Analytics Performance
Analytics Performance
Analytics Performance
Performance Analytics
IMPORTANT: The content in this learning module was last updated for the San Diego ServiceNow release and was not
updated for the Tokyo release. You may see differences between the Tokyo release and the content in this learning
The Earthquakes application is used throughout this learning module to introduce and demonstrate the
concepts and processes behind creating an application. You do not build the Earthquakes application.
introduction) for more information on how ServiceNow uses GitHub with the Developer Program learning content and to see
IMPORTANT: If you have already forked and imported the repository, you can proceed to the next exercise, where you will
create a branch from a tag to load the application files to your PDI. The NeedIt application files are needed to complete the
6. Select your personal GitHub account as the fork Owner, then click the Create fork button.
7. Verify the URL for your fork of the repository is similar to: <YourGitHubUsername>/devtraining-
2. Make sure the URL contains your GitHub username, not ServiceNow.
3. Make sure HTTPS is selected. If not, select the HTTPS tab in the Clone flyout.
1. Log in to your PDI as the admin user. If you do not have a PDI, open the ServiceNow Developer Site
( to obtain a Tokyo PDI.
IMPORTANT: Credential records only need to be created once. If you have already created a credential record in
1. Use the All menu to open Connections & Credentials > Credential.
3. In the What type of Credentials would you like to create? list, click the Basic Auth Credentials
IMPORTANT: GitHub requires personal access tokens to access repositories from other platforms, like
ServiceNow. A personal access token is used in place of a password when authenticating. See the
5. In the Select Application dialog, click the Import From Source Control button.
6. In the Import Application dialog, configure the connection to the forked repository.
URL: <URL you copied for your forked version of the repository>
Credential: GitHub Credentials - <Your Username>
Branch: main
NOTE: When you change the Branch value to main, an information message informs you that Use of the default
naming convention is strongly encouraged. The value in the Branch field must exist in the repository. The Developer
Site training repositories all have a main branch, which should be used in place of the default value.
8. When the application import is complete, click the Select Application button.
NOTE: If the connection fails, you may have entered the ServiceNow repository URL in the URL field instead of the
forked repository URL, or you may have enabled two-factor authentication on your GitHub account. See
9. In the Select Application dialog, click the application to open it for editing in Studio.
IMPORTANT: You will not see any application files in Studio until you successfully create a branch from a tag in the
next exercise.
NOTE: Before you begin this exercise, you need to have forked and imported the NeedIt repository as described in
Exercise: Fork Repository and Import Application for the Performance Analytics Module.
1. If the NeedIt application is not open in Studio from the previous exercise, open it now.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the All menu to open System Applications >
2. In the Select Application dialog, click the NeedIt application.
2. In Studio, open the Source Control menu and select the Create Branch menu item.
NOTE: If branch creation fails, you may have entered the ServiceNow repository URL in the URL field instead of the
forked repository URL or enabled two-factor authentication on your GitHub account. See the Troubleshooting GitHub
Drive performance
Provide actionable insight
Share clear, up-to-date visualizations
Analytics explores and uncovers relationships between data sets to answer questions about the data,
processes, or objectives. Analytics are often used to predict future outcomes or to improve processes.
Analytics can be subjective. For example, analytics might answer questions such as:
production instances. Licenses are not required to activate Performance Analytics plugins on a development or test
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open System Definition >
2. Use the Search field to find the Performance Analytics - Premium plugin.
3. Click the Install button for the Performance Analytics - Premium plugin.
5. When the plugin activation is complete, click the Close & Reload Form button in the Plugin
Activation dialog.
In the visualization layer, dashboards organize Performance Analytics widgets into logical groupings to
provide real-time insight into application data and performance.
When implementing Performance Analytics, define indicators (what to measure) and breakdowns (more in
depth analysis), then collect scores, then visualize the scores and trends.
Date/time: Date and Date/time fields are a good fit, because most analytics are time-based. Include
at least one Date/time field in the application data model.
Choice and Reference: Field types with a limited set of values that resolve to sys_ids are a good fit,
because the values can be used to group data.
Integer and Decimal: Numeric values are a good fit, because numeric visualizations convey values
and identify trends.
Boolean: Boolean fields have only two possible values. Data types with a limited set of values are a
good fit, because the values can be used to group data.
Indicator Sources
Indicator sources define sets of records from a ServiceNow table that have a common characteristic, such
as the Priority is critical. Indicator sources are used by indicators to calculate scores. Indicator scores are
KPI values. Indicator sources specify a table and the frequency for collecting data.
Indicator sources include filter conditions to limit the record set. Typically, an indicator tracks the data on a
certain date. The indicator source conditions include a date-related filter, such as [Opened] [on] [Today].
Indicators collected less frequently might specify a larger date range, such as [Closed] [on] [This month].
Create indicator sources carefully. Since an indicator source may be used by multiple indicators, indicator
sources are not easily changed.
