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PhysRev 105 1119

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The absorption mechanism discussed here is not —(2J+1)g;(—s)

limited to n type materials. A somewhat similar mech-
Vp/kT=V Q b(s'=
anism should also be operative in p type specimens
according to the interpretation of elastoresistance given —2J (2J+1)Lg; ( —s) ]'(a/X)
by Adams. 7 Here the mechanism involves scattering
from one part of the distorted Fermi surface to another —g J'(2 J+ 1)g:( —s) [g:(—s)]'(a/l )'
part of the same energy surface. One would expect the
relaxation time for this mechanism to be considerably
shorter than for intervalley scattering.
' R. W. Keyes, Phys. Rev. 103, 1240 (1956). (s) P I nsl- (2)
' J. Bardeen and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 80, 72 (1950). l=1
' C. Kittel, Acta Metallurgica 3, 295 (1955).
C. S. Smith, Phys. Rev. 94, 42 (1954).
C. Herring, Bell System Tech. J. 34, 237 (1955). F= P (rsvp) «(r+s) —
'(r+t) —
's~'+'. (3)
A. Granato and R. Truell, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 1219 (1956). r, s, t=l
' E. N. Adams, Phys. Rev. 96, 803 (1954).
(B) For the Bose gas, the fugacity expansion is
X'p/kT = g«(s) —2Lg«(s)]'(a/X)
+8g'. ( )Lg-:(s)]'( /~)'+8P( ) (a/~)'+0(a'/~') (4)
Many-Body Problem in Quantum (C) For the Bose gas, the pressure and density at the
Mechanics and Quantum Statistical transition point are given by
Mechanics X'p/kT = 1.34 —2 (2.61)'(a/X)+0[(a/X) '],
T. D. I.EE, Columbia University, New York, %em York 'A'p = 2.61 —4(2.61'.) «(a/X) «+Ofa/X]. (5)
To obtain this expression it was necessary to sum the
C. N. YANG, Institute for Advanced Study, dominant terms in the fugacity expansion to all orders
Princeton, New Jersey
of (a/X) near s=1.
(Received December 10, 1956)
(D) The ground-state energy per particle for a Fermi
gas at a finite density p and infinite volume is given by
HIS is a progress report on some work' concerning
the quantum mechanical calculation of the
fugacity coeKcients b& (which correspond to the classical
cluster integrals) of a Bose, a Fermi, and a Boltzmann
E/)V= (3Pr'/5)+87rapJ(2J+1) '
&& [1+6(11—2 log, 2)Pra/357r+0(Pr'a')] (6).
gas at low temperatures. A "binary collision expansion" (E) The ground-state energy per particle for a Boltz-
method is developed which allows for the systematic mann gas and for a Bose gas at a finite density and
calculation of b~ as expansions in powers of a/X, where a infinite volume is
represents the parameters of the dimensions of length
that characterize the low-energy two-body collision and
E/. V = 47rap[1+ 128 (pa3) «/15m. «+ 0 (pa3) ]. (7)
X is the thermal wavelength. To any power of (a/X) the The parameters of expansion in Eqs. (6) and (7) are
calculation of any specific b& is reduced to a finite number determinable by a simple argument without explicit
of quadratures. The method, therefore, is the low- calculation.
temperature counterpart of the high-temperature The ground-state wave function and the thermo-
expansion of b~. dynamical behavior in cases (D) and (E) near T=O
By going to the limit T~O, the binary collision ex- were also obtainable in these computations. Details of
pansion method can also yield the ground-state energy the binary collision expansion method and the above
and ground-state wave function in a systematic expan- calculations will appear in a later publication.
sion. It also supplies information concerning the density The binary collision expansion met. hod is being
of energy levels near the ground state. applied to a more realistic interaction. Calculation with
The method is applied to the case where the inter- the Lennard-Jones potential is feasible for b~ at low T
action is a hard-sphere interaction with diameter a. The Work in this direct. ion is under contemplation.
particles are assumed to have spin J, where is taken to Equa, tions (4) and (6) have been obtained before' by
be zero for the Bose and Boltzmann gases, and left the method of pseudopotentials. By using the same
arbitrary for the Fermi gas. We use the following method it is not diAicult to obtain also Eq. (1). It was
notations and units: A=i, m=mass of particles= — ', emphasized in reference 1 that the method of pseudo-
.V=number of particles, V=volume of box, p=.V/V, potentials is not applicable to all orders of a. With the
Pr = maximum Fermi momentum = L6~'p/(2 J+
1)]«, binary collision expansion method the full range of
and X= (4x./kT) «. The results are tabulated below: applicability of the pseudopotential becomes clear. One
(A) For the Fermi gas, the fugacity expansion is concludes that it should be possible to obtain also Eqs.

