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Effect of Heat Treatment On Properties of Steam Cured Fly Ash-Lime Compacts

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Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 28, No. 7, December 2005, pp. 697702. Indian Academy of Sciences.

Effect of heat treatment on properties of steam cured fly ashlime compacts


Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology, WB University of Technology, Kolkata 700 010, India Department of Chemical Technology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata 700 009, India

MS received 4 June 2005 Abstract. Four different varieties of class F fly ashes, collected from different sources from the state of West Bengal (India) were mixed with lime in 9 : 1 wt ratio, followed by compaction of the mixes. The compacts were subjected to steam curing to develop an optimum strength by the reaction between fly ash and lime. The steam cured compacts were heated at different elevated temperatures and free lime content, compressive strength, bulk density and water absorption tendency of these compacts were measured and FTIR spectral changes were studied as a function of the heating temperatures. Kinetics of thermal dehydration of the compacts was also studied from thermogravimetric measurements under non-isothermal condition to ascertain the order of dehydration process and the associated activation energy. Keywords. Fly ashlime; compacts; curing; heat treatment.



Fly ash has a tendency to react with lime to form different lime bearing silicates/aluminates hydrates due to its pozzolanic properties. These hydrates possess cementitious properties and are responsible for the development of strength in fly ashlime compacts, which are used as structural products, like bricks and blocks suitable for use in masonry works just like common burnt clay bricks. Different researchers worked on the fly ash based structural products. Song et al (1996) studied the manufacture and properties of coal fly ashclay bodies. They suggested that bulk substitution of coal fly ash for clay in building bricks and tiles was possible because the chemical composition of fly ash was mostly Al2O3 and SiO2 and its properties were very similar to those of clays. Kumar (2002) made a perspective study on fly ashlimegypsum bricks and hollow blocks for low cost housing development. It was observed that these bricks and hollow blocks had sufficient strength for their use in low cost housing development. It was also observed that the hot water curing leads to a greater degree of hardening and higher strength, earlier compared to ordinary water curing. Zhu (1994) analysed effects of solidifiers (such as lime, cement, cementlime and limegypsum), process parameters (including raw materials and compacting pressure) and production processes on properties of fly ash silicate products. Muntcan et al (1987) reported that the physicomechanical properties of autoclaved siliceous limestone

*Author for correspondence (maitra_s@vsnl.net)

with 1030% fly ash was superior compared to the product obtained from lime and sand only under similar condition. Barbier (1986) studied on the possible uses of coal fly ash in brick industry with respect to the availability and characteristics of fly ash. Tsunematsu et al (1987) observed that in hydrothermal reaction of fly ash with lime and gypsum at 180C a good correlation existed between Al/(Si + Al) and ratio of glass phase and the yield of hydrogarnet. Ma and Brown (1997) observed that the variation in reactivity of fly ash with Ca(OH)2 and CaSO42H2O in hydrothermal reaction depends on the presence of Ca(OH)2 or CaSO42H2O. Wang et al (1996) studied on the reaction mechanism of fly ash limewater system and proposed a model of the reaction. Ma and Zhao (1993) developed a method for the manufacture of fired hollow blocks of fly ash with adequate mechanical strength. Liu et al (1994) worked on press forming of sintered hollow brick with high fly ash content and related the rate of temperature rise and highest sintering temperature to the fly ash content of the bricks. Basumajumdar et al (2005) developed correlation between free lime remaining in steam cured and water cured fly ashlime compacts under equilibrium conditions with the chemical composition of fly ash. Though, a lot of work has been done in different laboratories on the fly ashlime compact systems, but a scanty attention has so far been paid on the thermal stability of these compacts. In the present investigation, therefore, steam cured fly ashlime compacts were subjected to heat treatment to ascertain the thermal stability and related changes by measuring free CaO content, compressive strength, studying the FTIR spectroscopy and 697


S Maitra et al from figures 1 and 2. It suggested that water molecules were mostly lost up to a period of 300C, and the calcium silicate/aluminosilicate bonds mostly remained unaffected within this temperature range. A rapid increase in the free lime concentration indicated the dissociation of calcium silicate/aluminate bonds, which probably started after a temperature of 300C. The free lime generation in the heated masses increased from 300450C and after that it started to increase from a heating temperature of 500C. Therefore, the calcium silicate hydrate of two different ranges of stability was formed in the cured fly ashlime compacts. 3.2 Effect of heating on compressive strength

determining the kinetic parameters under non-isothermal conditions from the DTGA studies. 2. Experimental

