English Class 1
English Class 1
English Class 1
4. Mamma - Breast
5. Carpus - Wrist
6. Axilla - Armpit
7. Patella - Kneecap
2. Upper - Lower, bo om
9. Abnormal - Normal
Nephrology - The branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of the kidneys
and kidney diseases.
Pneumologist - A medical specialist who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
related to the respiratory system, par cularly the lungs.
Nephrologist - A medical specialist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney
Conjunc vi s - Inflamma on of the conjunc va, a thin layer that covers the white part of the
eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. Also known as pink eye.
Ophthalmoscopy - A diagnos c procedure that involves examining the interior of the eye,
par cularly the re na, using an instrument called an ophthalmoscope.
Neurology - The branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the nervous system, including
the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
Re nopathy - A disorder of the re na, typically caused by damage to the blood vessels in the
Suprarenal - Above or near the kidneys, usually referring to the adrenal glands.
Neurologist - A medical specialist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of
the nervous system.
Neuropathy - Nerve damage that can cause numbness, pain, and weakness, o en in the hands
and feet.
Abdominal - Rela ng to the abdomen, which is the area between the chest and the pelvis.
Colonoscopy - A procedure that involves examining the inside of the colon and rectum using a
long, flexible tube with a camera at the end.
Cardiology - The branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of diseases
related to the heart and blood vessels.
Radiologist - A medical specialist who interprets and analyzes medical images, such as X-rays,
CT scans, and MRIs.
Pediatrician - A medical doctor who specializes in the care of infants, children, and adolescents.
Epigastric - Rela ng to the upper middle region of the abdomen, above the stomach.
Subclavian - Rela ng to the subclavian artery or vein, which are located beneath the clavicle
Incision - A surgical cut or opening made in the body during a surgical procedure.
Arthri s - Inflamma on of one or more joints, resul ng in pain, swelling, and s ffness.