A Comparative Study On The Difference in Height of Mung Bean "Monggo" Cultivated Between Indoor and Outdoor Exposure of Light
A Comparative Study On The Difference in Height of Mung Bean "Monggo" Cultivated Between Indoor and Outdoor Exposure of Light
A Comparative Study On The Difference in Height of Mung Bean "Monggo" Cultivated Between Indoor and Outdoor Exposure of Light
Student Researchers
The legume family includes the plant species known as "green gram" or
"mung bean." Mung beans normally germinate in 2 to 5 days, however germination
and growth rates are influenced by a number of variables, including temperature,
salinity level, water pH, and more (Overhiser 2019). With this knowledge, we set out
to investigate how the saline level of the growing medium might impact the
germination rate of mung beans. In this study, participants carried out the identical
experiment and made the same measurements.
Hope is always near and its should be kept in mind that we all grow wiser and
became more sensitive and are able to enjoy life more after we go through hard
times. Brighter days and better tomorrow's will emerge.
First and foremost to heavenly father, who is responsible for all his life's
affairs, for the constant blessings and graces for the divine guidance and
enlightenment, which enabled him to over come all the obstacle. For us researchers
in the experiments we made strength, courage to fulfill our aspirations and
determination for making this piece of success as an internal one. Because without
him, this work would not be a reality.
To Ms. Reza Garin, for lending the researchers to their classmates who
supported them.
To Mrs. Ivy Marie P. Lumangcas for subject teacher for practical research for,
thank you ma`am for the patience, enriching comments and ideas in the refinement
of the manuscript, and advices and time for extending some personal advices and
To Mr. Ramil Maratas and Ms. Jea Elegano, their classmates who always
there to help and assist the researchers in things the struggled with gave suggestions
and recommendations before the experiment.
To Mrs. Lenny Cosep Abis, thank you for lending the researchers a PC
To Mr. Jeffrey A. Ortega, graduated in agricultural for the valuable
assistance in reading references for the study.
Special thanks and gratitude to her guardian Papa Jose Ortega and
Mama Helen Ortega thank you for the boundless and immeasurable love, unending
support, encouragement, advices, understanding and for molding the researcher.
And to their cousin Jocelyn O. Tancio and her sister Arlyn O. Bustamante for helping
during our experiment by lending the researchers her cellphone to take a picture, the
day the researchers started planting mung bean and observed. Thanks for deep
concern, kindness, jokes, prayer, moral support spiritual, unlimited, guidance, and
encouragement during ,my ups and downs.
To Ms. Wendely Bernalte and Joan Mahinay. Thank you very much for
your tireless help and support.
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Appendices
Research Outline Approval Sheet
Survey Questionnaire
Chart 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………..11
Chart 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………..12
Figure 1 …………………………………………………………………………………….13
Figure 2 ………………………………………………………………………………...…..14
Questionnaire 1 ……………………………………………………………………………18
Documentation 1 ………………………………………………………………………..…19
Documentation 2 ………………………………………………………………………..…20
The experiment is conducted to prove that the light of the sun is important so
that the researchers could grow a mung bean. Mung bean seeds are healthier when
it's exposed to the sunlight I did two types of experiment indoor and outdoor. The first
thing that the researcher did is in the indoor, So the researcher planted a mung bean
seed in a container then put it inside of my house when the time pass by the
researcher already see a result, I found out that it isn’t healthy. Then after that I
proceed to the experiment. 2.The researcher planted a mung bean seed again but
the difference is I planted it outdoor. As the time goes by I could see that the mung
bean seed I planted outdoors grows healthy and it also grows well.
The mung bean seeds require proper exposure to sunlight, a suitable amount
of water and a lot of nutrients from the soil and air in order to flourish. Sunlight is one
of the variables in this study that has an impact on the development of mung bean
seeds. However while sunlight is typically important for plant development, it is not
actually necessary or accountable for the germination of seeds. On the other side
moisture and temperature are necessary for germination. Despite the fact that plants
may be produced artificially for centuries it has been shown that they thrive and
develop the fastest under sunshine.
