Apaza-Quevedo Et Al 2015 (Edge Effects)
Apaza-Quevedo Et Al 2015 (Edge Effects)
Apaza-Quevedo Et Al 2015 (Edge Effects)
Elevation, Topography, and Edge Effects Drive Functional Composition of Woody Plant
Species in Tropical Montane Forests
Amira Apaza-Quevedo1,2,6, Denis Lippok1, Isabell Hensen1,3, Matthias Schleuning1,4, and Sabine Both5
Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Am Kirchtor 1, D-06108 Halle, Germany
s, Correo Central, Casilla, 10077 La Paz, Bolivia
Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Universidad Mayor de San Andre
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 5e, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
€r Naturforschung, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325
Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) and Senckenberg Gesellschaft fu
Frankfurt (Main), Germany
Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, St Machar Drive 23, AB24 3UU Aberdeen, U.K.
Tropical montane forests comprise heterogeneous environments along natural gradients of topography and elevation. Human-induced
edge effects further increase the environmental heterogeneity in these forests. The simultaneous effects of natural and human-induced
gradients on the functional diversity of plant leaf traits are poorly understood. In a tropical montane forest in Bolivia, we studied envi-
ronmental gradients associated with elevation (from 1900 m to 2500 m asl), topography (ridge and gorge), and edge effects (forest edge
vs. forest interior), and their relationship with leaf traits and resource-use strategies. First, we investigated associations of environmental
conditions (soil properties and microclimate) with six leaf traits, measured on 119 woody plant species. Second, we evaluated changes in
functional composition with community-weighted means and functional structure with multidimensional functional diversity indices
(FRic, FEve and FDiv). We found significant associations between leaf traits and soil properties in accordance with the trade-off
between acquisition and conservation of resources. Functional composition of leaf traits shifted from the dominance of acquisitive spe-
cies in habitats at low altitudes, gorges, and forest interior to the dominance of conservative species in habitats at high altitudes, ridges,
and forest edges. Functional structure was only weakly associated with the environmental gradients. Natural and human-induced envi-
ronmental gradients, especially soil properties, are important for driving leaf traits and resource-use strategies of woody plants. Neverthe-
less, weak associations between functional structure and environmental gradients suggest a high redundancy of functional leaf traits in
this tropical montane forest.
Key words: acquisitive-conservative trade-off; Bolivia; fourth-corner analysis; fragmentation; functional diversity; functional structure; leaf traits.
UNDERSTANDING HOW ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS DRIVE FUNC- Leaf traits are good indicators of FD across environmental
TIONAL DIVERSITY will be essential if we are to cope with human- gradients because they reflect changes in plant resource-use strat-
induced environmental changes (McGill et al. 2006). Functional egies. The strategies plants use to cope with the demands of their
diversity (FD) refers to the value, range and relative abundance environment are reflected in the energetic balance between invest-
of functional traits present in an ecosystem or a community. FD ment in leaf production and photosynthetic returns (Reich 2014).
is an important component of biodiversity and one of the major On the global scale, the widely accepted ‘leaf economic spectrum’
determinants of ecosystem functioning (Dıaz & Cabido 2001, (LES) refers to an axis of plant strategies that range from species
Dıaz et al. 2007). Changes in components of FD have been with fast (acquisitive strategy) to slow (conservative strategy) pho-
reported particularly along gradients of stress or disturbance and tosynthetic return on investments of nutrients and dry mass in
have been associated with trait-based environmental filtering leaves (Wright et al. 2004, Reich 2014). Acquisitive traits such as
along such gradients (Mouillot et al. 2013, Reich 2014). Despite high specific leaf area (SLA) and high leaf N concentration
the increasing knowledge of the role of environmental gradients (LNC) indicate rapid resource capture and high relative growth
driving plant traits in tropical lowland forests (May et al. 2013, rates, while the opposite applies for a conservative strategy
Fortunel et al. 2014), little is known regarding tropical montane (Wright et al. 2004). Thus, although an acquisitive strategy pro-
forests. vides advantages in high-resource environments, a conservative
strategy provides advantages when resources are low.
