ObliCon (Module 1)
ObliCon (Module 1)
ObliCon (Module 1)
- (passive) until the creditor demands b. Personal Obligations
payment, the debtor silences because he
b.1. Positive – it is the obligation to do
is the one who will lose money due to
payment of debt.
b.2. Negative – it is the obligation not to
c. Prestation (object/subject matter) – it
do something. (e.g., do not block the
may consist of giving, doing, or not doing
driveway of your neighbors)
- Law
Illustrative Example: (elements of an
- Contracts
- Quasi-Contracts
- Through a contract of loan, Diego borrowed
P 1,000,000 from Cardo a year ago. - Delicts
Philippines (obligations of each family - (unilateral) unlike in a normal contract
member) which is bilateral, in quasi-contracts, only
one party can decide to push through with
- e.g., the obligation of the parents to take
the contract.
care of their children while they are still
underaged (below 18 years old) and to
give support.
a. Negotiorum Gestio – this refers to the
- this is not only considered a moral voluntary administration of the property,
obligation, not only a civil obligation, but business, or affairs of another without
failing to do this obligation is considered his consent or authority. There is now an
a criminal liability. obligation to reimburse the gestor for
the necessary and useful expenses.
- (quasi) one element missing in quasi-
delicts is the intent. (however, there was
b. Solutio Indebiti – this refers to the
still damage done)
payment by mistake, of an obligation in
excess of what should have been paid or - for crimes, there is the person’s intention
payment to a person not due to receive to commit the act. (e.g., hurting someone,
it. killing someone, buying illegal drugs, etc.)
- an obligation arises to return what was - e.g., You are driving at night. Accidentally,
not ours (excess of what should have you bumped into someone and caused
been paid or amount we are not due to injuries on that person.
- due to this act, you now have the
obligation to pay for damages. (hospital
d. Delicts – these are acts or omissions
punishable by law. This refers to crimes
(more common term) or felonies defined
o Nature and Effect of Obligations:
under the law to be punishable as such.
Article 1163: Every person obliged to give
- these laws are under the Revised Penal
something is also obliged to take care of it
Code (includes special penal laws and
with proper diligence of a good father of a
criminal laws)
family, unless the law or stipulation of the
- each crime has a corresponding criminal parties requires another standard of care.
liability (imprisonment) and civil liability
- this is concerned about giving a
(payment of fine); “a person who is
determinated/specific object.
criminally liable is also civilly liable.”
- (diligence of a good father) doing
- e.g., crime of arson (incineration of
everything in your ability/power to avoid
other people or properties of others);
harm or damage on the person/object you
upon proving someone is guilty, aside
are taking care of.
from imprisonment, that person is also to
pay charges equivalent to the value of the - e.g., You own a pet shop and somebody
property damaged by fire. bought a specific dog. The buyer already
paid and asked for the dog to be delivered
next week.
e. Quasi-Delicts – these are acts or
- even though the buyer has already paid,
omissions that cause damage to another
as the owner, you are still bound to take
there being fault or negligence but without
care of the dog up until you deliver it
any existing contractual relation between
safely to the buyer.
the parties. There is now an obligation to
pay for damages. - feed the dog, clean the dog, provide
vitamins and supplements, etc.
- it is also known as tort or culpa aquiliana.
- minimum is taking care of it with the - a generic thing is identified only by its
proper diligence of a good father of a specie. The debtor can give anything of the
family, unless another standard of care is same class as long as it is of the same kind.
required. (general rule)
▪ I will give you a car.
- (other law or stipulation for another
▪ I will give you a house.
standard of care) contract of carriage:
everytime we ride any mode of ▪ I will give you a ballpen.
transportation (extraordinary diligence;
higher level of care needed to be
exercised by operators of transportation Connection with Article 1163:
- e.g., I will give you a dog.
- (extraordinary diligence) the driver
- this is only a generic thing, therefore, it
should promise the safe arrival of its
may not be taken cared of with the proper
passengers from the pickup point to their
diligence of a good father of a family.