In the present investigation, four different varieties of class F fly ash samples from different power plants of West Bengal (India) were collected following IS:15281974, Part-VII specification. Chemical analyses of the ash samples were carried out following sodium carbonate fusion process. For the measurement of bulk density of the ash samples a fixed volume of the sample was taken in a measuring cylinder, which was tapped for sufficient number of times for thorough packing and its weight was measured. Blains air permeability apparatus was used for measuring the surface area of the ash sample. Specific gravity of the ash samples was measured by pycnometer following specification IS: 15281974, Part-IX. All the physicochemical properties of the ash samples are given in table 1. Pulverized lime with high percentage of CaO (> 80 wt%) and considerable surface area (10,800 cm2/g) was used in the present investigation. The test compacts were prepared by mixing fly ash and lime in the weight ratios of 9 : 1 in a laboratory mixer with sufficient mixing time (6 h) to ensure thorough mixing. The mix thus obtained was compacted with 5% moisture with a hydraulic press at a pressure of 250 kg/cm2 (Basumajumdar et al 2005). The test compacts were steam cured in an autoclave at an average steam pressure and temperature of 25 kg/cm2 and 120C for a period of 10 h, respectively (Basumajumdar et al 2005). The free lime content in the test specimens was measured chemically using the procedure described by Hanna et al (1938, 1939). 3. Results and discussion

With heating the compressive strength increased up to a period of 250C and after approximately 350C, the com-

Figure 1. Effect of heating on the free CaO content of steam cured fly ashlime compacts.

Fly ash: lime in the ratio of 9 : 1 was used in the present investigation to study the possibility of the maximum utilization of fly ash. Various types of calcium silicate and calcium aluminosilicate hydrates are formed by the reaction between fly ash and lime (Watt and Thorne 1996). When the fly ashlime compacts were subjected to elevated temperatures, water molecules associated with the structures were progressively lost depending on the binding energy of the system. This loss of water affected the physico-mechanical properties of fly ashlime compacts. To study this effect the free lime content and compressive strength of the fly ashlime compacts were measured as a function of heating temperature. 3.1 Effect of heating on free lime content

The free lime content of the fly ashlime compacts did not change significantly up to a heating temperature of 300C and after that it suddenly increased as evident

Figure 2. Effect of heating on the free CaO content of steam cured fly ashlime compacts.

Effect of heat treatment on properties of steam cured fly ashlime compacts pressive strength decreased with the increase in heating temperature as evident from figures 3 and 4. Within this heating temperature, concentration of free lime generated from the limefly ash compacts did not change significantly, but water molecules got removed from the hydrates within this temperature range. Loss of these water molecules did not change the compressive strength of the compacts significantly. Beyond 350C, the compressive strength decreased due to the breakage of calcium silicate/ calcium aluminate hydrates. 3.3 Change in FTIR spectroscopy of compact during heating With the increase in the heating temperature, % transmission of the IR radiation increased (figures 5ad). In the




Figure 3. Effect of heating on the compressive strength of steam cured fly ashlime compacts.


Figure 4. Effect of heating on the compressive strength of steam cured fly ashlime compacts.

Figure 5. FTIR spectra of fly ashlime (9 : 1) compacts after (a) steam curing, (b) after heating at 300C, (c) after heating at 400C and (d) after heating at 600C.


S Maitra et al in heating temperature. In case of sample with no additive this vibration was observed at 14661 cm1, at 14484 cm1 when heated to 300C, at 14402 cm1 when heated to 400C and at 1423 cm1 after heating to 600C. CaO stretching vibration for free CaO was evident only after firing at 400C at 7796 cm1 and its frequency increased with the increase in firing temperature. OH stretching vibration associated with CaO bond increased with the increase in heating temperature indicating a drop in the bonding strength of the OH group in Ca(OH)2. 3.4 Kinetics of thermal dehydration of limefly ash hydrate compacts At the later stage the kinetics of thermal dehydration of different limefly ash hydrates was studied under nonisothermal conditions. This study was expected to give an idea of the relative stability of the different hydrate phases and the nature of stability at different elevated temperatures. Non-isothermal differential thermogravimetric studies with 9 : 1 fly ashlime compacts were carried out to determine the kinetic parameters. The dehydration was assumed to follow an arbitrary order n and the kinetic parameters have been evaluated assuming various values of n. The rate equation of thermal dehydration of the hydrated phases is given by Hydrated phases (s) dehydrated phases (s) + water vapour. The rate of dehydration of the hydrated phase is given by dw/dt = kw. Incorporating into this equation, k = Aexp( E/RT) and heating rate, h = dT/dt and rearranging we get

FTIR spectra of the samples vibration of SiO stretching frequency decreased with the increase in heating temperature. For the sample without any heat treatment it occurred at 1053 cm1, at 10374 cm1 after heating to 300C, at 10349 cm1 after heating to 400C and after heating to 600C it was observed at 10166 cm1. It could be due to reduced influence of water molecules (as the concentration was reduced) on the oxygen atom of SiO bond as well as due to the increase in positive charge density as a result of the elimination of bonded water molecules. Similarly, vibration of AlO stretching frequency more or less decreased with the increase in heating temperature. In the sample without heat treatment it was observed at 4579 cm1, at 4572 cm1 after heating to 300C, and at 4567 cm1 after heating to 600C. This also suggested the reduced pull on the AlO bond by the water molecules with the increase in heating. OH bending vibration was also observed to decrease with the increase

Figure 6. DTGA diagrams of fly ashlime (9 : 1) compacts.

