concerns as well as practical challenges
encountered, and solutions adopted in the fields of
7. Regenerating Landscapes for a Sustainable Future
Regenerative Agriculture, collaborative conservation
and natural restoration.
8. Who is Climate Neutral Group (CNG)?
• What is the AgriCarbon (carbon farming) program
TOPICS and how does it work?
• Some impacts of our farmers in sustainability
1. Crop Management - Cases and Tools for • How to enter the program.
Higher Yield and Sustainability
9. Regenerative Research and Practices for Forests
Bullet points of presentation:
and Fields
Measuring soil health: A balanced and practical
approach 10. A multifunctional approach to Regenerative
Measuring and interpreting root formation and the Agriculture in Africa".
rhizosphere • Agriculture is about much more than just food. A
Measuring and interpreting plant sap, leaf analysis revitalized, healthier and fairer world revolves
and fruit analysis around a re-booted and diversified agriculture and
Practical tools on managing short term soil associated rural economy, with special attention to
constraints the poorest smallholders of the tropics and
Practical tools on managing long term soil subtropics.
11. Applying regenerative systems design to farming.
The influence of abiotic crop stress events on
production, and management tools
12. Carbon Sequestration, Nitrous Oxide Emissions,
Taxes and GHG Reduction Targets
2. Soil testing for soil health.
• Benefits and limitations to total organic 13. Cattle and Regenerative Agriculture
matter, currently available laboratory tests
• Specific testing trends or values to look for 14. Regenerating Farming and Soils by Maximizing
• How long it takes to notice changes in soil Photosynthesis.
health metrics
• Additional resources for understanding soil
health testing

