Lie Algebra 8
Lie Algebra 8
Lie Algebra 8
Pádraig Sheehy
Due: 15-11-2019
Problem 1
Let V (n) denote the unique n + 1 dimensional irreducible representation of sl2 (k). Show that
1. The trivial representation k is isomorphic to V (0).
2. The standard representation k2 is isomorphic to V (1).
3. The adjoint representation sl2 (k) is isomorphic to V (2).
V (n) denotes the unique n + 1 dimensional irreducible representation of sl2 (k). Thus, it is only necessary to
show that the given representations are irreducible.
1. The trivial representation k is a one-dimensional representation and is thus irreducible.
So, V (0) ' k.
2. The standard representation k2 is irreducible, by Homework 7 Problem 4.
So, V (1) ' k2 .
3. By Example 3.5 and 3.39, we know that sl2 (k) is simple. So, by Remark 3.58, we have that the adjoint
representation V = sl2 (k) is irreducible. So, V (2) ' sl2 (k).
Having shown this, we can directly apply Theorem 4.1:
Problem 2
Find the decomposition of sl2 -representations
1. V (2) ⊗ V (2),
1. Recall if V, W are L-modules, then V ⊗ W is an L-module where x(v ⊗ w) = xv ⊗ w − v ⊗ xw.
Let v ∈ Vi , w ∈ Vj , we get:
h(v ⊗ w) = hv ⊗ w − v ⊗ hw
= i(v ⊗ w) + j(v ⊗ w)
= (i + j)(v ⊗ w)
m4 = 1 − 0 = 1
m3 = 0 − 0 = 0
m2 = 2 − 1 = 1
m1 = 0 − 0 = 0
m0 = 3 − 2 = 1
m3 = 1 − 0 = 1
m2 = 0 − 0 = 0
m1 = 2 − 1 = 1
m0 = 0 − 0 = 0
Problem 3
The algebra of polynomials A = k[u, v] has the Lie algebra of derivations
∂ ∂
DerA = {f ∂u + g∂v | f, g ∈ k[u, v]}, ∂u = , ∂v = .
∂u ∂v
Show that:
1. The linear map
ρ : sl2 → DerA ⊂ gl(A) : x 7→ u∂v , y 7→ v∂u , h 7→ u∂u − v∂v
is a Lie algebra homomorphism. Hence (A, ρ) is a representation of sl2 .
2. The subspace k[u, v]n ⊂ k[u, v] of homogeneous degree n polynomials is a subrepresentation of dimension
n + 1.
3. The linear map
φ : V (n) → k[u, v]n : vi 7→ un−i v i
(n − i)!
is an isomorphism of sl2 -representations.
The basis (vi )ni = 0 of V (n) was defined in the lecture; it satisfies hvi = (n − 2i)vi , xv0 = 0, vi = y i v0 .
1. We’re given that the map is linear, so it remains to show that ρ respects the bracket. It suffices to check
this for each pair of distinct basis elements.
[ρ(x), ρ(y)] = u∂v (v∂u ) − v∂u (u∂v )
= u∂u + uv∂u ∂v − v∂v − uv∂u ∂v
= u∂u − v∂v
= ρ(h)
= ρ([x, y]),
In each case the result is 0 or a homogeneous polynomial of degree n.
Thus, L · k[u, v]n ⊂ k[u, v]n , and so it is a subrepresentation.
1 n 1 n
3. It’s clear that φ(x · v0 ) = x · ( n! u ) = 0 and φ(y · vn ) = y · ( 0! v ) = 0.
Furthermore, we have:
hφ(vi ) = (u∂u − v∂v )(un−i v i )
(n − i)!
n − i − i n−i i
= u v
(n − i)!
= (n − 2i)φ(vi )
= φ(h · vi ).
xφ(vi ) = u∂v (un−i v i )
(n − i)!
= un−i+1 v i−1
(n − i)!
i(n − (i − 1)) n−i+1 i−1
= u v
(n − (i − 1))!
= i(n − i + 1))φ(vi−1 )
= φ(x · vi ).
yφ(vi ) = v∂u (un−i v i )
(n − i)!
n − i n−i−1 i+1
= u v
(n − i)!
= un−i−1 v i+1
(n − i − 1)!
= φ(vi+1 )
= φ(y · vi ).
Problem 4
Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space. Show that if x, y ∈ gl(V ) are semisimple and commute, then x + y
is semisimple. Give an example of semisimple x, y ∈ gl(V ) such that x + y is not semisimple.
Suppose x, y ∈ gl(V ) are semisimple and commute.
Let λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λk be the distinct eigenvalues of x and let Vx,λi = {v ∈ V | xv = λi v}.
By semisimplicity, V = Vx,λ1 ⊕ Vx,λ2 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Vx,λk .
Let v ∈ Vx,λi for some i.
Then x(yv) = y(xv) = λi (yv), and so yv ∈ Vx,λi .
Hence, each Vx,λi is y-invariant. So by Lemma 4.9 (2), the restriction of y to these subspaces is semisimple.
Thus, there exists a basis of Vx,λ1 such that y is diagonal.
Form a basis of V by taking the union of these bases. They are elements of x-eigenspaces, and thus x is also
diagonal w.r.t this basis. Let B ∈ GL(V ) be the transition matrix between this basis and the standard basis.
Then B −1 xB and B −1 yB are diagonal. But the sum of diagonal matrices is diagonal and we have:
B −1 xB + B −1 yB = B −1 (xB + yB)
= B −1 (x + y)B
For the second part, we are looking for semisimple matrices s.t. x + y is not semisimple. We know from
the first part that x, y must not commute. Let V = C2 . Then consider:
1 1 −1 0 0 1
x= ,y = =⇒ x + y =
1 0 −1 0 0 0
A semisimple ⇐⇒ minimal polynomials of A does not have multiple roots, by Lemma 4.9 (1).
But from linear algebra, A ∈ GL2 (C) =⇒ fA (λ) = λ2 − (trA)λ + (detA) is the minimum polynomial of A.
So, x is semisimple ⇐⇒ (trx)2 − 4 detx 6= 0
But trx=1 and detx = −1 and so x is semisimple.
Similarly, (try) = −1 and dety = 0 and so y is semisimple.
However, x + y is in Jordan Normal Form and is not diagonal.
Thus x + y is not diagonalisable and thus not semisimple.
Note: We also have that tr(x + y) = det(x + y) = 0 and so the minimum polynomial has multiple roots.