Spectra of Regular Graphs and Hypergraphs
Spectra of Regular Graphs and Hypergraphs
Spectra of Regular Graphs and Hypergraphs
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In this paper we study the distribution of eigenvalues of regular graphs, regular hypergraphs,
and biregular bipartite graphs of given girth by considering the polynomials orthogonal with
respect to the measures attached to the spectra of such graphs and to the continuous spectra of
their ‘universal covers’. Our estimates are tight for Biggs graphs and generalized polygons. We
also give an application to the distribution of eigenvalues of Hecke operators acting on weight 2
cusp forms for certain congruence subgroups.
The second largest eigenvalue (in modulus) L of a regular graph has deep
connections with many important measurements of the graph, such as the diameter [6],
the covering number [7] and the convergence properties of simple random walks on the
graph [9]. A well-known result, proved in [17, Proposition 4.2], asserts that,
asymptotically, a regular graph of fixed degree k and sufficiently large size has its L at
least 24k 2 1 (1 1 o (1)). This kind of eigenvalue estimate has also been extended
recently to hypergraphs [8]. In [20], more precise estimates for graphs are obtained
under the more stringent hypothesis of fixed girth.
In this paper, we recast the theme of [20] in greater detail and with more caution,
and also extend the results to regular hypergraphs and regular bigraphs. The central
idea is to approximate the distribution of the spectrum of such a (hyper-, bi-)graph by
the distribution of the continuous spectrum of its ‘universal cover’. This is made more
precise by considering polynomials orthogonal with respect to the measures arising
from both spectra. The zeroes of these polynomials are then used to estimate the
non-trivial extremal eigenvalues as well as the overall distribution of the spectrum of
the finite graph of given girth (cf. Theorems 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14 and 15). An important
technical difference in contrast with [20] is the use of variations of the measures arising
from spectra; these are the usual measures multiplied by suitable factors designed to
eliminate trivial eigenvalues. The zeroes of polynomials orthogonal with respect to
these measures (adjacent polynomials in the terminology of Levenshtein [16]) enable
us to derive non-trivial bounds for extremal non-trivial eigenvalues. Our estimates of
eigenvalues are tight in some cases; for instance, they are satisfied by Biggs graphs in
the case of regular graphs (Theorem 6), and by generalized polygons in the case of
hypergraphs (Theorem 13). Our results on spectra of regular graphs with given girth
have an application to the distribution of eigenvalues of Hecke operators acting on the
space of weight 2 cusp forms for certain congruence subgroups (Theorem 16).
The material is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall the basic results on
orthogonal polynomials, which are needed later. Section 3 deals with regular graphs,
while Section 4 deals with regular hypergraphs and bigraphs. In each case, we explain
the universal cover, measures and the orthogonal polynomials involved. Many classical
orthogonal polynomials, such as Chebyshev, Geronimus and Stieltjes polynomials, as
well as their adjacent polynomials, come into play. The universal cover of a regular
graph (resp. bigraph) is an infinite regular (resp. biregular) tree, with a well-studied
0195-6698 / 96 / 050461 1 17 $18.00 / 0 ÷ 1996 Academic Press Limited
462 W.-C. W. Li and P. Sole´
measure associated to its spectrum (cf. [19]). The universal cover of a regular
hypergraph, however, is not a universal cover in topological sense, it is a distance-
regular graph arising as a bipartite half of the infinite biregular tree; the measure
attached to its spectrum is computed in [8]. The relationship between bigraphs and
hypergraphs, and their eigenvalues, is explained in Section 4.1. After the analytic
preliminaries of Section 4.2, the bounds for bigraphs and hypergraphs spectra are
described in Section 4.3. The example of generalized polygons is treated in Section 4.4.
Finally, in Section 5 an application to number theory (modular forms) is given.
Part of the results of this paper were announced in [14]. Applications of the same
technique to coding theory can be found in [21].