Received 26 August 2014; revision accepted 23 February 2015. In tropical montane forests, soil fertility has been suggested
Corresponding author; e-mail: amiraelvia@yahoo.es to be a key resource shaping species distribution and plant traits
ª 2015 The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation 449
450 Apaza-Quevedo, Lippok, Hensen, Schleuning, and Both
(Moser et al. 2007, Homeier et al. 2010). For example, leaf traits composition, and to evaluate how mean trait values shift along envi-
corresponding to the LES are especially responsive to soil prop- ronmental gradients due to species selection (Garnier et al. 2004,
erties (Ordo~nez et al. 2009, Kr€ ober et al. 2012). Similarly, other Lavorel et al. 2008). The CWM metric can reveal shifts in plant func-
leaf traits such as stomata density (STD) and leaf carbon content tional trade-off strategy between rapid acquisition and conservation
(LCC), which contribute to the regulation of plant resources of resources (Dıaz et al. 2004, Wright et al. 2004). Environmental
(Chapin et al. 1987, Sandquist & Cordell 2007), were shown to changes can also alter the functional space of communities by
be associated with soil nutrient levels (Kr€ ober et al. 2012). How- removing species or changing the abundance of species that are not
ever, deficits of light and water can also reduce LNC and leaf well adapted to the new environmental conditions (Mouillot et al.
area (LA) so that less energy is required for the acquisition and 2013). Multidimensional functional diversity indices like functional
maintenance of N (Chapin et al. 1987). Thus, how the complex richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve), and functional diver-
interaction of several environmental gradients and their impact gence (FDiv) shed light on the different aspects of functional diver-
on abiotic properties are reflected in community-level traits and sity and species assembly (Villeger et al. 2008, Mouchet et al. 2010,
resource-use strategies remains unclear. Mouillot et al. 2013). These indices may decrease under extreme
Elevation and topography are two major environmental gradi- environmental conditions; thus, they provide good indicators of the
ents driving plant species composition in tropical montane forests effects of environmental change on functional structure (Mouillot
(Homeier et al. 2010). They may act simultaneously on the distribu- et al. 2013).
tion of plant traits, mostly through indirect effects via soil properties Here, we studied the complex interactions of components of
and microclimate. Elevation is one of the most important natural functional diversity and environmental gradients. We focus on FD
factors driving leaf traits (Velazquez-Rosas et al. 2002, Read et al. of leaf traits of woody plants in a tropical montane forest in the
2013). Stress increases with elevation due to a decrease in tempera- Bolivian Andes, where we evaluated the effect of elevation (from
ture and soil nutrients (Soethe et al. 2008, Homeier et al. 2010, Lip- 1900 m to 2500 m asl), topography (ridges and gorges), and edge
pok et al. 2013). Thus, conservative plant strategies are favored at effects (edge forests and interior forest). We assumed that environ-
higher elevations (Moser et al. 2007, Read et al. 2013). In addition, mental stress increased at higher altitudes, ridges, and forest edges
local topography can drive leaf traits because of the abiotic heteroge- (Lippok et al. 2013) because harshness of microclimatic conditions
neity created, e.g., ridges being more nutrient-poor, drier, and more increases and nitrogen availability decreases along these gradients.
exposed to wind than slopes or gorges (Takyu et al. 2003, Lippok We expected to find: (1) associations between microclimatic and soil
et al. 2013). These conditions have been shown to increase leaf variables and functional traits related to the trade-off in resource-use
thickness toward ridges (Takyu et al. 2003), which indicates a change strategies; (2) changes in functional composition along these envi-
toward conservative plant strategies. ronmental gradients with a shift from dominance by species with
Now, habitat fragmentation constitutes an additional, acquisitive traits at low altitudes, on gorges, and in the forest interior,
human-induced factor of environmental change in tropical mon- to dominance by species with conservative traits at higher altitudes,
tane forests (Killeen et al. 2005). Globally, only recently has more on ridges, and at forest edges; and (3) changes in functional structure
emphasis been placed upon the effects of fragmentation on FD with lower values of FRic, FEve, and FDiv at higher altitudes, on
(May et al. 2013, Magnago et al. 2014). One important conse- ridges and at forest edges.