This study is conducted on what are the different height of mung bean plants
cultivated between indoor and outdoor exposure of light. Conducted on the
researchers home. The results of study can benefit all students taking TVL
Agriculture crop production and students with interest in agriculture.
Salt stress affects symbiotic bacteria like Rhizobium sp. in addition to the
plant. needed for biological N fixation (BNF), which results in yield reduction and
growth retardation. Strongly salinized coastal beaches are home to salt-tolerant
Vigna species like V. marina, which cannot be crossed with mung bean and are
hence unavailable for developing salt-tolerant variants. The mung bean germplasm
contains some salt tolerance, but tolerance during germination and during the main
obstacle to growing is Mung bean Yellow Mosaic Disease (MYMD). There are
numerous begomovirus species that infect mung bean. The mung bean genepool
contains some mild resistance to MYMD, however this was not enough to produce
resistant cultivars. Several lines with high degrees of resistance against MYMD were
created through mutation breeding using accessions and hybrids that were
somewhat resistant to MYMD. In a number of nations, the line NM94, which was
produced by mating a mutation breeding line with a high producing cultivar, is
currently recognized as a MYMD resistant line. But NM94 susceptibility to the
MYMD-Urd bean strain has been shown in areas where it predominates. Multiple
stable MYMD resistant lines were produced as a consequence of breeding initiatives
in Pakistan and India. ML1628 was Callosobruchusp., a serious pest of mung bean
storage, are bruchids. On field pods, the beetles lay their eggs. In one bean, larvae
grow to adulthood and lay their eggs after hatching during storage. All stored mung
bean grains can be destroyed by bruchids in a few of months. Mung bean has been
reported to have genetic resistance to this pest, which has been utilized to produce
resistant varieties in China, Korea, and at the World Veg. Different sources of brochid
resistance have been genetically mapped, and there are markers for choosing
resistant lines in breeding program.
from similar wild species are another key area in the study of how the mung bean
adapts to adverse situations. The introduction of MYMD immunity from V. mung is
one instance. This strategy is hampered by obstacles to cross, yet certain Vigna
species are cross fer tin South, East, and Southeast Asia, mung beans are a
significant grain legume that may yield up to three million metric tons of seed that can
either be eaten raw as dhal, porridge, or bean sprouts, or processed into high-quality
noodles. The existing average global productivity must be increased in order to fulfill
the growing demand for mung beans and to solve chronic malnutrition. Additionally,
the productivity must be extended to new areas like Central Asia and Africa. On a dry
weight basis, mung bean is a significant source of dietary protein (24–28%) and
carbs (59–65%) and offers roughly 3400 kJ of energy per kilogram of grain. Mung
bean starch is simpler to digest than the starches found in other legumes including
chickpea (Cicer antirrhinum), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), and lentils (Lens
According to (Tang et al) Mung bean seeds and sprouts are rich in bio active
nutrients. provide insight into the nutritional value of mung beans. Isolated
components such as flavonoid, phenolic acids, organic acids, amino acids,
carbohydrates and lipids have been debated for decades. In addition, dynamic
changes in metabolites during the germination process and associated bio activities
such as antioxidant and health-promoting effects are evidence of their use as
pharmaceuticals. Previous studies have investigated the nutritional profiles of several
mung bean lines/cultivars. These studies show limited variability for most of the
nutrients studied. Evert et al. found that older mung bean lines were superior in terms
of protein, calcium, iron, zinc, carotenoids and vitamin C content compared to mature
improved mung bean lines. World Veg recently developed a mini-core collection of
296 accessions. However, its nutritional value has not yet been evaluated and may
be a source of various nutrients. Environmental effects on mineral concentrations in
mung bean lineages were studied by Nair et al. observed. emphasizes the
importance of multi-site testing. Mung beans can also be used as livestock feed,
including raw or processed seeds, straw and hay from whole plants. Raw seeds
contain anti-nutrients, limiting their use as animal feed. Using beans as animal feed is
controversial because it competes with human nutrition. Therefore, this report
focuses on mung bean as feed, mainly hay and straw.
In most cases, mung beans are pastured twice during the harvest cycle.