THEOREM 1. With the aboy e notation , the polynomials p 0(x ) 5 1 , and , for n > 1 ,
sin((n 1 1)θ ) cos((n 1 1)θ )
pn (x ) 5 pn (cos θ ) 5 c (θ ) 2 s (θ ) , x 5 cos θ ,
sin θ sin θ
form a family of orthogonal polynomials with respect to … (x ).
Spectra of graphs and orthogonal polynomials 463
Easily derived from the above theorem is the following special case, which will be
used repeatedly in this paper.
coefficients a , b and c , then p0(x ) 5 1 , and p 1(x ) 5 aU1(x ) 1 bU0(x ) , and , for n > 2 ,
pn (x ) 5 aUn (x ) 1 bUn21(x ) 1 cUn22(x )
constitute a family of orthogonal polynomials with respect to … .
E H(x 2px()xp)9(x)J db ,
b 2
ci :5 for i 5 1 , 2 , . . . , n.
a i n
These numbers are instrumental for Gauss – Jacobi mechanical quadrature. They occur
in this paper because of the celebrated Chebychev – Markov – Stieltjes inequalities. See
[24, Theorem 3.41.1] for a proof and other properties of Christoffel numbers.
E E O c ,E O c ,? ? ,E Oc
x1 x2 k 21 xk k xn n
0< db , c 1 , db , c 1 1 c 2 , ? ? ? , i db , i db < i
a a i 51 a i 51 a i51
5 E db .
We note the following corollary, which is essentially due to Bannai [1]. Let dg denote
another measure supported within [a , b ] such that the first t moments of the two
measures coincide:
E x db 5 E x dg
b b
i i
for i 5 1 , . . . , t.
a a
r5 Ft 12 1G .
COROLLARY 2. Let C be the maximum of the Christoffel numbers c1 , . . . , cr
associated to r and db . Then , for x P [a , b ] , we hay e
UE db 2 E dg U < 2C.
x x
a a
464 W.-C. W. Li and P. Sole´
E db < E
x x2
0< db , c1 1 c 2 < 2C
a a
E E db < E
xk21 x xk
c 1 1 ? ? ? 1 ck22 , db < db < c 1 1 ? ? ? 1 ck .
a a a
k 44q 2 x 2
da (x ) 5 dx ,
2π k 2 2 x 2
supported on its spectrum [224q , 24q] (cf., for instance, [19]). Here q 5 k 2 1 . Up to
a constant multiple, the measure da (24q x ) has the form
m (x )
… (x ) 5 .
k 2 4qx 2
k 44q 2 x 2
(k 2 x ) da 5 dx .
2π k 1 x
a 1 , a 2 , ? ? ? , an
Spectra of graphs and orthogonal polynomials 465
mG 5
Od ,
where d l is the Dirac measure supported at l , and l runs through the spectrum of G .
Thus m G is a measure supported within the interval [2k , k ] , the value of which at any
function f on [2k , k ] is equal to
mG ( f ) 5
1 y
f (l i ).
y i51
As shown in [20], path counting in G yields, for an integer m 5 0 , 1 , . . . , g 2 1 ,
1 y m
n i51
Oli 5 E 24q
x m da . (3)
466 W.-C. W. Li and P. Sole´
In other words, the measure m G attached to G agrees with the measure da attached to
its universal cover, the homogeneous tree 7 , on polynomials of degree less than g.
For » ,h P h0 , 1j we define the following variations of the measures m G and da ,
m »G,h (x ) 5 (k 2 x )» (k 1 x )hm G (x ) ,
da » ,h (x ) 5 (k 2 x )» (k 1 x )h da (x ).
Let h p »n,hj be a family of orthogonal polynomials with respect to the measure da » ,h . As
discussed in previous sections, these polynomials may be chosen as p 1n,1(x ) 5
Un (x / (24q)) , p 0n,0(x ) 5 Gn (x / (24q)) , p 1n,0(x ) 5 An (x ) / (24q)) and p 0n,1(x ) 5
Bn (x / (2 q)). An immediate consequence of (3) is the following.