quence of fragmentation is the formation of forest edges, whose
artificial and abrupt boundaries are associated with physical and METHODS
biotic alterations (Ewers et al. 2007). Forest edges can alter physi-
cal gradients, species distributions, and ecological processes (Lau- STUDY AREA AND STUDY DESIGN.—We conducted the study near
rance et al. 2002). Edge effects lead to drastic changes in Chulumani in the province of South Yungas, Bolivia. The area
environmental conditions such as lower moisture and higher tem- corresponds to montane forests (Mueller et al. 2002). Mean
peratures at forest edges compared to forest interior (Murcia annual precipitation is 1459 mm, with the drier months occurring
1995, Laurance et al. 2002). Effects on soil properties include between April and September (Molina 2005). The mean annual
alterations of soil pH and soil moisture (Murcia 1995, Gieselman temperature is 20.8°C. Fragmentation occurs prominently due to
et al. 2013) as well as increased soil C/N ratio at forest edges ver- anthropogenic activities in this region, which include agriculture
sus forest interior (Lippok et al. 2013). However, only a few stud- with crops of coffee, citrus fruits, and coca leaves (Killeen et al.
ies have shown an effect of the abiotic changes associated with 2005). As a result of the continuous impact of burning, huge
edge effects on composition and variation in plant functional deforested areas, dominated by bracken and grass, have formed
traits (M€uller et al. 2007, Magnago et al. 2014). along the slopes (Killeen et al. 2005). Due to this deforestation
Two important components of FD may change across environ- following anthropogenic land use and disturbance, the remaining
mental gradients: the functional composition, which refers to the forest vegetation remains mostly on the ridges and in gorges.
presence and relative abundance of certain functional traits (Dıaz & We investigated montane forest vegetation at six sites along an
Cabido 2001, Garnier et al. 2004), and the functional structure, elevation gradient of 600 m ranging from 1900 m to 2500 m asl
which describes the distribution of species and their abundances in a (appendix S1 in Lippok et al. 2013). To evaluate edge effects, we
functional space (Mouillot et al. 2013). The community-weighted studied forest edge (~ 20 m from margin) and forest interior
mean (CWM) has been proposed as a means to assess functional (>100 m from the edge), with two sampling plots (20 m 9 20 m)
Functional Diversity in Tropical Montane Forest 451
per site (Fig. S1). We chose the plot size to sample structurally percent, we included 59 out of the 175 less common species in
homogeneous forest patches in this heterogeneous environment. accordance with their likelihood of being collected. Overall, we
Bigger plots potentially include species shared among habitats, measured species traits representing 74 percent of the individuals
hence reducing the representativeness of each habitat. To analyze present (2178 individuals in total), and corresponding to about
the impact of topography, we sampled one plot in the forest interior 67 percent of the total basal area (Fig. S3A and B). Across the
on a ridge (and upper slope) and the other in a gorge (and lower different treatments similar percentages of individuals were sam-
slope). Burning caused the loss of two plots; thus, for the analysis we pled with regard to abundance as well as basal area (Fig. S3A
had to discard one plot at the forest edge and one on a ridge, leaving and B).