ARTICLE (12 OF 57)
To create an indicator source, use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Sources > Indicator
Sources. Click the New button.
Name: Descriptive name for the indicator source. By convention, but not required, names have the
syntax TableName.DataDescription.
Description: Details about the indicator source such as frequency, where it is used, and the purpose
of the indicator source.
List View: Choose a View to use when viewing records in Analytics Hub.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Sources > Indicator Sources.
Name: NeedIt.ThisMonth
Description: NeedIt requests due this month
Valid for frequency: Monthly
Facts table: NeedIt [x_58872_needit_needit]
Conditions: [When needed] [on] [This month]
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Reports >
Administration > Report Sources.
2. Open the Active NeedIt Requests record for viewing.
3. Examine the Active NeedIt Requests report source configuration.
QUESTION: Does the Active NeedIt Requests report source include all records from the NeedIt table or a
subset of records from the NeedIt table?
ANSWER: The Active NeedIt Requests report source is a subset of records from the NeedIt table. Only
active NeedIt requests records are included in the report source.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Sources > Indicator Sources.
Name: NeedIt.ActiveWeekly
Description: Active NeedIt requests this week
Valid for frequency: Weekly
Report source: Active NeedIt Requests (NeedIt)
Facts table: This value is automatically populated. Use the default value.
Conditions: This value is automatically populated. Use the default value.
Indicators, also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPI), measurements, or metrics, define
performance metrics taken at regular intervals. There are three types of indicators:
Automated: Scores are automatically collected using scheduled data collection jobs
Manual: Scores are entered manually or imported from a third-party source
Formula: Scores are calculated using scores of other indicators
Automated Indicators
Automated indicators save scores from an indicator source at a regular frequency such as daily, weekly,
or monthly.
To create an Automated Indicator, use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Indicators >
Automated Indicators. Click the New button.
Not all fields are visible at all times. Some fields are shown or hidden based on values in other fields.
Some commonly configured fields include:
Indicator Properties
Calendars: Select either Standard Calendar or a custom business or fiscal calendar. This field is
hidden after the Indicator source is selected.
Frequency: Select a frequency to filter the Indicator source choice list. Only Indicator sources with a
matching frequency are added to the Indicator source choice list. This field is hidden after the
Indicator source is selected.
Direction: Set the preferred behavior of the indicator source scores over time: Maximize (increase),
Minimize (decrease), or None (does not matter).
Unit: Select a unit of measurement.
Key: Set the indicator as a key indicator to use when filtering indicator lists.
Precision: Set the number of decimal places in the indicator score.
DEVELOPER TIP: Indicators round results using banker's rounding or mathematical rounding
When the Aggregate field value is not set to Count, additional Source fields are available.
See the ServiceNow docs site for information about configuring the Additional conditions, Access control,
Other, Collect breakdown matrix, Collection periods, and Forecasting
analytics/task/t_CreateAnAutomatedIndicator.html) sections.
NeedIt: Due Monthly: the count of NeedIt requests with When needed field values aggregated
NeedIt: Active Weekly: the count of active NeedIt requests by week
Breakdowns filter or group indicator scores for more detailed analysis and groups the scores by the
breakdown elements. For example a country breakdown breaks down the indicator source into individual
country records (breakdown elements). A breakdown source defines the list of breakdown elements.
A breakdown can be used for multiple indicators based on different facts tables. For example a country
breakdown could be used for indicators from the incident, change, and earthquakes fact tables.
Breakdowns are visualized in Analytics Hub and dashboards.
Creating Breakdowns
Users with the admin, pa_data_collector, or pa_power roles can create breakdowns.
To create a breakdown, use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Breakdowns > Create New.
Select the breakdown source panel: Select an indicator and field for the breakdown.
Define the breakdown panel: Select an existing breakdown or create a new breakdown.
Link to indicators panel: Make the breakdown available to one or more selected indicators from the
same table.
Data Collection panel: Collect broken-down scores and snapshots based on the new breakdown for
all of the linked indicators.
Summary panel: Review the breakdown.
When configuration is complete, click the Apply button on the Summary wizard panel to create the
breakdown record.
Breakdown Sources
Breakdown sources specify which unique elements a breakdown contains. A breakdown source is a set of
records from a table or database view. Multiple breakdowns can use the same breakdown source. For
example, instead of seeing all assignment groups for Number of Open Changes, breakdown sources can
limit the element list to just those groups that are part of the change process.
The example shows creating a breakdown using the Country field for the Earthquakes: Monthly New
The Define the breakdown wizard panel indicates that a breakdown source is already defined for the
selected indicator and field. This happens when a source table extends another source table or when
breakdown sources are defined for reference fields pointing to the same table. A join is created between
the breakdown source and a facts table on which indicators are defined to do a group by of indicator
scores to breakdown elements.