- if a certain dog died or gets sick, the
- e.g., the driver should not move
person may still fulfill its obligation to give
forward if a passenger is still on its way
another dog because no specification was
to find a seat.
given as to what dog to give.
parties requires another standard of - e.g., interest income (fruit from a loan
care. receivable), rent income (fruit from giving
2. To deliver the thing. rentals)
b. Industrial Fruits – they refer to those - even though it was not yet delivered when
produced by land of any kind through the dog gave birth, Mr. B still has the right
cultivation or labor. over the 3 puppies.
- (for plants) these plants grew with the - on the reverse, if Mr. A delivered the dogs
help of human intervention. on or before August 15, the dog would still
give birth on August 21, this time on Mr. B’s
- e.g., agricultural crops like rice, corn,
wheat, and tobacco.
- absence of this rule would imply that Mr.
A’s negligence for the late delivery will bear
c. Civil Fruits – they refer to fruits that are benefits on his part if he takes ownership
the results of a juridical relation. of the 3 puppies.
2. If the dog gave birth on August 10, who all its accessions and accessories, even
should be entitled to the 3 puppies? though they may not have been mentioned.
- the ownership goes to Mr. A because the - if it has been explicitly agreed upon that
delivery date has not yet lapsed when the the accessions or accessories should not
dog gave birth. be delivered along with the thing, that is
the only time they are not included.
o Remedies of the Creditor: (buyer) - violation of right against involuntary
▪ If the debtor (seller) fails to perform his servitude.
obligation to deliver a determinate thing:
- if the debtor performs the obligation
- to compel the debtor to make the but does it poorly, the creditor may have
delivery. the same be undone at the debtor’s
expense or he may also demand
- to demand damages from the debtor. (if
damages from the debtor.
the debtor does not want to deliver)
- usually refers to a person’s right actual value of loss suffered or expenses
violated by the wrongful act of a person. incurred.
- e.g., You bumped into a person while d. Temperate or Moderate – they are more
driving at night. The hospital bills than nominal but less than actual
incurred will be considered as your damages. They court may award
actual damages. temperate damages if the court finds
some pecuniary loss has been
- before acquiring payment of damages,
sufferred but its amount cannot, from
the victim must first present proof of the
the nature of the case, be proved with
e. Liquidated – damages agreed upon by - the consent would not have been given
the parties to a contract; to be paid in if the fraud was not done.
case of breach.
- e.g., You want to drink so you went to
the store and bought a bottle of gin.
However, the store already ran out of
f. Exemplary or Corrective – these are
gin. The seller, because she wants to
imposed by way of example or
get your money, refilled an empty bottle
correction for public good, in addition to
of gin with white vinegar.
the moral, temperate, liquidated, or
compensatory damages. - there is fraud because you thought
that you bought gin but the seller gave
- e.g., Your group initiated a massacre.
you white vinegar.
Part of the damages is payment that
will be used to warn the public that your - this is an example of causal fraud
group’s act should not be repeated by because the seller made you believe
others. that you bought gin; however, when
you got home, you realized it was
I. Fraud – the deliberate or intentational
- without this act, you would have not
evasion by the debtor of the normal
agreed on buying the “gin” offered by
compliance of his obligation. (Article 1170)
the seller.
Article 1170: refers to the fraud
committed by the debtor at the time of
the performance of the obligation. b. Incidental Fraud (Dolo Incidente) – this
refers to fraud without which consent
Article 1338 – 1344: refers to fraud
would have still been given but the
employed in obtaining consent.
person giving such consent would have
- this comes first; obtaining consent agreed on different terms. It would not
before perfecting the contract in the render the contract void (valid) but the
beginning. party committing the fraud shall be liable
for damages.
- there is fraud because the seller lied - meanwhile, there is fraud in the
to you about the price of the gin and performance of the seller’s obligation
its condition (20 years old claim) just because she poured water to fill the
to earn more. bottle of gin and compensate for the
amount consumed.
- this is an example of incidental fraud
because the seller made you believe
that the gin is 20 years old and earned
o Rules in Waiver of Fraud:
more for its real price.
▪ Past Fraud – fraud committed in the
- in contrary, without this act, you past can be waived. Such act is
would have still bought the gin but in considered as liberality on the part of the
its real/cheaper price and knowing creditor.
that it is only 2 months old.
