Technical Specification For
Technical Specification For
Technical Specification For
138kV 31.2 MVAR, 138kV 15.6 MVAR, 69kV 15.6 MVAR &
69kV 7.8 MVAR
1.00 ITEMS:
2.00 SCOPE:
3.00 USE:
The latest revision of the following standards shall apply to this Specification as well
as any standard referred to herein.
5.01 Items furnished under this specification shall in all respects meet the
dimensional and performance requirements hereinafter stated and as stated
in the above standards or the references therein.
5.02 The requirements specifically stated herein shall govern should there be any
conflict with the above standards or the references therein.
5.03 All items of the same design and rating furnished shall be mechanically and
electrically interchangeable.
6.04 Capacitors shall give not less than the rated reactive power at rated
sinusoidal voltage and frequency. Capacitors shall not give more than 110%
of the rated reactive power measured at 250 C (77 F) uniform case and
internal temperature.
6.06 Capacitors shall be capable of continuous operation provided that none of
the following limitations are exceeded:
B) 120% of rated peak voltage, i.e. peak voltage not exceeding 1.2 x
(square root of two) x rated RMS voltage, including harmonics, but
excluding transients
C) 135% of nominal RMS current based on rated KVAR and rated voltage
6.08 Shunt power capacitors shall conform to the voltage and reactive power
ratings specified in IEEE 18-2012, Table 1.
6.09 Shunt power capacitors shall comply with the basic impulse insulation level
(BIL) specified in IEEE 18-2012, Table 2.
6.10 Shunt power capacitors shall be rated for operation at 60 hertz alternating
6.11 Shunt power capacitors shall have the following standard ratings:
6.12 Shunt power capacitors shall be rated to meet the in-service conditions
specified under IEEE 18-2012, Section 4.
6.13 Radio influence voltage generated by capacitors shall not exceed the value
specified in ANSI/IEEE 18-2012, Section 6.4 and the reference therein.
6.14 Shunt power capacitors shall have a one (1) or two (2) bushing design for
installation on a single phase Wye grounded system.
6.15 Capacitor bushings shall comply with the minimum electrical characteristics
specified under IEEE 18-2012, Table 5.
7.01 Capacitors shall be thermally stable in accordance with the definition and
operating conditions outlined in IEEE Std. 18-2012, Section 7.1.3.
7.03 Capacitors shall be equipped with an internal discharge resistor which will
reduce the residual voltage to 50 volts or less within five (5) minutes of time
limit after the capacitor is disconnected from the rated voltage.
7.04 Capacitors shall have a No. 409 stainless steel casing (shell). Capacitors
shall be hermetically sealed by welding or solder seal process.
7.05 Capacitors shall be painted ANSI 70, sky gray. Capacitors shall comply with
the finish requirements stated in ANSI Z55.1.
7.06 Capacitors shall have heavy duty stainless steel mounting brackets. The
bracket dimensions shall comply with the requirements specified in IEEE 18-
2012, Section 6.9. The mounting contact surface shall be unpainted to
assure positive grounding to the frame or hanger.
7.07 Capacitors shall have an all film/foil-type design and shall be impregnated
with a dielectric fluid. Paper type design shall not be acceptable.
7.07a The dielectric film stress shall not exceed 2000 volts per mil when the
capacitor is energized at rated voltage. The dielectric film stress shall be
calculated using the dry thickness of the dielectric film. Rated voltage of
each element shall not exceed 2000 volts. Lower stresses may be
specified by the LCRA as determined by electrical conditions at the
planned location.
7.08 Capacitor fluid shall be low toxicity and biodegradable with high dielectric
strength and temperature stability. Capacitors shall be free of PCB
7.09 Capacitors shall have one or two glazed wet processed porcelain insulator
bushings that comply with the (BIL) requirements specified herein.
7.10 Capacitor bushing(s) shall have a tin or Cadmium plated parallel groove
connector. The connector's clamping range shall accommodate conductor
sizes ranging from number 8 AWG solid through number 2 AWG stranded
7.11 Each capacitor shall have a permanent weather resistant name plate. The
name plate shall clearly state the following information:
A) Name of Manufacturer,
B) Unique serial number,
C) Manufacturers type, model, style, or catalog number.
