Doebeli - 2002 - A Model For The Evolutionary Dynamics of Cross-Feeding Polymorphisms in Microorganisms
Doebeli - 2002 - A Model For The Evolutionary Dynamics of Cross-Feeding Polymorphisms in Microorganisms
Doebeli - 2002 - A Model For The Evolutionary Dynamics of Cross-Feeding Polymorphisms in Microorganisms
Michael Doebeli
1999; Kisdi and Geritz 1999; Doebeli and Dieckmann 2000), lites can lead to coexistence of different specialist and gen-
leading to a general theory of adaptive speciation under eralist cross-feeders (Rosenzweig et al. 1994; see also
sympatric conditions, i.e., speciation in the presence of gene Dykhuizen and Davies 1980, for coexistence between gen-
flow and in the absence of geographic isolation. eralist and specialist microbial strains).
The past years have seen a surge of empirical data It is intuitively clear that cross-feeding polymorphisms
suggesting that contrary to traditional views, speciation in require the existence of trade-offs between uptake efficien-
the presence of gene flow is not an uncommon occurrence cies on different nutrients. Such trade-offs could be the
in nature (for pertaining recent reviews, see Turelli et al. consequence of physiological constraints on catabolic path-
2001; Via 2001). However, even though there are some ways for different nutrients. Indeed, there is some empirical
nice empirical examples of recent or ongoing adaptive evidence that such trade-offs exist and that they are medi-
divergence (Schluter 1994), possibly leading to speciation ated by differential enzyme activities (Rosenzweig et al.
(Schliewen et al. 2001; Jiggins et al. 2001), many natural 1994; Turner et al. 1996), which makes it likely that these
model systems tend to be inappropriate for experimental trade-offs have a genetic basis; i.e., that for any given strain,
tests of speciation processes because generation times of the its position on the trade-off curve is genetically determined.
organisms involved, and hence the time scale of evolution- Although some distinct genetic differences between dif-
ary change, are too long. There is an important exception to ferent strains constituting a glucose–acetate cross-feeding
this, however: experimental evolution in microorganisms polymorphism have been suggested (Rosenzweig et al.
offers an escape from the conundrum of long generation 1994), it is reasonable to assume that genetic change along
times. Indeed, microorganisms appear to constitute very the trade-off curve is gradual because the metabolic path-
promising model systems for studying the evolution of ways involved are rather complicated and can be affected in
diversity (Helling et al. 1987; Rosenzweig et al. 1994; Turner many different ways. This assumption is supported by the
et al. 1996; Xu et al. 1996; Rainey and Travisano 1998; finding that a number of different morphs have been found
Treves et al. 1998; Travisano and Rainey 2000; Rozen in E. coli cross-feeding polymorphisms (Helling et al. 1987).
and Lenski 2000; Kassen et al. 2000). For example, Rainey Therefore, adaptive dynamics appears to be an appropriate
and Travisano (1998) found rapid evolution of phenotypi- theoretical framework for studying the evolution of cross-
cally and genetically distinct lineages out of a single ances- feeding.