[ (1/w)(dw/dt)] = A/hexp( E/RT).

Table 1.

Physico-chemical properties of fly ash samples. 1 Wt% 2 Wt% 6020 2390 780 206 070 035 051 073 197 042 082 212 4120 3 Wt% 6272 2993 213 233 072 052 019 025 019 075 077 210 4510 4 Wt% 5200 2300 230 1050 325 250 133 188 063 195 002 084 212 5172

A. Chemical compositions SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO LOI Na2O K2O SO3 TiO2 Cl P 2O5 B. Physical properties Bulk density (g/cm3) Specific gravity Surface area (Blains, cm2/g)

5430 2330 830 142 068 580 143 138 023 145 002 091 221 3775

Effect of heat treatment on properties of steam cured fly ashlime compacts The rate equation may also be expressed in terms of fractional conversion, X and reaction order, n, as follows, [x = (wo w)/(wo w)] dx/dt = k (1x)n. Incorporating expression of heating rate, h and rate constant, k, into the above equation, rearranging and integrating, the following equation is obtained
X 0


nisms. The creation of voids and channels as a result of dehydration at the first stage accelerates the rate of dehydration at the second stage. 4. Conclusions

dx /(1 x)

= A / h exp( E / RT )dT .

Among several approximate solutions the equation given by Coats and Redfern (1964) are the most commonly used and are as follows Ln[{ Ln(1x)}/T 2] = Ln[AR/hE(12RT/E)] E/RT and Ln[ Ln{1(1x)1n}/(1n)T 2] = Ln[AR/hE (12RT/E)] E/RT for n 10. Therefore, a plot of Ln[ Ln(1x)/T 2] vs 1/T for n = 10 and Ln[Ln{1(1x)1n}/(1n)T 2 ] vs 1/T for n 10 gives us the value of E for both the methods. The dehydration process takes place mainly at two different temperature ranges as two peaks were formed at 403 K and 533 K, respectively in the DTGA diagram (figure 6). This might be due to the difference in relative stability of the different hydrated phases formed by the interaction between lime and fly ash. The order of the reactions and the activation energies in two different temperature ranges were calculated and the results are summarized in tables 2 and 3. From the results it was evident that the dehydration at the first peak follows mostly 1st order reaction with an activation energy of 455692 kJ/mole which might be taken as the bond strength of the calcium silicate/aluminate hydrates formed in the cured fly ashlime compacts within this temperature range. The dehydration at the second stage as indicated by the second peak followed mostly 2nd order reaction with an approximate activation energy of 57765 kJ/mole. Therefore, dehydration at the two temperature zones takes place by different mechafor n = 10,

(I) When the fly ashlime compacts were subjected to elevated temperature, both physically and chemically absorbed molecules remaining in the compacted mass was lost progressively. Above 300C free lime content started to increase in two different stages. This suggested different temperature stability zone of calcium silicate hydrates. The compressive strength of the compacts increased up to a temperature of 250C, which might be ascribed to the removal of loosely held mobile water from the structure. After this temperature compressive strength of the compacts decreased with the increase in temperature. (II) From the FTIR spectra of the fly ashlime sample during heating it was observed that the SiO and AlO stretching vibration frequency decreased with the increase in heating temperature, as a result of reduction in the water molecules from the silicate hydrate and aluminate hydrates which generally caused increase in the stretching vibration frequency on the SiO and AlO bonds. The bending vibration of bonded water molecules progressively decreased with the increase in heating temperature. The CaO stretching vibration frequency of free CaO was not observed till 300C and after that it increased with the increase in heating temperature. The stretching vibration of OH bond associated with Ca(OH)2 increased with the increase in heating temperature due to reduction in concentration of water molecules. (III) Kinetic study under non-isothermal conditions at two different temperature ranges, 403 and 533 K, respectively (from thermogravimetry) revealed that dehydration at the first peak follows mostly 1st order reaction with an activation energy of 465692 kJ/mole which might be taken as the bond strength of the calcium silicate/aluminate hydrates formed in the cured fly ashlime compacts within this temperature range. The dehydration at the second stage as indicated by the second peak followed
Table 3. Order of the reaction and activation energy for the dehydration reaction.

Table 2. Order of the reaction and activation energy for the dehydration reaction. n 03 05 085 095 10 E (kJ/mole) 233474 318384 269656 226456 465692 Standard error 17889 16724 14018 12224 05417 Correlation coefficient 09453 09474 09484 09447 09972

n 03 05 085 095 10 15 175 20

E (kJ/mole) 545830 514794 434838 368726 557636 654195 604502 577648

Standard error 06243 05602 05007 04330 05389 04559 03851 03473

Correlation coefficient 09952 09956 09951 09949 09965 09978 09984 09986

Temperature range: 323483 K.

Temperature range: 483583 K.


S Maitra et al
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mostly 2nd order reaction with an approximate activation energy of 577648 kJ/mole. References
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