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Environmental Chemistry



Dr. Ir. Nurfajriani, M.Si.

Group 3

Name : Fatayatul Hasniyah (4173131012)

Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga (4173131021)
Class : Bilingual Chemistry Education 2017





Praise be to God Almighty for all His mercy so that this routine task report
can be arranged until finished. Thank you to Lecturer for Environmental
Chemistry courses; for the sciences given, do not forget the author also thanked
many thanks for the help of the party who has contributed.
And hope the writer hopes this paper can add knowledge and experience to
readers, in the future can improve the form and increase the contents of the paper
to make it better.
Due to the limited knowledge and experience of author, the author believe
there are still a lot of shortcomings in developing this routine task report, therefore
the authors are very hopeful of the constructive criticisms and criticisms of the
reader for the sake of the completeness of this routine task report.

Medan, October 2019

The Authors


PREFACE ................................................................................................................ i

LIST OF CONTENT............................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1

1.1. Background................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Formulation of Problems .............................................................................. 1

1.3. Purposes........................................................................................................ 2

1.4. Benefits ......................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY ...................................................................................... 3

2.1. Processing the Clean Water for Every Needs............................................... 3

2.1. Processing the Clean Water for Drinking ..................................................... 4

2.3. Removing Solids from Liquids .................................................................... 7

2.4. Removing Water Hardness ........................................................................... 8

2.5. Removing Pathogenic Bactery ..................................................................... 9

2.5. Processing Liquid Waste Management ...................................................... 10

CHAPTER 3 CLOSING ....................................................................................... 14

3.1. Conclusion .................................................................................................. 14

3.2. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 14

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 15


1.1. Background
Water is a vital life necessity for human life and other living things. It can
be said that water is a limited resource. During this time the human need for
water is very large. If we look at it in terms of usage, then water can never be
separated from all aspects of human life. Starting from small things, such as
drinking water to quench thirst until the waterwheel is used as a producer of
electrical energy. In terms of its existence there are also various types of water.
On this earth almost 71 percent of its surface is in territorial waters.
Including the country of Indonesia which is an archipelago. Which means the
availability of water for humans is very abundant. however, water consumption
has doubled in the last 50 years. Its supply has reached a critical stage, not only in
Indonesia but the world community is facing the same problem. Declining quality
and water supply due to being polluted by industrial waste, household waste and
other wastes. Besides being caused by seasonal changes from the rainy season to
the dry season and the effects of global warming, most people are ignorant of the
nature of water, how to use water properly, and various benefits of water causing
people to often waste water and use it irresponsibly answer.

1.2. Formulation of Problems

Based on background, we get the formulation of problems on this paper:

1. How to processing the clean water for every needs?

2. How to processing the clean water for drinking?
3. How to removing solids from liquids (water)?
4. How to removing water hardness?
5. How to removing patogenic bactery?
6. How to processing liquid waste management?

1.3. Purposes
Based on formulation of problems, we get the purposes on this paper:

1. Knowing the processing the clean water for every needs

2. Knowing the processing the clean water for drinking
3. Knowing the removing solids from liquids (water)
4. Knowing the removing water hardness
5. Knowing the removing patogenic bactery
6. Knowing the processing liquid waste management

1.4. Benefits
Benefits from this paper below:

1. As routine task for Environmental Chemistry courses

2. To increase the knowledge about drinking water and waste water treatment
3. To increase the awareness to keep and save environment