Recall that a breakdown source can be used by multiple breakdowns. If a breakdown source is already
defined for the same set of records the new breakdown uses, the Breakdown wizard indicates the
Use existing: If a mapping exists between a breakdown with the selected breakdown source and a
field on a parent of the indicator table, add the mapping to an existing breakdown.
Create new: If no mapping exists for a parent table, select an existing breakdown or create a
Exercise: Breakdowns
In this exercise, you will create breakdowns for the automated indicators created in a previous exercise.
Request Type
Requested for
1. Configure the Select the breakdown source panel to break data down by Requested for.
5. Configure the Link to indicators panel to link the breakdown to both NeedIt table indicators.
7. Configure the Data Collection panel to collect data from the past 90 days.
QUESTION: On the Define the breakdown wizard panel, why is there no Create new button?
ANSWER: The NeedIt table extends the Task table. The Priority field on the NeedIt table is inherited from
the Task table. A breakdown source already exists for the Priority field from another table, Incident, which
also extends Task and inherits the Priority field. There is no need to create another breakdown source for
the Priority breakdown.
ARTICLE (21 OF 57)
Data Collectors
Data collectors are scheduled jobs that collect data from indicator sources. Create data collectors after
defining indicator sources, breakdown sources, and indicators or data collectors will not return any
To create a Data Collector, use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Data Collector > Jobs.
Click the New button.
Collection parameters
Job parameters
Run as: Select the user that runs the scheduled job. The data collection job does not check Access
Controls for the user unless there is a scripted indicator or scripted breakdown.
Run as tz: Select the time zone that queries use when they are executed from the job. By default the
System time zone is used.
Active: When selected, the data collection occurs at the scheduled date and time.
Run: Choose the frequency to execute the data collector.
Time/Day/Repeat Interval/Starting: These fields depend on the value in the Run field. All time fields
use a 24-hour clock (HH:mm:ss): 23:00:00 = 11:00:00 PM.
Collect: Select Scores only, Text analytics only, or Both scores and text analytics. Data collection
jobs have separate steps for collecting scores and collecting text analytics.
Conditional: When selected, write a server-side script to specify a condition for running the data
DEVELOPER TIP: To run a data collector on the last day of the month, configure a monthly data collector set to run on
day 31. The data collector will run on the last day of the month, even for months with fewer than 31 days.
DEVELOPER TIP: Create an admin user to Run the data collector which has the Web service access only setting
selected. The Web service access only configuration does not allow the user to log in to the ServiceNow user interface.
Collection parameters
Job parameters
Run: On Demand.
The Run as, Run as tz, Collect, and Conditional fields can also be configured for historical data collectors.
Data collectors collect data daily even if there are indicators in the job that are based on indicator sources
with a Valid for frequency value that is not daily, such as monthly or weekly.
NOTE: The Active field does not have to be selected for historical data collectors. Clicking the Execute Now button for an
On demand scheduled job executes the schedule job even if the Active field is not selected.
Make the NeedIt When needed field date Business Rule Inactive
The NeedIt When needed field date Business Rule prevents creating NeedIt records with When needed
field values in the past. In this part of the Exercise, you will make the NeedIt When needed field date
Business Rule inactive so you can create NeedIt records with When needed field values in the past.
1. If the NeedIt application is not still open in Studio from a previous exercise, open it now.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the All menu to open System Applications >
2. In the Select Application dialog, click the NeedIt link to open the NeedIt application for editing.
2. Deactivate the NeedIt When needed field date Business Rule.
1. In Studio, use the Application Explorer to open Server Development > Business Rules >
NeedIt When needed field date.
1. In Studio, use the Application Explorer to open Server Development > Scheduled Script
Executions > Generate Random NeedIt Records.
2. Examine the value in the Run field to see when the Scheduled Script Execution runs.
3. Read through the script and the script comments to determine what the script does.
4. Modify the value of the recordsToMake variable to generate 1200 NeedIt records.
Make the NeedIt When needed field date Business Rule Active
1. Return to the NeedIt When needed field date Business Rule tab in Studio.
2. Select (check) the Active configuration field.
3. Click the Update button.
Create and Run a Historical Data Collector for the NeedIt Indicators
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Data Collector > Jobs.
4. Click the Additional actions menu ( ) and select the Save menu item.
3. Click the Add button ( ) to move the indicators to the Indicators List slushbucket.
4. Click the Save button.
6. Click the Execute Now button to collect data for the NeedIt indicators.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Data Collector > Jobs.
4. Click the Additional actions menu ( ) and select the Save menu item.
1. Scroll to the Indicators related list (tab) and click the Edit... button.
2. In the Collection slushbucket, select NeedIt: Active Weekly and NeedIt: Due Monthly.
3. Click the Add button ( ) to move the indicators to the Indicators List slushbucket.
4. Click the Save button.
Analytics Hub
Analytics Hub is the user interface for assessing, comparing, and predicting the performance of indicators
over time. Analytics Hub displays data for a single indicator.