22 plots. To reflect changes in the trade-off in resource-use strategies,
we evaluated SLA, LNC, LCC, and leaf C/N ratio, traits relevant
ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES.—We measured the environmental to the morphological and physical adaptations to soil fertility
gradients of elevation, topography, and edge effects in a parallel (Chapin et al. 1987, Ordo~ nez et al. 2009). Microclimatic condi-
study performed on the same plots (Lippok et al. 2013). We tions such as light and humidity can act as limiting resources and
measured microclimatic variables related to temperature and regulate LA and stomatal conductance (Chapin et al. 1987). Thus,
humidity in each plot with iButtons data loggers (Maxim/Dallas we evaluated LA and STD as indicators of stomatal conductance
Semiconductor Corp., Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.). Because we were (Sandquist & Cordell 2007).
primarily interested in stress-related variables, we focused on We measured at least three individuals per species for the
maximal temperature and minimal humidity. We installed data common species. However, given the low abundance of the less
loggers 20 cm above the ground in all plots within a site for at common species, we could only sample one or two individuals
least 1 month. We could not measure at all the sites simulta- for around 50 percent of the species. Following Cornelissen et al.
neously, so we measured each site in different months; the (2003), we selected robust, well-grown plants located in a non-
sequence of measuring did not correlate with plot elevation. We shaded environment. Where possible, we sampled individuals of
analyzed canopy openness based on nine hemispherical photo- the same species in different plots with leaves free from herbiv-
graphs taken at nine intercepts of a 10 m grid inside the plot ory. We collected at least ten leaves per individual and stored
at 1.30 m above the ground, and analyzed digital images with them in plastic bags for transportation.
WinScanopy 2005. In the field laboratory, we gently blotted five leaves with tis-
We also determined soil properties within each plot. We sue paper to remove any surface water or dust, and scanned the
measured chemical soil properties from mineral soil samples cov- leaf without the petiole. We stored the leaves in paper bags and
ering an area of 100 m2, and took 12 sub-samples to a depth of dried them in the oven at 60°C for at least 72 h before measur-
20 cm. We then air-dried and sieved (2 mm) the combined sub- ing their dry masses. We processed the scanner images with the
samples. Using the fine fraction (< 2 mm), we measured soil pH Win FOLIA Pro S program (Regent Instruments Inc.) to obtain
potentiometrically in a 1:2.5 soil–H2O suspension. Contents of the LA and calculate SLA. We dried the remaining leaves at 60°C
exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+) were determined by for 72 h and measured total N and C per unit of dry leaf mass
atomic-absorption spectrometry (AAS vario 6, Analytik Jena, with the CN Vario ELIII elemental analyzer (Elementar, Hanau,
Germany), using 0.2 N BaCl2 as an extracting solution. We used Germany), to calculate LNC, LCC, and the C/N ratio.
the sum of these three cations for further analysis. Soil carbon/ We measured STD—defined as the number of stomata per
nitrogen ratio (Soil C/N) was determined on milled samples after unit area of leaf surface—from leaves stored in 70 percent etha-
heat combustion (Vario ELIII elemental analyzer, Elementar, Ha- nol. We cut the upper surface of leaves with a razor blade (Spi-
nau, Germany). cher 1985) on an area free of venation in or near the middle of
the leaf. We obtained images of stomata with a light-optical
LEAF TRAITS.—We obtained data on composition and abundance microscope (Zeiss Axioskop 2 plus) and analyzed them using
of species in plots from another study (Lippok et al. 2013), which Axio Vision Software (v. 3.0).
considered all non-climbing woody plants (excluding ferns) with
diameter ≥2.5 cm at 1.3 m above the ground (diameter at breast STATISTICAL ANALYSIS.—To evaluate the association between leaf
height, dbh). Individual rarefaction curves indicate that across all traits and microclimatic and soil variables, we applied a fourth-
plots, the previous study had sampled about 63 percent of plant corner analysis (Legendre et al. 1997). This method allows testing
species (Fig. S2A). The ridges and in gorges, as well as in the of statistical associations between functional traits and continuous
interior and forest edges, showed similar sampling intensities, environmental variables, related by species abundances under the
with comparable numbers of species sampled (Fig. S2 B, C, D). respective environmental conditions (Dray & Legendre 2008).
