Instruction Manual - SV - SW-20A
Instruction Manual - SV - SW-20A
Instruction Manual - SV - SW-20A
1.1 真空幫浦安裝場地請選擇乾燥通風地點,且周圍應留適當空間以方便裝卸及保養。
Please install the pump at the place with dry and good air circulation. When installation, keep proper
distance between pump and wall or any obstacles for future maintenance and thermal circulation.
1.2 安裝真空幫浦的基礎台面要儘量平滑使成水平,共同底座才能平穩安置於基礎台。
Assemble the pump on the horizontal level and horizontal surface so that the common base can be
stable on the base.
1.3 為防止真空幫浦運轉時因基礎台不夠平穩產生震動,請確實注意共同底座於基礎台上必
In order to prevent the vacuum pump vibrates when operation due to unstable base, please make sure
the common base is solid and stable on the base. Use bolt to adjust and fasten the common base if
2.1 用手轉動皮帶輪或聯軸器,需至少轉動一圈以上。如長期停止使用後或出廠一段時間未
Rotate the belt or coupling at least a circle. If the machine has not been operated for a long time or
hasn’t been used before, the impeller and case might be rusted, which will cause hard to rotate. In
that case, please use pipe wrench to press belt or coupling adjusting to the right position and make it
2.2 打開補給水閥,加水至機殼內約一半,注意補給水之供應及流暢,並保持入口處水溫
Open the water inlet valve; replenish the water until half full. Be award of the water level and
fluidness and keep the water temperature below 30℃ (86℉).
2.3 電氣開關啟動運轉後即刻關掉,確認迴轉方向是否正確,機殼內部或軸承有無異常的聲
Turn on the switch for a second; then, turn off immediately to make sure if the rotating direction is
correct, and if there’s strange noise inside the case or bearing. After the above checking, you may
press the switch again for normal operation. Please start the machine at the best efficacy.
2.4 正規運轉後檢視排水及排氣情況是否良好。
After normal operation, please check the discharge and air vent.
3.2 水封式真空幫浦的軸承溫度在運轉中,是最需注意的,一般是以周圍溫度+40℃為容許
值,例如周圍溫度為 20℃時,60℃為容許溫度,通常可用手觸摸軸承殼依感覺來判斷
或用溫度計插入注油孔來測定,亦可用油灰(Putty 塗窗戶玻璃用)將溫度計裝置於軸
When Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump is operating, the most importation thing is the limitation of
temperature difference. Normally, the temperature difference limitation is +40℃ (+72℉) above your
room temperature. For example, if your room temperature is 20℃ (68℉), the temperature difference
limitation for the Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump is 60℃ (140℉). Normally, you can adjust the
temperature by touching the pump, or use thermometer to detect the temperature at the oil inlet, or
you may use putty to stabilize the thermometer at the upper of bearing case.
4.1 當液封式真空幫浦要停止時,電動機的動力儘量在低的狀態下停止方為正確,所以通常
If you wish to shut down the Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump, please do that when the electromotor power
down. Turn off the passage switch first, then, the power. After turning off the power, pay attention to
see if there’s any strange noise at the case and bearing until the vacuum pump fully stopped.
4.2 如果長時期停止使用液封式真空幫浦的話,需將水停止供應,切斷各部分的自動控制裝
If you plan not to use the Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump for a long time, please stop water supply, turn ff
the automatic control power, oil the antirust oil at where is easy to rust, and put waterproof cover at
where is easy to be rained. Please also pay attention to the damp-proof of electromotor and electric
5 保養與維護說明(MAINTENANCE)