www.think-green.co.za Tel: +27 010 023 1263 Cell: +27 64 414 6695
Prof Bruce Lanford
PhD (Irrigation Design & Management) from the University of Newcastle
Speakers + BIOS upon Tyne in 1998. Master of Science in Irrigation (Distinction) also
from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1992. My BSc in Soil
Science (Hons) is from University of Reading, graduating in 1985.
Oct 2019 onwards - independent / affiliated to the School of
Dr. Michael Southwood
International Development, UEA, UK
MSc in Agronomy & Pasture Science, Plant pathology
2011 – 2019 Professor of Water and Irrigation Policy, School of
1 year: Agrochemical industry
International Development, UEA, UK2005 – 2011 Senior Lecturer in
3 years farming
Natural Resources, School of International Development, UEA, UK
13 years in Seed business
2006 – 2010 Head of School, School of International Development, UEA,
10 years: Full time consultant on vegetables, cover crops and
minor/niche crops
1994 – 2005 Lecturer in Natural Resources, School of Development
Director of Agri Seta accredited Agri Skill Academy: diploma
Studies, UEA, UK
certificates in Agri for students
Special interests: Soil sustainability, IPM spraying programmes,
Dr. Adornis Nciizah
Crop rotation programmes, connecting growers with export
Specialist Researcher at Agricultural Research Council-Natural Resources
& Engineering
problem solving.
Peter Searll Managing Director Transformus
Dr. Hugh Jellie
25 years' experience as an innovative market researcher in South Africa,
Hugh is the Founder of Ata Regenerative; he is a veterinarian with
evidenced by being a two-time industry award winner. Peter is Managing
specialist interest in dairy production systems, reproduction and
Director and passionate about healing our soils for resilience and health.
ruminant nutrition. Hugh has worked principally in the dairy
industry for the past 40 years. Through his work in many countries
Prof Mapotso Kena holds a PhD in Plant Pathology from the University
he has observed that current farming methods are becoming
of the Free State, Bloemfontein and a Master of Science degree in
increasingly exploitative of the farm animals, the environment and
Biology specializing in Mycology and Plant Pathology from Kharkov State
the local rural communities, which have suffered as a result. He
University in Ukraine. She is currently an Associate Professor in the
strives to improve productivity and performance at farm level
Department of Plant Production, Soil Science and Agricultural
through regenerative agriculture, improved welfare and husbandry
engineering, at the University of Limpopo. She also worked at the
standards and the development of the skills and capability on farm
National University of Lesotho as a lecturer and researcher in Plant
to support this. He is also passionate about improving the
Pathology and held various managerial positions. She has worked in
resilience of rural communities. Ata has partnered with the Savory
academia for more than 18 years. Her research interest is in developing
Global Network (https://www.savory.global/) and has established a
management strategies that can be easily adopted by small-holder
‘Savory Hub’ in NZ to further the understanding of Holistic and
farmers to manage plant diseases, especially those caused by seed and
Regenerative Management. Hugh is the first and only accredited
soil-borne pathogens. Her latest interest is also to understand plant
Field Professional for Savory Global in NZ and the only Savory
pathogen interactions and microbiome dynamics under changing
Institute Certified Ecological Outcome Verifier. He has established
climatic conditions, use of cover crops, nano micronutrients and organic
the first Ecological Outcome Verified farm sites and is working with
amendments as soil-borne disease and climate change mitigation
NZ producers through the Land to Market programme to open new
strategies suitable under small-holder farming systems.
and potentially more profitable access to market opportunity. Ata
Regenerative has been created to facilitate transformational
Mr. Thabile Nkunjana
change in agriculture in NZ to systems which deliver greater health
Agricultural Economist: Agro-Food Chains
and resilience to farmers, rural communities, environments and
Markets and Economic Research Division
animals. Ata has also partnered with rhythm, a world leader in
National Agricultural Marketing Council
Regenerative Design (https://nrhythm.co/about/) to help achieve
positive regenerative change for NZ. It is our collective view that
Dr. Naudé Malan
NZ is at a tipping point, agriculture as we have practiced it for the
Lecturer and researcher with expertise in the fields of urban agriculture,
last decades has no long term future and must change to protect
food systems change, participatory and user centered design, design for
our environments, our communities, the welfare of farmers and
development, human rights, social policy and participation in
their animals; in so doing this aligns with global consumer wants
and helps protect our economy.
Gray Maguire: AgriCarbon Programme lead at Climate Neutral Group
Dr. Liz Haney is a soil and ecosystem scientist with experience in
South Africa. Gray is the former Green Economy Coordinator at the
regenerative agriculture education, soil health testing and
Department of Environmental Affairs and development Planning at
analyses, carbon and conservation practice modeling, research and
Western Cape Government where he had a strong focus on the biomass
development. Liz’s purpose, drive and passion are helping to
economy. He is the programme lead for South Africa's first registered
improve producer profitability, environmental sustainability, and
VM0042- Improved Agricultural Land-use Management methodology
human health through regenerative practices and soil health.
carbon credit programme and the co-chair of the Carbon Hub of the
Throughout her career she has developed an expansive network of
Sustainable Landscape Finance Coalition. He holds a post-graduate
scientists, thought leaders, consultants, farmers and ranchers
degree in Poverty, land and Agrarian Studies from UWC and wrote his
within the sustainable agriculture space. Liz loves nothing more
masters thesis on private investment in sustainable land-use
than creating community and is skilled at coordinating and
management at WITS.
conducting educational events, workshops and conferences
bringing together today’s leading innovators in regenerative
David Farrell
agriculture. Liz is the founder of Soil Regen and co-founder of
David Farrell is a founding partner of Blue North Sustainability (Pty) Ltd,
Regen Mills and Heritage Ground with Russell Hedrick. Liz is also
a Stellenbosch-based consulting practice specialising in supporting
proud to be a part of Farmers Reserve Distillery.
agricultural supply chains, from farmer to retailer, in the integration of
sustainability programmes and practices into their business strategies
Dr. André Leu D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed.
and operations.
International Director, Regeneration International
Blue North’s current project portfolio includes the development of the
Ambassador, IFOAM - Organics International
content and tools for WWF-SA's Sustainable Fruit Initiative, which is now
Dr. André Leu is the author of The Myths of Safe Pesticides and
in final testing phase with the goal of it becoming the environmental
Poisoning Our Children. He previously served as president of
'pillar' of the SIZA integrated sustainability programme for the South
IFOAM — Organics International and is currently the international
African fruit industry; the management of the Confronting Climate
director of Regeneration International.
Change Initiative on behalf of South Africa's fruit and wine industries;
various fresh-produce supply chain improvement projects and the
development of a multi-commodity sustainability programme for one of
the UK’s big four retailers.

Conference Fee: R3600.00
Note: Course materials, morning & afternoon refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included.
Company Postal Address 21 Iris street, Durbanville, 7550
Tel/Mobile 082 650 9814 E-mail LIZE@VELDTOLOGY.CO.ZA

Delegates Details
No. Title Participants Name Designation E-mail Address Mobile Number
1st Dr. LIZE VAN DER MERWE Environ scientist LIZE@VELDTOLOGY.CO.ZA 082 650 9814
Registration Authorization
Name LIZE VAN DER MERWE In-house Training Available:
Designation DIRECTOR Do you have a team of ten or more people requiring this training?
If so, it may be more cost effective for THINK GREEN CONSULTING to bring
the training to you. Contact us to discuss your needs today.
Date 11 July 2023
Signature Pat – 064 414 6695 , registration@thinkgreenevents.co.za

Terms and Conditions

Please read the information listed below as each booking is subject to THINK GREEN CONSULTING standard terms and conditions.
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Please note that while speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate
substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, THINK GREEN CONSULTING reserves the right to alter or modify the
advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability to you whatsoever. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon
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All 'Early Bird' Discounts or incentives require payment at time of registration and before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount. Any discounts offered
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Kindly return registration form to registration@thinkgreenevents.co.za

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