2.1. Processing the Clean Water for Every Needs

Water is a compound that is important for all life forms on Earth. Water
covers almost 71% of the earth's surface. There are 1.4 trillion cubic kilometers
(330 million miles³) available on Earth. Water is mostly found in the sea (salt
water) and on the ice sheets (at the poles and mountain tops), but can also be
present as clouds, rain, rivers, freshwater faces, lakes, water vapor, and sea ice.
Water in these objects moves following a water cycle, namely: through
evaporation, rain, and water flow above the surface of the land (runoff, including
springs, rivers, estuaries) towards the sea. Clean water is important for human life.
Water on the surface of the earth comes from several sources. Based on
the location of the water source is divided into three, namely rainwater, surface
water, and springs. Rainwater is the main source of water on earth. This water
when deposited can be considered as the cleanest water, but when in the
atmosphere tends to be polluted by some dust particles, microorganisms and gases
(for example: carbon dioxide, nitrogen and ammonia). Surface water includes
bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, swamps and surface wells.
Most of this surface water comes from rain water and is polluted both by soil,
garbage and others. Spring comes from rain water that falls to the surface of the
earth, then undergoes natural absorption and filtering naturally. These processes
cause the springs to be better than surface water (Chandra B, 2007).
Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2001
regarding Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution Control, Chapter II
article 8 states that there are four classifications of water according to their
designation, namely: Water (a) First class, water whose designation can be used as
raw water for drinking water, and or other designation that requires the same
water quality as the purpose; (b) Second class, water whose designation can be
used for water recreation infrastructure/facilities, freshwater fish cultivation,
animal husbandry, water for irrigating crops, and or other designation that
requires the same water quality as the use; (c) Third class, water whose

designation can be used for the cultivation of freshwater fish, animal husbandry,
water for irrigating crops, and/or other designation that requires the same water
quality as the use; (d) Fourth class, water whose designation can be used to
irrigate crops and or other uses that require the same water quality as the purpose.
Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2001 regarding
Management of Water Quality and Water Quality Pollution Control. Water
quality is the level of water quality conditions that indicate polluted conditions or
good conditions at a water source within a certain time by comparing with the
specified water quality standards.

2.1. Processing the Clean Water for Drinking

Drinking water treatment is a process of separating water from impurities
physically, chemically and biologically. The main purpose of this treatment is to
get clean and healthy water that meets quality standards so that it can be used as
drinking water. A physical water treatment can be carried out by sedimentation,
filtration and adsorption or absorption methods. Chemical processing is generally
carried out by reduction, coagulation oxidation methods. While biologically
processing microbiolgi aeration and carried out jointly by chemical and physical
means to kill pantogens. In addition, biological processing can also be done
specifically by adding disinfectant material to kill microorganisms added by
disinfectants are found in water. A general method that is very simple and can be
carried out by almost all people is by heating water at a temperature of around
Water quality that can be used as drinking water or household needs must
meet physical, chemical and biological requirements. In Indonesia drinking water
quality standards are set based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002, regarding Requirements
and Supervision of Drinking Water Quality, several requirements must be

1. Physically water is colorless, has no taste, tastes of fresh water, has no

odor, is clear or is not cloudy, is not containing water chemical solids
must have

2. Acidity or pH 7, or neutral, does not contain toxic chemicals, does not
contain salt or metal io-ion containing low organic matter, not
microbiological hardness water does not contain pathogenic bacteria, does
not contain nonpatogenic bacteria Quality standardization water in
principle aims to protect, maintain, and enhance the level of public health.
This standard will guarantee that processed water can be consumed by the
community without causing problems.

Water quality standardization in principle aims to protect, maintain and

enhance the level of public health. This standard will guarantee that processed
water can be consumed by the community without causing health problems. The
processing process is divided into several stages, namely:

 Screening and Sedimentation

Filtering and settling aims to separate raw water from substances, such as
waste, leaves, grass, sand and others based on the specific gravity of the
 Coagulation
Coagulation is the process of applying Al2(SO4)3 (Tawas) chemicals into
water so that impurities in water in the form of resuspended solids such as
organic dyes, fine mud, bacteria and others can clot and settle quickly.
 Flocculation
Flocculation is the process of floc formation as a result of the combination
of colloids in raw water (river water) with coagulants. Floc formation will
occur well if you add coagulant into raw water (river water) then do slow
 Sedimentation
After the process of coagulation and flocculation, the water is allowed to
stand until the lump of dirt that settles settles all. After the dirt settles the
water will look clearer.
 Filtration
In the deposition process not all lumps of dirt can be deposited all. Grains
of dirt, large and heavy impurities will settle, while small and lightweight

ones still hover in water. To get really clear water a filtering process must
be carried out. Filtering is done by draining the water that has been
deposited by the dirt into the filter tub consisting of silica sand filter.
 Disinfection
Giving disinfectants (chlorine gas) in filtered water aims to reduce
bacterial concentrations in general and eliminate pathogenic bacteria
(bacteria causing diseases).

