Case Study Horosho en
Case Study Horosho en
Case Study Horosho en
Shopping moll Horosho is a comfortable, modern retail shopping center located on Khoroshevskoe
highway in Moscow. Opened in September 2016, shopping moll Horosho! offers 114,000 square meters
and GLA 50 000 sq. meters. The center has more than 250 stores, food courts and service industries.
On the principle of organizing a buffer green zone between the highway and the promenade along the
façade was built accomplishment. The location, the profile of the benches, the geoplastic, the types and
location of the plants are aimed at protecting the human being as much as possible from the negative
impact of the highway.
The shopping center was originally planned to be made as functional as possible: metal panels were chosen
for the facade, which are "played" in various colors in the sunlight. Elements in the form of lamellas make an
allusion to the movement of wind along the facade of the building, but at the same time smooth the transition
from blind walls to glazing. Also, they have a lightening that responds to the change of the color on the media
facade, which makes the building as "a single media organism."
To ensure that the unsightly building in front of the mall does not reflect in its facades, was used matt metal
panels Qbiss One. On the area of the facade system in more than 6,000 square meters, radial vertical elements
of the modular facade system Qbiss, including banded panels (inverse radius included), are installed. On the
façade also used non-standard vertical corner elements of increased size.
The project received the Golden Badge of "Art of building -2016", the diploma "Glass in Architecture-2015",
the silver diploma of "Architecture-2014" and the high appreciation of the jury of the prestigious London Award
International Property Awards 2015.
The task that faced us was to make a building
outside the style that would be advantageous
to look at the contrast with the surrounding
buildings and would be most comfortable
for all groups of visitors. We also paid much
attention to the improvement of the territory:
this allowed us to create not just a trade
space convenient for customers, but also a
full environment for life and recreation. The
project was implemented without changing
the original concept, which, in my opinion,
was one of the factors that allowed to get
"gold" on the competition "Art of building".
Eric Valeev,
IQ studio
T: +49 89 20 802 6532