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DLL - Math 4 - Q2 - W1

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School: AMOBOCAN ES Grade Level: IV


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 7-11, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard/ Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of SUMMATIVE TEST
factors and multiples and of factors and multiples and factors and multiples and factors and multiples and
Pamantayang addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of
fractions. fractions. fractions. fractions.

B. Performance Standard Is able to apply the knowledge Is able to apply the knowledge Is able to apply the knowledge of Is able to apply the knowledge of
of factors and multiples, and of factors and multiples, and factors and multiples, and factors and multiples, and
Pamantayan sa Pagganap addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of
fractions in mathematical fractions in mathematical fractions in mathematical fractions in mathematical
problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life situations. problems and real-life situations.
situations. situations.
C. Learning Differentiates prime from Differentiates prime from Differentiates prime from Differentiates prime from
Competency/Objectives- composite numbers. composite numbers. composite numbers. composite numbers.
Write the LC code for each. M4NS-IIb-66 M4NS-IIb-66 M4NS-IIb-66 M4NS-IIb-66
Mga Kasanayan sa Identify the factors of a given Identify the factors of a given Identify the factors of a given Identify the factors of a given
Pagkatuto number up to 100. number up to 100. number up to 100. number up to 100.
Isulat ang code ng bawat M4NS-IIa-64 M4NS-IIa-64 M4NS-IIa-64 M4NS-IIa-64

II. CONTENT/ Prime and Composite Numbers. Prime and Composite Prime and Composite Numbers. Prime and Composite Numbers.
Subject Matter


1. Teacher’s Guide pages 115-118 115-118 115-118 115-118
2. Learner’s Materials pages 86-88 86-88 86-88 86-88
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource Flash cards of basic facts, chart Flash cards of basic facts, chart Flash cards of basic facts, chart Flash cards of basic facts, chart
on word problems, and on word problems, and on word problems, and on word problems, and
expressions, expressions, expressions, expressions,
power point presentations power point presentations power point presentations power point presentations
A. Reviewing previous 1.Drill: Let the pupils answer the 1.Drill:Use of flashcards of 1.Drill:Use of flashcards in 1.Drill:Use of flashcards in
lesson or presenting the Multiplication Star. Refer to TG Multiplication 4 Basic Operations 4 Basic Operations
new lesson page 115. 2. Review: 2. Review: 2. Review:
Balik-aral sa nakaraang 2. Review: Conduct a review on a. Checking of Assignment a. Checking of Assignment a. Checking of Assignment
aralin at/o pagsisismula the commutative property of
ng bagong aralin multiplication. Give first
example to the class.
1. Establishing a Have a game “The Boat is
purpose for the Sinking”
lesson/ Paghabi sa Refer to TG p 115 for the
layunin ng aralin instruction.
A. Presenting
examples/Instances of
the new lesson/ Pag- Present the situation to the
uugnay ng mga class. TG p. 116
halimbawa sa bagong
B. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
#1 Let the pupils use the table on
. Pagtalakay ng bagong letter B, under presentation for
konsepto at paglalahad another activity. TG p. 116
ng bagong kasanayan #1

C. Discussing new concepts Study Explore and Discover LMs

and practicing new skills p. 86
#2 Ask each pair of pupils to
Pagtalakay ng bagong answer the items in their
konsepto at paglalahad notebook.
ng bagong kasanayan #2 Process the Activities
Teacher explains the difference
between prime and composite
D. Developing mastery Let the pupils identify the ff Display a 100-chart. Let the Group Activity:
(leads to Formative numbers if Prime or Composite pupils do the activity. TG p. 117 Group the pupils into 3 teams.
Assessment ) Number. Let them answer exercises under
Paglinang sa Kabihasaan 1.) 23 4.) 9 Keep Moving, LM p87-88
2.) 12 5.) 32 Have the groups arrive a
3.) 13 consensus answer. Let the
recorder write the group’s
answer on the table written on
the board.
Check the group’s answer
E. Finding practical
application of concepts Let pupils do the exercises under
and skills in daily living Ask pupils to do exercises Apply Your Skills ,LM 4 on page
Paglalapat ng Aralin sa under Get Moving on LM page 87.
pang-araw-araw na 87 Give pupils enough time to
buhay answer .

F. Making generalizations Summarizing the lesson: Summarizing the lesson: Summarizing the lesson:
and abstractions about What is a prime number? What What is a prime number? What is What is a prime number? What is
the lesson is a composite number? How a composite number? How do we a composite number? How do we
do we determine whether a determine whether a number is determine whether a number is
number is prime or composite? prime or composite? prime or composite?
G. Evaluating learning Were the pupils able to identify Were the pupils able to identify Were the pupils able to identify
Were the pupils able to give the
whether a number is prime or whether a number is prime or whether a number is prime or
correct answer?
composite? How many? composite? How many? composite? How many?
H. Additional activities for Try to answer at home: Find the Write P for prime and C for List the factors of the ff numbers: Encircle the prime numbers and
application or factors of the numbers, then Composite number. 1. 78 box the composite numbers.
remediation identify if it is Prime or 1. 31 2. 83
Composite number. 2. 66 3. 16 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
3. 21 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
4 2 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
5 0

Prepared by:
Checked by:


Grade IV Adviser Principal III

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