To view aggregate data such as the monthly sum of scores, apply a time series such as By week
SUM. The menu shows only the timeframes that are meaningful for the indicator frequency.
To view the score at a certain date, click that date. After selecting a date, add a comment, target, or
threshold at that date.
To change the period for which the chart is drawn, select one of the fixed time frames, specify
specific from and to dates, or drag the date selector in the time series.
To see the records used by the chart, click the Show Records button.
To change the chart type, or to hide or display targets, thresholds, or comments, use the chart
options tools.
To temporarily filter data out of the chart, drag a handle to highlight the data to filter out. In the
example, the highlighted data from 2009 to half of 2013 is filtered out of the chart.
Use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Indicators > Automated Indicators. Set the
Publish on Analytics Hub value to true.
Indicators with a Publish on Analytics Hub value of true are accessible in the Analytics Hub module.
NOTE: If an indicator is published to Analytics Hub and users cannot see it in the Analytics Hub module, check the roles
assigned to the indicator. Access controls might be denying access to the users.
Open the Breakdowns menu ( ) or use the Search for breakdowns and elements field to select a
breakdown to visualize for the indicator. If no breakdowns are configured for an indicator, the Breakdowns
panel indicates that no breakdowns are available.
The Breakdown pane lists the breakdown elements and their scores. The chart shows the breakdown
element data.
ARTICLE (28 OF 57)
Click the Selected period date and the Comparison period date to select a period.
If the scores refer to a count, information about the comparison is available as scores and Venn diagrams:
The number of records that have moved out or left the indicator since the selected period.
The number of records that are shared by the indicator in both periods. The records are in the
indicator in both the selected period and the comparison period.
The number of records that moved in or that were added to the indicator in the comparison period.
The number of records in the comparison period.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Indicators > Automated Indicators.
2. Open the NeedIt: Due Monthly automated indicator.
3. Click the Show Analytics Hub related link.
1. Use the time series selector to display six months of data on the chart.
2. Click the Apply button.
3. Hover over the chart line to get the exact count of NeedIt records due each month.
2. Click the Comments icon in the Analytics Hub header (not in the chart toolbar).
4. Enter the comment of your choice, then click the Save button.
1. Hover over the comment indicator in the chart to see the comment.
2. Close the Comments panel.
3. Disable the comment indicators in the chart by clicking the Comment icon in the chart
2. Click the NeedIt Request type breakdown to view the breakdown elements and scores.
5. Switch to the NeedIt Requested for breakdown. View the breakdown elements and scores.
2. Examine the bottom of the Records list to see how many NeedIt records are due in the selected
time period.
3. Use the Previous Period or Next Period icons to pick a different month.
4. Examine the bottom of the Records list again to see if the number of records in the list changed.
5. Click the currently selected month in the score pane to open the calendar picker. Use the
calendar picker to select a different month.
QUESTION: Why are some months in black text in the calendar picker and other months are in gray
ANSWER: The historical data collector collected data for the past six months plus the current month.
The months in black text are the months for which Performance Analytics has data.
3. Examine the scores for the selected period and the comparison period. Are there more NeedIt
requests due in the comparison period than the selected period?
4. Examine the Venn diagrams. Did more records move out or move in for your data?
5. Click a section in one of the Venn diagrams to update the records list.
1. If the chart is not displaying six months of data, use the time series selector to select 6
2. Use the chart toolbar to enable/disable Labels, Year over year, Score, Change, Change %,
and Visualization. For each setting, examine the chart to see the impact of the option.
NOTE: For lower screen resolutions, some of the chart tools might be collapsed into a More icon. Click the More
View the updated NeedIt: Active Weekly indicator in Analytics Hub. Examine all of the sections.
1. Use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Indicators > Automated Indicators.
2. Use the Search field to search for the two NeedIt indicators.
3. If the Publish on Analytics value is false for the two NeedIt indicators, change it to true.
1. Use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Analytics Hub.
2. Use the Search field to find the two NeedIt indicators.
3. Open one of the NeedIt indicators in Analytics Hub.
A target can be personal or global. A personal target is visible only to the user who created it and appears
as a light line on a chart. A global target is visible to all users and appears as a dark line on a chart or a
time series widget.
Enable targets on Analytics Hub charts by clicking the Target icon in the chart toolbar. To see target
values, hover over the chart data.
Set target as an improvement of the baseline: Select to configure a target value that is relative to
a baseline value
Target Calculation: Select how to calculate the Target value from the baseline
Direction: Select if the target value should be an increase or decrease from the baseline value
Percentage (%) / Units of the KPI: Select the value to increase or decrease from the baseline
Baseline: Select the source for the baseline value
Target: Set a value to reach
Start date: Set a date to start applying the target
Review date: Set date to review the applied target for adjustment
Click the target in the Targets list to edit a target. Click the Delete target icon to delete a target.
