pcsn730 PM
pcsn730 PM
pcsn730 PM
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Table of Contents
1. PREFACE........................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Typographical Conventions ............................................................................................................7
1.2 Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ......................................................................................7
2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 General Description ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Key Features and Specification.......................................................................................................9
2.3 Functional Description ................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Advanced Flash Management ....................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 Defect and Error Management ............................................................................................ 10
2.4.2 Wear Leveling ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.3 Bad Block Management....................................................................................................... 10
2.4.4 Background Garbage Collection ........................................................................................ 10
2.4.5 SLC Cache - nCache 3.0 .......................................................................................................11
2.4.6 Error Correction Layers ........................................................................................................11
4. PERFORMANCE .................................................................................................................13
5. POWER CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................14
5.1 Supply Voltage ............................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Average Active-Power Consumption........................................................................................... 14
5.3 Operating Power Consumption – Average Maximum ................................................................ 14
5.4 Peak Power and In-Rush Current .................................................................................................. 15
5.5 NVMe Power Management ............................................................................................................ 15
5.6 Graceful Power-off Requirements ................................................................................................ 16
7. ENDURANCE.....................................................................................................................18
8. SECURITY ........................................................................................................................19
8.1 Password Lock Through TCG Pyrite 2.0 ...................................................................................... 19
8.2 Secure Erase .................................................................................................................................. 20
8.3 Security of Read-Only Mode ........................................................................................................ 20
8.4 Secure Field Firmware Update (FFU)............................................................................................ 21
8.5 Secure Boot .................................................................................................................................... 21
8.6 Secure RMA ..................................................................................................................................... 21
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Table of Contents
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List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Tiered Caching Technology .......................................11
Figure 9-1 Top and side view of the PC SN730 NVMe SSD ...................................................................... 22
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List of Tables
Table 1-1 Typographical Conventions...........................................................................................................7
Table 1-2 Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ....................................................................................7
Table 2-1 Key Features and Specifications for Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD .............................9
Table 3-1 PC SN730 NVMe SSD Hardware Configuration.......................................................................... 12
Table 3-2 Western Digital CL SN730 NVMe SSD Capacity Specification ................................................ 12
Table 4-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD M.2 2280 Performance................................................. 13
Table 5-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Supply Voltage ............................................................. 14
Table 5-2 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Average Active-Power Consumption........................ 14
Table 5-3 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Average Max Power Consumption ............................ 14
Table 5-4 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Peak Power and In-Rush Current ............................... 15
Table 5-5 PC SN730 NVMe SSD Power Consumption and Performance Per NVMe Power State ......... 15
Table 6-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Performance Under Thermal Throttling ..................... 17
Table 7-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Endurance ..................................................................... 18
Table 8-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Format NVM Modes and Results................................ 20
Table 9-1 PC SN730 NVMe SSD M.2 2280 Form Factor Mechanical Specifications................................ 22
Table 10-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Temperature Specification ........................................23
Table 10-2 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Humidity Specification ..............................................23
Table 10-3 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Vibration Specification ..............................................23
Table 10-4 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Shock Specification ...................................................23
Table 10-5 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Altitude Specification ................................................24
Table 10-6 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD ESD Specification .......................................................24
Table 11-1 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD MTTF .............................................................................27
Table 13-1 M.2 Pin Assignments .................................................................................................................. 29
Table 14-1 Admin Commands...................................................................................................................... 30
Table 14-2 NVM Commands ........................................................................................................................ 30
Table 14-3 Set Features/Get Features ........................................................................................................ 31
Table 14-4 Controller Capabilities and Features ........................................................................................ 31
Table 14-5 Admin Command Set Attributes and Optional Controller Capabilities ................................32
Table 14-6 NVM Command Set Attributes..................................................................................................34
Table 14-7 Power State Descriptors ............................................................................................................35
Table 14-8 Vendor Specific (VS) ................................................................................................................. 38
Table 14-9 PC SN730 NVMe SSD Log Pages .............................................................................................. 38
Table 14-10 Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD SMART/Health Information .....................................39
Table 14-11 Program/Erase SMART Counters (Log Identifier CDh) ..........................................................39
Table 15-1 PC SN730 NVMe SSD Ordering Information ............................................................................ 40
Table 15-2 PC SN730 NVMe SSD Products SKUs ....................................................................................... 40
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1.1 Typographical Conventions
This document uses the typographical conventions listed and shown in Table 1-1.