Some early-maturing cultivars, such as cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), are especially
valued as early-maturing forages because they develop faster than other summer
legumes. Forage yield is between 0.64 t ha-1 and about 1.8 t ha-1. Fresh mung bean
diets have a protein content of 13%–21% on a dry matter basis, whereas mung bean
straw has a protein content of 9%–12%, which is higher than that of cereal straw.
Currently, the world production area of mung bean is about six million hectares per
year, out of which 90% is in Asia, with an average yield of 400 kg∙ha−1. The
productivity of mung bean is still low, but the demand might increase in future due to
its high dietary quality. Mung bean provides significant amounts of protein,
carbohydrates and a range of micro nutrients to human diets. They contain the
essential amino acid lysine, which is lacking in cereals, but are relatively poor in
methionine, an essential amino acid that is present in cereals. In addition the beans
contain high levels of antioxidant activity, which scavenge free radicals. These
beneficial dietary properties of mung bean can be also correlated to an improved
state of health of women in several Asian countries between 1984 and 2006, when
mung bean consumption increased, resulting in an estimated economic benefit of up
to US$ 4 million (per country).
Mung bean sprouts are a source of minerals and vitamins, and are very
popular because they require little growing space and resources, and can be
harvested in a short period of time. It is sold fresh, canned, and processed. Over the
last five years, total mung bean imports to Europe ranged from 21 million to 27
million tons, mainly for sprout production. The main country of origin for these imports
was myanmar. The UK imports the largest amount of mung beans in Europe,
possibly due to the large populations of India and Pakistan, which use mung beans in
traditional recipes.
Mung bean cultivation not only increases farmers' income through the sale of
beans, but also by reducing post-cultivation crop inputs. When grown between wheat
and rice in India, it left 33–37 kg nitrogen (N) ha-1 for the next crop. Dough-ton and
McKenzie observed an increase in sorghum yield in mung bean cultivation at the
70th stage. This corresponds to a N application of 68 kg·ha−1.
Mung beans are generally thought to tolerate dryl and conditions better than high-
yielding crops, but in areas suffering from severe water stress, RDI, a conservation
agriculture technique that is very practical in dry lands, can be used. There is a
nature. Plants are irrigated with slightly less water than required for optimal plant
growth. The overall goal is to influence stomato conductivity and plant water
consumption, potentially improving biomass production when specific drought
adaptation strategies are present in crops. B.
Assimilate distribution for grain filling. The degree of depletion and the growth
stage at which RDI should be applied are controlled by crop-specific intrinsic drought
tolerance mechanisms. However, correct application of RDI during non-critical growth
stages has been shown to improve water use efficiency and yield while reducing
irrigation water use.
Burgault et al. studied the effects of different RDI levels on mung bean
production and crop development in Uzbekistan in 2003 and 2004. Mung bean yields
were at moderate water stress (65% of available soil water volume) in 2003 and at
the most severe stress level (80% of available soil water volume) in 2004. . Their
results showed that water scarcity affected the transfer of resources to seeds, and
mung beans could maintain their yield index even under severe stress. Based on
these results, RDI may be a good strategy to obtain high yields while using less
Mung bean is one of the important crops with the ability to improve soil fertility
through nitrogen fixation through symbiosis with rhizobia present in root nodules.
Mung beans are grown in marginal soils with low inputs, despite their high nutritional
value and significant contribution to improving soil fertility. Under these conditions
mung bean tuber formation is low, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, due to
alkaline calcareous soils, high salinity, water scarcity and low organic matter.
Increased rhizosphere salinity can reduce the osmotic potential of soil solutions in the
root zone, leading to reduced water availability for plants. This may be due to the
unavailability of native rhizobia or reduced efficiency under existing climatic
conditions. Mung bean is a salt-sensitive crop with a limit of 1.8 dS m−1. Its
germination is severely impaired by salinity. Osmotic stress caused by salinity limits
water uptake from the soil and increases the concentration of toxic ions within plant
cells, causing ionic stress.