Process of Processing Raw Water Into Clean Water in PDAM

PDAM is a regionally owned company engaged in the processing and

distribution of clean water. Some of the facilities that are owned in the processing
of clean water include: intake, water tower, clarifier, pulsator, filter, and reservoir.
All equipments can be operated through an existing computer system. In addition
to a variety of equipment, the PDAM also uses chemicals such as chlorine and
alum in the water treatment process. The quality of water produced is monitored
by the laboratory. So that the water produced always meets the clean water health

1. Intake
Intake is a building that functions to catch water from a body of water
(river) in accordance with the discharge needed for water treatment.
2. Raw water tower
The raw water tower functions to control and regulate the flow rate and
surface height of the raw water so that it remains constant, so that the
processing in the form of chemical application, coagulation, sedimentation
and filtering can run well and maximum.
3. Clarifier
Clarifier as a place of coagulation. In Clarifier the water is cleaned of
impurities by depositing the impurities contained in the water in the lamlar
in the form of iron nets at the bottom of the Clarifier. Dirt that settles will
be discharged through the drain pipe.

4. Rapid mixing
Rapid stirring building functions as a place to mix coagulant with raw
water so that the coagulation process occurs.
5. Slow mixing (slow stirrer building)
The slow mixing process occurs in the pulsator. Here larger flocks will
form and are stable, making it easier to precipitate and filter. The way
pulsator works is that the vacuum system works by raising and lowering
the water, so that the flocks can be mixed. Sludge from the deposition of
flocculent particles is removed every 15 (fifteen) minutes. After
undergoing the process on the pulsator, it is expected that the turbidity
level of water reaches 1 FTU which will then be processed in the filter.
6. Building filtration
Filtration buildings that function as a place to filter the grains that do not
settle to the sedimentation tank and also function as a filter for
microorganisms or bacteria that dissolve in water. Filtration buildings
usually use silica sand which is 80 cm thick black and gravel. This sand is
used because it is heavier and more attached to the flocks.
7. Reservoir
The reservoir building is a building where clean water has been treated
before being distributed to customers' homes.

2.3. Removing Solids from Liquids

TSS (Total suspended Solid) test is a way to test the level of total
dissolved solids in a food. Suspended Solids can be organic and inorganic.
Suspended Solids can be classified once again into, among others, floating solids
which are always organic and deposited solids which can be organic and
inorganic. The amount of suspended solids can be calculated using Gravimetry,
suspended solids will reduce the penetration of sunlight into water so that it will
affect oxygen regeneration and photosynthesis (Misnani, 2010).
Suspended material has an unfavorable effect on the quality of water
bodies because it can reduce water clarity and can affect the ability of fish to see
and capture food and prevent sunlight from entering the water. Suspended
deposits can also clog fish gills, preventing eggs from developing. When

suspended solids are quiet at the bottom of a body of water, it can hide eggs and
siltation occurs in the body of water so that it requires dredging which requires
high operational costs. The TSS content in water bodies often shows higher
concentrations of bacteria, nutrients, pesticides, metals in water (Margareth,

2.4. Removing Water Hardness

Hardness is an indication of the ability of water to form foam when mixed
with soap. In low water water, water will form foam when mixed with soap,
whereas in high water water water will not form foam. The cause of water being
hard is because of the presence of Ca 2+ , Mg2+ ions. Or it can also be caused by
the presence of other ions from polyvalent metal (metal with many validations)
such as Al, Fe, Mn, Sr and Zn in the form of salts of sulfate, chloride and
bicarbonate in small amounts. The method that can be used to determine hardness
is the EDTA (Ethylene Diamene Tetra Acetate) method.
There are two types of hardness, which are as follows:
a. Temporary hardness
Temporary hardness is hardness containing bicarbonate ions (HCO3-), or it
may be that the water contains calcium bicarbonate (Ca(HCO3)2) and / or
magnesium bicarbonate (Mg(HCO3)2) compounds. Water that contains ions
or compounds is called temporary hard water because its hardness can be
removed by heating the water, so that the water is free from Ca 2 + and or Mg2
His reaction:
Ca(HCO3)2 → heated → CO2 (g) + H2O (l) + CaCO3 (precipitate)
Mg(HCO3)2→ heated → CO2 (g) + H2O (l) + MgCO3 (precipitate)
b. Hardness Remains
Permanent hardness is hardness that contains anions other than bicarbonate
ions, for example it can be in the form of Cl-, NO3- dan SO42- ions. Water that
contains these compounds is called fixed hard water, because hardness cannot
be removed only by heating. To free the water from hardness, it must be done
by chemical means, namely by reacting the water with certain chemicals.