D) Year manufactured,
E) KVAR rating
E) Rated reactive power,
F) Rated voltage RMS,
G) Number of phase,
H) Rated frequency,
I) BIL (if applicable). For capacitors having bushings with two different
BIL ratings, the nameplate shall show both BIL ratings, e.g.150/95 kV
J) Flammability classification and volume of insulating fluid.
K) Statement that capacitor contains an internal discharge device.
L) Nominal or measured capacitance, µF
7.12 The manufacturer shall attach a weather resistant blue label or decal
indicating non-PCB. This information shall be located where it can be seen
from the ground.
7.13 Terminal "bird guards" are not required on capacitors unless specified by the
7.14 When substation banks are requested, the following spare equipment is
required and shall be included in the total quoted cost:
7.16 When substation substructures are required, the following shall be provided
and the price shall be included in the quoted cost:
A) 138kV Banks:
The 138kV bank assembly will consist of 3 stacks for three phase
operation. Steel frames (racks) shall be hot-dipped galvanized after
fabrication and conform to ASTM-A37. The manufacturer shall supply a
twelve (12) foot high substructure for ground clearance, high strength
base, stacking insulators, and all necessary bus work. The capacitor
bank shall be designed to handle continuous wind loading of 110mph
with a gust factor of 1.3 without damage. All connections in the structure
will be made with through bolt connections using nuts and bolts; screw
type connections are not acceptable. The shunt capacitor bank shall be
outdoor, open structured type with capacitors connected in series and
parallel groups. All hardware and materials for electrical and mechanical
connections shall be furnished with the capacitor bank.
Each capacitor bank shall have spare units mounted in open slots in the
bottom rack of each phase. The bushings of each spare unit shall be
shorted together and connected to the frame with an insulated
conductor. The total number of spare units for each bank shall be as
specified in 7.15 of this specification. The spare units shall be evenly
distributed between the bottom racks of each phase.
B) 69kV Banks:
The 69kV bank assembly will consist of 1 stack for three phase
operation. Steel frame (rack) shall be hot-dipped galvanized after
fabrication and conform to ASTM-A37. The manufacturer shall supply a
twelve (12) foot high substructure for ground clearance, high strength
base, stacking insulators, and all necessary bus work. The capacitor
bank shall be designed to handle continuous wind loading of 110mph
with a gust factor of 1.3 without damage. All connections in the structure
will be made with through bolt connections using nuts and bolts; screw
type connections are not acceptable. The shunt capacitor bank shall be
outdoor, open structured type with capacitors connected in series and
parallel groups. All hardware and materials for electrical and mechanical
connections shall be furnished with the capacitor bank.
Each capacitor bank shall have spare units mounted in open slots in the
bottom rack of each phase. The bushings of each spare unit shall be
shorted together and connected to the frame with an insulated
conductor. The total number of spare units for each bank shall be as
specified in 7.15 of this specification. The spare units shall be evenly
distributed between the bottom racks of each phase.
7.17 Two ground pads, each with two holes drilled to NEMA spacing, shall be
provided on diagonally opposite sides of the elevating structure for
7.18 The structure shall include appropriate means for mounting and connecting
capacitor units. They should also include a terminal pad for the incoming
cable phase connections.
7.19 All base insulators shall be high strength porcelain, post type, gray and per
ANSI standards. Inter-rack insulators shall be standard strength (middle
rack) and standard strength (top rack).
7.20 The buss shall be rated for a maximum temperature rise of 300C in an
ambient of 400C at 135% rated current.
7.21 The structure shall be provided with a capacitor bank nameplate mounted at
eye level in a convenient location. The nameplate shall include bank rated
voltage, bank BIL, bank KVAR, bank connection (grounded wye), and bank
7.22 Each rack shall be equipped with a warning sign on all four sides reading
“CAUTION! FRAME ENERGIZED” or similar wording.
7.23 Anchor bolts with hex nuts and washers shall be supplied by the foundation
8.01 The manufacturer shall supply the following components for each capacitor
bank ordered, to be used in protection scheme.
