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Wave Optics Errorless
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NGERTBASED/QUESTIONS Uefa wrote WT eset le MENTION GLE LEIS a wo Wave Nature and Interfer 7 9, Therectilinear propagation of light in a medium is due to its rence of Light gy (a) High Velocity (b) Large wavelength 1, Energy levels in an atom are in discrete manner in {c) High frequency (d) Source (0) Thomson's expeiment 10, In Youngs double at experiment, 0 ase pis pce pierre befor it which absore hal the inten of igh. Under (c)_ Franck and Hertz experiment we (@) Rueror's experiment p Bae) sope cfoeegnns 2. By Ht * wave the of light, we cannot sais By Huge wave theo of Hab we camnek esi he 6) No Finges ibe oboe bape ines ne (a) The bright fnges become finer andthe dak ings have finite light intensity 11. Two sources of waves are called coherent if {2}, Both have the same amplitude of vibrations (0) Both produce waves ofthe same wavelength (6) Both produce waves of the same wavelength having (©) Photoelectic effect (@) Polarisation 3, Light appears to travel in stright lines since (6) Itis not absorbed by the atmosphere (©) Itis reflected by the atmosphere (0. is wavelength is very small constant phase diference (@) Its velocity is ver large (@) Both produce waves having the same vlocty 4. Which one ofthe folowing phenomena isnot explained by 12. For constructive inlerforance to take place between to Pippen comiecton dese ‘monochromatic light waves of wavelength 2, the path (a) Refraction (b) Reflection iia ota (©) Diffraction (4) Origin of spectra (©) @n=n4 (o) ant 5. Newton postulated his corpuscular theory on the bass of (a) Newton's rings (ma (@ @nsnd (0) Colours of thin la 13. In Young's double sit experiment, if monochromatic light is {)Recilinear propagation of light replaced by white ight (2) Dispersion of white ight (a) All bright fringes become white 6. The dual nature of light is exhibited by {(b) All bright fringes have colours between violet and red (a) Photoelectric effect {c) Only the central fringe is white, all other fringes are (b) Refraction and interference coloured (c)_ Diffraction and reflection eee 14, Interference was observed in interference chamber when ak (2) Diffraction and photoelectric effect ‘was present, now the chamber is evacuated and if the same 7. Two waves are represented by the equations y, =asinavt light is used, a careful observer will see and yp =acos wt. The first wave (a) No interference (b) Interference with bright bands: (e) Leads the second by (b) Lags the second by ie seen eee {c) Leads the second by % (d) Lags the second by = (4) Interference in which width of the fringe will be shay g 2 increased 8, Which ofthe fllowing is not a property of lght 15. Two identical light waves, propagating in the same direction, (2) It requires a material medium for propagation have a phase difference 5. After they superpose, the (b) It can travel through vacuum. intensity of the resulting wave will be proportional to (¢) It involves transportation of energy {a} cosd (0) cost 2) (a) Ithas finite speed (0) cos*(5/2) (a) cos? 5 TT16. 17. S, and Sy are the two co} 18. 19. If an interference pattem 20. 21. 22, 1 Two waves of intensity T und x maximum intensity obtained ig “"S™® teterenee, The @ ue oT a located in the xy-plane respectively, Here (a) (32, 0) () (4,0) ‘Two sources of same inte produced resultant 1. Wher none sour Point and intensity a that point will be me B removed, the fT b) 12 fo 1/4 cate then what will be the ratio of (a) 5:7 (0) 7:4 () 4:7 @) 7:5 ‘The ratio of the intensity a the centre ofa bight fringe to the intensity at a point one-quarter ofthe distance betwee {wo fringes from the centre is a) 2 &) 12 4 (4 16 A thin film of soap solution (12, =1.4) lies on the top of a less plate (11, =1.5). When visible light is incident almost Formal to the plate, two adjacent reflection maxima are Observed at two wavelengths 420 and 630 nm. The ‘minimum thickness of the soap solution are (2) 420 nm (0) 450 nm (0) 630 nm (4) 1260 nm ‘What is the minimum