LEMMA 1. Let G be a k -regular graph of girth g. Then , for any polynomial f of degree
at most g 2 1 2 » 2 h , we hay e
m »G,h( f ) 5 da » ,h( f ) :5 f (x ) da » ,h(x ).
We will also need an estimate of the number of distinct eigenvalues of a graph with
known girth.
LEMMA 2. If s denotes the number of distinct eigeny alues of a graph with girth g , then
g 11
s> .
PROOF. This occurs because, for a graph with diameter d , its girth g is at most
2d 1 1 and it has at least d 1 1 distinct eigenvalues by [3, p. 12]. This fact was also
noted in [20]. h
g 21 g 22
2 ,
m9 5 n5 , m5 .
2 2
Our estimates are as follows.
THEOREM 3. Let G and n and m be as aboy e. Denote by an the largest zero of the
polynomial An . Suppose that n > 1. Then the second largest eigeny alue l 2 of G satisfies
l 2 > 24q max an , cos Sm π1 1DJ .
by (1), the second term is larger when the girth g is even (in which case n 5 m ) , while
the first term is larger for odd g (in which case n 5 m 1 1).
ly 21 < 24q min b 1 , 2cos Sm π1 1DJ .
PROOF. The argument is similar to the previous proof, with the following choices
of (» , h ) , f and h. When G is not bipartite, define (» , h ) 5 (0 , 0) , f 5 p 0n,0 and
h (x ) 5 f (x ) / (x 2 24q g 1) if l y . 24q g 1; and (» , h ) 5 (1 , 0) , f 5 p 1n,0 and h (x ) 5
f (x ) / (x 2 24q a 1) if ly , 24q a 1 . When G is bipartite, define (» , h ) 5 (0 , 1) , f 5
p 0n,1 , and h (x ) 5 f (x ) / (x 2 24q b1) if ly 21 . 24q b 1; and (» , h ) 5 (1 , 1) , f 5 p 1m,1 and
h (x ) 5 f (x ) / hx 1 24q cos[π / (m 1 1)]j if l y 21 . 224q cos[π / (m 1 1)]. h
2cos Sn 1π 1D , b , 2cosSπnD ;
COROLLARY 3. Giy en the aboy e notation , the smallest eigeny alue of G satisfies
ly , 224q cos Sn 1π 1D .
PROOF. It follows from the definition of Gm9 , that g 1 , 2cos[π / (m 9 1 1)] , while (1)
gives a1 , 2cos[π / (n 1 1)]; hence the result. h
COROLLARY 4. Let hXr j be a family of connected k -regular graphs , the girth of which
approaches infinity as r tends to infinity. Then the lim sup of the smallest non -triy ial
eigeny alue of Xr is at most 224q as r 5 ` .
L > 24q max an , cos Sm π1 1D, 2a , 2g J ;
1 1
THEOREM 6 (Biggs ). Let G be a k -regular Biggs graph with girth g and diameter d .
Then :
(i) if g 5 2d , its spectrum consists of Úk and the d 2 1 zeros of Ud21( y / 24q);
(ii) if g 5 2d 1 1 , its spectrum consists of k and the d zeros of Ad ( y / 24q).
Consequently, the l 2 of a Biggs graph, if it exists (see [4] Section 6.9 for existence
results), meets the bounds of Theorem 3 with equality.
B » ,h(x ) 5
O (k 2 l) (k 1 l)
» h
Spectra of graphs and orthogonal polynomials 469
A» ,h(x ) 5 (k 2 t )» 21(k 1 t )h 1144q 2 t 2 dt.
2π 224q
r (» , h ) 5 Fg 2 »2 2 hG .
Hence, by Theorem 2, B » ,h(x ) changes values as x moves from one zero of p »r(,h» ,h ) to an
adjacent zero. This means that there is an eigenvalue l of G between two consecutive
zeros of p »r(,h» ,h ). We summarize this discussion in the following theorem.