We measured six leaf traits on 119 out of 259 species that Thus, the fourth-corner analysis tests if the environmental gradi-
occurred across the 22 plots. Of the 119 species, 60 species ents studied cause continuous and direct changes in specific leaf
belonged to the most common species (84), whose cumulative traits.
abundance made up at least 80 percent of the abundance across A principal component analysis showed that soil C/N ratio
all plots (Garnier et al. 2004). Considering the high number of was independent from the other environmental gradients, while
species, whose cumulative abundance made up the remaining 20 maximum temperature and canopy openness were positively cor-
452 Apaza-Quevedo, Lippok, Hensen, Schleuning, and Both
related, and both variables were negatively correlated with mini- FUNCTIONAL TRAITS AND ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES.—The fourth-
mum humidity (Fig. S4). In addition, soil pH and cations were corner analysis revealed significant associations between leaf traits
positively correlated. Therefore, to avoid collinearity between and soil properties, mainly for SLA, LNC, and C/N (Table 1).
environmental predictors, we applied the fourth-corner analysis SLA and LNC were negatively related to soil C/N and positively
considering only three representative environmental variables (soil related to pH. LA was also negatively associated with soil C/N,
C/N ratio, soil pH and maximum temperature). For significance but unrelated to pH. Leaf C/N was positively associated with soil
testing, we ran 999 permutations and used a combination of per- C/N and negatively with pH. Neither LCC nor STD was affected
mutation methods 2 (entire sites permuted) and 4 (entire species by any environmental variable. Microclimate did not show associ-
permuted; Dray & Legendre 2008) and took the larger of the ations with leaf traits.
two P-values, as suggested by Ter Braak et al. (2012). To account
for differences in total abundances among plants, we Hellinger- FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITION.—Overall, mean values (SD) of the
transformed the relative abundances of species prior to the analy- CWM for each trait in the 22 plots were: SLA = 12.10 mm2/mg
sis (Legendre & Gallagher 2001). ( 2.28), LA 9062.03 mm2 ( 1938.16), LNC 1.89% ( 0.3),
We measured functional composition by community- LCC 44.92% ( 1.27), STD 288.41 1/mm2 ( 48.11), and C/
weighted means (CWM), defined as the mean trait values pres- N = 26.19 ( 4.23). Functional composition showed a shift from
ent in the community, and weighted by the relative abundance an acquisitive strategy, reflected by higher CWM of SLA and
of the species in the community (Lavorel et al. 2008). We evalu- LNC at lower altitudes, in gorges and forest interiors, to a con-
ated functional structure by multidimensional functional diversity servative strategy with low trait values at high altitudes, on slopes
indices (Villeger et al. 2008). Multidimensional measures of these and at edges (Fig. 1A and B). By contrast, the CWM of C/N
traits are based on the convex hull hyper-volume (Cornwell ratio showed an opposite shift with significantly increased values
et al. 2006), where species are arranged according to their traits at higher elevations, on slopes and at edges (Fig. 1C). Similar to
in a multidimensional functional space (Villeger et al. 2008). SLA, LA tended to decrease with elevation and was lower at the
Thus, FRic refers to the value of the convex hull volume filled forest edge than the forest interior, but no significant difference
by a community. FEve quantifies the regularity with which the was found in relation to topography (Fig. 1D). STD and LCC
functional space is filled by species, weighted by species’ abun- were not responsive to any factor evaluated (Fig. 1E and F).
