The Mediating Role of Sports Emotions in Coach-Athlete Relationship and Athletes' Sports Engagement
The Mediating Role of Sports Emotions in Coach-Athlete Relationship and Athletes' Sports Engagement
The Mediating Role of Sports Emotions in Coach-Athlete Relationship and Athletes' Sports Engagement
An increasing number of studies have shown the salient effect of pleasant emotions in sports and its
association with sports performance. However, little is known about how the coach and athlete
relationship affects athletes’ engagement through pleasant emotions. This study scrutinized the
mediating role of positive emotions on the relationship between the coach-athlete relationship and the
sports engagement of athletes. A total sample of 227 consisting of 60.8% male (N=138) and female
(39.2%; N=89) tertiary athletes of diverse sports completed an online questionnaire assessing the
coach-athlete relationship, sports engagement, and sports emotions. The results revealed that
pleasant emotions mediate the link between the coach-athlete relationship and the sports
engagement of athletes. These findings show that athletes with strong connections with their coaches
are more likely to experience greater levels of pleasant emotions, resulting in increased sports
engagement of athletes.
= .1403; 95% CI= .0403 to .2900, p <.001), and resources and relationships and are more likely to
complementarity on athletes’ engagement (β =.1365; function at their best and display excellent
95% CI= .0420 to .2835, p <.001). Considering the performance. This goes on to argue that the rise of
results of the indirect effect of positive emotions in pleasant emotions raises the athlete’s engagement in
Table 2, the confidence interval for the indirect effect sports on a more regular basis and longer as they feel
using 10,000 bootstraps samples was entirely above satisfaction (Adie et al., 2012; Annesi, 2010).
zero ([.0148, .1063]), which shows that positive Likewise, this implies that pleasant emotion is a drive
emotions partially mediate the relationship between for athletes to be more confident, dedicated, vigorous,
coach-athlete relationship on athletes’ sports and enthusiastic. The study’s result also affirms the
engagement. study of Doyle et. al. (2016) which states that
individuals who are experiencing pleasant emotions
are more likely to pursue their goals as they engage in
Discussion sports. This means that athletes are more goal-oriented
and focused in their sports engagement if they are
This study aimed at assessing the coach-athlete exposed to pleasant emotions. This is especially
relationship and sports engagement among tertiary important in the atmosphere of training for it ascends
athletes and investigating the extent to which sports performance in competitions (Lane et al., 2012;
emotions (i.e., pleasant emotions) mediated the Wagstaff, 2014).
relationship between the aforementioned variables.
Moreover, the result of the mediation analysis in Table
Specifically, it sought to determine whether there is a
2 presents an overall significant indirect effect of
significant intercorrelation among coach-athlete
coach-athlete relationships and athletes’ engagement
relationships (i.e., commitment, complementarity, and
in sports through pleasant emotions. This implies that
closeness), sports emotions (i.e., pleasant emotion),
as the coach-athlete relationship increases, pleasant
and sports engagement (i.e., confidence, vigor,
emotions increase, and as pleasant emotions increase,
dedication, and enthusiasm) and whether sports
athletes’ sports engagement increases. Moreover, this
emotion (i.e., pleasant emotion) is a significant
furthers that the coach-athlete relationship is a very
mediator in the relationship among coach-athlete
important key that propels the athlete's engagement in
relationships (i.e., commitment, complementarity, and
sports through pleasant emotions. In the context of the
closeness) and sports engagement (i.e., confidence,
broaden and build theory, pleasant emotions broaden
vigor, dedication, and enthusiasm). To achieve these
people's momentary thought-action repertoires which
research objectives, the study made use of descriptive
is a key to building psychological capacities such as
correlational and mediation approaches.
optimism and perseverance (Fredrickson, 2013; Vella
Results shown in Table 1 showcase the bivariate et al., 2011). Hence, coaches needed to rule over their
correlation of the coach-athlete factors, pleasant relationship with their athletes to promote the
emotions, and athlete engagement factors. This implies discovery of novel actions and ideas in getting them
that the more the relationship between coaches and closer to one another and establishing a rapport that
athletes increases, the more they engage in sports as will cause them to strengthen social bonds and commit
depicted by the significant correlation. To be more to their sports endeavors (Fredrickson, 2013). As they
specific, as coaches establish more closeness to the become more socially integrated, they are being
athletes, the more enthusiastic the athletes are in their transformed for the better and it is easier to
sports; the complementarity of coaches to athletes as supplement one another through the intervention of
they supplement them one way or another makes pleasant emotions (Choi et al., 2013; Fredrickson,
athletes more vigorous, for they can depend on them 2004; Stenseng & Phelps, 2013). This will lead to the
openly and see them as a significant drive in their life athlete’s feeling of enthusiasm that will produce a
in sports. This issues the coach’s commitment to their range of change-oriented behaviors like being vigorous
athletes toward training and wellbeing. In the same for the sport, engaged in action planning, and
way, the athlete reciprocates in being faithful, cognitively flexible for goal striving and team
dedicating to the pursuit they set together such as performance (Kauffman & Hodgetts, 2016).
training and dietary aspects. Pleasant emotions are
previously linked to both factors of coach-athlete Conclusion
relationship and athlete sports engagement as it has a
positive significant correlation to both. According to
Fredrickson (2013), people who express and Most research tried to draw attention to factors that
experience pleasant emotions have greater personal may have an impact on the participation of student-
athletes in sports, including sports performance, workshops with experts in sports psychology. This
burnout, and coaching style. However, student-athletes will boost their self-assurance and that of their coach,
have not yet been examined in connection to the role teammates, and rivals, leading to more sporting
of the coach-athlete relationship and its impact on engagement.
sports engagement through sports emotions. This study
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9. Enthusiasm 17.48 4.15 .350*** .353*** .347*** .359*** .280*** .890*** .931*** ---
10. AE Total 68.70 15.79 .374*** .368*** .365*** .377*** .283*** .953*** .978*** .977**
Note: A total of 227 tertiary athletes participated in this study. CAR- Coach-athlete relationship; PE- Pleasant
emotions; AE- Athletic Engagement. Correlation is significant at p<.001*** level (2-tailed)