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(1) Know about the other agencies working for ecological balance.
(2) Enlist co-operation of a specialist in the vicinity to educate people about this by way
of discussions, audio visuals etc,
(3) Propagate against cutting trees.
(4) Organise Van mahotsav in monsoons.
(5) Educate people about pollution problems in the area.
(6) Work for solving any three of the following problems:
a) Soil erosion
b) Tree Cutting
c) Killing animals
d) Wastage of water or water pollution
e) Air pollution
f) Littering

Global agencies working for ecological balance

The following are some global agencies working for ecological balance.
a) Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP)
b) Earth System Governance Project (ESGP)
c) School strike for climate or Fridays for Future (FFF)
d) Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
e) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
f) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
g) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
h) European Environment Agency (EEA)
i) Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA)

1. What is pollution?
Pollution is defined as the contamination of the environment by foreign or toxic substances
and excess forms of energy that are harmful for the environment. The substance or energy
that constitutes a particular kind of pollution is known as the pollutant. Pollutants can be in
the form of solid, gas, liquid or energy.

Pollution always has a source and a recipient. For example, a factory that produces harmful
gases is the source of pollution. It ends up in the atmosphere and gets inhaled by human
beings and other animals who are the recipients.
Types of pollution
Following are the different kinds of pollution:
 Air Pollution
 Water Pollution
 Soil Pollution
 Noise pollution
 Other types of Pollution like light pollution, Thermal Pollution, Radioactive Pollution

Air Pollution
Air Pollution refers to the contamination of the atmosphere by harmful gases, particulate
matter and chemicals. Air Pollution leads to a substantial reduction of the quality of air.

Causes of Air Pollution:

a) Burning of fossil fuels in power plants and vehicles
b) Agricultural activities like aerial spraying of insecticides, slash and burn system
c) Industrial release of carbon monoxide and other chemicals
d) Methane from waste in landfills

Effects of Air Pollution:

a) Respiratory diseases like chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma etc.
b) Health issues in children impairing brain development
c) Global warming
d) Acid Rain
e) Depletion of Ozone layer

Water Pollution
The contamination of water sources beyond permissible limits is called water pollution. It
includes the contamination of both surface water and groundwater.

Causes of Water Pollution:

a) Untreated sewage water that contains soaps, chemicals, food waste, human waste
etc is the single largest source of water pollution.
b) Untreated wastewater from these factories is high on toxic content and resistant to
breakdown by microorganisms.
c) Runoff of fertilizers, pesticides and manure used in agricultural production
contaminate the water.
d) Petroleum products contaminating sea water as a result of accident spillover is a
regular news item.

Effects of Water Pollution:

a) Destruction of marine life and aquatic ecosystem
b) Degradation of water quality and Scarcity of fresh drinking water
c) Waterborne diseases like Cholera, Typhoid etc

Soil Pollution
Soil pollution refers to the contamination and consequent degradation of land. Presence of
pollutants or contaminants that disrupt the balance of nutrients in the soil is a growing
Causes of Soil Pollution:
a) Overuse of fertilisers and herbicides in agriculture
b) Dumping of industrial waste and harmful chemicals
c) Improper domestic waste management system
d) Run off of municipal sewage water
e) Improper irrigation management leading to poor soil quality

Effects of Soil Pollution:

a) Degradation of fertile soil
b) Inferior agricultural produce quality
c) Health issues as a result of Biomagnification
d) Destruction of soil ecosystem

Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is the presence of unwanted and excessive sound that harms human beings
and animals. Noise has the potential to disrupt essential activities like sleeping, reducing
one’s quality of life.
Causes of Noise Pollution:
a) Noise from factories
b) Noise from transportation systems
c) Events and Functions
d) Construction activities

Effects of Noise Pollution

a) Mental problem like Anxiety, Irritation
b) Partial or Complete Hearing Impairment
c) Affect animals’ ability to communicate, attract their mate etc

Other Types of Pollution

Apart from the above-given kinds of pollution, there are others like Radioactive Pollution,
Light Pollution, Thermal Pollution etc.
2. Importance of trees

Trees are very important, valuable and necessary to our existence as they have furnished us
with two important life essentials; food and oxygen. Apart from basically keeping us alive,
there are many other little and big benefits we get from trees. So, trees are vital resources
for the survival of all living beings. Therefore, Governments world over and many
Organizations are taking steps to prevent deforestation and to tell the benefits of planting
trees. Let us go through some important points about the Importance of trees for the
existence of human life.

a) Oxygen and Global Warming

Trees intakes Carbon dioxide from air and breathe out fresh oxygen for our life support. This
cycle is made by nature to sustain other living beings. Further, the Carbon dioxide breathed
in by the trees is one of the greenhouse gases.

b) Ecosystem
Trees contribute to a rich healthy ecosystem. Animals, insects, birds, and fungi make their
home in the trees and make a diverse ecosystem. This balanced environment, in turn,
contributes to the betterment of human beings. Trees produce their own food and are
found at the bottom of the food chain.

c) Water Balance
Trees receive the rainwater and hold them in the land. This prevents clean water from
flowing and getting wasted in drains.

d) Healthy Life
Trees provide clean air, water, and food to us. Its greenery and freshness also act as a stress
reliever for us. It gives a positive vibration in the atmoshphere.

e) Economy and Environment

Trees produce fruits, medicine which are exported in many countries thus helping in
economic growth. Cultivating trees and selling their product helps people earn their living.

Trees have a lot of importance in our lives, and it provides seamless service for the
environment. we have somehow not protected them and perhaps that is why as on today
we are being affected by global warming, severe pollution and other ill effects of
deforestation. Trees should be treated and nurtured nicely so that human beings can
survive on this planet. We should encourage others to plant more and more trees. It is for
our own betterment and the sooner we understand this the better it is for us.

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