dance, and FDiv refers to the proportion of abundance sup-
ported by species having the extreme trait values within a FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE.—When we compared the multidimen-
community (Mouillot et al. 2013). We calculated indices for each sional functional diversity indices of leaf traits along the environ-
plot. Following the suggestion of Villeger et al. (2008), we calcu- mental gradients, FRic showed significant differences with respect
lated FRic, FEve, and FDiv without considering leaf C/N ratio
as it derives from other traits (LNC and LCC). With the met-
rics of functional composition and structure, we performed lin- TABLE 1. Fourth-corner analysis of leaf traits and environmental variables of woody
ear mixed effect models with elevation, topography, and edge species in a tropical montane forest. The analysis is based on a combination
effects as the fixed factors and site as a random factor. We of permutation methods 2 and 4. Significant P-values (P < 0.05) are
standardized trait values to zero mean and unit variance for the printed in bold and based on 999 randomizations. Correlation coefficient (r)
fourth-corner analysis and for the functional indices. Prior to and their direction () are given for each correlation. Soil (C/N) = soil
standardization, we log-transformed all traits, except STD, which C/N ratio, pH = soil pH, Max. temp = maximum temperature (˚C),
we square-root transformed. All analyses used R 2.15.2 (R Core LA = leaf area (mm2), SLA = specific leaf area (mm2/mg), LNC =
Team 2012; R Foundation for Statistial Computing, Vienna, leaf nitrogen content (%), LCC = leaf carbon content (%), STD =
AT). We used the R-packages ‘vegan’, ‘nlme’, ‘ade4’, and FD stomatal density (1/mm2), C/N = leaf C/N ratio.
(Laliberte & Shipley 2011).
Leaf Trait Soil (C/N) pH Max. temp.
RESULTS LA r-value 0.192 0.063 0.06
P-value 0.009 0.348 0.361
ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES.—Soil C/N ratios were higher at for- SLA r-value 0.304 +0.272 0.15
est edges and ridges (Fig. S5A), while exchangeable cations and P-value 0.001 0.001 0.079
soil pH were lower in ridges than in gorges (Fig. S5B and C). LNC r-value 0.321 +0.242 0.16
Maximum temperature was higher at forest edges (mean of P-value 0.001 0.008 0.086
26°C) than in the forest interior (mean of 23°C; Fig. S5D). Mini- LCC r-value +0.068 0.075 0.01
mum humidity of edges (mean 65%) and ridges (mean 70%) was P-value 0.352 0.232 0.821
lower than in the forest interior (mean 79%) and gorges (86%; STD r-value 0.006 0.0003 0.03
Fig. S5E). Canopy openness did not change across any gradient P-value 0.901 0.975 0.528
(Fig. S5F). Further details about changes in microclimate and soil C/N r-value +0.306 0.236 +0.12
properties across the environmental gradients can be found in P-value 0.001 0.008 0.146
Lippok et al. (2013).
Functional Diversity in Tropical Montane Forest 453
FIGURE 1. Variation in CWM of leaf functional traits along elevation, topography, and edge effects in a montane forest of Bolivia. (A) SLA (specific leaf area; mm2/
mg), (B) LNC (leaf nitrogen content; %), (C) C/N (carbon/nitrogen ratio), (D) LA (leaf area; mm2), (E) LCC (leaf carbon content; %), (F) STD (stomatal density; 1/
mm2). Number of plots per factor: Elevation (22), Edge effects (11 at the edge and 11 in interior), and Topography (6 in gorges and 5 in ridges). Analysis based in 119
woody species. The figure shows untransformed values; however, P-values and the respective linear mixed effect models are based on transformed trait values.
454 Apaza-Quevedo, Lippok, Hensen, Schleuning, and Both
to topography, with higher values on ridges than gorges, but no tion strategy in less-fertile soils. Consistent with Kr€ ober et al.
differences with respect to elevation or edge effects (Fig. 2A). (2012), we also found positive associations between soil pH with
FEve and FDiv were not significantly affected by any of the envi- SLA and LNC and a negative association with leaf C/N, which
ronmental gradients studied (Fig. 2B and C). indicate resource conservation under acid soil conditions. Soil
acidity was reported to be closely related to lower soil fertility
DISCUSSION and, thus, facilitate a conservative plant strategy (Schaik & van
Mirmanto 1985).