tral Escherichia coli lineage in spatially heterogeneous The purpose of this article is to present a model for the
habitats. gradual evolution of a cross-feeding polymorphism from
The ecological mechanisms underlying the evolution and a single ancestral lineage. The model is based on classical
maintenance of this diversity are not yet well understood. Michaelis–Menten dynamics for the uptake of a resource
However, it is clear that frequency-dependent selection that is continually supplied in a chemostat. It is assumed
plays an important role, because the various phenotypes that this primary resource is limiting, and that its consump-
tend to have positive growth rates when they are rare in an tion results in the production of a secondary nutrient as a
environment consisting of populations of the other pheno- metabolic waste product. A trade-off in uptake rates of the
types (Rainey and Travisano 1998). This is precisely the primary and secondary resource then results in frequency-
situation embodied by the invasion fitness function in adap- dependent selection, because the fate of a mutant depends
tive dynamics, and it is particularly tempting to try to apply on the environment generated by the resident: if the resi-
this theoretical framework to bacterial evolution because in dent is very efficient on the primary resource, it produces a
many such systems the assumption of asexual reproduction lot of secondary metabolites, so that it may pay a mutant to
appears to be largely satisfied. be efficient on these secondary resources at the expense of
One of the best understood cases of evolutionary diver- primary efficiency; on the other hand, if the resident is not
sification in bacteria is the evolution of a cross-feeding poly- very efficient on the primary resource, then metabolites are
morphism in E. coli (Helling et al. 1987; Rosenzweig et al. not very abundant, and it may simply pay to be more effi-
1994; Turner et al. 1996; Treves et al. 1998; Rozen and cient on the primary resource. I show, in the simple model
Lenski 2000). This process can be envisaged as follows: presented, that this frequency dependence can lead to evo-
bacteria limited by a single nutrient, glucose, first evolve lutionary branching, and hence to the gradual evolutionary
to become more efficient in glucose uptake. However, this split into two distinct strains, one a specialist on the primary
increased efficiency comes at the expense of efficient up- resources, and the other a specialist on the secondary re-
take of secondary “waste” products, such as acetate, that source that is produced by the primary resource specialist.
are secreted during glucose metabolism. Therefore, mu- By yielding a stable polymorphism the model also serves
tants that are efficient metabolite consumers, but less effi- as a mathematical description of an example of coexistence
cient on the primary resource, can invade the system, of two different bacterial species on a single primary re-
leading to a polymorphism with one type being efficient in source. It has long been known that microbial organisms
the uptake of the primary resource, and the other type can violate the ecological principle of competitive exclusion
being efficient at “cross-feeding” on the products resulting in a number of ways (Stewart and Levin 1973; Thingstad et
from the resource metabolism of the first type. This descrip- al. 1996; Xu et al. 1996; see also references in Rosenzweig et
tion is of course just a simplified caricature, and in reality al. 1994). Yomo et al. (1996) have introduced an interesting
the processes involved are rather intricate (Rosenzweig et mathematical model for coexistence between two different
al. 1994). In particular, cross-feeding on different metabo- microbial strains living in chemostats in which the bacteria
are provided with a single external resource. In their model, sisting of a single phenotype. Here I take this basic model to
the external resource is metabolized by the bacteria into be a Michaelis–Menten type model for microbial growth in
a secondary resource, and both resources are essential for a chemostat culture. Let n(t) be the population density of
bacterial growth. Yomo et al. (1996) showed that strains the bacteria at time t, and let c(t) be the concentration of the
with different metabolic rate constants for synthesizing the primary resource, here glucose, in the chemostat at time t.
secondary resource from the primary resource can coexist. The flow rate at which chemicals and organisms enter and
The resulting polymorphism is similar to a cross-feeding leave the chemostat is denoted by d, so that in the absence
polymorphism, except that in cross-feeding scenarios, it is of bacteria consuming the glucose, the rate of change in the
usually only the primary resource that is limiting in the glucose concentration in the chemostat is
ancestral strain (i.e., the secondary metabolite is not essen-
tial for growth of the strain that is not cross-feeding). dc
d ◊ c d ◊ c0 (1)
In the model of Yomo et al. (1996), coexistence requires dt
a certain degree of differentiation in the metabolic rate
constants of the two competing strains. Even though it where c0 is the glucose concentration in the ambient envi-
is reasonable to assume that single mutations affecting ronment supplying the chemostat with glucose. If consump-
enzymatic activity could lead to a considerable change in tion of secondary metabolic waste products is neglected, so
metabolic rates, this model therefore does not describe an that growth of the bacterial population is only due to con-
evolutionary process that is driven by mutations of arbi- sumption of glucose, the rate of change of the population
trarily small effects. In addition, Yomo et al. (1996) only density is given by
considered competition between two given strains differing r ◊c
in their metabolic rates, and they did not address the ques- g ◊nd◊n (2)
tion of how metabolic rates would change evolutionarily dt kg c
due to selection in each of the competing strains. In con-
where rg and kg are parameters describing how the per
trast, the model introduced here allows for arbitrarily small
capita bacterial growth rate changes with glucose concen-
mutational effects, and for repeated occurrence of new
tration: rg is the maximal per capita growth rate, whereas kg
mutations in the strains that are already present. In this is equal to that glucose concentration at which the per
way, the model shows how arbitrarily small phenotypic capita growth rate is rg/2. Because of bacterial consumption,
changes can lead to the gradual evolution of cross-feeding glucose concentration is decreased, so that the differential
equation for the glucose concentration becomes
Perhaps the most widely cited theoretical description of
microbial coexistence on a single resource is that by Stewart dc 1 rg ◊ c
and Levin (1973), who show how a trade-off between ◊ n d ◊ c d ◊ c0 (3)
dt yg kg c
growth rates at low and high concentration of a single re-
source can lead to coexistence of different types in serial where yg is the “yield” (that is, yg units of population incre-
batch cultures, i.e., in an environment in which the concen- ment are produced from one unit of the primary resource).