THEOREM 7. With the aboy e notation , we hay e that between any two consecutiy e
zeros of p »r(,h» ,h ) there lies an eigeny alue of G.
Among the polynomials occurring in the above theorem, we know the roots of
p 1r(1
,1)(x ) 5 Um (x / (24q)) explicitly; they are 24q cos[ jπ / (m 1 1)] , for 1 < j < m.
Here, as before, m 5 (g 2 2) / 2. These roots partition the real line into m 1 1
intervals, and, by Theorems 3, 4 and 7, there is at least one non-trivial eigenvalue of G
in each interval.
The accumulated distribution A0 ,0(x ) was explicitly computed by McKay in [18,
Theorem 1.1], where one also finds the estimate
24» 4q
uB 0 ,0(x ) 2 A0 ,0(x )u , .
π 2(g 1 2)
In view of Theorem 2, one can bound the difference B » ,h(x ) 2 A» ,h(x ) using the
Christoffel numbers associated to r (» , h ) and da » ,h . We exhibit one such bound where
the Christoffel numbers are known.
uB 1 ,1(x ) 2 A1 ,1(x )u < .
m 11
, S D for j 5 1 , . . . , m.
m 11
, S D
which is at most 2kq / (m 1 1). h
1 ,1
Observe that the closed form of A (x ) can be easily computed.
470 W.-C. W. Li and P. Sole´
S M0 M0 D ,
A(B ) 5 t
A(H ) 1 kI
0 V 0
A(B )2 5 .
MM 0 A(H *) 1 lIE
Here IV and IE denote the identity matrices with rows and columns parametrized by V
and E , respectively. Let P (x ) , P *(x ) and Q (x ) denote the characteristic polynomials of
the matrices A(H ) , A(H *) and A(B )2 respectively. From the preceding matrix relation
we deduce that
Q (x ) 5 P (x 2 k )P *(x 2 l ). (3)
By [5, p. 61], the characteristic polynomials P (x ) and P *(x ) satisfy
x uV uP *(x 2 l ) 5 x uE uP (x 2 k ) , (4)
which gives the connection between the spectra of H and H *. As Q (x ) has
non-negative roots, we obtain immediately from (3) that the eigenvalues of H and H *
are at least 2k and 2l , respectively. Furthermore, we see from (3) that the eigenvalues
of B are the square roots of the eigenvalues of H plus k , and the eigenvalues of H *
Spectra of graphs and orthogonal polynomials 471
plus l. In particular, in the case that k and l are unequal, comparing the powers of x in
both sides of (4) yields what we call the oby ious eigenvalue 2k of H with density
1 2 k / l or 2l of H * with density 1 2 l / k , depending upon whether k , l or k . l. Using
(3) we see then that B has the oby ious eigenvalue 0 with density uk 2 l u / (k 1 l ). The
remaining eigenvalues (which may possibly overlap with the preceding ones) are called
non -oby ious. In general, any information concerning the spectrum of one of the three
graphs will immediately yield results for the other two.
Here we discuss bounds for eigenvalues of H and of B. The largest eigenvalue of H is
k (l 2 1) , which is the trivial eigenvalue. Similar to the Alon – Boppana bound for
regular graphs, it was shown in [8] that the second largest eigenvalue l 2(H ) of H has
the following lower bound.
Since any (k , l )-regular bigraph B is the associated bigraph for some (k , l )-regular
hypergraph, we see that the trivial eigenvalues of B are 4kl and 24kl , which bound
the remaining eigenvalues of B. The above theorem translates as follows.
Since the eigenvalues of B are symmetric with respect to zero, it suffices to study the
square of its non-obvious spectrum, which then relates to the non-obvious specturm of
H in a simple way, as discussed above.
In view of Corollary 1, we are led to define the following family of polynomials, which
play the same role as Geronimus polynomials:
H0(x ) 5 1 , H1(x ) 5 (l 2 1)4k 2 1 U1(x ) 1 (k 2 2)4l 2 1 ,
and, for n > 2 ,
Hn (x ) 5 (l 2 1)4k 2 1 Un (x ) 1 (k 2 2)4l 2 1 Un21(x ) 1 24k 2 1 Un22(x ).