In Bolivian montane forests, environmental gradients related to Neither leaf carbon content (LCC) nor stomata density
elevation, topography, and forest edges affected the distribution (STD) were responsive to any environmental variable. Unexpect-
of leaf traits in woody plant communities. We found: (1) leaf edly, our study did not support significant associations of LCC
traits had a direct relationship with soil properties, but not with and environmental gradients. LCC reflects investment of
microclimate; (2) leaf trait-environment relations were associated resources into structural tissues (Albert et al. 2010) and may
with changes in functional composition, describing a gradient increase as part of a conservation strategy (Pakeman et al. 2009).
from acquisitive to conservative strategies with respect to eleva- In addition, immobile defences such as tannins or lignins can be
tion, topography, and edge effects; and (3) changes in functional part of a conservative strategy (Coley 1988). As we did not mea-
structure were generally weak and only evident for FRic in rela- sure secondary compounds, we cannot rule out the possibility
tion to topography. that simultaneous changes in LCC and defence components
could obscure direct associations of LCC with environmental fac-
DIRECT RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LEAF TRAITS AND ENVIRONMENTAL tors. Similarly, decreases of humidity at forest edges and ridges
VARIABLES.—We demonstrated that leaf area (LA), specific leaf compared to forest interior and in gorges were not reflected in
area (SLA), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), and leaf carbon/nitro- overall community-level characteristics. Other studies reported
gen (leaf C/N) were responsive to soil properties. These associa- that STD is significantly affected by air humidity, water availability
tions support the hypothesis that leaf traits reflecting resource (Woodward & Kelly 1995), and exposure to high light levels
acquisition are more prominent in nutrient-rich soils (Coomes (Givnish 1988). However, STD did not show any significant
et al. 2009, Rejou-Mechain et al. 2014). Given that low values of change across the studied environmental gradients. As STD vari-
soil C/N ratios indicate high nutrient availability (Ordo~nez et al. ability in species is high in species-rich tropical forest (Camargo
2009), its negative relationship with LA, SLA, and LNC and a & Marenco 2011), a direct response of STD to environmental
positive association with leaf C/N suggest a resource conserva- variables might be masked on the community level. Other physi-
FIGURE 2. Variation in multidimensional functional diversity indices along elevation, topography, and edge effects in montane forests of Bolivia. (A) FRic =
functional richness. (B) FEve = functional evenness. (C) FDiv = functional divergence. P-values and the respective test statistics were derived from linear mixed
effect models. Number of plots per factor: elevation (22), forest edge/interior (11 each), and topography (6 in gorges and 5 in ridges). The analysis is based on
119 woody plant species.
Functional Diversity in Tropical Montane Forest 455
ological mechanisms such as a reduction in LA that balance the such changes in CWM of leaf traits can be reflected in decreased
trade-off between carbon gain and water loss (Chapin et al. 2002) decomposition rates causing altered nutrient cycling at forest
may additionally reduce the effects of environment on STD. edges (Cornwell et al. 2008, Bakker et al. 2011).
The lack of associations between leaf traits and microclimatic
variables is unexpected and requires an explanation. The objec- FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE.—We did not find significant differences
tives of this study led to the establishment of relatively small in FRic, FEve, or FDiv across any environmental gradient, except
sampling plots of 20 m 9 20 m. We chose the size to keep the for changes in FRic with regard to topography. Consistent with
environmental conditions and species composition homogeneous de Bello et al. (2012), we found higher values of FRic at ridges
along the gradients studied. These plots were not fully representa- than at gorges. Pakeman (2011) reported high values of FRic at
tive, capturing around 63 percent of the species composition of intermediate levels of productivity and disturbance. This could
the forests. However, similar representativeness covered among suggest that the ridges we studied in the Bolivian montane forest
habitats indicates that the plot size was adequate for comparing represent intermediate environmental conditions, rather than
gradients. environmental extremes, promoting the co-existence of conserva-
tive and acquisitive species. The co-existence of species with dif-
FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITION.—As predicted, shifts of community- ferent strategies would lead to an increase in the functional trait
weighted means (CWM) across environmental gradients reflected space at ridges, and consequently an increase in FRic. Similar val-
the plant trade-off strategy of resource use (Dıaz et al. 2004). ues of functional structure across the other environmental gradi-
Supporting previous studies (Moser et al. 2007, Soethe et al. ents studied indicate that the variation and distribution of traits
2008, Read et al. 2013), CWM of SLA and LNC significantly within the trait space did not change (Carre~ no-Rocabado et al.