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This manual describes the functional, mechanical, and interface specifications of the Western
Digital® PC SN730 NVMe™ SSD.
1 1 gigabyte (GB) = 1 billion bytes. Actual capacity may be less due to operating environment.
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As mentioned above, the nCache 3.0 works in the background to flush them into the
larger X3 (TLC) storage blocks and uses optimized write transaction sizes to maximize
endurance. Once the SLC blocks are full the Drive will continue to program TLC
blocks directly, and will re-locate the data from SLC to TLC on Idle times.
Figure 2-1. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Tiered Caching Technology
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General Product Specifications
3.3 Capacity
Table 3-2. Western Digital CL SN730 NVMe SSD Capacity Specification
11 gigabyte (GB) = 1 billion bytes. Some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions,
and thus is not available for data storage.
2 1 Sector = 512 bytes. LBA count based on IDEMA standard.
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Table 4-1 includes the PC SN730 NVMe SSD performance in a system that supports PCI
Express Gen3 x4, FOB in CDM and PC Mark Vantage.
Table 4-1. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD M.2 2280 Performance
1 Test
Conditions: Performance is measured by CrystalDiskMark 6.0.2 using 1GB LBA range. Windows 10 using
Microsoft driver build 17134.112, Secondary drive FOB. ASUS Z270-A platform with Intel® i7-7700K 4.2Ghz processor.
C-state On.
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Power Characteristics
Parameter Specification
Input Voltage M.2 2280 3.3V ± 5%
Maximum Ripple 100mV (peak to peak), 100Hz to 6MHz
Maximum Supply Rise Time 100ms
Table 5-2. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Average Active-Power Consumption
Form Factor Input Voltage Test Suite Unit 256GB 512GB 1024GB
M.2 2280 3.3V ± 5% Productivity mW 100 100 100
Table 5-3. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Average Max Power Consumption
1 Measured using MobileMark™ 2014 on ASUS B9440UA, i5-7200U, Windows 10 RS5 1809 build 17763.529, iRST, primary drive. Average power.
2 Measured at 25°C. Power consumption can vary due to input voltage and ambient temperature variation.
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Power Characteristics
Table 5-5. PC SN730 NVMe SSD Power Consumption and Performance Per NVMe Power State
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Power Characteristics
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Thermal Throttling
Table 6-1. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Performance Under Thermal Throttling
1 While
during self-throttling mode PC SN730 NVME SSD is keeping the power value flat; performance may
be varied between devices due to process variation.
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The endurance of the PC SN730 NVME SSD is calculated using JEDEC client workload
(JESD219), unconnected to power.
Endurance is a direct function of user workload and access pattern. It is defined in terms of
Terabytes Written (TBW). Refer to Table 7-1 below.
Drive Endurance Data Retention I Year @ 30°C 200 TBW 300 TBW 400 TBW
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8.1 Password Lock Through TCG Pyrite 2.0
The Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD supports password locking of user data as
defined in the following TCG specification: TCG Storage Security Subsystem Class:
Pyrite. Specification Version 2.0.
The Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD implementation of TCG Pyrite includes the
following capabilities and characteristics:
Provides a mechanism that locks access to the entire user media for NVMe read
and write commands. When configured, access is locked automatically upon
device power cycle.
TCG Pyrite features:
– 1 global locking range
– Separate flags to control Read and Write locking
– 1 admin authority, 2 user authorities
– Revert
– TCG DataStore table size is 128KB
– Supported Pyrite authorities:
One SID to activate TCG security
One admin authority to configure locking and permissions
Up to two regular user authorities to unlock read and write commands
Block SID is supported in accordance to TCG Storage Feature Set: Block SID
PSID Revert feature for TCG Pyrite 2.0:
– Level 0 discovery for PSID Extension Feature Descriptor
– Physical Presence SID (PSID) is supported in accordance to TCG Storage Opal
SSC Feature Set: PSID.