There are several ways to eliminate water hardness, including:
1) Warming up.
Warming can get rid of temporary hardness. At high temperatures, the
hydrogen carbonate Ca(HCO3)2 salt can decompose, so the Ca 2+ ions will
precipitate as CaCO3..
Reaction : Ca(HCO3)2(aq) → CaCO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
2) Addition of carbonate ions.
Soda Na2CO3.10H2O added in hard water can precipitate Ca ions to
precipitate CaCO3.
Reaction : Na2CO3.10H2O(s) → 2Na+ (aq) + CO32-(aq) + 10H2O(l)
CaCl2(aq) → Ca+2 (aq) + 2Cl-(aq)
Na2CO3.10H2O(s) + CaCl2(aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + CaCO3(aq) + 10H2O(l)
3) Using water softeners.
Sodium hexametaphosphate [Na2(Na4(PO3))] can be used to remove hard
water containing Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. These two ions will be converted into
complex ions which dissolve easily so that they cannot join the ions from the
Reaction : Na2[Na4(PO3)6](s) → 2Na+ (aq) + [Na4(PO3)6]2-(aq)
CaCl2(aq) → Ca+2 (aq) + 2Cl-(aq)
Na2[Na4(PO3)6](s) + CaCl2(aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + Ca[Na4(PO3)6](aq)
4) Using an ion exchange resin
The resin has the function of binding all cations or anions in hard water.

2.5. Removing Pathogenic Bactery

Pathogens that are often found in water are mainly bacteria that cause
digestive tract infections such as Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera, Shigella
dysenteriae, which causes dysentery, Salmonella typosa, which causes typhus,
and S. paratyphi, which causes paratyph, polio, and hepatitis, and Entamoeba
histolytica, which causes amoeba dysentery. To prevent the spread of diseases
through water, it is necessary to control water pollution.
Here are the steps or ways to get rid of germs and bacteria so as to make
water clean and safe from harmful bacteria.
 Boil the water until it boils

 Using a water purifier or bleach
 Natural Water Distillation
 Using chemicals
 Water Filters (water filters) and UV Rays

2.5. Processing Liquid Waste Management

1. Primary Treatment
The primary treatment stage of liquid waste is mostly in the form of
physical processing.
a. Screening
The screening method is an efficient and inexpensive way to remove large
sized solid materials from wastewater.
b. Pretreatment
Second, filtered waste is then channeled to a tank or tank which serves to
separate sand and other relatively large sized solid particles. This tank is
called the grit chamber in English and the way it works is to slow down
the flow of waste so that sand particles fall to the bottom of the tank while
the waste water continues to flow for further processing.
c. Sedimentation
After going through the initial treatment stage, liquid waste will be
channeled into a tank or sedimentation tank. The sedimentation method is
the main treatment method and the most widely used in the primary
wastewater treatment process.
d. Floatation
This method is effectively used to get rid of pollutants in the form of oil or
fat. The floatation process is carried out using a tool that can produce
small air bubbles (± 30 - 120 microns). The air bubble will bring oil and
fat particles to the surface of the wastewater so that it can then be
If liquid waste only contains pollutants that can be removed through the
primary treatment process, then the liquid waste that has undergone the
primary treatment process can be immediately disposed of the
environment. However, if the waste also contains other pollutants that are