ARTICLE (33 OF 57)
Target Notifications
When a target is reached, Performance Analytics generates a notification. For personal targets, the target
owner automatically receives the notification. Developers must configure recipients for global targets.
Targets. Open a target for editing by clicking the Preview record icon ( ) for the target, then click the
Open Record button.
Move the users to notify from the Collection slushbucket to the Users List slushbucket.
Click the Save button.
EXERCISE (3 4 OF 57)
Exercise: Targets
In this exercise, you will set personal and global targets for the NeedIt indicators.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Indicators > Automated Indicators.
2. Open the NeedIt: Due Monthly automated indicator.
3. Click the Show Analytics Hub related link.
1. Use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Analytics Hub.
2. Open the NeedIt: Due Monthly indicator.
2. Use the calendar picker to set the time period to six months ago. The date you select will be
different than the date shown in the example.
3. Use the time series selector to set the chart to show All data.
4. Click the Apply button.
1. Click the Target icon in the Analytics Hub header to add a target.
Global: Selected
Target: 150
Personal: Selected
Target: 200
7. If the targets are not visible, click the Target button on the chart toolbar to see the targets on the
QUESTION: How can you tell the global target from the personal target when looking at the Analytics Hub
ANSWER: The personal target is a thin, light gray line on the chart. The global target is a thick, dark gray
line on the chart.
Set a personal and a global target for the NeedIt: Active Weekly indicator using the values and time series
of your choice.
Thresholds define a normal range of scores for an indicator. Thresholds send a notification when certain
events occurs, such as when a score reaches an all-time high or low.
A threshold can be personal or global. A personal threshold is visible only to the user who created it and
appears as a light grey dotted line on a chart. A global threshold is visible to all users and appears as a
dark grey dotted line on a chart or a time series widget.
Creating Thresholds
Thresholds are applied to all data unless a time series is selected. After selecting a measurement period,
click the Thresholds icon in the Analytics Hub header (not the chart toolbar).
Click the New threshold link. Select either Global or Personal. Use the Threshold choice list to choose:
Enable targets on Analytics Hub charts by clicking the Thresholds icon in the chart toolbar.
Editing and Deleting Thresholds
To edit or delete a threshold, open the Thresholds panel in Analytics Hub.
To edit a threshold, click the threshold in the threshold list. To delete a threshold, click the Delete
threshold icon.
Threshold Notifications
When a notification threshold is reached, Performance Analytics generates notifications:
PA Threshold Reached: Sends a notification for a specific indicator threshold to a set of users
PA Thresholds Notification: Sends a notification with an overview of all indicators for which a
threshold is reached
Exercise: Thresholds
In this exercise, you will set a personal and global threshold for the NeedIt indicators.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Indicators > Automated Indicators.
2. Open the NeedIt: Due Monthly automated indicator.
3. Click the Show Analytics Hub related link.
1. Use the All menu to open Performance Analytics > Analytics Hub.
2. Open the NeedIt: Due Monthly scorecard.
2. Use the calendar picker to set the time period to six months ago. The date you select may be
different than the date shown in the example.
3. Use the time series selector to set the chart to show All data.
Global: Selected
Threshold: All time low
Personal: Selected
Threshold: More than
More than value: 225
10. Click the Save button.
12. If you do not see the thresholds on the chart, click the Thresholds icon in the charts toolbar.
Examine the thresholds on the chart.
QUESTION: How can you tell the global threshold from the personal threshold when looking at the chart?
ANSWER: The personal threshold is a dotted, light gray line on the chart. The global threshold is a
dotted, dark gray line on the chart.
Set a personal and a global threshold for the NeedIt: Active Weekly indicator using the values and time
series of your choice.
Scores Forecasts
Using existing trends, Performance Analytics can forecast future data in time series widgets and detailed
scorecards. Forecast data appears as a dotted line on charts.
Creating Forecasts
Configure the forecast in the Forecasting section of an indicator record. The number of data points
included in the forecast depends on the indicator frequency, and the number of Periods to forecast
configured on the indicator.
Forecast method used: Select None, Auto, Linear, Drift, Naive Seasonal, Naive Seasonal Drift, STL
(Seasonal Trend Loess), or Random Forest (
Periods to forecast: Number of future periods to forecast. Period length depends on the indicator
frequency. For daily indicators, a period is defined as 7 days, for weekly as 13 weeks, for monthly as
12 months, and for yearly as 4 years. See the Forecast periods table
Forecast lower limit: The lowest possible value for the forecast data. Scores lower than the
forecasted lower limit are displayed at this value.
Forecast upper limit: The highest possible value for the forecast data. Scores higher than the upper
limit are displayed at this value.
Forecast based on: Select All Scores, Previous Periods, or Fixed Start.
Periods: Select the number of periods for the Forecast based on field. Only available for Previous
Periods forecasts.