▪ Future Fraud – fraud still to be
- (damages) for example, the real price
committed cannot be waived even if
of the gin is P 500, the seller shall
there is an agreement to that effect.
return the excess P 9,500 from the
Such stipulation is void for being
original payment of P 10,000.
contrary to public policy.
debtor must observe the diligence of a III. Delay (Mora or Default) – is the non-
good father of a family, as required by fulfillment of an obligation with respect to
the nature of the obligation and which time or delay in the fulfillment of an
corresponds with the circumstances of obligation, contrary to what was agreed
the person, time, and place. upon.
a. Culpa Contractual – negligence in the a. Mora Solvendi – delay on the part of the
performance of a contract. It supposes a debtor.
preexisting contractual relationship
- the debtor may still lack the money or
between parties. This negligence in the
refuses to let go of the money for the
performance of the obligation arising from
payment of the debt.
a contract results to damages.
b. Mora Accipiendi – delay on the part of
b. Culpa Aquiliana – this is quasi-delict,
the creditor. It exists when the creditor
where the negligence itself is the
unjustly refuses to accept the thing.
independent source of the obligation. (civil
negligence, tort, quasi-delict, or culpa extra - the creditor does not want to accept
contractual) payment so the interest gets bigger.
with such demand. Hence, no demand, no - e.g., You asked for your wedding gown to
delay. be made because you want a specific
design. You said that your wedding will take
- (ordinary delay) delay pertaining to a
place on August 15. Even without demand,
period of time after the agreed due date of
the seamstress must fulfill her obligation to
both parties.
finish your wedding gown on or before your
- e.g., The due date for your debtor’s loan is wedding day.
on December 31. It is already January 1
c. when demand would be useless as when
and the debtor has not yet paid. You have
the obligor has rendered it beyond his power
not yet demanded for payment, still
to perform
waiting for the debtor.
- in reciprocal obligations, from the moment
- during this time, the debtor is said to be
one of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay
in ordinary delay.
by the other begins notwithstanding the
- (continuation) You waited until January 5 absence of a demand.
for his payment. On the same day, you
- e.g., The seller of a specific dog you want
called and demanded for payment.
has already sold the dog to another buyer.
- during this time, the debtor is not in legal There is now delay on the part of the seller.
delay. (start of computation for interest
and damages)
o Effects of Delay: (on the part of the
o Exceptions to the “No Demand, No Delay”
- the debtor shall be liable for the payment of
a. when the law or the obligation so provides
- if the obligation consists of the delivery of
- when there is an express provision of the a determinate thing, he shall be liable even if
law or stipulation by the parties that there is the thing is lost due to a fortuitous event.
no need for a demand for the performance
- e.g., The seller is to deliver a specific dog
of the obligation.
to you on or before September 1. The seller
- e.g., payment of taxes on or before April 15 was able to deliver on September 15.
of every year.
a. The dog got struck by lightning on
b. when the time is of the essence of the August 1.
- the obligation of the seller will be
- when the designation of the time for the extinguished and the seller is not liable
performance of the obligation is the for damages.
controlling motive for the establishment of
the obligation.
b. The dog got struck by lightning on - The cause must be independent of the
September 3. You already demanded for debtor’s will.
the delivery last September 1.
- There must be impossibility of foreseeing
- the seller is already liable for damages the event or if it can be foreseen, it must be
even though the death of the dog is impossible to avoid.
primarily caused by a fortuitous event.
- The occurrence must be of such
- it is important that the seller should be magnitude as to render it impossible for
in legal delay for this to take effect. the debtor to perform his obligation.
Article 1174: Except in cases expressly - when the debtor is in legal delay
specified by the law, or when it is otherwise
- when the debtor promised the same
declared by stipulation, or when the nature
thing to two or more persons who do not
of the obligation requires the assumption of
have the same interest
risk, no person shall be responsible for those
events which could not be foreseen, or - when the parties stipulate or agree that
which, though foreseen, were inevitable. the debtor will not be exempted from
liability even if non-performance of the
- it is not enough that the event should not
obligation is due to a fortuitous event
be foreseen or anticipated, but it must be
impossible to foresee or avoid. - when the nature of the obligation
requires the assumption of risk
- e.g., earthquakes, typhoons, etc.