– PSID Revert erases data using the Block Erase method
System BIOS shall request and submit user password to unlock device during
system boot
Device supports up to 5 authentication attempts with wrong password. After
that, it requires power cycle before accepting a new authentication
Unlock password is not stored in device as a plain text, cryptographic digest is
used instead
By default, device is shipped with TCG security in inactive state and default
credentials of SID authority. BIOS shall support the TCG Block SID Authentication
feature to prevent malicious host applications from taking control over device
security with default SID credentials.
Encryption of user data and MBR shadowing are not supported.
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Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD SED supports sanitization of user data using the
Sanitize command in one of the following modes: Block Erase and Crypto Erase. The
Overwrite mode is not supported.
Sanitization of locked devices is supported on PC SN730 NVME SSD SED with PSID
revert command.
Table 8-1 summarizes sanitization modes and their result:
Table 8-1. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Format NVM Modes and Results
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Physical Specifications
Table 9-1. PC SN730 NVMe SSD M.2 2280 Form Factor Mechanical Specifications
Parameter Specification
Type 256GB: M.2 2280 S3-M
512GB: M.2 2280 S3-M
1024GB: M.2 2280 S3-M
Width 22 ± 0.15mm
Length 80 ± 0.15mm
PCB Thickness 0.80 ± 0.08mm
Component Height 1.5mm
Thickness (max) 256GB: 2.23mm
512GB: 2.38mm
1024GB: 2.38mm
Typical Weight 7.3±0.5gr
Figure 9-1. Top and side view of the PC SN730 NVMe SSD
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Environmental Specifications
Parameter Specifications
1 Operational temperature is defined as temperature reported by the drive. Note that drive temperature
readings are expected to be higher than ambient temperature when the SSD is placed inside a system.
2 Non-operational storage temperature does not guarantee data retention.
10.2 Humidity
Table 10-2. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Humidity Specification
Parameter Specifications
10.3 Vibration
Table 10-3. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Vibration Specification
Parameter Specifications
10.4 Shock
Table 10-4. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Shock Specification
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Environmental Specifications
10.5 Altitude
Table 10-5. Western Digital PC SN730 NVMe SSD Altitude Specification
Parameter Specifications
Parameter Voltage
Contact ±4kV
Air 8kV
10.7 Acoustics
The PC SN730 NVMe SSD does not generate any acoustic noise (0dB).
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Environmental Specifications
CB-Scheme Safety Standard: Verified safety compliance per IEC 60950-1 (IEC
System for Mutual Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrical Equipment
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Environmental Specifications
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Reliability Characteristics
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Windows Device Certifications
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13.1 Supported Standards
The PC SN730 NVMe SSD complies with the following standards:
PCI Express® Base Specification Revision 3.0
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
Table 14-5. Admin Command Set Attributes and Optional Controller Capabilities
15-9 Reserved
8-5 0=not supported
4 1 = Device Self-test com-
mand is supported
3 0 = no support for the
Namespace Management
and Namespace Attach-
ment commands
2 1 = Firmware Commit and
Firmware Image Down-
load commands are sup-
1 1 = Format NVMe com-
mand is supported
0 1 = Security Send and
Security Receive com-
mands are supported
258 Abort Command Limit (ACL) 4h 5 Abort commands supported
259 Asynchronous Event Request 7h 8 AERs supported
Limit (AERL)
260 Firmware Updates (FRMW) 14h 7-5 Reserved
4 1 = firmware activation
without a reset is sup-
3-1 010 = 2 firmware slots are
0 1 = slot 1 is read only
0 = slot 1 is read/write
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
Table 14-5. Admin Command Set Attributes and Optional Controller Capabilities (Continued)
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
Table 14-5. Admin Command Set Attributes and Optional Controller Capabilities (Continued)
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
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Supported NVMe Commands and Features
0 Critical Warning
3 Available Spare
5 Percentage Used
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Ordering Information
Item Definition
SD Western Digital
G Generation: B
CCCC Capacity:
256G: 256G
512G: 512G
1T00: 1024G
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Contact Information
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For service and literature:
800.ASK.4WDC North America
+800.6008.6008 Asia Pacific
00800.ASK.4WDEU Europe (toll free where available)
+31.88.0062100 Europe/Middle East/Africa
Western Digital
5601 Great Oaks Parkway 00-01-WW-04-00047
San Jose, CA 95119 November 2019