Rhizobium can survive in harsh conditions with low water availability and high
salinity, and some have low nutritional requirements due to morphological, metabolic,
and structural changes. It has been demonstrated that rhizobia strains isolated from
salt-stressed fields are highly salt-tolerant and can improve mung bean growth under
salt-stressed conditions. Rhizobium inoculation promotes root proliferation and
primary root number under salt stress, resulting in enhanced growth and yield
through many mechanisms such as N2 fixation, production of plant growth
regulators, and disease suppression. Biologically fixed nitrogen through symbiotic
relationships improves soil fertility, allowing plants to absorb more nutrients from
nutrient-rich niches in the rhizosphere. Furthermore, the efficacy of these strains was
determined by plant growth-promoting rhizobia , which contains 1-
aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate dreaminess, or plant growth regulator, i.e. plant
growth regulator. can be enhanced by co-inoculation with H. By interaction of
precursor and inoculate.
According to (Vigna radiata L.) Mung Bean is one of the most important edible
legumes, grown on over 6 million hectares worldwide (approximately 8.5% of the
world's legume area) and consumed by most households in Asia. It has been. Mung
beans are relatively drought-tolerant, low-maintenance, and have a short cultivation
cycle (about 70 days). widely cultivated in), arid regions of southern Europe, and also
warm regions of Canada and the United States. In the predominantly grainbased
diets of China and India, mung beans have been consumed as a common food for
centuries. Mung beans contain well-balanced nutrients such as protein, fiber,
minerals, vitamins, and a large amount of bioactive compounds. Mung beans are a
relatively inexpensive and high-quality source of protein for those who cannot afford
animal protein and for vegetarians. In addition, mung bean protein is easily digested
compared to other legume proteins. Because grains are rich in sulfur-containing
amino acids but deficient in lysine, it is recommended to consume mung beans in
combination with grains to significantly enhance protein quality. A3:
Four servings of mung bean protein and rice protein were suggested by him to be
adequate and yield the highest chemical amino acid. It was found that the protein
digestibility of the rice-mung bean combination diet was 84.4% of that observed for
the infant rice-meat combination diet, and could nearly meet the human protein
requirement. Furthermore, compared to animal-derived proteins, plant-derived
proteins may help reduce land use and greenhouse gas emissions, thus achieving a
better compromise between diet and environmental protection. Mung beans cause
less flatulence and are well tolerated by children. In many studies, mung beans are
recommended as a supplement in solid food preparations for infants due to their high
protein content and hypoallergenic propertie. In Pakistan, approximately 25% of total
dietary iron comes from legumes, and mung beans are consumed in all households.
However, the presence of anti-nutritional factors in mung beans may limit the
biological value of nutrients in mung beans. For example, phytic acid can bind
several important divalent cations such as iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium. The
insoluble complex formed as a result of this binding can limit mineral absorption and
utilization in the small intestine. However, antitrophic factors can be reduced or
removed by various processing methods such as fermentation, sprouting, peeling
and cooking. After germination, the phytic acid content of mung beans decreased by
76%, and the bioavailability levels of zinc and iron were 3.0 and 2.4 times higher than
in raw mung beans, respectively. Therefore, the anti-nutritional properties do not
preclude the use of mung beans.
To the best of our knowledge, no detailed literature exists that summarizes
research results on bio active polyphenols, polysaccharides, and peptides in mung
beans. Therefore, there is a need to review the studies that are helpful to experts and
scientists. Furthermore, this paper aims to clarify the possible mechanism of action of
mung bean in disease prevention and health improvement in order to promote the
consumption of mung bean as an alternative functional food in Asian countries and
other countries. is. We also discuss the limitations of mung bean and recommended
future research directions to facilitate progress in this field.
Due to their high nutritional value and suitability for indoor farming in urban
settings, sprout production has seen a rise in popularity over the past few decades.
Understanding potential changes caused by the microenvironment is necessary to
achieve sprout production in indoor systems. The purpose of this study was to
examine how mung bean sprouts were affected by the presence or absence of light
and high or low air relative humidity (RH). Hypocotyl's morpho-anatomical growth
and functional anatomical characteristics were measured. For dietary and functional
reasons, the amounts of antioxidants, soluble sugars, and starch were assessed.
