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827 Full Key Book

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see ‘Organisational Structure 2 of Secondary Education fos eePsie Types of Schools at Secondary Level pear [| ‘Curriculum Development at «| Secondary level in Pakistan ebpibsitors eg Sse \ ‘Secondary Education in comparative perspective tedseiese Secondary Education in Pakistan (Targets & Achievements) Uke ISDA tor4 Sule Mersin Ae hid Lue ae ied: | [afar ent 4 fee pions — fi roblems, Issues and Trends i festa theytpuike secoadary roles in ethushe SEL, As Je Wire wont Lh Sei eiay PIAL EG Ethie sul, ore bre ulncthytoirizee nike dy LOO PSHE NSLS 5 ef oe PE Pete ASe ny MMI Bal Sivonen i taeinafic Aen Silo Violent . 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Usirnb rLur cin tule bedi LPP UE Sis Bl Fe SFOS CALE Dit Spode el Pe ee ~etbh Ck eur ike Lew bbs -iv Z3 ? SHANA AUENS NSIS ye es of Schools at Secondary Level pe Ie Uae Ppwtl Gee BE US figte adr Au a (Cece SEVEDE HSE HALE dw © Pes birt 1967¢8 6 FDE) SES KALB uiblvrstetnlcPurdien evn ttre we AB Er Gen VrELey rm Pie CGF Een hB LPL HAL pe te) 7/ Case phe athas GORA A Vea 2 6 PRU IL (82 NEIL pat ENS DSEENS AL yay > = 1973-74-Lbri¢ oop 67 fom ASH BGILPRKUREDIUIET - Suiiaper tte APO D3L heh Label 201 ea oe bb VoL wb OL yd sy Cumin tie AGC Lect a Obie mr anrage eA WAM iA lis Ay Apr ihe aging Parsiic Prairie hove VM onseLateurw A AUp iB ictady SEI bh Se PELL ont OM Che PLL Sh tutes BBL EL vituInpr es Ae PLL station ater 2.5L (Supervision and Inspection) £b-ihF-4 uty be Spiel re SASF SUG ebiitnndul 5 thy (Audity ULE Aes umes eB A ySiELur oy “7 lo Sg isi Bu sur Bee LUM ED v8 We SlifuifeL LUA Seyi v9 otirK iS televingeAo Wb NE Sin tb SS ENSRE A WSWELIEA MILL DSL PI Sec AID “| PP OWSISEA MEL be 3 User bin Prstecs aL Beli ¢ bates KF Bevin liudy ng r Abb Lrilaniie (core siditnd PAS gla ll PRISMA vi Posner he Suds, t (HEN ZHAY 1 Ny 5 } > } 4 Pet me 69 PRA CUAL Pieuen ens te ies s PAULL EIL (827) PENSE yet ) er AG Tw dl RE deh wed AIT Bt WB (Ge) JE Ueu shor hfe we olpeise) S84 LPL ib aiZle Bre eb 2— utc Subs tiered |e ends PENA PISS guile Aehoietlooen | aL pL Sino Site BuySiveiL GL ccK AN 3 LAGE SONTAG IAL IL Hegre ps EPUPLL I Se Sn POSE EABISSC-e HELICES BE id Lown) pefferbe bbl Angra bet Sine 3 UWE MES dig A EGCSE HGLvL yey por blviuls hie Avbirbc but bssz 4 Mor ticmnfe Lvl Mrdew sing poe wt nob Lr esesibhe een | tere Cb | phbihg Lyin Hibs Ato Gonadr BLL Ai Ste fe ti tht UA ek sutile vl ble (hick sRunvhi SI te LY Auth Ne wus Pui wild Locher eric pIedibutalt tin £6. dndeesdeit sieht rore Lely ae bin ihre IVEHOntuin hth lula oftevrinnle ton Po trl thi Sb Labinp hing inti phe uswtpegeas — pe Pre Sutuilete Sop InP Laat nln RL bide Mle | le he Buse ui boss LylS SyLbrfse 3 ; LLG bite lbetiteresintia SUG, PUL shorts bunhincinse | SL Pp bivterywivbhLly-

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