Then hHn ((x 2 k 2 l 1 2) / 24q)j is orthogonal with respect to dc (x ).
These polynomials have appeared implicitly in the study of generalized polygons of
parameters (s , t ). See [4, eq. (19) p. 201], with the notations h 5 eiθ , s 5 k 2 1 , t 5 l 2 1 ,
st 5 q and cos(θ ) there corresponding to our x. They are also obtained in [22, Theorem
5.2] from the P -polynomials of the point scheme of generalized polygons by a limiting
process. It is easy to check by using the relations
Tj (x ) 5 1–2 (Uj (x ) 2 Uj22(x )) , xUj21(x ) 5 1–2 (Uj (x ) 1 Uj22(x ))
that in the notations of [22] we have that rj (x ) 5 4k 2 1 Hj (x ) , again with the dictionary
s 5 k 2 1 , t 5 l 2 1 and st 5 q.
Another measure on 7 k,l which will be used is dg (x ) 5 (kl 2 x ) dc (x ). It turns out
that the continued fraction expansion of the moment generating function associated to
this measure was already computed by Stieltjes in 1894 [23]. The denominator of the
measure is x , and with the preceding change of variable we obtain
r ( y ) 5 (k 1 l 2 2 1 2qy ) ,
with the associated polynomial h being h (x ) 5 4k 2 1 1 z 4l 2 1 . Applying Corollary 1,
we obtain a family of polynomials, called the Stieltjes polynomials, which are
orthogonal with respect to dg (x 2 k 1 l 1 2) / 24q):
S0(x ) 5 1 ,
Sn (x ) 5 4k 2 1 Un (x ) 1 4l 2 1 Un21(x ) , n > 1.
mB 5
uB u l
dl , O
where l runs through the square of the non-obvious eigenvalues of B and uB u denotes
the number of vertices in B. The girth of B is an even integer 2g . By comparing the
measures m B and dc as well as their variations, in a similar manner to what we did in
Section 3.2, we arrive at the following estimates of the non-trivial eigenvalues of B. Put
m 9 5 g / 2 , n 5 (g 2 1) / 2 and m 5 (g 2 2) / 2 , as before.
and the smallest non -negatiy e non -oby ious eigeny alue l 9(B ) satisfies
l 9(B )2 < k 1 l 2 2 1 24q minhh 1 , s1j.
When k 5 l , the graph B is k -regular and bipartite (its eigenvalues were discussed in
Section 3); hence the above theorem is interesting for the case k ? l.
The above theorem yields an estimate for the eigenvalues of a (k , l )-regular
hypergraph H for which B is the associated bigraph. We define the girth of H to be g ,
half of the girth of B. Then we have the following.
l 2(H ) > l 2 2 1 24q max sn , cos Sm π1 1DJ
and the smallest non -negatiy e non -oby ious eigeny alue l 9(H ) satisfies
l 9(H ) < l 2 2 1 24q minhh 1 , s1j.
From the spectral viewpoint (cf. Theorems 10, 11 and the continuous spectrum of the
universal cover of (k , l )-regular bigraphs), we propose to call a (k , l )-regular bigraph B
a Ramanujan bigraph if any non-trivial non-obvious eigenvalue l of B satisfies
u4k 2 1 2 4l 2 1u < ul u < 4k 2 1 1 4l 2 1 .
This definition coincides with the one given in [11], which arises from zeta-function
considerations. In [11], the concept of a weak Ramanujan bigraph is also introduced,
which simply means that 0 is not a non-obvious eigenvalue of the bigraph. In the same
vein, a (k , l )-regular hypergraph H is called a Ramanujan hypergraph if any non-trivial
non-obvious eigenvalue l of H satisfies
ul 2 l 1 2u < 24(k 2 1)(l 2 1).