tration of the resource changes temporally. In chemostat Equations 2 and 3 constitute the basic Michaelis–Menten
cultures, however, where the influx of the resource is con- dynamics for bacterial growth on a single limiting resource
stant, such a trade-off cannot lead to coexistence (Stewart in a chemostat (Edelstein-Keshet 1989).
and Levin 1973). Interestingly, when the model introduced I now extend this model to cross-feeding by assuming
here is modified to describe serial batch cultures rather than that bacteria secrete a secondary nutrient, here acetate, into
chemostats, the evolution of a cross-feeding polymorphism the chemostat as a metabolic waste product of glucose con-
through a trade-off between uptake efficiencies on primary sumption. Thus, the rate of production of this secondary
and secondary resources becomes much less likely. This nutrient is proportional to the glucose consumption rate
result conforms with empirical data suggesting that cross- 1 rg ◊ c
feeding polymorphisms in E. coli are less likely to evolve ◊n
yg kg c . At the same time, the secondary nutrient is
when the bacteria are propagated in batch cultures than
also consumed by the bacteria, with different parameters
when they are cultured in chemostats (Rozen and Lenski
describing uptake efficiency. If a(t) denotes the concentra-
2000; M. Travisano, personal communication).
tion of the secondary nutrient in the chemostat at time t, the
bacterial growth rate therefore becomes
dn r ◊c r ◊a
The model g ◊n a ◊n d◊n (4)
dt kg c ka a
Adaptive dynamics is based on calculations of the invasion where ra and ka are Michaelis–Menten constants describing
fitness function for mutant phenotypes in the ecological bacterial growth due to consumption of the secondary nutri-
environment generated by resident phenotypes. Therefore, ent. The assumption underlying this equation is that uptake
the first step in formulating a model for the evolutionary of the two resources is decoupled, so that waste products
dynamics of cross-feeding consists of setting up a model for are first secreted into the medium and are subsequently
the ecological dynamics of a monomorphic population con- consumed in a secondary metabolic pathway. It has been
da 1 ra ◊ a e rg ◊ c
◊nd◊a ◊n (5)
dt ya ka a yg kg c
f rg¢, rg ) ( ) r¢ ◊ a* (r ) d
rg¢ ◊ c* rg a g
solutions are not feasible, due to the complexity of the
expressions c*(rg) and a*(rg); in particular, it is also not
k c* (r )
g k a* (r )g a g
(8) feasible to determine analytically whether an evolutionarily
r ¢ ◊ c* (r )
g g(r ¢) ◊ a* (r )
g a g singular point r*g is actually an attractor, i.e., whether Eq. 12
k c* (r )
g k a* (r )g a g
holds. These issues therefore have to be handled numeri-
cally by using pairwise invasion plots (Geritz et al. 1998), as
where we have used the constraining relation ra g(rg). is explained shortly.