thickness of a thin film required for Constructive interference in the reflected light from it (Given; The refractive index of the film = 1.5, Wavelength of the light incident onthe film = 600nm) (2) 100mm (b) 300 nm (2 50nm a 200mm ona 10 A falls normally on a thin air fin The inna isis of he in eh bat be ‘ppears dark in reflected light is (0) 2945x107 m (0) 3.945%107%m (9 495x107m (a) 1.945107 m " w Young's Double Slit Experiment and Biprism = In ich of the following is the interference due to the division of wave front (2) Young's double st experiment {0} Fresne!’s biprism experiment (2) Lloyd's minor experiment (a) Demonstration colours of thin film 5. 7. Wave optics 1251! experiment, atte | Youngs double sit Say, hen nthe neo thesis coed "ght rnges will beome brighter (© The bight hinges wil become es (3) None of the above Wa white light is used in Yo experime in Young's double sit experimen ae large number of coloured finges canbe seen * a) With fist order violet a meee Fringes being closer to the central () First order red fringes be fringes (2) With a central white tinge (4) With a cent black fringe In Young's double can be identified (2) By using hit et instead of monochromatic pt er than other bright fringes (0) Asitiswider than other bright nges (2) Asithas a greater intensity than the other bight nges In. Young's doublesit experiment, the source is utite light. One ofthe holes i covered bya red fiter and anothes bya blue fiter. In this case, (2) There shal be altemate int ing closer to the central white st experiment, the cenral bright fringe ference pattems of red and blue (6) There shall be an interference pattem for red distnet from that for blue (4) There shall be no interference fringes (4) There shall be an interference with one for blue Monochromatic green light of wavelength. 5x10 milluninates a pair of slits 1 mm apart, The separation of bright lines on the interference pattem formed fon a screen 2 m away is (2) 025 mm (6) 1.0mm pattern for red mixing (0) O.1 mm (@) 0.01 mm Jn a certain double sit experimental arrangement interference finges of width 1.0 mm each ate observed ‘when light of wavelength 5000 A is used. Keeping the set up tunallered, if the source ts replaced by another source of wavelength 6000 A, the fringe width will be (2) 05mm (0) 10mm (9 12mm (@) 15mm In Youngs experiment, the distance between the sis is reduced to half and the distance between the stand sereen is doubled, then the finge width {2} Will not change (b) Will become half (0) Will be doubled @ ieee inthe Youn slit experiment, the spacing between tous oO wn ine sernp lett deans 10 im from the slits and the wavelength of light is 5000 A, then the fringe width is (a) 10cm (@ 05cm {b) L5cm (3) 200mfy 2252 Wave optics 10. An interfere An interference pattem was made by using red light. fhe light changes with blue light, the fringes will become fa) Wider (b) Narrower (6). Fainter (4) Brighter th Youns's double sit experiment the wavelength of light ‘was changed from 7000 A to 3500 A. While doubting the Separation between the sis which of the following is not true for this experiment (a) ‘The with ofthe fringes changes {b) The colour of bright fringes changes (2) The separation between successive bright fringes changes (d) “The separation between successive dak fringes remains unchanged 12. In Young's doublet experiment the fringe width is. It entre arrangement i placed in aliquid of refractive index n, 1. the fringe width becomes B @ (o) np & a @ 4 @ 5 13, Ina Young's double slt experiment, the sit separation is 0.2 cm, the distance between the screen and slit is Im. Wavelength of the light used is 5000 A. The distance between two consecutive dark fringes (in mm) is (a) 025 () 0.26 () 027 (@) 028 I the eighth bright band due to light of wavelength 2, coincides with ninth bright band from light of wavelenath Zz in Young's double slit experiment, then the possible ‘wavelengths of visible light are {a} 400 nm and 450mm —(b) 425 nm and 400 nm (€) 400.nm and 425 nm —(¢). 