Do We Do Everything To Maximize Our Own Utility?
Do We Do Everything To Maximize Our Own Utility?
Do We Do Everything To Maximize Our Own Utility?
ABSTRACT : This paper discusses whether or not we as humans are naturally wired to behave in ways that
maximize our own utility. Utilitarianism has long been defined by philosophers and classical economists alike,
with the utility maximization rule stating that the last dollar spent on each product yields the same amount of
extra marginal utility. In this paper, human actors are shown not to maximize their own utility, especially within
the rising field of behavioral economics; in turn, the concept of utility maximization is proven to not be an
irrefutable law but rather a mere theoretical framework.
Utility maximization is a key element in many theoretical approaches to explaining human behavior in
classical economics. Developed from the utilitarian philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill and
incorporated by early economist Alfred Marshall, the utility maximization rule states that “consumers decide to
allocate their money incomes so that the last dollar spent on each product yields the same amount of extra
marginal utility” (Fullerton College). In other words, an assumption in classical economics is that the price
consumers are willing to pay for a good is reflective of the utility they receive from the good. As such, a
consumer will achieve utility maximization by consuming a good to the point where marginal utility is greater
than or equal to the price (Pettinger). However, the core theory of utility maximization does not specify the
meaning of the utility function (Simon, 1987). Without a concrete definition for utility, the theory’s relevance
does not uphold in real situations of human behavior, especially with the rise of behavioral economics. In this
essay, I will demonstrate that we as human actors do not do everything to maximize our own utility – in fact, we
often make choices that are inconsistent with any utility function and stray away from the principles of classical
value, or ordinal utility, on having that $1,000, compared to a rich person who values money. Thus, depending
on the perspective and the conflicting definitions of utility, in decision-making, humans may not always be able
to achieve utility maximization in one way or another.
As economic actors are assumed to be self-interested and “rational,” individuals are faced with a slew
of other factors that could affect their ability to seek utility maximizing behaviors. One factor is compulsive
behavior – resulting in one purchasing goods which are later regretted. According to a study, about 6% of
Americans were found to be “compulsive shoppers,” who seek instant gratification and later face the
troublesome consequences of running up debt (Goodwin, 2019).
Additionally, the classical and neoclassical paradigms of utility maximization have been found to be unable to
accommodate morality-governed behavior as well. An optimal consumption plan, which could be compatible
with a certain utility maximization model, might also be against a rule which prohibits one from taking that
action (for example, let’s say that consuming an optimal amount of calories via definition of cardinal utility
conflicts with one’s religion inhibiting oneself from consuming meat) (Isaac, 1997). Essentially, an empirical
investigation of the methods and standards we use for making decisions in the real world deems models of
traditional utility maximization difficult to accommodate all of the facets of human behavior.
By taking into account traditional theories operating on the basis of utility’s quantifiable nature, as well
as more modern definitions of utility, I argue that this elusive concept becomes evidently difficult to maximize
in a way that satisfies all existing interpretations. At different times, people might behave adhering to one
definition, whilst failing to satisfy another. Thus, we need not take the concept of utility maximization as an
irrefutable law explaining and predicting human behavior, but rather as a theoretical framework to assist in our
collective understanding.