Reading Task - My Cozy House - For A1-A2
Reading Task - My Cozy House - For A1-A2
Reading Task - My Cozy House - For A1-A2
Multiple choice:
1. What is the size of the house?
a) Big c) Cozy
b) Small d) Tidy
2. What is in the bedroom?
a) A bed, a chair, and a desk c) A bookshelf, a rug, and a mirror
b) A sofa, a table, and a lamp d) A wardrobe, a TV, and a computer
3. What is the floor made of in the bedroom?
a) Carpet c) Tiles
b) Wood d) Concrete
4. Where does the author keep their clothes?
a) In the bed c) In the wardrobe
b) In the chair d) In the desk
5. What does the author do to keep the house clean?
a) Sweep the floor and dust the b) Rearrange the furniture in the room
c) Put clothes away in the bed d) Make the bed every evening
6. How does the author feel when they are at home?
a) Sad and stressed c) Bored and tired
b) Happy and relaxed d) Angry and frustrated
7. What does the author do with the furniture in the room?
a) Leaves it as it is c) Throws it away
b) Moves it around to make it look d) Buys new furniture
8. What is next to the bed in the bedroom?
a) A chair c) A wardrobe
b) A rug d) A desk
9. What does the author have on the bed?
a) A comfortable mattress and pillows c) A soft mattress and blankets
b) A hard mattress and no pillows d) A waterbed and cushions
10. What is the author's opinion of their house?
a) They hate it d) They are planning to move out
b) They love it
c) They are indifferent to it
1. What is the author's house like?
2. What does the author have in their bedroom?
3. How does the author keep their house clean?