declined with elevation, and LA showed a decreasing trend. Thus, 2012), although average trait values did change along the same
plant communities studied in our Bolivian montane forest were gradients. Consistent with these findings, Carre~ no-Rocabado et al.
similarly less productive at high altitudes than at lower altitudes (2012) showed that changes in FD indices were not as evident as
(Raich et al. 1997, Kitayama & Aiba 2002), with low nutrient they were in CWM, as a response to disturbance in Bolivian trop-
acquisition and nutrient deficiency (Soethe et al. 2008). An ical forests.
increase in CWM of leaf C/N reflects leaf structure investment The environmental gradients chosen in this study might not
in these less productive environments (Poorter & de Jong 1999), be divergent enough to drive substantial changes in FD. Empha-
and supports the notion that species with conservative strategies sizing the impact of traits measured, Magnago et al. (2014) dem-
increase in dominance with higher elevation (Velazquez-Rosas onstrated a reduction in FEve and FDiv at forest edges in an
et al. 2002, Moser et al. 2007, Read et al. 2013). In addition, analysis of reproductive plant traits, however, traits related to
ridges are drier habitats with less-fertile soils than that found in resource use, such as wood density, were not responsive to edge
gorges (Lippok et al. 2013), and therefore presumably offer more effects in Brazilian Atlantic forests. Consistent with Magnago
stressful habitats. Indeed, we found low values of CWM of SLA et al. (2014), the lack of alterations in components of FD could
and LNC, and high values for C/N at ridges, consistent with our also change rapidly when the resilience or redundancy of present
hypothesis and previous literature (Takyu et al. 2003). As pointed species declines at the forest edges. A high species diversity and
out by Homeier et al. (2010), elevation and topography can lead turnover as in our study area (Lippok et al. 2013) could poten-
to small-scale mosaics of edaphically different habitats, which tially contribute to an increase in trait variation among and within
promote high species richness of trees in tropical montane for- communities, and could buffer the effects of stress gradients on
ests. Our results indicate that through trait filtering, elevation and the functional structure of these plant communities. Despite
topography also promote heterogeneous community traits values. ongoing human-induced land-use change, these Bolivian montane
This is also supported by the high species turnover observed in forests might temporarily remain somewhat resilient.
these forests (Lippok et al. 2013). Particularly with regard to FD, the choice of sampling design
In the tropical montane forest in Bolivia, edge effects lead as well as the suite of functional traits measured does affect the
to environments with less-fertile soils and with harsh microcli- outcomes of the investigation (Baraloto et al. 2010). Creating an
matic conditions (Lippok et al. 2013). Our data reveal that habi- appropriate sampling design remains one of the biggest chal-
tats at forest edges are more stressful than the forest interior, due lenges in species-rich forests (Baraloto et al. 2010). We were
to increased temperature, lower air humidity, and lower soil fertil- unable to measure functional traits of all species that occurred in
ity. Edges, therefore, favor species with a conservative strategy. the plots; hence, values of functional composition and structure
Hence, edge effects can translate into shifts of plant strategies refer to an incomplete data set. However, we sampled a combina-
and highlight the relevance of fragmentation in filtering traits and tion of common species (60) following Garnier et al. (2004), and
driving species distributions (M€uller et al. 2007, Magnago et al. less common species (59), considering the high number of spe-
2014). Given that changes in functional composition are associ- cies with low abundance. Although a sampling design that
ated with changes in ecosystem processes (Hooper et al. 2005, includes all species is ideal, we believe that combining traits of
Reich 2014), this suggests that ecosystem productivity might common as well as less common species, together covering a
decrease along forest edges, due to a dominance of species with high percentage of species abundance, constitutes a reasonable
conservative leaf traits (Chapin 2003). Other consequences of compromise for estimating community-level trait values.
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