China Motivation
China Motivation
China Motivation
After an intensive consideration ofmy inquisitive nature, aptitude and the type of work that I
preferto performand my ultimate professional ambition, it isconvinced that I wishto take up a
research career in the field of Sociologywithspecial consideration in Social Demography,Gender,
Inequality andPoverty andDevelopment thatultimately lead toacareer in teaching and research.
Since a good research career can only be built on the firm foundation of a good education,my
immediate objective isto pursue a PhDin Sociology.
Academic Background:
:My interest in China comes from my reading of its prestigious history in research and education.
Furthermore, exposure to world class institutions and doing research in one of the program
associated university will provide me with a lifetime opportunity to acquire knowledge in a
multicultural setting. I hope that it will also enable me to make out how people view sociological
issues in various countries. Last but not the least, I emphasize that the PhD program will play a
provisional role for my future plans leading to be a professional researcher in the field of
‘Sociology relating to participate in creating a better world and generations to come. I strongly
believe that the unique multidisciplinary and non-regional approach of CSC Scholarships has the
potentials to empower myself in providing guidelines for the pathways to sustainable
development of my country and will be of a notable help in my future career.
Indeed, my eyes stuck at China before one and half a year, while scrolling the most suitable
countries for my PhD purpose. As per the best of my research, I was able to find the country of
great wall being impressed by the way the people of the country have proved themselves to be
dedicated to their work and with true efforts leading to the exclusive example for any other
country of Asia. The fast growing economy, technological advancement and the global
ranking educational institutions make me athirst and aspire to be a learner of the land of
Confucius. I think, I should grab any academic opportunity in China to be fortunate in terms of
the better career perspectives and professionalism. Thus, such positivity towards China has
groomed and boosted my confidence. Moreover, China’s diverse cultural norms and values,
the officious hospitality of its people and Bangladesh-China friendly relations are the
provocation of my interest. After all the impeccable natural beauties of this dreamland
attracts me to be over there. All these reasons put together make China an ideal place for me to
obtain my PhD program. I strongly wish to study on scholarship as China provides. Concluding
it, my expectation regarding the program will only be true if the committee members consider
me as an eligible candidate