Advanced Course For Large Scale Poultry Farming
Advanced Course For Large Scale Poultry Farming
Advanced Course For Large Scale Poultry Farming
Training Center Dr. B.V. Rao Institute of Poultry Management and Technology Course Name Category Fees Duration Location 48 weeks Pune, Maharashtra Advanced Course for Large scale poultry farming General
More Training Courses in Dr. B.V. Rao Institute of Poultry Management and Technology
Course Name Basic Commercial Poultry Management Course Orientation/Guidance Course for Existing farmers
Add Course to this Training Center Category Duration Fees General General General General General General 24 weeks 12 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks
Disease Diagnosis & Laboratory Work course for Veterinarians Feed Formulation & Feed Analyses course for Feed manufacturers Hatchery Management course for Persons engaged in Hatchery Appreciation Course in Poultry Management for Nontechnical/Financial persons Add Course to this training Center
As the name signifies, this is an advanced course in Poultry Management of 48 weeks duration. The basic eligibility is a graduate, preferably a science graduate. The earlier two courses basically deal with commercial layer and broiler farming. In those two courses, portion of Breeders (layer breeders/broiler breeders), Breeder Management & Hatchery Management are not included. This course is for people who intend to take up poultry on large scale or those who have/intend to maintain Breeder flocks as well as a hatchery. This course is divided into two sections of 24 weeks each. During the first session of 24 weeks, the trainees are at par with the trainees of Basic Commercial Poultry Management trainees i.e. they undergo the basic course. After the first session of 24 weeks and after two weeks break, the second session of 24 weeks starts, during which they are directly put in charge of a shed (layer or broiler) and depending upon the type of bird, the number of birds and the age of birds, they are given weekly targets as per the standard for the type of bird. They are expected to supervise the working/management of the shed and to deliver the production (number of eggs in case of layers or the weight gain in case of broilers as per standard). They are evaluated on the performance delivered by them vis- -vis the target given to them. If their performance is below standard they are encouraged to investigate possible reasons for lower performance and to discuss with the faculty members the possible remedial measures to improve the performance. In other words, they are trained in accountability of the performance and at managerial level. During the period they are also trained in Breeder Farm Management (layers and broilers) as well as in Hatchery Management. After completion of the programme they are expected to take up independent charge of a farm. As in case of earlier two programmes, they spend 50% of their time in layer farm and 50% in broiler farm, so that they can take up any farming depending upon their preference as well as need of the hour. The trainees have to appear for quizes,monthly exams and a final exam at the end of the course. They also have to deliver a seminar on the topic in Poultry during the training programme. In addition to monthly tests, they are evaluated on the performance of the farm work and seminars. They are also evaluated on the basis of meeting the weekly targets given to them. On successful completion of the training programme the trainees are given a Certificate signifying successful completion of their training programme.
This course is designed to thoroughly groom the trainee, in both theory and practise. The course syllabus covers an exhaustive range of topics, each being in-depth study. The practical orientation results in making the trainee an excellent planner, organiser and manager with emphasis on monitoring all aspects of farm management, financial planning including budgeting, inventory control, personnel management, etc. Course Contents: 1. Poultry industry 2. Classification of chicken 3. Anatomy and physiology of chicken 4. Breeding principles and practices 5. Selection of stock 6. Shelter engineering 7. Poultry equipment 8. Brooding and chick management 9. Broiler management 10. Grower management 11. Commercial layer management 12. Parent layer management 13. Hatchery management 14. Poultry nutrition 15. Health cover 16. Poultry diseases 17. Record keeping 18. Meat technology 19. Marketing of eggs and other poultry products 20. Financial management 21. Personnel management including personnel behaviour 22. Materials management Duration : 48 weeks Number of seats : 10 Batches in a year :1 Beginning Dates : November/December Graduate in any discipline, Adequate knowledge in Eligibility : English in terms of reading & writing Rs.12,000/(excluding all other Indian Student Individual : charges) Tution Fees : Rs.15,000/(excluding all other Sponsored :
Foreign Student-
Individual :
Sponsored :
charges) US $ 4000 (excluding all other charges) US $ 4000 (excluding all other charges)
A large number of training institutions offer courses in poultry farming. Among them The Institute of Poultry Management, Pune (IPM) is the most outstanding. It is the only specialized institute in India offering full-fledged programme in poultry farming. The IPM maintains its own farms and hatchery to enable students to gain extensive hands-on experience. It also runs a Disease Diagnostic and Feed Analytical Laboratory in order to acquaint it students with the various disease prevention methods and feed formulae that may be altered in practice, to maintain a high viability on their farms.
Phone : 91-581-2300204, 2301220, 2303223, Fax: 91-581-2301321 Ref No. CARI/PGET/STC/1011 2010 Dated : 03rd March,
Artificial Insemination in Poultry Backyard Poultry Farming Broiler Production Guinea Fowl Production Layer Production Poultry Diseases and Biosecurity Measures Poultry Entrepreneurial Development and Project Formulation Poultry Feeding and Quality Control Poultry Hatchery Operation 0 Poultry Processing and Products Technology 1 Quail Production 2. Turkey Production
The Central Avian Research Institute, (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Izatnagar, will offer the following specialized training courses for technical personnel of various departments/ Institutions including Public and Private Sector organizations dealing with poultry production and also for Graduate students specializing in the area of Biotechnology. Eligibility : For Courses No. 1-12_ A graduate in any stream; For Course No. 13- A student pursuing / completed B.Sc.(BT)/ B.Tech.(BT)/M.Sc.(BT)/M.Tech.(BT) degree programme.