While light exposure increased the amount of antioxidant chemicals, different RH
regimes mostly caused morpho-anatomical changes. A higher water level is
suggested by changes in stele diameter at high RH.
N2, He, air, and O2 micro-plasma arrays. The feed gases utilized to generate plasma
and the length of plasma treatment time were shown to have a significant impact on
the mung bean seed germination and growth. Treatment with air micro-plasma arrays
was found to be more effective than treatment with atmospheric-pressure O2, N2,
and He micro-plasma arrays at improving seed germination rate and seedling growth.
This effect was attributed to solution acidification and interactions with plasma-
generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Mung bean seeds may crack when
exposed to an acidic environment brought on by air discharge in water, which
increases the germination rate of the bean.
The germination utilizes on the (6) six samples with four (4) seedlings
outdoor and (2) two seedlings indoor.
Research Design
The early seedling growth performance data were collected from the plant
samples of each treatment for the whole duration of the study. Gathering of data
was done at 1 week throughout the duration of the study.
D. Conceptual Framework
SHORT DESCRIPTION: The mean reason why there is a difference between the two
is because of the sunlight. Sunlight is a big rule to be able to study. But the yield of
seeds is weak if the problem is the soil.
This was done by measuring the plant height from the base to apical. This
was expressed in cm. Gathering of data were taken everyday within 15 days of
germination through sunlight exposure (indoor and outdoor).
This study uses mean plant height (cm) of mung bean genotypes
during the days of planting and germination.
Leaves contain many pores (stomato) on their surfaces, which allow the
plant to “breathe” by taking in carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, and expelling
oxygen. A green pigment called chlorophyll make the leaves appear green and
capture energy from light. When carbon dioxide and water are combined in the
presence of light, the plant makes its own food, called carbohydrates (or sugar).
At 8 days after planting, shows the results that the T2- Outdoor growth of
Mung bean got a highest number of leaves than the T1- Indoor growth of Mung
bean seedling.
This result conforms to the report that the Outdoor planting of seeds that
applied in top soil had marked effect on the number of leaves of Mung bean
According to Hao et al. the leaf number was the 8th and 10th, respectively
Gas exchange measurement were conducted using portable gas exchange system
(LICOR6400; LI-COR, Lincoln Neb. The operational procedures of the systems
were as described in a previous experiment.
Figure 2: Average plant height (cm) of mung bean as affected by outdoor
and indoor sunlight exposure
This findings conforms to the report that the Outdoor planting of seeds that
applied in top soil had marked effect to the height Mung bean seedlings.
The amount of light a mung bean plant receives determines how it grows and
develops. If the amount of light is height, the mung bean stem grows slowly and
becomes shorter, however if the amount of light is low, the stem lengthens and
becomes longer.
Which should be planted outside so that the leaves and the fruits are more
beautiful and fresh.
Mung bean must be planted in red laterite soils, black cotton soils and Sandy
soils. Since a well- drained roany to sandy farm soil is best for its cultivation. Crop
does not grow well on saline and alkaline soil or water logged soils.
Strand: GAS
Strand: GAS
Strand: Gas
Lisa Pataczek, Zahir Ahmad Zahir, Maqshoof Ahmad Saima Rani, Ramakrishnan
Nair, Roland Schafleitner georg Cadisch, Thomas Hilger,
https://www.scirp.org/journal/paper information.aspx?paperid=85655
Dianzhi Hou, Laraib Yousaf, Yong Xue, Jinrong Hu, Jihong Wu, Xiaosong Hu,
Naihong Feng, and Qun Shen,
Renwu Zhou, Rusen Zhou, Xianhui Zhang, Jinxing Zhuang, Size Yang, Kateryna
Bazaka & Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov -https://www.nature.com/articles/srep32603
2.Where does the mung bean seeds grows fasters? Indoor or outdoor?
3.The effect on height when mung bean seeds are planted indoors?
4.The effect on height when mung bean seeds are planted outdoors?
9.What is the growth of mung bean the mung bean seeds exposed to different colors
of light and sunlight in terms of