Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
A sequential circuit:
A combinational circuit with feedback through memory
The stored information at any time defines a state
Outputs depends on inputs and previous inputs
Previous inputs are stored as binary information into memory
Next state depends on inputs and present state
Sequential Circuits :
Types of Sequential Circuits
• Two types of sequential circuits:
• Synchronous: The behavior of the circuit depends on
the input signal at discrete instances of time (also called
• Asynchronous: The behavior of the circuit depends on
the input signals at any instance of time and the order
of the inputs change
• A combinational circuit with feedback
Sequential Circuits :
The output of sequential logic circuits not only depends on
current inputs but also on the past sequence of inputs.
Very simple sequential circuit with no inputs created using
inverters to form a feedback loop.
Sequential Circuits : Latches, Flip-Flops
Latches and flip-flops are basicly single-bit memory
elements used to build sequential circuit with one or two
inputs/outputs, designed using individual logic gates and
feedback loops.
Flip-Flips are built with latches.
Latches: The output of a latch depends on its current inputs
and on its previous inputs and its change of state can happen
at any time when its inputs change (level-sensitive).
Flip-Flop: The output of a flip-flop also depends on current
and previous input but the change in output (change of state
or state transition) occurs at specific times determined by a
clock input (edge-sensitive).
Sequential Circuits : Latches
S-R Latch
S-R Latch With Enable
Sequential Circuits : S-R Latch
Qold = 1
Q old = 0
Q(n+1) = S +R’ Qn
Sequential Circuits : SR Latch with Clock
•D = J Q’ + K’ Q
•J sets the flip flop to ‘1’ ,,, J=1 &K=0 D = 1 ( whatever Q &Q’ value)
•K reset the flip flop to ‘0’ ,,,, J =0 &K=1 D=0 ( whatever Q &Q’ value)
•When J = K = 1, the output is complemented
( Qt =0 , Qt+1 =1 , Qt+2=0, Qt+3=0 …………….
Sequential Circuits : JK Flip Flop
•D = J Q’ + K’ Q
JK Flip Flop built with SR latches
•J sets the flip flop (1)
•K reset the flip flop (0)
•When J = K = 1, the output is complemented
Sequential Circuits : JK Flip Flop
case1 : When J=0 and K=0 No change to the output
Case2 : When J=1 and K=0 Output set(ie Q=1)
case3 : When J=0 and K=1 Output Reset(ie Q=0)
case4 : When J=1 and K=1 Output is toggled (ie
When Qn =1 then Qn+1 = 0)
Sequential Circuits : T Flip Flop
– Present State – the values of the state variables for each allowed state.
– Input – the input combinations allowed.
– Next-state – the value of the state at time (t+1) based on the present state and
the input.
– Output – the value of the output as a function of the present state and sometimes)
the input.
• From the view point of a truth table:
– the inputs are Input, Present State
– and the outputs are Output, Next State
State Table Characteristics
The state table can be filled in using the next state and output equations:
A(t+1) = A(t) x(t) + B(t) x(t)
B(t+1) = A'(t) x(t)
y(t) = x'(t) (B(t) + A(t))
Input equation :
Sequential Circuit Analysis
Example : analysis the following circuit:
– A(t+1) = ………
– Z =. ………
Sequential Circuit Analysis
Sequential Circuit Analysis
Example : analysis the following circuit:
– A(t+1) =
– B(t+1) =
– C(t+1) =
Z =
Sequential Circuit Analysis :
– B(t+1) = 0 0 1
0 1 0
– C(t+1) = 0 1 1
Z = 1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
State table
Sequential Circuit Analysis
State diagram:
Sequential Circuit Analysis
Ex: Determine the
combinational circuit
which specifies the
external outputs and
the flip-flop inputs?
Sequential Circuit Analysis
State table
Sequential Circuit Analysis
State table
Input equation
Sequential Circuit Analysis
Design of Sequential Circuits
• Design Procedure:
• Obtain a state diagram from the word description
• State reduction if necessary
• Obtain State Table
• State Assignment
• Choose type of flip-flops
- The number of flip-flops is determined from the number of states in the circuit
- n flip-flops can represent up to 2n binary states.
DA = AB’ + BX’
Y = B’X
Design of Sequential Circuits
Example: No output 0
01 11
0 1
Design of Sequential Circuits
State Table
Present Next
State State
0 0
0 1
0 0
0 1
Design of Sequential Circuits
Design of Sequential Circuits
Stat diagram
Design of Sequential Circuits
Design of Sequential Circuits
Using K-Maps
•A(t + 1) = DA = ∑(3,5,7) = A x + B x
•B(t + 1) = DB = ∑(1,5,7) = A x + B’ x
•y = ∑(6,7) = A B
Design of Sequential Circuits
•A(t + 1) = DA = ∑(3,5,7) = A x + B x
•B(t + 1) = DB = ∑(1,5,7) = A x + B’ x
•y = ∑(6,7) = A B
Examples for revision
Q3- a: Implement the following functions using 2-4 decoders then using 2-to-1 multiplexer
- f(a,b,c) = a' b'c' + ab'c + a' b' c + a b c'
Use NAND gate for the first circuit.