Based on the invasion fitness function f(rg ,rg), we can define First, let us note, however, that if an evolutionary singu-
the selection gradient D(rg) as lar attractor r*g exists, then the second derivative of the
invasion function is given by
( )
D rg
∂ f rg¢, rg ) (9)
rg¢ rg
∂ rg¢
∂ 2 f rg¢, r *g ) ( ) ( )
g¢¢ rg* ◊ a* r *g
According to the canonical equation of adaptive dynamics 2 rg¢ rg*
∂ rg¢ ka a* ( r * )
(Dieckmann and Law 1996), the evolutionary dynamics of g
residents with rg r*g (marked region below the diagonal for propagated in serial batch cultures. Following Stewart and
rg r*g). Two such situations are shown in Fig. 2C,D. In both Levin (1973), the ecological model given by Eqs. 3–5 is
cases, the point indicated by * on the x-axis is a singular changed by assuming a series of dynamic cycles represent-
point attracting the evolutionary dynamics. In Fig. 2C, the ing the single batches. The dynamics for each single batch
vertical line passing through the singular point lies entirely are obtained from Eqs. 3–5 by setting the parameter d 0
in a blank region, which means that once the resident value (no outflow), and by assuming the following initial condi-
is r*g, no mutant can invade. Therefore, this attractor for the tions for the variables c, n, and a: c(0) c0 is set to some
adaptive dynamics is evolutionarily stable. In contrast, in (high) initial value representing the initial concentration of
Fig. 2D the vertical line passing through the singular glucose in the batch; n(0) is set to some small fraction of the
attractor r*g lies entirely in a marked region, which means endstate of the previous batch, representing the serial trans-
that every mutant can invade. In other words, in this situa- fer of a small inoculate from the previous batch to the new
tion r*g is actually a fitness minimum, and hence an evolu- batch, i.e., n(0) p · n(tend), where p denotes the fraction
tionary branching point. If, for a given set of parameters, used for the inoculation and n(tend) is the bacterial popula-
the pairwise invasion plot looks like the one shown in Fig. tion density at the end of the previous batch dynamics;
2D, then the trait rg will first evolve to r*g, after which the finally, a(0) 0, representing the fact that all glucose, and
population will become polymorphic and consist of two hence all secondary acetate, has been used up in the previ-
phenotypic branches that diverge evolutionarily from each ous batch. With these initial conditions the dynamics are
other (see Geritz et al. 1998 for a complete theoretical then again run to tend, and the process of inoculation into a
treatment of evolutionary branching in one-dimensional new batch is repeated. This iteration is done until n(tend)
trait spaces). reaches an equilibrium, i.e., until n(tend) does not change
Therefore, in a numerical exploration we must look for further from one batch to the next.
pairwise invasion plots that look qualitatively like the one The success of a mutant is then determined by assuming
shown in Fig. 2D. The existence of such plots will imply the that the mutant is initially very rare, so that the ecological
evolution of a cross-feeding polymorphism as envisaged in dynamics in a single batch of the quantities n(t), c(t), and
this article. a(t), where n(t) is the resident population density, are the
To conclude this section, I briefly mention how the same as just described, and the mutant dynamics in a single
model can be adapted to bacterial populations that are batch are simply determined by
dnmut rg¢ ◊ c r¢ ◊ a
◊ nmut a ◊ nmut (17)
dt kg c ka a
where rg and ra g(rg) are the mutants trait values. (Note
that this differs from Eq. 7, in which the nutrient concentra-
tions are at their equilibrium values c* and a*; here, these
concentrations undergo the batch dynamics just described.)
Starting from a very small initial condition nmut(0), one
calculates nmut(tend) in the chemical environment determined
by the dynamics of the resident during a single batch. The
inoculate size of the mutant in the next batch is then
p · nmut(tend), and the mutant can invade, i.e., the invasion
fitness f(rg,rg) 0, if and only if
nmut (0)
1 (18)
p ◊ nmut (tend )
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