450 nm and 400 nm 15. A mixhire of light, consisting of wavelength 590 nm and an ‘unknown wavelength, illuminates Young's double slit and gives tise to two overlapping interference patterns on the screen. The central maximum of both lights coincide. Further, its observed thatthe third bright fringe of known light coincides with the th bright fringe of the unknown light. From this data the wavelength of the unknown light is (a) 393.4 nm (b) 885.0 nm (6) 442.5 nm (@) 7768 nm In a Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width is found to be 0.4 mm. If the whole apparatus is immersed in water of refractive index 4/3 without disturbing the geometrical arrangement, the new fringe width will be (2) 030mm () 0.40 mm (€) 053 mm (@) 450 micron 17, In Young's double slit experiment, fringes of width f° are produced on a screen kept at a distance of 1 m from the si ‘When the screen is moved away by 5x10"m, fringe width changes by 3x10“'m, The separation between the sls is 1x10" m. The wavelength ofthe light used is... im (a) 500 (&) 600 (c) 700 (a) 400 14. 16. 18. 19. 20. 2. 22. 23, In a twoslit experiment, with monochromatic light, hinges are obiained on a screen placed at some distance from the lis, If the sereen is moved by 5x10%m towards sits, the change in fringe width is 10m Then the wavelength of light used is (given that distance between thesis s 0.03 mm) fa) 4000 {b) 45004 fe) 000A {d) 6000 A Ina Young's double slt experiment, 12 fringes are observed tobe formed in a certain segment ofthe sereen when light of wavelength 600 nm is used, If the wavelength of light is changed to 400 nm, number of fringes observed in the same segment of the screen is given by (a) 12 (0) 18 (c) 24 (a) 30 ‘The two sls at a distance of 1 mm are illuminated by the light of wavelength 6,5x10-'m. The interference fringes are observed on a screen placed at a distance of Im. The distance between third dark fringe and ith bright fringe wil be (a) 0.65 mm (0) 1.63 mm (€) 3.25 mm (2) 488 mm ‘The two slits are Imm apart from each other and iluminated with a light of wavelength 5x10"? m, If the distance of the sereen is 1 m from the sis, then the distance ‘between third dark fringe and fifth bright fringe is (2) 1.5mm (6) 0.75 mm (2) 1.25 mm (4) 0.625 mm {e) 2.5mm Ina Young's double sit experiment, the sls are 2 mm apart and are illuminated with a mixture of two wavelengths %)=750nm and 2=900nm. The minimum distance from the common central bright finge on a screen 2m from the slits where a bright finge from one interference pattem coincides with a bright fringe from the other is (0) 15mm (6) 3mm () 45mm (4) 6mm A beam with wavelength 2 falls on a stack of partially reflecting planes with separation d. The angle @ that the bbeam should make with the planes so that the beams reflected from successive planes may interfere constructively is where n =1, 2, ..)2. 25. 26. 27. 28, Ina YDSE bi-chromatcj light of wavelengths 409 9-3 — 560 nm are used. The distance bates esa Olms and the dslanee between the plane of the ano” saeen is Im. The minimum distance ‘beret? successive regions of complete darkness g, etN@2"_ two (@) 4mm ©) 56mm {2 14mm (4) 28mm Figure shows a standard two shit a rangement S,and S:. P, and Pyare the two minima points ra side of P (gure) * ‘Second sereen ‘At Pp on the screen, there is a hole and behind Prisa second 2-slit arrangement with sits §,,S, and a second screen behind them (2) There would be no interference pattem on the second soreen but it would be lighted (b) The second screen would be totally dark (c) There would be a single bright point on the second screen, (d) There would be a regular two sit pattern on the second screen Ina Young's double sit set-up, light from a laser source falls ‘on a pair of very narrow sits separated by 1.0 micrometer and bright fringes separated by 1.0 millimeter are observed on a distant screen. If the frequency of the laser light is doubled, what willbe the separation of the bright fringes (2) 025mm (b) 05mm (©) 1.0mm (4) 20mm Jn young’s double slit experiment, the distance between the two slits is O.lmm, the distance between the sls and the screen is Im and the wavelength of the light used is, 600 nm . The intensity ata point onthe screen 75% of the maximum intensity. What is the smallest distance of this point from the central fringe (2) 10mm (0) 20mm (2) 05mm (6) 15mm ‘The figure shows a double slit experiment where P and Q are the slits. The path lengths PX and QX are nd and (n+2)A respectively, where n is a whole number and 2 is the wavelength. Taking the central fringe as zero, what is formed at X (a) First bright (b) First dark (€) Second bright (@) Second dark 29, 30. 