- e.g., insurance companies
- usury is contracting for or receiving - the receipt of a later installment without
interest in excess of the amount allowed reservation as to prior installments, shall
by law for the loan or use of money, goods, give rise to the presumption that prior
chattels, or credits. installments have been paid.
- e.g., You are running rentals for students.
- usury is now legally non-existent. Parties
The rate of your rentals is P 5,000 per
are now free to stipulate any amount of
month. You have one tenant who has not
interest. This is due to Central Bank
yet paid for 3 months (January to March).
Circular No. 905 (BSP) that took effect on
Upon bumping to him, the tenant gave only
January 1, 1983.
P 5,000 as payment.
- it does not, however, give absolute right to
the creditor to charge the debtor interest P 5,000 – payment for January
that is iniquitous or unconscionable.
(interest that is too high) - if the receipt indicates that the payment
is for either February or March, a
presumption arises that the prior
o Presumptions on Receipt of Principal and installments have already been paid.
Installment Payments: (Article 1176)
- the receipt of the principal without - indicate in the receipt the following:
reservation as to interest, shall give rise to - the P 5,000 payment is for the rent in the
the presumption that the interest has been month of March.
paid. - the P 10,000 rent is not yet paid.
- e.g., You have an outstanding loan with a
principal amount of P 1,000 and interest of - the foregoing are mere disputable
P 100. On the day of payment, you only presumptions (not conclusive) and the
presented payment of P 1,000. creditor may rebut such with clear and
convincing evidence to the contrary.
P 100 – payment on the interest
P 900 – payment on the principal o Different Remedies of the Creditor to
Enforce Payment of His Claims Against
- if the whole P 1,000 is only attributable to the Debtor: (Article 1177)
the principal, then a presumption arises
that the interest of P 100 has already been a. Specific Performance – exact fulfillment
paid. (interest should always be paid first) of the obligation by specific or substitute
performance with a right to damages in
- indicated in the receipt are the following: either case.
- the P 1,000 payment is attributable to b. Attachment – pursue the property in the
the principal. possession of the debtor, except those
- the P 100 interest is not yet paid. exempt by law. (e.g., family home, unless
(reservation) it is the property mortgaged; those used
in livelihood; clothes; provision for three consequence, such contract can neither
months; etc.) favor nor prejudice a third person.
c. Accion Subrogatoria – to be subrogated
- successors should not have negative
to all the rights and actions of the debtor,
inheritance, or use their personal assets to
save those which are inherent in his
pay for the remaining debt of their
deceased loved ones.
- e.g., Mr. B has an outstanding debt to
- succession includes the following:
Mr. A. Likewise, Mr. C has an outstanding
debt to Mr. B. (1) before receiving the share, the
outstanding debt of the deceased person
- as a remedy, Mr. A may request the
should be paid using his assets.
court to release an order that instead of
paying directly to Mr. B, the court may (2) if the liabilities is too big for the amount
advise Mr. C to pay Mr. A directly. of assets he has, then the successor will
(process of garnishment) receive 0 and the remaining debt should be
written off by the creditor.
d. Accio Pauliana – asking the court to
rescind or to impugn all the acts which (3) some may wish to pay the remaining
the debtor may have done to defraud the debt with their personal assets.
creditors. (last resort)
- this is not a civil obligation but more of
- e.g., Mr. A has an outstanding loan to a moral obligation on their part.
Mr. B. Mr. B has already sought the help
of the court to demand payment from Mr.
A. Mr. A has received notification that if Exceptions are intransmissible rights and
he cannot pay, Mr. B will move on with the obligations:
remedy of attachment. As a result, Mr. A
- by their nature as when the special or
entered into a fictitious contract of sale
personal qualification of the obligor
with Mr. Z to sell his car.
constitutes one of the principal motives for
- as remedy, Mr. B can seek the help of the establishment of the contract.
the court to cancel all contracts that
- by stipulation of the parties, as when the
Mr. A entered into. This will return the
contract expressly provides that the obligor
ownership of the car to Mr. A,
shall perform an act by himself and not
therefore, attachment will be possible.
through another.