difficult to be eliminated through the process, for example disease-causing
agents or dissolved organic and inorganic compounds, then the waste
needs to be channeled to the next treatment process.
2. Secondary Treatment
The secondary processing stage is a biological treatment process, which
involves microorganisms that can break down / degrade organic matter.
Microorganisms that are used generally are aerobic bacteria.
a. Trickling Filter Method
In this method, aerobic bacteria that are used to degrade inherent organic
matter and grow on a layer of rough media, usually in the form of stone or
plastic flakes, with a thickness of ± 1-3 m. The liquid waste is then sprayed
onto the surface of the media and allowed to seep past the media. During
the permeation process, the organic matter contained in the waste will be
degraded by aerobic bacteria. After seeping to the bottom of the media
layer, the waste will drip into a container and then channel it to the settling
tank. Waste that has gone through this process can be disposed of in the
environment or further processed if it is still needed.
b. Activated Sludge Method
In the activated sludge method, liquid waste is channeled into a tank and
the waste is mixed with sludge rich in aerobic bacteria. The degradation
process takes place in the tank for several hours, assisted by the
administration of aerated air bubbles (giving oxygen). Aeration can
accelerate the work of bacteria in degrading waste. Furthermore, the waste
is channeled to the settling tank to undergo the deposition process, while
sludge containing bacteria is channeled back to the aeration tank, if the
waste that has gone through this process can be discharged into the
environment or further processed if still needed.
c. Ponds / Lagoons Treatment Method
Ponds / lagoons treatment method is a cheap method but the process is
relatively slow. In this method, liquid waste is placed in open ponds. Algae
that grow on the surface of the pond will photosynthesize to produce
oxygen. Oxygen is then used by aero bacteria for the process of

decomposition / degradation of organic matter in waste. In this method,
sometimes the pond is also aerated. During the degradation process in the
pond, the waste will also undergo a deposition process. After the waste has
been degraded and sediment formed at the bottom of the pond, wastewater
can be channeled to be discharged into the environment or further treated.
3. Tertiary Treatment (Tertiary Care)
Tertiary treatment is carried out if after primary and secondary treatment
there are still certain substances in liquid waste that can be harmful to the
environment or the community. Special tertiary treatment, meaning that this
treatment is adjusted to the substances available in wastewater. All substances that
cannot be removed through primary or secondary processing are dissolved
inorganic substances, such as nitrates, phosphates, and salts.
Tertiary processing is often called Advanced processing. This process
contains various series of chemical and physical processes. Examples of tertiary
treatment methods that can be used are the sand filter, multimedia filter, precoal
filter, microstaining, vacuum filter, extraction with activated carbon, iron and
manganese, and alternating osmosis. More complicated processing methods at
waste treatment facilities. This causes the costs required to carry out the tertiary
a. Disinfection
Pathogens in liquid waste. Disinfection mechanism can be chemical, by
adding certain composition / substance, or by physical contribution. In
determining in part to kill microorganisms, here are a few things to note,
 Toxicity of substances
 Contact time required
 Effectiveness of substances
 The dose level used
 May not be poisonous to humans and animals
 Resistant to air
 The cost is cheap

Examples of protection in liquid waste are chlorine (chlorination),
irradiation with ultraviolet (UV), or with ozone (Oз). The disinfection
process in liquid waste is carried out after the treatment process is
complete, that is, after primary, secondary or tertiary treatment, before
being discharged into the environment.
b. Sludge Treatment
Every manufacture of liquid waste, whether primary, secondary or tertiary,
will produce pollutant deposits in the form of mud. The sludge cannot be
removed directly, but there is a need for further processing. Sediment
sludge from sewage treatment will usually be treated by aerating /
digesting aerobic (anaerobic digestion), then channeled to a number of
alternatives, ie moved to the sea or landfill, using compost, or burned


3.1. Conclusion
Water is an essential substance for all living things. The availability of
fresh water in nature is very limited, while there are very many users. Water has
chemical and physical properties which are very important for the survival of
living things. The ocean is the main source of water on earth, amun cannot be
used directly. Ground water distribution through the existence of lakes, rivers and
ground water. Ai has many benefits for humans.

3.2. Suggestion
Water is a basic human need. We must protect the various kinds of water
and use it properly so that human needs for plenty of water can be fulfilled. We
also have to treat water well, because water is a reflection of our personality. If
we behave well for water, then the water we consume will be healthy. A good
treatment of nature and water will have a positive impact on humans themselves.

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