THEOREM 13. Let B be a generalized n -gon of parameters (s , t ) with the point graph
H , which is a (t 1 1 , s 1 1)-regular hypergraph. Let d denote the diameter of the
(i) if n 5 2d is ey en , then the spectrum of H consists of s (t 1 1) , 2t 2 1 , and the d 2 1
zeros of Ud21[( y 2 s 1 1) / 24st].
474 W.-C. W. Li and P. Sole´
(g 23)/2
y > 1 1 k (l 2 1) (k 2 1)i (l 2 1)i ;
i 50
O (k 2 1) (l 2 1) .
g /221
y >l i i
i 50
Similar to Biggs graphs, the hypergraphs arising from generalized n -gons meet the
above bounds with equality.
mH 5
uV u
Od ,
where l runs through the non-obvious eigenvalues of H , and uV u denotes the number
of hypervertices of H. It is supported on [2k (l 2 1) , k (l 2 1)]. As shown in Theorem 4
of [8], for any infinite family of (k , l )-regular hypergraphs the girth of which tends to
infinity, the sequence of the attached measures converges weakly to the measure
k 1l
df (x ) 5 dc (x 1 k )
supported on the interval [l 2 2 2 24q , l 2 2 1 24q]; hence it plays the role of the
continuous part of the measure of the ‘universal cover’ of (k , l )-regular hypergraphs. In
fact, df (x ) is the measure attached to one of the bipartite halves, denoted by $k ,l , of
the tree 7k ,l. Note also that it reduces to the measure da (x ) when l 5 2 .
We summarize below the universal covers, measures and orthogonal polynomials
used in this paper for regular graphs, bigraphs and hypergraphs.
Spectra of graphs and orthogonal polynomials 475
E (x ) 5
uV u l<x
(k (l 2 1) 2 l )(k 1 l ) ,
F (x ) 5 44q 2 (t 2 l 1 2)2 dt.
2π l 22224q
SpqD 5 21,
4 logp q 2 logp 4 if
g p ,q 5
if S D 5 1 .
2 logp q
On the other hand, the functions on the vertices of the graph hX p ,qj can be interpreted
as modular forms of weight 2 for the congruence subgroup G (16q 2) , and the non-trivial
eigenvalues of hX p ,qj are among the eigenvalues of the Hecke operator Tp acting on
476 W.-C. W. Li and P. Sole´
cusp forms of weight 2 for the group G (16q 2). Hence the resutls of Sections 3.2 and 3.4
give us information on the distribution of eigenvalues of the Hecke operator Tp on such
forms, and consequently on any space containing such forms. In particular, we have the
THEOREM 16. Let p and q be two odd primes congruent to 1 mod 4. Let g 5 g p ,q be
defined by (5) and let m 5 (g 2 2) / 2. Then the m y alues 24p cos[iπ / (m 1 1)] ,
1 < j < m , diy ide the intery al [2242 , 24p] into m 1 1 sub -intery als , each containing at
least one eigeny alue of the Hecke operator Tp on the space of cusp forms of weight 2 for
any congruence group containing G (16q 2). Furthermore , the discrepancy between the
distribution B 1 ,1 attached to the graph X p ,q and the Sato – Tate distribution A1 ,1 (using the
notation of Section 3.4) is bounded by
4( p 1 1)4p
uB1 ,1(x ) 2 A1 ,1(x )u < .
We thank the anonymous referee for helpful remarks. The Research of the first
author was supported in part by NSA grants MDA904-92-H-3054 and MDA904-95-H-
1006. The research of the second author was supported in part by a joint CNRS-NSF
grant. The second author is on leave of absence from CNRS-I3S, France, and would
like to thank the Mathematics Department of Pennsylvania State University for its
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Receiy ed 20 March 1995 and in rey ised form 6 June 1995
Department of Mathematics ,
Pennsyly ania State Uniy ersity ,
Uniy ersity Partk , PA 16802 , U .S.A.
Macquarie Uniy ersity ,
School of MCPE ,
NSW 2109 , Australia