Start date: Use the calendar to select a start date for the forecast. Only available for Fixed Start
DEVELOPER TIP: Auto is the recommended setting for the Forecast method used field. The auto setting forecasts using
all six forecast methods then selects the method with the best fit.
Viewing Forecasts
To view a forecast on a chart in Analytics Hub, click the Forecast button on the charts toolbar. If no
forecast is defined in the indicator record, Analytics Hub does an Auto forecast for the indicator when a
user enables forecasts in the chart.
Exercise: Forecasting
In this exercise, you will configure and enable forecasting for the NeedIt indicators.
4. Click the Additional actions menu ( ) and select the Save menu item.
2. If not enabled, enable the forecast on the chart by clicking the Forecast icon in the chart toolbar.
3. Examine the forecast on the chart. What trend does the forecast predict? Is the number of NeedIt
requests due monthly expected to increase, decrease, or stay the same?
Configure forecasting for the NeedIt: Active Weekly indicator. The requirements are:
View the forecast on the NeedIt: Active Weekly indicator chart in Analytics Hub.
The NeedIt records were randomly generated. Your NeedIt: Active Weekly scores and forecast line may
have different values than the example. Your Forecast configuration should match the configuration in the
This section of the module explains how to add Performance Analytics widgets to dashboards. A more
comprehensive discussion of dashboards
is available in the Data Visualization module
DEVELOPER TIP: Create dashboards for each of the application personas, such as service worker/fulfiller,
ARTICLE (4 2 OF 57)
Group: Where to place the dashboard in the dashboard selection list. The baseline groups are Agent
Intelligence, CMDB Dashboard, Flow Designer, Incident, Platform, Problem, SLA, and Other. If a
group is not selected for a dashboard, then it will be automatically placed in the Other group.
Order: Order in which the dashboard appears on the dashboard landing page and pick lists. Order is
ascending from low numbers to high. The Admin Console, Flow Designer Operations, and Analytics
Usage Overview dashboards always take precedence over user-created dashboards.
Restrict to roles: Role required to access the dashboard.
Disable multiple element selection: Restrict users to selecting only one element of a breakdown
when filtering.
Active: Select to make the dashboard usable in runtime.
Owner: ServiceNow user who owns the dashboard record.
Save (not Submit) the dashboard record, then click the View Dashboard Related Link to add widgets and
tabs to the dashboard.
DEVELOPER TIP: Create a group for applications so application dashboards appear together on the dashboards list.
icon ( ).
In the Add Widgets choice list, select the Performance Analytics item.
Select the Performance Analytics data type for the widget, such as Breakdown or Score.
Choose from the existing list or create a #New <PA element>, for example, #New Score or #New
In the widget preview, click the Add button. The Click here link is not clickable in the preview.
ARTICLE (4 4 OF 57)
Configure the widget. The configuration field values depend on the widget type and visualization.
Click the Submit button.
Add additional widgets to organize, summarize, and present data to convey information in a meaningful
way. Dashboards help application developers and users:
Identify trends
Monitor field values
Look for outlying data
Track work
View progress
Create a Dashboard
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Dashboards.
2. Click the Create a dashboard button.
3. Configure the dashboard.
Name: NeedIt Application
Order: 10
4. Create a group for the dashboard.
5. In the Dashboard New record form, click the Additional actions menu ( ) and select the Save
menu item.
3. In the list of Performance Analytics widget types, select the Score widget type.
3. Click the Click here link in the widget to configure the #New Score widget.
Name: NeedIt Requests Due this Month
Description: Score for NeedIt requests due this month.
Indicator: NeedIt: Due Monthly
Type: Score
Visualization: Dial
4. Click the Submit button.
QUESTION: Using the NeedIt Requests Due this Month score widget, how can you open the NeedIt: Due
Monthly indicator in Analytics Hub?
ANSWER: Click in the NeedIt Requests Due this Month score widget to open the NeedIt: Due Monthly
indicator in Analytics Hub.
Add a Performance Analytics Time Series Widget to the Dashboard
1. Add a Time Series widget to the dashboard.
1. In the Widget Category choice list, select Performance Analytics.
2. In the list of Performance Analytics widget types, select the Time Series widget.
3. On the list of time series, select #New Time Series.
4. Click the Add button.
2. Click the Click here link to configure the #New Time Series widget.
Name: NeedIt Requests this Year by Month
Description: Line chart of NeedIt requests this Year by Month
Indicator: NeedIt: Due Monthly
Type: Time Series
Visualization: Line Chart
3. Configure the Date Settings section (tab).
Period: 1y
Show date range selector: Selected (checked)
4. Configure the Display Settings section (tab).
Show target: Selected (checked)
Show thresholds: Selected (checked)
5. Click the Submit button.
QUESTION: Although the NeedIt Requests this Year by Month time series widget is configured to display
one year#singleQuotes worth of data, you may see less than twelve months of data in the widget. Why
would you see less than twelve months of data?