(5) and (7) by the pseudopotential method. This ~ /Z i i / g i $ i i I I I I I i I

problem was looked into in collaboration with Dr.

Kerson Huang. It turns out that it is extremely simple
to obtain (7) by the pseudopotential method. A detailed .08
description of this computation will be published
It should be emphasized that the expansions quoted .04
above are probably all asymptotic expansions. One is
led to this conclusion by the following argument. A
small and negative value of a corresponds to the case I I I I I I I ( i

where the force is purely attractive with the scattering 0 50 /00 /50
length — a, for which the gas (for any statistics)

collapses. The formula should therefore become mean- FIG. 1. Regeneration of 8's by magnetic field for y= 6, r =10 "
ingless for negative a. This would result if, for ex- sec, co2 —co1= 1/r1 = AE g (which corresponds to 22. 7 kg if
p = 8A/m~c).
ample, the physical quantities contain such terms as
exp. ——'p —
[ a ']. A long-lived 02 beam can therefore be "quenched"
'A description of the binary collision expansion method, to- by a magnetic field, if the 0' has a magnetic rnornent.
gether with formulas (4) and (5) below, had previously been given For a moment @=ed/nike, the fields and times re-
at the International Conference on Theoretical Physics at Seattle,
1956 (unpublished). quired are about like those needed to rotate a nuclear
' K. Huang and C. N. Yang, Phys. Rev. 105, 767 (1957); Huang, spin by 1 radian, or on the order of 104 or 10' gauss-
Yang, and Luttinger, Phys. Rev. 105, 776 (1957).
feet. The effect could therefore be observed experi-
The equation for the regenerated 0& amplitude can be
derived in a manner entirely similar to that of Case. "-
Regeneration of eio Mesons by a
A plot of ~ai ~' vs distance into the magnetic field (ni
Magnetic Field* is the amplitude of Hi) is given in Fig. 1. The values of
MYRON L. Goon the parameters used are: r& 10—"sec, — r2= ~ (T1, 2
Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Calzfor ma =ei 2 lifetime); y=1/(1 —P )'=6, &u~ —~di ——(mass differ-
(Received October 22, 1956) ence frequency) = 1/2ri, and 2pH/A= 1/2ri (for
= «A/mire, this corresponds to a field of 22. 7 iU'logauss).
'HIS letter
is to point out a surprising phenorn- Figure 1 implies that if the magnet is 60 cm long,
enon that should occur if the 0 particle has a 10% of the incident 82's would decay just beyond the
spin and a magnetic moment. The sequence of events is magnet. However, ~ei ~'(1/roc=1/18 cm) is the prob-
shown schematically as follows: ability, per cm of path, for decay in the magnet. Taking
this into account, one sees that the reason the curve is
Oi(tt)+ig~(tt) falling, for magnet length & 100 cm, is that most of the
particles have decayed in the magnet. The effect is
therefore quite large.
It is interesting to speculate whether experiments
= —Hj — -2~. already performed can rule out reasonable values of the
ma&. fie&d decay
magnetic moment. A quick look indicates that probably
A 0 meson is made, in associated production with a this is not the case. Experiments where 0"s are produced
hyperon, and let us say the spin (first arrow) is up. in a magnet cloud chamber do not have much 02 path
After 10 "sec, 0& decay has left only the 02 component length. On the other hand, in the experiment by I.eder-
of the original wave. ' This also has spin up. The 0~ is man et al. ,' a strong sweeping magnet preceded the
part 0', part 0', each of which has, of course, spin up. But cloud chamber. This could have the effect of wiping
the magnetic moment (second arrow) of the 00 will be out all but the nz=0 substate (which is unaffected by
oppositely directed from that of the 0, since it is the the field). This substate would then not regenerate in the
antiparticle of the 0. Therefore, if the 0~ beam, in vac- cloud chamber magnet, since its field was parallel to
uum, encounters a uniform vertical magnetic field, that of the sweeping magnet. Rather, the typical 0~
there will be an energy difference De= 2+8 between the three-body decays would be seen.
8, 0', and a difference Ae/h in their De Broglie fre- * This work was done under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic
quencies. The 0, 0' components will therefore, in time,
Energy Commission.
get out of phase. Once they are out of phase, the M. Gell-Mann and A. Pais, Phys. Rev. 97, 1387 (1955).
particle is no longer entirely a 02, but has a 0& component. ' K. Case, Phys. Rev. 103, 1449 (1956).
3 Lande, Booth, Impeduglia, Lederman, and Chinowsky,
The 0& component then quickly decays into two x Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL-2857, 1956
meso ns. (unpublished).

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