31. 32, 33. Wave Optics 1253 om the waveler ‘Monochromatic igh used would 6 ee from the central fin be (0) 10x10-cm (@) 6x10%em a experiment, an interference pater i blained on a screen by a light of wavelength 6000 A, coming from the coherent sources S, and S,. At certain Point P on the screen third dark fringe is formed. Then the bath difference $,P — S,P in microns is @) 075 (o) 15 (@ 30 (a) 45 ‘Two ideal sits S, and S, are at a distance d apart, and luminated by light of wavelength 4 passing through an eal source slit $ placed on the line through S, as shown. ‘The distance between the planes of sits and the source sits ‘D. A screen is held at a distance D from the plane of the sls. The minimum value of dfor which there is darkness at Ow (2). 60x10%em (6) 10x10-5em tn Young's doubles “—D—>—p f@ pe () Ya @ - (a) (8D ‘Two coherent sources separated by distance d are radiating in phase having wavelength 4. A detector moves in a big ‘ircle around the two sources in the plane of the two sources. The angular position of n = 4 interference maxima is given as to) ath tb) cost 4 od, ak fo wth @ od In Young's double sit experiment, the phase diference ‘between the light waves reaching third bright fringe from the central singe wil be (2 =6000 A } (a) Zero (o) 2 (42 (d) One = 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 1254 wave optics Consider a ray of ght incident from ar onto a slab of sass (refractive index n) of width d, at an angle @.. The phase difference between the ay reflected by the top surface of the lass and the bottom surface is sliver eiealad fa) ® © we @ 0S ente) 428 Consider Fraunhofer diffraction pattern obtained with a single sit at normal incidence. At the angular position of first diffraction minimum, the phase difference between the wavelets from the opposite edges ofthe sit is (a) 2/4 (o) 2/2 = (d) 2 ‘A parallel monochromatic beam of light is incident normally fon a narrow sit. A diffraction patter is formed on a screen placed perpendicular to the direction of incident beam. At the first maxima of the difraction pattem the phase diference between the rays coming from the eiges ofthe slits @ 0 oF @ (@) 2 In a Young's double slit experiment (sit distance a) ‘monochromatic light of wavelength 2 is used and the figure pattern observed ata distance D from the sls. The angular postion ofthe bight fnges are 1 Ns yo wll (@) sin 4) (b) sin (wed) nni( NA af 2, (os 2) (@) se} BE In Young's double s_t experiment with sodium vapour lamp of wavelength 589mm and the slits 0.589mm apart, the half angular width ofthe central maximum is (e} sin0.01 () sin-*0.0001 @ (@) Sint In Young's double sit experiment, distance between ‘wo sources is 0.1 mm. The distance of screen from the sources is 20 om. Wavelength of light used is 5460 A. Then angular 0,001 position ofthe fist dark finge is (a) 0.08" (b) 0.6 (©) 020" (a) 031° 41. 42, 43, 44, “The maximum intensity of finges in Young’s experiment i, If one of the slit is closed, then the intensity at that place becomes ly Which ofthe following relation is tue ()t=h 0) 1=2h @ (a) There sno relation between Fand In Young's double slit experiment, the intensity of light ‘coming from the first sit is double the intensity from the second sit, The ratio of the maximum intensity to the minimum Intensity on the interference fringe pater observed is fa) 34 {b) 40 (25 (a) 38 In the Young's doublet experiment, the intensity of ight at fa point on the screen where the path difference is 2 is K, ( being the wavelength of light used). The intensity