ANSWER: The script used to generate random data generated only six months of data. Performance
Analytics does not display scores for months with no data.
2. In the Apply Quick Layout section, click the two column layout with a 1/3-width column on the left and
2/3-width column on the right.
1. The first row, first column contains the NeedIt Requests Due this Month widget. The first row,
second column contains the NeedIt Requests this Year by Month widget.
2. The second row, first column contains the NeedIt Requests Due this Month by Request Type
EXERCISE (4 6 OF 57)
Your Mission
Add a tab to the NeedIt Application Dashboard to contain widgets for the NeedIt: Active Weekly
The tab title for the new tab should be Active Weekly.
The tab title for the original tab should be Due Monthly.
Use the widgets of your choice but all must be configured to use the NeedIt: Active Weekly
Use at least two different Performance Analytics widget types.
The tab layout can be anything except the default layout. Choose a layout that displays the widgets
you created so they are easy to read. For example, do not make time series widgets too narrow in
the layout.
There is no right or wrong answer to this challenge. Use your creativity and skills with Performance
Analytics to create a meaningful dashboard tab for the indicator.
to a dashboard.
In Performance Analytics, a bucket group is a special type of breakdown source that divides values
returned by a script or field into discrete buckets. Bucket groups are useful for drawing conclusions that
may not be obvious when looking at the raw data. The Earthquakes by Day of Month - 12 Month Sum
widget shows that the majority of earthquakes in the last year occurred on the 5th or 6th of the month.
The widget also shows that there are no days of the month, in the last 12 months, without earthquakes.
There is no "safest day".
Use bucket groups when the breakdown elements for grouping scores are not available in a table in the
application. Developers can create the breakdown elements and use the breakdown elements in
breakdown sources.
ARTICLE (4 8 OF 57)
To create a bucket group, open Performance Analytics > Breakdowns > Bucket Groups. Click the
New button.
NOTE: Bucket groups are inclusive of the Start value and exclusive of the End value.
To create a breakdown script, open Performance Analytics > Automation > Scripts. Click the New
In the script, current is a record from the Facts table. The last line of the script must return a number to
use when grouping scores into buckets.
NOTE: To calculate values for the new breakdown, run the historical data collector job for the indicator.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Breakdowns > Bucket Groups.
QUESTION: Why is the value 16 the End field value for the 1 - 15 bucket and the Start field value for
the 16 - 31 bucket? Will NeedIt requests with When needed field values on the 16th of the month be
counted twice?
ANSWER: Bucket groups are inclusive of the Start field value and exclusive of the End field value.
When needed date field values for the 15th of the month will only be included in the 16 - 31 bucket.
For the same reason, the 16 - 31 bucket ends with the value 32.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Sources > Breakdown Sources.
2. Click the New button.
3. Configure the breakdown source.
Name: NeedIt Requests by Month Half
Description: Break NeedIt request data into requests due in the first half of the month and
in the second half of the month.
4. Configure the Source section (tab).
Facts table: Bucket [pa_buckets]
Field: Sys ID
Conditions: [Bucket group] [is] [Month Halves]
5. Click the Submit button.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Automation > Scripts.
2. Click the New button.
Description: Extract the day of the month from the When needed date.
Facts table: NeedIt [x_58872_needit_needit]
3. Click the Add button ( ) to move the When needed field to the Selected slushbucket.
whichDay = function(){
6. Read the script and the script comments to make sure you understand what the script does.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Breakdowns > Automated Breakdowns.
2. Click the New button.
3. Configure the breakdown.
Name: NeedIt Requests by Month Halves
Description: Breakdown for NeedIt requests to divide requests into the first and second
halves of the month by When needed field value.
4. Configure the Automated section (tab).
Breakdown source: NeedIt Requests by Month Half
5. Click the Additional actions menu ( ) and select the Save menu item.
6. Scroll to the Breakdown Mappings related list and add the script to the breakdown mapping.
1. Click the New button.
2. Configure the Breakdown Mapping.
Facts table: NeedIt [x_58872_needit_needit]
Scripted: Selected (checked)
7. Click the Submit button on the Breakdown Mapping form.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio), use the All menu to open Performance
Analytics > Indicators > Automated Indicators.
2. Open the NeedIt: Due Monthly indicator for editing.
3. Scroll to the Breakdowns section (tab) and add the breakdown to the indicator.
1. Click the Edit... button.
2. In the Collection slushbucket, click the NeedIt Requests by Month Halves breakdown.
3. Click the Add button to move the breakdown to the Breakdowns List slushbucket.
4. Click the Save button.
QUESTION: Based on your data, is the first half of the month busier for the NeedIt fulfillment team than
the second half of the month?
ANSWER: Recall that the NeedIt records were randomly generated so your data may be different than
the example. To see the exact number of requests, hover your mouse over the widget columns. In the
example, the second half of the month is busier on average, than the first half of the month.