The manufacturer shall furnish for approval on AutoCAD 2012 electronic file
and six (6) paper copies each of the following drawings:
9.02 Final Drawings
Once LCRA comments and corrections have been taken from the drawings
listed in Section 9.01, final drawings shall be submitted. AutoCAD 2012
Electronic files shall be submitted via e-mail and CD-ROM formats.
Any applicable instruction manuals shall be provided with the final drawings
via e-mail and CD-ROM formats. Any service advisories shall be sent to the
Manager of Construction Maintenance.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing any and all service
bulletins/advisories on equipment provided after delivery. This is to be an
ongoing process provided by the Contractor to ensure that LCRA is informed
of any mechanical and/or electrical problems which may result in personnel
danger or equipment malfunction/failure. This service shall continue beyond
the standard warranty period and any fee for this service shall be included in
the purchase price of the equipment. This correspondence shall be sent to
the LCRA Maintenance Department, and shall reference the original purchase
order number, equipment model, serial number(s), and date of manufacture.
Service advisory information shall be sent to on top
of any other communications made to the LCRA.
The Contractor shall furnish Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS OSHA Form
20) on all chemicals and hazardous materials specifying generic and trade
name of the product, product specification, full hazard information,
instructions and special equipment required for handling, information on
approved containers, and instructions for disposal. An MSDS sheet shall be
furnished with each shipment of chemicals or hazardous materials.
9.06 Training
The supplier shall provide up to two (2) days of training in Austin, Texas by
a qualified instructor to educate LCRA technicians and engineers on design,
installation, testing, and maintenance of the Shunt Power Capacitor Bank.
This training shall be conducted at no cost to LCRA.
10.01 Testing
Production Test
Design Tests
A) Dielectric withstand
B) Impulse withstand
C) Bushing
D) Thermal stability
E) Radio influence voltage
F) Voltage decay
G) Short circuit discharge
10.01.02 The manufacturer shall furnish a certified test report for the tests
described above. The report shall list each test conducted and
test results.
10.01.03 The conditions that the tests shall be performed under shall
comply with IEEE 18-2012, Section 7.1.3 therein.
10.01.05 LCRA reserves the right to test or have test conducted on any
item furnished under this specification.
10.01.06 Any item which fails to pass the prescribed tests described herein
shall be rejected from any shipment.
10.01.07 IEEE std 18-2012 section. 7.2.1 Short Time Overvoltage Testing:
LCRA requires the alternating sinusoidal voltage (AC) test using
2.0 times rated (rms) Voltage. (2.0 x Un AC for 10 sec).
10.02 Inspection
10.02.02 The vendor shall assure that all items which have been in the
vendor's possession have been inspected and are in compliance
with this specification.
11.01 Packaging
11.02 Labeling
Each pallet shipped shall have a durable weather resistant tag securely
attached which clearly states the following information:
A) Manufacturer's name,
B) Item description,
C) Gross weight,
D) Purchasers name,
E) Purchasers purchase order number.
F) Substation location (if available)
11.03 Delivery
Delivery shall be F.O.B. to the destination point shown on the purchase
order. The shipment shall arrive so that it may be unloaded between 7:00
A.M. and 3:00 P.M., Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays.
11.04.03 All correspondence including any freight bills shall include the
LCRA’s Purchase Order number and a description of the
pertinent items.
The Lower Colorado River Authority shall not be responsible to anyone for the use
of or reliance upon this Specification by anyone. The Lower Colorado River Authority
shall not incur any obligation or liability for damages, including consequential
damages, arising out of or in connection with the use, interpretation of, or reliance on
this Specification. Likewise the Lower Colorado River Authority does not assume or
undertake to discharge any responsibility of the Contractor (Manufacturer/ Vendor)
or any other party.
This portion of the specification, where applicable, shall be completed by the manufacturer
and returned with the quotation.
5.0 Substructure
Length: ____________________
Weight: ____________________lbs.
Material: Galvanized steel or Aluminum (circle one)
7.0 Exceptions to specification (clearly state each one; add separate pages if more
room is required):