02 - SOP On Incident Reporting, Investigation & Record Procedure
02 - SOP On Incident Reporting, Investigation & Record Procedure
02 - SOP On Incident Reporting, Investigation & Record Procedure
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Safe Operating Incident Reporting, Investigation & Ref No.: GPL/SAF/SOP-II/IR/R0
Procedure (SOP) Record procedure
1. Purpose:
The purpose of this safe operating procedure (SOP) is to define the framework and protocol for
incident reporting and investigation. The SOP provides incident reporting and investigation formats
to assist effective investigation, root cause analysis and to identify corrective and preventive
2. Scope:
The safe operating procedure (SOP) will be applicable to all current and upcoming projects of GPL
and relevant stakeholders which are likely to be affected directly or indirectly by impact of the
occurrence of incident.
4. Definitions/ Abbreviations:
Definitions: (as per BOCW and IS 3786)
Fatal/Total Permanent Disability: Loss of life / bodily injury, which may permanently, disables
a person to carry on his daily work.
Incident: Work related events in which an injury or ill health or fatality occurred or could have
Reportable Incident: Disable a person from working for a period of forty-eight hours or more
immediately following the incident.
Man-days Lost: Working man-days lost due to reportable accidents (excluding day of
accident). Consider 6000 man-days lost for each death / total permanent disability.
Near-Miss: An incident where person escaped from injury, ill health or fatality.
Dangerous Occurrences: As per BOCW Rules following classes of incidents are classified as
dangerous occurrences & shall be reported, whether or not any injury, disablement or death
caused to the worker, namely:
a) Collapse or failure of lifting appliances, or hoist, or conveyors, or similar equipment for
handling of building or construction material or breakage or failure of rope, chain or loose gears;
or overturning of cranes used in construction work;
b) Falling of objects from height;
c) Collapse or subsidence of soil, tunnel, pipe lines, any wall, floor, gallery, roof or any other part
of any structure, launching girder, platform, staging, scaffolding or means of access including
d) explosion of receiver or vessel used for storage of pressure greater than atmospheric
pressure, of any gas or gases or any liquid or solid used as building material;
e) Fire and explosion causing damage to any place on construction site where building workers
are employed;
f) Spillage or leakage of any hazardous substance and damage to their container;
BOCW: The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Emp & Conditions of
Service) Act, 1996 and Rules 1998.
HIRA: Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
PMC: Project Management Consultant
PPE: Personal protective equipment
FIR: First Information Report
5. Legal:
The Building & other Construction Workers (Regulation of Emp& Conditions of Service) Act,
The Building & other Construction Workers (Regulation of Emp& Conditions of Service) Central
Rules, 1998.
BOCW Rule – 210, 211
IS 3786
6. Procedure:
6.1 Incident Reporting:
Incident reporting hierarchy and communication/ reporting time frame is as follows, which should be
religiously followed.
6.2 Investigation :
i. Investigations should be conducted in an open and positive atmosphere that encourages the
witnesses to talk freely. The primary objective is to ascertain the facts with a view to prevent
future and possibly more serious occurrences.
ii. Incidents and Dangerous Occurrences which result in death, serious injury or serious damage
must be investigated by the Contractor immediately to find out the cause of the
accident/occurrence so that corrective & preventive measures can be formulated to prevent
any recurrence or occurrence.
iii. Near misses and minor accidents should also be investigated by the Contractor as soon as
possible as they are signals that there are inadequacies in the safety management system.
Incident investigation hierarchy, communication of outcome and time frame to complete investigation
is as follows, which should be religiously followed:
Type Of Incident Responsibility of Time Submission Responsibility
Investigation Frame Of OF Corrective
Contractor PMC/GPL Investigation and Preventive
Fatal (Rule 210- Contractor Joint Team by Within 48 RH/ DRH; GPL Project
BOCW ) Project Project hours of COO; HR Manager &
Manager Manager of incident Head; ED and Region Head
PMC / GPL , HO - Safety
Region Safety & Head
Reportable Injury Contractor Joint Team by Within 72 RH/ DRH; GPL Project
disabling workers from Project Project hours of COO; HR Head Manager &
working for a period of Manager Manager of incident ; ED and HO- Region Head
48 hours or more (Rule PMC / GPL & Safety Head
210- BOCW ) and non- Region Safety
reportable but medical
treatment injury
Dangerous Occurrence Contractor Joint Team by Within 72 RH/DRH & HO GPL Project
as per Rule 210 (5) – Project Project hours of Safety Head Manager &
BOCW), Including Fire Manager Manager of incident Region Head
Region Safety
Environmental Incident Contractor Joint Team by Within 72 RH/DRH & HO GPL Project
(Leakage of flammable, Project Project hours of Safety Head Manager &
toxic gases and liquids Manager Manager of incident Region Head
etc.) PMC / GPL &
Region Safety
Near Miss Incidents Area / Safety Engineer Within 24 RH & Region Project Manager
Section PMC/GPL, hours. Safety Head
Incharge Concerned
Engineer &
Region Safety
First aid cases Safety Safety Engineer Weekly RH & Region Project Manager
Engineer / PMC / Region Basis with Safety Head & Respective Site
Male Nurse Safety Head analysis Incharge
Note: It is the responsibility of Contractors to inform the local labour commissioner office and other
applicable authorities as per state rules immediately after a Fatality, Serious Injury Accident /incident
or a Dangerous Occurrence.
It is the rule at GPL Projects that every incident whether it is any potential underlying situation, near
miss, medical treatment case, reportable incident or dangerous occurrence shall be reported,
investigated, analyzed and corrective actions are initiated to prevent similar recurrences.
The GPL Project Manager will review the Incident Report Form and identifying any further
actions if needed. There will also be a need at this stage to allocate actions for any additional risk
assessments and mitigation measures, which are deemed necessary as a result of the incident.
Once the GPL Project Manager has no concerns with the content of the Incident Report Form it
should be signed.
The completed original Incident Report Form along with all supporting documentation should be
given to GPL Project Manager and Site Safety Engineer. Both will review and approve the
Incident Report Form. GPL reserve the right to add comments and actions. The GPL/ PMC Site
Safety Engineer will monitor the actions and a review of the accident will be given in the Monthly
Safety Committee meeting and documented in monthly statistics reports of the project.
Project Manager
8. References:
i. Contract Document
ii. GPL HSE Guideline
iii. Site EHS Plan
iv. BOCW Act & Rules.
v. OHSAS 18001:2007