at a Poin where the pth ferences 2, wilbe (a) Kz (&) Zero K (@) Kia In a Young's double slit experiment the intensity of light at ‘each slit is Ty. Interference pattem is observed along a direction parallel to the line S,S; on screen S. The ‘minimum, maximum, and the intensity averaged over the entire sereen are respectively a Sy 1 js (0) 0,4, 2% (©) 10,21, 30/2 (2) to lose (€)by,2lodo ‘An oll flowing on water seems coloured due to interference. For observing this effet, the approximate thickness of the ol film should be (a) 100A (o) 10000 {c) Lmm (@) Lem In Youngs double sit experiment, a mica sit of thickness t and refractive index j1s introduced in the ray from the fst source S,. By how much distance the finges pattem wil be displaced 4 D (e) Gu-ne () june @ @ 2y-0 rs46. 41. 48, 49. 50. A thn plastic sheet of refit ane of sts of a double sit ane ; gement. Thy on he sceen snow ocaped by hat not 7 ‘bright fringe before the plastic war Ne been the wavelength of itis 600 im, what i the 22H the We index 1.6 is used to cover ental point ofthe pasic ae 7 (4 8 6 ‘When one of the slits of Young's rit a transparent sheet of thickness covered wi ess 4.8 mm, the Shils 10 a positon originally occupied by the an Cn ied fringe, What should be the thickroce ne fa eae central fringe has to shift i heat if the to the ° " iegatees Position occupied by 20 (2) 3.8mm (0) 1.6mm (©) 7.6mm (2) 3.2mm ‘A monochromatic beam of light falls on YDSE apparatus at some angle (say @) as shown in figure, A thin sheet of glass is inserted in front of the lower slit S). The central bright fringe (path difference = 0) will be obtained a (a) Ato sll (b) Above O fh (0) Below 0 TAI (4) Anywhere depending on angle 6, thickness of plate t and refractive index of alass 1 Ina double slit arangement fringes are produced using light cof wavelength 4800 A. One slit is covered by a thin plate of lass of refractive index 1.4 and the other with another lass plate of same thickness but of refractive index 1.7. By doing so the central bright fringes shifts to original fifth bright fringe from centre. Thickness of glass pate is () 84m () 64m (0 44m (2) 102m In Young's double slit experiment, the aperture screen distance is 2m. The fringe width is 1 mm. Light of 600 nm is used, Ifa thin plate of glass (1 = 1.5) of thickness 0.06 mm is placed over one of the sits, then there will be lateral displacement of the fringes by (2) Ocm (o) Sem {c) 10cm (@) 15am wu Diffraction of Light a The bending of beam of light around comers of obstaces called (0) Reflection ® pass 0 (¢)_ Interference ; ‘he ate cof light into the region of geometical shadow is called (e) Polarisation (@) Diffraction (b) Interference (a). Refraction 8. 9. W Consider sunlight inc _ image seen ong 2 slit of width 10°A. The (2) Bea fine sharp sit white in {b) A bright sit white at inlensities atthe edges (0) A baight sit white at dlifferent colours (2) Only be a diffused sit white in colour a ids wed in nl it ciftacon experiment wth the patna yon ahs ead by Xray hn (a) That the central maxima is narower {0} No difraction pattem (4) More numberof finges (2) Less number of fringes Wave Optics 1255 colour at the centre the centre diffusing to zero the centre difusing to regions of A single slit of width 0.20 mm is tluminated with light of ‘wavelength 500 nm. The observing sereen is placed £0 em from the sit. The width ofthe central bright finge will be (2) Imm (0) 2mm fo) 4mm (2) Smm In the experiment of diffraction at a single si, if the sit Width is decreased, the width ofthe central maximum, (2) Increases in both Fresnel and Fraunhofer direction {b} Decreases both in Fresnal and Fraunhotferdifraction (0 Increases in Fresnel diffraction but decreases in Fraunhoffe dffrection (q@) Decreases in Fresnel diffraction but increases is Fraunhoffe difkection Light of wavelength §89.3nm is incident normally on the si of width 0.1mm, What wil be the angular width of the central diffaction maximum ata distance of Lm from the sit (a) 0.68" (o) 1.02" (©) 034° (€) None of these ‘A beam of light of wavelength 600 nm from a distant source falls on a single elit 1 mm wide and the resting difraction pattern is observed on a screen 2m away. The distance between the first dark fringes on either side of the central bright fringe is (2) 12mm (b) 12am (9) 240m (a) 24mm Red light is generally used to observe diffraction pattern from single sit, I blue light is used instead of red Tight then diffraction pattern {a} Will be more clear (©) Will contract () Will expanded (4) Will not be visualized 7sma 1. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 1256 Wave Optics In a single-sit diffraction experiment, the width of the sit is reduced by half. Which ofthe following needs to be done if the width of the central maxima has to remain the same (a), Reduce the distance between the sit and sereen by half (b) Reduce the distance between the sit and the screen to @) the original separation (c) Double the distance between the slit and the sereen (a) No need to do anything, as the width of the central ‘maxima does not depend on the sit width ‘4 parallel beam of monochromatic light of wavelength 5000 Ais incident normally on a single narrow slit of width 0.001 mm. The light is focused by a convex lens on a screen placed on the focal plane. The first minimum will be formed for the angle of diffraction equal to (a) (o) 15° (30° (a) 60° Light of wavelength 2 = 5000 A falls normally on a narrow slit A screen is placed at a distance of 1 m from the slit and perpendicular to the direction of light. The first minima of the diffraction patter i situated at 5 mm from the centre of central maximum. The width ofthe sit is {a) 0.1 mm (b) 1.0mm (6) 0.5mm (4) 0.2mm AA single slit Fraunhotler diffraction pattem is formed with ‘white ight. For what wavelength of light the third secondary ‘maximum in the diffraction patter coincides with the second secondary maximum in the pattern for red light of wavelength 6500 A (a) 44004 (b) 4100 (e) 4642.8 (a) 91004 A single slit of width a is illuminated by violet light of wavelength 400 nm and the width of the difraction pattern is measured as y. When half ofthe sit width is covered and iluminated by yellow light of wavelength 600 nm, the width ofthe diffraction pattern is (a) The pattern vanishes and the width i zero (0) y/3 ( 3p (a) None ofthese At the first minimum adjacent to the central maximum of a single-sit diffraction pattern, the phase difference between the Huygen's wavelet from the edge of the slit and the ‘wavelet from the midpoint ofthe slits (0) radian (0) radian z x {ce} iS radian (4) ‘a radian In Young's double sit experiment how many maximas can bbe obtained on a screen (including the central maximum) on both sides of the central fringe if 2=2000A and d=7000A (a) 12 (© 18 7 (a) 4 17. 18. 19. ‘Angular width of central maxima in the Fraunhofer difraction pattem ofa sit is measured. The sli illuminated by light of wavelength 6000 A. When the slit is illuminated by light of another wavelength, the angular width decreases 'by 30%. The wavelength ofthis ight willbe (a) 600A (b) 42004 (e) 3000 (a) 18004 The ratio of intensities of consecutive maxima in the difraction pattem due toa single sit is (@) 1:4:9 (o) 1:2:3 44 Light OU 5a Bat Radius of contral zone of eireular zone plate is. 2.3mm. Wavelength of incident light is 5893 A. Source is at a distance of 6m, Then the distance of first image will be (2) 9m (0) 12m (0 24m (a) 36m Light of wave length 2 is incident on sit of width d. The resuitng difraction pattem is observed on a screen placed at distance D. The linear width of central maximum is equal to width ofthe sit then D = 9 1 a) ts @ Lay a oat © wo) d 2a @ Fs + Polarization of Light Light waves can be polarised as they are (a) ‘Transverse (0) Of high frequency (¢) Longitudinal (a) Reflected Consider the following statements A to B and identify the comect answer ‘A. Polarised light can be used to study the helical suace of muck acids B. Optics axis is a direction and not any particular line in the ental {a) Aand Bare conrect (b) Aand B are wrong (c}) Ais comect but B is wrong (d) ‘Ais wrong but B is comect