In this exercise, you will save the work completed in this module to your GitHub repository.
NOTE: See the GitHub Guide (/!/guide/tokyo/now-platform/github-guide/github-and-the-developer-site-training-guide-
introduction) for more information on how ServiceNow uses GitHub with the Developer Program learning content and to see
Commit Changes
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the All menu to open System Applications >
2. Open the Source Control menu and select the Commit Changes menu item.
1. In the Select files to commit to source control for <Application> dialog, select All Update Sets.
2. Review the application files to be committed.
3. Click the Continue button.
4. In the Confirm files to commit to source control for NeedIt dialog, enter a Commit comment, such as
Performance Analytics Module Completed.
6. When the Commit Changes dialog reports success, click the Close button.
NOTE: If the commit change fails, you may have entered the ServiceNow repository URL instead of the forked
repository URL in the URL field. See the Troubleshooting GitHub Issues (/!/guide/tokyo/now-platform/github-
guide/troubleshooting-github-issues) section in the GitHub Guide for instructions on how to troubleshoot GitHub
connection issues.
QUESTION: Which of the following are true statements about Performance Analytics? More than one
response may be correct.
QUESTION: True or False? Performance Analytics can be run on any ServiceNow instance.
ANSWER: The correct response is False. This is a bit of a trick question. Although basic Performance
Analytics can be run on any ServiceNow instance, Performance Analytics Premium requires a license to
run on production instances.
QUESTION: Which of the following data types are a good fit with Performance Analytics? More than one
response may be correct.
1. String
2. Date/time
3. Boolean
4. Journal
5. Choice
ANSWER: The correct responses are 2, 3, and 5. The String and Journal data types allow entry of
freeform text. Freeform text is difficult to report on.
A set of records from a ServiceNow table that have a common characteristic such as the Priority is critical.
1. Field type
2. Breakdown
3. Data Collector
4. Indicator Source
5. Bucket Group
1. Indicator
2. Indicator Source
3. Breakdown Source
4. Breakdown
5. Data Collector
1. Indicator
2. Indicator Source
3. Breakdown Source
4. Breakdown
5. Data Collector
QUESTION: Which of the following are true statements for Data Collectors? More than one response may
be correct.
QUESTION: Which of the following are features of Analytics Hub? More than one response may be
2. Thresholds
3. Scorecards
4. Forecasts
5. Targets
ANSWER: The correct responses are 1, 2, 4, and 5. Analytics Hub replaced Scorecards starting with
the Madrid release of ServiceNow.
QUESTION: Which features of Analytics Hub send notifications? More than one response may be correct.
2. Thresholds
3. Forecasts
4. Targets
5. Comparisons
QUESTION: Which of the following are true statements about Dashboards? More than one response may
be correct.
ANSWER: The correct responses are 4 and 5. Applications typically have a Dashboard for each of an
application#singleQuotes personas, because different user types are interested in different information.
Dashboards can have as many widgets as needed to convey the required information from an application
or process. Access to Dashboards is restricted by role. All users can see Dashboards that do not have a
role assigned.
QUESTION: Which of the following are true statements about Bucket Groups? More than one response
may be correct.
ANSWER: The correct responses are 1, 4 and 5. Indicators that use Bucket Groups can be viewed in
Analytics Hub or on a Dashboard. Developers can create Bucket Groups but users cannot.
The Performance Analytics - Premium plugin can be activated and used on dev and test instances
without a license
The Performance Analytics architecture includes a data layer and a visualization layer
Application developers should design Performance Analytics into their data models
Avoid freeform or string fields
Use reference, boolean, date/time, integer, decimal, and choice list data types
Indicator sources define filtered sets of records that are collected at a regular frequency
Indicators define performance metrics for a regular interval
Breakdowns filter or group indicator scores for more detailed analysis
Breakdown sources are a set of records from a table or database view used to calculate breakdown
Multiple breakdowns can use the same breakdown source
Breakdowns are visualized on scorecards and dashboards
Data collectors are scheduled jobs that collect data from indicator sources
Historical: collect past data
Current: collect current data
Analytics Hub visualizes data for a single indicator
Analyze indicator data
Aggregate data
Compare breakdown scores
View changes over time
Targets visualize the difference between the desired score and indicator scores
Thresholds define a normal range of scores for an indicator
Forecasts predict future data based on past performance
Dashboards are a drag and drop canvas for gathering visualizations used regularly, into a single
location organized by tabs and widgets
Bucket groups are a special type of breakdown source that divide values returned by a script into
discrete buckets
Bucket groups are useful for drawing conclusions that may not be obvious in the raw data
Buckets sort data into reusable logical groupings
Bucket group breakdowns must be mapped to an indicator
Visualize bucket group breakdowns on dashboard widgets, Analytics Hub, or scorecards