The angle of polarisation for any medium is 60°, what will ‘be critical angle for this (a) sin Y3 (0) cost V5 (0) tan" VB ae B ‘The angle of incidence at which reflected light is totally Polarized for reflection from air to glass (refractive index n) is fa) sin“Yn) 0) anf 4) en(2) (2) tan“"n) (@) sin5 10, ‘When unpolarised light beam is inci re ea bam net fom a ns gas (a) Reflected beam is polarised 100 percent 0) Refleted and vehaced beams ae parily policed (@) The reason for (a) is that almost; all the light (@) Alot the above eames Consider a light beam incident from air Breuste’s angle as shown in igus 8 985 Sb at Appolaroid is placed in the path of th P and wotated about an ais passing troces me Pot rough the cent a perpendicular to the plane ofthe polarig ea > {@) For a particular orientation, there shall be darkness as observed through the polaroid (b) The intensity of light as seen through the polaroid shall be independent of the rotation () The intensity of light as seen through the polaroid shall 0 through a minimum but not 2er0 for two orientations of the polaroid (€) The intensity of light as seen through the polaroid shall go through a minimum for four orientations of the polaroid “The Brewster's angle forthe glass-air interface is 54.74°, fa ray of light going from alr to glass strikes at an angle of incidence 45°, then the angle of refraction is (Hint tan 54.74°= 2 ) fa) 60° {b) 30° (o) 25° (a) 54.74" os jal is 60", the When the angle of incidence on a material is 60°, relected light is completely polarized. The velocity of the refracted ray inside the material is (in ms) 3) 10° (a) 3x10° ® (ee (9 Bx10® (a) 05x10* analyser and A light has amplitude A and angle between i polariser is 60", Light reflected by analyser has amplitude (a) av to) ali (@ Ware (a lz fzer (P) and then on Unpotarized light falls first on polarizer (P) and’ OO Te ena 8. Tar cnteriy ofthe transmit ight rom anaher ix 2th ofthe incident unpolaried Hih. What Wi 8 be the angle between optic axes of Pand A (a) 30° (o) 45° ae ua. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Wave Optics 1257 W La Li 132 {2 11255 (a nes fe) 1/512 ‘Two Polaroids are placed in the path of unpolatized beam of Intensity 1 such that no light is emitted from the second Polaroid, Ifa third polaroid whose polaization axis makes ‘an angle 9 with the polarization axis of first polaroid, is Placed between these polaroids then the intensity of light ‘emerging from the last polaroid wil be Jo) gn2 ) (is) 20 we) (}ser26 @ (Hoste 8) Iycosto Unpotarized light flls on two polarizing sheets placed one ‘on top of the other. What must be the angle between the characteristic directions of the sheets if the intensity of the final transmitted light is one-thid the maximum intensity of ‘the first transmitted beam () 75° (b) 55° () 35° (5 AA plane polarized light is incident normally on a tourmaline plate. Its E vectors make an angle of 60° withthe optic axis of the plate. Find the percentage difference between intial ‘and final intensities (a) 25% (o) 50% (75% (a) 90% ‘A beam of natural light falls on a system of 6 polaroids, ‘which are arranged in suecession such that each polaroid is turned through 30° with respect to the preceding one. The percentage of incident intensity that passes through the system will be {o) 100% (b) 50% (a 30% (@) 12% ‘A plane polarized light passed through successive polarizers ‘which ae rotated by 30° with respect to each other in the doclauise direction. Neglecting absorption by the poleriess and given thatthe frst polaier’s ans spall othe plane of polarization of the incident light, the intensity of light at the exit ofthe fifth polarizer is cosest to (a) Same as that of the incident ight (b) 17.5% of the incident ight {c) 30% of the incident light (@) Zer04258 Wave Optics An unpolarized beam of light of intensity Ig passes through two linear polarizers making an angle of 30° with respect to each other. The emergent beam will have an intensity 3 (a) a (b) fel 3, () (d) “2—————___. alele
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